Medicinal mineral waters and their sources in the region kmv. Resorts of Russia: Caucasian mineral waters What are Caucasian mineral waters

As some of the most worthy and great Russian writers and poets would say: “Whoever did not breathe the Caucasian mountain air did not live...”.

In this article we will talk about Caucasian Mineral Waters. What is good about this resort in the Caucasus and what is unique about Min. waters

The Caucasus is not just mountains, gorgeous nature, springs, springs, eagles over the gorges, vipers on mountain roads between the scatterings of rhododendrons, the Caucasus is a special spirit, a special culture, this cannot be found anywhere else, a harsh, wild, proud, very beautiful, sometimes virgin region.

Caucasian Mineral Waters is a group of resorts of federal significance in the Stavropol Territory, a specially protected ecological resort region of the Russian Federation.

South of the European part of Russia. The resort includes cities and territories:

“The Caucasian Mineral Waters agglomeration region, with an area of ​​more than 500 thousand hectares (5.3 thousand sq. km), is located on the territory of three constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the boundaries of the mountain sanitary protection district:

in the Stavropol Territory - the cities and resort towns of Georgievsk, Mineralnye Vody (including the resort of Kumagorsk and the resort area of ​​Naguta), Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, as well as the actual districts of Georgievsky, Mineralovodsky and Predgorny, - 58% of the total area of ​​the region;

in Kabardino-Balkaria - Zolsky district, - 9% (therapeutic mud of Lake Tambukan, Narzanov Valley and others);

in Karachay-Cherkessia - Malokarachaevsky and Prikubansky districts, - 33% of the territory (zone of formation of mineral springs)."

The location of the resort is, to put it mildly, gorgeous:

“The Caucasian Mineral Waters region occupies the southern part of the Stavropol Territory and is located on the northern slopes of the Main Caucasus Range, just a couple of tens of kilometers from Elbrus. The earth seems different here, the sky seems different to others.

From afar, motionless white clouds are visible, which, when approaching, turn out to be snowy peaks Caucasus Mountains. The southern borders of the region are the foothills of Elbrus, the valley of the Khasaut and Malki rivers; in the west - the upper reaches of the Eshkakona and Podkumka rivers; The northern border of the region is the city of Mineralnye Vody, beyond which the steppe expanses of Ciscaucasia begin.”

Famous resorts are very close to the Stavropol Territory Krasnodar region, Sochi:

“In the west and southwest, the Stavropol Territory borders with the Krasnodar Territory, in the northwest with the Rostov Region, in the north and northeast with Kalmykia, in the east with Dagestan, in the southeast with the Chechen Republic, in the south with North Ossetia - Alania, Karachay-Cherkess and Kabardino-Balkarian republics."

About the Caucasian Mineral Waters resorts in the video:

There are many sources of mineral waters in the Caucasian Mineral Waters, because the difficult region is named just that. The name of the main city, Essentuki, appears on bottles of medicinal water, known to everyone for a couple of decades.

And the water actually has medicinal properties, unlike the products that store shelves are filled with.

In addition, there are many springs, waterfalls, salt and mud springs in the region.

The resort has existed since the beginning of the 18th century; more precisely, the first mentions of it date back to this time. All efforts were directed towards developing the region, so in the 20th century the resort became the largest in Russia, and the most medicinal.

The most famous cities and resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters:







Kislovodsk highest mountain resort, it is located at an altitude of 817-1063 m above sea level, the lowest mountain point of Kislovodsk is 750 m above sea level, and the highest is 1409 m (on the Big Saddle in Kislovodsk Park).

“Kislovodsk is located in the south of the Stavropol Territory, practically on the border with Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, 65 km from Mount Elbrus.

The city is located in a small and cozy picturesque valley, surrounded by the slopes of the Main Caucasus Range and formed by the gorges of two merging rivers - Olkhovka and Berezovka, flowing into the Podkumok River. The length of the valley from southeast to northwest is about 7 km.”

The weather is almost always good here:“The climate of the KavMinVod region has long been highly valued by balneologists and has been successfully used as a healing factor. The main advantages of the local climate are associated with the large number of sunny days - in Kislovodsk only 37-40 days a year are without sun.

It is relatively dry here; moist air masses from the Black Sea do not reach here - they are delayed by the Main Caucasus Ridge.”

« In terms of the number of sunny days, Kislovodsk is not inferior to the best resorts in the world. On average, per year the number of clear days in Kislovodsk is about 150, while in Pyatigorsk - 98, in Zheleznovodsk - 112, and in Essentuki - 117. The number of cloudy days is also small - on average 61 days per year.

The air in Kislovodsk is always clean, mostly dry and invigorating. Kislovodsk stands out among other KavMinVod resorts for its generally quiet weather, without strong winds, and low humidity in winter, which fluctuates during the day from 56 to 70%, which has a beneficial effect on the well-being of resort guests.”

In January it was 18 degrees Celsius, sub-zero temperatures reached 20 degrees, but much more often the temperature at this time of year here is around zero or “slight minus”. The hottest months are July, August; the temperature, depending on the location near or far from mountains and snowy gorges, ranges from 4-5 degrees Celsius to 37 degrees Celsius.

All resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters are primarily therapeutic, but Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk - especially. After Sochi, Kislovodsk is the second city in terms of the number of health resorts and sanatoriums.

A third of all medical and preventive institutions in the region are located here. In Kislovodsk there is a source of the famous acidic mineral water - Narzan.

Built on the site of a former fortress, the city is now replete with green spaces and fruit orchards; in terms of population, it is a very small town: 130 thousand people.

Most health resorts in Kislovodsk have a medical profile for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, nervous diseases and respiratory diseases.

In addition to health resorts, mineral springs and other beauties of the city, one of the most striking attractions is the Resort Park, its area is 948 hectares, which is comparable to the huge city parks of Europe and the world.

“The park is located on both sides of the Olkhovka River and contains over 250 species of trees and shrubs, including cedar, fir, birch, pine, spruce, black walnut, Chinese paulownia, cork tree, etc. In the alpine meadows of the park, more than 800 species of herbaceous plants.

The park contains nurseries for ornamental plants and greenhouses. Over 80 varieties of abundantly blooming roses are planted on the “Rose Square” and in the “Valley of Roses”. Squirrels, trustingly taking food from people’s hands, and various species of birds have acclimatized in the park.

A natural monument is the Red Stones, which appear in several places in the park and are sandstones with a red-brown color and various forms of weathering.”

The park has a route for therapeutic walking - a health path. And in Kislovodsk itself there are several dozen large and popular sanatoriums.

Despite the fact that resorts and cities are located close to each other, the atmosphere in them can be completely different. So, in Zheleznovodsk there is a different air, a slightly different climate - compared to other resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

"Zheleznovodsk - the most dynamically developing resort of Kavminvod. In 2003 he was awarded the title " Best city Russia" among small towns.

The climate here is mountainous and forest, similar to the climate of the Middle Alps. Long-term meteorological observations made it possible to classify it as a mountain-forest mid-mountain alpine, moderately dry.

The air is saturated with oxygen and forest phytoncides. Moderately hot summers with cool nights, a large number of sunny days with weak refreshing winds, winters are not cold.”

The population of Zheleznovodsk is only about 25 thousand people, but despite the small number of inhabitants, the city is truly a pearl not only among the resorts of the Stavropol Territory, but throughout Russia.

Yes, there are few residents, but many times more guests: for example, the health resorts (about two dozen sanatoriums) of Zheleznovodsk can accommodate up to 80 thousand tourists. The main areas of treatment are diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, and metabolic disorders.

