City of Carmiel in Israel on the map. Carmiel - Developing Center for Region

Carmiel is israeli citylocated 45km from Haifa, in Western Galilee. Big city It is a commercial, cultural and industrial center of the region. As relatively young, the city is industrialized in different spheres, starting with wood and metal processing and ending with modern electronics and computer equipment.

Carmiel location in Israel and climatic conditions in the city

A large city is located at an altitude of 250m above the sea, among the picturesque hills. The distance from Karmiel to the Mediterranean Sea is 20km, which has a direct impact on the climate. Unlike cities located closer to the sea, such as, located in 10km from the sea or Kiryat Ata in 4 km from the coast, is soft enough, and the climate is dry and moderate. Unlike the above cities, in the summer months in Karmiel, cool enough, and the weather in the winter months is easily transferred.

The city of Karmiel is located in 26km from the Tivsel Lake, in the mountainous area, which also affects the climate - air humidity in the summer months is about 55%, and in winter from 65 to 70%.

As for large roads in the country of Israel, the city of Carmiel intersect the Highway number 85, leading from AKKO to Kineriet, as well as highway No. 784 and 854. To get acquainted with the roads leading to Karmiel, will help you buy a job rest.

The history of the city of Karmiel

Located on the territory of the country, Israel G. Carmiel was founded in 1964, when the idea of \u200b\u200bthe development of Galilee arose in the Jewish Agency. As early as 1960, active planning and design of the city, located in the middle of the Acre-Safat trails, between the upper and lower Galilee began.

The name of the city comes from the Bate Hacker Valley, in which it is located. The city was originally built by the master, and each area was designed individually. Currently, the industrial zone of the carmiel is in removal from residential areas, which, in aggregate with parks and squares, provides an excellent environmental situation.

Population of Carmiel - Old-timers and emigrants

According to statistics in Karmiel, more than 44.5 thousand people live, most of whom are Jews. In the early 90s of the 20th century, the flow of immigrants from the Soviet Union and the CIS poured into the city. The population of Carmiel was replenished with 20 thousand emigrants, so that they currently, together with repatriates from other countries of the world (about 75), are 40% of the city's population.

60% of the population is represented by the natives of Israel. In general, the population of the city is quite large, for example, compared to the largest, whose inhabitants are 17.5 thousand people, but this is not the limit. The plan for the growth of the population involves an increase in the number of up to 100-120 thousand people in 20 years.

Industry Karmiel

The eastern city district includes a large-scale industrial complex, consisting of 80 factories and workshops. Carmiel contains machine-building enterprises and metal processing factories. In 15 kilometers from the city there are industrial areas of Tefen and Bar-Lion, which employs many residents of the city. In general, the number of residents working in an industrial area exceeds 8,000 people, and for emigrants there will always be a job in the city of Karmiel in factories and factories.

Also in the city there are companies of the scientific sphere, such as USR, Elbit Systems, Vishay Intechnology and other, food industry enterprises, such as Strauss and companies from other spheres.

Trade sphere Karmiel

Many emigrants in Carmiele also work in the field of trade as the city includes eight major shopping centers. The BIG shopping center, located on the territory of the industrial zone, includes over 50 Israeli and international chains, as well as parking for 1600 seats.

An even larger shopping center "Lev Carmiel" is located in Carmiel on the map of the South District. The three-story building includes 85 stores, cafes and parking. Emigrants from Russia and the CIS use specially popular with the Table Tame and Rainbow - in these trading enterprises you can buy products delivered from Russia and Ukraine.

Transport infrastructure Carmiel

Basic public transport Carmiel are buses such as intercity and intracity. If residents or guests of the city need to leave the city of Carmiel in the country of Israel a bus service map between cities Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem, Acca, and Safat are sold at various kiosks.

Inside the city, in addition to buses, quite popular route taxi, however, the bulk of the population uses personal cars. For residents and guests who prefer to ride a bus, there are four daily and two evening routes from Egied, providing bus transportation in carmiel.

Also worth saying about railway transport. In 2010, the Government adopted a project on the construction of the railway line Carmiel - ACCO. The construction plan is designed for 2 years, and started in 2012, the construction of the line should end by 2014.

Landsurance of the city - features of architecture and abundance of parks

For anyone who plans to visit Karmiel Photos of the city, as a rule, impress. Non-standard buildings erected by the architects of the city over the past 10 years, give the overall concept of special charm. It is worth highlighting the synagogue located on the street of Eshchkolot - a building with stained glass windows, bright patterns and facing by Jerusalem stone. Allocated on the background of other buildings high-rise buildings on Ramat Rabin Street.

