How I Spent My Summer: Elementary, Middle, High School Essay. Mini-essay "How I spent the summer" (5 options) How I spent the summer how does it end

Hooray! Another school year has ended, which means that such a long-awaited summer is ahead of me. What is summer? Of course, the longest vacation, which lasts for three whole months. How I spent these holidays, I will tell in my essay.

The writing "How i spent my summer"

Summer holidays always bring pleasant impressions. Lessons, school bells and breaks were left behind, and ahead was the expectation of something good.

Together with my sister we take care of our vegetables. Dill, parsley, sorrel and radish grow on our green garden. We are happy to water and weed our green garden. And it’s very nice to hear the following words from my mother at dinner: “What a delicious salad turned out from your vegetables! What smart girls you are, my girls!”

An essay about "How I spent summer"

This summer was interesting. The first month of rest was very similar to the previous summer holidays, as I stayed in the city. However, the next two summer months turned out to be amazingly interesting for me - I spent them in the village with my aunt. It is with these days spent outside the city that I have connected the brightest events and indelible impressions of my summer.

The writing "How I Spent My Summer Vacation"

In my opinion, summer is the most beautiful time of the year, because it is very warm, everything is beautiful around, and we have a great opportunity to relax. And summer is the time of holidays and vacations. We can go anywhere, have a wonderful time by the pond, in the shade of emerald green, splash in warm water. And you can go to the mountains, ride a bike or play all kinds of games.

Composition on the theme "Summer at sea"

I just love summer! Summer is always a lot of fun, because you can walk with friends in the yard almost all the time, ride a swing, high slides, and also eat ice cream and drink cold lemonade. In the summer, parents always take their children somewhere to rest, some go to the villages to their grandmothers, others go to the sea.

I don’t have grandparents who would live in the country, so I spend most of the summer in my city, and then go to the sea for two weeks.

Mini essay for grades 3, 4, 5 - How I spent summer

Grade 2 I love summer for its beauty and warmth. In summer, everything is so beautiful: beautiful flowers, colorful butterflies, amazing insects. I spent this summer fun and interesting. At the beginning of summer I went to Bashkiria. I swam in the lake, took part in the games on the Sabantuy. I remember visiting the Bird Park very much. There I saw different birds and animals, rode in a carriage, walked along the suspension bridge. I'm looking forward to next summer!

4th grade Summer- an amazing time. I was looking forward to the holidays with great impatience, and now they have finally arrived.

In the first week of vacation, I went to the open air with the guys from the art school. We depicted flowers, trees, grass, and much more. After the open air, I went to the village several times. We went there with the whole family to help our grandparents. Sometimes I stayed in the village to spend the night. And when she returned home, she visited her friends and went for a walk with them.

And then the sultry beach time began. My sister and I went to the beach almost daily, where we swam and sunbathed. Alas… Summer has passed very quickly! And it's time to go back to school.

Grade 3 Summer is my favorite time of the year. I go to school, I'm in the third grade and I have the longest holidays in the summer. I know that every season has its own merits. In winter, I like to decorate the Christmas tree, make a snow angel and visit at Christmas. it often rains and I can walk in my favorite rubber boots. And in the fall we celebrate a fun Halloween holiday - I love dressing up in creepy costumes. Spring is good too: lots of flowers, young leaves on the trees and my birthday. But still, it is in the summer that there are most interesting activities. No wonder they say that summer is a time of happiness and fun.

Did not you find what you were looking for? here's another

I love summer for its beauty and warmth. In summer, everything is so beautiful: beautiful flowers, colorful butterflies, amazing insects.
This summer was fun and interesting. At the beginning of summer I went to Bashkiria. I swam in the lake, took part in the games on the Sabantuy. I remember visiting the Bird Park very much. There I saw different birds and animals, rode in a carriage, walked along the suspension bridge. I'm looking forward to next summer!

Last summer was especially hot. There was almost no rain and all three months of the holidays were accompanied by a bright and hot sun. The city apartment was stuffy, but a walk on the street did not bring relief. Only in the evening hours, the guys and I went out to the playground next to the house to kick the ball or ride a bike.

