Kay Island in Greece. Greek routes

Kea Island is quite large in size, the nearest of the Attics island, the "gate" of the Kiklada archipelago. Before him from the port of Lavrio (the tip of attic), only 16 nautical miles, the ferry goes around an hour. Kea Island Highway in the center, up to 500 m above sea level. The shores, mostly goals and rocks, between them valleys, covered with vineyards, shrub, wild colors. On the island there are fresh groundwater, Spring is flowed from the mountains, there are eucalyptus and oak groves. In small bays, closed from winds cliffs have small sandy beaches, between them underwater caves. The climate is very soft, in the summer, frequent winds, especially in August, when it starts blowing from the north a refreshing Meltems. Winter soft and wet. Cyclades and snow concepts are incompatible. However, phenomena happen! In February 2008, the snow covered the island of Ke a, the snow lay a solid cover in the mountains and even beaches, palm trees and houses on the coast a few hours were white!

Kea Island is inherent, about, from the second millennium BC. City Port Corimization Built on Ruins ancient City Korisos. The remains of the Acropolis and the temple of Apollo survived on the hill of Saint Sava. The famous statue of Kurak was found here. At the Peninsula of St. Irina, testimony of the island of the island from the copper era to the Mycenaean period was discovered. Exhibits of excavations can be seen in the Archaeological Museum of the city of Iulida, the capital of the island. Until recently, Kea was a minor place. Several towns along the coast and in the center of the island, the life in which has flowed its measured series. IN last years The island began to actively store in luxury villas and hotels. The proximity to the capital determines its popularity from Europeans and Athenians, here builds its residences of the metropolitan elite. Service and nutrition level appropriate clientele. But still you can find many secluded, novels. And also - the sea and beaches here are exceptionally clean. There is little vegetation on Kea Island, but still more than on the central cike islands, the vineyards, and pines, and palm trees grow here, in the mountains of Oaks and other deciduous. There are caves, mountainous monasteries, venetian fortresses, the ruins of the ancient period, laid out by a stone trail, which is used and today. The capital of the island is in The depths of the island, 6 km from the port. Iulida is a former fortress city in a medieval style. Double walls of the fortress and castle have been preserved. Next to the port on the coast there is a small cosmopolitan town of Vurcari and suburban village Yaliskari. The sunsets are especially good here - the sun is immersed in the Strait of Cotsoni Labos between the Church of St. George and the Lighthouse of St. Nicholas. The Lighthouse is the first at Kikladakh and the second in Greece, built in 1831 in Vurkari there is a wonderful small museum of modern painting, where the canvas of the famous Greek artists are exhibited. And a huge amount of sailing and motor yachts everywhere. Once on the island was very important for the economy of Greece enameled utensils Emae. He has long been closed, but the government decided to make the Museum of Industry there. Kea - Paradise for fishing and scuba diving lovers. I must say, the island is not suitable for those who are accustomed to rest in crowded hotels of the "all inclusive" system. There are a few other style and rhythm. But in restaurants and kei bars you are secured by high-class service and refined food and drinks, not talking i'm about the stylish interior. And of course the famous black wine island. Moving further to the east, we will meet the city of Otzya with its famous beach - 700 meters long, almost round in shape, all of the golden sand. Northeast island is composed of the main part of the island's agriculture. Village St. Simeon is better to visit on September 1, when a festive fair is held here. Plain Pisitive will impress you with its rich gardens. Imagine the surprise of an unlucched traveler who discovered himself in the forest of Perameria, it would be difficult for him to convince himself that it was Cyclades! Going further to the south, almost several archaeological monuments, the remains of temples and the city were scattered around the village of Karfia. In antique times here there was a rich policy. To produce full-fledged large-scale studies, you will need years. But now it does not have money, especially since there are dozens of such monuments of such monuments or even hundreds. It is a pity that excavations are not conducted around the ancient theater in Elellin, how many interesting things are sitting there under the cultural layer of 5-6 meters.

Kei color is not always white and blue. Often it is golden, these are wide sandy beaches. In places it is beige-orange, this is the color of the tiled roof, the precipitation here falls more often than on average in the kikladakh. It is also green, as well as all imaginable and unthisted shades of spring meadow colors. And he is still the colors of a dark local stone. But undoubtedly dominates the color sea waveThe inhabitants of small and large houses and terraces of small and large houses and terraces of the island rest from their balconies and terraces from their balconies.

