Karlovy Vary springs. Thermal springs of Karlovy Vary

The main natural healing factor of Karlovy Vary is thermal sodium-carbon dioxide-sulfate springs containing compounds of calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, lithium, bromine and other substances. Mineralization up to 7 g/l. The chemical composition of water from all sources is approximately the same and differs mainly in temperature and, accordingly, carbon dioxide content: from 0.37 to 0.75 g/l).

The mineral waters of Karlovy Vary are used mainly for drinking treatment, the water from the Mill Spring is bottled, and the water from the Vřídlo Spring is the basis for all balneotherapeutic procedures used in the resort (carbon dioxide, oxygen, radon, pearl and other baths, swimming in pools, intestinal lavage, irrigation, rinsing, etc.). In addition, natural Carlsbad salt is obtained from mineral waters by evaporation, which contains 18% sodium chloride, 36% sodium bicarbonate, 44% sodium sulfate, about 2% potassium sulfate, as well as small amounts of calcium, magnesium, iron, lithium salts, fluorine, bromine and other elements.

What and how is treated in Karlovy Vary

The resort treats patients with diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver and biliary tract, as well as metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, obesity and others). There is a resort clinic, balneotherapy clinics, a drinking gallery, pump rooms of individual springs, numerous hotels, boarding houses and sanatoriums. In medical institutions, physical therapy, various types of massage, electrotherapy, phototherapy, and heat therapy (including mud baths and applications) are widely used. For measured walks there is a path - over 100 km of paths that pass through the most picturesque places of Karlovy Vary.

All doctors speak Russian and English.

Karlovy Vary offers programs that include full treatment services, their duration is 7, 14 or 21 days. The treatment course includes:

  • accommodation in a sanatorium or hotel (see also the list of all hotels and sanatoriums in Karlovy Vary)
  • initial medical examination and laboratory tests
  • nutrition ( full board), prescribing a diet in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations
  • comprehensive sanatorium treatment in accordance with the course of procedures prescribed by the doctor after examination and study of tests (2–4 procedures per day)
  • drinking course appointment
  • final medical examination and laboratory tests

Based on the examination results, the spa doctor prescribes an individual treatment program for each patient, taking into account the state of health and diagnosis. To quickly select an individual course of treatment, it is recommended to take an extract from your medical history with you. The recommended duration of treatment is from 7 to 28 days, the maximum result is usually achieved in 21 days.

We have devoted a separate article to the methods of spa treatment in Karlovy Vary, which, characteristically, is called: “Procedures in Karlovy Vary.”

Walking around Karlovy Vary

Healing springs of Karlovy Vary

There are as many as 79 springs in Karlovy Vary, 13 of them have been developed and are used for drinking courses. Compound mineral water from different sources is close, but due to different temperatures and carbon dioxide content it has different effects. Colder springs usually have a mild laxative effect, while warmer ones have a softening effect and slow down the secretion of bile and gastric juice.

