Day of the city: it was and it has become. City Day: was and is Free admission to museums

On August 30, 2016, at a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow A.V. Kibovsky reported on the preparation of events dedicated to the celebration of the City Day of Moscow in 2016.

The large-scale festive program will traditionally be held for 2 days - September 10 and 11.

More than 1,000 events have been prepared for citizens and guests of the capital at 212 venues in the central part of the city and in all administrative districts. More than 300 concerts and music festivals are planned; more than 100 master classes; over 200 free tours; 12 high-rise and 20 park fireworks.

On City Day, Muscovites will be able to visit almost 90 museums for free!

About 10 million participants are expected this year.

In connection with the celebration of the City Day, from September 8 to 12, the city will be closed and traffic will be limited on a number of streets.

"The festive content was prepared taking into account the opinions of citizens who left their opinions on a variety of issues on the Active Citizen portal. Along with the desire of Muscovites to visit traditional forms of celebration, there are wishes that have arisen for the first time, such as "reading monuments." This program we "Of course, we also realize it. Our Moscow Theater of Poets is just called upon to recall the wonderful works of poetry created in our city and about our city," said A.V. Kibovsky.

On City Day, Tverskaya, part of the Boulevard Ring and more than a dozen streets will be pedestrianized.

On City Day, a time machine, a circus arena and chess tables will appear on Tverskaya!

The celebration will be held under the motto "Moscow - the city of Russian cinema", as 2016 is dedicated to Russian cinema, and the capital is the flagship of the domestic film industry. The most famous film studios are located in the capital of Russia, major film festivals dedicated to various film genres are held here. From the early Soviet period to the present day, many cult films were filmed in Moscow. And these events related to the history of cinema will be reflected in the program of the City Day 2016.

"More than 270 art objects will be installed in different parts of the city, including modern lighting structures created using new technologies, but also structures that were the decoration of the city 50-60 years ago, restored from old photographs. Last year we showed Moscow triumphal, recreating those triumphal arches that were installed in the city in honor of significant victories. This year we will show what urban decorations existed in Moscow at all, "said the head of the Department of Culture.

The main venues for celebrating the City Day will be Tverskaya Street, Krasnaya, Manezhnaya, Tverskaya, Teatralnaya, Pushkinskaya and Bolotnaya Squares, Arbat Street, Poklonnaya Gora, Gorky Park, Sokolniki, Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, Kolomenskoye Estate Museum, VDNH and pedestrian zones of Moscow.

Thousands of LEDs and kinetic dances: how the #BrighterTogether festival will take place on City Day.

The central event will traditionally be the grand opening of the Day of the City of Moscow on Red Square, which will take place on September 10 at 12:00. The festive program at city venues will begin with the broadcast of the opening ceremony.

The musical start of the holiday at all venues in the city will take place at 13:00 - with the performance of the Moscow anthem.

A rich and diverse program has been prepared by the joint directorate "Mosgorpark", 22 city parks will take part in it. In many of them at 12:00 there will be a live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the City Day on Red Square, and at 13:00 the parks will join the citywide musical start.

By tradition, the citywide day of excursions is timed to coincide with the holiday. More than 200 free routes have been developed for Muscovites and guests of the city, including unique author's excursions from the city excursion bureau "The Museum of Moscow", local historians and architects. There are routes both in the center of the capital and in all administrative districts, including Troitsky, Novomoskovsky. About 15,000 people are expected to visit the tours.

Luminous benches "Moskva" will appear in the center by the Day of the City.

At 33 city sites within the framework of the "Moscow Seasons" events of the festival "Moscow Cinema" will be held. In particular, Tverskaya Street will turn into a movie theater, which will play scenes from all the favorite domestic films - "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession", "Pig and Shepherd", "War and Peace", "Circus", "The meeting place cannot be changed", " I'm walking around Moscow", "Pokrovsky Gates", "Guest from the Future", "Night Watch", "Hipsters".

The Saturday program (September 10) will end at 22:00 with festive fireworks in all administrative districts.

"For the first time, a completely unique event will be held in the city - this is a parade of urban vehicles, which will take place on September 11, and will take place along the Garden Ring. This is not only in our country, this is not found anywhere in the world - 675 units of equipment will be presented. In addition to retro samples, you can will see all the equipment that daily provides the life of our metropolis," A.V. Kibovsky specified.

On City Day, a convoy consisting of more than 650 vehicles from the Complex of Municipal Services and Emergency Services will pass along the Garden Ring, after which over 130 vehicles will make up an exhibition on Krasnaya Presnya Street.

After the parade, an exhibition of automotive equipment of city services will be organized in the area of ​​Barrikadnaya and Krasnaya Presnya streets.

