What mountains are there in Turkey? Mountains in Turkey Turkish Mountains.

The mountains of Turkey are a real natural oriental wealth. The landscape of this country makes it extremely diverse, breaking the stereotype that in Turkey you can only lie on the beach. The mountains in Turkey create significant differences in climate, weather and surrounding nature.

In Turkey you can see:

Mostly mountain ranges are found in Turkey. In the north of the country are the Pontic Mountains, in the south are the Taurus Mountains. the above mountains meet in the east of the country. At their junction is the Anatolian Plateau, rising on average from 1 to 1.5 km above sea level.

There are 3 peaks in the Turkish mountains:

  • (ski resort) (west, 2543 m);
  • Mount Erciyes (center, 3916 m);
  • Greater Ararat (east, 5165 m.). There are also several extinct volcanoes in the east.

Turks are proud of Mount Ararat. In ancient times it was believed that it was capable of saving people from the global flood.

Turkey's Mountain Tahtala

is a wonderful mountain with a cable car. The length of the road is 4350 m. The mountain is rightfully recognized as the second longest in Europe. If you are not a fan of easy paths, then you definitely need to visit here.

For lovers of active recreation

Thanks to the mountains in Turkey, you can do activities for six months: skiing and snowboarding, a place to sunbathe and bask on the beach. The mountains of Turkey are picturesque places where you want to return more and more often.

Historical significance

Turkey's mountains are more than just a landscape. There are many interesting historical moments associated with them. So, they said about Mount Ararat, Noah used it to save him from the flood as the most high place. In the mountains, namely on Mount Zigana, there is also the Sumela Monastery - the Orthodox-Islamic pearl of Turkey. The monastery stores in its library many unique collections of books and documents.

From West to East along the entire south coast The Mediterranean Sea, washing the peninsula of Asia Minor, stretches mountains called Taurus (Toros), which limit the Anatolian Plateau in the south. It is worth noting that this is not continuous mountain range, these are separate ridges that are separated by deep faults and valleys, and in the West by lakes. On the Taurus ridges there is a modern Turkish resort town. This is about the question - what are the names of the mountains in Kemer. Want to see beautiful mountains– go to Kemer! Indeed, these parts have absolutely amazing and stunning nature, and the majestic mountains create a special atmosphere.

What mountains are there in Kemer?

The main natural feature of this resort is Mount Tahtali, also known as Mount Olympos, which has become a real calling card of this Turkish town. The mountain is part of the Western Taurus mountain system, being the dominant peak in the Olympos-Beydağları National Park. 2365 meters above sea level is the exact height of the mountain, which can be seen literally from anywhere in the city, but it is especially visible from the coast.

The foot of Mount Kemer is rich in green vegetation, but rising to a height of 1900 meters, it gradually disappears. From January to April, the mountain slopes are covered with ice and snow, which in the spring often turn an interesting red color due to the winds blowing from the Sahara Desert, bringing some characteristic sand to the top.

Since ancient times, Tahtali or Olympos was considered the abode of the gods; today this inspires and attracts many tourists who choose Kemer as their destination.

The panorama that opens onto Southern Turkey from the top of Mount Tahtali is unforgettable. Today you can climb to the top by cable car, and the trip has the romantic name “The Road from Sea to Sky.” In length, this cable car is the first in Europe and the second worldwide.

Some characteristics of the Olympos cable car (“Road from sea to sky”).

Length: 4350 meters
Location: Kemer district, between Tekirova and Chemyuva
Height difference: 1639 meters
Lower station: 726 meters
Upper station height: 2365 m
Lift schedule: from 9:00 to 19:00 daily. In winter, the road operates from 10:00 to 18:00
Travel time: 10 minutes.
Cabin capacity: up to 80 people.

From the top platform you can enjoy beautiful view to the White Mountains (Pamukkale), real snowy mountains, but without snow. The snowy white color of the mountains is given by natural resources: limestone, calcium and asbestos, which are discharged to the outside. thermal spring water with a temperature of more than one hundred degrees.

At the foot of Tahtala there are ruins of an equally iconic historical monument antiquity - a settlement that was founded in the third century BC, today this place is under protection National Park with the same name - Olympos.

There is another towering attraction in the Kemer resort - the fiery mountain Yanartaş or Chimera, next to Olympos National Park. Directly below the mountain lie the ruins of the famous temple of Hephaestus, who was the Greek god of fire and patron of blacksmithing.

In order to watch this miracle, you will need to buy at the box office admission ticket, its cost is approximately $25. And from the foot of Mount Yanartash, climb the steps carved right into the rock to the top. The excursion will be incredibly interesting if you go on it at night, when everything around you is in darkness and only burning tongues of flame will dance their mysterious dance for you. This is the only mountain in the world on the slope of which a natural fire does not go out 365 days a year. The duration of this excursion is from eight o'clock in the evening until midnight, the rise takes you about 20 minutes.

Kemer Mountains: photos

What mountains are there in Turkey?

Mountain systems of Turkey

Exactly mountainous terrain prevails throughout the entire expanse of this beautiful country. There are 3 main mountain systems spread across Turkey.