  • Garden colonnade
    • Snake Spring, 30 °C. Discovered in 2001, this spring contains fewer minerals than the resort's other springs, but much higher amounts of CO2. It flows out of the snake’s mouth directly into the Garden Colonnade.
    • Garden spring, 47.4 °C. The source was discovered in the mid-19th century during the construction of the foundation for the Military Sanatorium. It was originally called the "Imperial Spring". It comes to the surface on the territory of the Military Sanatorium near the colonnade. Access to the source is open every day from 6:00 to 18:30.
    • Spring Svoboda, 60 °C. It was opened in the second half of the 19th century during the construction of Lazne III. It received its current name after the 2nd World War. Previously it was called Spa, then Franz Joseph I. The altanka with a spring is located between Lazne III and the Mill Colonnade.
  • Mill Colonnade (1871-1881, Joseph Zitek): Under the 132-meter-high colonnade, supported by 124 Corinthian columns, there is an orchestra pit and five mineral springs.
    • Rock spring, 53 °C. Until 1845, it flowed into the Teplu River, but after the area was laid out, its water was brought to the current Mill Colonnade.
    • Libushi spring, 62 °C. Once called the spring of Elizabethan roses, it arose by combining four smaller springs.
    • Spring of Prince Wenceslas I, 65 °C. Water from this source was used to produce Karlovy Vary medicinal salt. They say that at the end of the 18th century, its water content and strength could be compared with Vřidl. Prince Vaclav is led to two vases.
    • Spring of Prince Wenceslas II, 58 °C. It flows out in front of the colonnade, opposite the orchestra pit.
    • Mill spring, 56 °C. Since the 16th century it has been used for spa treatment, previously - mainly for preparing baths. Water from the popular spring could once be purchased in almost all Czech pharmacies.
    • Rusalka Spring, 60 °C. From the 16th century until 1945 it was called the New Source. The water flowing from it was at one time in even greater demand than water from the Mill Spring.
  • Market Colonnade (1883, Fellner and Helmer) - a wooden structure built in the Swiss style, according to the plan, it was supposed to cover the hot springs for only a few years. But after it stood above the Market and Charles IV springs for more than a hundred years, the city began to preserve it and completely reconstruct it.
    • Market source, 62°C. Since its discovery (1838), the source has disappeared and reappeared several times. Several wells were made, thanks to which water from the source can still be prescribed by spa doctors.
    • Charles IV spring, 64 °C. The healing properties of this spring may have influenced the decision of Charles IV to build his resort here. The discovery of Karlovy Vary is depicted on a relief located above the spring.
  • The castle colonnade (1911-1913, Friedrich Ohmann) is located directly above the Market Square. It consists of two parts: the colonnade of the Upper Source and the colonnade of the Lower Source. In the internal spaces of the lower part there is a relief of the Spirit of Springs. For many years the colonnade was closed, but after a comprehensive reconstruction, since 2001 it has been open to the public again.
    • Lower Castle Spring (55°C) and Upper Castle Spring (50°C). In fact, we are talking about one source, the water from which is supplied to two vases. But thanks to the fact that the Upper Source is located on high altitude, its temperature and CO2 content are different. The lower castle spring is located on the market square for public use. The spring in the Castle Colonnade is intended only for clients of the Castle Spa.
  • Vrzhidelni colonnade (1969-1975, prof. Votruba). Since the 16th century, the geyser of hot mineral water has been covered by many buildings: a baroque structure, an Empire colonnade, cast iron or temporary wooden colonnades. The next and so far last building surrounding hot spring, dates back to the late 60s of the 20th century. The old part of the dungeon of this colonnade will soon be opened a tourist route, and at the top there is an exhibition of minerals.
    • Vřídlo, 72 °C. The productivity of this geyser is approximately 2000 liters of mineral water per minute. Today this is the only source that supplies water for bathing. But Vrzhidlo is also used in drinking courses. The colonnade contains a total of 5 containers with source water at temperatures of 72, 57 and 41 °C. Due to pressure, a column of water from the source can rise to a height of 12 m. The pavilion is open from 6:00 to 19:00.

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Carlsbad drinking rules

It would be a big misconception to consider water from Karlovy Vary springs to be a simple “mineral water” that you can drink whenever and as much as you want. In fact, it is a natural structure containing salts, trace elements and biologically active substances, not intended for constant or unregulated use. And when using it, you must follow a number of rules:

  • It is recommended to consume Karlovy Vary thermal mineral water after consultation with a knowledgeable spa doctor.
  • To achieve the full therapeutic effect, it is recommended to drink Karlovy Vary thermal mineral water directly from the source. The point, of course, is not that you have to choke on water directly in the pump room: you need to collect it there, for example, in a pump room, so that later, for example, during a walk, you can leisurely consume it in the amount recommended by the doctor.
  • It is recommended to drink Karlovy Vary thermal mineral water exclusively from traditionally shaped porcelain or glass cups. However, the shape of the container can be non-traditional, the main thing is that it is not plastic.
  • It is not recommended to combine the course of treatment with drinking alcohol or smoking. Even passive inhalation of tobacco smoke is harmful.
  • An important part of the drinking cycle is movement, so it is recommended to combine drinking water with slow walking.
  • The drinking course should take place in a state of mental peace and relaxation, without haste.
  • It is recommended to repeat the drinking course at intervals prescribed by your doctor.
  • Mineral water should not be used to water plants or pour it onto the floor of colonnaded spaces.
  • When drawing water from a source vase, for hygienic reasons, you should not touch the source column or outlet tubes.