With the onset of summer, many people feel a surge of strength and vigor. I would not say that they were not there before, but in the summer it feels somehow special. In the summer, you can spend time on things that you don’t have time to do on school days. For example, talking more with friends, chasing a ball with the guys, spending more time with family, eating ice cream, swimming in the river, sleeping longer than usual ...

The warm summer time, as always, pleases the students. The school year is coming to an end and everyone is going on a long summer vacation. I spent this time just wonderful, I traveled all summer. I spent the whole of June with my grandparents in the village. There I swam in the lake with local boys and girls, tried to milk a cow, sent geese, and even dug up the ground several times, helping my beloved grandmother.

Autumn has come and it's time for me to go to school again, but I will remember the past summer for a long time! This summer I was especially lucky, because I did not stay at home much, but only traveled around. When the summer holidays had just begun, my mother sent me and my brother to stay with Grandma Shura. There I met my old girlfriends, whom I met two years ago.

Summer is the most fun and bright time of the year. It is then that nature blossoms, everything around lives and enjoys life. I am no exception: this time I spent the holidays "excellent"! From the first days of warm weather, we helped grandma plant potatoes.

I, like most schoolchildren, just love summer. The summer heat doesn't scare me at all. In my opinion, it is much better to escape from the heat by eating ice-cold ice cream, swimming in the river or the sea, than wrapping up from the cold. I really like to be out of town, and summer is the perfect time for outings into nature.

The beginning of the summer turned out to be very boring, because all my friends left the city, but I stayed. I had no one to walk with and I almost never left the house, but only sat at the computer and watched TV. But at the end of August, my mother and I went to Turkey to the sea.

Summer for me was not rich in adventure and travel. I stayed in the city with my parents. While my parents went to work, I helped them around the house: I washed dishes, cleaned and even sometimes cooked dinner. Almost every day my friend Lesha and I visited each other, played computer games, went for walks, rode bicycles and skateboards.

WITH PLAN! I've been waiting for this summer like never before. Elementary school is behind, middle school is ahead, almost adult and more serious. Also, in June, my dad promised to give me a brand new high-speed bike, which I had been eyeing for a long time in a sports store. And here it is, done...

I think summer is the best time of the year, because it's warm, it's very beautiful around and we have a wonderful opportunity to relax. Summer is the time for holidays and vacations. We can go anywhere, spend time by the river or lake on fresh green grass, swim in warm water, or climb mountains, or play different games, ride a bike, etc.

Summer holidays always bring pleasant impressions. Lessons, school bells and breaks were left behind, and ahead was the expectation of something good. Together with my sister we take care of our vegetables. Dill, parsley, sorrel and radish grow on our green garden. We are happy to water and weed our green garden.

Summer is always a special time of the year and everyone tries to make it memorable. Here the ability to notice simple little things, to absorb the sunny and joyful moments of every day will come in handy. Even if it's raining outside, the trip to the seaside is canceled and the store's favorite ice cream is over. After all, these are just separate days, and in general, summer is a kaleidoscope of vivid experiences that we hold in our hands.

In my opinion, summer is the most beautiful time of the year, because it is very warm, everything is beautiful around, and we have a great opportunity to relax. And summer is the time of holidays and vacations. We can go anywhere, have a wonderful time by the pond, in the shade of emerald green, splash in warm water. And you can go to the mountains, ride a bike or play all kinds of games.

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In my opinion, summer is the most beautiful time of the year, because it is very warm, everything is beautiful around, and we have a great opportunity to relax. And summer is the time of holidays and vacations. We can go anywhere, have a wonderful time by the pond, in the shade of emerald green, splash in warm water. And you can go to the mountains, ride a bike or play all kinds of games.

The forest that day was magnificent! The air was scented with flowers, honey and wild strawberries. Everything around was green, only the trunks of trees stood out in bright spots against a dark green background. Birds chirped in their own language, a woodpecker pounded.

