Shaman's pyramids on Baikal fell into a seven of the most difficult-to-reach attractions of Russia. Shamanic pyramids on Baikal and strange stones from underground cities Pyramid Indians Maya

In the footsteps of the ancient Egyptians decided to go to employees of one of the turbases

On Baikal there is one unusual place about which few people know, but it can be included in the map of the most mysterious attractions of the lake. On the Small Sea, near the village of Cum, four years ago, a five meter pyramid has grown. The idea to build such a strange building belongs to employees of the local turbase. As told in a travel agency, the pyramids were known about the ancient Egyptians. Yes, and modern scientists wrote a lot of scientific papers, trying to solve their influence on a person. Although the pyramid was built recently, with its appearance, employees of travel agencies bind mysterious phenomena that began to occur in this unusual place.

Initiator of the construction of the pyramid on the territory of the Irkutyan turbase Victor Romanov Interested in pyramids when rested in Egypt and Sochi. In Egypt, being young and gambling, I wanted to climb on the top of one of the pyramids, but the guards strictly forbidden him to do it. They explained that the pyramid has a strong energy that affects people in different ways. They even told the case of tourists who decided to get upstairs, carried out from there onto stretchers. Such a structure, but already modern, built on the initiative of local scientists, he saw resting in Sochi, in Red Polyana.

When I went there, I was surprised to see people in white coats, and on the sides - long benches on which there were many visitors, "says Viktor Romanov. - At first, I skeptically took all this, suggested that unusual entertainment came up to attract tourists. There were still banks with water, where the condensate from the pyramid was collected, which allegedly also had healing properties. And then I accidentally talked with one person who was just lying in this pyramid. He also turned out to be my countryman, originally from the Zimine district. I say: "Tell me honestly - is it a quarrelness or really have a healing effect?" He says: "You know, my kidneys hurt, and now so good, no pain. I come for the second season, I feel actually healthy. " Scientists still gave me a brochure, which stated about the properties of the Sochi pyramid and how to build it.

All this is very interested in Irkutanin, besides, the studies were brought in the brochure. Scientists associate the unique properties of pointed structures with the principle of the golden section - the ideal ratio of magnitudes, the foundations of harmony.

Inspired by the experience of Sochi scientists, Victor Romanov decided to build a pyramid on the territory of the turbase.

Our pyramid is an exact copy of Sochi. Built without a single nail, because the main requirement for the construction of the pyramid - it is impossible to use a metal. In addition, it is necessary to the sublime place and so that there is no external sources of power grid, water supply, - says Victor Romanov.

The foundation of the pyramid is made of natural stone, the housing is from larch and cedar, and the top is transparent, from polycarbonate. Its base is 8x8 meters, height is 5 meters. As the initiator of the creation of the pyramid, the unusual properties of the structure began to manifest itself during its construction. Migrant workers could not be in it for more than 30 minutes, they began to hurt a head, so I had to change the workforce.

To date, this is the only pyramid on Baikal. Although in other regions of Russia, and abroad, the construction of the pyramids is very popular. Sessions in the Baikal Pyramid appoints a doctor working on the hub. According to Viktor Romanova, it is recommended to be in it no more than 15 minutes, since the properties of the pyramid have not yet been studied.

And the employees of the turbase, except for cases of the recreation effect, told about one unusual phenomenon. Next to the camp there is a country house. The man who lived there once told about what he saw in the sky UFO. From his words, it was a disc-shaped aircraft. He circled so close over the hub, which could be seen the portholes. This case is a person connected with a pyramid.

Pyramids in the world.

I recently wandered through the Internet spaces in search of the topic for the article and came across interesting information about the large-sized pyramid that was built in France. We are all accustomed to that the pyramids are Egypt, and here France will have it suddenly?

Pyramids Giza

I am not a commitment to those Bassen that we are diligently told at school and in various literature on history. Well, it does not fit in my head that people in loose dressings with the help of ropes dragged huge boulders and customized them to each other with an accuracy of a millimeter - so that there is no razor blade between the plates. And we, the people of the 21st century, who sent a dog and man into space, consider the ancient Egyptians primitive savages, but we cannot build what these dikari built in our opinion. Here we need any amendments: either stop considering the Egypt to be a primitive civilization, or cease to assign such monumental buildings to them.

