Beautiful statement about the love of the city. Statuses about the city

Before you - quotes, aphorisms and witty sayings about cities. This is a rather interesting and extraordinary selection of the most real "pearls of wisdom" on this topic. Here are collected entertaining witticisms and sayings, clever thoughts of philosophers and well-aimed phrases of the masters of the colloquial genre, brilliant words of great thinkers and original statuses from social networks, as well as much more...

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In a small town, people are willing to sympathize with other people's troubles, and if you don't have them, they will gladly fix it.

A fashionable building in ten years will lose its youth and become obsolete. It will become less unpleasant to the eye in two hundred years, when the fashion will be forgotten.

If these old walls could talk, how boring they would be!
Robert Benchley.

In a big city you can see more, but in a small city you can hear more.
Jean Cocteau.

Machines spawned the suburbs and killed the city.
Cyril Northcote Parkinson.

New York is a city where a car and good manners are of little use to a person.
Minion McLaughlin.

New York: a city where everyone rebels, but no one despairs.
Harry Hershfield.

Venice is like a box of chocolates and liquor eaten in one sitting.
Truman Capote.

Paris is an inhabited loneliness.
Francois Mauriac.

Buildings should be good neighbors for a person.
Paul Tyree.

This is a world famous person in our city.

Geneva is the largest small city in the world.
De La Reve.

When I come to Paris, I only dine at a restaurant on the Eiffel Tower. This is the only place where this monstrous structure is not visible.
William Morris.

I cannot resent the act of Herostratus until I see the architecture of the temple of Diana in Ephesus.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Venice would be a wonderful city if drained.
Attributed to Ulysses Grant.

Dressed in this way, and not otherwise, a woman promises herself to a greater or lesser extent. A provincial woman trying to follow the fashion in Paris promises herself in the most absurd form and by this makes herself laugh. Provincial women who come to Paris should first dress as if they were already thirty years old.

Her eyes are quite beautiful for a provincial.
Jean Baptiste Gresse.

And the dog in the capital barks more centrally.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

A girl can rather count on success in the capital, a guy in the provinces.

A doctor can bury his mistake, an architect can only cover the walls with ivy.
Frank Lloyd Wright.

Solitude must be sought in large cities.
Rene Descartes.

Moscow became the capital due to its advantageous geographical position - between south, north, east and west.
From the work of a Petersburg schoolboy.

A small town is such a locality where everyone knows everything about everyone, but they buy a local newspaper to find out what the editor dared to write about.
Danny Kay.

A small town is a place where, with all your will, you cannot go where you should not be.
Alexander Walcott.

London is a wonderful place to live if you can get away from it.
Arthur Balfour.

It is not enough to be a genius, one must also live in the capital.
Arkady Davidovich.

Killers and architects always return to the scene of the crime.
Peter Ustinov.

Los Angeles: Seventy-Two Suburbs in Search of a City.
Dorothy Parker.

Painting is an art to look at; sculpture is an art that can be walked around; architecture is an art that one can pass through.
Dan Rice.

A city in which you are unlucky always seems uninteresting in architecture.
Emil Krotky.

A small town is a nice place where the neighbors keep an eye on your wife.

The collection includes phrases and quotes about the city and the village:

  • I looked at the clock - it was past five in the morning, but neither she nor I even felt sleepy, for there was a neurosis in the air of this city, which the inhabitants there take for energy. Evelyn Waugh. Return to Brideshead.
  • Hello! is this CC? Whites in the city! Film "Deja Vu"
  • I began to vaguely understand how much tempting a big city is fraught with: wealth, grace, comfort - everything that can adorn a woman. Theodore Dreiser. Sister Kerry
  • In a big city you can see more, but in a small city you can hear more. Jean Cocteau
  • I know them all: they are all swindlers, the whole city is like that: a swindler sits on a swindler and drives a swindler. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Dead Souls.
  • There is no less intelligence in the provinces than in Paris, but in most cases he remains unemployed here. Etienne Rey
  • The brighter the city, the darker its shadow... Edge of the Void: Garden of Sinners: Murder Investigation
  • Where I was carried for three days - I don’t remember, but I left for the city of Saratov. Film "GongOfer"
  • A metropolitan resident for a provincial woman is the same as for a metropolitan resident - a man from higher spheres. J. La Bruyère
  • The city is the teacher of man. Civilization V
  • The walls of cities are built from the wreckage of village houses. At the sight of each palace being built in the capital, I seem to see how the whole region is being ruined. Jean Jacques Rousseau
  • Two capitals cannot equally flourish in one state, just as two hearts do not exist in the human body. Alexander Pushkin
  • For some time now, I have taken the words “My dear capital” exclusively literally ...
  • The village fled to the city, capturing the capital. Arkady Davidovich
  • A province is not a place, but a state of mind. Manfred Rommel
  • And the dog in the capital barks more centrally. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

