What does tracking mean? What is tracking and what is it eaten with?

Trekking - detailed information about walking tours Worldwide. Types of trekking, popular routes, photos and reviews from travelers about trekking on the “Subtleties of Tourism”.

Trekking was invented by ancient people when they were exploring new territories. Yes, this sport is thousands of years old. In those days, it was unkempt and unkempt, and everyone did it indiscriminately. Moreover, people didn’t even understand that they were preaching trekking - that’s how dense they were.

We're talking about hiking. You wake up, for the sake of decency, dress and put on your shoes and go on a journey. Everything is very simple. Trekking is accessible to everyone who has legs and is able to move them. A simpler type of tourism, perhaps, cannot be found.

What is trekking

Trekking is similar to football in terms of its degree of democracy. In both cases, no special equipment or equipment is required. True, if you go on a long trip, you will have to take care of comfort and safety. After all, professional football players don’t play barefoot.

Hiking takes everyone into its ranks, indiscriminately. The main thing is that you can walk and not complain about your health. There are difficult routes that run through mountains or deserts, which only a physically resilient person can handle.

Typically, during a tour, a traveler covers about 40-50 kilometers. Of course, a lot depends on the weather and the road. In the heat you get tired faster, in the bitter cold you think about how to warm up as quickly as possible, during a strong wind you don’t walk, but barely crawl.

Trekkers usually choose routes with already established trails. They collect as much information about them as possible to take with them. necessary equipment. One of the tasks of hiking is to get to know nature, terrain, customs and life of other peoples. These are such educational walks.

In general, tourists claim that walking, first of all, helps a person to know himself, and only then the world. Imagine: you are walking along the road, relying virtually only on yourself and the people who walk next to you. You don't have any transport. Rescue services can only contact you by radio, but when they arrive. So think about it: do you trust yourself or not, are you ready to walk hundreds of kilometers or would you rather stay at home in front of the TV.

Trekking in the Alps

Trekking Features

Hiking, for all its simplicity, has a number of nuances. For example, before you set off, you need to do pre-trip training. This is to ensure that group members get to know each other and what they are capable of. By the way, groups usually consist of 6-12 people. Instructors cope worse with large numbers.

It is worth paying a lot of attention to getting ready: take documents, a first aid kit, check in with the control and rescue service, grab the necessary clothes.

The travel route is calculated in advance. And the organizer takes on the greatest responsibility along the way. This should be an authoritative and experienced person, a good psychologist who knows the route, who can help in an extreme situation and will not allow people to get upset with each other.

The travel schedule depends on the endurance of the participants. The guideline is according to the weakest. Usually these are women or children. It’s clear that men can go further, but they shouldn’t drag everyone else down with them.

The guides do not welcome extreme sports. If someone suddenly wants to conquer a mountain or swim across a river, then it is better to do it another time, as part of another group with an instructor who is more loyal to such things. There is a route that everyone has agreed on and it is worth sticking to.

Trekking in Russia

Foreigners adore Russia for its nature and size. Walking tours are great for helping you feel long distance. In our country, you can choose tours in almost any region - from the Baltic to Primorye. Moreover, these will be journeys of varying lengths and levels of difficulty.

South Region

Mountains and sea - that's what awaits travelers in the south of Russia. Here the regions differ in climate - from subtropics to glaciers. Most often the path passes through the Caucasus Mountains.

The most popular tour is called “Thirty” - it starts from the resort of Khadzhokh and ends in the village of Dagomys. During the trip, participants can visit archaeological and natural monuments such as dolmens and shelters of ancient people. The route goes past waterfalls, lakes, mountains, rivers, waterfalls, more lakes, more rivers and mountains - you can see enough for two lifetimes.


The ancient people who lived on the territory of Altai left a lot of memories of themselves interesting places. They are exactly what trekkers meet on their way. Here you can choose summer or winter hikes of varying lengths.

The Altai Mountains are easier to conquer than the Caucasus Mountains - they are lower and without steep elevation changes. In summer, many stopping points are located in the forest. Natural monuments are mainly located around Mount Belukha, with which the myths about Shambhala are associated.


Karelia - most beautiful region with lakes, swamps and taiga forests. Here, while traveling, you need to get to know the aborigines as closely as possible, with their way of life and customs.

In Karelia walking tour ism is slightly extreme: in summer trekkers are haunted by mosquitoes and other blood-sucking creatures, and in winter they can only move around on skis. During a camping trip, you most often have to live in small houses with amenities in the yard.


One of the main hiking trips on Lake Baikal - in addition to visiting the lake - is to the Shumakskie mineral springs. They are said to have great healing powers. Thousands of tourists come and come here to try this water. They carry backpacks and conquer rocky paths. But this is even better. Because, as they say, if you don’t get tired, you won’t rest.


In Kamchatka, hikers are sent to the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes - this is one of the most interesting corners of the country in terms of the activity of the “breathing” mountains. The trails are laid along the spurs and slopes of Klyuchevsky volcano. Here you can see a powerful chain of the highest ones - Nameless, Stone and others.

Prepared tourists can climb the southernmost volcano of this group - Plosky Tolbachik, its height is more than 3 kilometers.


A tour of Siberia is a visit to parks and reserves. For example, you will be sent to the Stolby Nature Reserve, famous for its wildlife, to the foothills of the Western Sayan Mountains, to the Ergaki Park. Afterwards you can explore the endless expanses of Tuva and its salt lakes. Khakassia will offer cedar taiga for a snack.

Trekking in Nepal

Hiking in other countries of the world

There are several classic hiking routes ahead of you. If you consider yourself a real traveler, then you must conquer at least one of them. The trails are not easy, but you can be proud of the experience gained for the rest of your life.

Corsica, France

The trek through Corsica stretches 170 kilometers and takes 15 days. Along the way there are forests, granite landscapes, craters, lakes, peat bogs, snow and so on. Sometimes the path is complicated by rocky paths, rickety bridges and embankments of boulders. This route was developed in the early 70s of the last century and is considered one of the most popular among trekkers.

Inca Road, Peru

They say that this trail, more than 30 kilometers long, was laid by the Incas. It starts from the Sacred Valley and ends at Machu Picchu. Along the way there are snow-white mountains and elevation changes. Tens of thousands of tourists visit this South American trail every year.

Dogon, Mali

The Dogon are a people of Mali, and their lands are considered one of the most interesting in Africa. The hike can last up to 10 days. The Dogon people build their dwellings in the cliffs, practice wood carving and greet guests by dancing on stilts.

Indian Himalayas, India

It is believed that trekking in Himachal Pradesh is suitable for people who are looking for solitude and want to hide from the world. This is possible here because few people agree to walk along the Indian side of the Himalayas.

A challenging route takes two weeks from Spiti to Ladakh. This is how tourists retrace ancient trade routes. The area around is harsh and deserted.

Overland, Australia

The 80km Overland Trail offers up-close views of Tasmania's wilderness. It leads between Mount Cradle and freshwater lake St. Clair, through forests and heaths. Side trails will reveal waterfalls, valleys and even more mountain peaks, including Ossa, the highest point in the area.

Zion, USA

By national park Zion, in the USA, has a 26-kilometer trail called The Narrows. The route includes a river, so you will have to swim about half the way. Well, or you can wade around, which will take more time.

The Narrows can be conquered in one day, but many are in no hurry to leave it so quickly - tourists like it hanging gardens, natural streams and park campgrounds.

Venezuela, climbing in the Andes to Humboldt Peak (4970 m)

Chamonix-Zermatt, France-Switzerland

Your journey begins in the French Chamonix, then goes through the southern part of the Swiss canton of Valais and ends in the resort of Zermatt. This way you can cross some of the highest and most picturesque places in the Alps that are accessible to hikers.

This walk can be done in both winter and summer. In the warm season it takes about two weeks. In winter, the route is slightly adjusted so that you can conquer it on skis without any problems.

What is tracking? Translated from English the word trekking means moving or crossing over mountainous (rough) terrain. When organizing a climb to the top, there are tracking to the base camp under the mountain and the actual climbing ascent - from the base camp to the very peak. Accordingly, commercial trekking routes often have a destination - the base camp of one or another famous peak, the main one being Everest. However, for the millions of adventure seekers who have visited Nepal and Tibet since the mid-sixties, the concept of trekking has a much more vivid and capacious meaning. One famous Englishman said this wonderfully: “Trekking is the common denominator of life in the Himalayas... Here, on the way, everyone finds their own style, their own credo...” To try to understand these words, we will simply describe one of the typical days of Himalayan trekking.

Even before the sun hits the mountain tops, your comfortable tents the voice of a boy, a kitchen assistant, is heard: “Bed tea sahib,” which means the arrival of a new day along with a cup of hot Tibetan tea (for tourists, as a rule, this is tea with milk). The warmth and aroma of this wonderful drink will drive away sleep and give you a boost of energy for the whole day. U tents A jug of warm water for washing is waiting for you. Before breakfast you pack your things. The most necessary things for the crossing, for example, a camera, a woolen coat sweater, a notepad for notes and a sun umbrella, you put it in a separate backpack, which you will carry yourself. All other things, as if by magic, are packed by porters (local mountain porters) and in a matter of minutes their motley caravan disappears behind the hills.

Breakfast is extremely simple: cereals like our “Hercules” - “muesli”, waffle cookies, omelet, cheese, hot drinks. Yours flask fills with water and... on a leisurely journey. And after a three to four hour walk, a second breakfast awaits you in some village or in a tangerine grove, prepared by a professional chef. Many trekking participants claim that lunch is the best meal of the day. Often this is chapatti - Indian bread, Tibetan flatbreads, sometimes scrambled eggs, tomatoes and plenty of drink - juices, tea, coffee.