Over 20 mineral water sources and several mud springs.

Pyatigorsk more, so to speak, “amazed by industrialization” than the small and remote cities of Stavropol in terms of the number of citizens. Pyatigorsk has about 145 thousand inhabitants, industry, trade, and science are well developed.

“Within the city limits there is Mount Mashuk (993.7 m, with a 112-meter television relay tower installed on it) and its spurs.

The climate in Pyatigorsk is characterized by mild winters and hot summers. Thanks to the large amount of water resources and mild climate, the city has picturesque reservoirs, forest belts and parks.

Resort area, rich underground sources mineral waters, is relatively poor in surface water resources.

The tourist infrastructure of the resort city of Pyatigorsk includes:

More than 30 health resorts and sanatorium-resort institutions. Every year they are visited by over 200 thousand people per year (225-250 thousand people per year in 16 sanatoriums and 7 boarding houses - in the second half - the end of the 80s);

43 travel companies and organizations;

17 hotels;

The city and Pyatigorye have enormous tourism potential and have the right to compete with leading European resorts and balneological health resorts."

Pyatigorsk has many museums, theaters, historical monuments, libraries, and beautiful places. There are parks and fountains in the city.

“The surrounding mountains are decorated with natural forests in which mighty oaks and snow-white birches, honey-bearing maples and lindens grow, and in the fall dogwoods, hawthorns, rose hips, barberries, and rowan trees turn red with berries.

The fauna is not so diverse due to the proximity of the city, but tourists are always delighted by squirrels, which can be found even in small public gardens in the very center of the city. Swans swim on the pond in Kirov Park in the summer.”

The population is about 105 thousand people, many health resorts, more than 20 mineral springs, the main direction of treatment is “diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and metabolism.”

Essentuki hosts festivals, cultural events, and there are many cultural institutions.

Caucasian Mineral Waters resorts have this name for a reason: the main attraction and main treasure of the region are the springs of mineral waters. And if someone was not here, then everyone drank mineral water.

In 2000, almost 500 thousand people rested and improved their health here.

The program “Genius of the Place” tells about the sights of the Caucasian Mineral Waters:

Caucasian Mineral Waters ranks first in popularity among Russians among Russian resorts:

“The Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) analyzed the most popular destinations of domestic tourism in the summer of 2014, the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory (Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse) were in the first line of the rating, Crimea was in second, on the third, fourth and fifth lines are Caucasian Mineral Waters, Golden ring and Karelia, respectively, Baikal took sixth position.”


Caucasian Mineral Waters is located between the Black and Caspian seas, 90 km from Elbrus. In good weather, its characteristic outlines are clearly visible.

The region occupies the southern part of the Stavropol Territory, the heart North Caucasus, the northern slopes of the Main Caucasus Range, is located on the same latitude as the resorts of the Cote d'Azur of France and the Italian Adriatic.

The nature of the North Caucasus is picturesque and unique. Over the course of just a few tens of kilometers from north to south, the steppe plain smoothly turns into a mountain landscape, and the feather grass steppes into luxurious deciduous and pine forests, over which alpine meadows stretch. All this splendor is crowned by the majestic two-headed Elbrus.

The height of the resorts above sea level is from 600 to 1000 meters. The Main Caucasus Range traps the humid air of the Black Sea, creating a favorable healthy climate, warm but not hot summers, and mild winters.

Caucasian mineral waters are a mountain resort, balneotherapeutic, mud and climatic, specially protected, ecological region of the Russian Federation, a single artesian basin of mineral waters of various types and rich in resources. The area of ​​formation of these waters is located on the territory of three subjects of the Federation: Stavropol Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria.

The uniqueness of the region lies in the exceptional concentration of numerous mineral waters of varied composition, as well as medicinal mud, exotic landscapes that create favorable climatic conditions, and resort complexes with developed infrastructure? structure.

The resort region includes five resort cities: Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Mineralnye Vody themselves.

The climate, one of the healing factors of the region, is diverse and is formed under the influence of several factors. The continental climate is determined by the foothill nature and proximity of the snowy peaks of the Main Caucasus Range on the one hand, and the proximity of the arid steppes and semi-deserts of the Caspian coast on the other. Research by bioclimatologists from the Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology has clearly proven that the air of resorts is characterized by high transparency, moderate natural hypoxia, high natural ionization with a low ion unipolarity coefficient. With a favorable solar radiation regime, this combination allows for all types of climate therapy. The surrounding mountain alpine meadows and resort parks cleanse the air of pollution and enrich the air with healing volatile phytoorganic substances.

The most favorable, according to medical climatology, is the southern zone of the CMS. The climate of Kislovodsk and its environs is characterized by a very large number of sunny days, an almost complete absence of wind, low atmospheric pressure, especially in the upper part of the park, partial pressure of oxygen and water vapor, and increased solar radiation. There are only 37 days a year without sun. The area of ​​the remaining cities of the KMS belongs to a climate zone with a lot of heat and moderate precipitation. Cloudy, foggy days with frost are observed mainly in the autumn-winter period, which creates a contrast with Kislovodsk, where it is extremely rarely cloudy at this time.

Therapeutic factors of CMV

  1. Mineral waters of various compositions.

    In terms of richness and diversity, the group of mineral springs of the KMS is a rare phenomenon: Narzans in Kislovodsk with its “cold boiling water” seething with carbon dioxide, hot waters of Pyatigorsk and Zheleznovodsk, radon waters in Pyatigorsk, hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium in Essentuki and others. In a relatively small area there are currently over 130 mineral springs, 90 of which are used for medicinal purposes.

  2. Favorable climate in the southwestern part of the region

    This climate is used for climatotherapy, especially in the Kislovodsk resort, throughout the year, and in other resorts - mainly during the warm period.

  3. Mud of Tambukan Lake.

    Mud is used for mud therapy at all resorts in the region.

    Tambukan Lake is located 12 km southeast of Pyatigorsk, on the border between the Stavropol Territory and Kabardino-Balkaria. It is small, only 180 hectares, but the reserves of mud amount to more than 2 million tons, which meets the need for medicinal mud in the resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters for many years and even centuries. The water in the lake is bitterly salty - a brine of sulfate-chloride-sodium composition with high mineralization.

    Tambukan has always been mysterious and a little creepy, always striking with its unusualness. Its surface appears black even in calm, windless weather, so clearly visible through the thickness of the water is the layer of that same healing mud lying at the bottom. The lake was first scientifically described in 1773 by I. Güldsnstedt. He called it “Tambi”, which translated from ancient Turkic means “bad, foul smell”: when approaching the lake, a strong smell of hydrogen sulfide hits your nose. Since ancient times, Kabardians knew everything about the healing properties of Tambukan mineral waters and mud. This is evidenced by the remaining traces of baths carved into the stones near the springs, and the remains of primitive wooden and stone bathing facilities from the early Bronze Age.

    The mud and brine of the lake have a pronounced bactericidal effect, so nothing lives in the lake except brine crustaceans. Black plastic sulfide mud has a high content of organic substances, hydrogen sulfide, methane, etc. It consists of fine clay and sand.

Main indications for the treatment of diseases

The first official information about one of the oldest regions of Russia and its mineral springs is contained in the reports of Dr. Schober in 1717. By the highest Decree of Peter I he was sent to the North Caucasus region in search of “spring waters”. Indications for the treatment of diseases evolved as sources were discovered. Today, CMV is the most diversified resort in the world.

