Summary data of all common airliners. Average speed of a passenger plane

TIACA is a non-profit association uniting participants in the international air cargo market. The association was created to promote the liberalization of the global market and the development of trade relations between countries. TIACA members include representatives of all major segments of the air cargo and logistics industry, including such well-known airlines as: Air Canada, Emirates, Swiss International Japan Airlines, United Airlines, Virgin Atlantic, Volga-Dnepr Airlines, UPS Airlines, DHL Express, Fedex Express; airports Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Aeroports de Paris, Beijing Capital Airport, Los Angeles World Airports, Domodedovo Airport and others.

During a press briefing, Deputy Minister of Transport Valery Okulov noted that “the concept for the development of air cargo transportation in the Russian Federation” is aimed at realizing the country’s transit potential and developing domestic demand for air cargo transportation by increasing the competitiveness of air transport services in the Russian Federation.” For his part, the President of the Volga Dnepr Group of Companies, Alexey Isaikin, emphasized that the knowledge and experience accumulated by the members of the association “are necessary for us to more fully and effectively realize the enormous potential of the aviation industry that we possess.”

The interest of Western companies in the Russian market was indicated by the Chairman of the International Cargo Aviation Association TIACA, Michael Steen: “The Russian economy is developing confidently, as evidenced by the country’s recent accession to the WTO. Russia’s role in international logistics is rapidly increasing, making this region increasingly attractive both for investment directly in Russian business, and for global transport companies and freight forwarders considering Russia as a convenient logistics hub.”

The situation in Russia is paradoxical - there is someone to transport cargo and someone to consolidate it, large large airports are creating infrastructure for receiving and processing cargo, but the Russian economy is not yet ready to form stable cargo flows sufficient to fill large transport aircraft. And, unlike the passenger transportation market, the arrival of foreign companies in the cargo sector is not at all scary. There are large, successful and financially stable cargo carriers in Russia. Our leader in this segment is the Volga-Dnepr Group of Companies.

The Volga-Dnepr Group of Companies is among the TOP 15 global cargo airlines and is a world leader in the transportation of extra-heavy and oversized cargo. In just 8 years, the Group’s sales volumes increased 6 times and reached $1.75 billion in 2011. The Group provides jobs for 3,270 people.

Charter cargo transportation within the Group is carried out by Volga-Dnepr Airlines. Its fleet includes 10 super-heavy aircraft An-124-100 "Ruslan" and 5 Il-76TD-90VD, which meet all modern and future ICAO requirements and operate flights around the world without restrictions. Six years of experience in operating the Il-76TD-90VD aircraft has proven its demand in the market, which is increasing year by year. Regular cargo transportation within the Group is carried out by AirBridgeCargo. Currently, its fleet includes 12 aircraft of the Boeing 747 family, including 2 of the newest Boeing 747-8F. Also, in 2011, the Group acquired Atran Airlines, which has 3 An-12s in its fleet.

The organizers of the summit left the most interesting things for a snack: at Domodedovo Airport there was a display (Russian premiere) of the newest Boeing 747-8 Freighter, the legendary Soviet heavyweight An-124-100 “Ruslan” and a modern modification of the Il-76TD-90VD military transport aircraft

AirBridgeCargo Airlines, part of the Volga-Dnepr Group, became one of the first companies in the world to receive Boeing 747-8 Freighter aircraft into operation. The company currently has 2 such aircraft and a third is due to arrive by the end of the year. Interesting fact: AirBridgeCargo is the largest cargo carrier at Frankfurt Airport (and the airport itself is the largest European hub).

The Boeing 747-8 Freighter is a new modification of the Boeing 747 aircraft. It features excellent flight performance, as well as a 16% increase in the volume of cargo compartments compared to the B747-400F modification, improved fuel efficiency and reduced noise, which together will allow the airline optimize operating costs and increase economic efficiency.

Maximum load capacity Boeing 747-8 Freighter - 133.9 metric tons (133,900 kg) or 147.6 tons (295,200 lb)

Range with maximum commercial load: 4,390 nautical miles (8,130 km)

Maximumrange: 8,000 nautical miles (14,815 km)

Height: 63 ft 6 in (19.4 m)

Wingspan: 224 ft 7 in (68.4 m)

Length: 250 ft 2 in (76.3 m)

Cruising speed: Mach 0.85

Maximum take-off weight: 975,000 lb (442,250 kg)

Engines: General Electric GEnx-2B67 (66,500 lb thrust)

Here are some interesting facts about the Boeing 747-8 Freighter:

  • The main and lower cargo decks of the 747-8 Freighter can accommodate approximately 19 million table tennis balls
  • The 747-8 Freighter has the capacity to carry up to 10,767 gold bars from Fort Knox (worth approximately $7 billion)
  • The electricity generated by the 747-8 can power 480,000 32-inch flat-screen TVs (that's the number of TVs in a city of more than a million)
  • The 747-8 Freighter can quickly deliver approximately 9 million 72-hour medical kits or 122,000 military meals to a disaster zone
  • The 747-8 travels the length of 3 FIFA football fields in 1 second
  • The 747-8 covers the standard marathon distance of 42.195 km in 2.5 minutes
  • The top of the 747-8's tail is 63 ft 6 in (19.5 m), the height of a six-story building
  • The 747-8 is the longest civil aircraft (76.3 m)
  • One wing of 747-8 equals the total area of ​​four three-bedroom, two-bathroom homes (each 1,375 square feet)
  • The wingspan of the 747-8 is equal to the length of two 737-700 aircraft
  • The diameter of the GENx-2B 747-8 engine fan is almost equal to the diameter of the fuselage of a B-29 bomber
  • The takeoff thrust of a single GENx-2B engine on a 747-8 is approximately equal to the takeoff thrust of all (8) engines of the very first model of the B-52 bomber, the PWYJ57-3 (Single engine thrust increased from 43,500 lbs on the first 747 to 66,500 lbs on the engines installed on 747-8)
  • The 747-8's fuel tanks hold more than 64,000 gallons of fuel (242,266 L), allowing it to fly very long distances, such as Los Angeles to Melbourne, Australia.

Against the backdrop of a large but elegant Boeing, somewhat reminiscent of a polished dandy city dweller, Ruslan looks like a big village bumpkin who has recently been discharged, who has only put aside his housework for a short time. Both in the cockpit and in the crew compartment you have to climb long ladders hanging from somewhere from the ceiling. But in him I felt something very dear and familiar for a long time. It is very ascetic and unpretentious, without unnecessary external effects. On the contrary, everything is maximally optimized to perform the main task - transporting oversized cargo. And in this he has no equal. Especially when you see how this giant opens its huge “mouth”, crouches down and some kind of road train, crane or military equipment emerges from it under its own power. A stunning and unique aircraft, about which one can only speak with admiration.

On the day of the summit, another good news was announced: Volga-Dnepr Airlines put into operation the An-124-100 full flight simulator (FFS). Volga-Dnepr received permission from the Federal Air Transport Agency to use the FFS An-124-100 for training and training of An-124-100 aircraft crews. “The developer of the simulator, Research and Production Company Integrated Simulator Systems (NPF SKT), carried out the final work by equipping the flight simulator with a six-degree electric mobility system manufactured by Bosch-Reхroth (Netherlands).

The simulator was created jointly with Ruslanov's manufacturer - Aviastar-SP CJSC. FFS An-124-100 in terms of the composition and number of simulated systems is the most complex and voluminous simulator project in the Russian Federation at present.

You probably want to know specific numbers as soon as possible? Well, let's not bore you with long conversations.

Boeing 737 takeoff speed

Let's figure out how fast a plane takes off. It all depends on individual technical characteristics.

If we talk about the Boeing 737, then takeoff is divided into several stages:

  1. The plane begins to move only at the moment when the engine operates at a speed of 810 revolutions per minute. Once this point is reached, the pilot slowly releases the brakes and keeps the control lever at neutral.
  2. Speed ​​is gained when the aircraft moves on three wheels.
  3. Liner accelerates to 185 kilometers per hour and moves on two wheels.
  4. When the acceleration reaches 225 kilometers per hour, the ship takes off.

The above indicators may fluctuate slightly, since the speed is affected by the direction and strength of the wind, air currents, humidity, serviceability and quality of the runway, etc.

You can find out the take-off speed of other airliners from the table:

We invite you to watch this video with a visual measurement of the speed of a passenger plane taking off using GPS:

Airplane speed when landing

As for the speed of the aircraft during landing, this is a variable value that depends on the mass of the side and the strength of the headwind, but in the average landing speed is 240-250 km/h, that is, approximately 20 km/h below the take-off speed of the aircraft.

If there is a headwind, the speed may be even lower, because the headwind increases the lift, in which case values ​​from 130-200 km/h are quite acceptable.

Speed ​​of a passenger plane in flight

So, the average speed of modern airliners is 210-800 kilometers per hour. But this is not the maximum value.

Cruise and maximum values

The acceleration of passenger airliners is divided into cruising and maximum. This value is never compared to the sound barrier. Passengers are not transported at maximum speed.

Speed ​​characteristics vary depending on the airliner model. Average values:

  • Tu 134 - 880 kilometers per hour;
  • IL 86 - 950 kilometers per hour;
  • Passenger Boeing - accelerating from 915 to 950 kilometers per hour.

By the way, the maximum value for civil air transport is approximately 1035 kilometers per hour.

Passenger airliners have low cruising and maximum speeds, so you don’t have to worry again before your upcoming flight!

Passenger aircraft flight speed - quick reference:

  • Airbus A380: maximum speed - 1020 km/h, cruising speed - 900 km/h;
  • Boeing 747: maximum – 988 km/h, standard flight speed – 910 km/h;
  • IL 96: maximum – 900 km/h, cruising speed – 870 km/h;
  • Tu 154M: maximum speed – 950 km/h, average – 900 km/h;
  • Yak 40: maximum – 545 km/h, and normal speed is 510 km/h.