Lunch, or according to our habits - dinner, is usually served at 6-7 o'clock. Usually this is soup, followed by rice and vegetables with meat, fresh or canned fruit. Transit times vary from day to day from 5 to 7 hours. A day of trekking is certainly full of events and new sensations. It is not surprising that many people in the world now increasingly prefer this type of recreation to the beaches. famous resorts. They call real relaxation a life in motion, a journey into the land of the unknown. And traveling to the rhythm of tracking is accessible to anyone, regardless of age and health. This is a unique opportunity to see a foreign country as if from the inside with its thousand-year-old culture and traditions, away from the dust and bustle of big cities, among ordinary residents of the Himalayas.

The idea of ​​organizing mountain crossings for discerning tourists belonged (not surprisingly!) to a Russian emigrant, who at first glance appreciated the exoticism of Nepal. His name was Boris Lissanevich. He immediately saw it as an attractive product for the elite. Traveling along the mountain trails of Nepal leading to the foothills of peaks twice as high as the Alps was a new idea in commercial tourism. However, this was an absolutely routine activity for ordinary residents of Nepal, who daily delivered food and water along steep slopes to an altitude of more than a kilometer. The rapid development of high technologies in the production of clothing, shoes and travel equipment has led to the fact that hiking in the mountains has become not only a prestigious activity for the rich who prefer comfort and fashion, but also a democratic way of exploring the world for the general public.

There is a magic of trekking. It is as follows. Nowadays, nervous people in the West and all those who strive to keep up with modern civilization often suffer from nervous disorders, which also affect their physical health. For a lot of money, they seek help from psychotherapists and buy vouchers to special sanatoriums. Patients of these medical institutions undergo a course of dynamic meditation to restore neural connections in their brains. This means they don’t just walk along the paths in the park, eat, breathe, but as if they had to do this for the first time in their lives, when they were babies. What we already do automatically in ordinary life, they need to do consciously: control their legs and arms, like an operator controls the boom of a tower crane or excavator, accompany with consciousness every breath of air and liquid, piece of food, etc. When done properly, this method of rebooting gives good results, but it requires artificial tension in the thinking apparatus and is therefore not very effective. Close to this method is health path - therapeutic walking, but it is more suitable for older people and those recovering from injury.

When does an ordinary person go to the mountain? trekking, psychological recreation occurs by itself. Firstly, a healthy regimen of dosed physical activity and rest is established - along with the sun. Secondly, tracking takes place according to long-established rules, and important decisions, if necessary, are made by guides. Therefore, participants, many of whom in ordinary life work as business owners, directors or managers, do not need to think about their subordinates and worry about the outcome of the enterprise - this is simply a pleasure, for those who understand. Of course, this is also true for ordinary resorts, but there the head is empty, so it is not possible to completely get rid of worries.

And here we come to the third and main advantage of tracking: a person is immersed in an unusual, more or less aggressive environment, and must somehow reconfigure his body - physically through mental influences in order to overcome the resistance of this environment and ultimately get pleasure. Pavlov's dog is buried inside each of us. In the mountains, where there are no smooth straight paths, and stones spill out under our feet and roots stick out, we must move slowly and carefully, each step must be taken not automatically, but consciously, as if we were taking something with our hand, so as not to stumble and fall off a cliff. This is repeated by the professional tour leader accompanying the group, it is taught by guides and dexterous local residents, but the traveler himself, willy-nilly, becomes more and more collected, thereby fulfilling the task of dynamic meditation.

At altitude one can breathe heavily and have a headache; a person feels his mortal coil more clearly and works with it, building an equation with the environment. And what does he have? - that's right, neural connections are restored. As a result, trekkers return home with a large supply of health and fresh ideas, charged with success, and, realizing this, they set off to new walking routes over the mountains.

An important role in the healing process is played by the fact that high altitude When there is a lack of oxygen, more red blood cells are produced than at sea level. They say "the blood thickens." Professional athletes must regularly conduct cycles of anaerobic training; remember the Medeo skating rink above Almaty for speed skaters. After this, the results of performances at the usual height are always higher, because the blood delivers more oxygen to the tissues and brain.

It is also worth noting that in trekking, compared to amateur skiing, the level of injuries is an order of magnitude lower - this is easy to check with any insurance company. Indeed, the speed of movement along the trail is much lower, and no one threatens to unexpectedly run into you. Therefore, hiking in the mountains (including snowshoeing) is a healthy alternative to skiing and snowboarding.

Thus, by choosing trekking, you will kill several birds with one stone!


Nepal has countless walking routes(tracks) of varying degrees of complexity from simple and short (3-4 days) to long and extremely complex (from 3 to 4 weeks). However, most of them have been visited by very few travelers. Some areas of Nepal became accessible for trekking only in the late 80s and only for organized groups. Among them are the high-altitude Mustang, Dolpo, the Manaslu mountain region, Himli in the northern regions, and in the east the Kanchenjungi massif region.

The most popular routes include six: the Everest Base Camp trek, the Helambu trek, the Langtang trek and three treks in the Annapurna massif. The first of these three is to the village of Jomsom, the second is around Annapurna, the third is to the Annapurna Peak Sanctuary.

The trek to Everest Base Camp is well known and is the most commercial, despite being quite difficult: the average travel time is 2-3 weeks with an altitude gain of up to 5545 meters. The culmination of the trek is the ascent to the top of Kala Pathar, from where good weather there is an amazing view of the highest peak in the world, located just 10 km in a straight line. There is also the opportunity to walk through the less crowded Gokyo Valley with beautiful glacial lakes.

The trek to the Helambu region is convenient for those who prefer shorter routes near the capital Kathmandu. Of course, this route will not have such majestic mountain landscapes, but it will be extremely interesting for its cultural and ethnographic attractions.

The trek to the peaks of Langtang is longer and lasts 10-12 days. With relative proximity to the capital of Nepal, it attracts with its sparse population and the absence of a large number of tourists. There are many beautiful views, interesting villages and even climbs to a height of 4300 m. You can also go from Langtang to Helambu through the Ganja-la pass with a height of 5100 m, which is interesting because it requires the organization of insurance - rope railings.

The trek to Jomsom village starts from Pokhara, the second most visited city by tourists in Nepal. Heading north along the valley of the turbulent Kali Gandaki River, the trek is extremely popular for its magnificent views of the sparkling peaks of Annapurna. The final destination of the trek is the Muktinath Monastery, located at an altitude of 3800 meters, a place revered by numerous pilgrims, Buddhists and Hindus. From Jomsom, tourists usually fly back to Pokhara.

It will take about three weeks to complete the Annapurna Circuit, but it will be the most intense trip, providing the opportunity to see both the diversity of natural landscapes and the many cultural customs of the people living here. The main test of this trek is overcoming the 5416-meter-high Thorong Pass, leading to the Muktinath Monastery. Before the pass, there is an opportunity to hike in two days to the little-visited Tilicho Lake, known as the highest lake in Nepal and possibly the world.

Unfortunately for trekking enthusiasts, since 2014 the above route has been significantly shortened due to the construction of a road from the lowlands to Manang itself (3400 m). Now more interesting routes are those that cross this valley crosswise and lead to the previously inaccessible valleys of Naar, Phu and Lake Tilicho.

The trek to the Annapurna Sanctuary lasts from 10 to 14 days, but, passing to the main ice circus of the massif, it opens up an incomparable spectacle. The village of Chomrong, located halfway to the Sanctuary, is believed to have the best pizza in the state.

All of the above tracks are the most accessible and therefore frequently visited. However, there are others that are visited much less frequently, either due to their inaccessibility or due to government restrictions imposed to reduce the number of tourists in these regions.

These include a trek in the northeastern part of Nepal that leads to the Kanchenjunga massif. It requires serious preparation and the support of a reliable local tour operator. The trek to the top of Makalu, long but delightful, also belongs to the same inaccessible areas.

The Nepalese government still restricts visitors to some areas of the kingdom, fueling rumors of “forbidden fruits.” Among them are the Dolpo region, which is located west of the Kali Gandaki Valley, the Nupri region, north of Manaslu, and the Mustang Valley region, north of Jomsom, the site of an ancient "wall" principality. To visit these areas you must have a special permit costing $700, and only 10 days are given to visit Mustang. Each subsequent day of stay in the territory of the principality is paid additionally in the amount of $70. Also, only planned groups of tourists accompanied by local liaison officers can enter here. The paperwork procedure must begin no earlier than 21 days before the group’s arrival. However, a road passable for jeeps has now been built here too. However, the valley is quite wide, and on its slopes there are very picturesque hiking trails along which trekkers go.

Mustang opened limited access to the public only in 1991. Its name has nothing to do with either the brand of a famous car or a wild horse. This is most likely a Nepalese distortion of the name of the ancient capital Lo Manthang, which is located in the highlands of this protected area. These places are closely related to Tibetan culture and traditions. The name of the capital is translated from Tibetan as “place of aspiration.” This seemingly isolated place with a typical Tibetan dry landscape is inhabited by a very enterprising people with extensive trade and business connections. Despite the flow of tourists, they preserve their original traditions.

The ancient history of Lo is hidden in myths and secrets, but the first written mention of Lo dates back to the 8th century. Until the 14th century, the principality was part of the feudal unification of Western Tibet. The modern religion practiced here is a form of Tibetan Buddhism belonging to the Sakyapa school. The Mustang season begins in late March and lasts until early November. At this time, all other regions for traditional trekking become rarely visited due to the ongoing summer monsoon.

In May 1993, the governments of Nepal and China reached an agreement that made the first tracks between the two countries possible. This opened the way to Tibet for travelers from Nepal. Before this, this was only possible for pilgrims, mainly from India. New opportunities have made it possible to organize trips to Mount Kailash, which is located in Western Tibet and is sacred to several religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Bon tradition), right through Western Nepal. Attracted by the secrets of such an unusual place, earlier expeditions of the British Empire, Roosevelt and Hitler, modern seekers of miracles, flocked here. The journey to Mount Kailash is quite difficult and expensive, but this does not stop pilgrims and explorers.