Pyatigorsk The composition of 50 springs represents almost all types of mineral waters in the region. The successful combination of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, radon springs and mud from Lake Tambukan, a favorable climate and a wonderful natural landscape makes the city the most versatile resort in Russia. All diseases are treated here in a complex: peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal system, digestive organs, skin, peripheral blood vessels, gynecological and andrological diseases, occupational diseases.

Essentuki. The waters of this resort are often compared to European resorts. It is worth noting, however, that the treatment of patients with diseases of the digestive system has long allowed Essentuki to be recognized as one of the best world resorts in this profile.

Zheleznovodsk City sanatoriums specialize in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, kidneys and urinary tract.

Kislovodsk Carbon dioxide mineral waters and a mid-mountain climate make this resort a unique place for treating diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract.

Kavminvody- the name speaks for itself. Famous resort places, the all-Russian balneoclimatic resort of Caucasian Mineral Waters are four cities with their own characteristic features, cozy and attractive.

The healing power of the local mineral springs has long been known to the local population. Legends also tell about this, where truth is intricately intertwined with poetic fiction. An echo of such a legend is also contained in the name of one of the popular local mineral waters - Narzan. This word can be translated into Russian as “heroic drink”, “water of heroes”. Narzan was considered the source of power of the Narts, a tribe that once allegedly lived in the North Caucasus.

The first historical information about the “hot waters” of Pyatigorye dates back to the 14th century and belongs to the Arab traveler Ibn Batuta. Peter I showed scientific interest in them, sending an expedition to study them. However, the information received was soon forgotten. Interest in them was revived again at the end of the 18th century, when the first Russian settlement appeared in these places - the Konstantinogorsk Fortress, built near Mount Mashuk in 1780.

The date of birth of the resort is considered to be 1803, when the national importance of the Caucasian mineral waters was recognized and the study of their medicinal properties began. Settlements appear near the springs. The first such settlement was Goryachevodsk at the foot of Mashuk. In 1830 it was renamed Pyatigorsk - after the name of the nearby five-domed Beshtau Mountain. Then Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk arose.

The poetic discovery of the Caucasus belongs to the great Pushkin. The first time he saw the Caucasus was on the waters, where he arrived in 1820 with the Raevskys, heading into exile. And this meeting left an indelible mark on Pushkin’s poetry. He himself wrote about this in his dedication to N. Raevsky for the poem “Prisoner of the Caucasus”:

Where is the cloudy Beshtau, the majestic hermit,
Five-headed ruler of auls and fields,
Parnassus was new to me.

Many prominent people have been on the waters. Such great names are associated with Caucasian Mineral Waters as: Odoevsky A.I., Ogarev N.P., Glinka M.I., Rachmaninov S.V., Balakirev M.A., S.I.Taneev, L.V. .Sobinov, Shalyapin F.I., Gorky A.M., Mayakovsky V.V., Yesenin S.A., Repin I.E., Yaroshenko N.A., Tolstoy L.N. But a special place among them belongs to M.Yu. Lermontov.

Lermontov was on the waters several times, first as a child, then during his exile to the Caucasus in the active army. He knew the Caucasus very well, knew the society that gathered on the waters. The novel “Princess Mary” was written based on the impressions of life on the waters. It has complete recognition of cities and their surroundings, characters and types. A gifted painter, Lermontov was one of the first to create a romantic landscape of the Caucasus. In Pyatigorsk, in the 27th year, Lermontov’s life was cut short; he was killed in a duel. A memorial to M. Lermontov was created at the resorts. And in the center of Pyatigorsk, a monument to M. Lermontov was erected in 1889, created by sculptor A. Opekushin with funds raised by subscription.

Today Caucasian Mineral Waters is a recognized balneological resort. Every year at least a million people are treated and rest here. The main wealth of the resort is its mineral springs, unique in their diversity and healing properties, supplemented by deposits of healing mud. Treatment at the resort is carried out strictly on a scientific basis. Each of resort towns Depending on the composition of the sources and microclimate, it specializes in the treatment of various diseases. And all together they bring people health and joy. In the cities of Kavminvod, health resorts with a high level of service have been created; a lot is being done here for the convenience of those who come for treatment and just to relax.

Caucasian Mineral Waters is located in the middle of a seven-hundred-kilometer isthmus between the Black and Caspian Seas on the northern slopes of the Main Caucasus Range, just 90 km from the highest mountain in Europe - Elbrus, the double-headed peak of which is clearly visible throughout almost the entire region. Occupying an area of ​​about 6 thousand square meters. km, the region is distinguished by great contrasts in natural conditions.

In the south, in the foothills of Elbrus, there are the valleys of the Khasaut and Malki rivers, in the west - the upper reaches of the Eshkakona and Podkumka rivers, in the north, beyond the city of Mineralnye Vody, steppe expanses stretch. The Caucasian Mineral Waters region occupies the southern part of the Stavropol Territory. It borders in the southwest and west with the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, and in the south with the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

In the vicinity of the Caucasian Mineral Waters there are many wonderful places that attract with the beauty of nature, interesting tourist routes. People are drawn to these places by the proximity of mountain peaks, amazingly beautiful intermountain valleys with elegant vegetation, fresh alpine meadows, noisy azure-blue waterfalls, swift clear rivers, an abundance of mineral springs, exceptionally clean, always cool air, saturated with phytoncides with a tart smell of resin and pine needles Organized for these areas bus excursions- to Teberda, Dombay, Arkhyz, Baksan Gorge, Chegem Gorge, to the foot of Elbrus, Blue Lakes.


The region is an sloping plateau, gently sloping from south to north. According to the nature of the relief, the region is divided into two parts: the northeastern part, where laccolithic mountains rise against the background of the plain, and the southwestern part with the characteristic features of a mountain landscape.

In the region, four types of landscapes can be distinguished, belonging to the transitional type - from flat to mountainous:

1. Pyatigorsky low-mountain intrusive (with quasilaccoliths) on a foothill sloping alluvial terraced plain with steppes, forest-steppes, broad-leaved forests, xerophytized mountain meadows on chernozem, mountain-forest and mountain-meadow soils. It occupies almost half of the territory of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. The plain is cut through by the valleys of the Kuma and Podkumok rivers, the tributaries of the Bugunty, Yutsy, and Dzhutsy. Three levels of Pleotocene terraces are well developed here - Goryachevodskaya (100-110 m), Dzhamgatskaya (55-75 m), Pyatigorskaya (24-30 m).

The terraces form extensive interfluve surfaces and are covered with cover pebbles. Above the plain rise 17 picturesque island dome-shaped mountains, which are near-surface Miocene-Pliocene intrusive massifs: Beshtau (1399.8 m), Jutsa (1198 m), Zmeyka (994 m), Mashuk (993 m), Yutsa (972 m), Razvalka (930 m), Camel (885 m), Golden Kurgan (884 m), Ostraya (881 m), Sheludivaya (875 m), Zheleznaya (859.4 m), Bull (821 m), Kabanka (Tupaya, 772 m) , Lysaya (740 m), Honey (721 m), Dagger (almost destroyed), Kokurtly (406 m). The mountains of the Pyatigorsk landscape are unusual geological and geomorphological formations. In the depths of the mountains there are rare mineral parageneses containing compounds of uranium, boron and rare earths, including a unique hydrous phosphate of calcium, cesium and uranium, called lermontovite.

In Quaternary times, in a number of places of the Pyatigorsk landscape, thick layers (up to 70 m) of travertines were formed as a result of the release of carbon dioxide springs (Goryachaya town). In travertines and limestones, karst is observed in the form of sinkholes, caves, niches, and holes (for example, the Proval on Mount Mashuk).

