Travel by ai petri car. Variants of hiking routes for climbing Ai-Petri

Mount Ai-Petri is one of the most popular places in the Crimea and one of its calling cards. As well as the famous cable car "Miskhor - Ai-Petri", which makes visiting the mountain easily accessible. The name of the mountain is of Greek roots and means "Saint Peter". The height of Mount Ai-Petri at 1234 m will give you the opportunity to enjoy excellent panoramas and feel the difference between the subtropical and mountain climates.

How to get to Ai-Petri

Mount Ai-Petri is one of the peaks of the Ai-Petri Yaila, located above the city of Alupka and the urban-type settlement of Koreiz (Miskhor is not a separate settlement, but is included in Koreiz).

Cableway to Ai-Petri

The official name of the cable car on Ai-Petri is Miskhor - Ai-Petri. The cable car can be considered a separate attraction. Opening hours from 9:00 to 17:00 for the ascent and until 18:00 for the descent. Without breaks and days off. Only in the spring it closes for maintenance work. Current prices and news can be viewed on the official website of the Miskhor - Ai-Petri cable car.
The cable car consists of three stations: "Miskhor" (located at an altitude of 86 m above sea level) - the lower station, "Sosnovy Bor" (304 m) - the middle transfer station and the upper station "Ai-Petri" (1152 m).
Journey through cable car starts from the lower station "Miskhor".

The name comes from the village of the same name, Miskhor, which is now not independent and is included in the urban-type settlement of Koreiz. Now Koreiz, Gaspra, Alupka, Semeiz are located so close to each other that it is difficult to visually distinguish one from the other. And all of them, by the way, are included in the urban district of Yalta. Therefore, when we left Alupka, it was not clear whether we left it and entered Koreiz, there was a feeling of a single settlement. It's time to answer the question:

How to get to the cable car "Miskhor - Ai-Petri"

  • By car. From the South Coast Highway it is necessary near the concrete sign "72. Sevastopol. Yalta." and the gas station turn towards Koreiz (Miskhor) on the branch of the road to the Sevastopol highway. Further along the ring we exit to the Koreizskoe highway, and from it - to the Alupkinskoe highway. After driving a little, you will see the booth "Cableway Miskhor - Ai-Petri". Paid parking is right next to the lower station Miskhor. Maybe you can park the car on the side of the road, but the road there is very narrow and we were afraid.
  • By public transport. Bus stop"Cableway" is located directly at the lower station "Miskhor" and territorially belongs to Koreiz. Buses of routes No. 102 stop on it (Yalta bus station - Vorontsovsky park Alupki) and No. 132 (Clothing market of Yalta - Vorontsov Palace Alupka). Movement intervals: 15-30 min.

The length of the cable car is 2980 m. The distance between the lower station Miskhor and the middle station Sosnovy Bor is 1310 m. But the distance between the middle station and the upper Ai-Petri is already 1670 m, and there is not a single support tower. Often there is information that this is the longest unsupported span in Europe, listed in the Guinness Book of Records. There is also information (Wikipedia) that there is a Reiteralpe cable car that overtakes the Miskhor - Ai-Petri cable car in this indicator. At the expense of the Guinness Book of Records, it was not possible to verify the information for certain, but the Reiteralpe cable car really exists and is located in Germany in locality Oberjettenberg. The length of the Reiteralpe cable car is 2100 m, and the length of its unsupported span is 1980 m, and it was put into operation in 1965.

While the Miskhor-Ai-Petri cable car was just beginning to be built in 1967, in 1987 the first passengers were the reception committee, and it was put into operation only in 1988. It turns out that at the time when the cable car was built in the Crimea, there was already a Reiteralpe in Germany. Another thing is that the Reiteralpe cable car is used by the technical center of the Bundeswehr, this is a military technical facility, therefore, I’m not sure that ordinary tourists you can take a ride on this cable car. This is probably the reason for her lack of knowledge. Accordingly, we can unequivocally say that the Miskhor-Ai-Petri cable car in Crimea really has one of the longest unsupported spans in Europe and certainly in the first place in this indicator among the public.

