Sigiriya rock. Sigiriya (Lion Rock)

When we talk about palaces, the imagination draws some airy, almost weightless castles. But here is the palace built in and which UNESCO took under its protection, it is the only one of its kind in the world - it is carved on a huge rock. Translated from the Sinhalese language, the word sigiriya means "Lion Rock". It is considered one of the main attractions of the country. Mount Sigiriya is a high plateau with a magnificent palace and fortress complex. It is surrounded by gardens, swimming pools, and many dilapidated ancient buildings. From the foot to the top there is a long line of steps - to get to the top of the rock, you need to overcome 2,100 degrees!

Mount Sigiriya - video

A bit of history

The history of Sigiriya began with the fact that Kasapa, in order to seize the throne (on the advice of his power-hungry and treacherous wife), immured his own father alive in the rock. And he built the huge palace of Sigiriya to protect himself from the revenge of his brother. But, fate turned out so that Kasapa died in this impregnable palace: the enemies nevertheless got to him, and when the king saw a huge army at the foot of the mountain, he cut his throat.

The scale of the city that surrounds the rock is simply amazing - its area is approximately 130 hectares. The most amazing part of the city, of course, is the rock of Sigiriya, on which the royal palace. Only irrigation canals today remind of the complex structure of this city and its unusual architecture. The royal residence was located on the top of the rock, it was from there that the ruler enjoyed a beautiful view of the surroundings. Built in the 5th century, Kasapa's palace looked like a huge monumental building. The fortress of Sigiriya: many rooms, throne rooms - only their foundations have survived to this day, but you can also understand from their outline that there was something majestic here.

Sigiriya, Sri Lanka - photos

Sigiriya - Attractions

On a small observation deck(immediately in front of the rock) preserved foundation royal stairs. It was made in the shape of a lion's head - the mouth was open and the stairs led straight inside. Now only paws remain from the lion. Kasapa chose the lion as a symbol of his power not by chance - he believed that the sight of this animal inspires sacred fear in his enemies. The Lion Staircase was the last bastion before entering the castle. It is noteworthy that the king himself did not walk up the stairs - a special lift was installed for him on the steepest section.

Tourists often think Sigiriya a place of sinful carnal pleasures - the inhabitants of this palace spent their time in pleasures and carnal pleasures. It becomes clear why this place has such a reputation. The "Cave of Heavenly Maidens" leads to the top of the rock, where there are numerous frescoes. One version says that the frescoes depict the concubines of Kasapa, because the king had a very extensive harem. According to another, these are images of goddesses who allegedly descended from the sky to greet Kasapa. According to legend, 500 beautiful girls were depicted on the walls of this cave (which is 40 meters long). "Cave of the Heavenly Maidens" frescoes of Sigiriya is the largest art gallery in the world. However, only 15 images have come down to us intact: when Kasapa died, monks came here to found a monastery on the mountain. Religious feelings surged against the images of naked girls, and the monks washed the frescoes they could reach. But even those frescoes that remained are enough to appreciate the depth of the skill of ancient artists. Looking at the images of ancient beauties, one never ceases to be amazed at how well the frescoes have been preserved over the past 1.5 thousand years. It should be noted the peculiarity of these images, deliberately emphasized by the artist - women have a very narrow waist and a magnificent bust.

Also of interest is the old wall, made of sand, granite chips and tree bark, which was previously used for defense. This wall is very old, so you can not come close to it. It is notable for the fact that the annals of the state are written on it. The numbers on the wall indicate the chapters (there are 60 in total), and in some places there are still inscriptions in the ancient Sinhala language that tell an amazing story.

At the foot of the cliff royal palace, located amazing and lush gardens of sigiriya. There are several types of these gardens - terrace gardens, rock gardens and water gardens. From the cliff they stretch almost to the horizon.

How to get to Sigiriya

Get to Sigiriya the most convenient way is to take a bus from to the city of Dambulla, and then transfer to tour bus, which brings tourists directly to Sigiriya. Climbing up (overcoming all the steps) is not a test for the weak in spirit and body. But for those who decide to climb, a real miracle awaits at the top.