Mineral water deposits here are formed in an original hydrogeological structure. The aquifer complex of monoclinally occurring salt-rich Mesozoic-Cenozoic marine sediments is combined with a zone of permeable magma-conducting faults. The laccolithic mountains are the main pharmaceutical laboratories in this system. Mineralized strata-pore and fissure vadose waters, falling into the streams of hot solutions and gases rising from their depths, are saturated with them, and then rush upward along ring and radial faults and, mixing in countless cracks, give a variety of healing mixtures. The cities of Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Essentuki, Mineralnye Vody and other settlements are located on the territory of the Pyatigorsk landscape.

2. Kislovodsk mountain-basin into interbush dissected erosion-tectonic depression with meadow-steppes on mountain chernozems and alluvial soils of river floodplains. It begins with the Rocky Ridge, which is uniform in relief, from which the Bermamyt plateau with the flat peaks of the Bolshoi (2643 m) and Small (2592 m) Bermamyt, Shadzhatmaz (2070 m) mountains, located near Mount Elbrus (5642 m), slopes gently towards Kislovodsk. Northeast of the Bermamyt plateau stretches the Pasture Range, divided into two parts by the Podkumok River. One part is called the Dzhinalsky ridge (the highest point is Mount Maly Dzhinal, 1584 m above sea level), the other is called the Darya Heights (with the highest point 1419 m above sea level). From the Darya Heights to the northeast the Borgustan Plateau gently descends.

The Kislovodsk landscape is one of the rare and exceptionally picturesque in the North Caucasus. It covers the bottoms and slopes of the intramountain erosion-tectonic basin and adjacent parts of the Podkumok River valley. Relatively low altitudes (800-1500 m above sea level) and orographic isolation create here a special healing climate with clear, windless weather. The presence of carbon dioxide mineral springs at the Kislovodsk deposit adds additional recreational value to the landscape. The Kislovodsk structural-erosive depression was developed by the Podkumok River and its tributaries in the area where Cretaceous sandy-clayey deposits come to the surface. The Podkumok River flows through the middle part of the landscape with its tributaries Eshkakon, Alikonovka, and Berezovka. The foothills of the Dzhinalsky ridge have been turned into a resort park with a variety of local and introduced species of trees and shrubs, with health paths, recreational facilities, and recreational infrastructure. The area of ​​the resort park is 1340 hectares. The park is the pearl of the resort. Shady groves, cozy meadows and alleys have become not only a favorite vacation spot for holidaymakers, but also a kind of flora museum in the Caucasus. More than 250 species of trees and shrubs are collected here, including Amur velvet, noble chestnut, red oak, black walnut, Manchurian walnut, Sosnovsky pine, Crimean pine, walnut and others. There is even a rare relict tree - kinkgo. Special attention is paid to the decorative design of the park. Many flowers are planted in the park, which decorate it until late autumn. The length of the path is more than 70 km.

The sandy and chalk mountains surrounding Kislovodsk are very beautiful and form numerous terraces with deep caves and grottos. Individual blocks of red sandstone, weathering, took on the most bizarre shape. In Kislovodsk Park, Red Stones became such a memorable place. In the Kislovodsk area there are picturesque natural areas and natural objects - Ring Mountain, Berezovka Gorge, Honey Falls, Charm Valley, Lermontovsky Waterfall, Lermontovskaya Rock, Red Stones, White Stones, Blue Stones, Big and Small Saddle, Temple of the Air, Red Sun and a lot others.

3. Borgustansky structural-denudation mid-mountain karst on chalk monoclinal structures with mountain meadows, steppes and meadow-steppes on mountain-meadow chernozem-like soils and on leached and mountain chernozems. The Borgustan mid-mountain landscape covers the western part of the territory of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. The southern slope of the Borgustan ridge breaks steeply towards the valley of the Podkumok River with several ledges of structural terraces composed of Upper Cretaceous sandstones, tuff sandstones, marly limestones, silicified shales, marls and carbonate clays of the Upper Cretaceous. The northern slope gently descends towards the valley of the Kuma River. The vegetation is represented by steppes and meadow-steppes. Rare xerophilic flora has been preserved on the southern slopes.

4. Dzhinalsky the monoclinal landscape enters the territory of the KMS in its north- western part. The southwestern slopes of the Dzhinalsky ridge are steep with structural terraces, the northeastern ones are gentle, cut by river valleys and ravines. The upper parts of the landscape are occupied by subalpine herb meadows; oak, hornbeam, ash and hazel forests grow along the gullies on the slopes.


The climate of the region is diverse and is formed under the influence of a number of factors. The foothill nature of the area and the proximity of the snowy peaks of the Main Caucasus Range on the one hand, and on the other the proximity of arid steppes and semi-deserts of the Caspian coast, determine the continental climate features of this region.

In shaping the climate of the region, the determining role is played by its southern location, which provides a large supply of solar energy, the peculiarities of atmospheric circulation in the south of temperate latitudes, the relief and altitude above sea level, which create climatic differences in certain parts of this region. The pasture ridge (Dzhinalsky and Borgustansky) divides the territory under consideration into two unequal parts: the southern - the Kislovodsk region with the features of a temperate continental climate of low and middle mountains and the northern - Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk with the typical features of the steppe zone. The degree of continental climate, which characterizes the variability of air temperature and humidity throughout the year, in a given territory decreases as the altitude of the area above sea level increases from northeast to west. Thus, in Pyatigorsk (576 m) the climate is sharply continental, in Kislovodsk (890 m) it is continental, in Dzhinal it is slightly continental, and in Bermamyt (2586 m) it is transitional.

The most favorable, according to medical climatology, is the southern zone. The climate of Kislovodsk and its environs is characterized by a large number of clear days, low wind speeds, low atmospheric pressure, partial pressure of oxygen and water vapor. The air is clean and transparent. The average annual air temperature here in January is 3.7°. On some days in winter, the air temperature can drop to 33° below zero, or rise to 20° below zero. During the daytime, on more than 50% of days in winter, the daytime air temperature is positive. Summer is usually comfortable. The average monthly temperature in July is 19°. The intensity of solar radiation is increased. During the year, the number of hours of sunshine reaches 2147 hours. There are only 37 days a year without sun. Snow cover lasts 40-45 days. Autumn is long, warm and sunny. Spring is long, cool and rainy.

The resort area of ​​Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk is a climatic zone with a lot of heat and moderate precipitation. The average temperature in July is 22°, in January 4.5°. The average annual precipitation falls within 600 mm, mainly in spring and early summer. Compared to the southern zone, the average annual air temperature is higher here, relative humidity is 65-71%, the number of days with fog and without sun is 85-120, days with precipitation are 120-160, and frosty days are about 90. There are cloudy days with fog and frost mainly in the autumn-winter period, which creates a contrast with Kislovodsk, where at this time it is mostly sunny. The duration of the frost-free period decreases from northeast to southwest from 190 in the area of ​​the city of Mineralnye Vody (300 m above sea level) to 80 days a year on Mount Shatjatmaz (2070 m above sea level).

Rivers and lakes

The Darya Upland is the feeding zone for the sources of the Darya, Kuma, and Bogunta rivers. On the slopes of the Darya Upland there is the Essentuchok nature reserve. The area is composed of sedimentary rocks: limestones and dolomites of the Lower Cretaceous in combination with sandstones and marls. From above, these rocks are covered with a cover of Quaternary sediments, but in some places it is almost completely washed away.

