The most famous wonders of the world. Little-known wonders of the world (13 photos)

Everyone has heard about the seven ancient wonders of the world - the greatest creations of mankind. Only one of them has survived to this day - the legendary pyramids of Giza in Egypt. At the initiative of the Swiss Bernard Werber, the New Seven Wonders of the World project was organized, designed to determine which of the existing structures and attractions are worthy of being called "wonders of the world."

The New Seven Wonders of the World is a project aimed at finding the modern seven wonders of the world. The non-profit organization "New Open World Corporation" held a worldwide vote by means of SMS, telephony and the Internet, in which more than 90 million people around the world took part. Winners were chosen from several dozen contenders for the title of one of the seven wonders of the world, and the results of the competition were announced in Lisbon on July 7, 2007, on the “day of three sevens”.

So, we present a list of the new seven wonders of the world and their photos.

The great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is one of the largest architectural monuments. It is located in northern China, its length with all branches is 8851.8 km. The construction of the first wall was started in the 3rd century BC. e. It was erected in order to protect the country from the attacks of the nomadic Xiongnu people. About a million people took part in the construction of this grandiose wall.

Sections of the wall that have survived to this day were built mainly during the reign of the Ming Dynasty - in the period from 1368 to 1644. The main building materials in those days were bricks and stone blocks, and they were held together with sticky rice porridge mixed with slaked lime.

The Manchurian Qing Dynasty managed to overcome this wall with the help of betrayal. Over the three centuries of the reign of the new dynasty, the Great Wall, under the influence of time, almost completely collapsed. In 1984, it was decided to start a program for the restoration of this important architectural monument.

Currently, some sections of the wall are being eroded due to intensive farming practices. Unfortunately, more than 40 km of the wall has already disappeared. It is interesting to note that the Great Wall of China is visible from satellite images taken from space.


The Colosseum or Flavian Amphitheater is located in Rome, Italy. The Colosseum is one of the largest arenas in the world. It is a recognized symbol of Rome and all of Italy. Its construction was carried out for 8 years, in 72 - 80 years. Emperor Vespasian began to build this huge amphitheater after his victory in Judea. And completed the construction of his son - Emperor Titus. It began to be called the Colosseum from the 8th century, most likely because of the grandeur of this structure.

The Colosseum has long been a venue for fun gladiator fights, animal baiting and similar spectacles. But then gladiator fights were banned, and the invasions of the barbarians led the Colosseum to desolation. They began to take stones from it for the construction of other buildings. But most of the amphitheater survived. The modern Italian government pays great attention to the Colosseum. It produced archaeological excavations. Some fragments of the structure were put back in place. And, although the Colosseum has long lost its external and internal decoration, but it has been well preserved to this day, and makes a strong impression.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu ("old peak") is an ancient city. It is located in North America in present-day Peru. It rises on top of a mountain, whose height is 2450 meters above sea level. It spreads over the valley of the Urubamba River. Machu Picchu was the secret city of the Incas. According to some archaeologists, it served as the sacred mountain shelter of the Inca ruler Pachacutec. Approximate time of its construction, scientists call 1440. In 1532, Spanish conquerors invaded the land of the Incas. After that, all the inhabitants of Machu Picchu mysteriously disappeared.

It has a small territory, there are no more than 200 buildings. Most of them are temples, residences, warehouses and other public buildings. They were composed of well-worked stones and slabs, slabs tightly fitted to each other. Most likely, no more than 1,200 people lived in this city and its environs.

Machu Picchu has been neglected for over 400 years. It was then discovered by an American scientist on July 24, 1911. At that time peasants lived in the city.

The whole city has a very clear structure. Today, Machu Picchu is the center of mass tourism. The city is located in a remote region. To stimulate tourism, neighboring city railroad was built. From there it can be reached by bus.


Petra is ancient city located in what is now Jordan. It is located at an altitude exceeding 900 meters above sea level. This city was the capital of Idumea (Edom), and later - the capital of the Nabatean kingdom. Petra is located in the narrow canyon of the Siq. The valley can only be reached through the gorges in the north and south. The city of Petra was located at the crossroads of two very important trade routes. Therefore, for a long time active trade brought him wealth and prosperity. However, then the Romans opened sea routes to the East. This led to the decline of the overland spice trade. Therefore, Petra gradually became empty.