Indications for spa treatment

Thanks to the special properties of Karlovy Vary mineral springs and the possibility of their almost universal use, patients with many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders are successfully treated at the resort. Here are the main indications:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers, inflammatory bowel diseases
  • functional bowel disorders
  • acute and chronic gastritis
  • chronic catarrh of the stomach
  • recovery after operations on the gastrointestinal tract, including removal of the gallbladder, resection of the stomach and intestines
  • pancreatic diseases
  • hyperlipoproteinemia
  • proctocolitis and Crohn's disease
  • liver diseases
  • cholecystitis
  • diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus
  • gout

As for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, despite a fairly widespread opinion, they cannot be called “core” for Karlovy Vary. However, at the resort you can still alleviate conditions caused by functional disorders of the spine with pain syndromes, osteoarthritis and arthritis. But such treatment will be largely auxiliary.


Doctor's answers to questions about treatment in Karlovy Vary

The most pressing questions about the features, pitfalls and other nuances of treatment and recovery in Karlovy Vary are answered by health resort physician, physiotherapist, candidate of medical sciences Elena Khorosheva:

  • Which sanatoriums in Karlovy Vary specialize in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system?
  • Which sanatoriums in Karlovy Vary specialize in liver treatment?
  • Which sanatoriums in Karlovy Vary specialize in kidney treatment?
  • Is it possible to go to Karlovy Vary for independent treatment?

The best countries for treatment and health resorts

All articles about treatment and health improvement on “Subtleties”

  • Hungary: Budapest, Heviz,
  • Germany (and Germany vs Switzerland): cancer treatment, cardiology and cardiac surgery, neurosurgery
  • Jordan (

And which is the most intense, flowing from a depth of about 2,000 meters and its intensity reaches 1,500 liters per minute? Which source is a fountain that shoots a stream of water to a height of 14 m and attracts the attention of all city guests? What kind of interesting idea, according to the laws of physics, was proposed to be used by the author of the project, the Viennese architect Ohmann, when opening the Lower Castle Spring?

Karlovy Vary thermal springs, exceptional in their chemical composition, are among the most effective mineral waters in the world. The most intense spring - "Vřídlo" - flows from a depth of about 2,000 meters and its intensity reaches 1,500 liters per minute. It is distinguished by its absolute ecological purity, which, unfortunately, most surface water currently does not have. The twelve Karlovy Vary springs are used primarily for drinking treatment, the importance of which is growing, even in the era of medical progress.

Karlovy Vary thermal mineral water is a complex, highly concentrated mixture of natural substances. It is not intended for regular or unregulated use. In other words, you need to drink it after consultation with the resort doctor.

The extensive experience of centuries and the expertise of recent decades have become proof of the remarkable preventive and therapeutic effects of Karlovy Vary springs, which are used specifically for the treatment of dysfunctions of the stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and intestines. Drinking treatment mainly improves the quality of digestive processes and thereby ensures a sufficient supply of energy-rich nutrients. Thanks to drinking treatment, the absorption of essential vitamins, enzymes and minerals increases. The treatment has a good effect on basic metabolic processes, therefore it is used to treat diabetes, obesity, gout and high blood cholesterol.

A variety of toxic substances that arise during metabolism or that the human body perceives from environment, thanks to drinking treatment, they are better dissolved in the body and thus can be better excreted along with feces, urine, sweat or breath. All these processes have a beneficial effect on restoring the body and increasing its immunity. It is clear that drinking water from Karlovy Vary mineral springs is an essential part of the entire treatment. External use of mineral water as part of various spa procedures further enhances the final effect of spa treatment. Based on a medical examination, the spa doctor selects a source and determines the quantity of mineral water and the duration of its drinking.


Thanks to the hot springs, the fame of Karpovy Vary has spread throughout the world. Of approximately one hundred sources of varying power, only 12 sources are used in drinking therapy. In terms of their chemical composition, mineral waters are identical and differ from each other only in temperature and carbon dioxide content. Therefore, each source has its own effect on the body. Sources with a lower temperature have laxative properties, while sources with a higher temperature have a calming effect and slow down the secretion of bile and gastric juice.

