Adonis spring flower. Spring adonis: beneficial properties

A striking representative of the large Ranunculaceae family is Adonis vernatum. A beautiful double flower has long been used to create bright, rich compositions in landscape design. This plant is known as one of the methods of treatment of various diseases offered by traditional medicine. Botany knows about 25 species of the plant, and central Asia is considered its homeland. In mythology, Adonis was the Greek god, patron of beauty.

Adonis, depending on the variety, is a perennial or annual plant, but the common characteristics are the bush's low stem, as well as the shape of the flowers - a velvety daisy, the edges of which have glossy petals.

Regardless of what type of plant is grown, spring Adonis creates a lush inflorescence, which is covered during the flowering period with beautiful yellow or scarlet daisy-shaped flowers. As it matures, Adonis Amur forms a larger number of shoots on the stem, with one inflorescence basket visible on each of them. The leaves are in the form of feathery plates, lush, rich in color, the stem is completely covered with them.

The use of plants in creating landscape compositions

The most suitable area on which it is recommended to plant Adonis Amur are both sides of the garden path, shrub compositions, among which are single bushes of a bright plant. Adonis grass also looks great on rocky hills, rockeries, and multi-tiered flower beds.

The undeniable advantage of such a flower is that even after the end of the flowering period, spring Adonis does not lose its decorative effect. It can be perfect for compositions created from a large number of low-growing, groundcover and bush crops, such as:

  • Blooming at the same time as Adonis are lumbago, hazel grouse, and prolix;
  • Decorative look of onion;
  • Iris;
  • Violets;
  • Bells.

A cut adonis flower will not last long; it dries out within 24 hours. The main difference between Adonis and other plants is that in addition to the bright flower, it has decorative leaves that grow throughout the growing season. Only certain varieties lose their foliage after flowering.

Varieties of varieties

Plant varieties differ in the configuration and size of the leaves; the color of the flowers and the height of the stem also differ. is able to add variety to any landscape composition. Interestingly, Adonis Amur is the only species that has retained all varietal features and characteristics. The most prominent representatives of this plant variety are:

  1. Benten - it has snow-white inflorescences with a fringed border along the edge.
  2. Sandanzaki - yellow-green flower color.
  3. Pleniflora - dense double green-yellow inflorescences.
  4. Ramosa - has double inflorescences, rich scarlet-brown color.

A variety called Hinomoto is unique in the color of its petals. They are red-orange on the outside and green with a bronze tint on the inside. Knowing the descriptions of different varieties, you can choose the most suitable one for yourself and grow it in your garden.

Golden Adonis (Adonis chrysocyathus)- is a rare representative of the plant that lives in Central Asia. At the same time, this variety is classified not only as an ornamental plant, but also as a medicinal one. It can be found in western Tibet or Tien Shan. Listed in the Red Book as an endangered species.

Summer Adonis (Adonis aestivalis)– distributed in the southern region of the European part of Russia, Central Asia or Western Europe. The British nicknamed this variety “pheasant's eye.” The shape of the stems, reaching 10-50 cm, is ambiguous: straight, bare, branched or furrowed. The variety is decorated with single flowers with a diameter of 2-3 cm, blooming in June-August.

How to grow a plant

Adonis is a plant that is not demanding in terms of growing conditions and care. Its planting and care can be done during periods of drought; it also tolerates shading by other, larger plants or trees. But, nevertheless, you will have to make some efforts to grow a flower.

Many varieties of Adonis love to grow near highways, in meadows and fields. They bloom best when growing on a light soil substrate saturated with mineral and organic substances. When planting, it is recommended to control the acidity of the soil mixture - it should be moderately acidic or neutral. The flower will really like a large amount of lime in the soil substrate.

Before you start planting, you should thoroughly dig up and loosen the soil where spring Adonis will be grown. After the ground has been leveled, there is no need to add a large amount of organic fertilizers - compost, mullein, manure, rotted sawdust, wood ash.

Important! Summer Adonis loves a high content of organic structures in the soil.

The plant grows very slowly; it may not tolerate transplanting to a new location. Therefore, the soil must be fertilized so that the fertilizing is sufficient for several years of growth. It is not recommended to apply mineral fertilizers to the soil. Growing from seeds can be carried out in autumn and spring. When planting in autumn, the dormant period is shortened, flowering occurs already in the next growing season.

