Bel iron. Order tickets in the Belarusian Railway

It is surprising that in the 21st century, in order to purchase a ticket for a train, it is easier to call by the number of the armor (although it is necessary to call 151 to get a job), to book a ticket and to defend a 40-minute queue in the checkout, how to buy a cherished Cauita in three clicks on the Internet. Clicks turn out much more, and you risk just not to leave anywhere.

That's so quite recently I had to spend at least three hours of precious time to buy a welcome train ticket. I tell how everything was.

Here you go to the site of the Belarusian Railway, in the "Trains of International Lines, Interregional Lines, Regional Lines of Business Class" (thanks, with recently it became easy to find), enter items a and b of your route, choose the train and ... nothing not happening. The page of the selected train shows free spaces, types of wagons, fare. There are "Back" and "Back" buttons.

To buy a ticket, you need to log in. I remember that it was registered on the site already twice, but why can I find a window for the third time, where to enter a login and password? .. After a few minutes of wandering over the page, I find it in the second tab. Register.

By search in the mail I find the login and password sent to me once, I introduce, I will find it, on the next page I agree with the rules and features of the ordering, its payment ... And I get to the page where you need to choose a train.

"Only the entry of Russian letters and special characters is allowed," the site warns me when I try to enter the departure station, did not have time to change the language from English into Russian. With Belarusian, by the way, he is also not friendly.

Next, I enter the station, date, drive the number of passengers (maximum 4 per surgery). Another window opens, where I can change the date and / or time of departure and click "continue." On the next page I choose the type of car and place from the available.

And on the next page, I ask F.I.O., the passport number and propose to enter additional requirements for places (for example, specify a specific place or ask only the bottom). By the way, what is commendable, the data of the passengers introduced earlier (for which they managed to buy tickets) the system retains. Long live saving time!

But for the time being, I'll "continue", "to continue," for my shoulders for my shoulders, once again, "continue" on the "Verification of the Travel Davits" page.

On the "Order Confirmation" page, I can choose the payment system to pay for the order. Internet banking OJSC "ASB Belarusbank" does not suit me, as I plan to pay a "Alfa-Bank" card - therefore, I choose the system "Calculation" (AIS Jerip) and clicking "pay for the order".

"Pay for an order in the" Calculation "system is necessary for 20 minutes," the site warns me. The list of banks falls out.

Literally in 10 minutes I have time to call to my bank, find out how to connect the Internet banking (well, I didn't need it before), I connect it. And then I understand that this is not enough - the card must be tied to the system of bank self-service (SBS). After all, the site of "hardware" writes that my bank card holders serves Internet banking SBS. On the SBS website, which I choose from the list, you require login and password. And of course, this is not the most login and password from the Internet banking "Alpha Bank"!

On the SBS website I read how to connect: I am proposed to go to the nearest ATM to open access to Internet banking through it. Then get in the ATM check with a login and password, enter on the SBS website and "pay access to the service during the year." ATM Bank partner for some reason does not want to open access. Meanwhile, the Belz site sends a letter to the mail that "the order for the purchase of tickets is canceled" (the time to be paid for payment has expired).

Hope to purchase a train ticket, where exactly 6 seats left, no. I had to promptly remember all acquaintances that could buy train tickets through the site. Suddenly they are lucky.

There was a savior. She suggested a payment method through, where one of the hundreds of sections is as "payment of railway tickets" (though, on the site "Breasts" I did not find a word about this method).

In the section on "Plati" I enter the payment code, I pay for the card, and then click "Check Payment" on the page of the site of the BelZH. And I have a ticket order form in my hands. It is enough to print and ... exchange in the railway office for a normal ticket. Here is such an unexpected turn.

In order not to go to the box office, in the personal account on the site, it turns out, you can perform electronic registration, but, unfortunately, it does not work for all directions - including it is impossible for the train Lviv - Minsk, to which I still managed to buy a ticket. "Get a ticket at the station station is impossible", - is available in more information about my order. We will have to go to the cashier with the passport.

In general, no accident on the "piece of iron" in the section "Information for passengers" is placed video with instructions, how to buy tickets to which I did not have enough time. And now let's consider how much actions I had to fulfill to buy a single ticket ...

For many residents of Belarus, railway transport is one of the most comfortable, reliable and affordable travel options. The history of the Belarusian Railway began more than 150 years ago - in 1862, when trains were opened on Grodno-Porechye.

Today BZH It occupies a leading position in the national transport services market. Every year, railway transport in Belarus transports more than 140 million tons of cargo and 90 million passengers, providing over 60% of the total volume of cargo turnover of the country and 30% - passenger traffic.