Pyramids of Egypt

Well, okay, our story is generally all very strange and consists of hypotheses, and not as not from facts. And now we will return to the facts, or rather, to the fact that the pyramids are found throughout the globe, which are in Giza. And it is difficult to argue with this - this is a fact. Yes, we can argue about their origin, but they will not deny their presence.

Traveler Tour Heyerdal believed that the pyramids on different continents were built with one civilization. When he did excavations from the pyramid, I found one and the same objects near different pyramids, such as a skull with gold plates implanted in them. But our story says that at that time people could not move between the continents. And then how to explain the "pyramid" similarities?

The pyramids were found in China, Indonesia, Bosnia.

Pyramid Indians Maya.

Pyramid Indians Maya. It has the same planning with the pyramids of Giza, as well as the same orientability on the sides of the world.

Pyramid Maya.


China. As far as I understood, there are several pyramids in China. But the most important pyramid is called the Chinese "White Pyramid".

Chinese "White Pyramid"

They found it only in the mid-20th century. Inside the pyramids do not catch it, they are excavated only around the pyramids, foreign archaeologists do not allow tourists too, the territory is protected by the military.

One of the Chinese pyramids
Chinese pyramids


Bosnia. In 2005, Bosnia discovered that the Mount of Holochis in the city of Lesoko is not really a mountain, but a pyramid. Ground studies confirmed that the mountain is not a mountain at all.

Bosnian pyramid

And the analysis of the plates found near the pyramid showed that the substance from which the plates are made reminds of concrete, but the composition is unknown to us. The pyramid was called the "Pyramid of the Sun".

"Pyramid of the Sun"


Indonesia. Java Island. Here, also scientists drew attention to the mountain named Sadehip, her forms were very strongly reminded by the pyramid.

Pyramid Indonesia

By that time, local residents generously planted the surface of the pyramid by local seedlings. Excavation began during which plates were found with unfamiliar inscriptions and images.


For some information there is a pyramid and in the Crimea. According to the official version of the drillers during the search for the reserves of thermal waters, they came across a place with powerful microwave radiation. They began to drill and at a depth of 10 meters stumbled upon the pyramid.

Propeners GOZ V.A. and Taran V. began to explore it. It turned out that it was collapsed as a result of the flood and the composition of the walls coincides with the composition of the Egyptian pyramids, it also contains plaster, lead, liquid glass and copper. But official science and archaeologists are not interested in the find and are not going to help researchers enthusiasts. Indeed, according to official science, during the time of Ancient Egypt, there was a sea on the territory of Crimea, not the pyramids.

This story reminds about the Australian Pyramid. There is no shooting from the satellite, but there are no official data. Australians say that it is breathable by water or even more nonsense, that this is some of the wall. They have no one.

Australian Pyramid


But the same French pyramid that came across me to writing this article. Pyramid is located in the province of Languedoc-Roussillon.

French pyramid

And they found it quite by chance, when building a motorway. There is no information about it in Russian or in English.

But there is a little footmanship in French. It says that the pyramid built in 1974-1976 the architect of the Ricardo Boofille. And this pyramid is dedicated to Catalonia.

I have not seen such a funny otmazka. According to official science, he apparently not only built a pyramid, but also fell asleep it on one side with soil.

But still the pyramids around the world:

Why were they built and who built us is not yet known. It is possible information, but apparently it is not for the wide masses, and most likely this information will go into the incision to the official sciences. That's how we live in a solid lies. But let's hope that truth will triumph and we finally learn the history of our planet.