1.Vridio (Geyser) - Vrideini kolonada/Geyser 73.0°C 2,000 l/min
2.Source of Charles IV - Trzni kolonada/Market 63.8°C 4.8 l/min
3. Lower castle spring - Zamecka kolonada/Zamkovaya closed
4. Upper castle spring - Zamecka kolonada/Zamkovaya closed
5. Market source - Trzni kolonada/Market 61.6°C 4.9 l/min
6. Mill spring Mlynska kolonada /Melnichnaya 52.7°C 4.5 l/min
7. Mermaid spring - Mlynska kolonada/Melnichnaya 60.1°C 4.8 l/min
8. Source of Prince Vaclav Mlynska kolonada / Melnichnaya I: 63.7; II:60.4°C I: 4.2; II: 2.9 l/min
9. Libushin spring - Mlynska kolonada/Melnichnaya 59.6°C 3.1 l/min
10. Rock spring - near the Mill Colonnade 45.4°C 2.0 l/min
11. Spring of Freedom - gazebo at Lazne III 59.0°C 5.5 l/min
12. Garden spring - Military sanatorium 39.6°C 1.5 l/min

The temperature of the sources adjusts average temperature air (+ - 3 °C) The springs are located on the colonnades: Vrideini kolonada is open daily 6-18.30. Access to the springs on the colonnades of Melnichnaya, Sadovaya, Torgovaya and the Freedom Pavilion is free. The colonnades of the Castle Springs are permanently closed.

A few words about the composition of Karlovy Vary thermomineral water

It is not recommended to combine the course of treatment with drinking alcohol or smoking tobacco products. Passive inhalation of tobacco smoke is also harmful. The course should be completed in a state of peace and relaxation, without haste. It is recommended to repeat it at intervals prescribed by your doctor.

In Karpov Vary, water of the hydrochemical type Na-HCO3-SO4-CI comes to the surface. To complete the picture, we present the maximum temperature of thermal water that could be measured, amounting to 73.4 ° C, and the total mineralization of water, amounting to 6450 mg/l of solid soluble substances.

In addition to the main ions shown in the diagram, complex analyzes usually highlight about 30 cations and anions, then free substances (silicic and boric acids), gases (CO2 and H2S), and 16 further rare elements isolated during detailed analyses. The thermal water in Karpov Vary is not radioactive. Final classification: natural, moderately mineralized water of the hydrocarbon-sulfur-soda type with a high content of fluorides and silicic acid, hot, hypotonic.


Source #1

Temperature 72.6 °C, CO2 content 400 mg/l, flow rate 2,000 l/min. Water for drinking treatment flows out in five spring vases on the Geyser Colonnade. At the original temperature, water enters vase A; in other vases B and C it is cooled to a temperature of 50°C and 30°C, respectively. The geyser has become not only a symbol of the largest Czech spa, but also its eternally pulsating heart. Probably everything that makes Karpovy Vary a resort depends on it - it supplies the city’s resort institutions with thermal water, provides carbon dioxide for baths, the main raw material for the production of geyser salt and the manufacture of souvenirs. The rest of the Karlovy Vary springs are also dependent on the Geyser, which, in fact, are only branches extending from the main trunk. One of the sources of the Geyser is precisely a fountain, shooting a stream of water to a height of 14 m and attracting the attention of all guests of our city.

The Geyser's outlets were known long before the resort was founded. This water emerged from the depths of the Earth - at the intersection of fracture strips in the Karlovy Vary granite - in the very lower place valleys, in the Tepla riverbed. At first it flowed uselessly with the river water. Natural outlets were overgrown with salt sediment, which, together with the erosional activity of the river, contributed to their constant change of places. Only the founding of the city and the need to use the springs became the impetus for the first capture of the Geyser. Initially, these grips were placed directly at the water outlets, in the Tepla riverbed. However, frequent floods forced a different decision - at the beginning of the 16th century, the source was caught on the right bank of the river.

Shallow wells drilled into a thick layer of geyser salt sediment usually encountered pressurized water just below the surface, which was then released under its own pressure through a system of open gutters into the resort houses. Baths were taken there, and here medicinal water patients drank. Relatively shallow wells - in 1980 there were only ten of them, and the deepest of them reached 8 meters below the level of the river bed - were after 500 years, based on the positive results of extensive geological research, supplemented by four oblique wells, catching water at a depth of 44-88 meters.

Source of Charles IV

Source #2

Mineral water should not be used to water plants or pour it onto the floor of colonnaded spaces.

Temperature 60.5°C, CO2 content 448 mg/l, flow rate 4.4 l/min. An ancient legend tells that it was at this source that the founder of the resort, Emperor and King Charles IV, treated his sore legs. Above the source vase there is a commemorative relief by Zerkler "Discovery of Karlovy Vary". Since ancient times, there have been thermal water outlets in the area of ​​the current source - in the arcade of the old city hall. Only after its demolition could they be properly captured by the pits for the first time, but their power was small. And only the construction of today's wooden colonnade gave the vase of this source a specific place and included it in a number of sources intended for drinking treatment.