Structure of the Belarusian Railway

The Belarusian Railway includes 29 organizations, each of which has the status of a legal entity; 7 separate structural divisions (branches); As well as 3 representative offices abroad - in Russia, Kazakhstan and Poland. A total of 79,000 people work on BZD. Among them are representatives of about 500 professions. Railway workers include their traditions - about 400 labor dynasties work on the highway.

The Belarusian Railway is 572 passenger stopping points and 320 passenger stations, 19 major stations, including 4 - extracurricular. Railway transport on average per day is transported by more than 200 thousand people.

The organization of transportation of goods is provided by 370 stations: of which 9 sorting and 27 cargo. The average daily loading volume exceeds 200,000 tons.

Passenger Transportation

« Belarusian Chigunk»- Brand world name. Today, the passenger railway link connects Belarus with Paris, Nice, Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, Bucharest, Vienna, as well as the capitals and administrative centers of Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Kazakhstan.

In a message with the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Kazakhstan, up to 34 pairs of trains of permanent treatment of BZD is running. Including the Belarusian Railway forms 6 international corporate trains, of which 5 in a report with the Russian Federation and 1 with the capital of Ukraine.

In recent years, the system of passenger rail transport in Belarus has been significantly transformed. Today, passenger transportation by rail transport are in the following types of messages:

  • urban (city lines);
  • regional (regional lines);
  • interregional (interregional lines);
  • international (international lines);
  • commercial (commercial lines).

Urban lines There are carriage of passengers within the city of Minsk, the regional center and beyond their limits, but not further stations (stopping points) located in satellite cities. Today, modern 4-carriage electric trains of urban lines are associated with Minsk with three satellite cities: Zaslavl, Rudensky and Smolevichi.

Incassive demand for passengers enjoy trains of regional business class lines. On November 19, 2011, a regular movement on the routes Minsk-Baranovichi-Minsk and Baranovichi Brest-Baranovichi was open, and a month and a half of the train of regional business lines began to run on the route Minsk-Orsha-Minsk. The work on the modernization of the infrastructure and electrification of the Osipovichi-Bobruisk site allowed, starting from April 6, 2013, carrying out transportation of regional business class lines between Minsk and Bobruisk.

From May 2013, new routes of regional business class lines were introduced at Orsha-Krichev-Communary plots, Mogilev Communards; In September 2013 - on the Minsk-Zhlobin section; In 2014 - at the Minsk-Molodechno plot.

Regional lines of economy class Provide transport services for the segment of passengers who are not covered by business class lines, and are the most massive type of transportation.

Interregional lines There are carriage of passengers between the Minsk and regional centers, as well as between the regional centers of the republic. Depending on the speed of delivery to the destination, the number of stops on the path of the interregional lines are divided into business and economy class.

The movement of trains of interregional lines of the business class is carried out in directions connecting the capital with Brest, Gomel and Vitebsk.

International lines - Transportation between the Republic of Belarus and other states. They provide a passenger communication between the city of Minsk, regional centers of the republic and the capitals, as well as individual regions of other states.

The Belarusian Railway pays great attention to improving the quality of passenger service, renewing rolling stock. As part of the State Program for the Development of Railway Transport of the Republic of Belarus for 2011-2015, 11 passenger locomotives were acquired; 16 electric trains produced by the Swiss company Stadler Bussnang AG; 9 diesel trains of various preparations of the development of the Polish company PESA BYDGOSZZ JSC.

Procedure for purchasing travel documents

The sale of tickets on the Belarusian railway is fully automated and carried out through the "Express-3" ACS.

For the implementation of travel documents on the train of regional lines of economy-class and urban lines for banking payment cards, payment and reference s self-service terminals are established.

In February 2011, a system for selling travel documents of the Belarusian Railway on the site was

An electronic registration has been introduced when buying tickets via the Internet, which allows the passenger to travel on a train in accordance with the ticket paid via the Internet without registration of a travel document at the checkout.

Advantages of transit

The advantageous geopolitical location of the Belarusian Railway at the crossroads II and IX of pan-European transport corridors, at 1435 mm and 1520 mm, determines its role of the most important link between the countries of Europe and Asia. Today, the priority activity of BC is the development of transit traffic. The share of transit in the total volume of freight traffic in the Belarusian highway is about 30%.

In Belarus, a number of sustainable railway areas of transit cargo flows were formed. First of all, this is the transportation of goods to the ports of Latvia along the Zalche Bigosovo route, as well as in a message with the Kaliningrad region and Lithuania. We are important to transportation to the European Union countries and backwards within the framework of the pan-European transport corridor №ii, as well as between the countries of the Baltic and Black Seas in the framework of the pan-European transport corridor №ix.