In the north are the Pontic Mountains. Otherwise they are called the Black Sea Mountains. This mountain system stretches for 1000 kilometers along the entire Black Sea coast. It consists of several parallel ridges with valleys between them. The height of these mountains increases from west to east, from 2000 meters to 3500 meters. The highest point of the Pontic Mountains is the peak of Kachkar, 3931 meters high. In the north of Turkey they descend steeply to the sea, sometimes leaving no coastal strip. In the east, this system is difficult to navigate, featuring steep slopes, ridges and no valleys. The Pontic Mountains are deposits of natural resources. It is there, in Turkey, that the development and mining of copper ores, polymetals, crystalline slate, and granite are carried out. The southern slopes of the Pontic Mountains are covered with thorny bushes and mixed forests, and Northern part all overgrown with oak forests, beech forests, and coniferous thickets. All foothill plains are densely populated.

In the south of Turkey there is the Toros or Taurus mountain system. These mountain ranges stretch along the entire southern coast of the country. Due to different climatic and geophysical features, this system is divided into 3 parts: Western, Eastern and Central Taurus. The most high peak of the entire system Toros - Demirkazik, with a height of 3806 meters. All the Taurus mountain ranges are lined with rivers flowing into the Mediterranean Sea. On the territory of the Western Taurus there is a group of lakes. some of them are freshwater. The vegetation on the Taurus is sparse. In wet places the mountains are covered pine forests, in arid areas the vegetation is represented by barberry shrubs and thorny plants. Toros is of interest to climbers; it is this mountain system that receives tourists for ski holidays in winter.

The western part of the country is the Armenian Highlands. There the mountain ranges combine with deep depressions and basins. And the mountains themselves are a characteristic mountain range of individual peaks and long chains. This is the most inaccessible and impassable region of Turkey. The most famous peak is Mount Great Ararat. Its height is 5165 meters. This snowy and harsh peak is visible from afar for many tens of kilometers. The top of the mountain is covered with a shell of ice and snow. WITH mountain peaks Ararat is carried by the Araks River with its fast waters. Once upon a time, the peak of Greater Ararat was considered the top of the world. It was here, according to legend, that Noah's Ark landed, and the tablets with the Old Testament were found there. Only experienced climbers conquer this mountain.

In the West there is a small mountain plateau. Anatolia does not stand out high ridges, and the mountains have the character of small massifs. Anatolia is a series of drainless basins, among which low-mountain ridges are located like islands. The capital of Turkey, Ankara, is located on one of the plateaus of Anatolia. It is on the territory of the Anatolian Mountains that the second largest lake in the country, Van, is located.

Mountains and the future

So Türkiye is not only international beach resort, this is a large mountainous country, with its own characteristics and capabilities, which are partially hidden under the mountain ranges. Ski tourism is developing more and more in Turkey. Various deposits are being developed natural resources countries.

Mountain lovers often ask seasoned travelers and experienced skiers, which mountains in Turkey It’s definitely worth visiting, in which part of the country your vacation promises to be as comfortable and high-quality as possible. Today, the Republic of Turkey has many mountain ranges that require attention.

deeply dissected and devoid of vegetation, and along Black Sea coast green colored mountain ranges stretch out.

Türkiye is located on two continents at once. This country is rich in mountains, plateaus, lakes and rivers flowing from the peaks. Almost all of Türkiye is occupied by the Asia Minor Plateau, which includes the Taurus and Pontic Mountains. Taurus extends along the Mediterranean coast.

These mountain ranges were formed a very long time ago, at the same time as the Alps, that is, about 65 million years ago. The Western Taurus arcs around Antalya. Between the ridges there are groups of fresh and salt lakes, thanks to which this region was called the “Turkish Land of Lakes”.

Central Taurus has a low altitude and an alpine type of relief. The height of the ridges in this place reaches 3,000 meters.

North-Eastern Taurus is the Binbog ridges and Mount Takhtali. Eastern Taurus - the distance from the Murat River and Lake Van to the eastern borders of Turkey.

Mount Ararat on the Turkish side is very close to the Armenian border and is the real pride of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The most famous mountains of Turkey

Which is the highest point in the country. Historically, the hill belonged to the Armenians, but as a result of the war it passed into the possession of the Turkish Republic. Despite this, even today the mountain is depicted on the coat of arms of Armenia.

According to scientists, Ararat erupted a long time ago, in the 3rd millennium BC. However, some sources indicate that this event also took place in the 19th century, when the village of Arguri and the monastery of St. Jacob were destroyed. But the eruption itself occurred without the release of lava. However, since then there have been no settlements on the mountain.

Today is the most high mountain in Turkey, Ararat is separated from Armenia by a distance of 32 km. From Yerevan and other Armenian cities there is a magnificent view of the hill.

The height of Greater Ararat is 5165 meters above sea level.

According to the Bible, it was Ararat that once became a refuge Noah's Ark. If you look closely at the coat of arms of Armenia, you can see its image. There is a legend that says that the ark is still on the mountain today.

