Okunevo is a mysterious place in Russia - five lakes of the Omsk region. The water of Lake Danilovo relieves cancer!!! Description, geographical location, map

Danilovo Lake is located on the territory of the Kyshtovsky District of the Novosibirsk Region, on the very border with the Muromtsevsky District of the Omsk Region, but is more popular with residents of the Omsk Region than the Novosibirsk Region.

Danilovo Lake is included in the group of so-called "Five Lakes", which also includes, according to various sources, Lenevo Lake, Shaitan Lake, Shchuchye or Urmannoye Lake and the most mysterious semi-mythical Hidden Lake.

The diameter of the lake is about a kilometer. It is the largest of the Five Lakes. The depth of the lake is 17 meters, which is 10 meters more than that of the nearby Tara River, the transparency of the water is 5 meters. The depth of the lake is much greater than other lakes in the region. The shores are gently sloping, near the water they are overgrown with cattail and reeds, and above - with pine, birch and aspen. Around Danilov Lake there are two shafts, one and a half meters high and with a distance between the crests of ten meters.

There are legends among the people that the lake was formed at the site of a meteorite fall, hence its amazing property - pure water with a high content of silver. There is another version, more like a fairy tale, that an unidentified flying object fell here, and an alloy of an unknown space metal enriched the water with life-giving components for terrestrial organisms.

The lake was discovered around the 1950s, and since then its fame has steadily gained momentum. The reputation of a healing lake is firmly entrenched behind the lake, and even overgrown with various legends.

The place is truly amazing. The lake is unlike any other body of water in the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions, and rather it resembles a mountain lake: practically not overgrown with aquatic vegetation, very deep, with clean, clear water.

It is believed that this water successfully treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and various skin diseases. The water of Danilov Lake really has a healing effect, but not at all the one that the people attributed to it. The lake was visited by a research expedition of Omsk geologists who comprehensively studied Danilovo Lake. The taken water samples were examined in the laboratory of the Technical University. The set and amount of metals in the water turned out to be quite earthly and ordinary, even the silver content does not exceed the usual norms. In the water of the lake, it is contained in negligible quantities. But on the other hand, a huge amount of free oxygen was discovered: the water in the lake is constantly changing due to the many underground sources rich in oxygen. According to scientists, this explains the healing properties of the waters of the lake. Free oxygen improves metabolic processes in the body and activates its defense mechanisms.

Another result of the study is the clue to the origin of the lake. It is a pity, but it seems that we will have to part with the beautiful legend of a meteorite or a UFO: the theory of extraterrestrial origin has not received scientific confirmation. Scientists analyzed a two-meter section of the soil of the ramparts on the shore of the lake and compared its composition with the composition of the soil on the shore of Tara. They turned out to be identical. This led scientists to the version that the lake most likely owes its origin to the work of underground water. It washes out soft sedimentary rocks, forming voids and dips. On the site of one of these failures, Danilovo Lake was formed.

In the summer, many vacationers come to Danilovo, and the results of human activity are already beginning to affect the purity of the lake. Local fishermen also caused no small damage to the lake, digging a trench during the spring flood from the river to the lake. They hoped that fish would enter Danilovo, but instead they only let dirty river water into the lake. And although the lake is still coping with the negative impact, scientists believe that it should be treated more carefully. In theory, the lake should be given the status of a natural monument with limited use. It's worth it: in addition to the unique natural properties of water, plants listed in the Red Book grow on Danilovo - the most beautiful egg-pods and water lilies.