Pyramid Kailas in Himalayas
Complex with pirands under water off the coast of Japan
Pyramid in India

An unexplored monument of primitive architecture on a sacred for shamanists Place: North-West Bank of Lake Baikal
Cape Ryt - Shaman's Pyramids
Formally, the fallout of passengers on the exhaust river rivers and streams of the Cape is prohibited: this is the territory of the Baikal-Lena Reserve. It is prohibited and informally forbidden: according to beliefs, it should be strictly limited to the beliefs of strangers in the shamanic space.
Shamans, apparently, there is something to hide: Science is still unknown who, when and why built on a rock wall, the length of exactly 333 m and tightly forced it with stone cones and pyramids focused on the sides of the world.
In 2002, in the vicinity of the village of Onguren, a biologist Alexei Torut born - for disrespecting for spirits, expressed in refusal to tie a sacrificial ribbon to a sacred tree, by whom the scientist passed. By the way, in addition to the pagan piety, the ongurents are also known for their technical smeared: in the village there is the only world-world locomotive in Russia, converted under the power plant.
These stones require studies of strange stones from underground cities
Reptiloid Information:
- We have occurred from local lizards by the natural evolution of reptiles, we live on earth millions of years. We worshiped the Egyptians and Inci. Christianity calls us "evil snakes." We are the aborigines of the Earth, we have colonies in the solar system.
We have an ancient symbol - a blue snake with 4 white wings on a black background and there is a more common - dragon in the shape of a circle with 7 white stars in the middle of a blue background.
The dragon means the land, and the 7th stars are our colonies on the moon, Mars, Venus and the Luna of Jupiter and Saturn. Two of them are no longer used.
We have UFOs, but many UFOs are not ours, but other aliens. There are human UFOs.
UFOs are usually masked. Our UFO is cigaro-like, from 20 to 260 meters, publish a buzzing sound and have 5 red lights. If it is noticed, it means that it is negligence or it is faulty. There is a small flotilla of disc-shaped ships. Each vessel has a powerful device forcing people to think that the vessel is not visible or is similar to the human aircraft.
65 million years ago on Earth there was the first war of aliens - humanoids from the constellation of the passage. I write them in a separate category in the diary and reptoids from intergalaxies due to Earth resources tool.
Reptiles won, applying an experimental termanuclear bomb, which exploded in the ocean in the area of \u200b\u200bCentral America. After that, winter has come for 200 years. Reptoids themselves due to radiation gone from the ground. Within 20 years, almost all dinosaurs and reptiles have died out. One of the preserved species after 30 million has acquired the primitives of thinking and after another 20 million, his varieties appeared, which began to compete with each other. After another 50 million years, the most adapted appearance was allocated to develop as reasonable. Large cities were built, technologies were improved, colonies were based on other planets.
10 million years ago Monkeys - your ancestors - descended from the trees and they had the first primitives of thinking.
(From the pleyadian) here the numbers are called me.
Man 18 million years since the time of Lemuria, I think
For a long time you would develop naturally, but 1.5 million years ago, Alien Lloyim arrived. Their interest - developed monkeys they wanted to make their servants. They arrived from the Allebaran Solar System. Looks like high humanoids with light hair and white skin. Capturing 10-20 thousand monkeys, they crossed them to themselves and returned in a few hundred years, similar to people. These people could use guns and fire. Lloyimi left and returned several times, selectively experimenting in the development of both individual species and entire civilizations. The first highly developed civilization existed 700 thousand years ago. We lived in parallel, without entering into contact. Nothing left from old civilizations. The fifth civilization left the "Egyptian pyramids", built 75,000 years ago. The sixth civilization left the ruins of the city at the bottom of the ocean at the Bimini Atoll, built 16,000 years ago. The latter, your civilization, seventh, withdrawn 8500 years ago.
This is told in your religious scriptures.
Between us and Lloyim were a long war. The last battle occurred 5,000 years ago in orbit and surface of the planet. Watching it people describe it as the battles of the gods and did not understand her essence. After this war, Lloyim was removed from the planet. Whether they will be returned, unknown. But over the past 4,900 years, many other types of aliens and humanity in danger arrived on Earth. Some of them use the programming of people to faith in God. Humanity is not the result of natural evolution, 2-3 million years for this is not enough. You are created by genetic engineering extraterrestrial species, created under certain purposes. Now there are 14 types of aliens on Earth. 11 from our universe, 2 of the extragalactic, 1 from another plane. Three of them are hostile, the rest are studying you. Perhaps the 15th race will soon arrive, which is not known about. Perhaps they have already arrived 3-4 years ago. All aliens are kidnapped and used raw materials, hydrogen, air and DNA. (from the pleyadian number of races varies in the presence, but only 22 races participated in the creation of a person)
Today, like thousands of years ago, we live under the ground in voids at a depth of 2-8 km, so you do not have archaeological data. Void, size from 2.5 km to 25 km, are associated with the surface of the Earth and among themselves tunnels. We live colonies in large and modern cities built in these voids.
The main cities are located in the areas of the Arctic, Antarctic, inner Asia, North America and Australia. There are equipped areas on the surface in remote areas, especially in America and in Australia.
The output to the surface can be in the form of a cave, in which the air is unusually warm, the movement of air, the walls, as it moves deep, becomes smoother. Behind the gray door are the technical premises, ventilation and triggers. But we will be aware of your presence! The entrance to the dungeon can belong to another race, including hostile. For a person, the presence in the caves aliens is very dangerous.
In ancient times, people met us and described, sketched.
We use mimicry for contacts with you. From birth, we can telepatch and use telekinesis.
(From the pleyadian-information only by 90% truth, where there is a person, I put my notes)
Here are stones from underground cities

