Vietnam on a world map. Vietnam - Maps in Russian for tourists looking for a resort

What outlets in Vietnam Vietnam are a large state divided into southern and northern. In southern Vietnam, the rosette of type C (Euror dress) is common to us, where you can insert a fork with two round pins. Voltage in the network - 220 V. In Northern Vietnam, most of the outlets belong to the so-called "American" type A. In such a socket, you can insert a fork from which

For traveling in Vietnam, the visa is not needed. If you are going to spend no more than 15 days in this country, you can not bother at all: just present the border guards pervertient for another six months (from the end of the trip) passport and the return ticket. Attending Vietnam for 15 days (including the day of entry and departure) is not more often than 1 time in 30 days. If a child rides in

When is it better to go to Vietnam? There is no unambiguous answer - all year round is warm and sunny. Sea water temperature on the coast of South Vietnam is high even in winter. Weather forecast for Vietnam should learn in advance to plan a comfortable vacation. To have an idea, what is the weather in Vietnam now, check out the weather table in Vietnam by months. Best B.

With what looks like, the paradise beach does not appear: the turquoise sea, white sand, the greens beclosed to the water of coconut palm. But as soon as the question arises than in this paradise to do, the unanimity disappears. Some want to just bask in the sun. Another need to dive with scuba or ride on the board. Third require parties. There are those who are looking for romance and privacy. Charm Vie

Fantheet and Muin are famous for their sand dunes. Pink (they are red) dunes are in a pair of a minute drive from Muyne Beach. Such a dune name was obtained for the specific color of the sand. If you don't like the red dunes, there are still pink and white. The main entertainment here is to sit on a plastic "iceboard" and roll from the dune, like a snowy mountain. Red dunes. Muin, Vietnam. Find out the prices of N.

The region where Vietnam is called indochite and is considered one of the most densely populated in the world. Throughout its history, Vietnam was inextricably linked with China, which influenced its southern neighbor.

Where is the country of Vietnam?

The narrow strip Vietnam stretched 1750 kilometers along the eastern shore of the Indochian Peninsula. Such a big length together with significant changes in relief creates very different natural conditions throughout the country, which change from north to south.

Along the border with Cambodia and Laos on the territory, Annam Mountains stretched, the most high Point which is located on the territory of Vietnam and is called Mount Bia.

Region where Vietnam is located does not lack water resources. Two largest rivers flow around the country South-East Asia - Mekong and Hongha. And on his territory they form their delta, falling into the South China Sea.

Water resources and climate

To answer the question where Vietnam on the equator is enough to hold an imaginary line from major city Countries with which Ho Chi Minhine, named so in honor of the first president of an independent state. The distance between the octalillion hoistin and the air is about a thousand two hundred kilometers.

Since the country lies at a considerable distance from the equator, it gives the climate seasonality with pronounced fluctuations in precipitation mode. In the south of Vietnam, the dry season continues from mid-December to April, and the rainy season from May to November.

The Great River Asia

The river, known worldwide as Mekong, is called Kyulong in Vietnamese, which is translated as the "River of the Nine Dragons". The length of the river reaches four and a half thousand kilometers, during which it proceeds through the territory of six states and serves as the border between Burma, Laos and Thailand.

Mekong takes its beginning on the territory of Tibetan highlands controlled by China. On the territory of Tibet, the river is called Dza-Chu, and after the exit to the Chinese lands is called Lancanjiang.

Walking through the territory of six states, the river carries meals in the land of local peasants, but it is distinguished by instability and significant differences in the amount of flow from the season for the season. If the river is filled in its upper flow due to the melting of snow, then in the region where Vietnam is, it depends on the drop-down rains.

The capital of Vietnam. Where is?

In which country there would be a capital, it is always a place for attraction for business and the population. Today, the capital of Vietnam is the city of Hanoi, the name of which is translated as "city between rivers".

Hanoi the second largest city of the country after Ho Chi Minhine, however, there are not so many cities, how much geographical position. Hanoi is included in the twenty of the largest in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of the world and occupies the seventeenthist in this ranking. At the same time, he is among the top ten most popular cities in Asia near tourists. Travelers attract the old history of the city, its architecture, craft areas and a good climate.