Lake Danilovo is one of the most famous small lakes in the Novosibirsk region, it is located on the territory of the land use of the village of Malokrasnoyarka, Kyshtovsky district, Novosibirsk region. In the north-western direction, at a distance of about 1 km, there is the nearest settlement - the village of Kurganka, Muromtsevsky district, Omsk region.
The shape of the lake is an oval, while the length is 0.78 km and the width is 0.45 km. The area of ​​the lake is 29 hectares, including the surface area of ​​the lake - 21 hectares. The depth of the lake increases towards the center according to the data of scuba divers. In 1975, the expedition of D.N. Fialkov in the center of the lake set a depth of 18 m.
The shores are gently sloping, the southeastern shore has a hard sandy sloping bottom, the opposite one is swampy, swampy with a belt up to 50 m wide of reed-reed vegetation, which makes it difficult to approach the shore. On all sides the coast is surrounded by centuries-old pines, there are lonely bushes of bird cherry, mountain ash, viburnum and honeysuckle, aspen, in the Malokrasnoyarsk direction adjoins a birch forest. More than 10 rare and endangered species of plants are found in the flora of the lake and the coastal zone: brilliant pondweed, common watercress, white water lily, yellow water lily ... Along the shore, thickets of marsh cinquefoil, reeds, reeds and cattails rise from the water.
The water is very transparent, at a depth of up to 3-5 meters the bottom is visible, in shallow water schools of fish fry are visible. The transparency of water along the Sekke disk reaches 4 meters, in the neighboring Tara River and neighboring lakes - from a few centimeters to 2 meters. A huge array of pine forests, like deep springs, ensures the purity of the waters entering the lake. Fresh water, according to GOST is considered drinking.
Local residents do not know exactly about the origin of the name of the lake. Old-timers say that in the distant 20s of the last century, the merchant Danila, fleeing from Soviet power, fell through with a cart of silver, moving through this lake, from which the water in it became healing, and the lake was named after the merchant.
Sometimes the lake is called the "Pearl of Siberia" because of the unusual legends about the origin of the lake and the healing properties of its water. It is believed, according to the legend, that Danilovo, like the lakes Urmannoe, Lenevo, Shaitan Lake and the undiscovered Potayonnoe, have the same origin - they were formed from the fall of five fragments of a large meteorite and all these 5 lakes are connected by the underground Shaitan River. The lakes are located approximately at an equal distance from each other in the form of the letter “G”, they have approximately the same shape and size, moreover, the water from all reservoirs does not deteriorate for a long time. According to the opinion of clairvoyants Olga Gurbanovich, who lives in Nizhnevartovsk, and eight-year-old Lisa Podvysotskaya from the Komi Republic, people did not fully appreciate the peculiarity of water from all reservoirs: a swimmer in all lakes will acquire immortality. The local storyteller P. Ershov based this beautiful legend on the basis of the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse".
In 2003-2004, Omsk geophysicists established with the help of instruments that below the bottom of the lake, at a depth of about 45-50 meters, there is a powerful aquifer called an underground river. Inspection of a dozen pits, the study of cliffs on both banks of the Tara River showed the identity of alternating layers of clay and sand in all cases, as is usually the case with river and lake sediments. I. A. Vyatkin, director of the Federal State Institution “Territorial Information Fund for the Omsk Region”, offers his hypothesis of the creation of the lake: “More than 20-40 thousand years ago, when the north of Western Siberia was covered with a glacier, a lake already existed on the watershed plain. As a result of the melting of the glacier, a valley of ancient runoff was formed, which also covered the lake. Then there was a slow uplift of land. The melt water expanded the lake basin, the lake separated from the general flow (the Tara River), while the release of small particles of soil from the lower layers is quite likely.
From the legends it is clear that the bottom of Lake Danilovo is triple! .. Scuba divers tested this legend. It turned out that there is some truth in this. Thick layers of algae are located in the water column in three floors. Each layer is, as it were, in limbo. Algae roots take everything they need for life directly from the water.
Water and mud have healing properties. Infusions and decoctions prepared from Danilovskaya water are highly effective, and the water rejuvenates the body well. It helps not only in the treatment of skin diseases, but also in toothache. Due to the high saturation of water with iodine in the Danilovo and Lenevo lakes, it is possible to heal patients with a thyroid gland. There are known cases of getting rid of skin cancer, throat cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, psoriasis, arthritis and arthrosis and many other intractable diseases with the help of Danilov Lake water, although the healing properties of water have not been fully studied. On the shore of the lake there is a deposit of green-bluish clay, which is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Vacationers take clay and water from the lake in canisters, flasks and other containers. Since 2009, “local pilgrims”, having performed the Epiphany rite of bathing in the lake, “fill flasks and canisters with sacred water”.
There is a recreation area next to the lake. Along the entire southern sandy coast there are tents, and simply campsites for vacationers.
Ministry of Economic Development of the Novosibirsk Region / econom.nso.ru

Author - Rechkin Mikhail Nikolaevich,corresponding member of the Academy of Theoretical Problems. Reference : The Academy of Theoretical Problems was created on the basis of insty mulberry theoretical problems of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Founder: RAS.Departmenttheoretical problems. Registered with the Ministryjustice tsii RF.July 27, 1995. Certificate No. 5158


freshwater lakeDanilovolocated in the Kyshtovsky district of the Novosibirsk region on the border with the Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region. Longitude 75°50"23" , Latitude 56°25"35". The dimensions of the lake are: length over 800 meters, width - 450 - 500 meters, maximum depth - 18 meters. The lake is characterized by very clean, clear water (transparency - 5.5 m). The depth of the lake is much greater than other lakes in the region. The shores are gently sloping, near the water they are overgrown with cattail and reeds, and above - with pine, birch and aspen. Danilovo is of meteorite origin, there are two shafts around the lake, one and a half meters high and with a distance between the crests of ten meters.The lake differs from the typical reservoirs of the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions, and rather resembles a mountain lake: it is very deep, practically not overgrown with aquatic vegetation. Weakly mineralized water is supersaturated with free oxygen molecules and has healing properties.


The most complete geodetic studies using tools and devices, aerial photographs were carried out in the summer of 1975 by employees of the Department of Geodesy and Topography of the SibADI under the guidance of the chairman of the Omsk Department of the Geographical Society of the USSR, Doctor of Geological Sciences, Professor D.N. Fialkov, the results of which were summarized in relevant report (Fialkov, 1976).

Testimony of local residents and eyewitnesses

First of all, I want to immediately note that I was born in the village of Muromtsevo (47 km from Lake Danilovo), of course, like many of my fellow countrymen, I heard a lot about this unusual reservoir from childhood. What is its unusualness?

Firstly, according to local legend, Lake Danilovo is allegedly connected by an underground river with the lakes Linevo and Shchuchye.

Secondly, the lake was formed from the fall of fragments of a meteorite to the ground. A local resident, a teacher of physics and astronomy, Andrey Dosov, discovered a fragment of silicite near the lake - a find typical of meteorite impact sites. And another resident of the village of Kurganka, Roman Grents, while scuba diving, saw a fragment of a strange rock with a diameter of one meter - darkish with white star-like and spherical inclusions. Later Roman discovered another fragment of the meteorite, which was (by the efforts of vacationers) pulled out onto the shore of the lake, but, alas, this fragment was stolen.