You may find it easier to understand the numbers thanks to the table:

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The Boeing 747 is the world's first long-range wide-body passenger aircraft equipped with two decks. This is an externally recognizable glider, thanks to the presence of the upper deck, which is noticeably inferior in length to the first floor, thereby forming a kind of elevation in the bow of the aircraft.

Manufacturer: The Boeing Company, an American corporation that is one of the leading manufacturers of civil aviation aircraft. The company has been operating for more than 100 years, founded in 1916. In addition to the design and production of passenger aircraft, the Boeing company is engaged in the development and creation of military helicopters, missiles and satellites, information, electronic, and defense systems. The company's headquarters is located in Chicago.


The production of the first Boeing 747 aircraft took place in 1966. Over the decades of creating this line of gliders, the company has developed and produced the following modifications of aircraft.

Technical characteristics of Boeing 747 passenger aircraft

ModificationVessel capacity, person (with 3-class occupancy/with 2-class occupancy)Flight range with maximum load, kmCruise speed of Boeing 747 passenger aircraft, km/hFlight altitude (ceiling), m
747-100 366/452 8500 895 13700
747SP230/331 9800-11000 990 13750
747-200B366/423 8900-10660 895 13750
747-300 412/496 10360 910 13750
747-400ER416/524 14200 855 13750
747-8I467/581 14800 988 13000


The first version of the aircraft was the Boeing 747. In total, the corporation produced 250 similar aircraft, of which 167 had the original configuration, 45 corresponded to the SF subgroup, 29 – SR, 9 – 100B.

The initial version - 747-100 was produced on September 2, 1968, the first commercial flight took place on January 1, 1970.

Interesting. On the first liners produced, the upper deck was not a space for ordinary passengers. There was a resting place equipped with three portholes. Over time, the deck was rebuilt into a standard compartment, where mainly 1st class and business category passengers were seated.

Variations 747-100:

  • 747-100 (SF) – aircraft rebuilt from the base model for cargo transportation;
  • 747SR – a variation of the 747-100, created for short-haul flights; Compared to the basic version, the SR carried a reduced fuel capacity and had a larger passenger compartment, capable of transporting first 500 and then 550 people. The 747SR has a variation with a longer second deck - 747SUD, there are 3 such examples in total, all of them were delivered to the Japanese carrier Japan Airlines;
  • 747-100B – copies of this modification differed from the main version by an optimized control system and chassis.

The delivery of aircraft of this type was completed in 1986; the last 747-100SR aircraft was sent to Japan to Japan Airlines.


This variation is an improved 747-100. 747SP is shorter than the previous modification, its release was intended to solve the following problems:

  • Competition with the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 and Lockheed L-1011, which at that time were superior in weight and flight range;
  • Making ultra-long flights, that is, the airliner had to have a long range and cruising speed.

The year 747SP production began was 1976, the year mass production ended was 1983.


This modification appeared on the airliner market in 1971. The aircraft of this configuration differed from their predecessors in having an engine with increased thrust and a high take-off weight. Such characteristics were a factor in increasing the flight range.

The launch units 747-200 were the last in the 747 line, where there were only 3 windows on the 2nd floor. On subsequent liners of this and other modifications, the upper tier had 10 portholes.

747-200 modification options:

  • 747-200B is the latest variation of the passenger aircraft of this group; it has a maximum flight range of 10,800 km;
  • 747-200C – aircraft of this modification have the ability to transport both passengers and cargo;
  • 747-200F – cargo aircraft;
  • 747-200M Combi – simultaneous transportation of cargo and people is possible.

Based on the 747-200 modification, gliders were designed for the US Air Force, as well as 2 government aircraft for transporting the leader of the state.

Production of Boeing 747-200 models was discontinued in 1991.


Aircraft of this modification began to be produced in 1980. Their distinctive feature is increased passenger capacity, thanks to increased space on the upper tier. The staircase from the lower to the upper deck was changed; it became straight, as opposed to the previously installed spiral one. The maximum flight range reached 12,400 km.

747-300 modification options:

  • 747-300M – cargo-passenger;
  • 747-300SR – short-haul.


Commissioned in 1989, the airliner model became the most popular in the series.

Reasons for this:

  • Cost efficiency compared to its predecessor was 25%;
  • Less noise;
  • The cockpit was equipped with new avionics, which made it possible not to involve a flight engineer during the flight;
  • Increased comfort of internal passenger spaces.

Modification options:

  • 747-400D is a passenger aircraft with a capacity of up to 594 people. The model was produced for Japanese domestic airlines and for a long time, until 2005, was the leader in passenger capacity on a global scale;
  • 747-400F;
  • 747-400SF – this and the previous modifications are cargo;
  • 747-400ER – an airliner with a longer flight range;
  • 747-400M – cargo-passenger.


Airframes of this modification entered service in 2010.

They are distinguished from the 747-400 version by the elongation of the body by 5.5 meters and the take-off weight increased to the maximum value in the line - 442 tons. The main technical innovations affected the wing, which was almost completely redesigned.