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Lightweight summer boots with an upper made of durable black cotton fabric and a flexible rubber sole with a textured tread will provide you with comfort and reliable grip on any surface. The front and back of the boots have a special velor finish that protects them from mechanical damage. The toe cap and heel of the boot are reinforced with a special thermoplastic material to better maintain the external shape. D-shaped fittings in the lacing system allow you to quickly remove and put on the boot without removing the laces from the loops, allowing you to remove and put on the boot without lacing. The presence of a blind valve protects against any foreign objects getting inside the boot. This model is very popular among law enforcement officers and people interested in outdoor activities. The legendary and favorite boots TM "BUTEX" COBRA m.12100 now have a convenient zipper, which makes the process of putting on shoes faster than ever. The zipper will not become a supply link, since it is specially molded with a bend to eliminate critical loads even if you are squatting. The boots are suitable for any type of activity, from driving to trekking. The best choice for warm weather. CITY TYPE ASSAULT BOOTS A legendary boot that is used by all law enforcement agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. (SOBR, OMON, "THUNDER"). The best choice for spring summer season. The model has been around for more than four years and is the best summer boot in the opinion of many special forces employees. Passed testing in all special units of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. Received only the highest ratings, including in terms of comfort. Goes well with camouflage and sand-colored clothing. Combined top: velor (1.3-1.5 mm) + 100% cotton (density 350g/m2). Lining: unlined. Sole: rubber with increased wear resistance (Italy), BUTEK 1. Method of fixing the sole: adhesive. Toe and heel: reinforced thermoplastic material. Sizes: 38-46. The blind valve protects the leg from impact environment(dust, dirt). On the inside of the boots there is a molded “Zipper”. Speed ​​lacing. Color: black. Weight: 600 g. Technical characteristics Assault boots. Model Cobra 12311 Manufacturer BUTEX Country Belarus Upper material velor (1.3-1.5 mm) + 100% cotton (density 350 g /m2), duplicated with cotton calico Lining material unlined Sole fastening adhesive Instep support metal Toe and heel reinforced from thermoplastic material Sole material rubber of increased wear resistance BUTEK 1, (Italy) Available size range 38-46 Shoe color black Lacing type speed lacing Valve type blind flap Molded zipper on the inside of the shoe is present

Classic low top sneakers. Lightweight everyday sneakers with a breathable upper and rubber sole, retaining the design of the first models, but received the original camouflage color Upper made of durable, breathable fabric Internal fabric lining Soft inner insole made of foam rubber Ventilation holes Thin walls and tongue Rubber insert on the toe Flat lacing with metal eyelets Flexible rubber sole Perhaps, seasoned tourists, spoiled by trekking shoes, find it difficult to imagine that they not only did physical exercises in sneakers, but also went hiking. True, there was always the danger of knocking your feet off the rocks, but otherwise, wandering along rocky paths in sneakers was very good. The flexible rubber sole does not slip and grips well on rocks, keeping your feet cool and comfortable. Watermen wore sneakers over their wetsuits while rafting down rivers on catamarans and kayaks. So these shoes have quite a military past. Today, there are a lot of other options for hiking shoes, but sneakers remain, and as a walking and everyday option they are becoming more and more popular. Indeed, what could be better than walking along city streets and forest paths, wandering along sandy beaches, playing volleyball or riding a bike in these soft, weightless slippers.

Durable waterproof boots made of genuine leather for easy trekking. Upper material – genuine leather (velor) (th. 1.8 mm) with water-repellent impregnation + Cordura ®. The optimal combination of materials ensures the comfort and lightness of this model. The lining is a practical synthetic material on a Dintex® membrane. Well removes excess moisture from the foot and maintains a comfortable temperature. Replaceable molded insole. Highly resistant to wear Durable nylon lacing ensures a tight and comfortable fit on the foot Two-component sole (heat-resistant rubber + EVA) - well-shock-absorbing and non-slip The toe part of the boot has a rubber pad that provides additional protection from mechanical impacts when walking Multi-directional tread ensures optimal grip surface Stainless steel fittings Legs while hiking are perhaps the most stressed part of the body (even if the back and shoulders think differently). They are washed, frozen, knocked down on scree slopes, and forced to languish in wet boots. At the same time, they must smile, maintain lightness and not succumb to fatigue. The only thing we can do for them is to choose the most suitable shoes for the occasion. For lovers of long walks, all that is needed is that the boots securely fix the foot, protect it from stones and impacts, have good grip on the surface and, if possible, protect from the cold (but do not allow overheating), do not get wet and remove excess moisture from the inside . Oh yes! Let them dry even faster if they do get wet! THB "Grund" trekking boots with a membrane have almost all of the listed qualities. Stability on difficult terrain, the necessary rigidity and elasticity of the boot are provided by a two-component sole (heat-resistant rubber + EVA). EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) is a lightweight and elastic material, similar to foam rubber, with excellent shock-absorbing properties. It has low heat transfer, does not absorb moisture, and remains flexible at low temperatures. Thanks to the foamed structure of the EVA sole, the shoes spring well, easily restore their shape when deformed, retain heat, and do not allow cold to pass through. The outsole is made of wear-resistant rubber with a deep multi-directional tread that provides reliable traction on a variety of soils in any weather. The upper material combines natural leather with water-repellent impregnation and durable, lightweight synthetic material Cordura ®, which reduces the weight of the boots and improves their breathability and wear resistance. The lining is a practical synthetic quick-drying material on a Dintex® membrane. It breathes, removes excess moisture well from the foot and maintains a comfortable temperature in the boot, protecting the feet from hypothermia. We suggest that you take the area of ​​your intended travel seriously, since due to the low height of the boot, moisture entering through the upper reduces the benefits of having a membrane. The replaceable, molded, anatomical insole is highly wear-resistant and antibacterial to support your arch and provide good ventilation. The heel secures the foot, and the rubber pad in the toe of the boot protects the toes from impact and increases the grip area on rocky terrain. To make it easier for you to “feel” the shoes, our stores have “slides” - simulators of complex terrain. Characteristics: Weight: 440 g (1/2 pair 42 sizes) Size range: 41-46

Seasonality: 3 Number of places: 1 Dimensions and weight: Dimensions of outer tent, awning (L×W×H): 235×140×100 cm Dimensions of sleeping place (L×W×H): 235×80/50×100/60 cm Packed dimensions (L×W×H): 42×14×14 cm Total weight: 1.10 kg Materials: External awning: Polyester 75D/190T PU 3000 mm Bottom: Polyester 100D PU 5000 mm Fittings: YKK Universal lightweight single-layer tent with a separate vestibule You can use standard poles, purchased separately, trekking poles or improvised material as poles. Additional loops on the ridge allow you to install the tent without poles using external supports. For example, between two trees It has not only a spacious sleeping compartment for one person, but also a fairly spacious, fully closed vestibule for things. All seams are taped. A ventilation window on the end slope and a large ventilation window with a mosquito net in the sleeping compartment create good flow-through ventilation. Detachable tightening The straps on the bag will allow you to easily attach it under your backpack without additional fastening elements. In this case, the tent can be taken out of the bag without unfastening the bag itself from the backpack (a necessary condition: the backpack must have slings at the bottom for external attachment) Guy ropes have an woven reflective thread Poles and pegs are not included in the kit YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN: REVIEWS: Review and discussion of the tent on the forum

They run small! You need to take a size larger than yours! If you wear size 42, you need to choose size 43! The upper material is nubuck (th. 2.4 mm) with water-repellent impregnation. Easy to care for and resistant to wear. The lining is a practical synthetic material with a Sympatex ® membrane. It removes excess moisture well and retains heat. Replaceable insole: the first layer is Cambrelle ®, the second is antistatic non-woven material. Protects the foot from overheating. Highly resistant to wear. Durable nylon lacing ensures a snug, comfortable fit. Vibram ® T.D. outsole. (rubber + thermoformed micro. Suitable for mountaineering in crampons) – highly durable and non-slip Multi-directional tread guarantees optimal traction with the surface There is a rubber lining along the entire perimeter of the sole, which provides additional protection for the upper material from mechanical damage and exposure to aggressive external environments Characteristics: Weight: 650 g (1/2 pair 42 sizes) Manufacturer: Lomer, Italy Size range: 40-46 REVIEWS: Review from Survival Panda

Seasonality: 3 Number of seats: 1 Number of poles: 2 Dimensions and weight: Dimensions of the outer tent, awning (L×W×H): 235×80×75 cm Packed dimensions (L×W×H): 44×12× 12 cm Total weight: 1.56 kg Minimum weight (without cover and pegs): 1.26 kg Materials: External awning: Polyester 75D/190T PU 3000 mm Bottom: Polyester 100D PU 5000 mm Arches: Aluminum alloy 7001 T6 Ø8.5 mm Fittings: YKK Unique ultra-light single-layer arc tent The fastest and easiest tent to set up. For simple installation you only need four pegs Thanks to the bent joints of the arches, the volume of the tent is quite comfortable for one person, while the space for installing the tent will require a little more than a camping mat takes up All seams are taped Ventilation windows on the end slopes and a large ventilation window with a mosquito net on the the back wall creates good flowing ventilation. Detachable tightening straps on the packing bag allow you to easily secure it under the backpack without additional fastening elements. In this case, the tent can be taken out of the bag without unfastening the bag itself from the backpack (a necessary condition: the backpack must have slings at the bottom for external attachment) The guy ropes have an woven reflective thread