The dismemberment of the territory is significant. Deep valleys and gorges of medium and small rivers and streams, as well as dry valleys flowing into them, dissect the terrain of the territory so that the impression of a typically mountainous country is created, although the absolute heights do not exceed 800-1200 m above sea level.

Limestone deposits are fractured, penetrated by numerous voids and are easily permeable to precipitation, being the aquifers of the recharge zone of the Kavminvod springs. The aquifers, which dip obliquely to the northeast, are Lower Cretaceous clays, Maykop stage clays, and dense metamorphosed shales of the Paleozoic basement.

The floodplain ecosystem of the rivers is represented by a willow-poplar cenosis, including Greek rowan, beautiful and Tatarian maples, relict (tertiary) species - light maple, Glagolen rowan, about 19 species of willow, white, black, Sosnovsky poplars, common hazel, forest grapes. In the wetlands grow narrow pondweed, grass grass and plantain, as well as cereals - southern reed, rhizomatous bentgrass, ground reedgrass, forest bluegrass, flattened bluegrass, swampy bluegrass, false-acute sedge, coastal sedge, and barley-rowed sedge.

Caucasian Mineral Waters is a unique region in terms of the wealth of resort resources and, above all, mineral water deposits. Here there are deposits of mineral waters of various chemical and gas compositions with a total flow rate of 14.5 m3/day. Among them are the famous Slavyanovsky and Smirnovsky springs, Kislovodsk Narzans and mineral waters of Essentuki 4 and 17; Pyatigorsk sulfide and radon waters, Nagut waters like Essentuki 4 and 17, Borjomi, Arzni and others. Among the most valuable deposits of carbon dioxide mineral waters are Kumskoye and Nagutskoye, the exploration and exploitation of which led to an uninterrupted supply of valuable carbon dioxide water to the Kislovodsk resort and the prospects for a significant increase in the bottling of mineral waters such as Essentuki 4 and 17.

But there are few natural lakes in the region. These are the salty Lysogorsk lakes and Lake Karras. Lake Tambukan has an important balneological significance; medicinal mud is extracted from it, which is rated as one of the best. This is a fine-structured silt mud containing organic and inorganic acids and gases, and has antiseptic properties. The healing mud of Lake Tambukan is used not only at all Kavminvod resorts, but also in Nalchik.


On the mountains of Pyatigorye you can trace unique island ecosystems with altitudinal zones. More than 1,300 plant species grow in a relatively small area, forming a gene pool of rare diversity. According to the eco-botanical station of the Botanical Institute Russian Academy sciences, several dozen relict and endemic plants and more than a hundred medicinal plants grow on the mountains of Pyatigorye. Of particular interest is the Beshtaugorsky forest with plantations of eastern beech, edible chestnut, Norway maple, linden, willow, willow, alder, hazel, hawthorn, euonymus, elderberry, sloe, dogwood, barberry, oak-ash and ash, rowan-birch crooked forests, unusually picturesque subalpine glades, as well as forests with rare and endangered plant species on Mount Lysaya. From the second half of March, the steppe valleys and lower slopes of the mountains come to life and are covered with flowers. In the forests, violets and primroses bloom in a continuous cover, in the steppe - saffron, hyacinths, and yellow adonis. In the virgin island steppes to the west towards Essentuki and in the east beyond Mashuk, along the high left bank of the Podkumok River, fiery red adonis glow in the fields, on the slopes of the mountains there are wild irises, white anemones, and pinkish rosehip flowers. At the top of Mount Beshtau, azaleas, yellow lilies, and Wilhelms's grass delight the eye. And along the steppe foothills of Beshtau, gigantic poppies are sometimes found. On the northern slope of Mashuk, large-flowered pollenheads and green-flowered lyubka grow. On the northern slope of the Golden Mound you can see a common nest.

The ornamental and horticultural vegetation is rich and varied. The walnut grove on the western slope of Mashuk has become one of the attractions of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region. The area is replete with gardens, vineyards, berry fields, vegetable gardens, and rich park vegetation. The Perkalsky dendrological nursery, located on the north-eastern slope of Mount Mashuk, is legitimately considered to be a living museum of flora. Botanical Garden Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Academy.
The natural attractions of the Pyatigorsk landscape include the slate mountains with steppe, forest and mountain-meadow vegetation and picturesque rocks, the travertine Mountain Goryachaya, the Perkal rock with the bone remains of extinct animals, the Mashuksky and Lysogorsky Provals, island permafrost and the Saltpeter Cave on Mount Razvalka, Eagle and Goat rocks, Monastic glade on Mount Beshtau.

Luga is a unique color of the meadows-the Tatar Katran, the Shershawy, the Siberian and the Poster Katoki, the Sizaya and the Caucasian Lapcuta, the pharmacy is a pharmacy, a lot of legumes, a blood-red, Siberian hill, Giant Giant, Gorichnik, Gornichnik, Zibirski Siberian, Siberian Borshir, Siberian Borshrin. , tenacious Geneva, spear-leaved skullcap, violet mullein, erect woodruff, tenacious bedstraw, doubly pinnate scabiosa, large-involucre groundsel, very tall bluebell, sour sorrel, red buckwheat, cereal star, multifruited divacha, angustifolia peony, buttercup buttercup, graceful ranunculus, about 40 species of Compositae, more than thirty species of cereals and many others. Steppe ecosystems are distributed mainly on the southern slopes of medium steepness. In mature steppe cenoses, densely bushy perennial grasses predominate: feather grass, pinnate and hairy feather grass, Valais fescue, white grass, soddy pike, shady crocus, thin asphodoline, mouse hyacinth, Husson's poultry grass, false yellow and whitish onion, iris (reticulate saffron, Crimean and Marshall iris ), early sedge and blackhead, spring adonis.

In the subalpine meadows one can find Steven's dandelion, Caucasian dryad, Fischer's cornflower, feather grass, beautiful feather grass, saxifrage, glacial foxtail, dotted habitats of the black-headed lamira, and the pendulous bell.

This area is dominated by complex multi-layered broad-leaved forests with a developed shrub layer. Common trees include beech, olive, elm, hazel, maple, roseate and other families, pedunculate and chalky oaks, common ash, hornbeam and rough elms, Caucasian hornbeam, common hazel, gray alder, gray and Tatarian maples, bare crucian carp, oriental apple tree. , Caucasian pear, plum, sometimes oriental beech.

Shrubs are mainly represented by honeysuckle, euonymus, olive, rose-flowered trees: black elderberry, southern redberry, common viburnum, common privet, warty and European euonymus, glagovina and Greek rowan. On forest edges and clearings there is fruit-bearing vegetation: dog rose, Caucasian blackberry, raspberry, rowan.
In this area, you can often find rare and endangered species of plants: feather grass, beautiful and Caucasian feather grass, thin asphodelina, Caucasian snowdrop, false and forked iris, reticulated saffron, orchis red, katran and others.


In the forests and steppes there are many foxes, badgers, weasels, brown hares, hamsters, hedgehogs, steppe ferrets, voles, and jerboas. In rare cases, snakes and large lizards can be seen on the mountain slopes. In the steppe areas you can occasionally see a brown hare and a jerboa, a gray hamster, and a hedgehog. Vole mice live here. The mounds of earth lined up in a row indicate underground works common mole rat. Among the predators that hunt in these places are the steppe ferret, weasel, fox, and occasionally the wolf. Squirrels have taken root well in city alleys and resort parks. The red fluffy animals have become comfortable here, are not afraid of people, and take nuts and seeds from people’s hands.