When the staircase at the Pestilence Pillar was moved in 1895, new springs were discovered flowing from under a 1 meter thick aragonite bench. They were caught in two pits and brought out through pipes to the colonnade. However, their power gradually decreased, and since the First World War, the need arose to make an additional decision: water was supplied here through pipes 85 m long from the nearest powerful source, Nizhny Zamkovoy. While the holiday season lasted only five summer months, this solution was generally satisfactory. Along the way, the water of the hot Castle Spring was cooled to a pleasant temperature for drinking treatment. The situation worsened due to the decision to have a year-round treatment season - in winter, the water temperature dropped to 30°C.

Lower Castle Spring

Source #3

Permanently closed. It is located inside the Castle Colonnade, built according to the design of the Viennese architect Ohmann. Behind the spring vase is a relief on sandstone, clearly depicting the “Spirit of Springs”. The colonnade and the spring took their name from a small hunting castle built at the behest of Charles IV. In the very center of the historical part of the resort, at the foot of the Castle Tower, one of the most famous Karlovy Vary springs emerges. The first information about him dates back to 1769, but he appeared in these places even earlier. At the place where it came out, the children dug a small pool and swam in its warm water. It was greedily drank by cows returning from pastures on the surrounding slopes. Even then, the source interested the resort doctors. In the cold winter of 1784, when all drinking water froze, the water of the Castle Spring was brought into a common reservoir. At the same time, Dr. D. Becher carried out a chemical analysis of it and became convinced that it was identical to the analysis of Geyser water.

At the insistence of visiting patients, the Castle Spring was first captured at the end of the 18th century. It was found that its water flows from a crack in the granite, running obliquely under the houses on the Castle Top. But during the great failure of the Geyser in 1809, this source disappeared and, despite great efforts spent on searching for it, it was found only 14 years later. In 1911, a colonnade was built here according to the design of the Viennese architect Ohmann. Behind the spring vase there is a sandstone relief "Spirit of the Springs". He was mistakenly called Krakonos. Unfortunately, for a number of years now the entire complex of the Castle Colonnade has been closed due to its disrepair. During the new search for small Karlovy Vary springs, three wells were drilled at the Castle Spring. One of them captured an influx of water with a capacity of over 200 l/min at a depth of 31 meters. This is the highest power that has ever been found at Karlovy Vary springs.

Upper Castle Spring

Source #4

Permanently closed. Part of the thermal water from the pit of the Lower Castle Spring was carried all the way to the pavilion erected above this “new” spring in 1912. When preparations were underway for the construction of the Castle Colonnade (1908), the then head of the springs department, Robert Kampe, suggested that the author of the project, the Viennese architect Ohmann, use an interesting idea - to bring a small part of the water of the Lower Castle Spring several meters higher. According to the laws of physics, a mixture of water and gas is lighter than water. When applied to this case, this means that the height of the water outlet under pressure depends on the amount of CO gas coming out of the well along with the water. Then, through a narrow tube, water with a strong gas content and a speed of 1 l/min was removed from the source pit to the pavilion of the Upper Castle Spring.

Feb 15, 2017

The sanatorium town of Karlovy Vary, located in the west of the Czech Republic, has long been famous for its unique hot mineral springs, which have a mass useful properties and are mainly used for drinking therapy. This is a whole natural complex, an amazing mechanism that magically transforms precipitation into rich healing waters. According to their chemical composition, they are sodium chloride or sodium carbonate-sulfate. They contain about fifty useful substances and microelements, which together have the most beneficial effect on the body.

The use of Charles mineral thermal drinks is publicly available, absolutely free, most of them operate 24 hours a day. In total, there are 15 healing springs in Karlovy Vary, each of which has its own number from 1 to 15. In the spa industry, only twelve are used, from 1 to 12 numbers. They are similar in chemical composition, differ in CO 2 content and temperature (from 30 to 72 0 C).

Brief characteristics of Karlovy Vary springs by number

No. 1 Vřídlo. Geyser hot spring (72 0 C), characterized by a productivity of about 2000 l/minute. Under pressure, the geyser column can reach a height of 12 meters. Water from this source is supplied for bathing procedures. With drinking therapy, it has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and treats gastritis. For people who are prone to upper respiratory tract diseases, it is useful to breathe enriched air near a geyser.