Sigiriya map of attractions

Sigiriya on the map, panorama

Sigiriya (Lion Rock) is an ancient mountain ruined fortress with the remains of a palace, located in central area Matale in Sri Lanka. The fortress is surrounded by the remains of an extensive network of gardens, pools, and other structures. This is the most popular tourist destination Sri Lanka. Sigiriya is also known for its ancient frescoes. The fort was built during the reign of King Kasapa I (477 - 495 AD) and is one of the Seven World Heritage Sites of Sri Lanka. We tried to find as much information as possible about this place and we invite you to take an excursion into the history of Sigiriya and admire its beauties.

Sigiriya was inhabited during prehistoric times and used as a mountain refuge monastery from around the 5th century BC, with caves and monasteries. The garden and the palace were built a little later by King Kasapa. After the death of Kasapa, the place again became a monastery until the 14th century, after which it was abandoned. The Sigiri inscriptions were deciphered by the archaeologist Senarat Paranavitana in his famous work published at Oxford. He also wrote the popular book "The History of Sigiriya"

Rock Sigiriya- a powerful formation from the magma of an extinct and long-destroying volcano. The rock rises high above the surrounding plain, visible for miles in all directions. The rock rests on a steep embankment that rises sharply above the flat plain that surrounds it. The height of the rock is 370 meters above sea level

Let's move on to the history of this place: The earliest evidence of human presence in Sigiriya was found in the mountain shelter of Aligala in the eastern part of the cliff. These findings indicate that the area was inhabited almost five thousand years ago during the Mesolithic. During the third century BC, there were mountain shelters-caves arranged by Buddhist monks. These buildings were built between the third century BC and the first century AD.

During the reign of King Kasapa from 477 to 495 AD, Sigiriya was developed into a complex city, becoming an impregnable fortress. Most of the complex structures on the highlands, including defensive structures, palaces and gardens, date back to the reign of Kasapa.

Kasapa was defeated in 495 AD, Sigiriya again turned into a Buddhist monastery - the monks were here until the fourteenth century. Thereafter, no mention of Sigiriya was discovered until the seventeenth century, when the area became the Kingdom of Kandy. When Kandy's reign ended, Lion Rock was abandoned again.

Archaeological work started here in the 1890s. H.C.P Bell was the first archaeologist to conduct an extensive survey of the area around Sigiriya. Large-scale research began in 1982, initiated by the government of Sri Lanka

ancient castle, built by Kasyapa, has survived on the top of the hill to this day, as well as parts of the fortress. Despite the age, some of the solutions of the palace builders are still striking in their ingenuity - water storage tanks still hold water in themselves, and the moats and walls surrounding the palace are still graceful and beautiful.

The gardens of Sigiriya are the most central part of this area, as they are one of the most landscaped gardens in the world. The gardens are divided into three distinct areas: water gardens, rock gardens, and terraced gardens.

The famous part of Sigiriya is the mirror wall. Initially, this wall was so well polished that the king could see himself while walking next to it. The wall is made of special porcelain china, and is partly covered with poems scribbled by visitors to Lion Rock. The oldest of the Sigiriya verses date back to the 8th century. Many visitors wrote on the wall about love, irony and various events. Later wall painting was banned.

ancient temple on top of the cliff was a giant art gallery, frescoes covered most of the western slope of the cliff, occupying an area 140 meters long and 40 meters high. Now many of the frescoes of Sigiriya are lost forever, but the style of this painting is considered unique and inimitable. Sigiriya is the most valuable asset of Sri Lanka, and the government protects it in every possible way

This article was prepared with the support of the Sri Lanka travel portal, where everything is described in detail, including new hotels in Sri Lanka. This portal will become your indispensable assistant in the selection of housing while traveling through this amazing country.

- a huge rocky plateau rising in the middle of the plain, and one of the most famous sights of Sri Lanka, which is located near the city of Dambula and is known for its unique frescoes and the ancient palace of King Kassapa. When we were planning a trip to Sri Lanka, we especially wanted to see Sigiriya, so unique and popular place where thousands of tourists from all over the world visit every day. Sigiriya got its name because of the huge stone lion located below. A stone staircase leads from the entrance to the palace, located on the top of the lion rock. This free-standing rock is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is shrouded in legend.