Upper material – genuine leather (velor) (th. 2.0 mm) with water-repellent impregnation + textiles + Cordura ® . Easy to care for and resistant to wear. The lining is a practical synthetic material on a Dintex® membrane. Well removes excess moisture from the foot and retains heat. Replaceable molded insole. Highly resistant to wear Durable nylon lacing ensures a tight and comfortable fit on the foot Two-component sole (heat-resistant rubber + EVA) - well shock-absorbing and non-slip The toe and heel parts of the boot have a protective coating that provides additional protection from moisture and mechanical impacts when walking Multi-directional tread guarantees optimal adhesion to the surface Stainless steel fittings Weight -570 g (1/2 pair 42 sizes) Size range -41-46 Do you want light, breathable, waterproof, stable boots at competitive prices? Try on THB "Berg" boots! The boots secure the foot, protect the feet from stones and impacts, “keep” them on the terrain, do not get wet and remove excess moisture from the inside. Stability on difficult terrain, the necessary rigidity and elasticity of the boot are ensured by a well-cushioned and non-slip two-component sole (heat-resistant rubber + EVA). EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) is a lightweight and elastic material, similar to foam rubber, with excellent shock-absorbing properties. It has low heat transfer, does not absorb moisture, and remains flexible at low temperatures. Thanks to the foamed structure of the EVA sole, the shoes spring well, easily restore their shape when deformed, retain heat, and do not allow cold to pass through. The outsole is made of wear-resistant rubber with a deep multi-directional tread that provides reliable traction on a variety of soils in any weather. Easy to care for and resistant to wear, the upper material combines natural leather with water-repellent impregnation, textiles and durable, lightweight synthetic material Cordura ®. This combination significantly reduces the weight of the boots and improves their breathability. The lining is a practical synthetic quick-drying material on a Dintex® membrane. It breathes, removes excess moisture well from the foot and maintains a comfortable temperature in the boot, protecting the feet from hypothermia. The replaceable, molded, anatomical sockliner is highly wear-resistant and antibacterial to provide arch support and ventilation. The heel supports the ankle, and durable nylon lacing secures the foot tightly. The toe and heel parts of the boot have a protective coating that provides additional protection from moisture and mechanical impacts when walking. Light, comfortable boots will make your journey shorter, just be careful and take your time while trying them on. To make it easier for you to “feel” the shoes, our stores have simulators of complex terrain.

Seasonality: 3 Number of seats: 2 Number of arches: 2 Dimensions and weight: Dimensions of the outer tent, awning (L×W×H): 235×175×100 cm Dimensions of the sleeping place (L×W×H): 220×120×90 cm Packed dimensions (LxWxH): 40x18x18 cm Total weight: 2.19 kg Minimum weight (without cover and pegs): 1.93 kg Materials: External awning: Polyester 75D/190T PU 5000 mm Inner tent: Polyester 210T R/S W/R Bottom: Polyester 190T PU 00 mm W/R Poles: Aluminum alloy 7001 T6 Ø8.5 mm -9.5 mm Fittings: Duraflex Lightweight trekking tent on external poles providing maximum comfort with minimal weight. The awning and the tent can be installed simultaneously. It is possible to install the awning separately without an inner tent. The ventilation of the inner tent is duplicated with a mosquito net. Increased ventilation. The inner tent, with the exception of the bottom and ceiling, is made entirely of mesh. An additional ventilation window in the legs with a zipper provides good flow-through ventilation of the internal volume. Storm guy ropes. Guy ropes have woven reflective thread. The seams of the awning and bottom are taped.

Lake Baikal or Blue Lagoon Iceland, Troll's Tongue in Norway or the city in the sky - Machu Picchu... In order to see one hundred of the most beautiful places our planet, you will have to run around a lot and wear out more than one pair of shoes. Lightweight, breathable trekking shoes with non-slip soles on rocks are the best shoe option for traveling, approaching difficult routes, orienteering, multi-races and walking over rough terrain. THB "Kurs" trekking shoes are distinguished by good ventilation, durability and wear resistance. They securely fix the leg and protect it from impacts. The upper of the sneakers is made of genuine leather (velor) (thickness 1.8 mm), which is combined with shoe mesh (100% nylon). The necessary rigidity of the upper is provided by elements made of heat-resistant polyurethane. The optimal combination of materials ensures the comfort and lightness of this model. Durable nylon lacing ensures a tight and comfortable fit of the sneakers on your feet. Reliable grip on the ground, stability on any terrain, the necessary rigidity and elasticity of the boot are provided by a two-composition sole (heat-resistant rubber + EVA). Two-composition soles improve shock absorption and reduce the weight of the shoes. EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) is a lightweight and elastic material, similar to foam rubber, with excellent shock-absorbing properties. It springs well, quickly restores its shape after deformation, remains flexible at low temperatures and has a low degree of heat transfer. The outsole is made of heat-resistant rubber with a multi-directional tread for reliable traction on a variety of soils in any weather. A special molded anatomical insole, highly resistant to wear, maintains the correct position of the foot and provides ventilation. The heel gently and reliably supports the ligaments, and the rubberized pad in the toe part of the boot protects the toes from impact and increases the grip area on the rocky terrain. A sewn-in tongue with soft filling reduces the likelihood of getting wet and snow, water and forest debris getting into the boot. Durable lacing secures the foot tightly, is easy to tighten and quickly release. To make it easier for you to “feel” the shoes, our stores have “slides” - simulators of complex terrain. Upper material – genuine leather (velor) (t. 1.8 mm) + shoe mesh 100% nylon with polyurethane (PU) reinforcement. An optimal combination of materials that ensures the comfort and lightness of this model. Replaceable molded insole. It is highly resistant to wear Durable nylon lacing ensures a tight and comfortable fit on the foot Two-component sole (heat-resistant rubber + EVA) - well shock-absorbing and non-slip The toe part of the boot has a reinforcing rubberized pad that provides additional protection from mechanical impacts when walking Multi-directional tread ensures optimal grip with surface Weight -390 g (1/2 pair 42 sizes) Size range -41-46

Seasonality: 3 Number of places: 2 Number of arches: 1 Dimensions and weight: Dimensions of the outer tent, awning (L×W×H): 315x160x105 cm Dimensions of the sleeping place (L×W×H): 240x110x95 cm Packed dimensions (L× W×H): 50x17x13 cm Total weight: 2.2 kg Minimum weight (without cover and pegs): 1.81 kg Materials: Outer tent: Polyester 75D/190T PU 00 mm Inner tent: Polyester R/S 68D/210T W /R Bottom: Polyester 100D PU 10000 mm Arches: Aluminum alloy 7001 T6 Ø8.5 mm Fittings: Duraflex Lightweight universal cover for 1-2 people on one arch Easy to install Awning and tent can be installed simultaneously It is possible to install a separate awning without an inner tent Entrance and ventilation of the inner tent are duplicated with a mosquito net. The entrance of the awning in the lower part is fixed with an additional hook. Storm guy ropes. The guy ropes have an woven reflective thread. Pockets for small items in the inner tent. The seams of the awning and the bottom are taped.

Upper material – genuine leather (velor) (th. 2.0 mm) with water-repellent impregnation + textiles + Cordura ® . Easy to care for and resistant to wear. The lining is a practical synthetic material on a Dintex® membrane. Well removes excess moisture from the foot and retains heat. The optimal combination of materials ensures the comfort and lightness of this model, designed taking into account the characteristics of the female foot. Replaceable molded insole. It is highly resistant to wear Durable nylon lacing ensures a tight and comfortable fit on the foot Two-component sole (heat-resistant rubber + EVA) is well shock-absorbing and non-slip The toe and heel parts of the boot have a reinforcing rubberized pad that provides additional protection from mechanical impacts when walking Multi-directional tread guarantees optimal grip on the surface Stainless steel fittings Weight -350 g (1/2 pair 37 size) Size range -36-41 Warm, dry feet are needed not only on harsh hikes. As soon as you step off the asphalt, you immediately begin to dream of waterproof shoes with stable, non-slip soles. Try light, comfortable women's boots TNV "Blanca". The boots are not designed for long-term high-category hikes, in particular mountain hikes, but are suitable for simple hikes, walks and trips to the forest and city in the off-season, as they are made taking into account all the requirements for trekking shoes. TNV "Blanca" boots fix the foot, protect the feet from stones and impacts, “keep” on the terrain, do not get wet and remove excess moisture from the inside. The optimal combination of materials ensures comfort and lightness of this model, designed taking into account the characteristics of the female foot. The necessary rigidity and elasticity, good grip on various soils in any weather and stability on difficult terrain are provided by a well-cushioned and non-slip two-component (heat-resistant rubber + EVA) sole. EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) is a lightweight and elastic material, similar to foam rubber, with excellent shock-absorbing properties. It has low heat transfer, does not absorb moisture, and remains flexible at low temperatures. Thanks to the foamed structure of the EVA sole, the shoes spring well, easily restore their shape when deformed, retain heat, and do not allow cold to pass through. The outsole is made of heat-resistant, wear-resistant, non-slip rubber with a multi-directional tread that provides reliable traction on a variety of soils in any weather. The toe and heel parts of the boot have a reinforcing rubberized pad that provides additional protection from mechanical impacts when walking. Easy to care for and resistant to wear, the upper material combines natural leather with water-repellent impregnation, textiles and durable, lightweight synthetic material Cordura ®, which reduces the weight of the boots and improves their “breathable” properties. The lining is a practical synthetic quick-drying material on a Dintex® membrane. It breathes, removes excess moisture well from the foot and maintains a comfortable temperature in the boot, protecting the feet from hypothermia. A highly wear-resistant, replaceable molded anatomical sockliner provides arch support and ventilation. The heel supports the ankle, durable nylon lacing secures the foot tightly, and the rubber pad in the toe of the boot protects the toes from impact and increases the grip area on rocky terrain. Durable nylon lacing plus stainless steel fittings ensure a snug fit and quick, trouble-free tightening of the laces. Light, comfortable boots will make your journey shorter, just be careful and take your time while trying them on. To make it easier for you to “feel” the shoes, our stores have simulators of complex terrain. REVIEWS:

Seasonality: 2 Number of places: 2 Dimensions and weight: Tent dimensions (L×W×H): 200×120×110 cm Packed dimensions (L×W×H): 45×15×15 cm Total weight: 2, 13 kg Minimum weight (without pegs, stands and packaging): 1.16 kg Materials: External awning: Polyester 75D/190T PU 3000 mm Bottom: Polyester 75D/190T PU 5000 mm Stands: Steel Ø16 mm Fittings: YKK Classic single-layer house. For active recreation and simple hikes Easy to install All seams are taped Entrance with zippers Additional loops on the ridge allow you to install the tent without posts using external supports, for example, between two trees Most of the entrance and the opposite end wall are made of mosquito netting. Due to this, the tent is well ventilated. Wind- and moisture-proof curtains allow you to completely or partially close the ventilation windows made of mosquito netting. Thanks to this, you can achieve optimal ventilation. Large overhangs on the sides of the tent and additional canopies on the ends of the tent will protect you from slanting rain. Detachable tightening straps on the bag will allow you to easily attach it under your backpack without additional fastening elements. In this case, the tent can be taken out of the bag without unfastening the bag itself from the backpack (a necessary condition: the backpack must have at least two molle-type slings at the bottom) Guy ropes have an woven reflective thread Additions to the tent design: (made based on the results of tests and reviews on our forum) To improve protection from slanting rain, the moisture-proof curtain at the entrance has been moved to the outside. The curtain is closed with a separate zipper equipped with a large Velcro-fixed strip. The new moisture-proof curtain at the entrance is equipped with ventilation windows in the upper part, which are completely protected from slanting rain by the overhangs of the visor. Thus, ventilation will continue even with the waterproof curtains completely closed. On the front end of the tent, the lower corners of the waterproof curtain are additionally taped to improve protection from slanting rain

Universal all-season boots for light trekking and the city. Upper material – genuine leather (th. 2.0 mm) with PU coating + Cordura ®. Easy to care for and resistant to wear. The lining is a practical synthetic material on a Dintex® membrane. Well removes excess moisture from the foot and retains heat. Replaceable molded insole. Highly resistant to wear Durable nylon lacing ensures a tight and comfortable fit on the foot Two-component sole (heat-resistant rubber + EVA) - well-shock-absorbing and non-slip The toe part of the boot has a rubber pad that provides additional protection from mechanical impacts when walking Multi-directional tread ensures optimal grip surface Stainless steel fittings The red, disheveled sun, yawning, creeps out from behind the distant ridges, looks at itself in every puddle, rings with drops and draws us into a festival of light and air. I would like to forget about the backpack that weighs down my shoulders, take a deep breath and look around, not at my feet. The road is far from simple... it lulls your vigilance, unfolding like a fluffy carpet, and suddenly, capriciously bending, throwing up obstacles and traps. It’s good that trekking boots have already been invented! THB "Berg" boots fix the foot, protect the feet from stones and impacts, “keep” on the terrain, do not get wet and remove excess moisture from the inside. Stability on difficult terrain, the necessary rigidity and elasticity of the boot are provided by a two-component sole (heat-resistant rubber + EVA). EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) is a lightweight and elastic material, similar to foam rubber, with excellent shock-absorbing properties. It has low heat transfer, does not absorb moisture, and remains flexible at low temperatures. Thanks to the foamed structure of the EVA sole, the shoes spring well, easily restore their shape when deformed, retain heat, and do not allow cold to pass through. The outsole is made of wear-resistant rubber with a deep multi-directional tread that provides reliable traction on a variety of soils in any weather. The upper material combines full-grain leather with PU coating and durable, lightweight synthetic material Cordura ®, which reduces the weight of the boots and improves their breathability and wear resistance. The lining is a practical synthetic quick-drying material on a Dintex® membrane. It breathes, removes excess moisture well from the foot and maintains a comfortable temperature in the boot, protecting the feet from hypothermia. The replaceable, molded, anatomical sockliner is highly wear-resistant and antibacterial to provide arch support and ventilation. The heel supports the ankle, durable nylon lacing secures the foot tightly, and the rubber pad in the toe of the boot protects the toes from impact and increases the grip area on rocky terrain. Light, comfortable boots will make your journey shorter, just be careful and take your time while trying them on. To make it easier for you to “feel” the shoes, our stores have simulators of complex terrain Characteristics: Weight: 550 g (1/2 pair 42 sizes) Size range: 41-46

Description: Tunnel 3-3-person tent, made in the shape of a half-barrel and designed for use at above-zero air temperatures. A characteristic feature of Tunnel 3 is a huge vestibule where you can shelter the bicycles and belongings of all the inhabitants of the tent from bad weather, and, if necessary, use it as a place for cooking. The manufacturer paid great attention to the resistance of the tent structure to negative influences: a strong webbing along the edge of the awning, additional reinforcement of the fabric in areas of high load, sealing of seams and fire-retardant impregnation, which inhibits the combustion process. In addition, the corners of the inner tent are made using seamless technology, which also increases the strength of the awning. The awning has a moisture protection rating of 4000 mm, and the floor -6000, which allows you to stay dry even in heavy rain. Among the “household amenities” of Tunnel 3, it should be noted that there are 3 entrances equipped with a mosquito net, a ring for a lantern in the center of the ceiling, a folding shelf for small items and 6 pockets in the inner tent. Ventilation is provided by valves located at the ends of the tent, also equipped with a mosquito net. Despite its dimensions, the tent is relatively light in weight and has good wind resistance, and also takes up little space when assembled. Characteristics: Weight 4.7 kg Number of places 3 Seasonality spring-autumn Temperature below zero, strong wind, prolonged rains, snow. Size 410x180x120 cm Size in case 18x50 cm Tent material Polyester 190T PU 4000 mm Bottom material Polyester 150D Oxford PU 6000 mm Inner tent yes Poles material Alu 8.5 mm Wind resistance average Fresh wind 9-11 m.s (31-39 km/h) Quantity inputs 2 Color green Scope of application Trekking Traveling with a tent, mountain, water, hiking and cycling trips. Technologies: Impregnation that retards the spread of fire. The seams are sealed with heat shrink tape. Tent components that experience high loads are reinforced with more durable fabric. The edge of the awning is covered with a strong strap. The zippers on the outer awning are secured with an aluminum hook. The inner tent is equipped with a mosquito net, six pockets, and a ring for a flashlight. A large, roomy vestibule that can accommodate a couple of bicycles, a camp kitchen and all the necessary things. Three entrances to the tent. Diagram: Photos of buyers: General characteristics Purpose: trekking Inner tent: yes Number of seats: 3 Frame type: external Geometry: half-barrel Design Number of entrances / rooms: 3 / 1 Number of vestibules: 1 Number of ventilation windows: 1 Windows: no Internal pockets: yes Canopy: no Possibility of attaching a flashlight: yes Protection Water resistance of the canopy/bottom: 4000 / 6000 mm H.S. Seam sealing: taped Windproof/snowproof skirt: no Mosquito net: yes UV protection: yes Reinforced corners: yes Materials Awning material: polyester (190T PU) Bottom material: polyester (150D Oxford PU) Inner tent material: polyester (RipStop Light) Fireproof impregnation: yes Material of poles: aluminum Diameter of poles: 8.5 mm Dimensions and weight Dimensions of outer tent (LxWxH): 410x180x120 cm Dimensions of inner tent (LxWxH): 230x180x120 cm Weight: 4.7 kg Additional Information : Seamless inner tent corners Terminology: Weight (0.0 to 68.0 kg) The lightest tents weigh from 0.8 to 2 kg. These are mainly trekking and extreme tents, designed for one or two travelers. The heaviest are camping tents, since such models are often designed for a group of 4-6 people or more. The weight of some models reaches 60 - 70 kg. Such tents can accommodate up to 20 people (for more details, see "Number of places"). Windproof/snowproof skirt The presence of a protective skirt along the bottom edge of the tent. The skirt is a strip of fabric around the perimeter of the tent that lies directly against the ground. It can be either sewn or removable. Having a skirt is essential when using tents in the mountains, in winter, or simply at low temperatures. The skirt will not allow snow or rain to penetrate into the cracks formed by the edge of the tent and uneven areas in the designated area. Internal pockets The presence of internal pockets will allow you to organize the space inside the tent. Inner tent The presence of an inner tent, which in some cases can be installed separately from the awning. Models with an inner tent are usually called two-layer. The outer layer (awning) is waterproof and strong, protects from rain, and the inner layer is breathable and very light. Single-layer tents are lightweight and have a small volume when assembled. Their disadvantage is that condensation accumulates on the walls of the tent, whereas in double-layer tents the drops will roll off without penetrating into the living space. Awning water resistance (from 300 to 20,000 mm w.c.) The maximum height of the water column that a tent awning can withstand. This parameter determines the waterproofness of the material from which the tent is made. For areas with infrequent rainfall, tents with a water resistance rating of 500 - 3000 mm water column are suitable. If the likelihood of rain is high, or downpours are possible, then it is advisable to choose tents with a waterproof awning of more than 3000 mm in. Art. The value of this parameter can sometimes reach up to 10,000 mm in. Art. Among the disadvantages of fabrics with high water resistance are the relatively greater weight and high cost. Possibility of attaching a flashlight. The presence of special hooks or loops designed for hanging a flashlight or lamp. Most often, such hooks are fixed in the upper central part of the tent. Geometry Some properties of the tent depend on the shape of the tent. The hemisphere perfectly resists the wind, but has less living space compared to the half-barrel. Usually in such tents the frame consists of two intersecting arcs. The half-barrel has a large internal space. In addition, usually a significant part of such a tent is reserved for a vestibule, which looks very attractive as a base station or for a long stay in nature. Gable and tent geometries are still used, but only in the production of very simple models or large tents (for expedition groups). You can gather in such a tent big company . Non-standard models are those in which the frame design can combine several types. For example, half-barrel and half-sphere are used to produce large two-room camping tents. Sealing seams A method of sealing the seams of a tent. Taped seams reliably protect the tent from water leakage. Welded seams are very reliable and durable, since they are welded with a special tape. In addition, there are tents that do not have seam sealing. These are mainly models of the lowest category. But there are also professional tents that do not require sealing simply because they will be above the rain level (above the clouds). Diameter of the poles (from 0.0 to 30.0 mm) The size of the poles of the tent. Depending on the required characteristics, the arcs for the frame may have different diameters. Accordingly, the thicker the arches, the stiffer they are, but at the same time less flexible. Sometimes arches with different diameters are used. In such tents, the arcs that take the main load are thicker, and the additional ones (to hold the shape or give greater stability) are somewhat thinner. Number of ventilation windows (from 1 to 12) The presence of several such windows in a camping tent will be very desirable, since the size of the tents often allows you to cook food inside and boil water. Typically, tents with several rooms (see "Number of rooms") have a separate ventilation system in each of them. Number of places (from 1 to 20) The maximum number of people that can be accommodated in a tent at the same time. Number of vestibules (from 0 to 4) A vestibule is the space that separates the room from the exit. Many modern models are equipped with it, but there are also tents without it. The vestibule is usually the area between the inner tent (see "Inner tent") and the exit, which may also have a bottom. Small vestibules are used to store things and equipment. Inner tent material The name of the material from which the inner tent is made (see "Inner tent"). Nylon, produced using certain technologies (weaving, density, etc.), has the necessary strength and breathability. Polyester can also be used in making inner tents. It has greater strength and wear resistance than nylon and is highly breathable. Cotton is rarely used in the production of inner tents. This tent can be recommended for those who are allergic to synthetics. The advantages also include low weight and low cost. But a tent made of such material must be thoroughly dried before storage, otherwise there is a possibility that the fabric will deteriorate. Bottom material Name of the material used to sew the bottom. Polyester is resistant to most acids and alkalis, wear and deformation, which allows it to be widely used in the production of tent bottoms. Nylon is also often used for tent bottoms. In the production of materials, various materials processing technologies are often used. For example, Nylon Taffeta PU has a polyurethane treatment, which allows it to withstand a water column pressure of 6000 mm (see "Water resistance of the bottom"). Reinforced polyethylene is mainly used to produce the bottom of budget tents. Polyethylene has a higher specific gravity and is therefore used in the main production of camping tents (see "Purpose"). Tarpaulin is also a good material for the bottom of tents, because... has a high margin of safety. PVC eliminates thread connections, is a good fire-resistant, moisture- and wear-resistant material, therefore it is also often used in the production of tents. Awning material The material used to sew the tent awning. Polyester does not lose its strength when wet, tolerates ultraviolet radiation and sunlight well, and has high heat resistance. Tents made from this material have a longer service life compared to tents made from nylon. Nylon loses about 10-15% of its strength when wet, and is more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation and sunlight - strength decreases over time. This material has less resistance to chemicals than polyester. Membrane fabric has two seemingly incompatible qualities: it “breathes” and at the same time has water-repellent properties. These properties are imparted to the material either by impregnation, which is applied to the fabric during production using high-temperature technology, or by a thin film that is glued or welded to the fabric. The combination of fabric + silicone gives tents made from this material significant advantages. Such tents have a high degree of UV resistance, which is a significant advantage when used in high mountains. In addition, fabrics coated with silicone are 2-3 times more durable than fabrics without it. If the operating rules are followed, the tent, the awning of which has a double-sided silicone coating, can last more than 10 years. Regular tarpaulin this moment used quite rarely. Tarpaulins are heavy, but inexpensive. More often in production, tarpaulin is used as a durable base with additional coatings that improve its properties. Canopy The presence of a canopy in the tent design. In many camping tents, the role of a door is played by a rectangular part of the awning, which can be unfastened and placed on pegs, thus setting up an awning. Purpose Tourist tents According to their purpose, they can be classified into models for high mountains, middle mountains and plains. Tents for high mountains are considered extreme, and tents for mid-mountains and plains are divided into camping and trekking. Separately, tents for fishing can be distinguished. Extreme tents are designed for mountain climbing and expeditions. The design of such a tent should be as rigid as possible in order to withstand the harsh conditions of the highlands (wind, snow). There are extreme tents for “Himalayan” and “Alpine” climbing styles. The Himalayan style involves creating several bases during the ascent, while in the Alpine style there are no permanent bases and tents are carried with you. Camping tents are the most comfortable. They are intended for picnics, setting up children's camps, and camping sites. Such models are often equipped with mosquito nets, adjustable ventilation holes, and in addition, they may have several rooms, entrances, and vestibules. Trekking tents are designed for hiking or cycling trips, where weight plays a significant role. Such tents must be highly reliable and rigid, because such trips often last for weeks. Fishing tents, as a rule, are not intended for overnight stays. You can hide in it from bad weather and relax. Typically, fishing tents are compact and light in weight. Fireproof impregnation The presence of a special impregnation that retards the spread of fire. To increase safety when using tents, some manufacturers impregnate the fabric with a compound that prevents the spread of fire in the event of an accidental fire. Slowing the spread of the fire will provide additional time to take action to combat it or remove things from the tent. Frame type The type of frame provided by the tent design. A tent with an external frame is more convenient to set up, and the inner tent does not get wet, since the awning is installed first. The inner frame design is more difficult to install, but allows you to install an inner tent without a flysheet (outer tent). Tents without a frame are stretched over two poles or over natural supports (trees, etc.). Reinforced corners The presence of reinforcements in the corners of the tent. The fabric from which the tent is made can tear in areas of greatest stress. To strengthen the corners, inserts made of durable fabric, double-layer sewing or additional stitching with slings are used.