We arrived at the lower station at 2:00 pm and boarded rather quickly, but sometimes there are long queues, especially during the season. The ascent takes an average of 15 minutes. At the Sosnovy Bor station we transfer to the next booth. From here, the operators operate the cable car.

Pendulum type cable car, 4 cabins run in antiphase. The angle of elevation of the cabin near the mountain is 46 degrees. And this is one of the most exciting moments when the cabin slows down and comes close to the mountain wall.

The path to the rocks "Teeth"

After leaving the upper station, without hesitation, we headed to the main sights, to the top and to the rocks "Teeth".

Along the way, there is another attraction - Steven's maple. This tree is about 250 years old. These trees are endemic to the Crimea, that is, they are found only on the territory of the southern coast of Crimea. This species was discovered by Steven Khristian Khristianovich, a Russian botanist of Swedish origin, the first director of the Nikitinsky Botanical Garden.

It’s not far to go to the top, only 500 m, from time to time you come across encouraging signs.

We go to the top.

Suspension bridges on the rock "Teeth"

The most famous symbol of Ai-Petri is the teeth rocks. This group of rocks 60-80 meters high is an ancient reef. The rocks are formed by the weathering of unstable limestone rocks.

Suspension bridges are made to one of the rocks in the summer, over which you can pass with insurance. Naturally, this entertainment is paid - 500 rubles. V winter time suspension bridges are removed, they can simply be torn off by a gust of wind. Mount Ai-Petri is famous for its strong, gusty winds and is the most windy exact Crimea. The maximum recorded speed is 50 m/s.

In addition, for lovers of air procedures and adventures, a troll track is organized on the top of Ai-Petri.

Top of Mount Ai-Petri

The height of Mount Ai-Petri is 1234 m, and it is not the most high mountain Ai-Petri Yayla. The highest is Mount Roca (1346 m).

And of course, the most important reason why everyone climbs Mount Ai-Petri is magnificent panoramas and views.

And the big plus of Ai-Petri is that you don’t need to have climbing skills or go on a long and difficult hike for everyone, or even take an expensive excursion with an off-road vehicle (horses) to be at such a height with such beauties. Mount Ai-Petri is accessible to everyone. Of course, this has its own peculiarities: the attendance of Ai-Petri is very high. But without it in any way: either one or the other. Whoever was inspired by high-rise beauties can visit other peaks of Crimea. For example, a peak with a height of 1239 m, which we also visited as part of a short hike.

Some of the photographs can already be called historical. They were made in early October 2016. The space next to the upper station is being cleared of shopping arcades and numerous cafes; how it will be arranged in the future - time will tell. We hope that it is beautiful and reasonable, from the point of view of preserving natural objects. They also deliberately did not write about the cost of the passage along the path to the battlements. This trail is included in the list of objects of the Yalta mountain and forest nature reserve. Previously, the passage was paid, how it will be organized in the future, time will also show.

Ai-Petri Yayla

Turning back, we will see the panorama of the Ai-Petri Yayla.

The area of ​​the Ai-Petri Yayla is about 300 km2. The climate differs sharply from the subtropical climate of Yalta. Climbing Ai-Petri, you need to take this into account, the temperature can be lower than that of the sea by 6-10 degrees, you need to take appropriate clothes with you. Winters here are full, snowy and frosts down to -25. Accordingly, this is one of the few places in Crimea where skiing is possible. skiing, snowboarding and other things. Ski resort is located not far from the radio engineering battalion, which is impossible not to notice, these are white balls that look like an observatory.

Since Mount Ai-Petri is composed of limestone, a strong karst process is widespread. Simply put, Ai-Petri has many caves and karst funnels, failures. A kilometer from the top, and even closer from the parking lot, there are three caves equipped for visiting: Yalta, Geophysical and Trekhglazka. If you have time, we advise you to visit them. We were in a hurry, we decided to visit them next time, since this time we were going to the caves and located on the Chatyr-Dag plateau. But to visit them, you need to go on a separate excursion, and the three mentioned above are nearby, this is their undoubted plus. And for the first acquaintance with the cave beauties will come in handy.

