Mount Chomolungma: geographical location, photo with description, height. Why do people die on Everest and at what altitude? Who discovered Everest and in what year

The highest mountain on our planet, Everest, is called differently - Chomolungma and Sagarmatha. It is located among the eternal snows of the Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and Tibet. Its peak attracts tens of thousands of climbers and ordinary extreme travelers. And many, of course, are interested how many km is Mount Everest in height.

How many kilometers is Mount Everest amounts to

This mountain received its name in 1865. At that time, the Englishman George Everest served as the chief surveyor of India. He made the greatest contribution to the study of Mt.

Exactly, how many km is Everest is, it was named in 1852, 8.8 kilometers or 8848 meters. The neighboring mountains are even quite high - about eight kilometers each, but it was D Chomolungma that turned out to be the highest. The author of the exact height is Andrew Waugh, student and successor of George Everest.

One more thing. The highest on the planet were formed about twenty million years ago due to the fact that the seabed rose. The process of layering of rocks does not stop today; every year Everest, along with all the Himalayas, rises by five centimeters. So perhaps when our descendants ask, how many km is Mount Everest, they will hear a completely different answer.

Some interesting facts about Chomolungma

About this amazing beautiful mountain you can find a lot interesting information in the Internet. Here are some of them:

  • About five thousand people climb Everest every year;
  • the ascent of one person costs about 50 thousand dollars;
  • having climbed to the peak of a mountain, a climber loses from ten to twenty kilograms;
  • The first woman to conquer Everest was the Japanese woman Junko Tabei (climbed the mountain in 1976).

The most difficult section on this mountain is the last three hundred meters. This section is called the longest mile on the planet. Here climbers do not have the opportunity to protect each other, since this area has a very steep slope covered with snow.

If you are interested in the information, how many km is Mount Everest, you might also be curious to know that at the highest point of this mountain the wind speed is about two hundred kilometers per hour, and the air temperature is about 60 degrees below zero. This mountain is also called the mountain of death. About two hundred people died while climbing the peak of Everest. Most often, people died due to extreme cold, lack of oxygen, avalanches, heart problems, and so on.

Updated: June 21, 2016 by: Punisher

Everest from the plane (shrimpo1967 / Everest (Neil Young / Mount Everest from Base Camp (Rupert Taylor-Price / Mount Everest, Base Camp and Rongbuk (Göran Höglund (Kartläsarn) / flickr. com) Top of Qomolungma (jo cool / View of Everest (Christopher Michel / cksom / Mahatma4711 / McKay Savage / ilker ender / Fred Postles / flickr. com Jeff P / Everest in the clouds (Jean-François Gornet / utpala ॐ / View of Everest from an airplane (Xiquinho Silva / Rick McCharles / Climbing Everest (Rick McCharles / Everest Base Camp - Gorak Shep - Nepal (lampertron / akunamatata / Summit of Mount Qomolungma (Everest) (TausP. / Denn Ukoloff / Mount Everest (Christopher Michel / Returning from Everest Base Camp (valcker / Everest and Nuptse (smallufo / Stefanos Nikologianis /

Everest or Chomolungma is the highest in the world Mountain peak. It is located in the Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and Tibet. autonomous region China. Geographic coordinates of Mount Everest: 27°59′17″ north latitude and 86°55′31″ east longitude.

The height of Chomolungma is 8848 meters above sea level. For comparison, the height of Elbrus, the highest point in Russia, is only 5642 meters above sea level, i.e. at 3206 m below Chomolungma.

The first ascent of Everest was made on May 29, 1953 by New Zealand climber Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay.

The mountain is best known throughout the world as "Everest". The peak was named after George Everest, who was the chief surveyor of British India in the 1830s and 40s.

Mount Everest (Christopher Michel /

Interestingly, the mountain was so named during Everest’s lifetime, about a year before his death. The name was suggested by a student of a scientist who calculated the exact height of the peak and thereby proved that it is the highest on Earth. Before this, the peak was also known as "Peak XV".

The traditional Tibetan name for the peak is Chomolungma, which can be translated as “mistress of the winds.” This name is widely used in Russian cartography, but in Western countries it is not very well known, as it is considered quite difficult to pronounce.

On maps published in our country, the peak is usually signed as “Qomolungma”, and the name “Everest” is indicated in brackets. The traditional Nepalese name for the mountain is also Sagarmatha.

Where is Mount Everest (Qomolungma)?

Almost every child knows where Everest is today. If you look at geographical map, then you can see that it is located in the highest mountain system on Earth - the Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and China.