  • Provincialism is a pronounced feeling of capitalism. Gennady Malkin
  • Every city has its own smell. And the smell of each thing betrays its provincial homeland. Elsa Triolet. Luna park
  • Paris is a populated desert; a provincial town is a desert without loneliness. François Mauriac
  • What a blessing that in the sleeping areas they live like in a remote province. Otherwise, it would be impossible to get to the good, but, having reached it, not to get there. However, that's just the misfortune, that's why you have to go somewhere. Elena Ermolova
  • He lives in the capital, and the province in it. Savo Martinovich
  • A small town is a nice place where the neighbors keep an eye on your wife.
  • Night city. In a light fog, the light of the streets is washed out - this is how a short-sighted or crying person sees the lanterns. Or a wretch with no prospects. Elchin Safarli. You were promised to me
  • Minin and Pozharsky will save Moscow from Russia! Arkady Davidovich
  • A small town is a place where you can't go where you shouldn't be, no matter how much you want to. Alexander Walcott
  • Moscow collects extremes. The smartest, the most sincere, the richest give away the surplus, and it turns out that happiness and unhappiness to the maximum turn into a mass prosperous middle. Elena Ermolova
  • On the outskirts, in the capital, a hundred people are hanging around: the door to the capital is being boarded up. Vladimir Borisov
  • Moscow ... how much in this sound For the heart of the Russian merged! How much resonated in it! Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Eugene Onegin
  • I hope the horses of light find me in Cincinnati. Everything comes ten years later. Will Rogers
  • I was offered from the provinces to write cheaper thoughts for them for a smaller fee. Stanislav Jerzy Lec
  • A small town is such a locality where everyone knows everything about everyone, but they buy a local newspaper to find out what the editor dared to write about .. Danny Kay
  • It is not enough to be a genius, one must also live in the capital. Arkady Davidovich
  • Dressed in this way, and not otherwise, a woman promises herself to a greater or lesser extent. A provincial woman trying to follow the fashion in Paris promises herself in the most absurd form and by this makes herself laugh. Provincial women who come to Paris should first dress as if they were already thirty years old. Stendhal
  • Culture is born in the provinces, degenerates in the capitals, and in this form returns to the provinces. Henrik Worzell
  • He read the city like a book, like a story about invisible buildings absorbed in history. Seis Noteboom
  • Moscow became the capital due to its advantageous geographical position - between the south, north, east and west.
  • Everyone can become the most popular person in the city if they find a small enough city.
  • It seems to be very important for the city to be able to talk to people in a language they understand. Max Fry. big cart
  • Of a hundred faces, my capital, the rest - the limit! Vladimir Borisov
  • The provincial tone is always harsh, it appeals not to the spirit and intellect, but to blood, to feelings ... it prefers not to persuade, but to scold. M. Arnold
  • The earth's axis passes through the center of every city and town in the world. Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

It is difficult to say what our cities mean to us, our places where we visit. For some, this is just a set of letters on the map, for others it is something huge, kind and eternal, and for others it is an unimaginable feeling of nostalgia. However, no matter what category of people we belong to, it is difficult to deny the mysterious duality of cities. It is at the same time something personal, private and sacred, but at the same time something public, all-encompassing and vulgar. A selection of statuses about such a simple and complex thing - about cities, about favorite cities, about beautiful cities.