Thirdly, Danilovskaya water (literally before our eyes!) heals wounds. In the First World War, seriously wounded soldiers (with non-healing wounds) were brought here and a miracle happened: the wounds closed within a few hours. The first to believe in the healing mud (blue clay) of Danilov Lake was the front-line soldier Alexander Bessmenny. Danilov's blue clay cured his wound that did not heal after the war.
Fellow countrymen also knew about healing from serious skin diseases (psoriasis and even skin cancer). For example, Krasnoperov, a resident of the village of Ryazany, was healed of skin cancer, and I could see for myself how Danilov's water works in psoriasis. We (with a relative - Nikolai) arrived at Danilovo in the morning, at about 11 o'clock. All his elbows were strewn with psoriasis plaques. For several hours we swam, drank Danilov water, and after four o'clock in the afternoon we drove back to Muromtsevo. Nikolai was driving, so I immediately noticed that only three or four plaques remained on the elbow of his right hand. I think if there was a dermatologist in my place, he would repeat all the way: “It can’t be! It can't be!..” But it's a fact! Moreover, later I was able to observe such cases of incredible healing more than once. Villager Kostino, Muromtsevsky district, Kalashnikov VD, thanks to the Danilov water, completely got rid of psoriasis.

I found a few more cases on the Internet.

* Tatyana Tushnolobova, Omsk: "My mother at Danilovo cured psoriasis within four days!" Naturally, there are many more such cases.

* Konstantin Salov: “I came to the lake on crutches and put blue clay on the wounds. In five months, the wounds closed, and now he walks, surprising the surgeons and himself.”
* Abdurafik Abdulahatov, Nizhnevartovsk: "Nothing hurts, he became like a young man!"

In addition, cases of complete restoration of motor functions and speech after a stroke are known. Restoration of vision in myopia in children and adults. Here, the most striking example is Valentina Ivanovna Khramtsova (75-year-old resident of Tyumen), who since 1977 has been practically blind. Since 2011, her vision began to recover, she can already read with the help of a magnifying glass.

A case is known when a stomach ulcer resolved without a trace in two weeks. It is noted that diseases related to gastroenterology and skin diseases are more effective (healing with Danilov water).

In December 1971, in the village of Nizovaya (2.5 km from Lake Danilovo), I met a local long-liver, Anna Tigunova. She is she easily got up from the bench, retained an excellent memory, all her teeth were intact. She did not complain about her health. I have never seen a doctor (in my long life). According to Tigunova, her father, in summer, carried Danilov water in a wooden barrel, and in winter - crushed lake ice, which, if necessary, was brought into the house, placed in a woodena trough where the ice melted, and already melted water was used for drinking, washingand bathing children. By the way, babies who have been in such a font did not get sick and did not die, which was not noted in remote villages and villages, where the mortality rate among newborns was very high. For example, my grandmother had twelve children, and only four survived!

The first, among doctors, who drew attention to the unique healing properties of the water of the lake. Danilovo, was the head physician of the Muromtsevskaya district hospital, Viktor Nikolaevich Yurgel. Later, already in the position of head of the regional health department of the Omsk Regional Executive Committee (now the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region),

he organized the first research expedition to Danilovo, but, alas, The mechanism of the healing action of Danilovskaya water has not been revealed.

Novosibirsk scientists in the 60s of the last century conducted their research on the taiga lake. The result was a report in the form of a brochure with a circulation of 500 copies, which was marked "secret". According to one of the leaders of the Muromtsevsky district, Svetlana Mikhailovna Kalinina, she accidentally met a member of that secret expedition (by the way, a doctor of medical sciences), who mysteriously said: "If people knew the true healing power of the water of Lake Danilovo, they would have scooped it to the bottom along with the mud, however, the mud here is also healing..."

Interestingly, the "dirt" - blue clay - really turned out to be healing! Thanks to this miracle clay, Lieutenant General Yakovlev V.L. got rid of a very serious disease of the spine. The "luminaries" of medicine could not help, but the blue clay ... healed!

In addition, this female scientist admitted that she has been regularly coming to Danilovo from Novosibirsk for more than 40 years, and she will never exchange it for the Black Sea. It turned out that she was already 67 years old, although she looked, by Kalinina's definition, at 47-48 years old.
On the advice of V.P. Kaznacheev, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, I involved several people with supersensitive abilities to study the lake miracle water. For example, Olga Vladimirovna Gurbanovich, while in Nizhnevartovsk, to my question: "Does the water of Lake Danilovo really heal? Or is it an invention of local residents?" I heard in response: "This lake was born from the Cosmos! The water there really has amazing healing properties that people don't even know about..."

From the above, it follows that the revelation of the clairvoyant and the recognition of the female scientist as a whole coincided!

But Gurbanovich added: “the time will come when previously unknown diseases will appear that will “mow down” thousands ... Medicine here will be absolutely powerless, and only the water of Lake Danilovo can save the terminally ill!”

According to the testimony of the former First Secretary of the Omsk Regional Committee of the CPSU Manyakin S.I. the results of secret studies of the Danilov water were reported personally to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR A.N. Kosygin. Moreover, pat the request of Alexei Nikolaevich, they began to regularly supply him with this healing water, and later L.I. Brezhnev.

It must be said that A.N. Kosygin proposed to Manyakin to build (near Danilovo) a balneological resort, but this idea (for a number of reasons) was never put into practice.

This is probably hard for anyone to believe, but I first got to the legendary lake only in July 1995, when I was already 45 years old. But even then I counted (only on the southern coast of Danilovo!) more than 600 cars, among which four were with Moscow numbers. No wonder - the earth is full of rumors! The people cannot wait for the authorities to finally be honored and build a sanatorium here.