Everest coordinates: 27°59′17″ N and 86°55′31″ E. Mount Everest is part of the Mahalangur Himal range; the Nepalese part is located within the Sagarmatha Park.

Summit of Everest

The top of Mount Chomolungma looks like a pyramid with three almost flat sides. The southern slope is steeper, snow and ice hardly even linger on it, the northern slope is somewhat flatter.

The relative height of the mountain is approximately 3550 m. The South Col Pass, whose height reaches 7906 meters above sea level, connects Everest with Mount Lhotse (8516 m), and the North Col Pass (7020 m) with Mount Changtse (7553 m). Most mountaineering routes pass through these two passes.

Geographical characteristics

The Khumbu Glacier is located in the basin between the peaks of Chomolungma and Lhotse. Below it turns into the icefall of the same name, which is considered the most dangerous section when climbing through the South Wing.

View of Everest (Christopher Michel /

This can be explained by the fact that the icefall is almost constantly in motion. To pass this place, climbers use various ladders and railings.

Below the icefall, the glacier continues again and ends only at an altitude of 4600 meters. Its total length is 22 km.

Another notable feature of the local topography is the Kangshung Wall. This east wall the top of Mount Chomolungma, whose height is 3350 meters and the width of its base is about 3000 meters.

At the foot of the wall there is a glacier of the same name. Climbing to the top along the Kangshung Wall is significantly more dangerous compared to standard routes.

Everest in the clouds (Jean-François Gornet /

Climate - what time of year is suitable for conquering Everest?

The summit of Everest is characterized by extremely unfavorable climatic conditions. There are often very strong winds here, blowing at speeds of more than 50 meters per second.

The temperature at the top never goes above 0 degrees. The average July temperature is minus 19 degrees, and average temperature January - 36 degrees below zero. On winter nights, temperatures can drop to 50-60 degrees below zero.

What period of the year is best suited to conquer the peak? Based on climatic conditions, the most favorable time for climbing is the beginning of May. At this time, the winds here are usually the least strong.

How was Everest formed?

The history of the formation of Everest is closely connected with the history of the formation of the Himalayas, which dates back many millions of years ago and stems from global geological processes.

Top of Chomolungma (jo cool /

About 90 million years ago, the Indian Plate broke away from the giant continent of Gondwana and began to move north quite quickly.

The speed of movement reached twenty centimeters per year, which is significantly greater than the speed of movement of any other plate of the earth's crust. About 50-55 million years ago, the Indian Plate began to collide with the Eurasian Plate.

As a result of this collision, the Eurasian plate was greatly deformed - a vast mountain belt was formed, the highest part of which is the Himalayas.

At the same time, the sedimentary rocks that previously made up the bottom of the ancient ocean were crushed into huge folds and often ended up at enormous heights. This explains the fact that the top of Everest is composed of sedimentary rocks.

Everest Education Scheme

Today the Indian Plate continues to move in northeast direction, deforming the Eurasian plate. In this regard, mountain-building processes in the Himalayas continue.

The height of the mountain system in general and individual peaks in particular continues to slowly increase by several millimeters per year.

During large earthquakes, changes in the height of an area can occur almost instantly and be much more significant.

Ecology: garbage left by climbers, bodies of the dead

The environmental situation on Mount Chomolungma leaves much to be desired. During the ascents, a huge amount of garbage accumulated on its slopes.

As of 2007, the Tibetan section of the mountain alone contains about 120 tons of various debris left by climbers. It is not entirely clear how to remove garbage from the slopes.

In the last few years, attempts have been made to collect waste, but this was clearly not enough. Another problem is the evacuation and burial of the bodies of deceased climbers.

  • A rather interesting fact is that the water on the highest peak in the world boils at a temperature of only +68 °C. You'll probably ask: why? This is because the atmospheric pressure here is only a third of the normal pressure at sea level.
  • Another interesting fact– this is the gradual growth of the mountain. Indeed, the height of Chomolungma increases every year by 3 to 6 millimeters. The same trend is characteristic of all the Himalayas, which is explained by the ongoing processes of mountain building and the associated rise of the territory.
  • I would also like to mention this curious fact that Everest is the highest point in the world only if we take into account the height from the level of the world's oceans. Thus, the Mauna Kea volcano on the island of Hawaii rises 10,203 meters relative to the ocean floor, while its height above sea level is only 4,205 meters.