The colonnade contains five containers with the following types of water:

A- naturally hot (72 0 C), has a fastening effect;

B - chilled universal (50 0 C);

C - chilled cold (30 0 C), has a laxative effect.

No. 2 Charles IV). The unique healing qualities of the hot spring (65 0 C) were the reason that Charles IV decided to open a resort in this area. Above the source itself there is a relief image depicting the moment of construction of Karlovy Vary. Water from the source has a beneficial effect on the skeletal system and joints.

No. 3 Lower Castle (Zámecký dolní). One of two springs of a common source with a water temperature of 55 0 C. Its supply is carried out at market square, where it is brought specifically so that water is available for drinking to everyone. Water from the source has a strengthening effect on the bone structure and all joints. Drinking therapy is effective in the treatment and restoration of the musculoskeletal system.

No. 4 Upper Castle (Zámecký horní). The second spring of the same source, the water temperature is also 55 0 C, is available for use only by guests of the Castle Spa. It is located higher, located not in the colonnade, but above it. It differs in CO 2 content and some physical properties from its lower version. Irrigation of the gums with this water is beneficial for periodontal disease, prevents caries, and also restores and strengthens joints and bones.

No. 5 Market (Tržni). A most useful source with a temperature of 62 0 C, intended for the treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system. It was discovered back in 1388, but since then it has disappeared and reappeared more than once, so it was planned to open several wells. Today it is actively used by sanatorium doctors when treating patients.

No. 6 Melnichny (Mlýnský). The unique thermal water (56 0 C) from this source has been used for spa procedures since the 16th century. We can say that this is a women's beauty drink. It has a positive effect on nails and hair, nourishing and therefore strengthening them. Previously, this water was used mainly for baths. Today it is bottled under the Mattoni brand.

No. 7 Mermaid (Rusalka). Until 1945 it was called the New Spring. The water has a temperature of 60 0 C, we can say that this is a children's medicinal drink. Its use is effective for regulating metabolism in children and increasing the protective functions of their body.

No. 8a Prince Valcava I. The source is located in the Mill Colonnade, where it is connected to two vases. Water at a temperature of 65 0 C is enriched with Glauber's salt, therefore it has a laxative effect. It is recommended to drink it to cleanse the body, preferably before starting a spa treatment.

№8 bPrince Valcava II. This Carlsbad spring flows opposite the orchestra pit directly in front of the colonnade. Its temperature is 58 0 C and has a laxative effect. It is recommended to drink water to cleanse the body before starting a general treatment course.

No. 9 Libuše. A unique source (62 0 C), which arose by combining four smaller springs. It is used to treat children, normalize their metabolism, and improve immune function.

No. 10 Rocky (Skalni). Previously, until 1845, the water of the spring flowed into the Tepla River, but after redevelopment of the area, it was brought to the Mill Colonnade. Water at a temperature of 53 0 C is effective for normalizing metabolism and in the treatment of diabetes; Drinking it is effective in losing weight.

No. 11 Svoboda. The spring (60 0 C) began to function in the second half of the 19th century with the discovery of Lazne III. Geographically located between Lazne III and the Mill Colonnade. We can say that this is a men's drink, as it helps regulate male hormones, has a beneficial effect on potency, and helps treat prostatitis.

No. 12 Sadový. Healing water with a temperature of 47 0 C comes to the surface near the colonnade on the territory of the Military Sanatorium. It is used in the treatment of kidneys and liver, helps wash away stones, and restores the body after Botkin's disease.

No. 13 Becherovka. Healing spring Karlovy Vary No. 13 (38 0 C) - this is how the Czechs themselves jokingly call the local herbal liqueur “Becherovka”. It tones the body, improves overall well-being and mood. There are several types of this drink with different specific tastes.

No. 14 Stefania. Located near the Richmond Hotel, it is no longer operational. Unfortunately, after the redevelopment and supply of water to the hotel with the implementation of related repair work, the spring simply dried up. It was effective in treating eyes, even infectious diseases.

No. 15 Snake (Hadí). The coldest waters of Carlsbad (30 0 C) contain less minerals but more CO 2 compared to others. They flow from the statue of a snake's mouth, which is located in the Garden Colonnade. This source is a storehouse of beauty; It is not intended for drinking, but for washing, which significantly rejuvenates the skin.