In 1916, a Russian lieutenant discovered an ark frozen in ice. They carefully measured it and took photographs of every part of it. However, after some time, all this evidence was lost.

In 1974, Americans photographed the mountain from above and discovered an object resembling an ark on its top. However, today the version of his presence on Ararat is considered half mythical. Moreover, in 1959, not far from the mountain, an ark was discovered, which, according to the description, completely coincides with the biblical one, many took it for the real one.

Mount Takhtali, or Olympos, is the hallmark of Kemer and is part of the Western Taurus. The height of the mountain is 2,365 above sea level. It is beautifully visible from the sea and from anywhere in Kemer. The lower part of the mountain is covered with greenery, and closer to the top it disappears. From January to April, the slopes are covered with snow, which in spring is often colored red due to the winds blowing from the Sahara, bringing sand.

Tahtali is considered a romantic mountain; many legends are associated with it. According to one of them, not far from the hill, the Chimera once lived - a monster with the body of a goat, the head of a lion and the tail of a snake.

By the way, the name Kemer comes from this legend about the Chimera.

Bellerophon, the hero of Homer's Iliad, threw the monster from the mountain, but it did not die, but remained to live inside it, from time to time spewing tongues of flame from under the ground. This is how the ancient inhabitants explained the eruptions that occur due to the accumulating natural gas.

In 2007, a 4,350-meter long cable car was built to the top of the mountain. It became one of the longest in Europe. In a 10-minute journey, tourists in cabins with a capacity of 80 people can enjoy all the beauties of this region, amazing views of the sea, vegetation, gorge and mountains.

The excursion route is called “From Sea to Sky”.

Mount Nemrut is a symbol of the Hellenistic period. In the first century BC, the tomb of Antiochus I Epiphanes was built here at an altitude of 2,150 meters above sea level. This monument illustrates the succession of kings in the dynasty.

Tourists recommend visiting Nemrut from May to September, when the weather is most favorable in the Taurus mountain ranges. In summer you can watch the sunrise on Nemrut, but even at this time it is not so warm. Therefore, if you are planning to spend the night on the mountain, you should stock up on warm clothes.

Mount Nemrut has rich history, and the most unusual thing about it is the stone heads, which are one of the most popular attractions in the country.

Once upon a time, King Antiochus I created his own religion and appropriated to himself the “title” of God. They planned to build a religious center on Nemrut, but the work was not completed. At the top there is a large burial ground of the former king.

The mysterious heads have already lost their former appearance. Today they, who fell from their shoulders after the earthquake, stand next to their bodies.

Another thing that attracts tourists to Türkiye is the salt mountains located near the city of Denzili. They are also known as Pamukalle and are considered the eighth wonder of the world.

According to local residents, a visit to the country should begin with the salt mountains.

These are hills in the form of white terraces, bordered by stalactites. The place is not only amazingly beautiful, but also one of the most healing in the world. Healing waters salt mountains are able to cope with diseases of the digestive tract, hypertension, cardiovascular system, rheumatism and other ailments.

I remember when I first went on vacation to Turkey, this country, first of all, was interesting to me from the point of view of the sea. After several such trips, I decided not to limit myself to the sea and went on a trip throughout the country. Having traveled the length and breadth of Turkey, I came to the conclusion that The calling card of this beautiful country is not the sea, but the mountains, which cover its entire territory. I was deeply struck by the beauty of the Turkish mountains, so I hasten to share useful information with everyone who plans to visit Turkey.

The most beautiful mountain ranges of Turkey

There are so many incredibly beautiful and diverse mountains in Turkey that, to be honest, it’s even difficult to describe them. But I will still try to convey to you the information that will help once and for all transform our usual vacation in Turkey.

It seems to me that the most correct thing would be to divide all the mountains of Turkey into the following categories:

  • Mountains for walking tours and outdoor recreation - Pontine Mountains. They represent emerald green clear forests which are located in the mountains along the Black Sea coast of Turkey from the city of Sakarya in the West to the Turkish-Georgian border in the East. I will say right away that only some parts of the Pontic Mountains are accessible for hiking tours. Due to the complex and sometimes impassable terrain, most of this mountain range you can only admire from afar.
  • Mountains for rock climbing and paragliding - Taurus Mountains. They are located in the south of Turkey along the entire Anatolian coast. Unlike the northern part of Turkey, in southern territory there is little vegetation, so the Taurus Mountains are more deserted steep cliffs that rise above Mediterranean Sea. The highest point of the Taurus Mountains reaches 3.5 km above sea level.
  • Ski resorts. As it turned out, Turkey has several well equipped ski resorts . It seems to me that the best of them are Uludag(2543 m above sea level), which is located near the city of Bursa in Western Turkey and Palandoken(3271 m above sea level), which is located in the East of the country, near the city of Erzurum.

A pearl among the Turkish mountains

Special meaning among the Turkish mountains, of course, has Mount Ararat. She happens to be most high point Turkey and at the same time national treasure given its historical significance.

I managed to climb it only the second time, because climbing Ararat is possible only in summer and requires some preliminary preparation.