To others architectural features Cities, vividly distinguished against the background of other buildings, one can rank an ensemble on Klkl Street, which includes several high-altitude multi-storey houses. These buildings were called "Manhattan towers".

The real decoration of the city has become numerous parks located in different parts of the carmiel. Far Park in the city center, Aglil Park, opened in 2004 and considered one of the most beautiful parks of Israel, Alon Park. In the park of Ramat Rabin, the ruins of the ancient Church of the Byzantine period with preserved mosaic samples are located.

Many citizens spend a weekend in a relatively new Mishphaha Park, open in 2008. In this park, all conditions have been created for excellent. family holiday - Minigolf sites and bowling equipment, several cafes, large chess and a whole labyrinth of trimmed bushes. However, residents of other cities can visit this park only for a fee.

Education and culture of carmiel

Carmiel has two secondary schools, 12 primary educational institutions and academic college. Briah, founded in 1988. In this college, you can get a master's degree, bachelor and junior engineer, having mastered the specialty for biotechnology, electronics, information systems, management and other specialties.

There is also a professional retraining center in the city, in which courses can be passed through various specialties for unemployed citizens. For example, in the center you can master the specialty of the seamstress, the car mechanic, the worker on the machine.

Back in 1986, an educational institution was opened in the city for learning émigrants Hebrew, Israeli culture and history.

As for the culture, a culture center is 800 and a summer amphitheater for 25 thousand people in Karmiel. The city library includes more than 80 thousand books. Three art galleries are open in Karmiel - Municipalities, Palace of Culture and College. Briah.

Every year, cultural events are held in the city - the international dance festivals. Since 1988, in the summer, artists and viewers from all over Israel are going to the carmiel. Last year, about 5,000 performers from around the world came to the 25th Festival, and 25,000 spectators.

Karmiel Israel is also known for its orchestra created in 1991. The Karmiel Orchestra under the leadership of Vladimir Stuckmeister, performed in Europe, the United States and Belarus, won the Orchestra contest from all over Israel and participated in the Mirabel Festival in France in 2006.

The cultural life of the carmiel continues to develop. Not so long ago in the city opened concert hall "Dainer", and the news of the carmiel reports that on May 23, the famous Croatian guitarist Sasha Dezhanovich will perform in the new hall, together with the guitarist-virtuoso Maxim Rumbin from Karmiel.

Carmiel is a small, modern, young and cozy town located in Upper Galilee. "Kerem" - a vineyard, "El" - God - the name of the city speaks for itself - it's just God's place. The town is very well-kept, clean, calm and simply has to rest. A lot of tourists come here - local attractions attract them, as well as the proximity to the famous Haifa - the city with the eighth miracle of the world "Bahaji gardens."

Where to stay

Carmiele has many hotels that offer Economy Classrooms and double rooms, and chic apartments. Restaurants and bars are working in hotels, there are pools in the yard, and gyms with saunas and massage rooms. Carmiel Israel positions as a city for economic rest - After all, this is not noisy Tel Aviv, not expensive Jerusalem, not the most popular Haifa. By the way, hotels offer the organization of excursions to local attractions and travel to ancient city Accommodation

Carmiel hotels receive independent travelers (you can book a room in advance), and tourist groups. Free parking is available, laundry facilities. The staff is friendly and mandatory - regular cleaning is performed in the rooms, bed linen and towels are changed 2 times a week. The most visited hotels in Karmiel - Kohav -A-Galil, Safid Ying, He Bar Gusthause. Single room will cost? 80-90, double -? 130, and "Lux" for two -? 160.


Despite their remoteness from the most popular resorts Israel, the city of Karmiel offers many options for filling out leisure guests. First, magnificent parks that are striking with their cleanliness, flawless landscape design, neatly tonsured shrubs, bizarre shapes of trees and fountains. Here you can spend many hours, without noticing the flow of time and enjoying the silence, calm and peace. And the outdoor walk will always benefit. Officer Park is located in the heart of the city - after shopping or excursions you can enjoy the cool and silence of the park. Ramat Rabin Park can boast of its ruins of the Byzantine Church with a miraculously surviving ancient mosaic, and in the park Mishpach you can play golf and bowling.

15 km from Karmiel is located natural Reserve - Buses go there daily, so you can safely go to the Lono of Nature. Here you will see an old mill (by the way, she still works!), A little church and just enjoy clean air and feel that time flows slowly and rushing anywhere. Bus ticket rate? 12.

The Tefen Industrial Park, located 12 km from Karmiel, is a museum of sculptures in the open air and the car museum - such an excursion will be interesting for both children and adults. Cost of excursion -? 9.