We've heard a lot about it before. mysterious place, and now we also had to storm, it would seem, impregnable mountain Sigiriya, unraveling its secrets along the way. We were pleasantly surprised by the grandeur of the Lion Rock and the beautiful views from it. In the article I will tell you all the details of visiting Sigiriya in Sri Lanka, I will share practical information I will show you photos of ancient frescoes of royal concubines and share the secret of a free visit to the Lion Rock. So, let's start storming the ancient fortress of Sigiriya together.

Sigiriya in Sri Lanka

First, I’ll tell you what Sigiriya is in Sri Lanka and why it is so interesting.

- this is a huge rock standing alone in the middle of the plain on the island of Sri Lanka, which is not like it in the whole world. Unlike, Sigiriya is not a mountain of volcanic origin. She attracts the attention of everyone with her unusualness from afar. Passing by, you will not guess that not only you turned your attention to it.

Previously (from the 3rd century) on its top lived Buddhist monks, and then in the 5th century, the parricide king Kasapa fled here. Having built a fortress on Sigiriya, he protected himself from everyone who wanted to take revenge on him and lived at a height of 183 meters for 18 years, never going down.

Isn't it true that this story is somewhat similar to the two-year imprisonment of Jews on the same flat natural hill called? Kasapa also committed suicide, as did the Jewish rebels. This is where the similarity ends, because the regicide himself was to blame for his imprisonment, and the Jews resisted the Roman invaders.

Basic information:

NameSigiriya (or "Lion Rock" in Sinhala). Official name - Ancient city Sigiriya (Ancient City of Sigiriya).
Where isIn the central part of Sri Lanka, 170 km northeast of Colombo
GPS coordinates7° 57′ 25″ N, 80° 45′ 35″ E
7.956944, 80.759722
What isA rocky plateau with a fortress built on its top - the palace of King Kassapa, rising 170 meters above the plain in the center of the island of Sri Lanka. It has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982
When was the fortress of Sigiriya built?Last quarter of the 5th century AD
What is famousFrescoes depicting half-naked concubines on a wall measuring 140 meters in length and 40 meters in height in a mirror hall on a rock ledge
Number of surviving frescoes18
Interesting factThere was also a cave monastery on the rock before and after the reign of King Kassapa.
How to get thereBy bus or tuk-tuk (taxi) from the nearest town of Dambulla, located 25 km from Sigiriya

Sigiriya is often called the Lion Rock because of the sculpture of a giant lion that stood at the stairs to the mountain in ancient times. Now it has already been destroyed, and only giant paws remain, making an indelible impression on all visitors. At this place, everyone is sure to take a photo for memory. We, too, were delighted with the curious idea of ​​the Sinhalese architects. It also seems to me that the rock itself is shaped like the body of a lion.

Over time, Sigiriya was abandoned, and magnificent palaces and the water gardens now lie in ruins. However, time spared the magnificent frescoes depicting heavenly maidens (they are also called the king's concubines). These stone paintings are so impressive that thousands of tourists climb the Lion Rock daily to take a look at ancient Sinhalese art. Especially everyone likes half-naked young ladies.

Sigiriya on the map of Sri Lanka

Photo at the top of Sigiriya

Lion Rock is not located at the crossroads of the highway, but nevertheless, due to its popularity, getting to Sigiriya is very easy. Buses from Polonnaruwa and Dambulla pass next to it (this is the nearest city to Sigiriya, only 15 km between them). And next to the rock there are many guesthouses and hotels.

There are several ways to get to Sigiriya. I will tell about each of them separately:

  • By bus: There are different buses from Dambulla to Sigiriya several times a day, the journey time is 30-40 minutes, and the fare is 40 rupees. Passing buses from Colombo, Polonnaruwa, Anuradhapura and Kurunegala all stop in Dambulla, and from there you can easily leave for Sigiriya. The best way to travel from Kandy to Sigiriya is by tourist bus with a tour. Although it will cost much more than getting there on your own.
  • By train: Sigiriya does not have its own railway station. The nearest ones are on the branch to Trincomalee - Kekirawa and Habarana, which can be reached from Colombo by train. From there, you need to transfer to a bus to Dambulla, and then again transfer to a local bus from Dambulla to Sigiriya. It turns out that this is not at all convenient way.
  • By car: If you have rented a car or are traveling with a driver-guide, then you do not need to worry about anything. You will be right at the gate to Sigiriya. This is the most convenient way to get to Sigiriya. Typically, a trip to the Cultural Triangle of Sri Lanka costs $ 150-200, although the guidebooks indicate much higher amounts.
  • On a tuk tuk: from Dambulla can be reached for 700-900 rupees.
  • On a motorbike: This method is suitable for those who know how to ride a motorcycle. In Sri Lanka, it is quite easy to rent a motorbike; there is a large selection in the capital and other cities. It is convenient to drive on your own, but you will have to pay for gasoline and constantly make sure that it is not stolen.