In my card index (today) there are stories of thirteen former cancer patients (although there are many more of them!), Who parted with their cancer only thanks to Danilov water! And three of them had the fourth stage of cancer! For example, a resident of the village of Okunevo N.N. healed of cancer of the lymphatic system in the fourth stage. Galina Volkova lives in Omsk, who 16 years ago was healed at Danilovo from stage 4 small intestine cancer.

New Research

Since 2002, I have organized and conducted seven research expeditions to study the Okunev phenomenon and the Five Lakes system, which includes Lake Danilovo. These expeditions were attended by geophysicists, geologists, biophysicists,doctors and psychics. In particular, the group of geophysicists was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences. Zaitsev A.S.;geologists - Ph.D. Sokulina N.V.; biophysicists - Ph.D. Smirnov A.V; physicians - d.m.s. Mikhailova L.P. , Ph.D. Yatsenko Yu.T. and Ph.D. Zimina T.V.The results of the research were reported to the Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of SciencesKaznacheev V.P., who rated them as major scientific discovery.

Goals and objectives of ongoing research.

1. Establish the nature of the origin of Lake Danilovo.

2. Establish the nature of the healing properties of the water of Lake Danilovo. And give a scientific justification for these properties of water.

3. Establish the nature of the anti-cancer effect of the lake water on the body. And give a scientific justification for this effect.

The results of the expeditions

First, the meteorite origin of Lake Danilovo was confirmed. The largest fragment (more than three meters in diameter and weighing more than 30 tons) broke through the inclined shock channel to a depth of 67 meters. Along the way, he passed through an underground watercourse through which the Danilovo and Linevo lakes communicate, since an analysis of the water in these lakes showed their complete identity.

Secondly, the outstanding bactericidal properties of the studied water and its high biological activity (over 500%) have been established.

Thirdly, it is proved that Danilovskaya water “is high quality water. It is unique in its properties and is suitable as high-quality drinking water, as well as for the preparation of medicinal and other various solutions to improve human health.”

And further. "An unusual rectilinear dependence of phase trajectories has been established, which indicates a rare property of the structural stability of the presented water samples, which should favorably affect the stabilization of physiological processes in the body when drinking water from Lake Danilovo.

And finally, the last one.

In 2011, Omsk geophysicists recorded a powerful flow of electromagnetic energy coming from under the bottom of the lake ... Especially since on the night of July 15-16, 2010, dozens of vacationers on the lake observed an unusual phenomenon - a huge light spot, which had a rich crimson color. Even earlier, a glow in the form of rays of white and purple was observed here.

There is reason to believe that the unique healing properties of the Danilov water are to a certain extent influenced by the energy-information factor. But in order to obtain indisputable evidence, it is necessary to continue scientific research on Lake Danilovo. In addition, the answer to the question has not yet been received: why does Danilovskaya water not deteriorate for years? (The indicator for the presence of silver ions was only mg / dm 5 0.0054 ± 0.0009 0.025 mg / l.).

But I want to emphasize that I still managed to uncover the anti-cancer mechanism of action of Danilov water! This happened in July 2010.

Anti-cancer mechanism of action of the water of the lake. Danilovo .

Recent studies have shown thatthe water in the lake is supersaturated with molecules of free oxygen!

Turns out cancer cells they don't like oxygen!

The outstanding biochemist Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize winner, back in the thirties of the last century, experimentally proved that by reducing the oxygen concentration in a cell by 35%, it can turn it into a cancer cell, and when the cell is saturated with oxygen, it becomes healthy. By the way, the great Warburg, once again provided proof that everything ingenious is simple!

I perfectly understand the reaction this publication will cause from oncologists. Therefore, I offer them (and readers) "information for thought":

“In 1913, while studying the oxygen consumption of liver cells, Otto Warburg (1883-1970) discovered subcellular particles which he called granules; as it turned out later, these were mitochondria. He suggested that the oxidative enzymes for the reactions in which the end products of glucose breakdown are further oxidized to carbon dioxide and water were associated with these granules. In an attempt to identify the biochemical changes that occur as normal (growth-controlled) cells become cancerous (growth-controlled) cells, Warburg measured the rate of oxygen consumption using tissue sections. He found that although normal and tumor cells consume equivalent amounts of oxygen, the latter produce abnormally large amounts of lactic acid in the presence of oxygen. (Glucose in the presence of oxygen breaks down to lactic acid in most tissues.) He concluded that tumor cells more often use the anaerobic pathway of glucose metabolism and that, in fact, normal cells transform into malignant cells due to lack of oxygen ... And he came to the conclusion that cancer arises in as a result of energy metabolism disorders ... ".
Already in our time, British scientists from Oxford have developed an innovative method of fighting cancer cells. They were able to increase the supply of oxygen to the tumor. Oxygen helps to "soften" cancer cells, making them more amenable to treatment. Doctors have successfully tested the groundbreaking technology on patients with pancreatic cancer and say it could give hope to thousands of cancer patients who are considered untreatable. In the future, doctors plan to test the effectiveness of this method on patients with lung, cervical and rectal cancer. (According to the site vrach.tv)

And finally, the last one!