  • The course and dosage are prescribed by a sanatorium doctor with the appropriate qualifications.
  • For the first morning intake, it is best to collect water at about 5-6 o’clock in the morning, since in the early morning it is most enriched with geyser gases.
  • You should drink 30 minutes before meals, in small sips, while walking slowly.
  • For drinking, it is allowed to use only special glassware, ceramics, and porcelain.
  • When drinking mineral waters, it is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages, and smoking is also undesirable.

Karlovy Vary is one of the most famous resort towns Czech Republic. Its mineral springs have healing powers, fill the body with energy, and relieve the body of ailments. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the sanatorium in Karlovy Vary and see for yourself the healing properties of its springs.

Initially, the centuries-old tradition of Karlovy Vary spa treatment is based on the healing properties of mineral water. It is impossible not to admire the external simplicity of the natural mechanism that transforms precipitation into fountains of life-giving water. For three and a half million years now, in the green bowl of the Tepla River valley, from a depth of two thousand meters, now freezing, now bursting out with an enthusiastic bubbling sound, the life-giving Karlovy Vary Water, now famous throughout the world, has emerged from the bowels of the earth, warmed by the internal warmth of our planet.

And when you bend down to the source with a drinking cup and fill it with this water, you feel the living warmth that warms the cup and hand, this is the living warmth of the Earth, and we, people, are created from the chemical elements of the Earth. Only now, when people were able to conduct a chemical analysis of the composition of Karlovy Vary water, did it become known that it is sodium carbonate-sulfate and sodium chloride water with compounds of calcium, potassium, iron, lithium and bromine. And that more than 50 substances and microelements are dissolved in it, which are an integral part of many enzymatic systems of our body. And then, 600 years ago, during the emergence of the Karlovy Vary spa business, our ancestors, rather intuitively listening and obeying their inner feelings, went to the water and received healing from it.

The most powerful mineral spring- “Vřídlo” water flows from a depth of about 2000 meters and is characterized by absolute environmental purity. The geyser fountain has a jet height of 12 meters.

It was in this spring, according to legend, that Emperor Charles IV first washed his feet with medicinal water in the 14th century. Above the spring there is a carved painting "The Discovery of Karlovy Vary" by the German architect Zerkler.

Found in 1769, and ten years later brought to the surface 14 meters higher than Vřídlo. It is named after the hunting lodge of Emperor Charles IV.

The source is located in the semicircular brick apse of the Tržní colonnade. Discovered in 1838. Recently a new well was drilled to a depth of 38 meters. This made it possible to install the source vase at floor level, whereas previously patients had to go down a spiral staircase to it.

It is this water that is bottled by Mattoni, sold in the Czech Republic and exported to dozens of countries around the world.

A pavilion was built over this source in 1792, which was soon replaced by a colonnade, which became the first building of this type in Karlovy Vary. Since the beginning of the 19th century, this is where resort guests most often met and communicated with each other.

It was discovered in 1784 at the foot of the cliff on which stood the statue of St. Bernard. The powerful stream shot to a height of 4 meters, and the power of the source was comparable to Vřídlo. The rock was later demolished, as it rested on the Tepla River and prevented passage along the left bank. This is the only source that has two vases. One of them is located in the middle of the Mlyn colonnade, and the second, since 1964, on the very bank of the Tepla River.

The existence of a spring, which in its location and parameters corresponded to the current Libuše spring, was first mentioned in the Karlovy Vary city chronicle of the 18th century. But then it was not used. Upon completion of the construction of the Mlyn colonnade (1871-81), four of its fontanelles were placed in a vase under its arches.

The source was discovered during the foundation of the Lazne III sanatorium in 1865 and led to a wooden pavilion. It has had its current name since 1946. A gazebo was built over the Source of Freedom, which today is one of the historical sites protected by the state.

The source was discovered during the construction of the Military Resort Sanatorium in 1851. Since the source's outlet was located directly under one of the load-bearing walls of the building, it had to be brought to the surface using a chute made from a hollow linden trunk. Over many decades, the structure has retained all its qualities, and the wood has remained absolutely healthy. Due to its high carbon dioxide content, this source is especially popular among patients.

It was recognized as suitable for drinking treatment only in 1998. The source, over which a white gazebo, stylized as antique, is built, comes to the surface at the Richmond Parkhotel, not far from the Japanese Garden. Today it is known that other reserves of mineral water are hidden around it, which will gradually be brought to the surface and become available to resort guests.

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Location of Karlovy Vary springs on the map of Karlovy Vary.

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