Dutch village "Dubki": not always economy economy. Cottage village "Dubki", Simferopol highway (m2)

With the help of our site, you can pave the route of Moscow - the village of Dubka on both the car and the public traps (bus, train). All routes are formed on the basis of Yandex and Google services. We are pleased that our service was useful to you and you were able to find out how to drive by car from Point Moscow (Russia) to the village of Dubki (Russia).

Distance between Moscow and the village of Dubka

If you go on the road by car, then the distance between Moscow and the village of Dubki, Pereslavsky district, Yaroslavl region It is 165 km.

  • Travel time

    2 hours, 40 minutes

    excluding traffic jams and rest and food

  • Fuel consumption

    at a cost of 10 liters per 100 kilometers

  • Travel costs

    at the cost of fuel 35 rubles per liter

  • Distance in direct

    distance between cities cities, towns, villages

  • Distance along the road

    according to the Yandex Card service for 2015

  • tell friends
Start route
Less than 1 minute - 0 km
dubrovitsy village, Pereslavsky district, Yaroslavl region, Russia Less than 1 minute 0 km
5 minutes - 1.9 km
SNT May 5 minutes 1.9 km
2 minutes - 0.7 km
ryumin village, Aleksandrovsky district, Vladimir region, Russia 8 minutes 2.6 km
6 minutes - 4.8 km
village Tirinovo, Aleksandrovsky district, Vladimir region, Russia 14 minutes 7.4 km
4 minutes - 3.8 km
garden sites Aleksandrovsky district, Vladimir region, Russia 19 minutes 11.2 km
Less than 1 minute - 0.6 km
romanovo village, Aleksandrovsky district, Vladimir region, Russia 20 minutes 11.8 km
5 minutes - 6.7 km
garden sections Falcon, Aleksandrovsky district, Vladimir region, Russia 26 minutes 18.5 km
5 minutes - 6.5 km
voskresenskoe cottage village Aleksandrovsky district, Vladimir region, Russia 31 minutes 25 km
2 minutes - 3 km
novovossenskoe village, Aleksandrovsky district, Vladimir region, Russia 34 minutes 28 km
Less than 1 minute - 0.1 km
village Botovo, 34 minutes 28.2 km
58 minutes - 67 km
alekseevo village, Sergiev-Posadsky district, Moscow region, Russia 1 hour, 33 minutes 95.2 km
13 minutes - 20.2 km
tract Koskovo 1 hour, 47 minutes 115.4 km
10 minutes - 12.3 km
Krasnoarmeysk, City District Krasnoarmeysk, Moscow Region, Russia 1 hour, 58 minutes 127.7 km
1 minutes - 1.1 km
garden companion pine Pushkinsky district, Moscow region, Russia 1 hour, 59 minutes 128.8 km
5 minutes - 6.8 km
cottage village Medvezhye Lake, 2 hours, 5 minutes 135.6 km
11 minutes - 13 km
SNT sunrise-2 (6), Schelkovsky district, Moscow region, Russia 2 hours, 16 minutes 148.6 km
23 minutes - 16.3 km
Moscow, Russia 2 hours, 40 minutes 165 km

Nearest airports to Dubki village

Nearest airports to Moscow


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Do you know how to get to the village of Dubka in Vyglkovsky, Russia? Moovit helps you find the best way Get to the village of Dubka from the nearest public transport stop using step-by-step instructions.

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You can get to the village of Dubka by train, metro, bus or trolleybus. These lines and routes have stops nearby: (train)

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With us to get to the village of Dubki is easier than simple, which is why more than 720 million users trust Moovit as a better vehicle application. Including residents of Vyglkovsky! You do not need to install a separate application for the bus and a separate subway application, Moovit is your universal transport application that will help you find the most updated bus timetables and the subway.