Proper care

To grow Adonis, the soil must be moderately moist. Watering should be moderate. You should not allow water to stagnate in the soil, otherwise this can lead to rotting of the root system and the development of pathogens. Periodically, the soil needs to be loosened. If the weather outside is humid, watering is reduced, but in dry conditions, watering is carried out 3 times a week. Adonis is resistant to sprinkling and watering under the root system (unlike other ornamental plants).

Important! Loosening the flower should be done very carefully. This crop produces buds located at a shallow depth around the bush itself.

Damage to these buds must not be allowed, otherwise the period of growth, development and flowering of the plant will be significantly shortened. The flower loves light, and with a constant lack of it, it may even die.

Fertilizing the crop should be done very carefully, only with the help. You can take fertile mulch, which includes humus and rotted compost. This composition is applied in the fall; it will be enough for the entire next growing season.

It is best to plant in light, fertile soil rich in organic matter. The acidity of the soil should be neutral, with the possible addition of lime.

Impact of diseases and pests

Summer Adonis is practically not damaged by pests, this is due to the fact that it is poisonous. For a large number of insects, both the root system and all ground elements of the flower are poisonous. Even the seeds are not damaged by pests and diseases, unlike other crops.

The flower is able to withstand prolonged frosts in winter and sudden changes in climatic conditions in spring. To prepare the plant for wintering, no special measures are required. Young seedlings can be covered with leaves or spruce branches.

Reproduction and planting of Adonis

The crop is propagated by seed and division. These methods have both positive and negative sides. Gardeners use them equally often. The seed method of growing crops may not be justified, since the germination rate of planting material is low and young shoots grow very slowly.

Planting is carried out in cool soil, from the second ten days of April until the end of May. Before the seeds begin to be planted, they are hardened (kept in the refrigerator for two weeks). After planting, Adonis begins to bloom in the third year.

Reproduction by division has its drawbacks - this method is only suitable for a plant that has been growing in a permanent place for 6 years. After planting separated baby bushes, at least 3 years pass before the plant blooms.

Important! In order for young Adonis bushes to quickly take root in a new place and begin to grow, one adult bush should be divided into only two parts, no more.

When transplanting, the earthen ball is not cleaned, the root system should not be damaged.

Medicinal uses and contraindications of Adonis

The medicinal properties of adonis allow it to be used in folk and traditional medicine as an additional way to treat many diseases. The basis for obtaining medicines is Adonis vernatum (Adonis). It is used to strengthen the body, in the treatment of colds, pneumonia, and dropsy. It is important to prepare Adonis grass correctly. To do this, it is collected in bunches and placed in a shaded place. Adonis should not be dried in the sun..

Adonis contains up to 20 types of cardiac glycosides (0.14–0.84%). This allows you to restore the nervous system, normalize a person’s cardiac activity and get rid of edema. The range of uses of Adonis herb is very wide; it helps fight certain infectious diseases (scarlet fever, influenza) and kidney inflammation.

Interesting fact! Adonis can be effectively used to stop seizures in drug addicts caused by the influence of narcotic substances.

Infusion recipe: Take 5-6 grams of Adonis herb and brew it with boiling water. Then infuse for 2 hours and take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Since spring adonis is classified as a poisonous plant, it is better to consult a doctor before using it. In case of an overdose, the heart rate, stomach function, or fatigue may be disrupted.

Adonis spring is not only a bright, beautiful flower that uplifts the mood and decorates any landscape, but it is also an excellent remedy for the treatment of many diseases.

(in Latin - Adonis Vernalis) is a medicinal plant whose healing qualities are well known. Despite the fact that Adonis itself is poisonous, it contains a number of unique chemical elements and is therefore widely used both in traditional medicine and as part of folk remedies.

general characteristics

Spring adonis is a perennial plant that comes from the ranunculaceae family. Its scientific name - adonis - according to legend, comes from the name of Adon, the Phoenician sun god, who died every autumn in order to be reborn in the spring.

In other words, spring adonis is also called yellowflower, swimweed, field dill, hairy grass, hare poppy, centaury, starwort, black grass.