“Researchers at Boston College and the Washington University School of Medicine, USA, have received new evidence to support Otto Warburg's theory of the origin of cancer. In 1931, the theory that cancer occurs as a result of a violation of energy metabolism brought the German scientist the Nobel Prize. However, the biochemical substantiation of the theory is still missing, according to the Journal of Lipid Research. Back in 1924, Warburg found that healthy cells generate energy through the oxidative breakdown of organic acids in mitochondria, while tumor and cancer cells, on the contrary, receive energy through the non-oxidative breakdown of glucose. The transition to an oxygen-free way of energy, according to Warburg, leads to an autonomous uncontrolled existence of the cell: it begins to behave like an independent organism, striving to reproduce. Based on this discovery, the scientist suggested that cancer can be considered as a mitochondrial disease.
For many years, this theory caused controversy in the scientific world. Somewhat later, researchers discovered that genetic mutations within cells cause malignant changes and uncontrolled cell growth. Therefore, most scientists began to lean towards the fact that Warburg's discovery demonstrates only a side effect, but is not the cause of cancer. Now, American researchers have found new evidence in support of Otto Warburg's theory of the origin of cancer. By examining mitochondrial lipids in tumors from different parts of the brain in mice, they found that major cardiolipin abnormalities are present in all types of tumors and are closely associated with reduced energy production. Thus, cardiolipin abnormalities may underlie irreversible respiratory disorders in tumor cells, which means that Warburg's theory is correct... »

It must be said that Warburg's theory was initially correct, but it was maliciously ignored by oncologists. Why did this happen?

I quote: "The pharmaceutical business does not aim to cure cancer. Why cure the disease if you can download money for the fight against symptoms. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to tell gullible patients that chemotherapy poisons kill both cancerous and healthy cells, and as a result the person himself I think it's not even done for the sake of money... The elite wants to reduce the population, therefore, it is necessary that people suffer and die prematurely.And if any doctor discovers an effective way to treat cancer, then he immediately comes under fire from the medical establishment and official structures. (According to the Internet).


Let's ask ourselves: can water cure cancer?

Word to Gennady Garbuzov - biologist, author of the book "Water defeats tumors and other incurable diseases":“More and more people are convinced of this from their own experience, more and more scientists are coming to this conclusion ... With the help of water, you can restore the full vital activity of the cell and get rid of malignant tumors. However, you need to use not ordinary water, but ultrafresh- this is ordinary dew, the healing properties of which are widely used in folk medicine ... ".

Is Garbuzov right?
According to another Russian scientist Sergei Shvedov, "man, any biological object, is self-organized water. Evolution of protein structures-it is the evolution and self-organization of water...". Surprised? But the heart is 73% water, the lungs 83%, and the brain 90%! What are we thinking? Vodicka...

Without a doubt, despite the results obtained, studies on Lake. Danilovo must continue. Moreover, this lake should be declared the property of the nation. And taken under state protection!

I would like to emphasize that what prompted me to organize research at Danilovo was the fact that cancer became a real scourge for my fellow countrymen.

In 1926, the population of the Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region was 86 thousand people. For 87 years, it ... decreased to 23 thousand! And this is despite the fact that the saving lake Danilovo is nearby! How? Why? Alas, local residents disdain to drink water from Lake Danilovo, where, as they say, "thousands of tourists rinse themselves." Therefore, Muscovites, St. Petersburg residents, patients from other cities and villages are healed here, but not local ones ...

Another reason for refusing to drink healing water is that it is firmly hammered into the consciousness of these ignorant people - cancer is incurable!

It should be noted that in the city of Omsk The first place in mortality is occupied by the same cancer. Over the past forty years, the population of Omsk has increased by only 110 thousand people, and should (at least!) Increase by 1.5 times.

There is such a science "victimology" - the science of victims. This science, little known to many, "indicates the presence of certain properties of the country that make it attractive to the aggressor. The degree of hostility of the surrounding states increases as the neighboring territory becomes depopulated, besides rich and vast. Then there comes a moment when there are dozens of "legal" arguments: restoration historical justice, achieving sustainable planetary development, ensuring global ecological harmony, etc. - to justify annexation in favor of the strong. This will happen to Russia if its population is halved. Moreover, this seizure will be carried out not by military means, but by humane through the replacement of a dying ethnic group by immigrants. Humanity will be expressed in the fact that the population will gladly accept the "invaders", since without them they will not be able to cope with the vast industrial and defense infrastructure." (Gundarov I.A. “Awakening: ways to overcome the demographic catastrophe in Russia”).

Siberia is depopulating! Moreover, in the whole country for the period from 1992 to 2000, supermortality phenomenon! Gone from life 11,2 million of our fellow citizens! These egregious facts should become one of the most important issues of national security! Especially since "of the people, - according to academician D.S. Lvov, - developed a monstrous adaptive reaction to what, it would seem, is impossible to endure,- catastrophe syndrome . It is incredibly difficult to pull people out of this pernicious state. But staying in it is disastrous».

In the Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region there is a place that is known throughout Russia. This is not a temple or a monument, but a small village with a modest name Okunevo. The settlement itself is quite young - the year of foundation of the village is considered to be 1770, when the first settlers appeared here. Many researchers believe that people came to these places long before that.

Legend of the Five Lakes.

In fact, many legends are associated with this small village, the most famous of which is, of course, the legend of the Five Lakes. Not far from the settlement there are four (!) Lakes known far beyond the Siberian region: Danilovo, Lenevo, Shchuchye and Urmannoe (Shaitan Lake). According to local beliefs, there is also a fifth one - the Hidden Lake, which does not allow everyone to approach it.

It is believed that the water and mud in the Danilovo, Lenevo and Shchuchye lakes have healing powers, which attracts vacationers from all over Siberia. Locals say about these lakes that they have "living" water. Urmannoye lake, according to old-timers, is filled with "dead" water. It is also called Shaitan Lake, which in literal translation from Turkic means Devil's Lake.