The buildings of this city have different architectural styles, because. many of them were built in different eras and under different owners of the city. And they owned the city different times Edomites, Romans, Byzantines and Arabs.

Of the Europeans, the Swiss Johann Ludwig Burckhardt was the first to visit and describe Petra. Petra is a unique city made of stone. Houses, temples and crypts were carved from stone blocks. The architects of Petra managed to create a complex water supply system using terracotta pipes. The most famous building of Petra can be called the temple-mausoleum of El Khazne. it was created around the 2nd century.

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum-mosque located in Agra, India. It stands on the banks of the Jumna River. The building was built by order of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. So he wanted to perpetuate the memory of his wife, who died during childbirth. This architectural creation combines elements of Indian, Persian and Islamic architectural styles. Its construction began around 1632 and was completed in 1653. Inside the mausoleum are the tombs of the Shah and his wife.

The Taj Mahal is built on a platform and has five domes. Its height is 74 meters. Minarets rise from four corners. The walls of this mausoleum are made of polished translucent marble. It should be noted that this marble changes its color depending on the lighting. This building looks very nice. Unfortunately, not so long ago, cracks were noticed in its walls. Scientists associate their appearance with the shallowing of the Jumna River, which flows nearby.

In addition, the mausoleum is beginning to lose its legendary whiteness due to polluted air. Its walls continue to turn yellow, despite the fact that several especially dirty industries have already been closed in Agra. You have to regularly clean it with a special white clay.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer

The statue of Christ the Redeemer is located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It has become one of the most popular monuments in the world. This statue rises on top of Mount Corcovado and is a symbol of Brazil. It was made of reinforced concrete and soapstone. This famous statue is 38 meters high and its pedestal is 8 meters high. The mass of this famous is 1145 tons; arm span - 30 meters. The summit can be reached by electrified railway which was the first in the country. It runs a miniature train. This attraction can also be reached by car via the motorway.

The creation of this monument took about nine years and lasted from 1922 to 1931. It should be noted that all the details of the statue, including the frame, were made in France. It was opened to the public on October 12, 1931.

The statue has been renovated twice in the last 75 years, in 1980 and 1990. In 2003, it was equipped with escalators to facilitate the ascent to the observation deck.

Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza is an ancient city that was political and cultural center Maya peoples. It is located in the north of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. It was the sacred city of the ancient Itza people. According to archaeologists, this city is one of the religious "places of power", which is associated with the Mayan culture. It was founded around the 7th century AD. e. At first the city belonged to the Mayan people. And in the X century it was captured by the Toltecs, and Chichen Itza became the capital of their state. In 1178, it was defeated by the combined forces of three city-states - Mayapan, Uxmal and Itzmal. By the time the Spanish conquerors arrived here, the city had already been destroyed. It finally emptied after 1194. The exact reasons for this have not been established. Many excavations have been carried out on the territory of the city, which have revealed large architectural monuments.

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There is an unusual power - to surprise. AT high mountains ah, vast grasslands and vast oceans you can find real natural wonders.

But sometimes our world opens up not just amazing, but also very strange. Next will be shown the strangest corners of our planet.

Lake Heviz is largest thermal lake in Europe and a place for those who want to improve their health by swimming in its healing waters. A huge number of blue, green algae and bacteria live in the lake, which will then treat people's ailments. The tourism industry is developed here, due to which the lake is always kept in proper condition.


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A Chinese landscape in which the rocks stand like tall pines. At the same time, there are so many rocks that this place is called a forest. Shilin. High cliffs can still be compared with the skyscrapers that form the city. Most of the rocks are weathered boulders, but on some formations it is possible to distinguish figures of animals and people.

Free-standing rocks sit amongst the trees, creating scenes of real paintings that seem to come to life.

Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California, USA

© herbertlewald / Getty Images

Almost in the center of Los Angeles, at the La Brea ranch, there is bituminous lake, which conceals in its depths millions of years of history. Bitumen itself seeps out of the ground, forming a viscous substance. This pool is then covered with water, which is an attractive watering hole for animals. If the animal falls into the lake, then, unfortunately, it will not be able to get out of it on its own. The museum in La Bree has preserved bones of a stork, a prehistoric wolf and even a mammoth.