A universal backpack with many uses. Volume: 28 l Weight: 1.85 kg Size: 50x30x17 cm Suspension: The most important load-bearing part of the backpack design. Ensures proper distribution and fixation of weight on the back. Comfort Back System Material: Textreme 6.6 Description Advantages and features Soft, adjustable shoulder straps. Soft hip belt with zippered pockets. Adjustable chest strap. Side ties. Loop for poles or ice ax. Key holder. External pocket with waterproof zipper. Rain cover in bright colors. Comfortable rubberized "Exit" handle for the drinking system Soft adjustable anatomically shaped straps Ventilated back of the backpack "Cushions" along the back are covered with soft mesh fabric Height and width adjustable chest strap Adjustable waist belt with two built-in zippered pockets Ski rack Side slings can be used for fastening of additional equipment Side adjustable straps adjust the volume Fastening for one or two trekking poles Central pocket with a water-repellent zipper Spacious side pocket with a zipper Included - a bright rain cover In the back of the backpack - a pocket for documents or a laptop Organizer with a holder for keys Main characteristics Type: unisex urban Suspension system: anatomical, chest strap, waist belt Volume: 28 l Side strap: yes Weight: 0.95 kg Dimensions (HxWxD): 50x30x17 cm Color: black Functionality Back ventilation: yes Pockets: side pockets, front pocket Laptop compartment: no Reflective elements: no Pocket for glasses: no Drinking system outlet: no Rain cape: no Fastenings: for an ice ax Terminology: Side tie The presence of special straps that allow you to reduce the volume of the backpack if necessary. Most often, such belts are side ties to adjust the thickness of the backpack. The ability to adjust increases the ease of use of the product: with the correct placement of the load, things can be packed neatly and tightly, preventing them from dangling loosely in the backpack. For travel backpacks, the volume can be changed using the top flap and side pockets (see “Adjustable flap”, “Detachable pockets”). Side pockets The backpack has external side pockets. Side pockets can be made of mesh or thick fabric. As a rule, they are elastic and do not have fasteners; the load is secured in them with an elastic band. Less commonly, pockets are closed with a zipper or a flap. These pockets are convenient for storing things that need quick access, such as a bottle of drinking water . Back ventilation The backpack has a forced back ventilation system. This function is especially important when hiking for many hours, while playing sports or cycling. This can be an additional frame with mesh on the back or soft anatomical pillows with air channels. See also "Ventilated straps". Weight (from 0.2 to 6.4 kg) The weight of the backpack excluding cargo. The lighter the backpack, the more comfortable it is to travel or play sports with it. It is believed that the optimal weight of a bulky tourist backpack does not exceed 3 kg. Conclusion of the drinking system The presence of a special compartment for placing a drinking system in the backpack. The drinking system is a soft, sealed container for water. A long tube with a valve at the end is attached to the container, and the end of the tube is attached to the shoulder strap of the backpack. Most often, the backpack has a special pocket for the reservoir, a hole for the tube and its fastening. The drinking system itself is purchased separately. Chest strap The presence of additional straps on the shoulder straps of the backpack. Chest straps are fastened at chest level, pulling the backpack straps together. This allows you to better fix the backpack, as well as partially transfer the weight of the load from your shoulders to your chest. Rain cape The backpack comes with a waterproof cover. The cape is sewn for a specific volume from thin waterproof fabric and, when folded, takes up minimal space. Volume (from 3.6 to 155.0 l.) The maximum volume of cargo for which the backpack is designed. Gender There are backpacks for women and unisex. Most backpacks are considered unisex. Such models can be worn comfortably by both men and women. Some manufacturers offer models designed specifically for women. They may differ in design, designed taking into account the characteristics of the female figure or in brighter colors. Waist belt There is an additional waist belt for securing the backpack. The lap belt performs the same function as the chest strap (see "Chest Strap") - it transfers part of the load from the shoulders to the pelvic area. Reflective elements The presence of special inserts on the backpack that reflect light in the dark. Reflective elements can be made in the form of separate stripes, reflective ties, zippers, pocket flaps, etc. Front pocket An additional pocket located on the front of the backpack. It can be blind with a “zipper” or elastic made of mesh. Sometimes rubberized lacing is sewn onto the front instead of a pocket, but it has weak fasteners, so for the most part it plays a decorative role.