Modification options:

  • 747-8 Freighter – cargo;
  • 747-8 Intercontinental – passenger.

Also based on the 747-8, aircraft for the BBC USA and presidential versions are being developed, designed to replace the previously created Boeing 747-200 gliders.

At the end of 2016, the manufacturing corporation had ordered 138 aircraft, 42 of which were passenger aircraft.

747 LCF Dreamlifter

Created in 2006, the cargo glider entered service in August 2007. Its purpose is to transport parts for assembling the new Boeing 787. The new modification differs from the Boeing 747-400F cargo aircraft in having a three-fold increased cargo compartment capacity.

Today, 4 units make flights.

Interior layout

The two-story liner of the basic modification is equipped with a cabin for business class passengers - rows 1-3 on the upper deck and 5 economy class compartments - rows 10-67, on the lower deck.

When choosing a seat on board, you need to pay attention to the presence or absence of an adjacent emergency exit and the number of adjacent seats.

The layout of seats for 2, 3 and 4 makes it possible to comfortably accommodate a family or traveling as a couple.

Two seats are arranged in the first economy class cabin on rows 10 and 11 and in the 5th passenger compartment on rows 64-66 - in seat blocks near the windows.

There are three chairs in rows 12 to 18 of the first salon, in the rest - in blocks by the window.

The middle block of seats for 2-5 economy class compartments is equipped with grouped seats with 4 armchairs.

Travelers with children are prohibited from sitting on blocks of seats adjacent to emergency exits. The most convenient flight will be in the first rows of 2-5 cabins, row numbers: 14, 27, 40, 51, in seats located in the middle block.

The aircraft cabins are equipped with televisions located at the beginning of each passenger compartment.

Boeing 747-SP

The fundamental difference between the aircraft of this modification is the lengthening of the upper tier and the placement of more seats there for economy class passengers.

The four remaining compartments accommodate economy class passengers.

The choice of seats is similar to the 747-100 modification. The seats located next to the emergency exits are the most convenient from the point of view of inter-row space, but children are prohibited from sitting in them.

Boeing 747-200B

The diagram shows the first version of the liner with three lines of seats on the upper deck, then the number of windows was increased to ten and the number of rows was increased.

There are a total of 6 salons on board.

Economy class passengers are accommodated in rows 10 to 67 from 2nd to 4th cabins. The seats are arranged in 2, 3 seats in the side blocks of seats, by the window and 4 in the middle.

The toilet rooms are located on the upper deck in the bow, on the lower deck between the 1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th salons, as well as in the aft section.

Emergency exits are located on the upper deck at the beginning of the cabin, on the lower deck - in the separating space between the passenger compartments.

You can sit with your child in any row of seats, except those adjacent to the emergency exits - row 32.

Passengers with infants have the opportunity to install a baby bassinet; a similar service is available when flying in rows 21, 34, 43, seats D-G.

There are screens on board located in the front of each passenger compartment.

In total, the aircraft is equipped with 69 rows located in 7 cabins.

1st - located on the upper deck, has 3 rows of seats, grouped by 2, separated by one aisle. It can accommodate 6 business class passengers.

Salon 2 of the upper deck, like all rooms on the lower tier, is designed for economy class passengers. Rows 4 to 9 are equipped with two blocks of seats, grouped in groups of 3 and separated by an aisle.

In salon 1 of the lower deck there are rows 10 to 18, in which the seats are grouped into 2 and 3 seats.

In subsequent salons, the seats are grouped into 3 seats in the side blocks and 4 in the middle. Exception: rows 19 and 20, where the middle block accommodates 2 chairs, as well as rows 66-68, where 2 chairs are located in the side blocks.

It is permissible to place a baby cradle on rows 34, 44, 57, seats D-G.


There are 6 cabins on board the aircraft, including:

  • 1 – for imperial class passengers, equipped with rows 1 to 4;
  • 1 – for business class passengers, located on the top floor and equipped with rows 5 to 11;
  • 4 – for those traveling in economy class, rows 12 to 64.

Economy class passengers can sit on seats grouped in groups of 2 and 3 on the side blocks near the windows, and 4 in the middle block.

Those traveling with a baby and needing a bassinet should choose seats in the following rows:

  • 5 (business class);
  • 15, seats D-G;
  • 16, places A-C;
  • 26, places H-L;
  • 27, seats D-G;
  • 35, seats D-G;
  • 52, places D-G.

In this modification, in addition to the main screen, each cabin has built-in screens on the backs of the seats in front. It is possible to individually select video and radio channels.


There are 6 passenger cabins on board the airliner:

  • For first or imperial class passengers - 1st in the bow of the glider on the lower deck, equipped with three rows of seats;
  • For business class passengers - salon 2 on the lower deck and space on the upper deck;

  • Economy class passengers can be accommodated in 3-5 cabins on the lower deck. The middle block of seats is grouped with 4 seats. On the side blocks, the seats are connected in 3 places or 2 in the rear of the aircraft.