The unofficial symbol of the city, which often falls into the camera lens, is considered to be the Tower of the Khanyskaya Citadel, built in the fifteenth century. The citadel was repeatedly rebuilt and destroyed during numerous military conflicts, the most destructive of which was civil WarWithdrawal of eighteen years and killed two million locals.

Conflict of interest

In the twentieth century, Southeast Asia became the steering of the struggle between the two systems presented by the United States and the USSR, and by the end of the sixties conflict broke out in the region where Vietnam is. In which mainland, there would be a conflict of two superpowers, thousands of locals became his victims.

As a result of a prolonged conflict, which left an indelible mark in the history of all vessels, defeated the Communist leaders supported by the Soviet Union and held northern part country.

After the American troops were derived, and Ho Chi Minh set control over the entire country, the capital of South Vietnam was named after the first president of the new Communist Republic.

The Communist Economic System established according to the results of the war was collapsed at the beginning of the eighties of the twentieth century. The authorities began to conduct market reforms, attracting investments from other states. The country slowly began to open peace, but to this day the influence of the communist past on the life of people is large, and the symbol of this past serves the tomb of Ho Chi Minh - Mausoleum, built in the country of Hanoi.

Modern economy

Despite all the efforts of the country's leadership, Vietnam still remains largely agricultural country supplied abroad products with low market value. However, the Communist Party of Vietnam does not plan to give up and declares that it plans to make life in the village more comfortable and at the same time raise the productivity of agriculture.

It is assumed to carry out electricity in rural areas, road construction and increasing the share of mechanisms in the production of agricultural products. At the same time, residents will train work on new machines.

As for industrial production, we can say that in any part of the country where the city is located, Vietnam turns into not the most ecologically favorable place.

In the XXL century, many industries appeared in Vietnam, which do not meet modern environmental safety standards. More and more factories and factories are opening in the country due to the cheapness of the workforce, which even China can no longer boast. Workers live in terrible conditions, production safety rules are not respected, and salaries are barely enough to cover the minimum costs.

Ecological problems

The region where Vietnam is located mostly has a mountain or hilly medium height relief, but in the Mekong Delta, the sushi level decreases significantly. This seaside slide creates a threat to flooding in the event that the level of the world's ocean will increase due to global climate change.

Vietnamese scientists believe that by 2100 the sea level can be climbed by one meter, and this will lead to almost complete flooding of provinces located in an extensive river delta.

Another danger to the country's ecology can be the rapid urbanization, which began in two thousand years. Height settlements And the increased number of cars create unfavorable conditions for the health of the urban population.

It is an attractive country in a tourist attitude. There is also a coast, with resorts that allow you to enjoy warm seasy waves And good weather almost throughout the year, and many attractions that allow you to make an exciting excursion program.

Where is and what sea is washed?

Territorial Vietnam belong Southeast Asia is located on the Indochina Peninsula. In the West, the country borders with Cambodia and Laos, in the north with China.

The Vietnamese coast extends along the eastern and southern part of the country and is washed by the South China Sea, Thai and Tonkin bays.

Phanage and Muin

These resorts are located in the south of the country and specialize in a beach vacation. At the same time, in Muin, Russian-speaking tourists feel, as a rule, more comfortable, as the Russian diaspora settled there, many representatives of the Russian-speaking population have their own business, there are many signs in Russian on the streets.

Nha Trang.

This resort is one of most popular And at the same time, like Muin is filled with a significant number of Russian-speaking service. Many Russians have their own restaurants, sightseeing bureaus and other firms that work in tourism and recreation.

Nyacng offers opportunities for a wide variety of recreation. Here is the wellness service, but there are many entertainment, including the famous Vietnamese diving.


Is an alpine resortwhich is located in the central part of Vietnam. The Vietnamese and foreigners are resting here. Moreover, the resort has a certain complaint elitism:

  • a variety of golf courses;
  • cozy parks and forests;
  • walking by boats.

In Malat, great nature, many waterfalls and coniferous forests. Excellent conditions for measured recreation.

Fukuok and other islands

Fukuok - Magnificent resort island, where a large safari park was created quite recently. In addition, there are many entertainment and gorgeous beach rest.