My life, my city

You can be an impenetrable wall as much as you like, but everyone has to experience emotions and sympathy for their native places. Statuses about hometowns, whatever they may be.

1. We live in such a huge city that there is not enough cool weather for everyone.

2. In big cities, of course, you will see a lot, but in small ones you will hear a lot. I love my hometown.

3. The energy of one person would be enough to light our entire city.

4. In no city on the planet do the stars burn so violently and brightly as in the hometown of childhood.

5. Only after leaving for another city can you realize how dear your own is to you.

6. The native city is the one in which thoughts rest.

7. I love my hometown. City of betrayal and gossip.

8. First we rush into adulthood, and then we dream of returning to our hometown.

9. Have you ever noticed how familiar places can be. And how strange native places are ...

10. Hometown is incommensurably more than just the place where we were born. The magical sounds and smells that we remember from childhood are all the ingredients of the most fabulous place on earth.

11. Hometown is not just a name on the map - it's a school, it's a home, it's a native place where it will always be warm and cozy.

12. It is impossible to become a hero by fighting against the motherland.

13. Those who do not love their city cannot love at all.

14. Hometown is where you feel free.

15. Hometown is not street names, signs and familiar turns. Hometown - first of all native people.

16. Your city is not the one in which the ass is warmer, but the one in which the soul is warm.

17. I can spend my whole life walking around my favorite city.

18. Native places where the heart beats faster.

Fairy tale city, dream city

Brick jungle, ugly skyscrapers, dirty doorways and empty sky... No, we don't see that. We see our beloved city shining like never before, our favorite places and smiles until dawn - we see the uniqueness of the place we love. Beautiful statuses about your favorite cities.

1. It doesn't matter how big your city is - it matters how much happiness it has.

2. It's a pity that you can't hug the city.

3. Let's better find ourselves another city, there must be good cities.

4. Leningrad makes me sick.

5. Everyone has a city that simply pulls for no reason.

6. This city is too small for your love.

7. Or maybe everything will work out in St. Petersburg, and it's easier to breathe, and it's easier to dance.

8. Morning City is an invitation to start the dance of a new day.

9. It's good when nothing changes in the city.

10. Some people leave provincial cities to dream of returning there. Others stay in them - to dream of leaving there.

11. The city was covered with clouds of leather jackets - just autumn has come.

12. Definitely - it's easier to find a nice guy in this city than a good pair of cute sandals.

13. In the life of any person, a certain city is certainly of great importance. No matter what opinion a person has about this city, good or bad, the city still attracts.

14. You love not the city, you love yourself in this city.

15. The city of a fairy tale, the city of a dream - falling into its network, you disappear forever.

16. Even the largest city, when you settle down in it, shrinks to a tiny size. It becomes small and provincial for you. You remember its smells, its places. You become a part of it.

We are the children of the big city

He is dear to us, we will live with him. Statuses about the city, with meaning, with love and a touch of cynicism.

1. I wouldn't want to fall asleep in a city I don't want to wake up in.

2. What a city - not a single unfamiliar face.

3. I was born in the last century. In a country that no longer exists. In a city that no longer exists.

4. Perhaps the person you need is just in the wrong city.

5. There is nothing more useful for the nerves than to go where you have never been.

6. Not pity should be felt for small provincial towns, but great respect.

7. There is nothing worse than wandering in foreign lands.

8. The most fascinating and interesting thing in the world is cities, the nerve centers of humanity.

9. Solitude is worth looking for in big cities.

10. There are many different cities, but they are all united: Lenin Street, the monument to Pushkin and the Ivanov family.

11. What are you talking about? What love? Girl, this is Moscow, here spilli-willi, confused and forgotten.

12. The lights of big cities attract as much as they burn.

13. The modern city is a place where some people start their day with thoughts of suicide, and others with thoughts of murder.