This herbaceous plant is characterized by a vertical, shortened rhizome and straight bare stems, reaching a height of 40-60 cm. The leaf blades are small, brownish. At the very roots and at the bottom of the stem, they, as a rule, have a scaly shape, and higher up they have a finger-like dissection.

Adonis flowers are single, located at the very ends of the shoots. They are quite large (up to seven centimeters in diameter) and have up to twenty light yellow petals, resembling a multi-rayed star in shape.

The fruits of adonis are spherical and wrinkled, located on small hooked stems.


Most often, Adonis is found on dry hillsides or forest edges. He also loves virgin black soils, choosing places that are well warmed by the sun's rays.

It blooms in spring, usually in April and May. At this time, its healing properties reach their maximum. The fruits of the plant ripen from May to June.

Spring adonis is quite difficult to reproduce. It needs fungal threads (mycorrhizae), which enter into symbiosis with the rhizome of the plant. In addition, adonis seeds germinate only ten to twelve years after sowing. The plant will reach final maturity only after existing for forty or even fifty years.

The geography of distribution of spring adonis is Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus, Western Siberia, some regions of Central Asia.

Currently, this plant is one of the endangered species listed in the Red Book.

Collection rules

For medicinal purposes, the spring adonis herb is used - the upper part of the plant, including leaves, stems, flowers and unripe fruits. It is best to collect it during the flowering period - such raw materials are considered to be of the highest quality.

The plant should be carefully cut off, leaving the lower part of the stem and a few leaves on it. It is prohibited to pull it out along with the roots.

The collected herbs are dried in the oven or in dry weather in the fresh air in a shaded place. As a result, the stems should break easily. After this, the workpiece is scattered into cardboard boxes or fabric bags.

Dried Adonis herb can be stored in a dark, cool place for no more than three years.

Spring adonis: beneficial properties

The unique healing properties of adonis make it possible to use it to treat a number of diseases of various natures and origins.

Due to the large number of glycosides that spring adonis contains, its use is extremely effective in cardiology. It is indicated for rheumatism, some cases of neurocirculatory dystonia, chronic heart failure and ischemic disease.

Adonis is often used to get rid of nervous disorders: sleep disorders, hyperexcitability, astheno-neurotic syndrome.

Spring adonis preparations help with liver diseases and have a significant diuretic effect.

It is also used in cases of cocaine overdose, when camphor or picrotoxin convulsions occur.

The herb treats spring adonis and Graves' disease. In addition, it is prescribed for glaucoma to relieve an acute attack.


It should be borne in mind that spring adonis is a highly poisonous plant. An overdose of its drugs is fraught with very serious consequences, it can cause cardiac arrest and even coma.

Under no circumstances should the following categories of people consume adonis:

  • Pregnant women (to avoid miscarriage).
  • Mothers during breastfeeding, as the poison of adonis can penetrate into their milk.
  • Children under twelve years of age.
  • People with peptic ulcers of the intestines, stomach, or those who suffer from enterocolitis.
  • Patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy experiencing ventricular arrhythmias, as well as people with impaired conduction within the heart.

Preparations of spring adonis

Adoniside is widely known in official medicine. This is an aqueous solution of cardiac glycosides that are part of the chemical composition of the spring adonis plant. The description of the drug characterizes it as a cardiotonic agent that reduces the number of contractions of the heart muscle. It is a clear liquid with a slightly yellowish color. Adults are usually prescribed twenty to forty drops, which should be taken 2-3 times during the day. You should not consume more than 120 drops of this product per day.

Dry adonis extract is a brown-yellow powder that can easily absorb water. Many tablets are made based on it. An example is "Adonis-Bromine", which additionally contains potassium bromide. It is usually prescribed for the treatment of heart neuroses, as well as for chronic failure of this organ.

The dry extract of this plant is present in the composition of Bekhterev tablets.

In addition, crushed dried herb of spring adonis (in Latin - Herba Adonisvernalis) can be purchased at a pharmacy as prescribed by a doctor.