This time we traveled in comfort, we were driven by a driver-guide, and therefore we happily avoided a trip to public transport Sri Lanka at this stage of the journey through the island of Ceylon. However, the choice of driver must be approached very carefully. Personal contact is very important.

Overview of good hotels in Sigiriya

There are several near Sigiriya good hotels and lodges, although most prefer to settle where hotels are cheaper. Eco-tourism is very popular in Sri Lanka, so it is better to choose quiet place away from the city and live a few days among nature.

Here, for example, one of these hotels called Heritance Kandalama, located on the slope of a cliff on the border of the forest and Lake Kandalama. It is literally made from everything natural. Here you can relax in harmony with environment, and the walk from the room to the reception is reminiscent of a road through the jungle. To live in such a hotel means to acquire a simply unique experience. If you want to choose the most best hotel close to Sigiriya, I recommend booking Heritance Kandalama by this link >>

Heritance Kandalama Hotel

Another unique hotel in Sigiriya is Aliya Resort & Spa. This luxurious 5 * hotel is located near the Lion Rock (it can be seen directly from the pool). It offers residents 4 restaurants, a bar, a fitness center and a spa. There are separate tents in nature made of eco-friendly materials, surrounded by tropical greenery. All rooms are stylishly decorated, and the staff has received the highest reviews. This hotel is in high demand, I recommend booking it in advance

  • Hotel Sigiriya- grade 8.4 (4*, the most best view to the Sigiriya rock, restaurant, swimming pool, spa)
  • Sigiriya Village- grade 8.1 (4* hotel, cottages in nature, great view, wooden furniture)
  • Royal Retreat, Sigiriya- grade 8.0 (4*, green area, playground, swimming pool, restaurant)
  • Flower Garden Eco Village- grade 8.4 (3*, excellent hotel in nature, restaurant, bar, swimming pool)
  • Sigiri Rock Side Home Stay- grade 9.5 (inexpensive hotel near the cliff, delicious breakfast and dinner)

Read also:

Climbing Sigiriya to the Kasapa Palace

Due to the fact that Sigiriya in Sri Lanka is one of the main attractions of the country, almost all tourists are brought here on an excursion. The cost of visiting this site cultural heritage UNESCO is very high. This is especially noticeable for budget travelers.

Sigiriya attractions map

What you need to know about Sigiriya:

Advice: it is best to conquer Sigiriya in the morning, when it is still not so hot and there are fewer people. After 11 am there will be pandemonium.

At the entrance, Sigiriya greets visitors with water gardens and a very long road that leads to the foot of the mountain. Along the way, you can admire the views of the Lion Rock itself, the ruins of ancient gardens. A small hall is located on the territory of Terrace Park, to the right of the main path.

This is how the Lion Mountain appears to tourists
To see the water gardens in all their splendor, it is best to visit Sigiriya during the rainy season.
The area around the mountain is very beautiful.

The terraced park is famous for its huge megaliths through which steps are built.

The ascent begins at the lion's paws. The steps are pleasant at first, and then turn into iron spiral staircases where you have to be careful.

On the way up, we stopped a lot to take photos and admire the gorgeous views: the gardens left inside, the white Buddha statue and the surrounding area in general. It is curious that the surface of the rock really resembles a lion's mane or molten sweetness, which has spread from the heat. It would be interesting to know the geological origin of Sigiriya.