Ai-Petri Yayla is rich in natural and historical sights, and, in a good way, requires a separate study and inspection. Our walk ends here. We also went down by cable car, although it was possible to go down the serpentine and see a few more sights along the way. By the way, this is a great option if there is a long queue for the cable car, and it is already finishing its work (by 18:00).

Mount Ai-Petri, one of the most visited and famous attractions Crimean peninsula. It is difficult to describe the beauty of these mountain landscapes in words. Is it possible for an artist, with a brush in his hands, to do this? Well, at worst, a good photographer. Better yet, come here, and feel all the charm and breathtaking views for yourself.
The name of Mount Ai-Petri is translated as St. Peter. Before the conquest of the Crimea by the Tatars, the Christian church of St. Peter was located on the mountain, and the mountain and the plateau were named after him.

Massively tourists were drawn here at the end of the 19th century, after the section of the road connecting the village of Sokolinoye and Yalta was completed, through Mount Ai-Petri. The road was completed in 1894 and connected the southern and central Crimea. As a result, two major cities Yalta and Bakhchisaray received a direct message. The construction of the stone road practically took about 30 years, and is still one of the most complex engineering projects in the Crimea.

Sights of Mount Ai-Petri:

How to get to Ai-Petri by car

If you decide to get to Mount Ai-Petri by car, you should get to the Ai-Petri plateau, and from there to the Ai-Petri cable car station. It is from her that the ascent to the very peak of the mountain begins - to its teeth.
A footpath leads from the cable station to the teeth of Ai-Petri. The duration of the route is about 30 minutes, without large differences in altitude. The cost of walking up to the teeth is 100 rubles. Payment is at the entrance to the trail.

Peak of Ai-Petri

Top of Mount Ai-Petri It is precisely the Teeth that are considered, their height from the base to the top is 1234 meters. At the Teeth, in addition to beautiful views, there are two extreme entertainments that can tickle your nerves, but are absolutely safe. All safety rules are observed and almost every element of extreme entertainment has two levels of insurance.

The most interesting, for my taste, is the cable car between the battlements. The passage along it is very ticklish, under your feet through the cracks you can see a huge failure, with sharp rocks and tops of trees. After passing the cable car to Ai-Petri, you can safely put yourself in the category of extreme people. The price of the walk is 500 rubles. The average duration of the transition is 10-15 minutes.
If you still decide to go for a walk, it is best to do it in pairs, one walks along the path, the second takes photos and videos from the end point of the route, and then change. This is how you get more successful shots as a keepsake.
Although it is a little longer in time than going one after another, you can save a little time - by taking a queue for the first person, immediately take a queue for the second. In order to have time for the first one to pass, and for the second one to take pictures and have time to queue back, you should make a gap between people of 6-7 people.

The second extreme route is a descent to the cable car station, on a suspension cable. The descent is very fast and fun, the cost of the descent is 1000 rubles. Route safety is also top notch. Both extreme attractions are open from April to September inclusive.

Descending from the battlements, you find yourself on the busiest part of the plateau - the market and a large number of cafes, canteens and restaurants. The food on the plateau is mostly Tatar: pilaf, chebureks, lagman, lamb shish kebab and more. Also, if you want, you can find European cuisine. Prices in establishments Catering really different. Therefore, if you take a walk and look around a little, you can pick up both the menu and the price tag acceptable to you. Because of a large number tourists - the food is almost always fresh and tasty, but still quite greasy, although the choice of dishes is quite large and everyone can find something acceptable for themselves. Almost all cafes and restaurants offer wine tasting. Practically, all wine is either homemade or bought at Crimean wineries. In most establishments, the wine is of rather low quality, with a lot of dyes. Therefore, if you want a quality drink, ask for wine bottled at the factory, with an excise stamp. This option will be the best for your body.