The world of birds is unusually rich. On Beshtau there are bald eagles, hawks, falcons, kites, falcons, tits, thrushes, woodpeckers, warblers, nightjars, jays, buzzards, and morning-birds. In the steppe there are many larks, quails, buntings, wheatears, stonechat, meadow and field harriers, rollers, kestrels, and imperial eagles. Pheasants, warblers, yellow wagtails, waders, and ducks are found in the river floodplains. Of the migratory birds in summer, starlings, pigeons, hoopoes, owls, swallows, and golden bee-eaters nest in Kavminvody. Crows, rooks, and jackdaws roam in large flocks. The bush thickets are inhabited by warblers, greenfinches, blackbirds, millet grasses, goldfinches, warblers, and shrikes. In the parks you can see orioles, nightingales, and hoopoes. Woodcocks arrive in spring and autumn. The city is home to starlings, swallows, sparrows, pigeons, pheasants, white-fronted blackbirds, mountain swallows, and crows. Near Beshtau there are warblers, waders, corncrakes, yellow partridges, and black swifts. Black swifts, alpine jackdaws, eagles, falcons, griffon vultures, and rock partridges nest on mountain cliffs. In the low-water and fast-moving Podkumka there are a lot of small fish: minnows, roaches, barbel.


“Once upon a time, the elders of one of the tribes of the Sahara went on an excursion to Niagara Falls. The gray-bearded elders froze in amazement. After a while, the guide suggested they go further, but they asked to wait. “What?” the guide was amazed. “Until the water runs out.” .."

Filling your glass with sparkling moisture at the source, hardly anyone realizes that they are drinking... rain that fell 100, and maybe more years ago on the northern spurs of the Caucasus - the Dzhinalsky ridge.
Here are the doors to the natural “kitchen”, in which the well-known “Narzan”, “Essentuki”, “Mashuk” and “Slavyanovskaya” are prepared. Composed of thick layers of sedimentary rocks (marls, limestones, sandstones), Jinal lowers its slopes to the north, passing under the resort towns, skirting the Beshtau and Mashuk, Zheleznaya and Zmeyka mountains. And if the ridge itself is a feeding zone for mineral waters, then its underground slopes are their transport system.

It seems that it is not far from Kislovodsk to Pyatigorsk or Zheleznovodsk, only a few tens of kilometers. But rainwater takes a painfully long time to travel this route. After all, the speed of its movement along the huge “sponge cake” of sedimentary rocks is only about 40 meters per year! Along this path, the water manages to be enriched with various salts of sedimentary rocks. But this is not yet mineral water, it is still a “semi-finished product”. And through different layers of the “pie”, at different speeds, at different temperatures, in their labyrinths known only to her, the future “Slavyanovskaya” or “Essentuki” flows. It will become mineral water in the “unloading zone” - in the Kavminvod region.

The birth of medicinal waters of each resort has its own characteristics. But there is one “kitchen” for everyone.

It has been operating for many millennia at a depth of several tens of kilometers, where huge blocks of the earth’s crust collide head-on.

Here is a zone of abnormally high pressures and temperatures. Anything is possible in this underground laboratory. Ordinary limestone can become noble marble, and loose marl can become the strongest granite. And the by-product of these transformations is carbon dioxide. Through a system of faults and cracks it tends to the surface. In places where former rainwater and carbon dioxide meet underground, mineral water is born. Significant evidence of the “weakness” of the earth’s crust in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region is the famous local laccolith mountains. They did not become volcanoes like Elbrus. But they only lifted the cover of sedimentary rocks and created new, so-called calcium faults, through which mineral water came out to people.

The same carbon dioxide plays the role of a kind of elevator that raises water to the surface. Geologists call this phenomenon “gas lift.” Now it is clear that the faster and from a greater depth mineral water rises to the surface, the hotter it is and the more carbon dioxide it contains and vice versa.

Well, what happens to the water that has passed through the network of faults and has not reached the surface? Where does the river, made up of underground streams of the Dzhinalsky ridge, flow?

Along the “layer cake” of sedimentary rocks, it gradually descends to a depth of several kilometers and flows into a huge, very salty sea lying under the Terek-Caspian lowland. But not all water is lost forever. Part of it, colliding with a wall of waterproof rocks in the area of ​​Nagutskaya station, rises almost to the surface and, as if offended by the inhospitable reception, flows back, making its way to the sun in the area of ​​Essentuki. This water has been in the underground “kitchen” longer and is therefore more saturated with salts.

Concluding the story about the deep journey of a small raindrop, it is worth mentioning one unique place. Hydrogeologists called it the Nagut deposit.

Here Jinal's salty pie crashed against a wall of hard rock. And in this jumble of cracks and faults you can find all the mineral waters of the Caucasus: “Slavyanovskaya” and “Smirnovskaya”, “Narzan” and “Essentuki”, “Mashuk” and “Borjomi”. These riches will still serve people's health!

Millennia will pass... But while rain falls from the sky and fire burns in the underground forge, the Caucasian Mineral Waters will remain what they are - the eighth miraculous Wonder of the World!

The story of hydrogeologists L.A. Skok and
M.A. Samotey recorded S.P. Prokopov.

Mineral Caucasian Waters is one of the most frequently visited places in Russia. They include several cities of the North Caucasus. Unusual nature, clean air allows every guest to plunge into the unusual world of this region. Many come here to improve their health and just have a good time on their day off or vacation. Here is located which became famous thanks to its reserves of silt mud. In 1992, it was decided to assign this resort a special status - a protected ecological resort region of Russia. Mineral Caucasian Waters first appeared in Schober's notes. This happened back in the 17th century. Schober himself was a doctor. It is he who is considered the pioneer of this medical field. Despite the fact that the resort includes several cities, its area is about 6 thousand square meters. km. If we take the most extreme point (Kislovodsk), then the distance between them is only 57 km. Thanks to its dense location, you can see and visit all the mysterious places of this resort. From any place in the region the most high point Europe - Mount Elbrus. Moreover, this peak is a dormant volcano. Who knows when he might wake up. There are a lot of mysterious places here that you should pay attention to.

Caucasian Mineral Waters consists of the cities: Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk and Pyatigorsk. The terrain here is predominantly mountainous, which is why many extreme sports enthusiasts flock to this resort not only from Russia, but also from all over the world. This place has more than 90 about 120 sanatoriums and boarding houses, which operate not only in summer, but also in winter. There are very mild winters here without severe frosts, and in the summer every vacationer enjoys the sun and dry weather. The healing properties of water were discovered quite a long time ago, but no one knows the exact time. Once in this region, you can hear many stories and legends from the old residents of the area. The residents here are very hospitable and are always happy to meet new guests. Caucasian mineral waters annually welcome more than a million guests who come for different purposes. The location of the resort is between the Black and Caspian Seas on the slopes of the Caucasus Range, in the northern part.

Sanatoriums of Caucasian Mineral Waters

Mineral Caucasian Waters includes a wide variety of sanatoriums, among which you can choose the most suitable one in terms of services and prices. Many sanatoriums of the Caucasian Mineral Waters were built by certain enterprises, which annually send their employees to a well-deserved rest. But there are also special tours. They are purchased from various travel companies. The tour may include accommodation, treatments, meals, etc. All resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters are aimed at improving health. One of the most popular is the city of Zheleznovodsk. This is where the medical boarding houses are located, which are famous for their drinking waters and unique medical procedures. All resorts meet the necessary standards, so you don’t have to worry about the quality of your stay. Each establishment tries to be unique and different from others. This is due to competition. But this factor only plays into the hands of every tourist. Before choosing a sanatorium, you need to look through several options so that you can compare all the institutions. This will help you make the right choice.