Original entries and comments on

Pyramids on Baikal.

The keys to the secrets are hidden in Russia.
No matter how paradoxically did not look, but in Rostov there is an analogue of the pyramids. This is known only to the narrow circle of scientists Neolithic fortress, sometimes called the sanctuary of Aria, or the Aryan temple. In their age, this building, at least, one thousand years older than the pyramids. However, the mathematical model of this uniquely architectural complex is not inferior to its harmony, the main of the wonders of the world, which are the pyramids. Like the pyramids, the Aryan temple is built on the principle of the golden section. However, its design reflects the dependence of the proportions "FI", from the "PI" proportions, and not the opposite, somehow we observe in the design of the pyramids. This circumstance makes it in a new one to take a look at the purpose of the pyramids, which is the main guideline in search of keys to their secrets.
No matter how paradoxically did not look, but in Rostov there is an analogue of the pyramids. This is known only to the narrow circle of scientists Neolithic fortress, sometimes called the sanctuary of Aria, or the Aryan temple.
In Rostov-on-Don, for several years already, all available means are the destruction of the grandiose, in its size, age and the value, the Aryan temple, without which the history of human civilization will immensely decorate, and the Egyptian pyramids will deprive their semantic content and turn into an ordinary bunch of stones ...
In their age, this building, at least, one thousand years older than the pyramids. However, the mathematical model of this uniquely architectural complex is not inferior to its harmony, the main of the wonders of the world, which are the pyramids.
At the Kola Peninsula, the archaeological excavations of the pyramids, which are at least 2 times older than Egyptian, still do not know who they were built
Kola Peninsula - Peninsula in the North-West of the European Part of Russia, in the Murmansk region. Washed by the Barents and White Seas. The area is about 100 thousand km.
In the north - tundra vegetation, south of Festothundra and Taiga. The climate of the Peninsula is moderately cold. Freezing and snow loss are possible even in the summer. On the coast, strong winds are frequent (up to 45-55 m / s), in winter - protracted blizzards. The relief of the Kola Peninsula is a depression, terraces, mountains, plateau. Mountain arrays of the peninsula rise above sea level on more than 800 meters. The plains of the Kola Peninsula are occupied by the swamps and numerous lakes.
Amazing pyramids and stone huge plates made artificially from 9.000 to 40,000 years ago, found on the Kola Peninsula, are a strong argument in favor of the existence of ancient civilization in these places. The most ancient pyramids of the world, found in the Kola Peninsula, confirm the existence of the legendary hyperborei. The Kola Peninsula recently became Mecca for researchers and hunters for scientific discoveries.
A few years ago, huge pyramids, very similar to Egyptian, were discovered in the Luhansk region, however, the right of these stone mounds to be called pyramids still causes controversy among scientists. This is the so-called Merghelev of the ridge near the city of Perevalsk.
But one thing that can be said for sure: such unique monuments of the antiquity as the pyramids-tomb are truly just three for the whole of Europe: one was built in Rome for Guy Tseva, and the other two are really located on Poltava Earth. The first of them towers in the village of Kobelyaksky district commandant, and the second is the highlight of the palace and park complex of the People's Historical and Local Local Museum of the ancient village, a birch rust that in the Piryatinsky district.