The story of the village of Dubka is rather short. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Moscow-Smolensk railway line was laid (now Belarusian direction Moscow railway). Earth along the "piece of iron" begin to shut down under the cottages. On 27 miles from Moscow, a small country village arises, which will then become a village of Dubka. In the forest near the treacherous village, the appeals were cut down, the sidewalks created, and the lands were broken on the 600 square seedlings. And in 1909, in order to summer houses, it was convenient, at 27 spots from Moscow, near the village built a railway platform, which was named "Platform 29 kilometer" (27 Wool is approximately 29 kilometers), now the Pioneer Platform. These sections of the Earth were in the estate of the bright prince Konstantin Alexandrovich Gorchakov. Here are the words from the price list of the soldiers of the land on the territory of the future of the village of Dubki: "Plots are located on both sides of the railway, completely covered with mixed from oak, birch, pines and fir forests, aged 15-35 years and part of the coniferous landing. The terrain is high, dry. There are five ponds for general use. For convenience, at all areas now, the sidewalks are arranged and the main passages are embossed. "

At the beginning plots On the territory of the future, the village of Dubka bought rather wealthy people, for example: the owner of the confectionery in the Belokamenny Dumon, the head railway station Moscow-Commodity Temchenko, sworn attorney Pavlov. Before the beginning of the Bloody of the First World War, the land distressed from the station began to be postponed by installments, and then there were giving qualified workers repair shops of the railway, for example: Skripkin, Ermakovich, Tipikina.

In 1926, 70 farms and 316 residents were listed in the village, the post was headed by D. I. Skripkin. Then the village has grown, the house of culture, Prodmatmag, pharmacy appeared. The other country villages appeared nearby: "Red October", recreation house "Lakes".

In 1929, Dubkovsky village council was formed, which from 1929 to 1957 was subordinate to the Zvenigorod Board Council. From 1957 to 01/15/1960 Kuntsevsky district council. Next, from January 1960 to 1965, the Zvenigorod urban council, and from 1965 subordinated to the Odintsovo City Council. During the Great Patriotic War, the Dubkovsky village council destroyed some documents. In accordance with the Law of the RSFSR "On Local Government in the RSFSR" and on the basis of the decision of the head of the Administration of the Dubkovsky Palace Council dated January 17, 1992, the Executive Committee was liquidated and a rural administration was formed. In 1993, the activities of all tips, and Dubkovsky, respectively, was also discontinued, and their functions were assigned to rural and town administrations. Since 2005, the territorial administration of the Dubki village was attached to the territorial management of the urban settlement of the forest town. According to the adopted charter of the territorial administration on the urban settlement of the forest town from January 1, 2006, it was renamed the administration of the urban settlement of the forest town, the status of which was preserved to this day.

In 1989, 1326 residents lived in the village of Dubka and there were 398 farms.

At the end of the twentieth century, already under the Russian Federation, there was an intensive development of the territory near the village of Vnizzok multi-storey houses. In the western part of the village grew by the Dubki microdistrict, and also recently erected the "Hussar Ballad" microdistrict, the construction of which continues now.


Book "Odintsovskaya Land", series "Encyclopedia russian villages", 1994, pp 165-166.
Certificates from the archival department of the administration of the Odintsovo municipal district of the Moscow region on the basis of: f. f. 35, 63, 95, OP. 1, as well as: f. 35, f 63, op. one.

The article wrote Denis Popov.

The quality of life begins with the convenience; And in relation to the settlement - with the availability of all the benefits of civilization. From this point of view, sites on the Simferopol highway in the cottage settlement "Dubki" - the ideal option for country life. The formula of the country comfort here is solved correctly: it is convenient to get here on the vehicle at the speed Simferopol highway and on the train - from the Kursk station to the Tuskaya station, which is located just 15 minutes walk from the village.

When creating the concept of a settlement, the convenience and traditions of Russian country construction were delivered to the chapter. After all, there are no originality to be important for many people, but on the contrary, the usual understandable position of things.