A place with a view of Everest

Thanks to the efforts of the team, the opportunity to take a virtual walk on Everest has become possible. AirPano specializes in virtual tours, filmed in high resolution bird's-eye. Below is a panorama overlooking Everest.

Everyone knows that Mount Chomolungma is the highest in the world. However, this statement can be considered true if you do not take into account absolute altitude. Chomolungma soars above sea level to the maximum height among the mountains of our planet. At the same time, there is a volcano called Mauna Kea, which “grows” from the ocean floor, so its actual height is greater.

History of the name

The Tibetan name Qomolangma is translated from Tibetan as “Divine Mother of Vital Energy.” So unusual name The mountain was given in honor of the Bonn goddess Sherab Zhamma, who is a symbol of maternal energy. The Tibetans also gave a second name to Mount Chomolungma - Jomo Gang Kar, which translates as “Holy Mother, white as snow.”

Another very popular and common name comes from in English, since it was awarded to the summit in recognition of the services of George Everest. He was a well-known specialist in the field of geodetic research at the beginning of the 19th century. The scientist’s successor and student proposed his surname as the name of the mountain after one of the employees of the service where Everest worked made the very first measurement of “Peak XV,” which was considered the highest in Eurasia and on the planet.

There is another name given to the mountain by the people of Nepal. In their language, Chomolungma is pronounced Sagarmatha. It means "mother of the universe." The highest peak (Mount Chomolungma) in Nepal is treated with special reverence, therefore local residents prefer to call it in their native language.

Local landmark

In the XIV-XV centuries, Tibetan monks built a monastery on the northern slope of Everest that still exists today. It's called Ronkbook. From its courtyard, the mountain looks especially attractive and impressive. You can also see the peak from mountain passes that are located hundreds of kilometers away.

Mountain location

It is no secret that many of us know about Mount Chomolungma from school geography lessons. Continent Eurasia is the territory where the highest peak is located. Even people who do not have deep knowledge of geography know in which hemisphere the mountain is located. However, not everyone knows in which country Mount Chomolungma is located. We hasten to fill this gap - this is China. In fact, the mountain belongs to two countries - China and Nepal, but its highest point (North Peak) is territorially part of China.

The height of Mount Chomolungma in China is 8848 meters. The southern peak is slightly inferior to it in this indicator. In Nepal, the height of Mount Chomolungma is 8760 meters. As you can see, the difference is not very great (88 meters), but the Chinese are very proud that the highest peak in the world is located on their land. And if you are interested in exact geographical coordinates Chomolungma Mountains, then they are as follows: 27°5917 N. w. and 86°5531 E. d.

Thousands of climbers from all over the world come to these places every year to conquer Everest, but not everyone succeeds. The mountain system with Mount Chomolungma is part of the Mahalangur Himal range and is part of the Himalaya massif. With its shape, this mountain resembles a pyramid with three sides. The southern slope is exposed and steep, since it is from this side that the snow and ice slide down.

Due to the enormous height of Everest, the winds here are fierce almost all year round. Their speed can reach 200 m/s. In summer the air does not warm up above 0 °C; in January the temperature drops to -35 °C during the daytime and to -50 °C at night. You can see what Mount Chomolungma looks like in the photos that we posted in this review. Agree, the top looks amazing.


Mount Chomolungma is distinguished by its extreme climatic conditions. In the coldest month of the year (January), the average air temperature is -36 °C, in some years it drops to -60 °C. Even in the warmest month (July) the air does not warm up above -19 °C. The pressure at the top is only 326 mbar. This is a third of the pressure at sea level. At this pressure, the boiling point of water is 70 °C.

In spring and winter, westerly winds prevail here. Upon contact with the cold peak, the moist air condenses and forms a flag-shaped cloud that is directed to the east. Climbers determine the wind speed by this flag: the flag is in a horizontal position at a wind speed of 80 km/h, when the speed increases, it is directed upward, and when the speed decreases, it is directed downward.

IN winter time The speed of the southwest wind is often 285 km/h. From June to September from Indian Ocean Monsoons arrive at the summit. This time is characterized by high rainfall, and snow storms are common at the top. As in most high mountain areas, sudden changes in weather are possible here. Quite often this happens during the main climbing seasons (May – October). Sudden drops in temperature, snowfalls and storms are not uncommon in these areas. Each season has several days with fairly stable weather. These are the so-called windows when ascent is most favorable.