The baby bassinet can be installed:

  1. On the upper deck: row 16 seats H, J;
  2. On the lower deck:
  • At the beginning of the second salon in front of seats A, B and H, J;
  • Third salon – row 31, seats D-G and H-K;
  • Fourth – row 38, seats D-G;
  • Fifth – row 51, seats D-G.

The aircraft cabins are equipped with a common screen located in front of all passengers on the middle partition and individual screens in the backs of the seats in front; there is an individual control panel for channels, including radio, and the ability to play computer games.

Regardless of which Boeing 747 modification you are traveling on, it is worth knowing a few general rules for choosing a seat:

  1. The row layout may vary depending on the airline selected. This applies mainly to the latest modifications of gliders and flights of airlines carrying passengers in first and business class cabins;
  2. The latest modifications of the Boeing 747 are characterized by reduced noise levels. But it’s worth knowing that the least noise is in the nose of the airframe, that is, in places located in front and further from the engines;
  3. In economy class cabins there are rows with expanded inter-row space, for example, at emergency exits;
  4. The armrests of the seats do not recline at the edges of the rows, and also often in the first rows of the cabins. Many airlines provide aircraft diagrams with a special icon indicating this point;
  5. The first rows of salon seats are not equipped with folding tables, but with pull-out armrests.

Taking into account the above factors and knowing the seating plan will allow you to choose the best place.


The Boeing 747 cannot be called a popular aircraft among global air carriers. The main competitors of this model are the Airbus A300 and Boeing 767. Most often, flights on Boeing 747 airliners are carried out by Asian carriers. Thus, until 2011, the Japanese company Japan Airlines was the largest operator of the 747.

Today, the largest number of Boeing 747-400 units is in the fleet of British British Airways - 48 copies. They operate flights to Beijing, Dubai, Cape Town, Mexico City and other cities and countries.

In Russia, passenger Boeing 747-400s existed as part of the Transaero airline fleet, and were later transferred to the Rossiya air carrier, where they are operated to this day.

As for the 747 line of cargo aircraft, in Russia they are operated by the largest cargo air carrier AirBridgeCargo and Sky Gates Airlines

The latest modifications of the Boeing 747 guarantee safety, speed and comfort of flight. However, it will most likely be possible to experience Boeing's new developments only on flights of foreign air carriers.


The double-decker giant of the aviation industry is one of the unique aircraft. It was developed back in the mid-eighties, and was already popular then. Today passengers of Rossiya Airlines can board this aircraft. Let's take a look at the aircraft's parameters, determine the Boeing 747's capacity and the best seats in the cabin.


This model entered service in 1985. When developing this airliner, the designers took the Boeing 747 300 project as a basis, repeating its unique modification. The new aircraft received recognition due to its more economical fuel consumption and improved noise insulation. In addition, until 2005, the capacity of the Boeing 747 was the largest among all aircraft that existed at that time in the world. The cabin of this giant can accommodate 524 people.

Unfortunately for Boeing, in 2005 Airbus released its new A380 airliner, which today is the leader in the number of seats in the cabin.

The Boeing 747 400 we are considering, whose capacity today ranks second after the Airbus A380, has the following technical characteristics:

  1. Length: 70.6 meters.
  2. Wingspan: 64.4 m.
  3. Cruising speed: 885 km/h.
  4. Maximum range: 14205 km.

A unique feature of the liner is its engines (4 pieces), which produce minimal noise. In total, the Boeing company produced 1,358 such aircraft until 2009, which are successfully operated by various airlines around the world. Despite the fact that the ship has not been produced for 8 years, even today it is one of the most popular among Boeings.

Russian airlines that own the Boeing 747 400

The aircraft's capacity makes it popular, including in Russia. Until 2015, only Transaero could boast of having this aircraft in its fleet. However, as you know, on September 13, 2017, the company was declared bankrupt by the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg. Consequently, the bankruptcy procedure was put into effect. All 7 aircraft went to Rossiya Airlines. It is she who is currently the only owner of aircraft of this class.

The airline offers its passengers 4 modifications of aircraft:

  1. 4 aircraft with 522 passenger seats.
  2. 2 aircraft with seats in the amount of 477 pieces.
  3. One model for 461 seats.

And although it was said above that the maximum capacity of the Boeing 747 is 524 people, there are fewer seats in the indicated modifications. This is logical, since the total number of available seats is determined by the class and the number of luxury seats. Such chairs require more space compared to the standard version. Actually, now we can move on to considering the layout of these sides.


Before a flight, many passengers try to find the best seats on a Boeing 747 to make their flight as comfortable as possible. This is by no means a useless exercise, because there really are more comfortable and successful places in the cabin.

The lower tier of the ship has 470 seats - all of them belong to the tourist class. To put it simply, these are economy class seats and their prices are usually low.

In a standard cabin, several variations of seat configurations are possible, but the basic layout here is 3:4:3. The rear cabin may use a 2:4:2 layout, while the front of the aircraft may use a 2:3:2 layout. Note that the most inconvenient places are located in the tail due to the location of the toilet nearby. They are never in demand because people are constantly passing by them, and the queues nearby can be annoying.

