Vad (Nizhny Novgorod region). Lake Vad is a unique karst reservoir with underground springs. Village of Vad: entertainment and active recreation.

Rural settlement Coordinates





  • Vad district hospital: Bolnichnaya st., 13; tel.: +7 (83140) 4-16-33
  • Vadskaya primary school: Shkolnaya st., 4
  • Vadskaya high school: Prosveshcheniya st., 33

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Excerpt characterizing Vad (Nizhny Novgorod region)

“I start ab ovo. The enemy of the human race, known to you, is attacking the Prussians. The Prussians are our faithful allies, who deceived us only three times in three years. We stand up for them. But it turns out that the enemy of the human race does not pay any attention to our charming speeches, and in his discourteous and wild manner rushes at the Prussians, not giving them time to finish their begun parade, smashes them to smithereens and takes up residence in the Potsdam palace.
“I really wish,” the Prussian king writes to Bonaparte, that your majesty be received in my palace in the most pleasant manner for you, and with special care I made all the necessary orders for this, as far as circumstances allowed. I really wish that I achieve my goal.” Prussian generals show off their politeness before the French and surrender on demand. The commander of the Glogau garrison, with ten thousand, asks the Prussian king what he should do if he has to surrender. All this is positively true. In a word, we thought to instill fear in them only by the position of our military forces, but it ends up being that we are involved in a war, on our own border and, most importantly, for the Prussian king and at the same time with him. We have everything in abundance, only one little thing is missing, namely, the commander-in-chief. Since it turned out that Austerlitz’s successes could have been more positive if the commander-in-chief had not been so young, a review of octogenarian generals is made, and the latter is chosen between Prozorovsky and Kamensky. The general comes to us in a Suvorovski carriage, and he is received with joyful and solemn exclamations.
On the 4th the first courier from St. Petersburg arrives. They bring suitcases to the office of the field marshal, who likes to do everything himself. They call me to help sort through the letters and take those that are assigned to us. The field marshal, leaving us to do this task, is waiting for envelopes addressed to him. We are looking - but they are not there. The field marshal begins to worry, gets to work himself and finds letters from the sovereign to Count T., Prince V. and others. He becomes extremely angry, loses his temper, takes the letters, opens them and reads the Emperor’s letters addressed to others... Then he writes the famous daily order to General Bennigsen.
The field marshal is angry with the sovereign and punishes us all: isn’t this logical!
Here's the first step. With the following, interest and fun increase, it goes without saying. After the field marshal leaves, it turns out that we are in sight of the enemy, and it is necessary to give battle. Buxhoeveden, the commander-in-chief by seniority, but General Bennigsen is not at all of the same opinion, especially since he and his corps are in sight of the enemy, and wants to take the opportunity to fight on his own. He gives it.
This is the Battle of Pultu, which is considered a great victory, but which is not at all like that, in my opinion. We civilians, as you know, have a very bad habit of deciding whether a battle is won or lost. The one who retreated after the battle lost it, that's what we say, and judging by this, we lost the Battle of Pultu. In a word, we are retreating after the battle, but we send a courier to St. Petersburg with the news of the victory, and General Bennigsen does not yield command of the army to General Buxhoeveden, hoping to receive from St. Petersburg the title of commander-in-chief in gratitude for his victory. During this interregnum, we begin a very original and interesting series maneuvers. Our plan no longer consists, as it should have consisted, in avoiding or attacking the enemy, but only in avoiding General Buxhoeveden, who by right of seniority should have been our superior. We pursue this goal with such energy that even when crossing a river that has no fords, we burn the bridge in order to alienate our enemy, who at the present time is not Bonaparte, but Buxhoeveden. General Buxhoeveden was almost attacked and captured by superior enemy forces, as a result of one of these maneuvers that saved us from him. Buxhoeveden is pursuing us - we are running. As soon as he crosses to our side of the river, we cross to the other. Finally our enemy Buxhoeveden catches us and attacks. Both generals are angry and it comes to a challenge to a duel from Buxhoeveden and an attack of epilepsy from Bennigsen. But at the most critical moment, the courier who carried the news of the Pultus victory to St. Petersburg returns and brings us the appointment of the commander-in-chief, and the first enemy, Buxhoeveden, is defeated. We can now think about the second enemy - Bonaparte. But it turns out that at this very moment a third enemy appears before us - the Orthodox, who with loud cries demands bread, beef, crackers, hay, oats - and you never know what else! The shops are empty, the roads are impassable. The Orthodox begins to plunder, and the plunder reaches a degree of which the last campaign could not give you the slightest idea. Half of the regiments form free teams that go around the country and put everything to the sword and flame. Residents are completely ruined, hospitals are filled with sick people, and there is hunger everywhere. Twice the marauders even attacked the main apartment, and the commander-in-chief was forced to take a battalion of soldiers to drive them away. During one of these attacks, my empty suitcase and robe were taken from me. The Emperor wants to give all division commanders the right to shoot looters, but I am very afraid that this will force one half of the army to shoot the other.]