A little lower than the gazebo of the winds is the Wuchang-Su Waterfall, it is the highest Crimean waterfall and one of the most high waterfalls on the territory of Europe. Literally translated from Turkic, the name translates as "Flying Water". The height of Wuchang-Su is about 99 meters, the maximum peak of activity of the waterfall occurs in spring, from early March to mid-April. In summer, Wuchang-Su turns into a relatively small stream, but this does not prevent it from looking graceful and attractive. More

In addition to all the sights of Ai-Petri described above, I also want to point out one of the most beautiful mountain roads, the Shtangeevsky trail. The trail originates just below the Wuchang-Su waterfall, but it is most convenient to climb to the waterfall, from it walk 120 meters up the road and you are at the large sign - Shtangeevskaya trail, with a description of the route. The route of the Shtangeevskaya trail passes over the Uchan-Su waterfall (you can approach the waterfall) along the picturesque valleys of Ai-Petri and gradually the Shtangeyevskaya trail passes into the Botkinskaya and smoothly descends through coniferous forests to Yalta, namely to the Skazka zoo. The average walking time along the Shtangeevskaya and Botkinskaya trails is 4-6 hours. The entire route is marked with colored marks, it is very difficult to go astray. Throughout the route, people will meet, the trails are very popular and well trampled down by thousands of tourists.

Climbing the Ai-Petri plateau on the cable car, you have a choice of how to go back down. You can go down the same way as you went up, but in summer, the queues are very long and you can stand in them for several hours. Therefore, as options you can go down by bus or fixed-route taxi. But it should be noted that the driver is directly interested in going down quickly and up quickly. Their income directly depends on this. In general, this is also a kind of extreme walk. But, despite this, all drivers must stop at the Silver Pavilion and the Wuchang-Su waterfall.

How to plan your visit to Ai-Petri

Planning a route to visit Ai-Petri by car - in my opinion, it is better to start with a visit to the Grand Canyon, the entrance fee is 100 rubles. You can also be offered a guide - from 1000 rubles. The guys are very funny, but in fact, almost useless. It's very hard to get off track. There are only two trails that people ply all the time, even in winter. The walk takes about 2-3 hours along with a bath in Youth.

grand canyon Crimea is located at the very beginning of the ascent to Mount Ai-Petri, from the side of the city of Bakhchisaray. If you are traveling from the southern coast of Crimea, you have several options: go around Ai-Petri, through Sevastopol, then turn onto Bakhchisaray, and before it go to Ai-Petri. Or climb through the Ai-Petrinsky plateau to the top of Ai-petri, cross the entire plateau and go down to the foot from Bakhchisaray. From Yalta to the Grand Canyon about 2 hours drive, if you go around, it will come out about the same

Further, after visiting the Grand Canyon, you need to climb the plateau again, walk to the teeth, go down to eat in a cafe. After the cafe, you can choose a horseback ride or a visit to the Three-Eyed Cave. Horse riding on average cost from 800 rubles. at one o'clock. You will also be offered a ride on ATVs and other entertainment, the cost is approximately the same everywhere.

Descending from Ai-Petri towards Yalta. The first stop on your way will be the Silver Gazebo. Visit - 100 rubles. Then, the waterfall is a little lower, about 15-17 km., Wuchang-Su waterfall. Also 100 rubles.
The whole walk is calculated with a departure from Yalta at 9:00 for the whole day, if you go along the proposed route, then by 20:00-21:00 you will return to Yalta again.

If you are going to visit Ai-Petri, then you need to pay attention to comfortable shoes, sneakers or sneakers, take warm clothes, because the temperature difference between Yalta and Ai-Petri can be up to 10-15 C and be sure to take water with you. If you get motion sickness along the serpentine, you can take motion sickness pills at the pharmacy. Their cost is very low, and the effect is quite good.