On the stairs
Rock of amazing color

The most interesting attraction of Sigiriya, in my opinion
Nice view from the top

And here is the most difficult part of the ascent to Sigiriya. If you don't want to climb those stairs, stop at Lion's Paws

Finally, 200 meters of ascent were behind us, and we found ourselves on the flat top of the Lion Rock. Here we first of all found a shady place and caught our breath after the ascent. Many expect to see luxurious royal mansions upstairs, but they are not here. In truth, Kasapa's palace is completely destroyed. All that remained of it was a pool, some walls in the rock, a throne, and, in general, everything. But the views, as from any hill in Sri Lanka, are simply unforgettable! If you are lucky with the weather, you can generally spend several hours at the top, admiring the surroundings.

And here we are in the palace of the rebellious king Kasapa
There are many stairs on the top of the cliff

Swimming pool in the palace
The throne of the king is the most curious thing in the palace! It is carved from a single piece of rock.

From the top of Sigiriya opens beautiful view to the next hill. In sunny weather, you can see far away. And in the cloud only
And if the clouds run up, then the view becomes very mystical

Heavenly maidens on the frescoes of Sigiriya

Heavenly maidens are considered the main attraction of Sigiriya. The artist depicted more than 500 life-size women, but only a few portraits of them have survived. It is believed that these are guests from all countries who came on a royal visit to Sri Lanka. Now these beauties are protected by UNESCO.

All in jewels the celestial maidens shine

Not all frescoes have survived to this day.

How to get to Sigiriya for free

And now I will share the secret of how to get to Sigiriya for free, that is, without a ticket. This question worries many budget travelers, who sometimes skip the Lion Rock because of the very expensive tickets. And a search on the Internet gives the same recommendation: if you are traveling on a budget, it is better to skip Sigiriya. Keep in mind that free visit you can only arrange at your own risk. Now I'll tell you how it really happened.

During our visit to Sri Lanka, we also traveled on a budget (although we drove around the Cultural Triangle in a car with a driver). We decided not to miss Sigiriya in any case. Our driver brought us to the main entrance. First we went for a walk around the mountain. From the western gate, we took the road ahead to the north. Turning the corner, we found another entrance in the wall to the territory of Sigiriya. Together with local guys, we climbed a high shaft without any problems and quite simply entered the territory cultural object. So we managed to avoid ticket offices and the first checkpoint.

winding road

There is one more checkpoint at frescoes with celestial maidens. But there they check tickets only for those who go from below, and not go down from above (everyone goes back the other way). You can try to avoid this checkpoint, to do this, keep to the left side in the Terrace Park all the time, and immediately go up to the platform with the lion's paws.

But the third checkpoint without a ticket is already very difficult to overcome. There is no detour and there are several guards on duty. You need to write down your ticket number in the journal, after which you can go to the spiral staircase. We wrote our names and, naively batting our eyes, said that our tickets were left with the driver who was waiting for us in the car. The guards were very unhappy and did not want to let us in for a long time, but we were not going to return. After some hesitation, we just picked up and went. They did not stop us and let us go upstairs. Thus, we were persistent and, in general, blatantly lied. But I think we're just really lucky. After all, it could have ended completely differently.

If you want to take the risk too, then that's up to you. We warn you that in addition to the guards there are still policemen on duty. According to other travelers, now all the "hares" at this checkpoint are forced to buy tickets.

Our review of Sigiriya

From the very beginning, we will frankly say that our review of Sigiriya will be non-standard. You have to admit that it's true unique place. Although it can really be skipped if you are not a big fan of ancient art and frescoes. It is this attraction that brings here crowds of American and European tourists (recently a huge number of Chinese have been added to them) who want to see something unusual. Personally, it seemed to me that the heavenly maidens of Sigiriya can be compared with stone ones. They decorate ancient temples there, and it is already difficult to imagine without them. But tell yourself honestly, would you go to just for the apsaras?

I liked the three elements of the Kasapa Palace - the lion gate, the royal throne and the frescoes. And of course, the lion rock of Sigiriya itself, visible from afar. But now, already knowing what I will see there, I would not pay $ 35 for a ticket. And I'm very glad that we managed to avoid paying.

However, for budget travelers, I can advise the following. If you still want to see Sigiriya, but do not want to pay an entrance fee, then you can simply walk around the Lion Rock without going up. You can even just walk around its territory, going through the northern gate, as we did, and reach the lion gate. And then go to the nearby rock monastery Pidurangala. It was here that the monks went when the rebellious king Kasapa drove them out of Sigiriya.