Address: Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Vadsky district, village. In hell
Depth: 15 m.
Coordinates: 55°32"22.8"N 44°11"20.9"E


For a long time, a favorite vacation spot for divers in the Nizhny Novgorod region was Lake Vadskoe, also known as Vad or Mordovskoe.

Lake Vad is located 30 km from the city of Arzamas, in the village of Vad, Vad district. Along with Lake Svetloyar, the Vadsky reservoir is included in the list of natural monuments and remarkable Nizhny Novgorod landscapes. But unlike Svetloyar, the origin of Vada is not shrouded in mystery - it has been reliably established that Lake Vadskoye is a karst sinkhole. For years, groundwater dissolved gypsum rocks, forming basins and sinkholes, and the Vadok River, flowing among the karst voids, created underground tunnels.

View of Lake Vad

Karst cavities, connected by underground channels, filled with water, and this is how Lake Vadskoe appeared. The hypothesis about the relationship of voids is also confirmed by the fact that when the flow from Lake Vad is dammed, the water level in neighboring, smaller karst reservoirs simultaneously rises. Thanks to its unique hydrological regime, Lake Vadskoe is recognized as unique. The lake is fed by rain, snow waters and rising karst springs. Jets of cold underground water (4-6 °C) intensely flow from deep-sea caves (voclines), creating the impression of a convex “lens” above the surface of the lake.

Thanks to powerful underwater currents spreading from the voklina at a distance of up to 20 meters, the water in Lake Vad does not freeze even in winter. During warm winters, the Vad reservoir served as a shelter for swans, who lived here safely until spring. According to historians, the name “Vad” comes from the Mordovian “vat” - “water”. IN XIX century on south coast the lake was the settlement of Vad, and on the northern lake there was the village of Mordovskaya. When these settlements united, the now existing village of Vad was formed, which gave its name to the lake. In the past, Lake Vad was famous for its abundance of fish, and currently, not far from it, there is the Vadsky fish farming enterprise, whose products are in demand in many districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Employees of the Vadsky agricultural production complex raise carp, pike, and trout in artificial ponds.

View of the cave entrance

Karst caves at the bottom of Lake Vad - a natural wonder of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Over the past 70 years, there have been two voclines in Lake Vadsk (that is, two karst sinkholes with a spring at the bottom). In 1938, the monastery dam was restored, and one of the dams, overgrown with algae and rare plants, collapsed. In 1967, the earthen dam was replaced with a dam with reinforced concrete sections, and an asphalt road was laid along its crest. As a result of all the reconstruction, Lake Vad acquired the triangular shape typical of a pond with a dam-like base. There is only one well preserved, from which the spring flowed with such force that the boat rocked on the waves. Sitting in the boat, one could observe a stunning picture: through clear water At the bottom one could see a huge funnel with intricate mosaic walls covered with blue-green algae and pinkish-dark green plants rising to the surface of the water. The window above the floating voklina did not freeze even in the most severe frosts, and in hot summer days there was a coolness about him. The cave with an unfreezing spring attracted fishermen and divers from the Nizhny Novgorod region and other regions of the Russian Federation. In 2005, a hotel was built on the shores of Lake Vadskoy and the Vadskoy diving center was opened.. According to scientists, there were only three such caves in freshwater lakes on our planet - in Belgium, France and Russia, in the village of Vad. But to date, there are only two caves left on Earth, since in April 2007 a tragedy occurred in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The vaults of the cave collapsed, closing the outlet of the underwater river Vadok at the bottom of the lake. The water in the lake is still as clear, but from the karst funnel there is only a narrow gap through which underground river breaks out.