The upper material is nubuck (th. 2.4 mm) with water-repellent impregnation. Easy to care for and resistant to wear. The lining is a practical synthetic material with a Sympatex ® membrane. It removes excess moisture well and retains heat. Replaceable insole: the first layer is Cambrelle ®, the second is antistatic non-woven material. Protects the foot from overheating. Highly resistant to wear. Durable nylon lacing ensures a snug, comfortable fit. Vibram ® T.D. outsole. (rubber + thermoformed micro. Suitable for mountaineering in crampons) – highly durable and non-slip Multi-directional tread guarantees optimal traction with the surface There is a rubber lining along the entire perimeter of the sole, which provides additional protection for the upper material from mechanical damage and exposure to aggressive external environments Characteristics: Weight: 650 g (1/2 pair 42 sizes) Manufacturer: Lomer, Italy Size range: 40-46 REVIEWS: Review from Survival Panda

CITY TYPE BOOTS Combined upper: nubuck (1.4-1.6mm) + velor (1.2-1.4mm) Lining: laminated mesh. Sole: rubber with increased wear resistance (Italy), BUTEK 1. Method of fixing the sole: adhesive. Toe and heel: reinforced thermoplastic material. Sizes: 38-46. Semi-blind valve. Soft edging. Color: blue The toe part is reinforced with leather with high-strength PU “Matrix” coating (Italy). Weight: 610 gr.

Comfortable multi-zone trekking socks Seamless knit technology Tight reinforced foot and heel knit for better warmth and abrasion protection Lightweight thin fabric at the top of the foot for better ventilation and moisture management Stretch arch support Stretch Achilles tendon and muscle support Material: 76% cotton 16% PA 7% spandex 1% elastane Product weight: 23-25 ​​size -49 g REVIEWS: Review on the Russel website Review on www.gearshout.net “The road was made for this purpose, so that the attention of the soul does not sleep...” We've walked a lot of roads in these socks, and they performed quite well. Suitable as main socks for long outings in mild weather or as inner socks for warm weather. Lovers of cotton fabrics get in their face an excellent “breathable” option, which, in addition to its basic qualities, has acquired the ability to hold its shape and dry quickly, thanks to polyamide fibers, conduct moisture, thanks to spandex, and, in addition, elasticity. Various knitting methods and elastic zones ensure that the sock fits snugly on the foot and does not bunch up during movement, which, combined with the absence of seams, protects the feet from chafing. Dense reinforced knitting of the foot and heel strengthens the most stressed areas. Alloy socks are easy to care for, strong and durable.

Hiking backpack with top loading Weight: 0.96 kg Size: 55x21x15 cm Suspension: The most important load-bearing part of the backpack design. Ensures proper distribution and fixation of weight on the back. X Vent Zero The revolutionary X Vent Zero suspension system provides maximum control and optimal ventilation with minimal back contact. Material: T-Rip: 450 HD Polyoxford Description Benefits and Features X Vent Zero Carrying System Adjustable Chest Strap S-shaped Shoulder Straps Padded Hip Strap Side Compression Straps Rain Cover Included Hydration Outlet Side Mesh Pockets Backpack Lid Hinges Unsurpassed Quality - over 20 years of backpack manufacturing experience - Yalka 24 Top Load Hiking Backpack Unique X Vent Zero carrying system - zero contact between back and backpack - Yalka 24 Top Load Hiking Backpack System tension adjustment - Yalka 24 Top Load Hiking Backpack Carrying handle - Hiking Yalka 24 top-loading backpack Hinges on the backpack lid: you can attach a jacket or helmet - Yalka 24 top-loading hiking backpack Hydration outlet - Yalka 24 top-loading hiking backpack Mesh side pockets - Yalka 24 top-loading hiking backpack Side compression straps - Hiking backpack with top loading Yalka 24 Central pocket with a zipper - Hiking backpack with top loading Yalka 24 Main zipper with two sliders - Hiking backpack with top loading Yalka 24 Anatomically shaped shoulder straps - Hiking backpack with top loading Yalka 24 Adjustable sternum strap - Hiking top-loading backpack Yalka 24 An elastic band is sewn into the chest strap for comfort during active movement - Hiking backpack with top loading Yalka 24 Adjustable waist belt - Hiking backpack with top loading Yalka 24 Soft and comfortable sides of the waist belt - Hiking backpack with top loading Yalka 24 Loops for quickdraws and carabiners - Hiking backpack with top loading Yalka 24 Rain cover included - Hiking backpack with top loading Yalka 24 Inside the main compartment - an elastic pocket and a holder for a drinking system - Hiking backpack with top loading Yalka 24 Main characteristics Purpose: trekking Number of straps: 2 Design type: anatomical Chest tie: yes Waist belt: yes Volume: 24 l Side tie: yes Ventilated straps: no Back ventilation: yes Weight: 0.96 kg Height: 55 cm Width: 21 cm Thickness: 15 cm Functionality Folding chair: no Top flap: no Adjustable flap: no Top pocket: no Bottom entry: no Divider in main compartment: no Side entry: no Side pockets: yes Front pocket: no Detachable pockets: no Laptop compartment: no Reflective elements: no Goggles pocket: no Hydration system outlet: yes Rain cape: yes Ice ax mount: yes Skateboard mount: no Snowboard mount: no Helmet mount: no Terminology: Side tie The presence of special straps that allow you to reduce the volume of the backpack if necessary. Most often, such belts are side ties to adjust the thickness of the backpack. The ability to adjust increases the ease of use of the product: with the correct placement of the load, things can be packed neatly and tightly, preventing them from dangling loosely in the backpack. For travel backpacks, the volume can be changed using the top flap and side pockets (see “Adjustable flap”, “Detachable pockets”). Side entry The presence of a zipper or flap on the side of the backpack, providing quick access to the main compartment. Side pockets The backpack has external side pockets. Side pockets can be made of mesh or thick fabric. As a rule, they are elastic and do not have fasteners; the load is secured in them with an elastic band. Less commonly, pockets are closed with a zipper or a flap. These pockets are convenient for storing things that need quick access, such as a bottle of drinking water. Ventilated straps Ventilation system for backpack straps using additional mesh or soft ribbed pads. See also "Back Ventilation". Back ventilation The backpack has a forced back ventilation system. This function is especially important when hiking for many hours, while playing sports or cycling. This can be an additional frame with mesh on the back or soft anatomical pillows with air channels. See also "Ventilated straps". Top pocket The presence of a flat compartment in the top flap of the backpack. The top pocket is very convenient, because you can get the necessary thing without removing the backpack or even stopping your movement. Top valve The presence of a valve in a travel backpack. The flap is a fabric “lid” that tightly closes the backpack. Gives additional strength and protects from getting wet. Weight (from 0.2 to 6.4 kg) The weight of the backpack excluding cargo. The lighter the backpack, the more comfortable it is to travel or play sports with it. It is believed that the optimal weight of a bulky tourist backpack does not exceed 3 kg. Conclusion of the drinking system The presence of a special compartment for placing a drinking system in the backpack. The drinking system is a soft, sealed container for water. A long tube with a valve at the end is attached to the container, and the end of the tube is attached to the shoulder strap of the backpack. Most often, the backpack has a special pocket for the reservoir, a hole for the tube and its fastening. The drinking system itself is purchased separately. Chest strap The presence of additional straps on the shoulder straps of the backpack. Chest straps are fastened at chest level, pulling the backpack straps together. This allows you to better fix the backpack, as well as partially transfer the weight of the load from your shoulders to your chest. Purpose Urban backpacks are characterized by medium volume and small width for convenient movement in dense crowds. There are no strict requirements for the performance of such products, and most models have a simplified design. These backpacks are designed for daily use while walking or commuting. Most urban backpacks are successfully used by tourists on short trips. hiking and cycling. Bicycle backpacks are very compact; they can have the shape of a triangle, with the wide part up, which allows you to distribute the main load on the shoulder area. These models are distinguished by a flat, narrow body that helps reduce drag, as well as a reinforced back ventilation system. The bicycle backpack must have an anatomical design (see “Design”), which ensures a tight fit to the owner’s back. There is another type of bicycle backpack - luggage, or bicycle pants. These are models designed to carry cargo on the trunk of a bicycle. Often they are transformers, i.e. they consist of several compartments, with which you can reduce or increase the volume and maximum load. Expedition backpacks are distinguished by their large volume (at least 80 liters), as they are designed for complex long-term travel and must accommodate a full set of clothes, equipment and provisions for the traveler. Expedition backpacks most often consist of a frame (machine, see “Design”) and a huge bag attached to it. This can be a whole adjustable system - a frame and compartments and pockets of different sizes hung on it. Assault backpacks have a small volume and are used by climbers for short day trips into the mountains from the base camp. In this case, all the athlete’s things remain at the base, and you need to take the minimum necessary things and equipment with you. Trekking backpacks usually have a slightly smaller volume than expedition backpacks - up to 80 liters. These are the most popular universal models among tourists, designed to cover long distances over rough terrain. Trekking models have an anatomical suspension system (see “Design”) and are equipped with many additional fastenings and external pockets. A number of manufacturers include backpacks for hunting and fishing in a separate group, which differ, in particular, in the green or camouflage color of the fabric. Sports backpacks for freeride, ski touring, snowboarding and other extreme sports provide the athlete with comfortable movement during training. These models have a small volume (maximum 40 l) and mandatory fastenings for alpine skiing or snowboard, as well as ski poles. Such backpacks have a carefully thought-out anatomical design that allows you to correctly distribute the load on the back, protects the spine and does not interfere with the athlete while performing jumps and other tricks. Multisport backpacks are almost universal sports backpacks. Outwardly they are similar to freeride ones with their flat and smooth shape. Originally designed for cross-country adventure racing, but can actually be used in any sport. Wall trunks are designed for transporting climbing equipment to the lifting site: safety ropes, fastenings, etc. They are the simplest bag in the shape of a cylinder and are sewn from very durable waterproof fabric. If the trunk is used for vertical lifting, then the athlete lifts it not on his shoulders, but with the help of a separate cable. The original purpose of tactical backpacks is to equip special-purpose military units. Nowadays, tactical backpacks have the ability to attach all kinds of awnings and essentials and are well suited for hunting, fishing or work in the field. Rain cape The backpack comes with a waterproof cover. The cape is sewn for a specific volume from thin waterproof fabric and, when folded, takes up minimal space. Bottom entrance There is a zipper at the bottom of the backpack, providing quick access to the main compartment. Volume (from 3.6 to 155.0 l.) The maximum volume of cargo for which the backpack is designed. Detachable pockets Many trekking backpacks (see "Purpose") can be reduced or increased in volume depending on the complexity and length of the chosen route (see "Side strap", "Adjustable flap"). Partition in the main compartment The presence of a soft partition in the main compartment of the backpack, separating the lower part from the main compartment. This partition can be unfastened and used only when necessary. Waist belt There is an additional waist belt for securing the backpack. The lap belt performs the same function as the chest strap (see "Chest Strap") - it transfers part of the load from the shoulders to the pelvic area. Adjustable valve Possibility of adjusting the top valve of the backpack in height. The valve is the top cover of a tourist backpack (trekking or expedition, see "Purpose"). An adjustable valve is sometimes called a floating valve. The fixed flap is securely sewn to the back of the backpack, while the movable flap is secured with four adjustable straps. Reflective elements The presence of special inserts on the backpack that reflect light in the dark. Reflective elements can be made in the form of individual stripes, reflective ties, zippers, pocket flaps, etc. Folding chair A backpack chair is a backpack that uses a folding chair as a frame. Such backpacks have a small volume and are in great demand among fishermen and hunters. Most often, the chair can be detached and used separately from the backpack. Design type The type of design of the backpack. Depending on the purpose and scope of application, backpacks can have different designs: soft, frame or easel. A soft backpack is essentially a regular bag with straps and drawstrings. The main disadvantage of such backpacks is the uneven distribution of the load. Backpacks with an anatomical suspension system (frame or semi-rigid) are by far the most popular type of backpack. Anatomically shaped rigid plates (armor) are sewn into the back of such products to ensure vertical rigidity. Instead of anatomical armor, easel backpacks have a whole frame structure. Simply put, an easel backpack is a durable frame with straps, onto which, depending on the type of tourism, you can attach a duffel bag, a soft backpack, or even an inflatable boat and any other loads. Front pocket There is an additional pocket located on the front of the backpack. It can be blind with a “zipper” or elastic made of mesh. Sometimes rubberized lacing is sewn onto the front instead of a pocket, but it has weak fasteners, so for the most part it plays a decorative role. Number of straps The backpack can have one or two straps. Traditionally, backpacks are equipped with two straps - this allows the load to be distributed more evenly. Nowadays, some compact city backpacks are equipped with one diagonal strap. These models are not designed to carry heavy loads. Such a solution does not carry a functional load and is rather a design innovation that allows the owner of the backpack to look original.