Condo Island - relatively new tourist area, but deserving attention. There is excellent ecotourism. In addition to the magnificent beaches, Kondao offers:

  • reserve;
  • fishing;
  • observation of exotic animals.

If you are not far from Halong Bay, you can pamper yourself by visits to the islands Kabbit and Tuan Chow. They offer wellness service and entertainment in combination with beach holidays.

Mountain resorts

These resorts should be noted due to the presence of mineral sources there.

In Vietnam there are many useful sources mineral waterBut the resorts nearby are relatively small.

Of course, there is no whole year for recreation, but the conditions for a beneficial holiday are quite optimal.

Not far from Hanoi is located Ba V. - Resort with National Park. There you can enjoy:

  • mud baths;
  • bathing in hot water;
  • wellness sessions of traditional medicine.

Not far from Hoshimin is the city of Wangtau, to whose territory resort Bin Chu.. The resort is actively developing, offers hot mineral springs and high-quality service.

Beach and coast

Beaches in the south Countries are suitable for resort holidays for almost the whole year. In the fall, the rainy season begins there, but warm days are still observed.

Most resorts have access to the sea with water temperature of at least twenty degrees, that is, you can always swim.

North less favored in terms of weather in winter. There really come cold (according to Vietnamese standards) and bathing in the winter is not possible.

Sights of the country

Genuine Vietnam is not only a resort rest, but also an abundance.

In this country, many territories on which the construction of ancient civilizations and many natural beauty remained.

Besides it should be noted The remains of the colonial era, many houses in Vietnam remained from the era, when the French ruled the country.

For people from nordic countries Attractiveness have exotic entertainment:

  1. reserves with crocodiles and other rare animals;
  2. riding on elephants;
  3. national parks;
  4. fishing;
  5. snake restaurants.

There is also at all original excursion options Such as a visit to the partisan tunnels remaining from the War in Vietnam. Halong Bay is considered one of the most beautiful spaces on the planet.

Hanoi is abundant architectural structures of different times: from the era of the development of Buddhism, to the grand structures of the times of communism. Danang attracts Marble mountains and pagodas. The famous statue of the lying Buddha tourists can watch in Fanthiete.

In general, quite a few attractions are concentrated on the relatively small territory of Vietnam.

Regardless of which part of the country you will go, you can make an interesting cultural program for yourself.

International Airports

Now the territory of the country includes nine international Airports But only to four there are regular flights from Russia. The biggest It is a tonguennyat, which is located in Ho Chi Minh City. Not far from the capital (45 kilometers from Hanoi) is located at Noah Bai, which attracts tourists with architecture in the style of classical Vietnamese Pagoda.

If you need to fly to Dalange, there is a private airport in three kilometers from the city. In the province of Khanhoja, Kamran is used, which is located in Nha Trang.

Tourists who are interested in holiday rest most often use Tanshonnyt airport, which is closer to others popular resorts. In the future, this airport will be used for domestic flights, and "Speedtnikov" will be serving Longthan Airport.

Three points on the map of Vietnam (Nyacng-Dalat Muin), which will be interested in any tourist and traveler:

Vietnam is considered an interesting place for curious tourists. There is all that the traveler is necessary - the coast with a honeycomb on its blue sea, which is famous for the whole world of attractions, stunning resorts, hot weather for almost the entire year.

In contact with

Location on the map and washing by seas

If you look like a world map, you can see what is located on the Indochina Peninsula, which is located in the south-east of Asia. The coast is washed by the South-China Sever.

Now consider self interesting places For tourist holiday.

In the network you can easily find the Card Vietnam in Russian with resorts.

The main accumulation of attractions falls on the south of Vietnam, influenced weather country. In the north, bad weather prevails, rain often go. At that time, the south also rains, but with much smaller frequency and temperature is significantly higher.

On the Internet you can find detailed map Vietnam in Russian. It presents all cities (and smaller settlements) of the country.

The most popular and visited resorts of Vietnam:

  1. Muin and Phantet.
  2. Dalat.
  3. Nha Trang.
  4. Islands of Fukuok and Kondao.


Resorts Muin and Phantet

Both of these resorts designed for beach holidays. But Muinu will the best place For Russian-speaking tourists, because this is precisely this part of the population. Almost every step you can find signs in Russian, the Russian owners of various taverns, hotels and shops. Many infrastructure is fantial, especially well-developed services. water transport. In the fanta fanta, there are enough attractions, but the available immediately have an Asian flavor. The fanta is worth a visit to those who wish to relax, relaxing on the beach.