Greece / about. KEA

Due to his proximity to Attika, Keia Island (also called Keos, Kea, Tzia) is an affordable place to relax in all its diversity: steep mountains, small plateau, olive groves, vineyards, picturesque bays, nodes, pedestrian trails and excellent beaches. On Kei, the island as part of the Kiklada archipelago, you can admire the most large oak groves and many small caves.

In the old days, Keia was called a "water" island due to numerous springs and natural fountains, which were found throughout the island. Being under the authority of the Turks, the island became known as Tzia. The current name of KEA comes from the hero of Keo, the first settler of the island of about 1100 BC. Currently, both names are used - Kay and Tzia.

Serete Kay - Island with striking landscapes, amazing beautiful beaches, picturesque villages and winding cobbled alleys. Here are just some of the places that you should visit on the island:

Iulida or Chora

The city of Iulida (Lulis) is located in the heart of the island. This is a very picturesque city with multicolored roofs of houses, cobbled streets, arched aisles and winding streets. Despite the status of the capital of the island, Iulida is more like a traditional settlement. The donkeys used here for traffic make their coloring in the landscape of the city's central square, diluted cafes and restaurants. Castro Castro with dilapidated Venetian Walls, Monastery of Castrian Virgin Mary, Archaeological Museum with Ancient Artifacts, Neoclassical Buildings of the City Hall and School, Destroyed Monastery of St. Anne, Tower of the Monastery of St. Marina - these are just some of the places you need to visit in this city.

Lion from Kei

This is ancient stone statuedepicting a lion that, in accordance with mythology, drove the nymph from the island. The sculpture of the lying lion was carved for 600 years before our era by an unknown sculptor. An impressive statue of rock monolith is just a 15-minute walk to the northeast of the capital.


The picturesque port of Corpsia is one of the main tourist attractions of the island, attracting with its white houses and colorful roofs, winding cobbled and picturesque churches. Once it was here that the enameled dishes plant functioned, the largest in the Mediterranean. Corpsia is located in a small picturesque harbor, full fishing boats, restaurants, cafes, mini-markets and shops.


The seaside resort of Vurcari is a fancy fishing town with excellent restaurants serving fresh fish and seafood, a wonderful art gallery with paintings of local artists and traditional picturesque houses. This is a great option for night fun, as the majority the best bars On the island collected in Vurkari.

Getting to the amazing Island Kay can be in one hour by ferry from Athens. Kei villages have retained traditional elements in various expressions. The capital is built in the form of a natural amphitheater, offering a magnificent view of the island and sunset. The houses are surrounded by gardens and gardens, and their architecture is simply unique - this is a mixture of tiled roofs and white-beed houses of the Cycladic Islands. Here you can endlessly admire small churches, ancient ruins, beautiful groves and beaches.

Nisos Kea. general description

Rocky mountainous island with ridges stretching along the southeastern part. The highest point Islands - the top of the Oros Ayios Ilias, a height of 560 meters, is located in seven miles northeast of the southern tip of the island. Two radio masts installed in close proximity to the vertices can be a well-visible reference.

Kay is the closest to the Attics from the Cycladic Islands with a population of about 2,000 inhabitants. The shores, mostly naked and rocky, between them are valleys covered with vineyards, shrubs, wild flowers. Steep island slopes are characterized by large stone fences that serve to fence areas for grazing. On the island there are fresh groundwater, Spring is flowed from the mountains, there are eucalyptus and oak groves. In small bays, closed from winds cliffs, there are small sand beachesAnd between them you can find underwater caves.

In recent years a large number of Land plots on the island were redeemed by the Athenians for the construction of villas and apartments. The most fancy of them can be seen in the north of the islands in the Otzia area, in the west in the Melisaki area and southwestern in the town of Kunduros. Therefore, in the weekend, a huge number of yachts and boats rushed from Athens to the main port of Vourkari Island - Korissa.

Navigation and hydrographic features

Keya Island is separated from the Nisos Makronisos Island North-West, and from Steno Kithnos, located to the south of Kithnos Island, in which the constant south-west speed of 2-3 knots is observed. However, with strong northeastern winds, the flow rate can reach 7 nodes. In the Steno Keas Strait, there is an intensive shipping, so when passing the Strait you need to take care and caution.

Almost all approaches to KEA, with the exception of the approach to Koundouros Bay (Kavia), are safe. When approaching Koundouros Bay, in a distance of about 2.5 cable to the west of the Northern Cape is the reef Koundouros Reef (), which is not always visible. In addition, north of the cape passes a large number of underwater stone. It is recommended to approach Koundouros Bay from the south.