Winter on Ai-Petri life does not stop. In winter, the Ai-Petri cap is usually covered with snow from January to February. And on this soil were born winter views sports: skiing, boarding and sledding. Almost all winter slopes of the Crimea are located on the Ai-Petrensky plateau. The most popular tracks are 25.26, 27 km, laboratory. All tracks are located almost in the middle of the plateau, you can get to them along the Yalta-Bakhchisarai road. There is only one road and it is impossible to miss. Only in winter it is cleared of snow. In winter, the ascent to the mountain is mainly open only to cars with all-wheel drive and on winter tires. During snowfalls, passage to Ai-Petri is partially closed for a short time from Yalta and from Bakhchisaray.
If you are planning a vacation in the Crimea, no matter what time of the year, be sure to visit Mount Ai-Petri, it is one of the most beautiful.

Ai-Petri and its attractions on the map of Crimea

Greetings! Not all drivers dare to climb the Ai-Petri plateau by car, there are those for whom the trip becomes entertainment. Undoubtedly, the route is memorable and picturesque - the higher you climb, the more you admire the panorama south coast Crimea.

I get a lot of questions about the situation on Ai-Petri in the 2020 season. It seems that the Crimeans spent the winter so well on Maslenitsa that she left the peninsula far and for a long time and was noted only on a few mountain peaks. I decided to collect all available information in in social networks and add it to this article. It will be about entertainment on the plateau, prices and the condition of the road.

Dear readers! The article was written a long time ago, but is still in demand, so I constantly update it and contribute up-to-date information. (Personal photos and photos from social networks for 2020 are used). Updated 01/20/2020

Road to Ai-Petri

There are four ways to climb Ai-Petri: on foot, in your own car, by cable car or with carriers. Each option has its pros and cons, but at least one must be used. For hiking trails There are diagrams on the web.

In January 2019, the Ai-Petri plateau was the most popular place for active rest. Hundreds of tourists posted their pictures on social networks with snow-covered mountain: someone on a sled, someone on skis, and someone in a kilometer traffic jam. V new year holidays the movement was paralyzed, there were freaks who got up on summer tires (they had to be pulled out).

photo from the VK group “Weather on Ai-Petri”.

Dear, before traveling in winter, look on the Web weather! If you don't care about yourself, think about the kids! Rescue services cannot reach some areas.

count the capabilities of your car: 4x4, spikes or chains, full tank. Up-to-date information ingroup in VKontakte "Weather on Ai-Petri".

The mountain serpentine leading to the plateau is the longest and most winding in the Crimea. Depending on weather conditions, some sections or the entire road may be closed, which is warned by a sign at the beginning of the path or sentries. There are landslides, landslides and avalanches.

Since 2019, the road to Ai-Petri has been served by the Krymavtodor enterprise. For security traffic in winter, the road is cleared of snow and sprinkled with a sand-salt mixture.

On January 4, 2019, 6 avalanches descended, the transport itself could not get out, they called in heavy equipment and augers to break through people who got stuck. Avalanches covered a lot of vehicles.

Previously, there was an unspoken rule for visiting Ai-Petri: ascending the plateau along a narrow serpentine before 12 noon, descending after 12 noon. Now autotourists ignore this rule and create problems for themselves, others and rescue services.

Road T 0117 leads to the Ai-Petri plateau, and then along the northern slope, through the Grand Canyon of Crimea, to the Bakhchisaray district. The second name is the old Yalta highway. Along the way there are springs, interesting rocks and the most famous waterfalls of Crimea: (on the southern slope) and Silver Streams (on the northern slope). From the side of Bakhchisaray, from the Falcon road (January 2020) to Ai-Petri is much worse, there are many holes.

With all confidence, we can say that the road to Ai-Petri is one of the most dangerous roads in Crimea, so tired drivers and beginners have nothing to do there!

You can climb Ai-Petri by cable car or by transport that carries out transportation.The list of carriers on the Ai-Petri plateau is here:

Since August 2019, MUE Yaltagortrans has been carrying out transportation (in the warm season) from Miskhor and the Yalta bus station to the Ai-Petri plateau in a licensed taxi. The price of a one-way trip is 450 rubles. from a person.