Pidurangala is located on another rock, 1 km north of Sigiriya. Entrance there is free, and from the top of the cliff opens beautiful view to the Lion Hill and its environs.

What to see near Sigiriya

To continue a more detailed acquaintance with Buddhism and the history of Sri Lanka, it is best to visit the following attractions.

Sigiriya (Sri Lanka) - a single rock 170 m high and a fortress erected on it in the Matale district, in the central part of the country.

A castle was built on top of the mountain, the walls of which are painted with unique frescoes. Some of the latter have survived to this day. Half way to the top there is a plateau where visitors are greeted by huge gates in the form of lion paws. According to one version, the fortress was erected at the request of King Kassap (Kasyapa), and after his death the palace was empty and abandoned. Until the XIV century, a Buddhist monastery functioned on the territory of Sigiriya. Today the attraction is included in the list world heritage UNESCO and is under its protection.

Sigiriya is a unique attraction

According to archaeological sites, in the area adjacent to the mountain, people lived in the prehistoric period. Numerous grottoes and caves are proof of this.

In 477, Kasyapa, born a commoner from the king, took the throne by force from the rightful heir of Datusena, enlisting the support of the commander in chief of the army. The heir to the throne, Mugalan, was forced to hide in India in order to save his own life. Having seized the throne of Kasyapa, he decided to move the capital from Anuradhapura to Sigiriya, where it was calm and quiet. This measure was forced, since the self-proclaimed king was afraid that he would be overthrown by the one to whom the throne belongs by birthright. After these events, Sigiriya became a real urban complex, with well-thought-out architecture, defensive structures, a fortress and gardens.

In 495, the illegitimate monarch was overthrown, and the capital returned to Anuradhapura again. And on the top of the Sigiriya rock, Buddhist monks settled for many years. The monastery functioned until the 14th century. About the period from the 14th to the 17th centuries, information about Sigiriya was not found.

Legends and myths

According to one legend, Kassapa, wanting to take the throne, killed his own father, immuring him alive in the dam wall. Kasyapa's brother Mugalan, born of the queen, left the country, but swore an oath to take revenge. In South India, Mugalan raised an army and, upon returning to Sri Lanka, declared war on his illegitimate brother. During the struggle, the army betrayed Kassapa, and he, realizing the hopelessness of his situation, committed suicide.

There is a version that the army did not deliberately abandon its leader. During the next battle, Kasyapa's elephant suddenly turned in the other direction. The soldiers took the maneuver as the decision of the king to flee and began to retreat. Kassapa, left alone, but being proud and uncompromising, drew his sword and cut his throat.

Archaeological excavations and amazing finds

Sigiriya (Lion Rock) was discovered by Jonathan Forbes, a British soldier in 1831. At that time, the top of the mountain was heavily overgrown with shrubs, but immediately attracted the attention of archaeologists and historians.

The first excavations began 60 years later in 1890. As part of the state project of Sri Lanka "Cultural Triangle", full-scale excavations were carried out.

Sigiriya is an ancient citadel built in the 5th century. The Historical and Archaeological District consists of:

  • a palace on top of the Lion Rock;
  • terraces and gates, which are located approximately in the center of the mountain;
  • a mirror wall decorated with frescoes;
  • lower palaces that hide behind lush gardens;
  • fortress ditches that perform a protective function.

Photo: Sigiriya rock, Sri Lanka

Archaeologists note that the fortress of Sigiriya (Lion Rock) in Sri Lanka is one of the most striking buildings in the world that dates back to the 1st millennium and is relatively well preserved. The plan of the city surprises with its incredible diversity and exceptional thoughtfulness for that time. In accordance with the plan, symmetry and asymmetry are harmoniously combined in the city, man-made buildings are skillfully woven into the surrounding landscape without disturbing it at all. In the western part of the mountain there is a royal park, which was created according to a strict symmetrical plan. For watering plants in the park area, a complex technical network of hydraulic structures and mechanisms has been created. An artificial water reservoir is located in the southern part of the rock; it was used very actively, since Mount Sigiriya is located in the arid part.


The western slope of the Lion Rock is a unique phenomenon - it is almost completely covered with ancient frescoes. That is why the surface of the hill is called a giant art gallery.