Resort Dalat.

The resort is designed rather for more people. It is located in the central part of Vietnam, and there are either the Vietnamese themselves, or Europeans who are more like solitude with nature. The city can provide boating walks on local water bodies, majestic waterfalls, quiet and quiet walks among the coniferous forest, cozy and small hotels. Golf lovers will be able to find a huge number of sites for their favorite business.

Nyacng resort

Here, as in Muin a large number of Russian people, they own shops, cafes, hotels and other entertainment facilities in the field of tourism. Nyachan city is ready to provide tourists different types of rest. Developed both wellness service and famous Diving in Vietnam. Everyone will find a lesson for yourself.

It is the capital of a beach holiday in all Vietnam. There are three best Beach Countries that are always ready to take tourists. The sea in the Nha Trang area is quite deep, an adult man, going into it on two or three meters, completely hits underwater. The beaches of the city of Nha Trangi municipal, but it does not prevent him from developing him in terms of entertainment. Also in Nha Trang you can find stunning mud sources and healing tinctures on snakes.

Islands of Fukuok and Kondao

Fukuok Island can be described in one sentence - paradise For lovers of animals. Not so long ago, a safari park was opened there, which is very popular with coming people. In addition, beach leisure and other types of entertainment are widely developed on the island. Hotels at a decent level.

Direction of Condo Island to a novelty for many tourists. Ecotourism, which offers Condao, is undeservedly forgotten and moved to the background. But there you can excellently spend time, engaged in fishing, visiting large-scale reserves, observed for exotic animals.

Now more about the operation of airports.

Vietnam International Airports are only nine, the long-distance airports are presented about twenty. Camran Airport takes most of Russian tourists. And the main airport of the country is Ho Chi Minhine, and it is located in the center of the state.

Sights of Vietnam

Do you know where Vietnam is?

Vietnam is a small country located at the Indochinese Peninsula. The area of \u200b\u200bits territory is estimated from 330.95 to 331.21 thousand square meters. km. This is due to the fact that Vietnam has territorial disputes with neighbors and non-regulated border relationships. According to its size, it ranks 66 in the ranking of the countries of the world, and in the density of the population is in the 30th place. The number of residents of Vietnam exceeds at present 92 million people. Capital State Hanoi.

Search for a country on the world map is needed in the eastern part of Indochina and in the south-east of Asia. The geographical coordinates of Vietnam 16 10 N, 107 50 E. The territory of the state has an elongated form and resembles the letter "s". It crosses 15 parallels and stretches along Pacific Ocean. The distance between its extreme dots from the north to the south is 1750 km. The width of the narrow part of Vietnam is only 50 km away, and the largest distance from East to West - 616 km.

Such a meridional stretchability of the country predetermined her hit in several climatic zones. The tropical climate prevails in the south of the country. The opposite weather is addressed in the north. The monsonic climate is dominated here. Its characteristic features are hot weather and abundant precipitation. The most rainy months of the year in the area from May to September.

Laosa border

The overall length of the border is 2067 km. The demarcation line passes along the Chonegshon Range. Transitions between the countries are organized in the areas of pass. They connect with Laos eastern part of Vietnam. Border Transitions are conducted by highways No. 8 recruit and No. 9 La Bao.

Traveling on Vietnam russian tourists Can take advantage of these transitions and visit Laos. For this, they do not need to make special visas.

Sea borders and coastline

Extension coastline Vietnam is 3260 km. In the northeast, it is washed by the waters of the Tonkin Gulf, and in the south-west - Siamese. They are part of the South China Sea. The most famous ports of the country: Saigon, Danang and Haiphong. The continental shelf of the country covers an area of \u200b\u200b1 million square meters. km. It includes more than 2,700 islands. All of them are at a distance not exceeding 100 km from the coast. The most significant islands: Condao, Fukuok, Khoyai, Re and Tel. For Parasiel Islands and Spratley Vietnam leads territorial disputes with China and Vietnam.