Flora and fauna

Due to the extreme conditions on Mount Qomolungma, the animal and vegetable world there's not much variety here. At an altitude of 6.7 thousand meters in 1924, a small jumping spider Euophrys omnisuperstes was discovered. Scientists have found that these insects feed on springtails and flies that live up to a height of 6 thousand meters. And they, in turn, feed on mushrooms and lichens. During the 1925 expedition, 30 species of lichens were recorded.

Only a few species of vertebrates can tolerate such a height - these are several species of birds.

For example, the mountain goose lives up to an altitude of 5.6 thousand meters, and once at an altitude of 7.9 thousand meters a chough, a type of mountain jackdaw, was spotted.

Mountaineering Center

So, we figured out where Mount Chomolungma is located - on the border of two countries - China and Nepal. Now I would like to talk about daredevils trying to conquer the greatest peak in the world.

A British expedition went to Nepal in 1953. On May 26, the first attempt was made, but Charles Evans and Tom Bourdillon failed to reach the summit by just one hundred meters and were forced to turn back due to lack of oxygen.

At the end of May, Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary conquered the world's highest peak for the first time. They made a short stop, took photos, and before starting their descent, buried a small cross and some candies in the snow. The names of these pioneers are inscribed in the history of climbing Everest. Their success inspired many mountain climbers, and it should be noted that many expeditions succeeded in this difficult journey.

According to statistics, for 235 people, attempts to conquer Everest ended tragically. However, these data do not stop those who want to get to the top and fulfill their old dream. The main difficulty of climbing to the top is the increase in atmospheric pressure with altitude and the decrease in air temperature - it becomes difficult not only to move, but also to breathe.

The routes here are also dangerous - Mount Chomolungma has a specific shape, there are many ledges and gorges. Despite all the obstacles, brave climbers still dream of conquering the magnificent peak. Nowadays, rock climbing enthusiasts climb to the top along pre-developed routes.

Base camps

Those who decide to conquer the top of Mount Chomolungma can choose one of two options - start the climb from China or master the Nepalese route. There are two base camps for acclimatization to altitude and atmospheric pressure. In each of them, novice climbers and professionals need to spend some time so that the body fully adapts to new conditions: acclimatization in this case is not a whim of the climb organizers, it helps prevent the development of mountain sickness.

Both camps employ experienced doctors who not only assess the health status of climbers, but also give them useful tips before climbing.

Which camp to choose?

On the Nepal side there is a southern camp, and on the Chinese side there is a northern camp, which can be reached by car in the summer. IN last years Camping on the south side is becoming increasingly popular. Residents of the surrounding villages, formerly engaged in livestock raising and agriculture, are now completely focused on serving tourists. They help transport items and supplies to intermediate upper control points.

Food, medicine, equipment and everything needed are delivered to the southern base camp using local pack animals - yaks. In addition to the main camps on the way to Mount Qomolungma, there are several other small points that are located both before and after the main ones.

How long will it take to prepare and climb?

If we are talking about tourist expeditions, then the duration of the ascent (from the moment of arrival in Kathmandu and ending with conquering the peak) is about two months. After careful preparation, it will take about 7 days to walk from base camp to the summit. It will take approximately 5 days to descend to the camp.

Climbing to the top is allowed only in spring and autumn, since during this period there is the least wind. In autumn, the ascent is carried out only from the south side. The last three hundred meters are considered the most difficult, but all difficulties are instantly forgotten at the sight of the unearthly beauty opening from the top. Not a single photo can compare with the picture that opens before the conqueror of Chomolungma; emotions greatly enhance the effect of what he sees.

Dimensions of the mountain

The height of Chomolungma was measured relatively recently. The first such estimate appeared in 1852 as a result of trigonometric calculations. In the 1950s, theodolites were already used for this purpose. As a result, it was possible to establish the exact value, which is equal to 8848.13 m. Somewhat later, information began to appear in which these values ​​fluctuated either less or less. big side. This was explained by the fact that the peak is made up of glaciers, which can grow and shrink. The officially recognized height of Everest is 8848 meters, and at around 8844 meters its solid rock ends.