Krasnoyarsk Pyramid

Sopka Black (Kara-Dag) is the highest "pyramid" in the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk. This is the dead volcano long. In the early 1990s, the archaeological group studied the parking lot of a primitive person, and came to the conclusion that the three-branded mountain with a destroyed western slope consists of stones made artificially. Also in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mountain, an increase in radiation background was discovered, but the reason for this phenomenon is still a mystery.
In the center of Krasnoyarsk, there is Mount Kum-Tigi (guard), at the top of which the church of the Martyr Paraskove is towers, and at the foot once there was an ugly red Yar.
The famous researcher of Siberia Semyon Remezs, in the 17th century, studied the surroundings of the Ostrog, suggested that many hills and mountains spread around the settlement may well have a man-made origin.

Crimean pyramids

The pyramids of the Crimea.

In addition, in the spring of 2001, seven gigantic pyramids stretched along the south coast of Crimea with a straight line from Sevastopol to Foros. Scientists believe that these mysterious structures of the older Egyptian per bed and a half or two thousand years are the peers of Tibetan and Mexican pyramids. Based on these Crimean finds, many well-known scientists are already inclined to believe that Ukrainian geophysics and archaeologists came across the remains of ancient civilization, in their development essentially with our own. The representative of the International Academy of Safe Development of Humanity Berdysishev claims that in Ukraine 200 pyramids, they will soon be found under Dnepropetrovsk and Chernivtsi, their age is 12-15 thousand years.

Nakhodka. Pyramids brother and sister.

In 2009, the Northern Pragueppet Pyramids of the Kola Peninsula, the Pyramids of the Lake Lake and the remaining such mysteriously mysterious, for the reason for its inaccessibility of the Great Pyramid of the Urals (as hyperborei researchers call it), the ancient Pyramids of Belarus were added
In the summer of 2010, at the Kola Peninsula, Igor Gusev researcher was identified by an ancient stone-folded stepped pyramid. Its indicative height of 80 meters.

Pyramid. Kolya Pen

In Russia, found the most ancient pyramids in the world

Mountain Shoria. Pyramids in Russia.

The largest megaliths in the world were found in Mountain Shoria in South Siberia

Pyramids in Siberia - traces of ancient civilization in Siberia

Crimean stories. Crimean pyramids.

The places that we will be discussed are incredibly beautiful, mysterious and unique, but are not spoiled by the attention of tourists all of them are located in Russia. Nevertheless, getting to them is very difficult. The lack of at least some vehicles and the presence of government agencies with which it is necessary to coordinate their "invasion" into these territories is the main thing, but not the only obstacle. However, if you are only those who are only attracted, we will specify you the way to seven amazing objects in Russia, which are known to a few. Seen them with their own eyes only units.

Nasakan - the ancient capital of Eskimos

The ruins of the largest settlement of the Eksmimians, eliminated during the "Enlargement of Sel" in 1958

Where: Cape Dezhnev, Chukotsky Peninsula

The discovery of Okvik, Birnirkskaya and other Paleoisian cultures that replaced each other in this place for three thousand years, belongs to the eternal Merzlot, which pushes any foreign body to the surface. Everything that reministers today about the capital of the last of these cultures - Eskimo, is whale ribs sticking out of coastal grass, as well as numerous bone artifacts of unknown age and destination, which is not difficult to find among what remains of the 1930s of the construction. Name the capital of Eskimos are dead, the language does not turn. First, unlike the warrior Eskimos-islanders from the island of Ratmanov, who collapsed in the mainland collective farms for one generation, the nautical hunters of the Naukana retain the identity even in exile. Secondly, every summer whales come in coastal waters. Specialists in Eskimo Folklore will be confirmed: whales are looking for their earthly mistress-lads who have left these places.