Ioulis KEA

The main signs of the island can serve main city IOULIS KEA (), towering 300 meters altitude from sea level, as well as lighthouses: ORMOS AYIIU NIIOLAOU (), FL (2) 10S32M15M - from the northern side of the Bay of the same name at approaches to Vourkari - Korissa


Vourkari is basic anchor parking For yachts. It is located in the northeastern part of the Bay of Ormos Ayiiou Nikolaou. It is very well protected from the northeast wind of Meltems, but with strong Western winds there is an intense asb. In this case, it is recommended to change the parking place and go to Korissia at the opposite end of the bay.

Vourkari can be anchored directly in the bay, as well as wet the food to the embankment. However, the depth of the embankment decrease sharply so that it may be necessary to take advantage of Dinggi to get to the coast. The bay of deep, the soil keeps anchor well, but in order to comfortably stand an anchor to give at least 40 meters of anchor chain. In summer, the anchor parking is completely filled, especially on weekends, so to find a place, you must come early. Also, when parking, anchor should be borne in mind that many yachts are on buoy and therefore have a small turning radius during wind. Local residentsEspecially the owners of restaurants and cafes are always benevolent and ready to help with mooring.

Embankment vourkari.

Next to the embankment there are two small shops. You can replenish the stocks of water and electricity by connecting to the speakers on the embankment. Payment is made by special cards that can be purchased at local stores. The estimated cost of the card is 2.5 euros. Parking itself is free.


Korissia is a trading port in the Gulf of St. Nicholas, where ferries moored. However, there is a way of mooring for several yachts. It is better to be anchored on the side of the bay, aside from constantly maneuvering ferries. This is a lively place with several restaurants and shops. There is an excellent bakery, art gallery, grocery market. On the embankment, you can replenish the stocks of water and electricity.

Ferry berth Korissia.

You can contact the dispatcher whose name is Nikos by phone: +30 6977-694014. Fuel (diesel fuel and gas) can be ordered by phone: +30 22880-21400 and +30 6977-300130. You can also order an EKO refable. Phones for order: +30 22880-21250 MOB: +30 6987-448956.

Anchor parking


Bay Koundouros is the second most popular after Vourkari anchor parking on the island. It is well protected from the northeastern winds, but if he blows from the south, the parking lot here is not very comfortable. In such cases, it is recommended to seek refuge in Pises Bay or Vourkari.

The best place to set anchor is the northeast of the bay. If possible, it is recommended to start the mooring ashore, on the rock under the small church. As in Vourkari, at the weekend in the summer, here is crowded here and noisy from numerous motor yachts who arrived from Athens on Weekend. From local attractions on the shore, only a couple of restaurants.


Pisses - a little cove in 2 miles north of Koundouros. It is not very well protected from Meltem, but gives some shelter from the south-western wind. The bottom is sandy, the anchor holds well. On the shore there is a small restaurant.


Poles is a wonderful bay on the southeastern side of the island. It provides a fairly good shelter from Meltem, but is fully opened for southeastern winds. In the center of the bay there is a small island associated with the shore of a shallow reef. it the best place For parking in the east of the island. The bottom is sandy, the anchor holds well. On the bank of the bay, the ruins of the ancient city of KartHea (καρθαία) are located. It is strongly recommended for visiting, because This is not touched by tourists a place where you can get only on foot along the path or disembarking on the shore from the sea.

Ruins karthea.


This is a small and very pleasant bay south of Cape Spathi on the northeast side of the island. Khalindhoniki is a good shelter from Meltemi, but exposed to southeastern winds. The depth for an anchor is about 5 m, the sandy soil keeps anchor well.

The bay can be overwhelmed on weekends in the summer months. On the shore you can visit the monastery on the top of the hill (about 20 minutes on foot), from where it takes away a magnificent view.


This is a small bay on N side of the island. Only for calm weather.

Cove S of Poles

Little bay south of Poles. Only for calm weather.


Kea Island is called the gates of the Kiklada archipelago. He got his name in honor of the Keos Hero (KEOS) - the son of Apollo and the Nymphs Roderesses. According to the legend, Keos arrived on the island at the end of the 12th century to our era, he was a leader of Lockrants, who invaded here. For his long history, the island changed his name several times. He was known as HidrousSa, Efhantis, Sirius.