Suddenly, suspicious sounds were heard ... It seemed to me that someone hissed next to me. I turned around and saw... a writhing snake! I immediately caught my breath. I didn't even remember what she looked like because I was so scared. I began to slowly retreat, and then rushed to our camp. I decided not to tell my mother about everything that happened, so as not to worry her. A little later, after having lunch and having plenty of fun, we packed our things and went home.

Yes... Time flies very fast. It is a pity that it is impossible to repeat those moments and feelings that you experienced during the holidays. But I believe that next summer will also be unforgettable!

2. Essay on how I spent the summer 6th grade

Summer is an amazing time. I was looking forward to the holidays with great impatience, and now they have finally arrived.

In the first week of vacation, I went to the open air with the guys from the art school. We depicted flowers, trees, grass, and much more. After the open air, I went to the village several times. We went there with the whole family to help our grandparents. Sometimes I stayed in the village to spend the night. And when she returned home, she visited her friends and went for a walk with them.

And then the sultry beach time began. My sister and I went to the beach almost daily, where we swam and sunbathed.

Alas... Summer has passed very quickly! And it's time to go back to school.

3. Composition how I spent the summer

This summer has been interesting. The first month of rest was very similar to the previous summer holidays, as I stayed in the city. However, the next two summer months turned out to be amazingly interesting for me - I spent them in the village with my aunt. It is with these days spent outside the city that I have connected the brightest events and indelible impressions of my summer.

Time in the village passes slowly, not at all like in megacities. It feels like a whole month has passed, when in fact it's only been a week. My morning usually starts with helping my aunt in the garden. Our village is far from the village, and tap water is an unheard of luxury. So I go to the well with two old iron buckets. The water in it is amazingly clean and very cold. I also help my aunt around the house, but at the first opportunity I run to play with my friends.

I have good friends in the village. We spend all our free time together. In the hottest time, we sit for hours on the bank of the river. Having bathed, we frolic with might and main and look at the passing barges. One day I got slammed by my aunt for not coming to dinner. But in fact, I didn’t feel like eating at all, because together with my friend Pashka we baked potatoes in a fire. It is such a pleasure to transfer a red-hot potato from hand to hand, and then break it open and eat it piece by piece. Agree that this is not a bowl of cooked soup? And most importantly - how much romance and happiness in these summer days, spent as if in another world!

I spent summer evenings in a real wooden hut. As a rule, after dinner my aunt was visited by her friends. Sitting at a large round table, they drank tea. And I hid on a big stone stove, or looked at books, or "beat the thumbs", as my grandmother used to say. And to tell the truth, I kept a diary, and, like Robinson Crusoe on a desert island, I counted the days left before returning to the city.

Sometimes it occurs to me that the village is an island remote from the city, and life on it obeys a different rhythm. Either because of the proximity to nature, or perhaps simply because the big cities in the endless pursuit of technical progress have broken away from a calm, measured life. But be that as it may, I am a city person. So that's where my place is. And yet, every time I leave this quiet island of calm, I will miss my village.

4. On the topic of how I spent the summer

Summer holidays always bring pleasant impressions. Lessons, school bells and breaks were left behind, and ahead was the expectation of something good.

Together with my sister we take care of our vegetables. Dill, parsley, sorrel and radish grow on our green garden. We are happy to water and weed our green garden. And it's very nice to hear the following words from my mother at dinner: "What an amazingly tasty salad turned out from your vegetables! How smart you are, my girls!"

In the summer, there is enough time: you can take a walk with your girlfriends, go on a visit, and play different games. But most of all I look forward to a trip to the sea with my parents.

I finally learned to swim this summer and am very happy about it. I really like the sea. It is so deep and wide, and so mysterious that sometimes it even frightens with its unpredictability.

The sea is both near and far, warm and cool. And how nice it is to plunge into fresh cool water on a hot summer day! And swim, dive, splash!

I laid out sea shells on the table. When I put them to my ear, I hear the sound of the surf. And you can feel the power of the sea wave that flies, and hitting the stone, throws a lot of bright salty splashes in my face. I have fun, I laugh with everyone: with my parents, the sea, the sun and seagulls.