Luray Caverns, Virginia, USA

© Smithore/Getty Images

The Luray Caves were first discovered at the end of the 19th century. Commercial tours are currently offered here. You can see beautiful caves from stalactites and stalagmites in the form of draped curtains. Only here you can see the formation of frozen drops in the form of a pair of eggs. petty underground lake in the Luray caves, which amazingly beautifully reflects stalactites on the surface, is called "Dream". This illusion makes the lake appear to be much deeper than it really is. (50 cm).


© Alexander Ozerov

On the usual flat landscape, conical candy-like shapes suddenly rise. During the rainy season, they are covered with a fresh carpet of green grass that looks like moss. When a large amount of rainfall falls on the dried earth, the color of the grass takes on the color of milk chocolate. The limestone hills were created by erosion and contain ancient marine fossils.

Utah, USA

© Gagliardi Photography

national park The arches in eastern Utah are known as red-orange sandstone, which is extremely attractive. Forms were created very slowly over long centuries. The most famous feature in national park- This "Delicate Arch". In addition, other unusual arches can be observed here. But not all stone statues are only arches: for example, here you can find other figures that look like fins, blades or other natural sculptures.

Bonneville Salt Flat, Utah, USA

© Dendron/Getty Images

Bonneville Salt Flat is dry part of the salt lake Salt Lake City. Although part of the lake still exists (one of the few on Earth that has access to the sea), most of it has already dried up. Now Bonneville Salt Flat is nothing but a lifeless white landscape. The white earth is actually the salt left behind by Salt Lake City after millions of years of being there.

Penitentes, Andes chain, Argentina

© JasonGWilliams / Getty Images

Penitentes is spiky formations of ice and snow, similar to stalactites underground caves. They form on huge plateaus along high mountains in South America. The formations, which look like believers bowing in prayer, got their name from the Spanish "penitent."

Pine Mountain Laccolith, Utah, USA

© Vladimirovic / Getty Images

Pine Mountain- world's largest laccolith(a fully formed volcano with magma inside). Due to an unusual formation, lava was coming out of the lower part of the mountain. Although there have been no eruptions here for thousands of years, lava still covers this seemingly contradictory landscape, which has dense vegetation on one side, and smooth areas of hardened lava on the other.

Wyoming state, USA

© fstockfoto / Getty Images

Devil's Tower in eastern Wyoming is a stunning piece of architecture 1,556 m above sea level (relative height 386 m).

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World - a list of famous ancient monuments compiled by ancient historians and travelers, including the "father of history" Herodotus.

The list was repeatedly edited, and its classical version was formed 2.2 thousand years ago thanks to the efforts of Philo of Byzantium. The list of "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World" includes: the pyramid of Cheops, the "hanging gardens" of Babylon, the statue of Olympian Zeus, the temple of Artemis in Ephesus, the mausoleum in Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and the lighthouse on about. Pharos in Alexandria.

Pyramid of Cheops, Egypt

The Pyramid of Cheops, or the Great Pyramid, is the only one of the 7 wonders of the world that has survived to this day. The age of the building is 4500 years. 120 thousand Egyptians for 20 years in the sweat of their brow erected a grandiose pharaoh's tomb. The pyramid of Cheops is made up of 2.5 million blocks weighing 2.5 tons each. Without the use of cement and other fasteners, the blocks are so tightly fitted to each other that the gap between them does not exceed 0.5 mm.

Initially, the pyramid had a height of 147 meters, but even today, when its top is destroyed, and the most high point is located at around 138 meters, the tomb of Cheops still makes a majestic impression. For almost 4000 years, until the XIV century AD, the Pyramid of Cheops bore the title of the highest building in the world.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Asia

Around 600 BC on the territory of modern Iraq, ancient Babylon was noisy. The city reached its peak under King Nebuchadnezzar II, who entered into a military alliance with his main enemy - Assyria and intermarried with the Median king Cyaxares, marrying his daughter Amitis (Semiramide). For his wife, the king ordered to build the famous "hanging gardens". The gardens were located on a four-tiered platform, reminiscent of an ever-blooming green hill. The base of the terraces was built of stone blocks covered with a layer of reeds and filled with asphalt. Then there was a double layer of brick, even higher - lead plates to prevent seepage of irrigation water. A fertile layer of soil was laid on top of this structure, on which trees, palm trees, and flowers were grown. Magnificent gardens, raised to a great height, seemed like a real wonder of the world in sultry, dusty Babylonia.