Kay Island is associated with the name of another ancient Greek hero - Aristoes. This son Apollo and Nymph Keenen was designed by the inhabitants of the island to fight the scorching heat and drought, devoting himself to Zeusia Ikmaysky, giving dampness. Aristi became King Keos. Since then, drought retreated thanks to the northeast wind - Meltems. Aristi taught local residents to grow grapes, breed livestock, extract honey.


In 7-6 centuries BC on our era, four ancient cities were founded on the island: Ioulis, Korissia, Karthaia, Poiessa.

Already in 1204, during the Board of the Byzantine Empire, the island was called ZIA. This name was transformed into Tzia and under this name is the island known and now.

The port of Korissia was built on the ruins of an ancient city, about the old glory of which remind the remains of the Acropolis and the ruins of the temple of Apollo on the hill of Saint Sava.

The capital of the island is the city of Iulida (Ioulis Kea) where there is an archaeological museum, assembled antique artifacts found during excavations on the island. Iulida is located in six kilometers from the port. This is a fortress city in a medieval style. Fortress walls and castle have been preserved to this day.

The famous statue of Keossky Lion (VI century BC is 1.5 km northeast of Iulida () is considered to be the main attraction of the island. This work was performed about 600 BC. and is associated with the myth of Lev, who saved the nymph from the island.

Keossky Lev.

In ancient times, the island was inhabited by the nymphs who lived in the forests of sources. Thanks to the nymphs, there was a wet climate on the island, the abundance of moisture contributed to the growth of plants. By the way, that is why one of the ancient names of the island was HidrousSa. But the nymphs were not harmless creatures. It so happened that they killed Women Islands. And it ended only when the lion appeared and expelled the nymph, for which the gods shook the island, forcing the star Sirius to irradiate him with his deadly rays so that the water was gone, and a big drought came. In desperation, the locals asked for help from Apollo, who sent his son's aristure ... Well, and what happened later, we already wrote a little earlier.

On the island there is the largest milling complex Cyclades: 26 windmills are located on the top of Mount Mountain, most of which are half destroyed and used as warehouses.

And here, as in most other Greek islands, you can find monasteries and churches, white with blue houses of villages, many taverns and restaurants, as well as picturesque landscapes, blue sea and clean beaches.

It is impossible not to mention the Lighthouse of Ormos Ayiou Nikolaou, which meets ships, coming into the hospitable harbor of Vourkari - Korissa. This lighthouse was built in 1831 on the site of the ruins of the ancient temple of Poseidon by the French Laughing company and is one of the oldest lighthouses of Greece and the oldest Cyclada Lighthouse. He received his name from the chapel of Agios Nikolaos, located nearby.

Lighthouse Agios Nikolaos Kea

Not everyone knows that only two with a little miles from the island, in the Steno Keas () Strait (), at a depth of 122 meters there is a famous "Brittle", - Brother Twin "Titanic". On November 21, 1916, 270 meter gigneals were exploded in German mines and sank after a few hours.


So, the cyclad goal is open. Resting and rebuilding, you can go on.

Used materials and sources:

Encyclopedia Cruiserwiki.org, logice NP48 "MEDITERRANEAN PILOT. Vol.4 "," Tourist Guide Book Kea / TzEA ", book" Pub. 113 List of Lights The West Coasts of Europe and Africa, The Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and Azovskoye More (Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov) »

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The closest to the mainland of Greece kea Island, or as it is also called Keos, has long been a favorite "maritime suburb" of the Greek capital of Athens. At the weekend, and especially in the summer, the Athenians and other Greeks come here to relax and admire the picturesque coast, which is all sleeping with luxurious villas, drink a glass of good wine in one of the Taverns of the island, and just be in silence, because there is no violent on Kea night life. Attracts this terrain and fans of scuba diving, because in distant 1916, the passenger ship "Britanika" was sunk at his coast - the younger brother of Titanic. His remains and now rest in the coastal waters of the island of Kea.

A B. winter time on the kea Islandfans come active restTo wander along the rocky coasts and breathe fresh sea air, mixed with almond smell and oak trees. Local stars seeking peace seekers and accustomed to a measured and comfortable life. And most importantly, why go somewhere far, if all the benefits and pleasures are present on the island of Kea?! Everyone is near: and beautiful beaches, and delicious fish, and farm fruits and the capital nearby. Especially beautiful on the island of sunsets ...


Long ago, this small island was full of fishing villages. And today, for example, the town Corimia, I became a real northern port of the island, where the ferries and the marine boats arrive hundreds of holidaymakers. By itself, the town is not very attractive due to transportation workload.