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Link: https://site/sochineniya/kak-ya-provel-leto Children's stories about "How I spent the summer"

Yakovleva Yana, group "Joy"
- This summer, I was vacationing in the village with my brother. Our old grandfather lives there. There are many different animals in the village. I helped my grandfather pick berries. I also really liked swimming on the Volga. It was a lot of fun.

Filatov Kirill, group "Joy"
- This summer I went to the North Caucasus. I was in the city of Stavropol with relatives. Stavropol is a very beautiful city. I lived in a big house. I swam in a large pool, sunbathed. And then I went by car to the mountains of Dombai. They are very beautiful and big. We visited the Teberdinsky Reserve, which is 30 years old. I saw live bears, bison, wild boars. I liked it all very much.

Egorova Sasha, group "Joy"
- Summer flew by quickly. I often went to the playgrounds with my grandmother. I enjoy swings and merry-go-rounds, slides and climbing on exercise equipment. Three times I went with adults to the grove, where I picked flowers. Was visiting. I went to their garden with my grandparents. It burned there. I went to the Volga with my dad. There I sunbathed and ate kebabs. Good summer!
Now I go to kindergarten. The group is fun. The teachers and assistant are the same - Irina Aleksandrovna, Vera Valentinovna and Tatyana Platonovna.

Rymakov Sasha, group "Joy"
- Every summer my family and I try to go to the village to see our grandmother, usually for a week, but this time my brother and I persuaded my mother to stay for another week.
The most interesting and favorite activity with my brother Yegor is fishing. If we catch grasshoppers, then we go to the river, and when we dig up worms, we catch crucians on the lake.
But once Yegor and I overslept fishing. Since the fish bite early in the morning, granny didn’t wake us up, she took pity on us and left without us. And when we woke up, one large carp was already fried in the pan, with its tail crawling out over the edges of the pan. On the one hand, we were offended, and on the other, we were proud of our grandmother, because no one had fished on a river of this size for a long time.
And the neighbor, Uncle Andrey, tied a net for us and we ran along the street and tried to catch butterflies. The older kids did better than me. We planted butterflies in glass jars and admired them, and then released them into the wild.
This is how I spent my time with my grandmother in the village. I was sad to part with the village children, and most of all with my great-grandmother.

Zemlyanskaya Anya, group "Joy"
- In the summer, my mother and father went to the village to visit my grandparents. They made us very happy. My grandfather and I went fishing and caught a few fish. At home, I washed the fish under the faucet, because it was very slippery, and gave it to the cat Puska. I love her so much.
I also have a beloved dog Tobik. He always whines and waits for me when I treat him with bones or sausage.
My grandmother loves to take care of her chickens, there are a lot of them. When I gave them grain, they ran to me and started pecking. I was very afraid, so I gave the grass through the net.
We also went to the dacha, through the village. Our grandmother Lyuba lives there and she has a bull. He walks, tied on a rope, and I brought crackers and water for him.

Mom's story about how Andryusha Karpov spent the summer
group "Joy"

This summer, Andryusha went to the dacha in Pushchino.
The weather was hot. The whole family went to the Volga through the pine forest. Our nature is very beautiful. Herons live there. Andryusha watched their nests. The herons sat in their nests in the tops of the pines. The birds were very large and screamed loudly.
On the banks of the Volga, Andryusha saw a live crayfish, watched the sailing ship. He sunbathed, swam in the Volga, collected shells, pebbles, built a sand fortress. When we returned from a walk, we saw a hedgehog near the house and fed it with milk.
Andryusha also went to the village of Elbarusovo. I saw domestic animals there: cows, pigs, geese, chickens. He helped grandfather in his work: he carried buckets of water, picked berries. He liked the village very much.
We recently bought Andryusha a turtle. He was very happy, called her Pasha. He took care of her, fed her, walked with her on the street.
Andryusha loves to play chess, checkers, dominoes. He loves being read to. Over the summer, he listened to The Wizard of the Emerald City, Dunno on the Moon. He liked them.
Favorite place in the city - Cathedral Square. In the summer, he often walked there, rode swings, quad bikes, and inflatable trampolines.
He also likes to walk along the Walk of Fame, where there are tanks and guns.
In the summer I visited exhibitions at the art museum, saw monkeys, parrots, butterflies, snakes.
He liked visiting the circus: cycling bears, monkeys, dogs, clowns.
Andryusha has many musical instruments: button accordion, harmonica, drum, piano, guitar, pipe. In the evenings she likes to sing karaoke, play instruments and dance.
He went to the cinema "Atal", watched children's cartoons "Panda Kungfu", "Cars".
Andryusha also likes to walk in the Elnikovskaya grove, plays football there in the meadow, rode ponies and cars.
He has many friends of schoolchildren in the yard. They ride bikes and scooters together, play different games.