Transferring goods to Belarus in the message East-West-East is carried out on three border crossings: Brest Terespol, Brugs-forge Belostotskaya and Svisloch-seed. On the border with Poland, the main power of the overload and warehouse infrastructure is concentrated, there is a significant potential for organizing the overload of bulk cargo. On the cargo terminals, it turns out a full range of services for the processing and storage of goods of various nomenclature.

The Belarusian Railway is ready to provide reliable transport links between China and European countries, to become an optimal transport and logistics link in the implementation of large-scale projects in the field of economy and transport logistics.

Over the past years, the number of regular cargo container trains ruling between China and Western Europe is steadily growing. Today, the BCD regularly run such trains as:

  • China - Poland (Chengdu Lodz);
  • China - Germany (Chengrzhou - Hamburg);
  • "New Silk Road" China - Germany (Chongqing Duisburg);
  • BMW Germany - China (Leipzig - Shenyang);
  • Ford Germany - China (Duisburg - Chongqing);
  • "Saul" Lithuania - China;
  • China - Germany (Vukhan - Hamburg);
  • China - Spain (IU - Madrid).

Modernization of infrastructure

The strategic goal of the Belarusian Railway is the modernization of the infrastructure. One of the most important projects in this area is the electrification of railway lines.

Today, the railway lines in the second European transport corridor are fully electrified.

A large-scale investment project for electrifying Gomel-Zhlobin-Osipovichi sections and Zhlobin-Kalinkovichi IX of the pan-European transport corridor is implemented. In September 2013, the first stage of this project was implemented - the plot of Zhlobin-Osipovichi was opened.

After completing the electrification of the Zhlobin-Gomel section, the operating length of electrified parts of the Belarusian Railway will be 1091.2 km or 19.5% of the total length of the highway.

In September 2015, the Belarusian Railway began electrified a piece of the Molodechno-Gudogany-State Government.

Much attention is paid to the development of the truck infrastructure. Including in 2015, BAZ completed the modernization of the urban commodity station of the clarity, which is part of the structure of the Transport and Logistics Center Minsk, as a result of which its capacity for storing and processing goods was significantly increased. Today, the pricky station is the most important link in organizing export-import freight traffic in the Belarusian railway, including container. The stations of the pricky are handled and transshipment of goods to the regions of Belarus, as well as to the CIS countries, the Baltic and Far abroad using the possibilities of rail and road transport.

Cooperation with foreign countries

The Belarusian Railway actively cooperates with the railway administrations of the CIS countries, the Baltic States, the European Union and far abroad, and also participates in the activities of such international transport organizations as:

  • Board of railway transport of the Commonwealth member states;
  • Organization of railway cooperation;
  • International Railway Union;
  • Coordination Conference on Planning and Implementation of Transportation in the International Passenger Report
  • International Association "Coordination Council for Trans-Siberian Transportation".

Representatives of the Belarusian Railway abroad:

  • in Russian federation
    Russia, 125047, Moscow, pl. Tverskaya outpost, 5a, office 219,
    Tel. / Fax (+7 499) 262 94 27,
    [Email Protected]
  • in the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Kazakhstan, 010000, Astana, ul. D. Kunayev, 6,
    Tel. (+7 7172) 60 04 99, fax (+7 7172) 60 04 98,
    [Email Protected]
  • in the Republic of Poland.
    Republic of Poland, PL 00-681 Warsaw, UL. HOZA 63/67,
    Phone: Tel./Fax (+48 22) 47 44 080, TEL. (+48 22) 47 44 822
    [Email Protected]

"BC" (Belarusian Chiganka) is a state carrier subordinate to the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Belarus. Railway network in Belarus is extensive. It ranks third in the CIS after Russia and Ukraine, so railway transport in the republic is well developed. For example, in one direction Moscow - Minsk walks several trains "BC" of a different level of service.

Trains "BC" are divided into a business class (branded trains) and economy (non-form). Economa includes trains with old cars. There are no air conditioners in them, so in the summer it is hot, and in winter it is cold. The interior of the wagons is outdated. At the same time, even in old trains there is a high level of service - they are in polite conductors and is always clean.

From the types of wagons in the economy class, reserved seats, coupe and sv. There is no air conditioning in a second-class car. There is only a regular toilet that closes at stations, which is uncomfortable. In the coupe and there are air conditioning, but there is also no dry-looking. In the non-self-train, the air conditioner can work badly, even if it is enabled.