Use in folk medicine

A water tincture of Adonis at home is prepared as follows. Half a spoon (tablespoon) of the dry collection should be poured with a glass (200 g) of boiling water and left in a bathhouse for about five minutes. Let the herb sit for half an hour, then strain. Adults can take half a tablespoon orally no more than five times a day. The infusion should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days from the moment of brewing.

An alcohol tincture of spring adonis is also often used. To prepare it, dry chopped grass is poured into a glass jar and filled with an alcoholic drink of forty-degree strength so that it is about a centimeter above the collection level. The remedy is usually infused for twenty-one days. It is advised to drink twenty-five to thirty drops at a time three or five times a day.

Spring adonis is often included in complex collections. So, for heart disease, it is recommended to mix in equal quantities the herb of adonis, lemon balm, horsetail, motherwort, leaves of watch, birch and gooseberry, calendula and clover inflorescences, as well as mistletoe (white) shoots. Twelve grams of this collection are poured into a thermos, pour a third of a liter of boiling water, leave for three hours and filter. The resulting drink should be divided into four equal portions and drunk throughout the day.

As a diuretic, it is recommended to thoroughly crush 3 parts of parsley seeds, juniper fruits, 1 part of adonis, caraway fruits, fennel, and elderflower flowers in an iron mortar. Pour one spoon of powder into a glass of water and wait six hours, then boil the infusion and keep on fire for about fifteen minutes. Next, the broth is filtered, divided into three parts and taken evenly throughout the day after meals.

Other types of adonis

The herb that is used primarily for medicinal purposes is the spring adonis. The Pharmacopoeia contains a record of it as an official medicinal product.

However, it is also possible to harvest some species similar to spring Adonis. The following varieties of adonis are suitable for medicinal purposes:

  • Turkestan, growing in the mountains of Central Asia.
  • Amur, found in the Far East
  • Golden, whose homeland is the Pamirs and Tien Shan.

Volga adonis, which has smaller pale yellow flowers and a relatively low stem (up to fifteen centimeters), is often mistaken for spring Adonis. It is believed that the latter has no medicinal value, and there is no point in harvesting it.

Adonis is a medicinal herb that is of great interest for medicine. Based on Adonis extract, tablets and tinctures are produced that show high effectiveness in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, kidney diseases, and to maintain heart function.

Adonis flower

Adonis spring flower (adonis vernalis - Latin name) is a herbaceous representative of the genus of the Ranunculaceae family, includes 20-45 species of multi- and annuals. Grows in Asia and Europe. Annual medicinal plant: Adonis summer - blooms in summer, found in southern Russia, Central Asia and Western Europe; autumn hairy plant - common in the Mediterranean, blooms in summer. Adonis perennial: Volga; Amur; spring; Siberian. The plant is endangered, it is not listed in the Red Book, it is included in the Appendix of the CITES Convention.

Adonis spring - description

Adonis spring plant is a perennial medicinal flower:

  • Height reaches 60 cm.
  • It has a wide rhizome with a diameter of up to 4 cm.
  • The stem of the plant has no leaves; they are located at the very bottom and look like small scales.
  • The flowers are bright yellow, can be seen in the photo, located at the top of the branch. The size is large, diameter up to 6 cm.
  • The adonis flower grows in Russia, Crimea, Siberia, Young and Central Europe. Found in forests, mountain slopes, and flat areas. Adonis blooms in spring.
  • Fruits: seed-leaflets with a hook-shaped spout.
  • Popular names of the plant: Montenegrin, yellowflower, starodubka.

Adonis - medicinal properties and contraindications

Preparations based on the herb adonis have beneficial properties for the body:

  • vasodilator;
  • diuretic – excess fluid is removed, effective for kidney diseases;
  • stabilize heart rate;
  • normalize sleep and act as a sedative, especially on the nervous system;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • cardiotonic;
  • painkiller.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of Adonis vernacular are associated with the medicinal components included in its composition. For a long time, the plant has been used as a remedy for the treatment of kidney and heart diseases (neurosis, chronic failure). For example, hare poppy, when used simultaneously with bromine, can treat epilepsy. Indications for the use of the medicinal herb kupavnik are as follows:

  • heart disease, especially at the stage of decompensation;
  • shortness of breath associated with heart rhythm disturbances;
  • kidney disease and inflammation (dropsy, kidney stones);
  • glaucoma;
  • jaundice;
  • myositis;
  • fever;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • insomnia;
  • convulsions caused by taking camphor and pyrotoxin. Adonis helps with convulsions caused by an overdose of narcotic drugs;
  • enhances the body's resistance to infectious diseases, influenza, pneumonia, scarlet fever;
  • painkiller, prescribed for diseases of the muscles or joints.