14. Big cities give everyone a superpower - to become invisible.

15. Living in big cities, you learn to look under your feet. But you completely forget about the stars.

Undoubtedly, this city is the best city on Earth, this place means something important for each of us, someone was born here and spent happy childhood years, someone met his first love, someone achieved his first victory, someone realized his first cherished dream. Friends, I congratulate everyone on the Day of our city and I want to wish a peaceful sky over our heads, bright good, kindness, mutual respect and wonderful opportunities for growth and development.

I wish every inhabitant of our wonderful city happiness, prosperity and kindness! Let our city prosper day after day, develop and become only better in every sense of the word! Let all residents and guests of our city enjoy every minute spent here!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the City Day and I want to wish the eternal prosperity of this wonderful corner of the planet. May life here be cheerful and happy, may children laugh loudly, may young people study successfully and work bravely, may everyone here feel like a demanded and important figure, may there be honor and respect for all old people. Let the city grow, develop and take a special place in the hearts of its inhabitants.

Happy City Day! We wish every resident or guest of our city to be happy, live in abundance and prosperity. Let everyone have their own wonderful story that happened on the streets of their beloved city. We are our city!

Happy City Day! Let it develop, be comfortable and interesting for residents and guests. Let there be many good places where you can relax and learn something new. Let every resident be happy that he lives here!

I wish your city, like a spring garden, to flourish and become more beautiful year by year. Let it always be clean, beautiful and joyful from the kind smiles of passers-by on your beloved native streets. I wish you stable prosperity, rising living standards and firm confidence in a happy and bright future. Happy City Day!

I congratulate you on City Day and wish you to love your city with all your heart, to be proud of your history and people with all your heart. May this corner of the planet be swept with snowdrifts of joy in winter, may your city bloom with beauty in spring, may everyone in this city smile and enjoy summer, may this city be painted with bright colors of dreaminess in autumn. All love and prosperity.

Let everything in our city, dear countrymen, always be great! I wish every resident of the city to live happily in goodness and prosperity, never get sick and easily realize all their goals and dreams! Let our city develop, grow and prosper! Happy City Day everyone!

I congratulate you on City Day and sincerely wish that there will always be peace and celebration here, that this corner of the planet be a place for happy meetings and joyful events, that our city will always flourish and give every inhabitant a good hope for the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

Dear comrades, today is a special holiday, a holiday for all of us. I congratulate you on City Day and with all my heart I want to wish that we be friendly and united, that our efforts, aspirations, strengths and hopes help our city develop and flourish. May everyone here be happy, loved and successful in their work. All peace and goodness.

Most often, people leave a small town to dream of returning there. And others stay to dream of leaving there. Chuck Palahniuk

Whoever decides to conquer the capital must be stronger than her. This city does not forgive weakness and does not believe in tears...

I have always believed that the things you don't choose make you who you are: your city, your neighborhood, your family.

Love is not a mirror pond into which you can gaze forever. It has ebb and flow. And the wreckage of wrecked ships, and sunken cities, and octopuses, and storms, and boxes of gold, and pearls ... But pearls - they lie very deep.

Hometown is not the one in which you started your life, but the one in which you want to end it.

After the break, certain streets, places, even times become forbidden! The city turns into a desolate battlefield filled with mines of memories. You have to watch carefully where you step, otherwise you will be torn to pieces ...

Waiting and hoping is a sure way to suddenly go crazy, but running around the city and doing stupid things is exactly what you need!

My life does not belong to me. I live in a city where I don't want to be. I live a life that I don't want to live.

Soldiers surrender cities, generals take them. Alexander Tvardovsky

My father left me when I was six years old, but I still don't remember him. My father has a habit of starting a new family in a new city every seven years. He obviously thinks that the family is something like a chain of branded restaurants. Chuck Palahniuk

Warm days have returned to the city. They returned with redoubled affection, as unfaithful wives return. All day long frivolous, restless clouds wandered across the sky, and dry, fried autumn leaves densely lay on the ground silently, without a rustle. For several days the city seemed to be in a warm and kind of blissful swoon, it indulged in autumn, this changeable liar, and did not believe, did not want to believe in the imminent onset of cold weather ... Dina Rubina

Winter kills life on earth, but spring comes, and all living things will be born again. But it was hard to believe, looking at the ashes of the recently living city, that spring would come for him someday.