We recommend traveling a business class. Such trains have their own name - "Minsk", "Belarus", "Neman", etc. In terms of comfort, they correspond to company trains of Russian Railways. All cars in them have air conditioning and dry content. In corporate trains, often the fare includes food (nutrition or hot lunch), the TV is installed. In each coupe there are sockets, the button call the conductor, and the door closes on the electronic lock.

Find out how comfortable the train is possible when buying a ticket on the site (step "selection of places"). There every type of wagon has a description, information about the availability of the air conditioner and the dry lad and receptions of passengers. Reviews can only leave those passengers that really traveled in this train.

Inside the country, several types of new trains with a high level of comfort are running. These are trains with seating places - other service classes are not required here, since the trip las no more than a few hours. In the direction of Minsk - Vilnius walks the sediment trains of Polish production, consisting of three cars. In the direction of Minsk - Gomel goes from EPM series. In the second grade there is air conditioning and a dry-looking, soft seats with a folding table, a socket between the seats. In the first class car, leather chairs are spacious and stand. By the comfort of the train, EPM resemble the economy class "Sapsana".

On regional and urban lines (in the region of the capital), new comfortable electric trains of EPG series and EPR have been launched. But on the lines still there are many old electric trains with hard shops and without air conditioning. Prices for suburban transport in Belarus are one of the lowest in Europe - they are on average 4 times lower than in the Russian Federation and 8 times lower than in Germany.

At the moment, the main problem of Belarusian trains remains obsolescence of cars. In early 2012, the Passenger Wagon Park of the Belarusian highway was about 1700 units. Of these, 56% are worn out of them. The government is trying to update the wagons - their main mass is ordered at the Gomel Unz.

The quality of service "BC" are in second place after Russia among all carriers of the CIS countries. For example, Belarusian compositions are much better than most trains of Ukraine. Pretty high quality of the BC trains is confirmed by the rating on the site - almost all of them have an estimate of 8 or 9 points out of 10.

Media Files on Wikisklad

Scheme of the Belarusian Railway.

BZD is connected with the railways of neighboring countries: Latvia (Latvijas Dzelzceļš), Lithuania (Lietuvos Geležinkeliai), Poland (Moscow and October Railways) and Ukraine (South-West and Lviv Railways Uz).

Departments of the Belarusian Railway. Minsk branch Baranovichi branch Brest branch Vitebsk branch Gomel branch Mogilev branch


  • for the first time, the permanent railway communication was opened on December 27, 1862 on the section of Porechye - Grodno St. Petersburg-Warsaw Railway.
  • in 1866, the Dinaburgo-Vitebsk railway was opened, in 1868 - the Oryol-Vitebsk railway (in 1895 merged into a single Rigo-Oryol Railway with control in Riga).
  • in 1871, the Moscow-Smolensk line was opened - Brest of the Moscow-Brest Railway (since 1912 - Aleksandrovskaya Railway).
  • in 1873, the Novo-Vileisk line was opened - Minsk - Gomel, and in 1874 - the Gomel line - Romny Landvarovo Romena Railway (since 1876 - Libavo-Romena Railway).
  • in 1882, the Line of Zhabinka - Pinsk was opened, in 1884 - the line Pinsk - Luninets - Wilna, in 1886 - Luninets railway lines - Gomel and Baranovichi - Bialystok, and in 1887, Gomel-Bryansk railway line included in the Polessian Railways , the management of which was in Wilna.
  • in the city of the railway branch from Lyan Avuta to the town of Svir (24 versts) and further to Smorgon, and in the city - the line from the Lynth on Shemetovo, Izhu to Molodechno.
  • in 1902, the Rigo-Oryol Railway was replenished with Liniya Vitebsk - Zhlobin.
  • in 1907, the Polesie railways were replenished with Volkovysk - Lida - Polotsk.
  • in the fall of the year, the Russian army, despite the stubborn resistance of the Germans, freed Molodechno railway stations, Vileyka and Crivichi (now Prince) of the Polesian railways from the Kaisero troops.
  • at the end of the year, the 13th company formed (240 people) of the German backup infantry regiment No. 251, under the command of the captain of Gretting, built the station in the front-line place Shemetovo and connected with the help of a field narrow scene of Lynta and Shemetovo.
  • in 1922, the Alexander Railway and the Moscow-Baltic Railway were combined into the Moscow-Belarusian-Baltic Railway.
  • in a year, Czech writer Karel Vantec wrote a novel "The adventures of the brave soldier Schweik in Russian captivity". Wisen Writer Brave Soldier Schweik gets into the Russian captivity during the First World War, where he is sent to the construction of a military railway at Budslav station.
  • in 1936, the Western Railway with control in Smolensk and the Belarusian railway with control in Gomel were allocated from the Moscow-Belarusian-Baltic Railway.
  • in 1937, in Western Belarus, on the occasion of the completion of the construction of a 4-kilometer section of the Uzbocole Railway, the Komobnik - Lake Naroch, the Archbishop of Jalbzhikovsky spoke with a solemn speech.
  • 11/17/1939 Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and SCS of the USSR "was published on the stirring of the railways of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus and the conversion of rolling stock on the USSR's rut."
  • 02.12. Brest-Lithuanian railway with control in Baranavichy and Belostok railway.
  • 28.07. The Minsk branch of the Western Railway is united with the Brest Lithuanian Railway to the Minsk Railway.
  • 15.05. Minsk railway merged with the Belarusian railway.
  • in 1957, the Belarusian Railway was transferred to the Vitebsk and Orsha branches of the Western Railway.
  • 07.12. The first electrified portion of the Belarusian Railway Minsk-Olechanovichi with a length of 48 km was solemnly commissioned.
  • Depot Minsk-sorting moves with a locomotive for diesel traction.
  • Depot Mogilev goes with a locomotive for diesel truck
  • Belarusian railway start exploiting electric locomotives.
  • On July 1, a bust of the King of Nerzokolek, an engineer, a deputy of the first State Duma of Boleslav Antonovich Yalovetsky, was installed at the station Lyntuta, on the initiative of the local Localand E. Gromova, the engineer, deputy of the first state Duma Boleslav Antonovich Yalovetsky.