The most important functioning substances of the plant are cardiac glycosides; they have a positive effect in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. They can increase the stroke volume of the heart and slow down the heart rate. Medications obtained from Adonis, due to their properties, are used for heart failure and cardiac neuroses. Adonis is very poisonous, it is necessary to follow the rules of administration.

In case of overdose, you should call a doctor, do a gastric lavage, and take activated charcoal. Bed rest and a gentle diet are prescribed, but taking emetics is not recommended. Adonis-based medications should not be used if a person has:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • colitis (acute and chronic forms of the disease);
  • hypertensive diseases;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • tachycardia, bradycardia;
  • tendency to form blood clots.

Herb Adonis - application

Spring adonis is approved for use in medicine and is recognized as a medicinal product. The use of Adonis spring must be strictly according to the instructions, otherwise severe poisoning is likely. Before using the herb, consult your doctor. For children (only over 3 years old) it is recommended to take 1-2 tsp. The dose depends on the age and condition of the child.

Infusion of adonis herb

Treatment with Adonis is popular in folk medicine. A tincture made from adonis is recommended for heart disease, dropsy, kidney inflammation, swelling, and infectious diseases (scarlet fever, typhus, influenza). The infusion of Adonis is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. herbs should be poured 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Let cool, take a medicinal decoction 3 times a day, 1 tsp.

The medicinal properties of Adonis vernacular have long been known, and the plant is also widely used in modern industrial pharmacology. In herbal books compiled by healers of the 16th century, there is a description of the healing effects of Adonis. Healers used it to treat heart disease, dropsy, and fever. In the old days they said: if the adonis has bloomed and you see it for the first time, you need to collect the flowers, dry them and smoke your eyes with them for night blindness. Today, this beautiful and popularly revered flower is listed in the Red Book and is under strict protection. Therefore, it is grown for industrial collection as a pharmaceutical raw material. When collecting privately, the plant can be cut only selectively: leave 3 stems for every square meter.

Features of Adonis


Spring adonis grows in the steppe with high grass. Most often found in Eastern and Southern Europe. The flower can rarely be seen in Germany and Switzerland; in these countries, Adonis vernatum is on the verge of extinction. Spring adonis loves black soil, gullies, open spaces, dry climates, unplowed steppe slopes, and hills. It can also be found in rocky areas, for example, in Crimea. Less common on the edges and clearings of birch groves and oak forests. Adonis also grows in Western Siberia, the Altai Territory, Central Asia, and the Caucasus, but unlike the European part, it can bloom in these regions until mid-June.

Adonis in spring. Botanical illustration from the book “Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen”, 1887.

Botanical description

If you describe a flower in poetic language, you can get by with a brief formulation: a bright, beautiful flower of spring, similar to the sun. How to recognize spring Adonis from a botanical description?

  • Flower . Single, located at the top of the stem, bright yellow, with a diameter of 4 to 8 cm. Consists of 5 sepals and 10–20 oblong petals up to 30 mm long.
  • Fruits. They have a spherical shape (multi-nut), about 20 mm long, consist of 30–40 nuts, and have a short hook-shaped nose. Fruit ripening occurs in June-July.
  • Leaves . The basal leaves are brown in color, higher up the stem they are sessile, divided into narrow lobules.
  • Stem. It varies in height from 15 to 30 cm. The stem is smooth, round and erect.
  • Root. Brownish, short, has cord-like processes. Grows vertically.

All parts of the plant are considered poisonous.

Conditions for collection, drying and storage

To preserve the medicinal properties of any medicinal plant, it is important to adhere to the conditions for collecting, drying and storing pharmaceutical raw materials.