A small carmiel Israel presents to guests like the capital of the dance: every year in July the International Dance Festival is held here. All 3 days (the program is so much) on the streets and parks, various folk, modern and trendy dancing are dancing on the squares and terraces of the cafe - the sight of the most close attention.

In addition, in March, Karmiel Israel "turns" in the intellectual capital - the festival of the famous Russian game "What? Where? When?".

Where to eat

Restaurants and small cafes in the city are quite a lot - literally at every corner there is a place where you can eat and drink a cup of wine. And if you prefer coffee, the open coffee house terraces are always at your service - slowly sipping drink, looking around the town, nature, sunset, you can get a lot of pleasant sensations. By the way, Mediterranean cuisine - fish, spices, meat, legumes and chic wines are "reigning" in restaurants. Well, about vegetables and fruits, olive oil and greens and do not speak - these components are always present in dishes. Lunch of three dishes + dessert + bottle of wine will cost? 40.

Finally, I also wanted to mention the possibilities of shopping - in the city 8 large shopping centers, where you can buy absolutely everything is from the magnet to memory to a luxurious coat. So in the carmiel you can not just relax to relax, but also to see interesting and historical places, take a walk around the city and buy a lot of gifts to your loved ones and friends.

Together with this material usually read:

If you decide to spend your vacation in Israel, but do not want to stay in a noisy and fussy city - select Holon. Such a "homely", cozy and very calm town with a lot of entertainment. Restaurants and hotels. Located only 20 km from Tel Aviv.

Haifa is known all over the world with its unique Bahaji gardens. But, if you think that there is nothing more in Haifa, then this is a mistake and delusion! In Haifa a lot interesting placeswho are no worse than the "eighth miracle of the world." Make sure you yourself.

All famous souvenirs from Israel are simply trite. So you want to surprise and hit your friends and relatives, and myself left the most nice and original gift. These things in Israel have a lot and choose from what, believe me!

Arriving in Western Galilee in 1964, the city of Karmiel was conceived, as a stronghold of the further development of Galilee, where the percentage of the Arab population prevailed at that time. Among other northern settlements of the country, this city is highlighted good location. In fact, he lies between Mediterranean Sea And Lake Kineriet, and, to each of the water bodies, you can reach the car for about 25-30 minutes.

Geographical position

Geographically closest carmiel neighbors are cities, considered to be famous for the whole world with historical objects:

In 22 kilometers there is a 4,000-thousand-thousand History of AKKO, founded by the Phoenicians and served for the Crusaders the center of their campaigns;

At a distance of 26 kilometers from Karmieli, a capernaum is located well known for evangelical texts, the very place where the ruins of the synagogues were preserved to this day, in which Jesus Christ read his sermons;

On a 35 kilometer removal from Karmiel settlement Another ancient city is placed, the peer of the beginning of the biblical history -, replete with old artifacts, natural and modern.

45 kilometers, on the Mediterranean, spread out the 2nd largest Israeli seaport Haifa; There is an elevation in this city, with very similar to our young city name - Mount Carmel, the story of which is traced from the distant centuries to our era.

History of origin

Compared to the ancient mountain Carmel, the new Galilee town of Carmiel in Israel is really very young. Dry (the Jewish Agency), in the mid-20th century, set the question of the need to actively master the land and the entire region of Galilee. Already then the idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of the city at the junction of the lower and the upper Galilee. The idea was supported by the head of dry, the future Prime Minister (1963-69), Levi Eshkol.

Design, planning and direct construction of this settlement started in 1960. The main purpose of bookmarking the city was to increase the number of Jewish residents and transformation into the leading component of the entire mass of the population of this region.

With the coming to power as Prime Minister Levi Eshkol, the development of the Galilene region has become a priority. This was directly related to the appearance of carmiel on the map of Israel. For the surrounding settlements, the city should have become a social, financial and industrial center. His grand opening in the presence of respected guests took place in the fall of 1964, October 29th. The opening ceremony of the new northern city has gained wide lighting on the radio and in the press.

The young city was settled as new repatriates and sabram, that is, local natives. According to the plan of development, it was assumed to create near residential urban areas of outlets and business office buildings. In 1969, the plan began to be implemented under the leadership of Adam Tal, headed by the city administration.

The name "Carmiel", this city, when his birth, comes from the Hebrew name of the Bates A-Keriem Valley, in which it is located. In the sacred books of Judaism, this valley is mentioned, in the literal translation of its name means: "Vineyard House" or "Vinograde Davill". Recall that the Haifa Mountain Carmel is magnitude "God's vineyard". The word "El" in Hebrew - "God", "Karam" - "Vineyard", thus, the names of the mountain and the city, in this case, are produced from the same roots, and therefore it is almost the same.