Many buy areas outside the city in order to bring children there and give them the opportunity to relax in the fresh air. Such people are most important safety and the ability to quickly get required help. Therefore, on the cottage settlement, first of all, it is worth paying attention to families with children, because the proximity of the district center Zoksky makes it possible to quickly receive everything you need.

Experienced parents know that sometimes the lack of banal bandages and greencraft can grow into a problem, especially when the young researcher acquires the company and begins to know the world with double activity. At such moments, not one parent blesses the proximity of a large settlement, where there are also round-the-clock pharmacies.

Add to that located nearby entertainment center "Bear Corner", where parents are already able to relax from worries - and the theorem "Dubki - a great cottage settlement" can be considered proven!

You can get to the village as on personal transport - Simferopol highway is one of the least loaded tracks, and the village leads a good asphalt road and public transport.

"For the secret essence of things is not visible." Omar Khayam

It's no secret that in the next Moscow region to acquire a land plot for construction of course, it is possible, but expensive. And the closer to Moscow, the more expensive. But why not consider the areas closest to the Moscow region, who have a good transport accessibility?

One of these directions is the Vladimir region. Land plots here are quite inexpensive, suitable for buyers who do not possess super slows, but it does not mean that this land is something bad. Plots in Schelkovsky highway are located in an environmentally friendly zone. The highway is framed by beautiful coniferous forests, replete with mushrooms and berries. Land near Kirzach, many dozen years are free from chemical fertilizers and precipitation.

Schelkovskoe highway ( federal route And 103) - In the past, the Old Russian Stromynsk tract, he takes its origin in the northeast of Moscow, then in the Moscow region crosses Schelkovsky and Noginsky districts, and after 60 km from the city of Chernogolovka, the Vladimir region, Kirzhachsky district begins. Now the Estakada is actively built over the railway crossing "Chkalovsky" and soon the path in Schelkovsky highway will become even faster and more comfortable. Although now, just because of this construction, the movement is difficult. But these are temporary difficulties.

From the bus station "Schelkovsky" to the neighborhood of Kirzchak, buses to, actually, Kirzchacha and Kolchugino are scheduled. Also every half hour later route taxis. The fare by bus 154 rubles. (You need to take a ticket at the checkout!), on route taxi - 200 rubles. It is more convenient, more comfortable and cheaper ride by bus.

Of course, first of all it is an attractive direction for residents of such districts as Izmailovo, Goljanovo, Novogireevo, Weeshniki, Perovo, microdistrict on May 1. And, of course, the residents of Balashikha, Schelkovo, Chkalovsky, Mytishchi and Korolev.

I was glad suburban village Dubki is 70 km from the Moscow Ring Road. Land Category - Earth settlements. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country village is 20 hectares, there are only 123 sections of 10 to 20 acres in size. On the website of the land company Greenga, on a page dedicated to Dubkov, there is a detailed track scheme at once in several directions: Yaroslavl, Schelkovsky and Gorky highway.

I did not find reviews about the village. Apparently, the owners suite everything.

Unfortunately, the site does not indicate the specific cost of free areas. It is written "from 19 thousand rubles for hundreds" and that's it.

If you want to clarify the cost of a specific site or book it, call, and better come to our office.

Already in your further research, I found out that the price depends on the location and grows up to 35 thousand rubles for a hundred, which, you see, inexpensive. It is not clear why for this information you need to go to the office? From communications only electricity in the amount of 15 kW per site. This is quite a lot, but, given that there is no gas in "Dubki" - quite justified. Electricity is three-phase. Septic septication. There is no water pipe either, you need to bury well. Local horizons of drinking water from 8 to 25 meters. The main composition of the soil - sand and soup, clay soils are less common. Forest mixed, mostly coniferous rocks.