Chronology of electrification

Year Extension
trades in common
use, km
in t.
2000 5533 874 16
2005 5518 897 16
2010 5503 898 16
2011 5503 899 16
2012 5483 899 16
2013 5490 1013 18
2014 5491 1012 18
2015 5491 1128 21
2016 5480 1131 21
2017 5480 1215 22
2018 5480 1228 22

In the Belarusian railway, an AC standard of 25 kV voltage is used, with the exception of grodno-border cross-border areas and Brest-central - a border with Poland (and further to Terespol), on which the Polish electro-separation composition of DC 3 sq. The only acting station in Belarus is Brest-central: the northern side with the paths of the European gauge is electrified on the Polish constant current of 3 kV, South (Russian track) - on the Belarusian variable (25 kV).

  • : Minsk - Olehnovichi;
  • : Olehnovichi - Molodechno;
  • : Minsk - Puhovichi;
  • : Pukhovichi - Talca;
  • : Talca - Osipovichi;
  • : Minsk - Borisov;
  • : Minsk - columns;
  • : Orsha - red;
  • : Borisov - Orsha;
  • : Columns - Baranovichi;
  • : Baranovichi - Brest;
  • : Grodno - forge (1 way on a rut 1435 mm, the path to 3.420 mm is not electrified);
  • : Thorough - goosets;
  • : Osipovichi - Zhlobin.
  • : Zhlobin - Gomel.
  • : Molodechno - Gudogai - Lithuania's State Grang Maritage (hereinafter referred to as the site to Nauyoi-Vilnia is electrified). Minsk bypass: Coolings - Shabani

Electrification prospects:

Modern condition

Cargo transportation

Loading structure by type, million tons (2017)
The number of transported containers
in the report of China-European Union-China
(thousand, in 20-foot equivalent)

According to the former head of BZH, Anatoly Sivak, on January 1, 2012, the Passenger Wagon Passenger Passenger Park has 1691 units. The average service life of passenger cars at the same time is about 23 years. Passenger car wear is about 56%. As for the provision of freight traffic, now in the inventory of the Belarusian railway, there are 28,643 cargo cars, of which - 4617 indoor, 2914 platforms, 6914 villains, 7027 tanks and 7171 other wagons. Park wear is 58.3%.

For BZH, a number of problems are characterized, one of which is a high wear of fixed assets - wear is 64.7%, 42% of wagons are used with an expired service life. The deficit of investments in the Belarusian Railways was [ when?] 461 billion Belarusian rubles 2000 (approximately $ 163.5 million). Until 2009, the lack of investment was covered by the involvement of bank credit resources. In 2009, Belarusians need to return 233 billion Belarusian rubles to banks (approximately $ 82.5 million).

Since the beginning of 2012, the Belarusian railway bought 2673 freight cars. Including purchased 1470 gondola cars, 676 tank wagons, 411 hopper cement trucks and 116 covered wagons. The rolling stock is delivered to the highway under the contracts concluded in accordance with the approved delivery schedules. In total, in 2012, the road plans to purchase 3746 cargo wagons: 2080 gondola cars, 1000 tank wagons, 550 hopper cement trucks and 116 covered wagons. The update of rolling stock is one of the most important investment projects of the Belarusian Railway, which conducts targeted work in this direction. According to the State Program for the Development of the Railway Transport of Belarus, by the end of 2015, the Belarusian Railway will purchase a total of 12.5 thousand units of the new rolling stock. In 2018, Belarus bought 429 wagons, including 416 gondola cars, 10 covered wagons and 3 fitting platforms.