Sights of Caucasian Mineral Waters

Everyone who comes to these places should rejoice at this chance, because there are many unique places that need to be visited. The sights of Caucasian Mineral Waters are distinguished by their individual history. Each place has its own legend and history. One of them is the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This building was built in the 90s of the outgoing century. It should be noted that the construction process was carried out in a very short time. An equal-pointed cross was chosen as the basis of the temple. It serves as a symbol of the salvation of people. As for the interior decoration, it was carried out by the best craftsmen who painted the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior. There is another church, an older one - St. Nicholas. It was erected after the end of the Second World War. Inside the church you can see the ancient icon “Quick to Hear”. It was written by monks who lived on Mount Athos. You also need to pay attention to the Mineralovodsky Local Lore Museum. It contains exhibits that cover a large period of time. In addition, there is the Museum of Aviation Technology and the Museum of the Writer A.P. Bibikova. Many tourists visit the magmatic rock. Popularly it is called Zhlan-tau (translation into Turkic). Well, it’s worth visiting the mud bath building. It was built at the end of the 19th century at the railway station. The interior of the room is reminiscent of ancient Roman baths. Nearby is a real steam locomotive that has been standing since 1985. The monument was erected in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Stakhanov movement.

Kislovodsk is a resort city

Many doctors recommend rest and treatment in various resort areas. One of these is Caucasian Mineral Waters. Kislovodsk is a city that is part of this region. It is located in the southern part. The city is located on high mountains, which explains such clean air. It should be noted that the settlement is simply surrounded by greenery, which is especially pleasant in sunny days. Even in the past, they recognized the uniqueness of the climate and the healing properties of the water, which was called “nart-sane”. In addition, you can simply walk along the streets and parks of the city. They are planted with coniferous trees, and also have unique paths and sidewalks along which it is a pleasure to walk. Kislovodsk is very popular in terms of tourist attendance. People come here not only to improve their health, but also to enjoy the beautiful view and just have a good time. If you look at the sanatoriums, they are built for different classes of tourists. There are both double economy rooms and entire three-level apartments designed for people with high incomes. They contain swimming pools, jacuzzi, saunas, etc. Many diseases are treated with great success in the sanatoriums of Kislovodsk; even severe forms of asthma are cured here.

Before the trip, you need to familiarize yourself with the photo. Caucasian Mineral Waters, like any other place unfamiliar to you, has its own laws and orders. One of the main rules of this region is that drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking in public places is completely prohibited. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the garbage left behind. It cannot be thrown around; there are designated places for it. All these violations may result in a fairly large fine, so there is no need to spoil your vacation, but rather respect those around you. Due to the fact that many tourists want to visit all the cities in the region, they use electric trains. They are the most convenient form of transport for moving around the resort area. As for public transport, taxis are very popular here. These cars will be able to take you to the nearest villages, and will also help tourists find their way around the place.

If you have chosen summer for your vacation, then it should be noted that during the daytime the air temperature rarely drops below +30. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid city tours in the heat of the day. The resort has a large number of private residential properties. The owners actively offer their homes for rent to all visitors. For those who prefer such a holiday, this is very convenient.

Internet to help tourists

Almost everyone who has been here recommends Caucasian Mineral Waters. Reviews are only positive. In order to get acquainted with the opinions of other vacationers about this place, you need to seek help from specialists or at least friends. If you wish, you can find all the information you are interested in. In addition, you can chat with real vacationers and learn about the quality of service in a particular establishment. This is important if you only want to have a pleasant trip experience. It is also recommended to familiarize yourself in detail with the resort’s pricing policy in order to calculate the budget for your vacation. On specialized forums you can meet new people; by the way, there have been many cases when such communication led to a joint vacation. Often in this way you can significantly save your finances.

Resort cuisine

As everyone knows, the Caucasian Mineral Waters region is located in the mountains of the same name, so there is a large concentration of people of the corresponding nationality, their traditions are present, and, of course, National cuisine. It is an integral part of the resort. In the cities of the region you can see a large number of restaurants serving this cuisine. It is based on the best traditions and customs. The menu includes dishes from Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and other countries of the East. In addition to delicious food, you can enjoy live traditional music and see unique oriental dances. The working hours of such establishments are completely different; some work around the clock, while others work from morning until late evening. Each restaurant pays special attention to service. Every guest is greeted here very warmly.

Residential real estate in Caucasian Mineralnye Vody

In order to have fun and usefully spend your time, you need to go to Caucasian Mineral Waters. Holidays here will be at the highest level. Resorts include a wide variety of hotels, private boarding houses and other properties that are rented to tourists. They all vary in price and quality. Therefore, before traveling, it is recommended to choose the most suitable option in order to arrive at the place immediately, rather than waste your time searching. If you purchase a tour, it already includes hotel accommodation. The cost of the tour depends on the class of the hotel, but in addition, the price may be affected by the number of services included in it. This a good place For family vacation, all conditions for staying with children have been created here.

Capital Pyatigorsk

The cities of Caucasian Mineral Waters are similar to each other. The main settlements are Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk. Pyatigorsk is the capital of this region. It is located at the foot of Mount Mashuk. It is 680 m. It is unique in that it is the only place in the CIS countries where natural radon and mud from Lake Tambukan exist. In some properties they are superior even to dirt Dead Sea. On the slopes of Mount Mashuk there is an ancient forest, which includes mainly broad-leaved trees. If you walk through the forest, you can see paths, gazebos, and small fountains that delight you with fresh water. Pyatigorsk has a good medical base, made up of favorable factors of its geographical location. Take, for example, a radon clinic. It is the largest in Europe. Here it is possible to accept 15 types of procedures that are aimed at treating various diseases, including diseases of the spine. In Pyatigorsk they will be able to cure ailments of the digestive system, nervous system, and provide treatment for infertility, gynecological diseases, etc.

Unusual Zheleznovodsk

Zheleznovodsk is located near Pyatigorsk. It is the smallest among other resort towns. It got its name due to the fact that it is located at the foot of Mount Zheleznaya. Its height above sea level is 650 meters. The entire city and its outskirts are covered with rich forests, which include oaks, hornbeams and beech. In addition, you can see a large amount of other greenery. Among this luxury one can see sanatoriums. If you look at the southern side of the mountain, here you can see a beautiful bet with a pier for catamarans, boats and boats, as well as a magnificent beach with a small restaurant. What’s interesting about Zheleznovodsk is that all the forest parks are of natural origin. This is due to the city’s entry into the Beshtaugorsky forest. If you walk through the forest, you can see hares, foxes, roe deer, deer and other living creatures. Some vacationers compare the climate of the region with that of Switzerland. The air is also saturated with ions, surprisingly clean, has little humidity, and there are no strong winds. There are 15 sanatoriums in the city, excluding boarding houses. In the park you can find drinking springs of mineral waters: Smirnovskaya, Slavyanovskaya and Vladimirovskaya. In this locality, mud, health path and climatic treatment are widely used. In Zheleznovodsk, they treat the digestive system, diseases of the genitourinary organs, blood circulation, gynecological diseases, prostatitis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and others.


Essentuki is the quietest and calmest city. In addition, he is considered the most popular resort and drinking source. main feature the city is that it contains as many as 27 sources of healing water. Essentuki is located just 43 kilometers from the airport. Its height above sea level is 640 meters. It should be noted the mountain-steppe climate. Here spring is very short because it quickly turns into dry and warm summer. If we take the length of the day, then Essentuki is in second place, the first is Kislovodsk. In the northern and southern parts There are two parks: Main and Komsomolsky. All sanatoriums are located along the arc of the park area. The resort is a target source, so it is not recommended to drink the water without any illness. All medical sanatoriums are open all year round. It is also designed for children’s health, so children from 5 to 17 years old can come for treatment. This city will help you cope with diseases of the intestines, genitourinary system, liver and all digestive organs. Mineralnye Caucasian Waters are always happy to welcome new visitors.