Greenga has been working in the field of country construction since 2003, carrying out all the stages of the Land Development. This is the management company of the full cycle - from the design of permits, organizing the construction of engineering networks until the land plot is issued. Greenga concludes numerous contract for the sale and sale of land plot and sells more than 230 sections without a contract per year. Clients of Greenga can buy land plots for Sberbank's mortgage programs. It is located at the address: Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, d. 26, Corp. 1 (Metro "Belorusskaya"). Respect the number of projects implemented is about 50. Among them, the villages "Mozhayskiy Sea" can be noted, "in silver ponds", "Lytkino" and "Silver", the country village "Sail" on the Minsk highway, the country village "Ilinskaya Sloboda" on Mozhaisk Highway, DP "Cuban Forest" in Kiev Highway, KP "Minka 21" in the Minsk Highway, etc.

Reviews of the company are mostly positive.

Tamara, Mozhaisk city. 10/28/2013 16:02
Earlier, I already addressed GreenGU on issues of registration of various permits and decided to call there again. Literally for 3 months, I was helped to arrange a project, agree on it in Mosavtodore and get a corporate organization agreed with the traffic police road on the designed villa village.

Buyer Igor.
Everything is fine, good luck! Many thanks to the manager at the object - Elena and the office manager - Irina Dwarf. They are well done! For a company - long-life and success!

The guest. 08/06/2013 13:21
Green's company sells both land plots in retail and arrays (large plots of land), and everything is fine. They themselves really mostly in Mozhaisk district - famous place rest (plus there historical places - Borodino, etc.). But there is also in other places near Moscow.

One hour forty minutes ride by bus, and the kind driver landed me right at the checkpoint "Dubki".

If you go next, do not get lost! There are KP "Dubki" in the Yegoryevskoye Highway and KP "Dubki" in the Simferopol highway.

Nobody met me, because by the phone indicated on the site, they explained that the manager in the village is not, but I can ask for help from the commandant Serov Vladimir Vitalyevich.

Here is his house.

Inside, I, however, did not get inside, because the commandant arrived later. But a very informed and spelling guard showed the village on the scheme, which sites are free.

It turned out that in addition to the value of the site itself, 360 thousand rubles are still dropped. for communications. And this, gentlemen, expensive! Even if you buy, for example, a plot of 10 acres minimum price 19 thousand rubles. (In total for 190 thousand rubles), then you will need to pay 360 thousand, which is more expensive than the site itself in two and a half times.

Here you have cheese, but a mousetrap!

So be attentive and vigilant, and do not be fooled by allegedly low prices.

But for monthly service, only 2 thousand rubles will have to pay. It includes: cleaning the territory, garbage collection, organization of round-the-clock security.

Armed with new knowledge, I went to an independent trip.

Immediately for the checkpoint costs the information shield. With a careful study found that in the village there are debtors of municipal payments, and most importantly - the cat disappeared! I hope that the animal is found.

To manage the village, a cottage non-profit partnership was created.

Conducted survey.

Cadastral passports and construction permit are obtained. Certificates are obtained for the ownership of land and home ownership.

Awarded postal addresses.

The signing of the so-called basic contract is the basis for the transition of ownership of the land plot to the buyer's name. At the same time, the buyer must pay 100% of the value of the land plot, as well as 100% of the cost of the fee for communication or by installments with equal payments for 12 months.

You can also booked a plot for a period of 7 days.

The photo shows that the village is entirely electrified. Plant of electricity to the house costs 17 thousand rubles.

There are meters on household.

In addition, judging by the announcement on the checkpoint, Dubkov will have ambulance. The first exploration work has already been conducted, for which 70 thousand rubles are collected from the owners of the sites. At the next stage - gaskets actually, the gas pipeline, another 70 thousand. How much will need to add money for the gasification of a particular home, while it is unknown.

The first to face the house in the secondary sale.

Many sites grow trees. Powers are intended for individual housing construction. Land category - land settlements. All suggested land plots are sold without a contract.

Many sites are sold. Currently free only 14, but how later it turned out that there are four more sites on sale. I will tell you about them later.

If you look at the settlement of the village, it can be seen that on the one hand, its compact area is fenced with Schelkovsky highway, and from three others - a beautiful forest. Big plus that around "Dubkov" do not plan to build any villages more. So people wishing to find a quiet and calm, one can say, closed place - lucky.