Also in 2016, the freight turnover of railway transport amounted to 41.1 billion ton kilometers (32.7% in the total volume of cargo turnover of all types of transport), a total of 126.8 million tons of cargo were transported. In order, the share of railway transport in the structure of cargo transportation by all types of transport amounted to 30.4%. The volume of traffic declined compared with the previous year. In 2015, 80.3 million tons of cargo were shipped to railway transport, of which 22.5 million tons - oil and petroleum products, 20.1 million tons - construction goods, 13.3 million tons - chemical and mineral fertilizers, 6.6 Mlm T - Forest Loads, 3.6 million tons - cement, 2.1 million tons - ferrous metals, 1.2 million tons - grain and products of a variety, 10.9 million tons - other goods.

In general, for 2016, revenue amounted to 357.28 million Belarusian rubles (- 1.2% compared with 2015), and the net profit of the association decreased by 68.05% to 6.27 million rubles (about 3 million US dollars at the then rate). The total profit amounted to 9.1 million rubles (taking into account the revaluation of long-term assets that are not included in net profit). As of December 31, 2016, the obligations of the Association on leasing payments amounted to 244.28 million rubles, and the total volume of long-term loans and loans amounted to 806.8 million rubles.

For 2018, the tariff freight turnover has reached the maximum since 1993 (52.6 billion t · km, an increase of 8.3% compared with 2017). The turnover of the freight car dropped to 3.85 days, the performance of the wagons rose to 4926 t · km net / car, locomotives - increased to 1297 thousand t · km of gross / locomotive. To increase the efficiency of freight transportation, extended maintenance shoulders with locomotive brigades, increase the length and weight of the compositions, the use of BKG2 electric locomotives along the system of many units is widely used. According to the results of 2018, income from cargo transportation (2716 million rubles, or 1300 million dollars) amounted to 79.4% of the total income of the railway. The number of containers transported through the Republic of Belarus only in the report China-European Union-China reached 331.5 thousand in a 20-foot equivalent (+ 29%), the number of container trains is 2835 (+ 6.4%). The total number of transcentable containers transported in 2018 was 635.4 thousand in the 20-foot equivalent, and more than half of the containers (474.3 thousand) were transported by accelerated container trains. At the end of 2018, there were 667 diesel locomotives in the BZH inventory park and 97 electric locomotives (total 764 locomotives, including for passenger compounds). 226 stations open for freight operation.

To increase the efficiency of the passage of container trains, their consolidation is used at the Brest-Northern station, when overloading from the European gauge, on system 2: 1 (from 2 trains 1435 mm - 1 train 1520 mm) or 3: 2 (3 and 2, respectively). Disaggalization occurs at the station dostyk in the Kazakhstan-Chinese border, when overloading on a 635 mm collage. The route speed of container trains from Brest to Osinovka Station on the Belarusian-Russian border is 1172 km / day.

Most of the cargo transported by rail are international, more than a quarter - transit. So, out of 146,295 thousand tons transported by rail in 2017, 112,785 thousand tons (77.1%) had to be internationally, including 39,082 thousand tons (26.7% of the total volume of goods ) - on transit. Of 48 538 million t · km Cargo turnover For 2017, 38,495 million t · km (79.3%) had to be international communication, including 15,958 million t · km (32.9% of total cargo turnover) - on transit.

In 2018, 79% of the tariff turnover was international: 37% - transit, 32% - to export, 10% - on import. Transportation in the republic amounted to 21% of tariff turnover.

The most freight stations (loading):

Freight transport format

  • Republican transport and forwarding unitary enterprise "BelinterTrans - Transport and Logistics Center" of the Belarusian Railway (Socre. State Enterprise "BTLC")

Passenger Transportation

For the entire 2018, the Belarusian Railway transported 79.9 million passengers, including 62.2 million people in regional communication (77.9% in the total transportation of passengers by rail), 10.2 million people in the interregional post (12, 7%), 3.8 million passengers in international communication and urban lines (4.7%). The number of passengers has grown in urban and international lines, and the total number of passengers transported decreased by 0.9%. The number of passengers on international lines has risen most noticeably with Latvia (+ 17.2%), Lithuania (+ 14.7%), less significantly - with Ukraine (+ 4.7%) and Poland (+ 3.6%) - Muchly due to the organization of new trains and the organization of cruising more accommodating trains on a newly electrified portion of Molodechno Gudogai. The cumulative passenger turnover amounted to 6215.3 million passes · km. In 2018, the revenue of BC from passenger traffic amounted to 358 million rubles. (about 170 million dollars), or 10.5% of income from the main activity.