In the past, paintings covered the entire slope on the western side, and this is an area of ​​​​5600 square meters. According to one version, 500 girls were depicted on the frescoes. Their identity has not been established, in different sources there are different assumptions. Some believe that the frescoes depict images of court ladies, while others believe that these are girls who took part in religious ceremonies. Unfortunately, most of the drawings have been lost.

Mirror wall and the path to the frescoes

During the reign of Kasyapa, the wall was regularly polished so that the monarch, walking along it, could see his own reflection. The wall is made of bricks and covered with white plaster. The modern version of the wall is partly covered with various poems and messages. On the wall of the Lion Rock there are also inscriptions that date back to the 8th century. Now you can’t leave a message on the wall, the ban was introduced to protect the ancient inscriptions.

Gardens of Sigiriya

This is one of the main features of Sigiriya, as the gardens are among the oldest landscaped gardens in the world. The garden complex consists of three parts.

water gardens

They can be found in the western part of Lion Rock. There are three gardens here.

  • The first garden is surrounded by water, connected to the territory of the palace and fortress complex through 4 dams. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is designed according to oldest model and there are very, very few analogues that have survived to this day.
  • The second garden is surrounded by pools where streams flow. There are fountains in the form of round bowls, they are filled with an underground hydraulic system. In the rainy season, the fountains work. On both sides of the garden there are islands where summer palace residences are built.
  • The third garden is higher than the first two. In its northeastern part there is a large octagonal pool. In the eastern part of the garden there is a fortress wall.

These are huge boulders, between which there are walking paths. Stone gardens can be found at the foot of the Lion Mountain, along the slopes. The stones are so large that buildings have been built on most of them. They also performed a defensive function - when enemies attacked, they were pushed down onto the attackers.

Terraced gardens

These are terraces around the rock on natural elevations. Partially they consist of brick walls. You can get from one garden to another by a limestone staircase, from which follows the road to the uppermost terrace of Sigiriya Castle in Sri Lanka.

How to get there

You can go to the sights from any city on the island, but you will have to make a transfer in Dambulla. Bus lines 549/499 regularly depart from Dambulla to Sigiriya. Flights depart from 6:00 to 19:00. The journey takes only 40 minutes.

Possible routes to Sigiriya

Entrance ticket price:

  • adult - 4500 rupees, approximately $ 30;
  • children - 2250 rupees, about $ 15.

For children under 6 years old, admission is free.

rock palace the complex works from 7:00 to 18:00. Cash desks are only open until 17:00.

The visitor receives a ticket, which consists of three detachable parts. Each part gives the right to visit:

  • the main entrance;
  • mirror wall;
  • museum.

It is important! The exposition in the museum is weak and not very interesting, so you can not even waste time visiting it.

The best time for an excursion is from 7-00, when there is no exhausting heat. You can also see the sight after lunch - at 15-00, when the number of tourists decreases. Be sure to take water with you, as you will have to walk for at least 3 hours, and water is not sold on the territory of the complex.

Best weather to visit Sigiriya - from December to April or from mid-summer to September. At this time, it rarely rains in the central part of Sri Lanka, the weather is most favorable for visiting the castle. Most precipitation falls in April and November.

It is important! The most popular entertainment among tourists is to meet the sunrise in Sigiriya. To do this, choose a clear period so that the sky is not covered with clouds.

Sigiriya (Sri Lanka) is an ancient complex on a rock, which is recognized as the most visited on the island. It's unique historical monument architecture that can still be admired today.

Interesting video from useful information- take a look if you want to know more about Sigiriya.

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In the geographical center of the island of Sri Lanka, there is a rock that stands out strikingly against the background of the surrounding plain. This is Sigiriya, or as it is also called Lion Rock (actually Sigiriya is translated from the Sinhalese language as Lion Rock). It rises about 170 meters relative to the plateau on which it is located. Altitude– 370 meters above sea level.

Sigiriya on the map

  • Geographic coordinates 7.956538, 80.759964
  • The distance from the actual capital of Sri Lanka, the city of Colombo, is approximately 150 km in a straight line
  • Distance to the nearest airport Anuradhapura about 53 km

Sigiriya is known primarily for the fact that in ancient times the king settled here. From an ordinary rock he built impregnable fortress. And the point here is not at all that the ruler wanted to somehow stand out. In fact, the king was hiding on an impregnable rock, fearing reprisals from his brother.