The beginning of the 90s of the past (twentieth) century is characterized by a sharp, practically explosive, thanks to the wave of repatriates from the Soviet Union, and then from the Baltics and the CIS, the growth of the carmiel population. Old-timers of other Israeli districts also began to move into a developing city. To date, the number of local residents has grown to 44.5 thousand people.

Today's city

On the current map of the carmiel there will be:

Industrial Zone,

Large shopping centers

Several modern microdistrict

A number of interesting buildings from an architectural point of view,

High-rise buildings of an unusual silhouette, similar to the buildings of the Defense district in Paris,

Many wonderful parks.

Since the city was initially built on the principal, using the latest techniques and achievements, then each area has "his face", erected by an individual project. It is clear that travelers, coming to the Israeli north, are rushing, first of all, to rest to, they gladly settle down in and go on a tour of the famous archaeological park. Whether it is overwhelmed, after all, Tiberia is still, although it is in Israel from Karmiel relatively close, but by age older almost 2000 years old!

And yet the new North town already has something to boast. He is famous for landscaped and clean streets, he is surrounded by picturesque hills, its residential neighborhoods are separated from the industrial zone, which provides an environmentally healthy environment. As the Times newspaper notes, the level of contamination of the air layers of the atmosphere is one of the lowest on the planet. Another unconditional plus, next of the location of this settlement, located 250 meters above the ocean level, is its moderate and dry climate. Compare with climatic conditions Seaside cities, you will notice that winter here is much softer, and summer days are fresh and cooler. Tourists, as a rule, do not lose the chance to shoot on video or photograph beautiful landscapes and picturesque natural corners, which are found on trips. Do not doubt that in the vicinity of Karmiel Photos are wonderful and memorable!

In the city of Chimes, in addition to Sabr, repatriates from the eighty countries of the world, are spoken by 74-EXs, although the main, of course, Hebrew and, naturally, Russian (after all, 30% of karmielsee - immigrants from former USSR). On the streets you will hear Amhar and English, Spanish and Romanian speech and many other languages \u200b\u200band adverbs.

With Haifa, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, the city is connected by stable bus routes.

Goods of international and Israeli brands can be purchased in such shopping centers as "Lev Carmiel" (the word "lion" from Hebrew is translated at all as "king of animals", but as a "heart"!), "Rainbow", "City Square" ( "Kikar A-IR"), "Big" and the like. In the store of the Network Network Supermarkets "Tiv there" even "Russian" products brought from the former CIS countries are sold.

From all over the state of Israel to the city of Karmiel arrive at the audience for the annual summer dance festival. The International Festival lasts three days, ballet teams, dance ensembles and groups are involved in it. different countries. For the first time, this event took place here in 1988 and repeated since then every summer. Only in 2006, in connection with military actions (in July and August, the second Lebanese War occurred, and the city was shelling), the festival was postponed to October.

The Karmiel Municipality in 1991 was created a city orchestra, uniting musicians repatriated from the Soviet Union and the CIS countries. The orchestra includes 3 vocalists and 15 musicians, it works under the artistic leadership of the conductor Vladimir Stuckmeister and tours throughout the Earth. Among the speeches of the orchestra concerts in Belarus and Belgium, the USA and the Netherlands, Greece and France, Spain and Luxembourg ....

Three art galleries, six delightful parks (on the territory of one of them even preserved the ruins of the Church in this place in the Byzantine period, with the remnants of ancient mosaic), the pool and fitness center Top Club, and still impeccably working tour desks and very friendly residents - You will help you not just pass the time in the carmieli, but to relax, get acquainted with the culture of the country and feel comfortable at home.

Search map city, village, regions or countries

Carmiel. Yandex map.

Allows: change scale; measure distances; Switch the display modes - diagram, satellite view, hybrid. The yandex-card mechanism is applied, it contains: districts, street names, houses of houses, etc. Cities and large villages, allows search by address (Square, Avenue, Street + Room of the house, etc.), for example: "Lenin Str. 3", "Carmiel Hotels", etc.

If you did not find something, try the section satellite map Google: Carmiel Or vector map from OpenStreetMap: Carmiel.

Link to your chosen object on the map You can send e-mail, ICQ, SMS or place on the site. For example, to show a meeting place, shipping address, store location, cinema, station, etc.: Alone align the object with a marker in the center of the map, copy the link to the left above the map and send the addressee to the marker in the center, it will define the place you specify. .

Carmiel - Online map overlooking the satellite: Streets, houses, areas and other objects.