Studies of the properties of the water of the Five Lakes near Okunevo confirmed the healing properties of only Lake Danilovo. Here, the water is actually able to treat some diseases of the intestinal tract and most skin diseases. This also applies to the mud of Danilov Lake. The healthfulness of the water in the lakes Lenevo and Shchuchye from the point of view of science is very controversial.

The version of the origin of the Okunev lakes is also interesting. According to ancient Indian treatises, these lakes are "born of the cosmos." Of course, we do not say that Indians have been in these places, but do not forget about the legends. According to ancient Indian myths, it was in these places that the great battle between Rama and the Evil Forces took place. In this battle, the invaluable help to the deity was provided by a man - a hero named Hanuman, for which he was gifted with the lands of Siberia. According to legend, he founded the Great City with the Temple, in which the crystal of Wisdom sent down by the Cosmos was kept. According to one version, this temple should be located somewhere near Okunev.

In principle, scientists say that the Okunev lakes could well have appeared from a meteorite that fell like a fragment. This hypothesis is confirmed in the form of lakes (all lakes are elongated in one direction), their depth. Among other things, magnetic anomalies, seismic vibrations and other "oddities" are observed here. At the bottom of Danilov Lake, scuba divers discovered a hole over which a cornice with old mossy trees hangs, which confirms the fact that once the bottom of the lake was the surface of the earth.

However, we forgot about the fifth - the most mysterious lake. This lake is called Hidden and, according to legend, is located on the right bank of the Tara, about 250 meters from the coast. It is shown only to the elite, so seeing it is a great success. They say that it has the shape of a regular circle and is very small.

Okunevo and Danilovo Lake as a place of rest.

Maybe thanks to numerous legends, or maybe thanks to the healing power of the water of Danilov Lake, but one way or another, the small village of Okunevo in the Omsk Region has become a place of real pilgrimage for tourists from Omsk and nearby regions. Okunevo and its five lakes are located just on the border of the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions, and Lake Danilovo lies in the Novosibirsk Region, and Lenevo lies in the Omsk Region.

From Okunevo to Omsk 250 km, and to Novosibirsk and even more - 800 km. However, despite the rather decent distance, the inhabitants of these Siberian cities with great pleasure go to rest both on the lakes and in the village of Okunevo itself. Both in the village and on the shores of lakes Danilovo and Lenevo there are campsites and guest houses where tourists can spend the night or dine with complete comfort. Locals with great pleasure will tell travelers about the legends and guide them to the alleged location of the Hidden Lake or the Great Temple.

Not far from the district center of Muromtsevo (about 250 km from Omsk to the north), there is an unremarkable village of Okunevo. In this village, local residents have been observing mysterious phenomena for many years.

After reading a lot of materials on this topic, we decided to go there ourselves. In 2002 and 2003 we visited this village twice. What is unusual about this place? The village of Okunevo is located on the high bank of the Tara River. Ordinary log houses, it seems, are ordinary villagers, but there are some inexplicable things in nature.

For example, in the forest around the village, the tops of many trees were knocked down, as if something, flying by, caught them. A lot of trees are twisted, or growing straight, and then, in some incomprehensible way, bent, and then growing straight again.

Local residents have been living near the Babajist community for several years now, who made it from a single house in the village about seven years ago. They outlined a circle, about 3 meters in diameter, through which, allegedly, energy flows from space to the Earth. This circle is located 2 kilometers from the village.

About 5 people permanently live in the community, the rest come for several days, not only from our region, but even from other countries. A very large group of Babajists gathers, which meditates in a circle near the chapel for several hours, trying to see what is inaccessible to an ordinary person. The locals call the most dedicated of them wizards. All this could not fail to resonate with our Christian church, which after some time erected a chapel and a cross for Christians on the site of the circle.

The stay of the Babajists and other believers in the village could not but affect the local residents, who, although they say that there are no aliens here, some respect and fear for the place where they live are constantly traced in the conversation.

For example, in a store, talking with two salespeople, the latter told us that inexplicable phenomena occur here mainly in winter. Unusual glows at night, when it becomes light as day, luminous balls across the river were seen by both women. There is no reason not to believe them, they are ordinary villagers.

Another unusual place is Shaitan Lake, which is located 7 km from the village. On the last trip, we tried three times to get to the lake, in which, according to legend, there is a crystal. But the weather conditions did not allow us to do this, as soon as we started to gather there - clouds came up and it rained, as soon as we gave up the trip - the rain stopped. As if the prophecy came true that not everyone can visit the lake. The locals have an attitude to the Shaitan Lake, as to a place of death. They say that horses refuse to approach the lake, that the lake has a double bottom, that only a madman will swim in the lake, because the water is clear and the bottom seems to be visible, but in fact there is practically no bottom. But we have not been able to see it with our own eyes.

Not only Babajists come to Okunevo, but also people of other faiths. On the last trip, we observed a group of 17 people who went to the lake during the day, and in the evening they arranged a meditation near the fire, sang songs, shouted spells together. It all ended with a night hike with candles from the fire to the river. On the planks, candles were lowered into the water, I must say, a very beautiful sight when at night 17 candles float along the river.

In general, summing up our two trips, I must say: there is something incomprehensible in this place, at least everything that happens in Okunevo should be treated without ridicule.

Below we present material from the newspaper "Sovershenno sekretno", 09/04/2001, n9, after reading which we went to Okunevo.