History of the fortress of Sigiriya

As you know from history, in ancient times the struggle of rulers for power using the most savage methods of exterminating competitors was very popular. This tradition has not bypassed Sri Lanka. In the 4th century AD, Kasapa, the son of King Dhatusen, decided to take power into his own hands, removing his main rival, his father. And he did it well, in a very brutal way, immuring him in the wall. In fact, all power by right should have passed to Mogallan, another son of the murdered king (just do not confuse him with the famous navigator Magellan). Kasapa did not share power with his brother and transferred the capital of the state from the city of Anuradhapura to the rock of Sigiriya. Logically, assuming that it will be very difficult to get to it. In addition, Kasapa was afraid of his brother's revenge.

The entrance to Sigiriya was made in the form of a giant lion's mouth. To this day, unfortunately, only his paws have survived. Seeing the size of these paws, one can imagine the whole lion. The huge lion was supposed to frighten uninvited guests and instill in any person awe and respect for the king.

At the very top of the cliff, the personal chambers of the ruler were equipped with pools, gardens and other terribly important attributes for the king. The walls were decorated with beautiful frescoes depicting seductive concubines, usually with a minimal amount of clothing.

But in the photo you can see the throne. Not quite chic, of course, but, nevertheless, the main place of the king.

The area around Sigiriya was planted with beautiful gardens with ponds and alleys. Archaeologists have discovered here some of the very first fountains in the world (and some sources claim that these fountains are the very first on the planet).

Mogallan - the brother of the treacherous Kasapa - first fled to India, fleeing persecution. There he began to gather an army to fight the self-proclaimed king. But he didn't dare to fight yet. Meanwhile, the king of Kasapa himself, absolutely confident in his superiority, decided to do away with his brother and sent him the message that he wanted to fight him. Mogallan did not avoid the battle and moved his troops to Sigiriya. In the midst of the battle, an incredible event occurred. The king's war elephant, simply thirsty, turned to the nearest pond. But the army took this as an attempt to escape the king from the battlefield and bravely and courageously ... fled. Face to face with the army of Mogallan, Kasapa did not find anything more logical than to plunge a dagger into his chest. This is how the battle ended in an absurd defeat and the death of Kasapa.

Mogallan moved the capital back to Anuradhapura, leaving Sigiriya to the monks. The monastery existed there until the 14th century, then information about it was lost. new life Sigiriya gave the appearance of Europeans in these places.

Discovery of Sigiriya by Europeans

The first information about the discovery of Sigiriya by Europeans dates back to the time of the colonization of India, more precisely in 1831. This year, the British military, led by Major Jonathan Forbes, discovered Lion Rock for the first time. A little later, scientists became interested in the discovery. In 1907, the English scientist John Still explored the palace complex. In particular, he was struck a large number of frescoes. There were about 500 of them here at that time. They occupied a vast area about 140 meters long and 40 meters high. John even called this place "the biggest art gallery in the world." No more than 18 frescoes have survived to this day. There is evidence that most of the frescoes (let us recall that beautiful concubines were depicted there practically in a negligee) were destroyed by the monks, who were distracted from their prayers by these beautiful virgins in the images.

On the walls of Sigiriya you can find inscriptions, some of which date back to the 8th century AD. Now Sigiriya is under state protection and it is forbidden for modern tourists to leave their inscriptions.

Today, travelers can only admire the remains of the palaces of Sigiriya, since most of the buildings have already been destroyed. The best time to visit the Lion Rock is in the morning, as the sun is not hot yet. Remember that to climb you will have to overcome a steep staircase and quite strong winds. But the view of the surroundings more than compensates for any inconvenience.

  • scientists have established that long before King Kasapa, on a rock from about the 3rd century AD. Buddhist monks lived
  • the entrance to the Lion Rock is paid, and for tourists it costs about 30 dollars (children are 2 times less), but for local residents only half a dollar
  • UNESCO added Sigiriya to the World Heritage List in 1982.
  • since the discovery by Europeans in the 19th century, extensive archaeological research began to be carried out only in 1982
  • according to historians, the front of the palace on Sigiriya used to be richly studded with precious stones

Sigiriya photo