  • Collection. Adonis (adonis) spring is collected throughout the flowering period until the fruit ripens. It is recommended to collect in clear, dry weather so that the raw materials do not absorb moisture. You need to cut the stem with the flower, above the first above-ground leaves. The roots of Adonis vernalis are not used for medicinal purposes. Under no circumstances should the plant be torn off by its roots.
  • Drying. Adonis is dried immediately after harvesting so that the raw materials do not become overcooked. It is better to dry under a canopy or in the attic, with access to fresh air. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. When properly dried, the leaves and stems remain green and the flowers remain yellow. The grass needs to be laid out in a thin layer, possibly on gauze, mesh, thick paper, the raw materials need to be mixed often.
  • Storage . During industrial storage, adonis grass is placed in bales and stored in dry rooms with good ventilation. In a home medicine cabinet, raw materials are stored in closed glass, wooden, and porcelain containers.

Adonis vernatum is grown as a pharmaceutical raw material in the following regions of Russia: the Volga region, Bashkiria, the North Caucasus, the Urals, as well as the Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions. Ukraine and Belarus are also considered industrial cultivation zones.

Medicinal properties

What are the medicinal properties of Adonis vernalis? What chemical elements are included in its composition? And for what diseases is this plant used?

  • Chemical composition. Contains the following cardiac glycosides: cymarin, adonivernoside, adonitoxin and others. It also contains the following useful substances: salts of potassium, manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium; phytosterol, saponins, alcohol adonin.
  • Effects on the cardiovascular system. Spring adonis strengthens heart contractions, improves blood circulation, and evens out heart rhythm. Effective for chronic heart failure, various cardiovascular diseases, shortness of breath, heart defects.
  • Depressant. For neuroses, Adonis vernalis helps relieve anxiety. It relieves seizures and has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system during psychosis, including alcohol and drug use.
  • For kidney problems. The diuretic properties of Adonis vernalis have been well known since ancient times. The herb increases the formation and excretion of urine, so it is prescribed for kidney infections. Also indications for the use of spring adonis are kidney and bladder stones.
  • Infectious diseases. To strengthen the body's defenses, the plant can be used for severe bacterial infections (sore throat, scarlet fever, pneumonia). Also, its decoctions and infusions can be taken for dry, annoying cough, whooping cough to suppress the cough center.
  • Painkiller. Most effective for rheumatic pain in muscles, ligaments, and joints.

Adonis vernalis is part of herbal preparations. There are many positive reviews about the treatment of Adonis vernalis in homeopathy. As a homeopathic medicine, Adonis vernalis is used extremely carefully, only under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. Treatment is long-term, can take from several months to several years for chronic heart rhythm disturbances, neuroses, and prostate diseases.


Cardiac glycosides, although toxic, do not accumulate in the body, have low persistence, and therefore are not considered dangerous with the correct dosage. But in case of an overdose of spring adonis or individual intolerance to the drug, the following side effects may occur:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the stomach and intestines;
  • digestive disorders;
  • overexcitation of the nervous system or, conversely, its severe depression.

What are the contraindications to the use of spring adonis?

  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Inflammation of the large and small intestines (enterocolitis).
  • Gastritis.
  • Hypertension.
  • Atherosclerosis of the arteries of the heart.
  • Pregnancy.

Adonis spring flower is a potent plant with poisonous properties. Therefore, its independent use is prohibited, especially as a cardiac remedy. Before treatment with Adonis, you should consult your doctor. It is also prohibited to use this medicinal plant in children under 3 years of age. Older children can be given infusions in strong dilution (1:40) 1 teaspoon according to strict indications and doctor's prescription.

Methods of application

The use of adonis herb in traditional medicine is found in such forms as alcohol infusions, ankylosing spondylitis, dry extract. You can also purchase Adonis at the pharmacy in the form of a cardiotonic drug called Adoniside. The medicine is prescribed for cardiac dysfunction and vegetative-vascular neuroses. At home, you can use recipes for decoction and tincture of spring adonis.

  • Decoction. One tablespoon of dry raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water, left for 30 minutes, then filtered through a strainer. Adults take the decoction cold three times a day, 1 teaspoon. The dosage differs in different sources: some reference books recommend taking a larger dose, 1 tablespoon 5 times a day. Only a doctor can determine the dosage and course of treatment. The broth can be stored for no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.
  • Infusion. The infusion is convenient because it can be stored longer. You need to put 2 tablespoons of dry grass in a glass jar and fill it with an alcohol solution so that its level is 1 cm above the grass. You need to insist for 3 weeks, use 25 drops three times a day. Keep refrigerated.