Siberian writer Mikhail Rechkin said that in his native land, namely in the village of Okunevo, Muromtsevsky district, Omsk region, which stands on the high bank of the Tara River, strange flying objects (“saucers”) have long been seen in the form of luminous balls and large spots of yellow , orange and red. They were noticed in the forest and in the meadows, on the Tatar ridge (hills), on the banks of the Tara, and even in their own garden. When people approach, objects quickly fly up or disappear. But the "plates" do not harm anyone, but coexist peacefully with the Okunev people.

According to the writer, at different times the villagers witnessed inexplicable visions. Then I saw a pillar of light in the meadow outside the village outskirts, and next to it - the figures of girls in bright sundresses. Then two huge translucent figures of women in mournful poses appeared above the girls.

That former front-line soldier, a man of no timid, seriously frightened, said that on a moonlit summer night he saw a huge dog, which, having swum to the other side of the Tara, turned into a huge human being dressed in white clothes.

In 1947, a local teacher not far from Shaitan Lake suddenly heard a gentle, unearthly ringing of bells coming from somewhere above. She raised her head to the sky and with amazement saw horses rushing through the air, so beautiful that it was impossible to convey. “I can still see their golden manes curling in the wind, one has only to close my eyes,” she said. Other village women also saw some signs in the sky.

Not far from Okunevo there are lakes - Linevo, Shchuchye, Danilovo, Shaitan Lake, where both water and healing mud. Siberian clairvoyants assure that these lakes are "born of the Cosmos" - they were allegedly formed as a result of the fall of fragments of a huge meteorite to Earth, that there were five of them. And now it is imperative to find the fifth "magic" lake, because soon there will be diseases that can be cured only with water taken from five lakes. It is curious that the author of the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" Pyotr Ershov lived at one time in Omsk. According to Rechkin, in the 19th century he could hear legends about horses flying across the sky, about miraculous lakes, swimming in which one by one, you can become a handsome good fellow...

According to the hypothesis put forward by a group of Siberian historians, 300 thousand years ago, a highly developed civilization existed in Western Siberia, where many religions of the world originated.

Back in 1945, the famous Western seer Edgar Cayce predicted that as a result of a global cataclysm, most of North and South America, England, and Japan would be flooded. The revival of civilization will begin in Western Siberia, which is designed to become a "Noah's Ark" for earthlings who survived the "end of the world." The teachings of another prophet, miracle worker and clairvoyant Sathya Sai Baba, who, according to legend, appeared in India in November 1926, echo Cayce's predictions. Satya Baba is called upon to establish a "golden age" on Earth - to unite humanity into one brotherly family, to awaken the desire to live in love and cooperation.

As the disciples of the prophet assure, he preaches a religion that was allegedly brought to India from Siberia. Satya Baba himself said that in the center of Siberia in ancient times there was a temple of Hanuman, where he was the High Priest. In Indian mythology, Hanuman is "a divine monkey, the son of the wind god Vayu. He is able to fly through the air, change his appearance and size, and has the power to tear hills and mountains out of the earth." Hanuman was granted eternal youth, he is revered as the greatest healer and patron of the sciences. The priests of this god allegedly possessed a magic crystal sent down from the Cosmos, contributing to the spiritual uplift of mankind. (One of the Siberian clairvoyants claimed that the temple was built by aliens, and the crystal is a means of cosmic communication with extraterrestrial civilizations; another assured that the history of the disappeared Siberian civilization was recorded on the crystal).

In 1989, a student of the Indian guru Shri Babaji, a native of Latvia, Rasma Rozitis, went in search of the place where the temple of Hanuman was located.

From the story of Rasma Rozitis: “Archaeologists told me that a place was found in the Okunevo region where rituals were performed in ancient times. I stayed in a tent near the village. I fasted and prayed for five days. luminous creatures came to me, I saw the likeness of machines woven from light, and heard unearthly music.

Behind the village, on the Tatar ridge, Rasma and members of her community laid out an altar of stone. Interestingly, in the 1960s, it was on these hills that local children found two stone slabs polished to a shine. Without delving into thoughts about their mysterious origin, village housewives found a use for them - breaking the plates into pieces, they used them as oppression when pickling cabbage.

A few years ago, a large wooden cross and an Orthodox chapel appeared on Tatarsky Uval, in which a priest from Omsk serves on major holidays. The Old Believers who call themselves Ynglings come here. They believe that 100 thousand years ago the famous Belovodye was located here. And in the Okunevo region there was a large temple complex and ... "intergalactic communication channels." The Ynglings allegedly even saw a large alien ship above one of the lakes.

Okunevo was not ignored by ufologists either. For most of them, local UFOs are alien probes that collect information about the inhabitants of the Earth. But some people believe that "saucers" are spaceships that can change shape and size.

Not only lovers of all sorts of mysteries, but also people who simply dream of taking a break from the noise of big cities have become frequent in Okunevo. Rest here is wonderful: in the rivers and lakes - fish, in the forest - mushrooms, in the glades - berries, in the meadows - a riot of herbs and flowers. Swim, sunbathe, walk, treat yourself with mud. Silence - ringing, air - not to breathe (there are no industrial enterprises in the area), landscapes, sunsets and sunrises - unwritten beauty! Of course, people leave these places peaceful and healthy, and most importantly, convinced that they have received a powerful energy "recharge".

A couple of years ago, several businessmen, natives of the Muromtsevsky district, decided to build a health center near Okunevo. And in order to better plan everything, they turned to Moscow geophysicists for help.

Last year, scientists examined these places and found two types of anomalous areas. Jokingly, the first was called "dungeon", and the second - "shrine".