“The departure of taxis as they are loaded will be carried out from the points of sale of subscriptions. In the area of ​​the Ai-Petri plateau, dispatching and boarding of passengers will be carried out. In the future, directions and types of transportation by licensed taxis will expand.”

For those who do not know what the serpentine looks like on Ai-Petri, the route map.

What to do on Ai-Petri in snowy weather

In January 2020, there is much less snow, but there are enough people who want to get into the winter atmosphere.

From January 20, 2020, the cable car will be closed for annual scheduled preventive maintenance. Last day of work January 19th. It is planned that the cable car will resume operation in the spring.

For lovers hiking trails organized ascents. For example, a 5 km route starts on the Koreiz trail (44.440463, 34.08323), past the Baba-Ali-Tekne spring (44.455722, 34.070383) with a transition to the Miskhor trail and ends at the upper station of the cable car. Along the picturesque path you will get from autumn to winter and be impressed by the picturesque landscapes.

For fans of extreme sports, the Ai-Petri tour company organizes individual jeep tours with a visit to the Forelevo trout farm (look for the official website on the Web), where a Russian wood-fired bathhouse operates, there is an opportunity to fish and taste delicious dishes from freshly caught Crimean trout .

Map ski slopes on Ai-Petri.

Prices for lifts for 26 km in January 2020:

  • for a small one - 500 rubles.
  • for a large one - 1000 rubles.
  • a set of skis - from 500 rubles.
  • board - from 500 rubles.
  • large cheesecake (snowtube) — 600 rubles
  • standard cheesecake - 500 rubles.

They ask for a document as collateral. The lift starts at 10 am.

Important! Message from GKU RK "CRIMEA-SPAS":


The Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Crimea, Sergey Shakhov, informed that tourists, despite the warnings of rescuers, continue to neglect safety rules when riding a snowtube, getting various injuries. Over the weekend, rescuers on patrol on the Ai-Petri plateau helped 4 tourists injured while snowtubing.

Away from the lift, local culinary specialists prepare pilaf, shish kebabs and shurpa for sale. You can bring food with you and have a picnic by renting a gazebo with barbecue facilities. The rental price is 1500 rubles. for a day.

The longest snow lies on the northern slopes of the plateau, it usually lasts until March-April.

View from the meteorological station. Silence and tranquility…. In the distance, the teeth of Ai-Petri are clearly visible, it is there that the upper station of the cable car is located, the most high point 1234 m. and Three-Eyed Cave.

From the observation platform, a clear expanse opened up - a turquoise sky with glimpses of azure, immersed in the sea surface of the Black Sea. Evergreen shrubs and trees frame Alupka and Koreiz with their thickets.

Around neglect and chaos. Private houses, sheds, cafes, shawls, construction sites. After 15 minutes you forget what devil you came here for.

"Highlanders" do not want to ennoble the territory because of unresolved land issues. Ecologists are sounding the alarm and calling for stopping economic activity on the territory of Ai-Petri, limiting the capacity for the development of eco-tourism. But they realized it too late: many entrepreneurs have been working here for more than a dozen years. The circle has closed and now all hope is for the new government, which will make a rational decision, so that “the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe” ...

Due to the peculiarity of the relief, Ai-Petri is called yayla - a summer pasture. Since ancient times, settlements have been built on the plateau, but the biggest "contribution" was made by Homo sapiens.

Perhaps the only object that is in its place is a monument to the Crimean partisans of the Great Patriotic War, who died in battle in December 1941.

The road to Ai-Petri was of great importance during the Second World War. It was along it that the Nazis transferred troops and equipment towards Sevastopol. The partisans managed to blow up a section of the road and prevent the enemy plans from being realized, but they all died in an unequal battle.
At the cost of incredible efforts, the soldiers were able to protect their land, the memory of them should be passed on from generation to generation, and not disappear under scaffolding...