Features of Adonis summer

This annual plant blooms from July to September. The content of glycosides in this subspecies of adonis is insignificant, therefore it is not used in pharmacology and scientific medicine. But in old folk herbal books you can find recipes with summer adonis. Healers say that this remedy should not be underestimated, the active ingredients of which have not yet been studied enough. In folk medicine, a tincture is prepared from summer Adonis in the following proportion: 2 teaspoons of the raw material, pour ¼ liter of cold water and infuse for 10 hours. Then the infusion is filtered and taken 100 ml twice a day. How does summer Adonis affect the body?

  • Cleanses the blood.
  • Relieves swelling associated with impaired kidney function.
  • Effective for dry cough.
  • Helps to relax with insomnia in adults.

What side effects might there be? Spring adonis is considered a toxic and unsafe plant. However, summer adonis does not fall into this category because it is low in glycosides. However, it is better not to use this herb without a doctor's prescription.

Features of the adonis cuckoo

The cuckoo adonis belongs to the carnation family. This medicinal plant has a completely different appearance and medicinal properties, and also grows in a different area. Cuckoo adonis is a perennial marsh plant that loves moisture. Its main pharmacological properties:

  • hemostatic;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Widely used in gynecology: stops uterine bleeding, helps with infertility. They treat bronchitis, hepatitis, rheumatism, and kidney infections. For skin rashes, suppuration of wounds, and abscesses, lotions are made from a decoction of cuckoo adonis.

Spring adonis is the first choice medicinal plant for heart problems. Cardiac glycosides contained in Adonis vernalis have antiarrhythmic and cardiotonic properties. This remedy can be used separately or in combination with other medicinal plants. It is recommended to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

The main thing why gardeners love the Adonis spring plant is its durability. In one place, these flowers can grow for up to fifty years and annually delight plant growers with lush, sunny blooms. If you plant even one small bush, in a couple of years it will grow so much that it forms a small clump of 20-30 bright flowers. The only negative is poor seed germination, so it is recommended to propagate Adonis by dividing the rhizome.

Description of the plant Adonis spring

Spring Adonis, or Adonis (Runcupaceae family), is naturally distributed in Central and Southern Europe, Altai, and Siberia.

According to ancient Greek myth, these flowers were named after the beautiful Adonis, the lover of the goddess of love Aphrodite. He was mortally wounded while hunting by a wild boar. Seeing the inconsolable grief of the goddess, the ruler of the kingdom of shadows, Hades, began to release Adonis to earth, where he spent six months, and then returned back to the kingdom of the dead. When Adonis came to earth with the first bright rays of the spring sun, nature came to life, and where he stepped, flowers blossomed. They became the personification of nature, joy and love that resurrects every year.

Below you can see a photo and read a description of the spring Adonis growing in the middle zone:

It is a low-growing rhizomatous plant that blooms in early spring with golden-yellow flowers 2-3 cm in diameter. The stems are straight, smooth, weakly branched, about 20-30 cm high.

As you can see in the photo, spring Adonis (adonis) has single flowers with “lacquer” petals:

Each flower lives 8-10 days, opening early in the morning and closing in the afternoon. On cloudy days, the flowers may not open at all. When the plant fades, finely dissected thread-like leaves appear. The seeds ripen in June.

Even one plant forms a curtain over time. Adonis reach their maximum development at approximately 40-50 years of age. By this time, up to 30 large flowers are formed on the plant annually.

Cultivation and use of spring Adonis

When growing Adonis flowers, you need to take care of well-drained, well-fertilized, sufficiently moist soil. Prefers open sunny places, but tolerates partial shade. Watering in hot weather and fertilizing before flowering and in July (for the formation of flower buds) are necessary. The plant is winter-hardy.

Adonis is propagated by dividing the rhizomes in the spring, after flowering. The plant can be divided no earlier than after 5-7 years. Seed propagation is quite difficult. Seed germination is very low, and seedlings are not hardy, grow slowly and bloom only in the fourth or fifth year.