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A selection of essays about Summer: How I spent my summer holidays, where I was and what I learned new / all texts of essays on a free topic, divided into classes

Compositions "How I spent the summer" Grade 2

I spent the summer very colorful! Together with my family, we went on small trips, rested in nature. So many bright colors this summer! Juicy colors of trees, a bright blue sky with small white clouds, beautiful wild flowers pleasing to the human eye. In the yard I played with my best friends! We played hide-and-seek, catch-up, came up with a lot of different games. 5 compositions

Compositions "How I spent the summer" Grade 3

Summer holidays are the longest. I went to rest in Sochi. Spent a whole month there. Went to the sea, sunbathed. I went to the water park and the zoo. I liked this city. I visited many excursions, I was at Stalin's dacha. I learned a lot of things for myself. The tour was very informative and interesting. And I also went to the Vorontsov caves. It was scary, but exciting. I am delighted with what I saw, from the sea and the city of Sochi. 6 compositions

Compositions "Summer holidays" Grade 4

Summer is the most wonderful time. I always look forward to summer holidays. I like to play football, swim in the river, go to the forest, travel. Summer is the best time of the year for all this. This summer I did a lot of sports - I played football at the school stadium almost every day. In the summer I not only walked, swam and sunbathed. When it rained, I read my favorite books. One of them is "White Fang" by Jack London. I really liked her, and I want to talk about her. 4 compositions

Compositions "How I spent the summer" Grade 5

Summer holidays are three wonderful months that you can spend as you like. You can meet friends as much as you want, read any books, travel or visit your grandparents and get to know the children who live there. Summer holidays mean that you can sleep as long as you want, and then as much as you want to kick the ball in the yard or sew clothes for dolls, sitting with your girlfriends on a spread out blanket in the yard. Also, you can eat ice cream every day. 3 compositions

Compositions "Summer holidays" Grade 6

Probably, every student who has completed another class dreams of getting enough sleep during the summer holidays. I am no exception, so in the first days of the summer holidays I just got enough sleep. But then I decided that I would not waste precious summer time, but would spend it usefully. Every morning I began to devote a small morning run in a nearby park. And for health - useful, and for my physical form. I don’t want to come on the first of September to the solemn line looking like a donut. 3 compositions

Compositions "How I spent the summer" Grade 7-8

This summer has been interesting. The first month of rest was very similar to the previous summer holidays, as I stayed in the city. However, the next two summer months turned out to be amazingly interesting for me - I spent them in the village with my aunt. It is with these days spent outside the city that I have connected the brightest events and indelible impressions of my summer. 3 compositions

Composition "Summer"

Who doesn't love summer? I don't think there are any. Summer is a time of joy, warmth and fun. Summer is the longest vacation: you can walk with friends, go to the river or go to the sea. At this time of the year, life seems beautiful and carefree.

Artistic description of "Summer"

Summer is a wonderful time of the year. Long sunny days give way to short warm nights. Most often the weather is clear, and the boundless blue sky stretches overhead. The trees are lavishly dressed in bright green robes. Under them, grass grows thickly everywhere, dotted with colorful lights of summer flowers - poppies, bluebells, clover, tansy, chamomile, marigolds ... And above them butterflies flutter and all sorts of goosebumps buzz.