In 2015, BZD transported 87.1 million passengers, including 4 million international communication (1.7 million import, 1.7 million export, 0.6 million transit), 12.4 million interregional and Regional lines of business class, 67.4 million. Regional lines of economy-class and 3.3 million city lines. Passenger traffic amounted to 7117 million passenger-km - 1124 million international communication, 3032 million. Interregional and regional lines of business class, 2962 million. Regional economy-class lines (including 73 million city lines). Statistics of popular destinations are not published.

Transferred passengers (million): Including regional lines
economics and city lines (million):

As of the end of 2018, 288 sections of electric trains and 145 sections of diesel trains were listed in Belarus inventory Park. Passenger traffic is carried out by electric trains ER9 and Stadler Flirt (EPG, EPR, EPM), as well as diesel trains DD1, DDB1, DP1, DP3. Prices for suburban tickets are among the lowest in Europe (after Ukraine and Moldova), they are on average 4 times lower than in the Russian Federation and 8 times lower than in Germany.

In mid-2019, passengers on average reimbursed 43% of the cost of organizing transportation, and by 2020 an increase in the level of reimbursement of the railway costs to passenger rail transportation to 60% is expected. In 2019, the level of compensation ranged from the full on the trains of international lines to 16% on the trains of regional economy-class lines and 21% on the trains of urban lines. March 20, 2018 Tariffs for travel in the trains of regional economy-class lines were increased by 24% (up to 20 kopecks (about 0.1 dollars) for the first zone + 2 kopecks for each additional kilometer), but for the year the level of payback to this type of transportation According to the Belarusian Railway, grew by only 1%. Permission to increase tariffs gives the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus, taking into account inflation expectations and an increase in the level of income of the population. According to the calculations of the publication ex-press.BY.When the cost recovery is made up to 100% the cheapest options for passenger traffic by rail will become non-competitive compared to road transport.

Passenger traffic format

Since 2011, a new classification of passenger traffic was introduced:

  • International lines
  • Commercial lines
  • Interregional lines

Directions of suburban trains of the Minsk Department

  • Molodenensky Direction of BZK


Development prospects

Among the main promising areas of development of the Belarusian Railway, approved in 2011, awaiting implementation as of 2019:

In the 2000s - early 2010s, the construction plans for the construction of the railway line in the Lelchitsky district of the Gomel region for the export of products of the construction stone deposits and brown coal with an adjuncing to the existing railway network at Mikhalki or Yelsk station were repeated.

Wagon farm

Locomotive farm

On the road 16 the main and four revolving locomotive depots, one motor-reshagous depot.

Main locomotive depots:

  • TC-1 Minsk-Sorting (CS4T, TEP60, TEP70, TEP70BS, M62, DM62, 2M62, CME3, CME3T, CHME3E, TGK2, TME1, TME2, TME3, DP3. Previously 2TEP60)
  • TC-2 Molodechno (M62, ChME3, ChME3T, TGK2)
  • TC-3 Baranavichi (VL80 C, BKG1, DR1 A, DR1 B, ER9 E, CME3, ChME3T, TME1, TGM3, TEM2UM, TGM23 D. previously also M62, DR1, DE3)
  • TC-4 Luninets (M62, 2M62, 2M62U, DM62, CME3, TME1, TGM23 V. Earlier than TGM4)
  • TCH-5 LED (M62, CHME3, CHME3T, TIR, TGM23 B, TGK2, TME3. Earlier ChME3E)
  • TC-6 Volkovysk (M62, 2M62, 2M62U, CME3, CHME3T, CHME3E, TGK2)
  • TCH-7 Brest (M62, 2M62, CME3, CME3T, DR1 A, TMP, TME3. Previously, TGK2 and DR1 P)
  • TC-8 Gomel (M62, 2TE10U, CME3, CME3T, CHME3E, TME3, TGK2, DR1 A, DR1 B, ER9 E. Previously TGM6 V and DR1 P)
  • TC-10 Zhlobin (M62, ChME3)
  • TC-11 Kalinkovichi (M62, 2M62, CME3, ChME3T, TME1, TME3, DP1)
  • TC-12 Mogilev (M62, 2M62, 2M62U, TGM4, TGM4 A, TGM4 B, TGM23 D, CME3, CME3T, DRB1, DP1, DP3)
  • TC-13 Osipovichi (M62, ChME3, CME3T, TGM4, TME3)
  • TC-14 Krichev (CME3)
  • TC-15 ORSH (TEP70, M62, 2M62, CME3, CHME3T, TIR, DRB1. Previously, DR1 P, DR1 A, TEP60)
  • TC-16 Vitebsk (TEP60, 2TE10M, CME3, ChME3T, CHME3E, TME1)
  • Tch-17 Polotsk (M62, 2M62, 2M62U, CME3, CME3T, DDB1)