If you need to improve your health or just have a good and useful time, then you need to head to Caucasian Mineral Waters. Sanatoriums, which have only positive reviews from previous visitors, are ready to welcome vacationers all year round.


Pyatigorsk is located in a green valley on the banks of a river. This is the largest city in the region and its cultural center with developed infrastructure and a large number of interesting attractions. In the center of the resort is its official symbol, the main attraction and a unique natural monument - the Mashuk mountain reserve.

Treatment in Pyatigorsk: allergic and skin diseases, infertility, hormonal disorders, inflammatory processes, urological, diseases of the spine and joints, nervous system, diseases of the digestive system, eye and ENT diseases.

Mineral waters of Pyatigorsk.

Pyatigorsk boasts more than 40 healing springs, some of them hot. According to their composition, sources are divided into:

Carbon dioxide waters - the so-called Pyatigorsk narzans, cold, warm and hot;

Carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide, which are mainly suitable for external use. They are used in Lermontov, Pirogov and other baths. However, some, for example, in the Academic Pump Room, are indicated for oral administration;

Salt-alkaline waters are waters of the Essentuki type;

Radioactive or radon waters are used in therapeutic baths, showers, and swimming pools.

Where to stay for relaxation and recovery in Pyatigorsk:

5 things that you must do in Pyatigorsk:

- Find the place of Lermontov’s duel with retired Major Martynov;

- Following the example of Ostap Bender, start selling tickets to Lake Proval;

- At the same time, take a photo at the monument to the Great Schemer;

- Ride the cable car;

- Of course, try all types of local healing waters.


Kislovodsk is the “pearl of the Caucasus”, located between two mountain rivers above and south of the other Kavminvod resorts. There is a lot of sun, light and greenery here - this is a favorite health resort for tourists.

Treatment in Kislovodsk: diseases of the nervous system, chronic fatigue syndrome, neuroses, osteochondrosis. In addition, the resort specializes in treating the respiratory system and cardiovascular system.

Mineral waters of Kislovodsk- Kislovodsk Narzans.

The best sanatoriums in Kislovodsk:

5 things you must do in Kislovodsk:

- Like Samuil Marshak, improve health in the Main Narzan Baths;

- Appreciate the beauty of the “Valley of Roses”;

- Buy a “drinker” - a mug with a spout for drinking mineral water;

- There you can choose your own health path - a walking path - the main, after mineral waters, healing component of the resort.


This resort, “tiny Switzerland,” is located a little north of Pyatigorsk. It is surrounded by relict forests, nearby is Mount Zheleznaya - a failed volcano, thanks to which the city got its name.

Treatment in Zheleznovodsk: help with metabolic disorders, symptoms of liver cirrhosis, problems with urology and gynecology, diseases of the digestive system.

Mineral waters of Zheleznovodsk.

There are 23 mineral springs in Zheleznovodsk. The most famous of them are Smirnovsky and Slavyanovsky. The waters are mainly carbon dioxide and, according to their temperature properties, are divided into high-thermal, thermal, low-thermal and cold. There are springs with salt-alkaline waters.

Where to stay in Zheleznovodsk:

3 things that you must do in Zheleznovodsk:

- Walk around the entire Resort Park;

- In the same place as Lermontov, drink mineral water from Pump Room No. 1;

- Master the climb to Beshtau.


Essentuki is a quiet, cozy city with a lot of greenery and gardens, located in the center of the resort region in a flat area on the banks of the Podkumok River. Essentuki is the largest health resort of the KVM, where, of course, they treat with waters and healing mud.

Treatment in Essentuki: The resort is worth choosing if you need specialists in the treatment of urology or gynecology, allergic diseases, metabolic disorders, or problems with the digestive system.

Mineral waters of Essentuki.

The resort is rich in salt-alkaline waters. The most famous of them are Essentuki N 17 and Essentuki N 4.

3 things that you must do in Essentuki:

- Feel like Raisa Zakharovna from the comedy “Love and Doves” and appreciate the wonders of mechanotherapy - the famous scene on the simulators was filmed here;

- Learn to distinguish “Essentuki-4” from “Essentuki −17” by taste;

- Swim in the Upper mineral baths, which, by the way, are more than a hundred years old.

Mineral water.

The city is located 100 km from Stavropol at the foot of Mount Zmeyka. It's modern and comfortable transport node, a connecting point with the airport and a major railway station. Among the advantages of the city are clean air, beautiful nature and interesting sights.

Treatment in Mineralnye Vody: Despite the name, there are no sources of healing waters here, but not far from the city there is the only large sanatorium of the same name, which in its medical direction is reminiscent of the health resorts of Zheleznovodsk.

3 things you must do in Mineralnye Vody:

- Ride elite horses of the Terek Stud Farm;

- Conquer the top of the ancient volcano - Mount Snake;

- Indulge in shopping and buy souvenirs in local shops.

And in Karachay-Cherkessia.

Treatment in Caucasian Mineral Waters

The Caucasian Mineral Waters region is located on the northern slopes of the Main Caucasus Range and occupies an area of ​​about 5.3 thousand square meters. km from the foothills of Elbrus in the south to the city in the north. In these places, hundreds of springs make their way to the surface of the earth, giving people healing mineral waters, which are used for drinking, bathing, inhalation, irrigation and help in the treatment of many diseases.

In addition to the springs, in this region there is Lake Tambukan - a rich deposit of healing mud, used in all resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

An additional healing factor in all resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is the local soft microclimate, which forms in valleys protected by mountains from cold winds. Therefore, all resorts in this region are considered not only balneological, but also climatic.

On the slopes of the mountains, according to the recommendations of doctors, special paths have been laid, walking along which has a healing effect not only due to the beautiful landscapes that soothe the nerves, but also because of dosed, well-calculated physical activity.

Sights of Caucasian Mineral Waters

You can get acquainted with the architectural monuments of the Caucasian Mineral Waters at the same time as undergoing treatment, because sanatoriums, mud baths, and pump rooms are located in amazing buildings built in the last and the century before last. Noteworthy neoclassical mud bath named after Semashko in Essentuki, neo-Gothic Central drinking gallery And Main Narzan baths in Art Nouveau style in Kislovodsk and much more.

The surrounding areas of Kislovodsk and Pyatigorsk are associated with the name of M. Yu. Lermontov. In these cities and their surroundings there are many attractions that the writer described in the novel “A Hero of Our Time.” In Kislovodsk it is worth looking at the famous Mount "Ring", in Pyatigorsk - walk to gazebos "Eolian Harp", before Lermontov Grotto, go down to place of duel Lermontov with Martynov and bow first poet's burial place.

The entire region of Caucasian Mineral Waters is filled with natural attractions. From almost any trail you can enjoy uninterrupted views of breathtaking scenery. The local mountains are incredibly beautiful: Mashuk near Pyatigorsk, Beshtau and Zheleznaya near Zheleznovodsk and, finally, Elbrus towering on the horizon, covered with a cap of eternal snow. Definitely worth a visit Valley of Narzans, where 20 springs with this healing water flow from the ground.

How to get to Caucasian Mineral Waters

To Caucasian Mineralnye Vody by plane

Airlines fly to the city airport daily from and other cities