Approximately 35 km from the top of Ai-Petri, there is a parking lot and hiking trail in the Grand Canyon of Crimea. I already talked about this route in my report.

What happens on Ai-Petri in January 2020.

Between the "highlanders" and the owners of the cable car road goes rivalry for your client. How events will develop, time will tell. The article will be updated.
Thank you for attention!

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The road to Ai-Petri is a bright landmark of the peninsula. True lovers of road trips cannot miss the opportunity to drive along it.

It is possible to get to Ai-Petri in several different ways. Perhaps the easiest way is to take the cable car. But we really wanted to see the most serpentine serpentine of Crimea.

For a long time I read the following in the blog of the Crimean woman Tatyana Vysotskaya:

Perhaps, for us, such car routes are just entertainment. If somewhere there is an unusual beautiful road, we always strive to take a ride.

Road turns on Ai-Petri

Views along the way

Mountain serpentines are something special. Usually this is a landmark, and beautiful observation platforms, and a fascinating attraction where you can be a little afraid. All in one bottle.

Road to Ai-Petri from Yalta

We lived in Gaspra, not far from swallow's nest, an even more famous sight of the Crimea than the road to Ai-Petri.

In the morning we left the house, and before reaching the city of Yalta, we turned left at the sign for Bakhchisaray.

Direction indicator to Bakhchisarai

Asphalt leads sharply up. Yalta remained somewhere below.

Soon we passed the place where the Uchan-Su restaurant is located, 300 meters from the Uchan-Su waterfall, and a little higher - the beginning of the Shtangeevskaya trail. There will be a separate story about her.

In front of the restaurant "Uchan-Su"

In front of the restaurant "Uchan-Su"

Pointer to Wuchang-Su waterfall

Resting place "At the lake"

At first, the asphalt road to Ai-Petri winds through the forest. There are no mountain views at all. Everything is covered with a solid wall of trees.

However, we were going to spend the whole day on the plateau at the top of Ai-Petri, so the pavilion was postponed for another time.

In some places the road to Ai-Petri runs along picturesque cliffs.

In some places - along the retaining wall.

There are many on the Bakhchisaray highway sharp turns. Moreover, it is not visible whether the car is descending from above, so you need to keep as far to the right as possible.

On the way, you can stop at Slavkin Turn. Here is an observation deck.

Slavkin turn

Lookout at Slavkin Turn

The place is so named because Limansky Slavik died here in 1975. I don't know this story. That's what it says on the plaque. Slavik was 18 years old. From this fact it becomes even sadder, he was very young.

Soon the highway comes to Ai-Petri Yayla, as it is called here. In other words, on a plateau.

We see a pointer to the caves. But the Ai-Petri caves are a separate issue. Please note that the shield indicates that here is the territory of the Yalta mountain forest reserve, the exit from the asphalt is strictly prohibited.

Having left the plateau, we see another sign: 2.4 km to the Ai-Petri cable car, 2.5 km to the caves.

Here the landscape is almost steppe, cut by rocky ravines. In fact, we are on the flat top of a mountain range.

Ai-Petrinsky plateau

In the distance, the famous battlements are visible, our goal.

Teeth of Ai-Petri

Ai-Petrinsky meridian and the way back

We spent the whole day on Ai-Petri.

In the evening we went back and managed to see some more sights of the Bakhchisaray highway.

We found an observation deck from where we admired the surroundings. Coordinates: 44.46474, 34.06293.

Observation deck on Ai-Petri

Observation deck on Ai-Petri. Kinds

Then they went down and found a point of the geodetic network, which has historical value. It is called the Ai-Petrinsky meridian. On a high pedestal lies a globe, cast iron and painted blue.

Ai-Petrinsky meridian

A tablet with a double-headed eagle says that this is the “Main Benchmark of the Crimean Water Research”. Here, I learned another meaning of the word "rapper". I thought it was the one who slanders the lyrics to the music.

The main benchmark of the Crimean Water Research. Installed in 1913

In 1913-1918. research was carried out on the Ai-Petri Yaila. And in honor of this event, a memorial sign was erected.