Statue of Zeus, Olympia, Greece

In 435 BC. e. in Olympia - one of the sanctuaries of Ancient Greece - a majestic temple was built in honor of the ruler of the gods - Zeus. Inside the temple was placed a huge 20-meter statue of the Olympian god, seated on a throne. The sculpture was made of wood, on top of which ivory plates were glued, imitating the upper naked part of the body of Zeus. God's clothes and shoes are covered with gold. In his left hand, Zeus held a scepter with an eagle, and in his right hand, a statue of the goddess of victory.

Temple of Artemis, Ephesus, Turkey

The Temple of Artemis was built in 560 BC. King Croesus of Lydia in the city of Ephesus on the coast of Asia Minor. The huge white marble temple was framed by 127 columns 18 meters high. Inside was a statue of Artemis, the goddess of fertility, made of gold and ivory. In 356 BC. one conceited inhabitant of Ephesus, Herostratus, set fire to the temple, thus deciding to become famous and perpetuate his name. The Sanctuary of Artemis was rebuilt, but in 263 it was destroyed and plundered by the Goths.

Mausoleum in Halicarnassus, Turkey

The ruler of Caria, Mausolus, was still alive in 353 BC. began the construction of his own tomb in Halicarnassus (modern Bodrum, Turkey). The grandiose burial structure 46 meters high, girded with 36 columns and crowned with a statue of a chariot, made such a strong impression on contemporaries that since then all monumental tombs have been called mausoleums after King Mausolus.

Colossus of Rhodes, Greece

A giant statue of the ancient Greek sun god Helios was installed at the entrance to the port of Rhodes in 292-280. BC e .. A slender youth-god, sculpted in full growth, held a torch in his hand. Ships sailed between the legs of the statue. For only 65 years, the Colossus of Rhodes stood in its place: in 222 BC. it was destroyed by an earthquake. Fragments of the sculpture were transported on 900 camels.

Lighthouse of Alexandria, Egypt

Traveling is a good opportunity to discover something new and unknown. At any point on the planet you can find extraordinary things or phenomena, the creator of which is nature itself. will tell you about the most amazing natural wonders of the world.


The Eisreisenwelt ice caves are the largest ice caves in the world located in.

Kilometers of solid ice, blocks of frozen water underground - what can impress more?

Only the Antarctic frozen tsunami, which formed hundreds of years, can compete with Austrian ice caves. Giant frozen waves of ice, and it's not an iceberg at all!

The oldest tree on the planet and, in combination, the oldest living organism on Earth - the Methuselah pine - appeared from a seed that fell into the soil in 2832 BC. You can see this pine in California,.

One of the most spectacular natural phenomena on the planet with the participation of living beings takes place annually on Christmas Island (eastern part indian ocean, near Australia) is a red crab migration.

Being in the Amazon region, you can get acquainted with an unusual transparent butterfly.

Unusual encounters with the wonders of nature await travelers anywhere in the world. Therefore, before you go on a trip, do not be too lazy to find out what is unusual in the area where you are going. And then your vacation will be provided with the maximum number of impressions!

We all know and have heard about the seven wonders of the world. This is the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Alexandrian lighthouse, great pyramid in Giza hanging gardens Babylon and the Statue of Zeus at Olympia. However, there are still many amazing and interesting places that can be added to this list. Your attention is a selection of little-known wonders of the world.

Ice towers and caves of Mount Erebus

Mount Erebus is the second largest volcano in Antarctica and has been active since 1972. There are many ice towers on Erebus, formed as a result of steam emission due to volcanic activity. Many ice towers constantly emit steam. In addition to these chimney-like pillars volcanic mountain is home to a number of naturally formed ice caves, with blue, eerily cavernous underground chambers.