Current locomotive depots:

  • TD-1 Bobruisk
  • TD-2 Grodno
  • TD-3 Kloisters
  • TD-4 Slutsk

Steam locomotives

In the 19th centuries in the Belarusian railway, the locomotives of the G-49 series (Zygl, Vienna plant, from 1862), in (Kolomna plant, since 1871), HB (since 1892), (from 1892), (since 1893), (since 1906), (since 1910), SU (since 1930), EU (since 1926), PD (since 1938), TE, TEL, TSh, then 55 (Since 1942), Co (since 1938), IP (since 1939), ER (since 1946), (since 1947), LV (since 1955), P36 (since 1955).

Diesel locomotive

The first diesel locomotives appeared in the Belarusian railway in 1945 (series yes), however, their active implementation began only in the 1960s: TE2 (since 1963), TE3 (since 1965), TE7 (since 1967), VME1 ( Since 1960), TGM1 (since 1960), TGM3 (since 1961). Their operation on public roads to date has been discontinued, however, the maneuver diesel locomotives of TGM1 and TGM3 are used by individual industrial enterprises. As of 2019, diesel locomotives of the TEP60 and 2TP60 (since 1965), CME3 (since 1965), M62, 2M62 and 2M62U (since 1970), TEM2 (since 1971), TEP70 (since 1973; TEP70BS - with 2006), 2TE10 m (since 1987), 2TE10U (since 1990), TME1 (since 2011), TME3 (since 2012)

Diesel train

In a Belarusian railway at different times, diesel trains were used

Minsk-Passenger - the main railway station and the main station of the Belarusian capital. Since the Minsk Transport Knot is one of the most significant transport centers in Europe, following the trains of all categories is carried out through it constantly, as a result, the train schedule of Minsk is very tense.

The station connects the Belarusian capital with a number of European countries. Branded passenger trains carry out regular transportation of passengers to Austria (Vienna), Bulgaria (Varna), Hungary, Germany (Berlin), Netherlands, Romania, France (Paris, Nice), Czech Republic (Prague) and Switzerland (Basyl).

From Minsk-Passenger station, long-distance compositions are sent to many neighboring cities. A direct message Minsk has with Russian cities Adler, Anapa, Arkhangelsk, Volgograd, Irkutsk, Kaliningrad, Kislovodsky, Kursk, Moscow, Murmansk, Novorossiysk, Novosibirsk, Saratov, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk and near others.

Minsk-Passenger is a starting point for passenger compounds of international communication connecting Minsk with Evpatoria, Kiev, Zhytomyr, Lviv, Mariupolam, Odessa, Simferopol, Chernivtsi and Feodosia in Ukraine, Karaganda in Kazakhstan, Chisinau in Moldova, Warsaw in Poland and the Baltic capitals Vilnius and Riga.

The reparters of the Republican reports carry out regular flights to the regional and district centers of Belarus (Baranovichi, Brest, Bobruisk, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Kalinkovichi, Orsha, Pinsk, Polotsk and others). In the direction of Baranovichi, Brest, and Gomel follow the express train, and suburban train tickets connect Minsk with Borisov, Brest, Molodechno, Orsha and Osipovich.

Minsk-Passenger station is located in the city center. At the station, information and service centers, storage cameras and waiting rooms work. Ticket sales tickets for suburban and passenger trains accompanies a detailed schedule with the direction of the following, the composition number, arrival time and sending and the feed platform.

Information about the timetables of trains and trains at the station Minsk:

Timetable and train schedules for Minsk Station today includes 247 long-distance trains, suburban trains and trains (including diesel engines) - 254, 273 of them passing and 228 - begin or finish their way in this settlement. Most trains arrive in the morning. The first, according to the schedule, is sent at 00h of 05 m towards the Riga station, and the latter arrives at 23 h. 52 m. The average parking time on the platform is 0 h 25 m.
Some trains passing at Minsk station are not running every day (have a special schedule of motion).
Train and train schedules for Minsk Station, presented on this page takes into account seasonal changes, that is, a winter and summer timetable version is always available.
Tickets for trains and train at the Minsk station can be entered online or at the box office.