The seats that are located in the middle block along the axis of the aircraft are considered quite comfortable. In this sector, many passengers work comfortably without being distracted by other people. You can even sleep there, but it is worth considering that there are no portholes near these places, so it is unlikely that you will be able to enjoy the beautiful view from the window. But this does not play a big role if the flight is at night.

There are 3 blocks of bathrooms on the lower deck: in the tail, between lines 43 and 44, and also at rows 20-22. Between sectors 31-35 and 54-59 there are food blocks and dressing rooms, so chairs with such extensions are clearly not the best choice. Oh yes, at line 31 there is a descent from the upper tier, along which people can walk from time to time.

On the uppermost deck, the first three rows are intended for passengers who have purchased business class tickets, and in lines 5-9 there are seats in the advanced economy category. In the bow of the aircraft on the upper deck there is a platform on which there is a staircase to the common salon and two blocks of restrooms. This is exactly what the layout of this airliner looks like. In the diagram above, you can see the location of all the seats and choose the most optimal arrangement for yourself.

Features of choice

Given the huge capacity of the Boeing 747, choosing a seat for a passenger becomes difficult. Before buying a ticket, it is advisable to estimate how comfortable the future seat may be or, on the contrary, inconvenient. Remember that Rossiya Airlines has 7 aircraft of this type, which may differ in different layouts (three layouts are available), so at the registration stage it is advisable to clarify this question and, if necessary, ask the employee to provide a seat by the window, for example, or away from the bathroom . Typically, airport employees at check-in counters are willing to meet passengers halfway and provide seats that passengers request. Of course, you can choose seats within the ticket class. For a more accurate representation of the interior details, it is necessary to consider the arrangement of seats.

Upper tier

Considering the enormous capacity of the Boeing 747 400, the cabin manages to accommodate comfort and economy class seats. The best ones are always on the top deck. The first lines are reserved for passengers with business class tickets, and a little further (rows 5-9) there are less comfortable seats for customers who prefer an economical flight. However, in any case, seats on the upper deck are more expensive than those on the lower deck. Note that the seats in business class are paired, each of them is made taking into account ergonomic criteria, so you can truly relax here. These chairs are quite wide, the backs recline, there are displays, and the distance between the sectors is quite large. For all these benefits, passengers are willing to pay extra, and quite a bit.

The seats in the very first row especially stand out, because there is a lot of space in front of these seats. The disadvantage is the location in close proximity to the bathroom; all passengers will go to it through these places.

From the fifth to the ninth lines there are comfortable economy class seats. The most comfortable seats are on the fifth line, as there is a lot of legroom due to the large distance to the screen that separates business class. This sector has displays in the seats, a tilting function is available on the backrests, and the free space between the seats is 75 cm.

There are standard seats in rows 6-9, but passengers planning a flight are strictly not recommended to choose seats in the ninth row. Behind the back of these seats there is a staircase and a bathroom, which can cause inconvenience during the flight.

Lower tier

The main cabin of the lower compartment starts from the 10th row. Seats from 10 to 11 lines are located in pairs, so the airline classifies them as an increased comfort class. Most often, tickets for these seats are purchased by families with children. On line 12, seats are arranged according to the 2:3 principle, and seats 12 with the designations “L”, “K”, “H” require increased payment.

In rows 14-16, seats are arranged according to the classic 3:3 scheme, and in lines 17-19 - according to a 2:3:2 scheme. When choosing seats in these rows, it is worth noting that an additional payment is possible for seats 14 “A”, “B”, “C” and 17 “E”, “F”. Of course, these are comfortable, comfortable seats, but behind row 19 there are escape hatches. Consequently, the backrests of the seats in this row are not equipped with an adjustment function at all, which should be taken into account when reserving these seats.

For the same reason, it is not advisable to buy tickets for seats in rows 29, 43, 54, since it will not be possible to recline the seat due to the proximity of technical blocks, hatches and bathrooms. The flight experience can deteriorate sharply when choosing such seats in the cabin.

There are restrooms near the seats in rows 20-22 (“D”, “E”, “G”, “A”, “B” and “C”), which will not bring pleasure to tourists from the flight. But seats “D”, “E”, “G”, “H” and “K” in sector 29 are located near the emergency exit - you have to pay extra for them, but there is a lot of space around them, which will allow you to sit comfortably. And being closer to the emergency exit during an emergency is an added bonus. Also, seats “D”, “E”, “G” and “F”, located on line 23, would be a good choice.

The next block begins from row 31. Here, the blocking of the backrests and the close location of the bathroom can be called an inconvenience. There are also stairs and hatches nearby, but all the negativity can be compensated by the large space nearby. But the only seat in this row has a curved seat (very uncomfortable) due to being located near the emergency exit. It is uncomfortable, although there is a lot of space around.