To change the scale, use the scroll wheel "mouse", the slider "+ -" on the left, or the "Enlarge" button in the upper left corner of the card; To see the view from the satellite or a folk map - select the compliant menu item in the upper right corner; What would measure the distance - click the Rule on the right below and apply the point on the map.

Almost half a century, but he has already deserved the title of industrial, cultural and commercial center. A huge industrial zone created by modern optimized projects, perfectly established commercial network, Modern architecture and carefully thoughtful infrastructure. This progressive potential of the city is complemented by the ubiquitous improvement of the entire territory and active social policy. All this allows the carmiell every year to rapidly develop and attract attention not only from the inhabitants of Israel, but also foreign tourists.

Some facts about the city

Attractions Karmiel

Looking at the young age of carmiel, look for an ancient cultural monuments and architecture in it. The only thing that has been preserved from time immemorial is the ruins of the church and mosaic of the Byzantine period. But it does not carmiel less popular among tourists. Thanks to a clear planning for the construction of each individual area, the general panorama of the city looks very harmonious and holistically. Sleepy residential arrays are diluted with beautiful architectural compositions and curly park areas. Walking around the carmiell, you will definitely look at the unusual buildings that are added to the overall exterior of original architectural accents. Among them:

In the Sahai area there is a small memorial with beautiful flower beds and sculptures. But the most outstanding attraction of Karmiel is his parks. The most famous of them:

In the vicinity of Karmiel also there is a lot of interesting things: memorial Beit Lohamia Ha Hettotot, grotto Roche-Nichar, natural reserve in the valley of the Zalmon River with old mill tefen Industrial Park etc.

You can go for day excursions to the coming big cities -, Capernaum ,. In each of them there is a lot of historical, architectural and cultural attractions. Impressions obtained from such a rich program will be enough for a long time.

Things to do?

The city of Karmiel lives an active social life. In urban parks, almost every weekend conduct some events or sports competitions.

If you are planning to visit Karmiel in the summer, you have a chance to get to one of the most popular dance festivals in Israel. He takes three days and this is an incredible sight. After all, besides the contestants on official scenes, at this time everything is dancing in the city everywhere. To illuminate the scale of this event, it is enough to say that about 300,000 guests arrives at the festival annually (this is almost 7 times more than karmiel residents).

If your arrival does not coincide with the date of the dance festival, do not be discouraged. You will definitely find how to have fun. One of the favorite activities of tourists in Carmiele - Shopping. After all, in this relatively small town there are 8 large shopping centers: "Kikar AIR", "Lev Carmiel", "BIG", "Hutsot Carmiel", "TIV TAM", "Rainbow" And others. Here you can buy almost any products of Israeli and foreign production at competitive prices.

Art lovers can visit one of the art galleries: in the Palace of Culture, in the municipality building or the College Gallery. Braud.

Hotels Carmiel

There are no large hotels in Carmiel, but you can book a cozy house or apartments with all amenities. Popular accommodation options in Carmiel:

Just 10 km from Karmiel you can rent accommodation in Kfar Vomadimm, Moran or Gilon. A little further, 15 km, there are also several mini-hotels and guest houses in Amirima, Inbar and Ein Yaakov.

Where to eat?

In each of the Karmiel shopping centers there are several cafes of various formats, from the sushi bar to a simple coffee shop. In the city, there are also a lot of establishments, where you can eat delicious. Especially here are popular pizzerias, burgers and other cafes with fast menu. But there are also full-fledged restaurants with traditional and international cuisine.

Popular Karmiel establishments:

Each city park also has small cafes, bistro and trays with street food.

Weather in Carmiele

Despite the fact that Karmiel is just 25 km from the Mediterranean coast, the climate here is different from the weather in the cities by the sea. Summer is a little cool, and winter is softer.

The lion's share of precipitation falls during the winter months, the most rainy - January. Summer is quite arid, it happens that for all three months of clouds in the sky and do not appear.

Throughout a year, the temperature is comfortable for rest in the carmiela. The suffocable heat here does not happen. The hottest month is August. average temperature + 27 ° C. In winter, you also do not freeze. Usually the thermometer does not show less + 11-14 ° C.

How to get?

The city of Karmiel is located at the intersection of several busy trails at once. Therefore, you can easily get here virtually any region of the country. Distance to Carmiel from large resort centers:

  • from Tver 35 km;
  • from Haifa 45 km;
  • from AKKO 22 km;
  • from 130 km;
  • from 176 km.

Through Carmiel, a motorway number 85 (- AKKO) is held, which is convenient to get to the city from the West or the East, and the route number 784 is located, running from north to south.