  • The best assistants of all climbers without exception are the Sherpas - the people living at the foot of Chomolungma. Without them, not a single ascent takes place. Usually they carry things, make routes, and sometimes cook.
  • Representatives of the Sherpas - Phurba Tashi and Apa Sherpa - became record holders for the number of ascents to the top. They conquered it 21 times. He reached the very top three times in 2007, Phurba, and in the period from 1990 to 2011 he conquered the peak of Apa. He talked a lot about the changes on Chomolungma caused by global warming. He was worried about the melting ice and snow, which made the climbs more difficult every year.
  • Research in 1994 proved that every year the mountain increases by 4 millimeters. This is due to the continued movement of continental plates, which leads to the growth of mountains.
  • Today Qomolangma is part of the Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal. Interestingly, numerous climbers leave about fifty tons of waste and garbage on the slopes of the mountain every year. In connection with this, the Nepalese authorities passed a law according to which every climber who descends from the peak is required to collect at least eight kilograms of garbage. Those who do not wish to do this must deposit four thousand dollars into the treasury. It is noteworthy that the Nepalese take money as a deposit before the start of the climb and return it only after collecting garbage.
  • During the ascent, climbers lose about 15 kilograms in weight. This is due to fat burning and loss large quantity moisture.
  • According to statistics, for every 10 successful climbs to the top, there is one fatality. In total, there are now about 200 remains on the slopes of the mountain, which are simply physically impossible to bring down to the foot and bury.
  • In 1980, Italian Reinhold Messner managed to conquer Chomolungma alone, without oxygen cylinders.
  • In 2001, Marco Siffredi snowboarded down from the summit along the Norton Couloir, which runs down the center of the north side of the mountain. He decided to conquer Everest again in 2002, but disappeared without a trace.
  • A team of 410 Chinese climbers completed the climb in 1975. This expedition became the largest in history.
  • 1993 was the safest year in the history of climbing Everest. Then 129 climbers achieved their goal, and 8 died.
  • The government of Nepal has published data according to which the youngest conqueror of the peaks was a Sherpa girl who was 15 years old.
  • Many people know where Mount Chomolungma is located, but not everyone knows that conquering it is not a cheap pleasure. The average price for a group climb will cost you $60,000. An independent climb to the top will cost 70 thousand dollars or more.
  • There is a dead zone on the mountain, starting at the very finish - at an altitude of 7.9 thousand meters. This area received such a gloomy name due to the fact that the air in this area contains only a third of the oxygen compared to the atmosphere at sea level. It is for this reason that ascents, as a rule, take place with oxygen cylinders.

We all know from school that the highest point of our planet is Mount Everest, or Chomolungma, and that above it there are only clouds, and not all of them =) I suggest you remember what this mountain looks like and admire the exceptional beauty of the landscapes surrounding it mountain ranges!

The highest mountain on our planet rises among the eternal snows of the Himalayas to a height of 8848 meters. Sometimes it is even called the high-altitude pole of the earth) is located on the border of Nepal and China, but the peak itself lies on the territory of China. Everest Peak crowns the Main Himalayan Range

Translated from Tibetan, “Chomolungma” means “Divine (jamma) Mother (ma) of Life (lung - wind or life force)”, the mountain is named in honor of the Bon goddess Sherab Jamma. The Nepali name of Chomolungma is “Sagarmatha” - meaning “Mother of the Gods”. The English name “Everest” was proposed in 1856 by Andrew Waugh, the successor of the head of the geodetic survey of British India, Sir George Everest. The reason for this was the publication of the results of measurements of the height of “Peak XV”, according to which the mountain was recognized as the highest in the region and, probably, throughout the world

Every year there are fewer and fewer places on Earth that are not spoiled by civilization, and the Everest region is one of these pleasant exceptions) The route to Everest is one of the most beautiful and exciting not only in Nepal, but throughout the world. The peculiarity of this region is that on the Nepalese side, Everest is obscured by two high mountains- Nuptse (7879 m) and Lhotse (8516 m), so to see the highest peak of the world well enough, you need to walk relatively long distance and climb Mount Kala Patthar (5545 m) or Gokyo Ri (5483 m), from the top of which you can see good view to the top of the world

Everest has the shape of a pyramid, only its southern slope is steeper. Glaciers flow from the massif in all directions, ending at an altitude of about 5 thousand m. On the southern slope and edges of the pyramid, snow and ice are not retained, as a result of which they are exposed. Mount Everest is the main attraction of Nepal, for which hundreds of thousands of tourists come here.