How to get: From Anadyr to the village of Lavrentia, a regular flight of Chukotavia airline, further to the village of Wuren (departure is carried out on the weather). As an option, you can sit on the venbot that walks along the Bering Strait from June to August.

Syndor Lake - Part of the Prehistoric Sea, Controlled by FSIN

Russia's only monument in Russia, access to which is controlled by the execution of sentences

Where: Princepogostsky district of the Komi Republic

The taiga lake, remaining from the prehistoric sea, is comparable from the Island of Valaam. It was on its shores at the beginning of the 20th century a lot of standings of a primitive person were found, and some time later the Correlation and Labor Institution M-222 was built here, which ceased to exist quite recently. First of all, M-222 knows how the place of imprisonment of the majority of convicts on the famous doctors, as well as the fact that Sergey Dovlatov served here. Here, nearby, according to numerous folklore sources, Yirkap died - the Komi cultural hero. Losing magical power, after did not spare the daughter of a sorcerer, wrapped in a deer (according to another version - Sorochi), Yirkap trunribally drowned in Syndor. Finally, the Syndor Lake is the habitat of Nikolai Prokushev. This is how the tidy 50-year-old bearded is a forest hermit, a single hunter and an original thinker.

How to get: From the Yaroslavl railway station by the train Moscow-Vorkuta to Sindor station, further on the passing Dresin in Sindor Narzokoleka to the M-222 institution camp. The so-called turbase represents several houses on the territory of the former camp, adapted to survive fishermen on the bank of the River River in two or three kilometers from the lake. ATTENTION: all the staff built once for the needs of Ust-Vymbal and still the current Sindor narrow scene (including cargo carriers) - prisoners, and the road is still under the jurisdiction of the FSIN.

Tsoi-Peda - Chechen City of the Dead

Medieval Chechen Fortress-Necropolis, to visit which you can only with the permission of the FSB


Cape when the Mergun Mergun is merged with a mountain river, surrounded with ice water and is connected to the rock ridge only a narrow cage. In fact, Tsoi-Peda is an impregnable cemetery. The earliest of 42 crypts date back to the XIV century, and according to the popular, but unproved version founded him during the times of the devastating epidemic, and the patients came to die here themselves - to bury the dead was no time and no one. However, this romantic hypothesis easily refutes the fact that the neighboring village, who was somewhat south of burials, too often fought with their neighbors and could not do without a spacious necropolis for the burial of the dead warriors. It is said that the ancient weapon, which was resting in Coi-Peda's crypts, as well as other values, disappeared from here immediately after the deportation of Chechens in 1944. Today, who comes in Tsoi-Peda, there are two pagan satellite-pillar, protective swastiki, crosses and solar spirals on the walls, and on the watchtown, you can still distinguish the image of a human figure. It is believed that this Christian St. George - baptized Georgia nearby, and the proximity of this border itself, explains the need to obtain the permission of the FSB to visit the city of the dead.

How to get: From the Terrible to the district center of ITUM-Kali - on a taxi, then on the traveler and on foot. The permission of the FSB is required for entry into bordernes.

Waterfall Pipha - the youngest waterfall in the world

160-meter waterfall, which learned only 35 years ago

Where: Ulagan District of the Republic of Altai

The youngest of the famous science of waterfalls is a wipe on the Chulcha River - was unknown to official science until the 1970s. However, science lived in ignorance not so long, because, as it is believed, the waterfall was formed as a result of a powerful earthquake just about 200 years ago. The water has not yet managed to crush the wreckage of the rocks that form his cascades, and black stones are measured by growth with neighboring pines. All this suppresses its scale and makes the difference between man and ant practically insignificant. The trail to a fool passes above the cliff and crosses numerous mountain streams that are not reconceded forcing without insurance. An important note of the practical properties: removing from the settlements and passage roads, the tourist, which was in this part of Altai, should not be forgotten about Jerlan. It is that the local population usually explains the cunning of these animals that the local disappearance of their provisionant, as well as tires, cigarettes, cash, etc. It is afraid of man and can come closely close. However, the money and cigarettes of Huranka still do not eat.