The best choices are chairs “D”, “E”, “G” and “F”. They are quite comfortable, but in front of them there is a staircase along which people will constantly go up/down. And the seats in rows 32-34 are located near the bathroom, so people in those seats constantly complain about the noise. It is unlikely that you will be able to sleep there.

It is also undesirable to choose seats on lines 43, 54, 70 and 71. Due to the location of the emergency exit, the backrests on these seats cannot be adjusted, which causes discomfort during the flight. Rows 44 and 55 are also located near the toilet, but this disadvantage is compensated by more legroom. If you choose seats at the very end of the cabin, you should take into account that there is a restroom and service rooms there. Naturally, the backrests will not recline either.

Despite the fact that the Boeing 747 cabin capacity is huge, the designers were unable to create the same conditions for the flight for everyone. Even seats for the same price can vary greatly in terms of comfort and convenience during the flight.

When purchasing a ticket on the airline’s official website, you can find the necessary form to familiarize yourself with the layout of this board. If you wish, you can call the airline manager, who will not refuse to help you choose a suitable seat. It is advisable to notify the employee of personal preferences and desire to sit, for example, near the window.

You should not buy a ticket for a seat that is located near the service premises. Usually, queues form near such premises and people are constantly moving, which creates unnecessary noise. It is necessary to reserve seats where you can recline your back and stretch your legs - this is very important during a long flight.

A very bad option is to book a seat next to the partition. And if the flight is planned for the morning or in good weather, then it is advisable to reserve a seat near the window in order to enjoy the scenery outside the window during the flight.

Considering how large the capacity of the Boeing 747 aircraft is, the layout of the seats on the airliner needs to be studied in more detail. There you can determine better zones and places, the location of technical blocks, restrooms. Try to choose a place away from these premises. Remember that this may determine your overall flight experience. In addition, good conditions are especially important for people who are afraid to fly. After all, comfort reduces passenger stress and nervous tension. After a flight, a person can get off the plane full of energy, or he can be severely exhausted by the constant noise.

Indeed, the passenger capacity of the Boeing 747 allows this aircraft to be used on the busiest flights. The carrier does its best to ensure that its boards are filled with people as much as possible, so you should not count on the fact that the plane will be half empty and you will be able to take any seat. This happens extremely rarely with huge liners of this level.

How to buy a ticket cheaper?

When there are only a few days left before a flight, and many tickets are not sold out, the airline offers big discounts even on business class seats. Therefore, keep an eye on the number of available tickets, and if there are a lot of them left, you can hold off on purchasing. There is a possibility that discounts will appear soon.

Occupying the wrong place

If it suddenly turns out that you have chosen a bad seat in which you are uncomfortable, and there is a more comfortable chair nearby, then you can safely change to it. It is unlikely that the flight attendants will ask you to go to your seat. But even in this case, you can ask permission to change place by complaining about discomfort.

Of course, you can only take an empty seat within your class, although according to reviews from some passengers it is clear that sometimes it is even possible to take a seat in a higher class if there are no people there.

Other aircraft with similar passenger capacity

The Boeing 747 400 has competitors that also boast enormous capacity. The very first in the world is the Airbus A380 - a double-deck aircraft that is capable of carrying 525 passengers in three classes of cabins. There is a configuration of this aircraft that can accommodate only economy seats. This configuration provides 853 seats. The flight range is 15,400 km.

Less interesting is the Boeing 747 800 with a capacity of 581 passengers with two classes in the cabin. There is also a modification with a cabin divided into two or three classes, which can accommodate 467 passengers.

However, Rossiya Airlines does not have such aircraft. The Boeing 747 400, with a passenger capacity of up to 552 people, is the only modification that leads in this parameter among other models.


The capacity of the Boeing 747 makes anyone wonder. Despite the fact that the aircraft was created a long time ago, even today it is one of the largest and most advanced airliners in the world. Traveling on it is a pleasure, even when boarding in economy class. Unfortunately, not all airlines can purchase such aircraft. Some low-cost airlines simply do not need them due to the lack of such huge passenger traffic. The maximum capacity of the Boeing 747 400 "Russia" allows these aircraft to be placed only on the busiest routes, which makes it possible to load the airliners to the maximum. Naturally, the more people buy a ticket for a flight, the more money the company can make.

Rossiya Airlines is the largest company in the Russian Federation. Its air fleet includes modern and fast aircraft. One of them is the Boeing 747-400. The airline has about ten such aircraft.


Boeing 747-400 appeared at the end of the last century, and the first flight was made in 1989. Such “monsters” are capable of transporting more than 400 people over long distances. The airliner reaches speeds of up to 900 kilometers per hour, and the maximum flight range is 13,450 kilometers. The wingspan is almost 65 meters, and the weight of the car is 184,570 kilograms. Due to its excellent technical characteristics, the Boeing 747-400 has become popular in many countries.

But the main highlight of the liner is that it has two decks, that is, it can safely be called a two-decker aircraft, which, indeed, is not often seen.