You set out to cover the distance from the village of Nizhny Novgorod to the village of Nizhny Novgorod. Who among the motorists does not dream of getting to their destination as quickly as possible and at the lowest cost? One way to achieve this goal is to have information about the distance between the starting point and the final destination of the route. Our map will help you find the shortest and most optimal route between the village of Nizhny Novgorod and Novy Urengoy. With a known average speed vehicle You can calculate travel time with a small error. In this case, knowing the answer to the question how many km are between the village Vad and Nizhny Novgorod - 103 km. , the time you will spend on the road will be approximately 1 hour 43 minutes.

Working with the map is very simple. The system itself will find the shortest distance and offer the OPTIMAL route. The route from the village of Verkhniy Postol to Nizhniy Novgorod is shown in the diagram with a bold line. On the diagram you will see all the settlements that you will meet on your way while driving. Having information about cities, towns (check out the list of settlements along the Vadim - Nizhny Novgorod highway at the bottom of the page) and traffic police posts located along the route, you can quickly navigate unfamiliar areas. If you need to find another route, just indicate FROM and WHERE you need to go, and the system will definitely offer you a solution. Having a ready-made map from the village of Vad to Nizhny Novgorod and knowing how to get through difficult junctions, you can always easily answer the question of how to get from the village of Vad to Nizhny Novgorod.

Panorama of the village of Vad and Nizhny Novgorod
Driving along a pre-planned route is a way to eliminate problems that may arise in unfamiliar areas and overcome the desired section of the road as quickly as possible. Don’t miss out on details; check the map in advance for all complex road forks.

  • Don't forget a few simple rules:
  • Any driver traveling long distances needs rest. Your trip will be safer and more enjoyable if, having planned your route in advance, you decide on places to rest. The map presented on the site has various modes. Take advantage of the work of ordinary Internet users and use the "People's Map" mode. Perhaps you will find useful information there.
  • Do not exceed the speed limit. Preliminary calculation of time and a constructed travel route will help you stay on schedule and not exceed the permitted speed limits. This way, you will not endanger yourself and other road users.
It is prohibited to use substances that cause alcohol or drug intoxication, as well as psychotropic or other substances that cause intoxication while driving. Despite the abolition of zero ppm (now the possible total permissible error when measuring blood alcohol levels is 0.16 mg per 1 liter of exhaled air), drinking alcohol while driving is strictly prohibited.

Village of Vad: entertainment and active recreation

To have an active holiday in the village of Vad, you can go on a trip to Lake Vadskoe. There is not only magnificent nature and beautiful scenery here, but also great diving opportunities. The lake bottom is extremely interesting object for lovers of scuba diving and free diving, as they provide the opportunity to dive into the voklina and the adjacent grotto and see stunningly beautiful pictures underwater world Lake Vadskoe.

Fishing and spearfishing are also popular among local residents and tourists. There is a dive center and a small hotel on the lake shore. underwater hunters. In 2005, a hotel and diving center “Vadskoy” opened on the shore of the lake.

In addition, you can take a walk around the village and surrounding area. In Wada itself there are two temples - on main square stands the Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God, erected in 1814. and All Saints Church, built in 1867, which is located next to the old cemetery.

Transport features of Wada

- this is, firstly, the Gorky railway, the line of which passes through locality and is marked in it by the stations Bobylskaya and Vadok. Transport features of the village are quite advantageous position- With Nizhny Novgorod The village and Arzamas are connected by highways.

Inside the village and throughout the area, passengers are transported by vehicles of the Vad Passenger Motor Transport Enterprise - buses (including intercity ones), minibuses.