"All the authorities of the city of Moscow participated in the preparation of a large rich program, since the city faces a colossal amount of tasks of various directions, from decorating the city to ensuring security during the days of the celebration," A.V. Kibovsky said.

The program of events in Zhukovsky on City Day in 2016 (August 19 - 21).

Detailed festive program for City Day in Zhukovsky in 2016:

  • 16.00-21.00 Football tournament between the teams of labor collectives of the city of Zhukovsky (Sports complex "Meteor", Pushkin St., 3)
  • 16.00-19.00 Festival "Colors of the Moscow Region" (park of culture and recreation )
  • 10.00 - 11.00 Festive event "Why do we need fairy tales?" (for preschool children) (Pushkin St., 3 (a playground near the Sports Complex "Meteor"))
  • 11.00-17.30 Festive entertainment venues Children's entertainment programs, master classes for children and adults (park of culture and recreation)
  • 12.00-18.00 Creative Boulevard: Photo exhibition, music and sports and entertainment programs, demonstration performances by creative teams of the city, an exhibition of works of arts and crafts, holiday trade, master classes (Square along Mayakovsky Street)
  • 14.00-17.00 Festive concert: - creative teams of the city; - a creative block from the participants of the festival "Your City" (park of culture and recreation, summer stage)
  • 17.00 -17.20 - Honored Artist of Russia, singer and composer Vladimir Mikhailov (park of culture and recreation, summer stage)
  • 17.30 - 21.00 Festival of bard songs "Flight continues" (park of culture and recreation, summer stage)
  • 16.50-17.00 Gathering of participants in the solemn procession of the city's collectives and the passage of bikers (Frunze St., 23 (near the Administration building)
  • 17.30-18.00 Passage of bikers and solemn passage of sports, creative, public, patriotic, youth organizations of the city - Route: st. Frunze - the area near the Palace of Culture)
  • 18.10 - 18.30 Demonstration performances in quad-moto freestyle
  • 18.30-22.00 - Festive concert: - Creative teams of the city; - Creative block from the participants of the festival "Your City"; - Artists of the Moscow stage (the area near the Palace of Culture)
  • 21.00 Gathering and registration of participants of the bike ride (Frunze St., 23 (near the Administration building))
  • 22.00-Fireworks
  • 23.00-01.00 Night bike ride
  • 01.00 Night screening of a feature film in the open air (park of culture and recreation, summer stage)
  • 11.00-12.00 Children's entertainment program (park of culture and recreation)
  • 11.00 - 13.00 Children's game program on the site st. Chaplygin
  • 12.00 Children's performance "Teremok" MUK Drama Theater "Strela" for children and adults. Director - Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Natalya Stupina (park of culture and recreation, summer stage)
  • 12.00-18.00 Creative Boulevard: Photo exhibition, music and sports and entertainment programs, demonstration performances by creative teams of the city, an exhibition of works of arts and crafts, master classes (Square along Mayakovsky Street)
  • 13.00 - 15.30 "III Zhukovsky open parafestival" (Sports complex "Meteor", Pushkina street, 3)
  • 16.00 - 21.00 Festival "Sky for everyone!" for participants of the III Zhukovsky Open Parafestival on the territory of the Sky Lovers Club "Sarma" (Sadovaya St., airfield of the Zhukovsky Flying Club)
  • 16.00 - 17.30 Grand opening of the playground on the street. Garnaeva
  • 18.30 - 20.00 Children's game program on the site st. Bazhenov (behind the shopping center "SPAR")

This year, on the day of the city in Moscow, solemn arches were installed along Tverskaya, on Manezhnaya and on Revolution Square. The idea of ​​this year is to remember how Moscow celebrated the anniversary year of its 800th anniversary in 1947.

Let's take a walk through the festival Moscow of 1947 and the new Moscow before the City Day —>

The idea to celebrate the birthday of Moscow appeared in the 19th century. In 1847, the Mother See celebrated its 700th anniversary. The next honoring of the capital took place only a century later.
In 1947, against the backdrop of a difficult post-war life, the celebration was organized on a grand scale. Folk festivities, illuminations, fireworks, demonstrations and round dances made a huge impression on Muscovites who were unaccustomed to a cheerful life. Moscow itself was awarded the Order of Lenin for the holiday.

The celebration of the birthday of the capital began on September 6 with a solemn meeting at the Bolshoi Theater, which was attended by high-ranking guests from all the republics of the USSR and from abroad.

In our time, on the opposite side of the Bolshoi Theater, a triumphal arch of Stalinist architecture was installed during the holidays:

On September 7, 1947, the holiday spilled onto the streets. Red Square, Revolution Square, Pushkinskaya Square, Gorky Street and the Dynamo Stadium became the centers of festivities.

Revolution Square, decorated for the holiday.

Folk festivities on Revolution Square

The Red Square. "Long live Moscow - the capital of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics."