The coordinates are written on it: latitude 44 ° 28 ′, longitude 34 ° 05 ′, and the height above sea level is indicated. m. - 1196 meters.

Height above sea level 1196 m

The Ai-Petrinsky meridian is not only a geophysical sign, but a memory of researchers who solve the important problem of water supply for the peninsula in a difficult period.

From here great views. And the wind almost knocks you off your feet ...

Opposite, on the other side of the road to Ai-Petri, are located observation platform and a monument to the partisans of Crimea.

Observation deck in Okhotnichye

So observation deck to the right, a view of the teeth of Ai-Petri opens.

Interesting fact. The scene of the accident with the driver who fell asleep in the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” (1967) directed by Leonid Gaidai was filmed just at the top of the serpentine road to Ai-Petri.

View of the teeth of Ai-Petri from the observation deck in Okhotnichye

View of the teeth of Ai-Petri. Approximately this angle is seen in the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

To the left - a view of Yalta, where we will now go down.

We did not stay long at the lookout. It was getting dark. I do not want to drive along the serpentine of the Bakhchisaray highway in the dark.

The road to Ai-Petri - how to get there, what to see

The road is not alone. Not only through Vinogradnoye along the Bakhchisarai highway, which I am talking about. There are other ways.

How to get there.

You can get through Bakhchisaray, through Sokolinoye. Take the cable car from Miskhor. Or walk from there.

On the Bakhchisarai highway (35K-020) call from Yalta from the South Coast highway (or from Sevastopol). There is a gas station downstairs. And there are signs to Bakhchisaray, and we turn off along them. Turn coordinates: 44.48061, 34.13211.

The parking lot at the top of Ai-Petri is 23 kilometers away.

The road to Ai-Petri on the map:

Along the way you can see:

Waterfall Uchan-Su (4.6 km from the beginning of the Bakhchisaray highway, plus walk 300 meters from the parking lot).

Shtangeevskaya trail, turning into Botkinskaya (after another 200 meters up the highway) - it is better to allocate a day separately for trails. They require quite a lot of time.

Lake Kara-gol (7.5 km from the start, on the left).

Resting place "At the lake" (9.2 km, on the right).

Silver pavilion (on the 13th kilometer, in the village of Okhotnichy).

Slavkin turn (18th km) - there are beautiful views.

Ai-Petrinsky meridian - immediately after climbing the serpentine, to the left of the highway (on the 20th km), opposite the weather station of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, behind the Ai-Petri camp site. Coordinates: 44.46821, 34.06709.

Lookout at the monument to the partisans of the Great Patriotic War, to the right of the Bakhchisaray highway, behind the Ai-Petri cafe. Coordinates: 44.46914, 34.0693.

Monument to the partisans of the Yalta detachment of Crimea - a hundred meters from the observation deck. Coordinates: 44.46952, 34.06916.

Immediately after the Okhotnichy, the Bakhchisarai highway goes further straight, and we turn left at the sign for the cable car.

Caves: Three-eyes, Geophysical, Yalta go one after another, are located nearby (on the 22nd kilometer).

Another kilometer away is a parking lot. We've arrived!

Attention! The road to Ai-Petri is considered one of the most dangerous serpentines of the Crimea. It is not recommended for drivers without experience of driving on mountain roads to climb under it.

They say that there are about 300 turns on the road to Ai-Petri. Two dozen of them turn at a steep angle, at 180 °.

The road to Ai-Petri on the map

In winter and in bad weather conditions (ice, heavy rain) it is forbidden to climb the road to Ai-Petri. The road may be blocked.

The road is also blocked for the duration of the rally of retro cars, sports and other events (usually in June-July, stay tuned).

In winter (from December to March inclusive) traction control is required.

At the beginning of the serpentine is a warning sign: "Slip control is required!"

© Galina Shefer, Roads of the World website, 2019. Copying text and photos is prohibited. All rights reserved.

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