You can build your future from anything. From some crumbs or sparks. From the desire to move forward, slowly, one step after another. You can build a spacious city on the ruins. Lauren Oliver

There are people in the world that you just love. Just. Not for anything. You feel good just thinking that they exist. They may be very far away, in other cities, even in other countries, but you know that they love you too. Just.

There was a carousel in my life, there was a room for laughter, and finally, I met a person with whom I can stop and not run anywhere else. Do you want to stay with me? T\s S*x in the big city

I'm not sure that I really exist. I am all the writers I've read, all the people I've met, all the women I've loved, and all the cities I've been to.

While my crazy city swallows funny dreams, And lays noisy streets with maple hearts, Lord, I beg you, fasten my soul with all buttons, So that I don’t completely disappear until spring

The city lies in darkness... It's winter again...

Autumn depressingly covers the city with leaves, Corroding paint with a wet mood.

I will go where you are. I don't need anything else. I don't need student council anymore. I don't need good grades anymore. I no longer need smart comrades. I don't want to meet spring in another city. I want to meet her with you. This is enough for me.

If there were no winter If there were no winter In cities and villages, We would never know These merry days. The baby wouldn’t circle Near the snow woman, The ski track wouldn’t wind, If only, if it were, if ...

What matters is not the seclusion of the place, but independence. The poets who lived in the cities still remained hermits. R. Emerson

Happiness is when you have a big, friendly, caring, loving family in another city. George Burns

The sun was shining and people were moving vigorously. It was an asphalt spring, it was one of those spring days of autumn that do not belong to any season, which cities conjure up. Robert Musil.

I'm not just going crazy, but I'm tired over the summer. You climb into the chest of drawers for a shirt, and the day is lost. Hurry up, or something, winter came and brought it all - cities, people, but for starters, greenery. Joseph Brodsky

The city is melting in a flock in the darkness, Autumn, what did I know about you? How many leaves will be torn, Autumn is always right.

A big city where your dreams come true for someone else. Elchin Safarli

The lights of the night city, it's like someone launched hundreds of fireworks at the same time.

It is one thing to pilot a B-29 flying to Hiroshima, and quite another to look at it from the central square of the city. Victor Pelevin "The Sacred Book of the Werewolf"

Okay, I get it, every city needs its idiot...

The Germans can destroy the city, destroy its treasures, leave us without heat and light, but they are not allowed to destroy faith in the souls of people! Alexander Chakovsky

Traveling so much, she discovered one amazing thing for herself: none of the lights of the night city can compare with the beauty of the lights that illuminate her native land. And even the stars in the sky shine brighter where your home is.

Who can say where the city ends and the wilderness begins? Who's to say, does the city grow into it or does it move into the city?

Ray Bradbury

If you fall because of your mother, she will help you to your feet. If you fall in the city, no one will help you up.

They say that in a big city people are more tolerant than in the provinces. No, it's just indifference.

We will be showered with snow flakes New winter in this city. I cover my eyes with my hands. Your eyes with your palms.

She was well versed in old money. A certain halo of holiness hovered over them - probably because people did not part with them for years. And she understood the new money, made by upstarts, who in recent years have been visibly divorced in the city. But in Madame Zarinski's powdered chest was the heart of a real Ankh-Morpork shopkeeper, who knows for sure: the best money is the one that you hold in your hands, and not anyone else. The best money is my money, not yours. In addition, she was distinguished by sufficient snobbery, and therefore she always confused rudeness and good upbringing. Rich people are never crazy (they are eccentric), and just as they are never rude (they are honest and direct). Terry Pratchett "Masquerade"

We justify by necessity everything we do. When we bomb cities it is a strategic necessity, but when our cities are bombed it is a heinous crime. Erich Maria Remarque "A Time to Live and a Time to Die"