Therefore, tourists from here immediately go to rest in the Bay of Orya or the Bay of Pissy, and even better - on a small and well-kept Yaliskari Beach, which is immediately behind the village. The sights of the city are the ruins of the ancient city of Archa Korissos. A little further from the town is another monument of architecture - the Tower of St. Mary. She was built in the IV century BC as a defensive structure and five floors.


A little norter of the creeze, immediately behind the beach of Yaliskari, there is a more attractive place - the town Vurkarion.. In these parts there is a port for yachts (and expensive), as well as a lot of feathers and taverns. So, in Vurkarion, the Tavern of Janis Marulis and Konstantin Maruli is located on the whole country. Try local delicacies here are served by local colebritis and rich people.

Near the city you can go on an excursion to the ruins of the Mina Palace. Foreign tourists, practically, did not hear about this. But the locals can not only tell his story, but also to spend a tour. There is a local gallery in the city, where the works of the famous Greek artists, as well as the Archaeological Park of St. Irina. From here you can make a walk to Cape Agios Nikolaos to Lighthouse Faros. In the town come on weekends to go fishing and do diving.

Carthy and Lupida

Be sure to visit small village. Carphay. It is located in the east of the island and is famous for archaeological monuments. There are many remnants of the ancient Greek temples and the city itself. Your attention deserves Acropolis, Apollo Temple and the Temple of Athens. In the latter, wall frescoes and sculptures depicting the battles of amazons are perfectly preserved.

Very picturesque place on Kea Island - this is an ancient town Lupida(More famous as Lulis). It was built in a neoclassical style, all the buildings with a red tiled. By his winding streets, you can climb up the hills amphitheater. Lupid can be called the most colorful place on the island, besides quiet. Local residents of the city are engaged in fishing and agriculture. Therefore, dinner in one of the Taverns town is the best place for gourmet.


On the island of Kea there are several attractions worthy of visiting them. Here and the Venetian fortresses, and the ruins of the antique period, and the mountain stone path, which the Greeks laid out in ancient times, enjoy now. The ancient capital of the island - Iulida - in itself is a medieval fortress, and is in the depths of Kea Island. In it and today you can see the fortress walls and the castle. This medieval castle, More famous as Castro Castle, is located near the Acropolis, very large.

The Kei business card is the famous Antique Lion Statue. This mythical animal is carved in a sheer cliff on the road from the capital. You will be in the capital, visit the Archaeological Museum, where there are exhibits and artifacts found in the excavations of the Greek temples of Athens and Appolone, other ancient Kei local areas. Entrance ticket It costs 3 euros, a museum works from 8-00 to 15-00 daily.

Hotel and restaurant service on the island

Kea Island is not quite the place where you can relax on the "All Inclusive" system. Lifestyle and rest on the island is completely different compared to advanced and popular greek Islands. There are no upscale hotels here. But the service is at the highest level in restaurants, and the food itself, just beautiful. Tourists also affect the interiors of these institutions: they are not at all like each other and very stylish. Be sure to try how the island is preparing a fish, a pork dish "Paspala", fragrant black wine and homemade honey.

Beach rest On the island of Kea.

The beaches on the island are several, and all of them are wide and sandy. The most famous island beach is Otzia. It has almost a round shape and dimensions of about 700 meters. The beach is full of golden sand. Beaches enjoy popular with holidaymakers Kunduros and Corrisaya.

The first is often crowded, families with children relax here. The shores are always moored by yachts, and cheerful music is heard from Taverns. Another "family" beach - Yaliscar. On the beach Hila Resting with children do not advise, because The sea is too deep. But the beach itself is perfectly equipped with straw umbrellas and wooden sun beds.

Locals love to not sleep on the beach Agios Emilianos. From it you can go to the sea for fishing or engaged in snorkeling. Highly quiet placewhere never winds and strong waves - beach Liparo. All because it is surrounded by hills.

On the Pissy come to relax those who love water species Sports. There are campgrounds here, where you can smash the tent or stay in a mobile house. The most romantic beach on Kea Island - Sikiya. He is wild, is in the rocks, but with the snow-white sand and the purest azure sea. Favorite place Youth and romantic couples.

How to get to the island

From Piraeus on the island of ferries rarely go. It is best to get here from Lavrio, because Ferries run daily. A ticket to Kea costs about 10 euros, and only an hour to sail. During this time, you can admire the uninhabited islands, picturesque landscapes and breathe with sea air. From the port to the capital you can get a flight bus or taxi (10 euros).

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