For several decades, people tried to conquer Everest - and only on May 29, 1953, members of the British Himalayan expedition Edmund Hillary and Norgay Tensing managed to climb the mountain. highest point Earth. Since then, Everest has been climbed several times, but not every expedition achieved success - there were casualties, and there were retreats. This is due to oxygen starvation, very low air temperatures and gusty frosty winds that literally knock off the already tired and frostbitten extreme sports enthusiasts - after all, in order to get to the top, you need to make several stops, and many, especially unprepared people, even after the first halt they refuse to go further. But of course, the most offensive thing is to retreat a couple of hundred meters to the very top

I would like to note that the first ascent of Soviet climbers to the most high peak The land took place in May 1982. In total, from May 4 to May 9, 11 Soviet athletes climbed to the top of the world, one of them without an oxygen mask at all, and two more at night (this was the first night ascent to). Soviet climbers walked to the top along a very difficult, previously unclimbed route along the southwestern face

View of Everest Peak from an airplane

Chomolungma invariably attracts thousands of mountain lovers, climbers and ordinary travelers trying to walk along the most beautiful routes valleys of Solo Khumbu and National Park Sagarmatha

Over 50 years, more than 2,500 climbers from all over the world have climbed Everest. More than 200 people died from lack of oxygen during ascents and descents, in avalanches, from frostbite and heart failure. Unfortunately, even the most expensive and modern equipment cannot guarantee complete safety, and, of course, cannot rule out sudden snow storms that sweep away everything in their path...

He knows many tragedies, but he keeps his secrets tightly...

Nepal is blessed with unusual sights. Not only is the country known as the birthplace of Buddha; Most of the highest peaks in the world are located here, 8 of the 14 “eight-thousanders”. These include the tallest mountain on the planet - Everest.

She is also known as “Chomolungma”: translated from Tibetan as “Divine Mother of Life”. The international name “Everest” was given to the mountain in honor of the head of the geodetic survey of British India, Sir George Everest, simply because it was the employees of this institution who first measured the height of Chomolungma in 1852, proving that its Peak XV is the highest in the region and, probably, in the whole world .

Clickable 8000 px

Over all these years of climbing Everest, more than 200 people died, and only a few bodies were lowered from the top. The rest are buried by meters of snow or exposed to the winds and “meet” other climbers on the way to the top. These are the laws of Everest: the higher the altitude, the less humanity remains in people. It happened more than once that a rising group could help those in trouble, but to provide help means ending the campaign, giving up a dream. Many passed by, and when they walked back, help was no longer needed.

Vladimir Vysotsky has a song “Only mountains can be better than mountains,” and it’s true. The only exception is Chomolungma. What does a climber experience when he conquers main peak In my life? Joy or disappointment that the main goal has been achieved and there will be “smaller” mountains in the future?!

Initially, the peak was not considered the highest in the world; according to the results of the first topographic survey (1823-1843), it was included in the classifier as peak “XV” (Dhualagiri was in the lead on this list). And only after the second topographic survey (1845-1850) everything fell into place.

IN 1921 year, the first expedition to Chomolungma with the aim of reconnaissance of the ascent route from the north, from Tibet. Based on reconnaissance data, the British, under the leadership of Mallory, stormed the peak in 1922, but monsoon, snowfall and lack of experience in high-altitude climbing prevented them from making the ascent.

IN 1924 year - the third expedition to Chomolungma. The group spent the night at an altitude of 8125 m, the next day one of the participants (Norton) reached an altitude of 8527 m, but was forced to return. A few days later, a second attempt was made to storm the north-eastern ridge (the Mallory, Irvine team using oxygen cylinders), the climbers did not return, there is still an opinion that they could have been on the top of Chomolungma.

Subsequent pre-war expeditions to the area did not bring new results.

IN 1952 year - a Swiss expedition set out to storm Everest from the south. Twice in 1952, Lambert and Norgay Tenzing climbed above 8,000 meters, but on both occasions the weather forced them to turn around.

IN 1953 year - the English expedition under the leadership of Colonel Hunt went to Everest (Qomolungma), they were also joined by New Zealand climbers, one of whom was E. Hillary, they were supposed to help the British cross the Khumbu Icefall, Sherpa Norgay Tenzing was included in the assault group . There is a legend that the conquest of Everest was prepared as a gift for Queen Elizabeth II on the day of her coronation.

On May 27, the first pair - the British Evans and Bourdillon - reached the southern peak, where they left oxygen and a tent for the next assault group.

A May 29, 1953 Sherpa Norgay Tenzing and New Zealander Edmund Hillary reached the summit.

May 8, 1978 years, R. Messner and P. Habeler accomplished what was considered impossible - the first ascent of Everest without oxygen. Messner described his feelings this way: “In a state of spiritual abstraction, I no longer belonged to myself, to my vision. I am nothing more than a lonely panting lung, floating above the mists and peaks.”

The first ascent of Soviet climbers to the highest peak on Earth took place in May 1982. A Soviet team of 9 people climbed to the top of Everest along a very difficult, previously unclimbed route along the southwest face.