Manezhnaya Square in 1947

And Manezhnaya Square today:

Arch on one of the central squares in 1947

As part of the celebration of the City Day on September 7, 1947, several official events took place.

Laying of the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky on Sovetskaya (Tverskaya) Square.

Tverskaya Square is now also decorated with a Stalinist arch:

Not many people know that Stalin's skyscrapers were also laid down on September 7, 1947. Moreover, it was originally planned to build eight buildings - each, as it were, symbolized the century lived by the capital. True, only seven skyscrapers were built, as a result, the concept of eight skyscrapers in honor of eight centuries was forgotten.

Groundbreaking of a high-rise building in Zaryadye (project not implemented)

Memorial plaque in Zaryadye

Let's move to Pushkinskaya

Folk festivities on Pushkinskaya Square

On Pushkin Square

Decoration of Pushkin Square on City Day


It is very correct that on the very Stalinist street of the city they decided to recall the historical festival constructions.

Combine newspaper "Izvestia", decorated on the occasion of the holiday

Festive trade kiosks on Pushkinskaya Square. As in our time, trade is brisk

Dancing on Pushkin Square. Photo taken in 1947 ... men are sorely lacking.

Interestingly, the tradition of dancing on Pushkinskaya continues. There is a suspicion that some of today's participants danced here back in the same 1947:

And these are not individual couples, but quite a lot of people (including young people) regularly come to the square:

But let's move back in time:

Celebrating the 800th anniversary of Moscow at the Dynamo Stadium

Celebrating the 800th anniversary of Moscow at the Dynamo Stadium

In the evening, Muscovites and guests of the capital were in for another surprise: magical illumination and fantastic fireworks.

Gorky street

Illumination of the building of the Central Telegraph

Illumination and fireworks on Red Square

Illumination and fireworks on Red Square

This year the City Day will be celebrated on the second weekend of September. Let's wait for the festivities and fireworks!

Archive photo

Moscow. August 30th. site - During the celebration of the City Day, over 1,000 festive events will take place, the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, said at a meeting of the presidium of the city government on Tuesday.

This year, City Day will be held for the first time on the second weekend of September: more than 1000 events will be held on the 10-11th.

The head of the Moscow Department of Culture, Alexander Kibovsky, said at a meeting of the presidium that the festive events would be held at 212 citywide venues, including 22 parks, 50 central venues, as well as more than 50 district and 70 regional venues. More than 300 concerts and music festivals, more than 100 master classes, more than 200 free excursion programs are planned.

According to the city authorities, about 10 million Muscovites and guests of the city will take part in the festive programs.

The main venues of the holiday

The main venues for the City Day will be Tverskaya Street, Red Square, Manezhnaya, Tverskaya, Teatralnaya, Pushkinskaya and Bolotnaya Squares, Arbat Street, Poklonnaya Gora, Gorky Park, Sokolniki, Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, Kolomenskoye Estate Museum, VDNH and pedestrian areas of Moscow.

The central event will traditionally be the grand opening of the City Day on Red Square, which will take place on September 10 at 12:00. The musical start of the holiday at all venues in the city will take place at 13:00 - with the performance of the Moscow anthem.

Revolution Square will host the Slavic Meal culinary festival, Poklonnaya Gora will host the Parade of Russian Students, Patriarch's Ponds - a festival dedicated to the work of Mikhail Bulgakov, Tsvetnoy Boulevard - the festival of charitable foundations "Good Moscow".

In addition, 33 city venues will host events at the Moscow Cinema festival as part of the Moscow Seasons.

On September 11, from 11:00 to 14:00, a parade of urban vehicles will take place along the Garden Ring. After the parade, an exhibition of automotive equipment of city services will be organized in the area of ​​Barrikadnaya and Krasnaya Presnya streets.

The sports part of the City Day celebration program includes workout festivals, student and youth sports, the Moscow Mayor's Cup in mixed martial arts MMA and other sports competitions.

The full program of the City Day celebration and the schedule of excursions will be published on the official website of the Moscow government and on the portal yalyublyumoskvu.rf.

Reasons for postponing City Day

Traditionally, the capital celebrates its birthday on the first weekend of September, but several times the holiday coincided with the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism (September 3). In this regard, it was decided to conduct a survey on the transfer of folk festivals on the website and in the Active Citizen mobile application. As a result of the voting, it was decided to postpone the holiday to September 10 and 11.

To do this, the Moscow City Duma approved the expansion of the dates for celebrating the Day of the City of Moscow: now, in addition to the first Saturday of September, the holiday can be held on the second Saturday of September if it coincides with the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism. This date is connected with the tragic events of the hostage-taking on September 1-3 at the Beslan school in 2004. Day of the city once every few years coincides with the date of mourning.