But such a big anthill, I photographed right on the plot. Immediately it can be seen that the ecology is good!

And the pijmas thickets are confirmed.

I didn't find out anything about the Internet, but I think that the network modem works quite well. And the TV can also be viewed.

Although there is no compulsory building contract in the "Dubes", but you can choose the project of the basic house offered by the developer. They are only nine, with an area of \u200b\u200b93 square meters. m to 161 square meters. m. At the request of the buyer, the house will pass "turnkey".

Discount roads here in this form.

The storm sewer was not discovered, but some homeowners do not expect any viffes and provide themselves with a comfortable life.

Promised on site

"The venues family holiday, children's and sports fields, entry group with the organization of guest parking, refined well-built forest area, decorative pond, pleasure zone »

I have not found. Maybe build ever?

The village is built up with different houses.


From glued timber.


There are very beautiful estates.

See how beautifully decorated the gate.

But such a shower is found.

And such a toilet.

No single style, no requirements for some particular type of fences - Create, what's your heart and that wallet will endure! There is, both its advantages and disadvantages. Although I do not think that by purchasing a plot in Dubka, the buyer will excite a thoughtful architectural project. For this there are villages a completely different format and another price zone.

Many sites is being built up.

It seems to watch there was nothing more, I've saved the whole village, the oak grove did not see - solid pines, and, already heading for the exit, heard the sliding singing of the rooster! Some of the homeowners live in the village year-round and he has such a living nature.

At the very barrier, the owner of the village "Dubki" Sergey Vladimirovich Kolesnikov intercepted me. He suggested that I get four sites at once, each size of about 11 acres, which can be combined into one large. The cost of hundreds of 33 thousand rubles., Well on one of the plots there. I was already delighted by the auction of an unprecedented generosity, but! There is an ambush here! Remember about 360 thousand communications not included in the price of sites? Here they will have to pay four times. That is, the price immediately increases twice, and the mood, respectively, decreases. Yes, it is still unknown, how much to summarize gas will have to pay. I assume that as a result, it is at least 300 thousand rubles. For every plot! Why should I pay for communications and gas on one big plot? Sergey Vladimirovich Pilyul sweetened and promised small discounts. Who is interested in this offer Call Sergey Vladimirovich by phone: 8 903 713 3504. Actually, this number is indicated on the billboard at the entrance to the village.

Since there is no internal infrastructure, I will tell about the external one. She is all located in the city of Kirzchache (13 km): city hospital, schools, kindergartens, shops, temples, museums. For products and household chemicals, you can go to the village of Dubka, about a kilometer.

Comparative table (1) at the cost of plots without a contract in Schelkovsky highway.

Comparative table (2) at the cost of areas without a contract in other directions.


  1. Good transport accessibility by public transport;
  2. Convenient car message;
  3. Mortgage program of Sberbank;
  4. Favorable environmental situation;
  5. The village is located next to the River Worm - the most pure river Kirzhach district;
  6. Common fenced area of \u200b\u200bthe village with a guide:
  7. Power supply 15 kW per section, three-phase;
  8. Smooth relief of the village;
  9. Quite a small number of plots;
  10. Probable gasification;
  11. The close arrangement of the infrastructure d. Dubka.
  1. Great remoteness from Moscow;
  2. Lack of engineering communications (except electricity);
  3. The general plan does not indicate the prices for the plots;
  4. The cost of the plot does not include communication;
  5. Too much cost of communications;
  6. Bad intracotor roads;
  7. No internal infrastructure.
In general, the country village "Dubki" I liked. He is small, quiet, to him convenient entrance, very beautiful nature. No one undertakes the buyer to build so and so. Building what you want and when you want. But I believe that for permanent residence, it is also unsuitable and the main motive of the acquisition of the site will be seasonal, that is, country accommodation.

Marina Lisitsyn, especially for the portal