In the video you can get a detailed look at the cabin of the aircraft; the excursion takes place on two decks of the airliner with a visit to the cockpit:

Layout of the cabin and arrangement of seats on the plane

On the Boeing 747-400 aircraft, seats are arranged in three categories. This can be seen in the interior diagram:

The arrangement of seats on the plane depends on the class of service:

  • Economy class. Chairs of this type can recline back, but only 60 degrees, the distance between the chairs is no more than 90 centimeters, and the chairs have a folding table in front.
  • Business Class. The distance between the seats has been increased, and the seats themselves recline 180 degrees. Plus, business class service includes a special menu, drinks and access to Wi-Fi.

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Most often, an airline encounters this scheme on a Boeing 747-400 aircraft:

Best seats on the upper deck

On the upper deck of a Boeing 747-400 aircraft there are the following comfortable seats:

  • From rows 5 to 7 when it is business class. The chairs here are comfortable, the distance between them is about 1.5 meters, there is enough legroom. There is a toilet nearby. The chairs are equipped with screens.
  • 121 row. This is the first row of economy class, so there is a lot of legroom, because no one will be sitting in front of you. Economy class also has monitors, but they are smaller than those in business class.
  • 125 row. These seats may not seem so comfortable, because behind them there is a wall and a toilet, but someone specifically chooses the last chairs in the cabin, closer to the exit or toilet.

Depending on the specific layout of the plane you are flying on, the seats may vary. Thus, only business class seats can be located on the upper deck. Therefore, check the scheme with the air carrier.

Best seats on the lower deck

The lower deck is a regular aircraft cabin that can accommodate quite a lot of people.

The best places are here:

  • Rows 21-23, but only places like A,B,H,K. The fact is that this is the bow of the plane, the seats here are arranged in pairs, that is, you will only have one neighbor instead of two. These seats are also convenient for those traveling with children, as there are mounts for bassinets. On the other hand, for some this may seem like a disadvantage, because you will be surrounded by small children, so the flight may be noisy and fussy.
  • Row 40 seats A, B, C have more legroom, only a toilet and an emergency exit are located not far from them, this can cause inconvenience. Near 40 C there is a staircase to the top, some may find this inconvenient, although during the flight people rarely use it.
  • 53 row. Similar to row 40, only there are no stairs or toilets. But there is plenty of legroom. The seats here are divided into threes, with an emergency exit located nearby.
  • 64 row. Another similar series. There is an emergency exit nearby and increased legroom. But here there is a buffet between the left and right seats.

Good seats on the decks

The seats on the upper deck are good, but with some drawbacks:

  • 124 row seats A, B, C and 125 row. Behind such places there is a toilet and a staircase down, so the back of the seat is often not lowered all the way, as it can interfere with people.

The lower deck has significantly more places like this:

  • 29 row B, C, N, K seats. The backs of the seats do not recline completely, as there are emergency exits behind them.
  • 38th row of seats from D to G and 39th row of seats B, C, N, K. The inconvenience of these seats can be explained very simply - there is a toilet in the back, which means people will constantly be walking around, and besides, the backrests do not recline completely.
  • By analogy with rows 38 and 39 there are rows 51, 52, 62, 63, here there is also a toilet or a buffet nearby, so there will be a constant movement of passengers.
  • From rows 76 to 79, the outer seats are arranged in twos rather than threes, but the last rows can be uncomfortable, because the backs do not go all the way down.

Worst seats on decks

It’s worth noting right away that there are no uncomfortable or bad seats on the upper deck, but on the lower deck you should avoid such chairs:

  • 29 row seats A, D, E, L. In such places, the backs of the seats do not recline or recline very little. But places D and E are paired and are located in the middle.
  • 39 row seats A and L - although these seats are near the window, it is believed that they are not the most comfortable, because they are located directly in front of the emergency exit, which means it will not be possible to recline the backrest.
  • The side seats in row 52 are also similar. There is also an exit behind them, so the backrests do not recline.
  • In rows 63 and 79 in seats A and L, history repeats itself, so if you like to sleep on an airplane with the seat back reclined, then this is not your option.

In general, for long-distance flights you need to choose a place that will be convenient for you. Here are some tips:

  • If you often need to use the toilet, then you should not choose seats in the middle of the cabin, take a closer look at the outer rows.
  • If you want to sleep during the journey, then do not take seats in the last rows; in rows behind which there is an exit or a toilet, the back of the chair often does not lower on such seats.
  • It is advisable to take seats in the forward part for those flying with small children. But if you don’t want to fly near children, avoid these places.
  • The seats in the middle of the rows, that is, seats D to G, especially their side seats, may turn out to be uncomfortable, because passengers and stewards will often pass here, and you may be touched while moving.


Boeing 747-400 aircraft are excellent machines for transporting passengers over long distances. The seats are equipped with screens, folding tables, toilets are located throughout the cabin, and the cabin itself is divided into two tiers - upper and lower. Isn't this comfort? The plane itself is fast and comfortable, so the flight should be comfortable for every passenger. When choosing the Rossiya company for your trip, before purchasing tickets, be sure to look at the plane’s cabin layout to choose a suitable seat for yourself. Pleasant flight!