Autumn ... She appeared in the city suddenly, although according to the calendar it's time. The stuffy weeks ended abruptly, as if they had been banished. In the evening it rained, and in the morning the sun was already gloomy. During these hot almost three months of summer, we have completely lost the habit of contrasts. We forgot that we live in a city-mood. Today outside the window smells of autumn coolness. I love this season. The time when you do not need to prove anything, get used to something. Everything is as it is. Time of silent reconciliation with different colors of life. Elchin Safarli

Of course, if you want to look at the two most important things - how a person lives and how nature lives - you must come here, to the ravine. After all, the city, in the end, is just a big ship battered by storms, it is full of people, and everyone is busy tirelessly - they scoop out water, chip off the rust. Ray Bradbury

Sometimes I feel like we're the worst family in town.
- Maybe we should move to a bigger city?

It got dark, the city lights up the first lights. God! How he is overwhelmed by nature, despite all his geometric lines, how the evening presses on him. Hence it is so ... so striking. Am I the only one seeing this? Is there really no other Cassandra anywhere, who stands on a hill just like that and sees a city at her feet, swallowed up by the womb of nature. But what difference does it make to me? What can I tell her? Jean-Paul Sartre

The big city is a miserable, helpless monster. Everything that it consumes must be delivered to it.

I am perhaps more attracted to the complete freedom of life in a wild country than the beauty of nature. There a person can really preserve his human dignity, not like in our cities. Ethel Lilian Voynich

This city, which I so rarely return to, again contrived and stuck an awl in my heart - through everything that I managed to come to terms with in life, through a jacket, sweater and chest. Martha Ketro

This music was written as if to help you go forward, stubbornly and almost vengefully climb the mountain. She calls forward, forward, forward, not allowing to stop. And then there is a lull, as in a Vienna forest, as if a person suddenly caught in the throat from the sight of the city where he is heading, and then he spreads his arms to the sides and begins to dance in a circle ... This is merciless music. A walking person is not going to stop. Forward, up, further ... Now it does not matter: forests, trees - all this does not matter. Only one thing matters: you keep walking... And when a drop of happiness comes again - fragrant, jubilant happiness, caused by the fact that you are walking on a plateau - then this time steps sound in time with it. That's why the journey never ends. Until the music stops playing. Ann Rice

There is nothing better than spending the summer in the woods, giving your head a rest before studying and returning home to the city, to the noise, the cold, the dirty air, where there are too many people in too limited space. Simon Hawk

Moscow is a city where money can be made out of thin air.

The city removed the winter. The snows were salivating. Spring has come again, stupid and talkative like a cadet.

Not old age is the surest sign of maturity, but the ability not to get confused, waking up on a busy street in the city center in your underwear.

They finished synchronously, in different parts of the city, each on its own shelf of a rack of human high-rise buildings ....

You can take cities and win battles, but you can't subdue an entire nation. George Bernard Shaw

The most wonderful city is the one where a person is happy.

I would like to snow in your city, just to be with you... Elchin Safarli

Entire cities can be built on naked love. The easiest way to find her is to leave the house and go nowhere.

Country mansions of the rich, as a rule, are neither in the village nor in the city.

The rivers have cooled down, and the earth has cooled down, And houses have slightly ruffled. It's warm and damp in the city, It's warm and damp in the city, And outside the city - winter, winter, winter. Leonid Derbenev

A city becomes a world when you love one of those who live in it.

Happiness is to have a big, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city. George Burns

From the city until spring, having packed a suitcase, joy left for the south.

Protect the city, fight in the wasteland, knowing both grief and happiness; Then the spirit-bearing powder will rise, filling the tripod, blushing. Zhang Bo-duan "Chapters on insight into the truth"

I love you alone, and you will have to come to terms with this, even if you are not going to change anything in your life. There is a man in your city who loves you and suffers, whether you like it or not.

I began to vaguely understand how much tempting a big city is fraught with: wealth, grace, comfort - everything that can adorn a woman. Theodore Dreiser

Well, that's great, - Benjamin said optimistically, catching his breath.
- The farther from the city, the quieter and cleaner the air.
- And the beast is more fearless!
Polina said happily. Olga Gromyko