In the "dungeons" (there are few such areas around Okunevo), the level of natural electromagnetic radiation is much lower than in the entire district. There is little vegetation here, the trees twisted by an unknown force have dried up. In such places, Muscovites felt very uncomfortable, some kind of oppressive state seized, they wanted to get out as soon as possible.

Local residents showed geophysicists an abandoned village house. His owners celebrated a housewarming party, but they could not live in the house - they were constantly sick, everything was not going well with them. When examining the house, it turned out that the level of the electromagnetic field here is the same as in the "dungeon".

In the "luminaries" the level of the natural electromagnetic field was one or two orders of magnitude higher than in the district. Such a field acts on the human body in two ways. If its level is higher than
order (zone A), then it "feeds" the person, as it were - the state of health improves, working capacity increases. In areas with a level of electromagnetic radiation higher by one and a half to two orders of magnitude (zone B), it is undesirable to linger. Zone B is located ten kilometers from Okunevo, next to a huge field. This is an oblong glade (200x50 meters), overgrown with grass and bordered by bright wildflowers. Around the clearing is a fairly dense forest. One of the pilgrims, who followed the geophysicists, after hanging out in the zone for two or three hours, suddenly began to dance, as he assured later, to the music, but no one except him heard this music. But for a businessman who made a long journey to Okunevo after lengthy negotiations and a sleepless night, a short stay in the clearing had a beneficial effect. After lying on the grass for an hour, he got up cheerful and full of strength.

Zone B presented geophysicists with more than one surprise. Firstly, magnetic and gravitational anomalies were noted here, as in an iron ore deposit, which is not even mentioned here. Secondly, seismic receivers recorded undamped oscillations unusual for this region. In an urban environment, such fluctuations are caused by the work of transport, industrial enterprises, power lines, etc. But where did they come from in this deserted place?

After the results of the seismic survey were processed, it turned out that in zone B, in the thickness of soils consisting of loams, sands and loose sandstones, at a depth of 8 to 15 meters there is some kind of large dense massif.

It could be assumed that there is some kind of artificial structure underground and it is it that is the source of the recorded vibrations, but only here no one has ever built anything ... Neither scientists nor customers have decided to drill a well yet. And the glade will lose its original appearance, and it is not known what will happen to the "object".

By the way, this summer, during the second expedition, Moscow scientists recorded the same fluctuations in two more places - on the northern shore of Lake Shaitan (where the Hanuman temple allegedly stood) and in the bend of the Tara River. It is possible that mysterious objects can be found underground here too. And in the very center of the bend they found a small "dungeon".

In Okunevo, a woman who came here on vacation from Omsk turned to geophysicists. For the second year, her family rents a house in the village for the summer. And in this house in the evenings, somewhere after 10 p.m., strange music began to sound.

Where it comes from is impossible to understand. At first they sinned against the neighbors, but they either slept already or watched the news on TV.

The music didn't cause much concern. Perhaps, one thing was unpleasant - people involuntarily began to wait for the "musical hour". Evening comes, but there is no music; the next day it is no longer expected, but it suddenly sounded. Quietly. But the melody could be disassembled. She reminded someone of the sounds of an organ, interspersed with the ringing of bells, for someone - the work of some kind of mechanism. Recording on the recorder, unfortunately, failed. But a UFO was seen several times near this house.

Muscovites didn't get acquainted with these flying objects right away. On their first visit, only two weeks later, they began to notice orange highlights, yellow-orange fog and white balls. We tried to photograph objects using a Samsung-zoom-145C and a four-layer Fujicolor film with a sensitivity of 800 units. Photographs taken at the foot of the Tatar ridge and on a field six kilometers from Okunevo were printed in Moscow. All of them wore a large orange top, which in configuration resembled the UFO that was observed in 1961 in the sky of Latvia.

"Yula" in its wide part looks like a bluish-green dish, in the center of which, if you look closely, is something like a rocket nozzle, and a little lower, a ball bright as an electric light bulb. The same ball is on the sharp end of the spinning top. Most often she moved "nozzle" down.

This summer, we managed to photograph the Yulu in a field southwest of Lake Shaitan, at the Bergamak cordon, in the bend of Tara and in the ravine that lies right behind Okunevo.

"Yula", which landed under a large tree in the bend of Tara, even fooled around with the photographer: as soon as he was about to "click" her, and she r-r-az - and flew to another place. He crept up to her again, but the minx disappeared behind a tree. Finally, she descended, allowed herself to be photographed, after which she flew up and melted ...

And somehow the "yula" sat down next to a working geophysicist. He didn't even feel it. But when one of the Muscovites tried to touch the top with an antenna (it was used to measure the electrical component of the electromagnetic field), the device immediately went off scale: the top could strike, perhaps, no worse than ball lightning.

At the Bergamak cordon, Muscovites saw an unusual lizard - forty centimeters long, thick, gray-spotted, it looked more like a monitor lizard. It is possible that the reptile was affected by a long stay in zone B.

Next year, Moscow geophysicists plan to complete their work in Okunevo. Physicians should start researching.

So what's going on in Okunevo? So far, three hypotheses have been put forward to explain the existence of anomalous zones, flying objects and other things there. The disciples of Satya Baba and the Inglid Old Believers believe that all this is the traces of ancient civilizations. Ufologists believe that Okunevo is a kind of base for spaceships, messengers of extraterrestrial civilizations. According to metropolitan scientists, in the Okunevo area, there may be channels for the "flow" of energy and information from parallel worlds. Then signals in the form of vibrations, UFOs with a certain spectrum, and strange music should be perceived as messages from these worlds. Messages waiting to be deciphered.

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