Rock-tents Kasha-Katuwe

The rocks of the Kasha-Katuwe tent in New Mexico were formed approximately seven million years ago as a result of ash deposited by a pyroclastic flow from a volcanic explosion. As with most rock formations, weathering and erosion can be credited with creating the area's remarkable geography. The conspicuously pointed tent-like stones derive their interesting name from mother tongue area, and means "white cliffs". The rocks vary in height, sometimes reaching 30 meters in height.

Banaue Rice Terraces, Philippines

The Banaue Rice Terraces are 2000 year old terraces that were carved into the Ifugao mountain in the Philippines by the ancestors of the indigenous people. The terraces are commonly referred to by Filipinos as the "Eighth Wonder of the World". It is believed that the terraces were built with minimal equipment, mostly by hand. They are located approximately 1500 meters above sea level and cover 10,360 square kilometers mountain slope. It is estimated that if they were placed close, they would surround half the globe. locals to this day rice and vegetables are still grown on the terraces. The result is the gradual erosion of this wonder of the world, which is in need of constant renovation and care.

Lion Rock Sigiriya, Sri Lanka

Sigiriya (Lion Rock) is the remains of an ancient mountain fortress and palace, located in central area Matale Sri Lanka, surrounded by the remains of an extensive network of gardens, reservoirs and other structures. A popular tourist destination, Sigiriya is also known for its ancient paintings (murals) which are reminiscent of the Ajanta Caves in India. Sigiriya was built during the reign of King Kassapa I (477 AD - 495) and it is one of the seven sites world heritage Sri Lanka. During prehistoric times, Sigiriya was inhabited. Used as a mountain monastery from about the 5th century BC.

Lechugia Cave

One of the most popular little-known wonders of the world, Lechugia Cave is another location found in New Mexico. The cave is the seventh explored chain in the world, with a known length of 134.6 miles. The cave is the most famous spectacular gypsum and aragonite crystal formation. Prior to its discovery in 1986, Lechugia was untouched for hundreds of millions of years, being one of the most ancient ecosystems.

Krubera Cave

Krubera Cave, located within mountain range Arabica in Abkhazia, the deepest known cave on Earth, with a depth of 2,191 meters. The cave is also known as Voronya, due to a large number birds nesting there.

Valley of flowers in India

Valley of Flowers, National Park in India is one of the most beautiful miracles lights on this list. There is something incredible about high peaks rising into clouds and steep slopes, completely covered with lush vegetation and unique flora. The Valley of Flowers is home to many rare endangered animals such as the Asian black bear, snow leopard, brown bear and blue sheep.

Valley of Glencoe in Scotland

Located at the northern tip of Scotland, Glencoe is a narrow river valley that is often considered one of the most breathtaking places in the country. The Glencoe Valley is home to a stunning variety of flora, as well as high peaks on either side and a crystal clear river running through its heart.

Quinta da Regaleira in Portugal

Quinta da Regaleira in Sintra, Portugal includes a descending spiral staircase that leads to a variety of exits. The name comes from the belief that this place was the home of Masonic rituals. At the base lies the wind rose on the Templar's cross. Symbolism directly relates to life and death, common theme for initiation rituals.

Plitvice lakes in Croatia

The Plitvice Lakes National Park is home to breathtaking views of the beautiful open lakes and waterfalls. The contrast of deep blues with vibrant greens creates incredible landscapes that excite the imagination. The park is no less breathtaking even in winter, when some of the waterfalls and lakes freeze over. While in Croatia, be sure to visit Plitvice Lakes, one of the natural wonders of the world.

Wulingyuan in China

Head to over three thousand huge sandstone pillars, many of which are towers over two hundred meters high - this is Wulingyuan in China. It is one of the most stunning natural sites in the world. The high pillars are composed of quartzite and sandstone and are karst formations. The incredible area is located one hundred and seventy miles northeast of Changsha and became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992, however it still remains relatively unknown to most of the world's population.

Monastery Kei Gompa

Ki Monastery or Kei Gompa is a Tibetan Buddhist monastery that perches spectacularly on a hill overlooking the small Indian village of Kibar. The monastery stands at 13,668 feet above sea level, and the village below is said to be the highest in India. Founded in the 11th century, Kei Gompa has experienced many turbulent events. It was repeatedly attacked, devastated by the Mongol armies, devastated by fires and earthquakes. Constant demolition and reconstruction has resulted in a box-like shape of the building, offering maximum protection.