How to get:by car from Biysk to the village of Artbash (the route is broken over a few kilometers to the final point), then on the boat on Teletsk Lake. You can also get from Gornaletska: at the beginning of the attitude to the head manor of the Altai Reserve in the village of Yayyl, then on foot (explorer is required). Permission to visit FSU "Altai Reserve" is required.

Portornian graveyard - Wooden castle on site of a pagan capital

Well preserved wooden Dopurerovsky Skit, which is possibly the center of the Universe

Where:Kargopol district of the Arkhangelsk region

The forest protects an abandoned Dopardrov Skit with a well-preserved painting of the XVIII century. Reliable mincuts: roads from the nearest villages are difficult and known not to each local. An empty church surrounded by chopped fence with numerous towers, looks out due to sullen gray logs, and around - only Karelian boulders and lakes. Like most of the ancient Christian structures, built in the 80s of the 18th century, the monastery, most likely, took the place of pagan capital - his main chapel, as well as three surrounding churches of the same time lie on the geometrically ideal straight, outstretched by anyone who and when from the south north. In some forums, without any irony, the idea is discussed that it is in one of the towers of Portornian grazing that there is a so-called Alef from the story of Borges, who is described as a keyhole of the world - a place where all the points of the universe are converged.

How to get: By train Moscow-Arkhangelsk (departs from Yaroslavsky station) station to Nyandom, then by bus to Kargopol, from Kargopol by bus to the village of Masliga, last 15 km on foot

Averkin Yama - Cave, hiding treasure Pugachev

Unexplored cave equipped under housing by unknown persons

Where:Satkin district of the Chelyabinsk region

The entrance to the cave is a nearly vertical 20-meter failure in the rocky rock cliff over the left bank of the river ah and from the side almost impaired. Inside - two grotes of 10 and 20 square meters. m, underground lake with water suitable water and plus temperature at any time of the year. The overall length of the examined underground strokes is about 100 m. In the 1920s, the inhabitants of the cave were known to local residents under the collective name of Averkiya. Solva painted a cave man with a raggy convict, a tatar with the exterminated nostrils, then the Saint Starter, then Kerzhak-Strover, invariably attributing him a superhuman lust and countless ties with the inhabitants of the women's monastery. Also, according to a question, it was here that at one time was hidden by the Gold with Emelyan Pugachev. To eradicate all superstitions, in the 1924th local female, equipped with a Komsomol expedition to the cave. During the investigation, a wooden door was discovered, a wooden machine of an unknown destination, a bed and a lot of bones, including human. It should be noted that the subsequent expeditions were invariably found in the Averkina pit sweated from the tree of the gutter - the remains of an ancient pipeline, the purpose of which is unknown so far.

How to get: From Chelyabinsk to the district center of Satka on the bus number 517, from Satka by bus (route without a number) to the village of Ailino, then on foot.

Cape Ryt - Shaman's pyramids on the shore of Baikal

Unexplored monument of primitive architecture on the sacred for shamanists

Where:northwest Lake Baikal

Formally, the fallout of passengers on the exhaust river rivers and streams of the Cape is prohibited: this is the territory of the Baikal-Lena Reserve. It is prohibited and informally forbidden: according to beliefs, it should be strictly limited to the beliefs of strangers in the shamanic space. Shamans, apparently, there is something to hide: Science is still unknown who, when and why built on a rock wall, the length of exactly 333 m and tightly forced it with stone cones and pyramids focused on the sides of the world. In 2002, in the vicinity of the village of Onguren, a biologist Alexei Torut born - for disrespecting for spirits, expressed in refusal to tie a sacrificial ribbon to a sacred tree, by whom the scientist passed. By the way, in addition to the pagan piety, the ongurents are also known for their technical smeared: in the village there is the only world-world locomotive in Russia, converted under the power plant.

How to get: from Irkutsk by bus to the "Zama" tourbase, then on foot to the village of Ongureno (Possible travelers, but regular transport is reported