Travel fills and decorates life. And hiking is the most romantic way to travel. After an interesting and eventful trekking, a person returns to normal life with a huge reserve of physical and mental health. New impressions and a beneficial, strengthening effect on the body make people go on hiking tours again and again.

RussiaDiscovery offers interesting hikes around Russia, along the most amazing places Russia. Do you dream of seeing the Putorana plateau? Do you want to touch the mysteries and beauty of Altai? Do you want to climb magnificent peaks and enjoy the greatness mountain landscape? We offer routes that we ourselves are sincerely inspired by.

Active holidays on holiday weekends

A number of programs are designed so that the trip takes place during the holidays. Active leisure is The best way fill your little vacation with events. A full-fledged journey and exciting impressions remain in your memory.

We propose to spend the New Year's weekend in Altai and celebrate Christmas with adventures in the Caucasus. On spring break you can go on a trip to Crimea with your children. A variety of programs will allow you to find a trip that will match the dates of your vacation. Contact our managers, they will help you choose the best option.

Variety of routes and types of active recreation

Submitted hiking trips in Russia include such territories as:

  • Altai,
  • Kamchatka,
  • Kola Peninsula,
  • Siberia,
  • Caucasus,
  • Crimea,
  • Far East,
  • Putorana plateau,
  • Chukotka,
  • Yakutia
  • and others.

Trekking tours in Russia provide a rich program of active recreation, which may include:

  • Hiking with tents;
  • Boat trips on small vessels and alloys;
  • Acquaintance with the culture of the peoples of the area;
  • Excursions around historical monuments;
  • Moving on SUVs;
  • Visiting recreational areas;
  • Horse trails;
  • Climbing mountain peaks
  • And so on.

Combined tours involve a combination of several types of active recreation within one program.

Travel conditions

Accommodation and meals are included in the tour price. Depending on the specific tour program, this could be accommodation in hotel rooms, in a cabin in the forest, in a tent camp, or even in a catamaran cabin.

The program is designed in such a way that the journey does not become just a grueling transition.

However, each walking tour presented on the site has a special mark on the level of difficulty. In our list you can find both extreme tours, such as “Primeval Kamchatka”, and tours on which you can take children from 8 years old with you.

All the basic equipment needed for hiking: cars, boats and equipment is also included in the price of the tour.

What it is?

The history of trekking began in Nepal. A British citizen of Russian origin from Odessa, Boris Lisanevich, opened Nepal for mass foreign tourism. And the basis for this was trekking - a comfortable and affordable active holiday in the mountains.

Tracking - it is, first of all, pleasure and relaxation in motion, in a journey to the unknown. This is an opportunity to see the nature and people of another country as if from the inside, without the colorful wrapper of mass tourism. Tracking is democratic. Its routes are suitable for every physically healthy person, without age restrictions. Any trekking route can be completed. Only for some it will take a day, and for others - three.


During daylight hours, the group walks from 4 to 6 hours (depending on general physical fitness), taking into account stops for snacks and rest at remarkable and picturesque places. A feature of the trekking regime is a return to the natural schedule: early rise and early bedtime. The healing effect of such a regime usually manifests itself on the second or third day - people become calmer, fuss disappears, and sincere blissful smiles appear on their faces in the morning. On the route, the porters with things usually go first - they move the fastest, then the guide-leader of the group. Each trekking participant, as a rule, sets his own comfortable speed and the group stretches out along the trail. The second guide comes up behind. If the group is in approximately the same physical shape, a leader guide is sufficient. In the morning, before leaving, intermediate points of general gathering for a snack and rest are agreed upon. You can go trekking alone or as a couple. Depends on the mood. This is usually done by those who have already had tracking experience.


Porter is a porter. The most common profession in mountainous Nepal. Sherpas are a nationality; there is such a people in the northeast of the Himalayas. In Nepal they also work as porters. Hiring a foreigner for trekking is a great success for a porter. As a rule, the remuneration includes food and overnight accommodation. At overnight stays there are special rooms allocated by the owners for porters. Porters always dine separately, in their own company.

There are simple rules for relationships with porter:

You should not invite a porter to your table and, especially, offer him alcohol and cigarettes

Porter always packs the cargo himself; there is no need to help him with this.

It is not customary to feel sorry for a hired porter or show him your sympathy, although the volume and weight of a bale lifted on your back can evoke considerable respect

Payment for labor is usually made either at the end of the day, in one day, or in full at the end of the trip.

Moving along the route, the porter is obliged to wait for the owner of the cargo in each populated area and at obvious forks

A tip in the amount of a day's wages will be the best gratitude for your hard work.

You can leave old or unnecessary property to the porter: glasses, trekking poles, cap, socks, shoes

Clothing and equipment

In order to feel comfortable while trekking, you need the following minimum personal items:

Fleece suit for sleep and warmth in the evening

Sports socks - 2 pairs

T-shirt - 2 pcs

Lightweight microfiber trousers with detachable legs; during the day when it’s hot, it’s better to wear shorts

Light windbreaker jacket, it can be cool in the morning

Raincoat, with a “hump” - a recess for a backpack

Sleeping bag

Puff vest, for the evening

Fleece hat and gloves

Sneakers or “low” mountain boots with hard soles, preferably “vibram”, shoes should already be worn and fit well on the foot

Light sandals for relaxing in the parking lot

Medium terry towel. swimsuit

Lightweight trekking backpack on a rigid frame, with a ventilated back for 35-40 liters

In addition, it would be useful to:

Sunglasses with hard case

Headlamp with extra set of batteries

Telescopic trekking poles

Personal first aid kit. supply of wet sanitary napkins

200-300 grams of small candies - for treating children and for yourself

In Nepal, all this can be bought inexpensively in Pokhara, with the exception of shoes.

Meals and accommodation

To rest while trekking, people stop at inns - loggias. There is a shower, even hot up to a certain height, a toilet and rooms for overnight stays, usually for two and three people. The rooms are clean, the bed is not provided (you have a sleeping bag and a fleece suit with you), but the mattresses of the beds are covered with clean sheets, and there are fresh pillowcases on the pillows. If necessary, the owners provide cotton blankets. There is electricity. As you gain height, the decoration of the loggias becomes poorer, although the rooms are kept clean. The loggias offer a fairly varied menu. You can even order pizza. Another question is how long will it take to cook? To speed up the process, it is wise to order the same dishes for everyone. A reasonable diet for trekking is considered to be two meals a day, with a snack throughout the day. Moreover, breakfast is a fairly light, well-digestible food (porridge, boiled eggs, several types of omelettes, toast with jam, tea), and dinner is dalbat (rice, pickles, stewed vegetables and lentil soup), vegetable soup with egg, fried pasta or rice with vegetables. In mountainous Nepal, meat products are not offered. For a snack, they usually take with them dried fruits, nuts and Snickers. There is no lunch as such, since after a good table it is absolutely impossible to go anywhere else...

What else?

After a certain altitude, there is no electricity in the loggias, so it is necessary to have an additional set of power supplies for video and photographic equipment.

At night, it is better to put batteries, the main and an additional set of batteries with you in your sleeping bag - the charge will last for a long time. It's good to take a multivitamin and always have a bottle of drinking water with you. In the evening, in the loggia, it is better to walk in sandals, and unlace your main shoes and take out the insoles to dry. You should not leave shoes and things outside overnight - there may be dew in the morning.

You can dry a wet towel on the go in the sun, straighten it and secure it on a backpack. You can hire a porter together and give him only what you need for an overnight stay in the loggia (sleeping bag, fleece, sandals...) You can go trekking with the whole family and with children from five years old - these will be the most vivid and unusual memories.

It is a kind of window into the wonderful world of tracking
and everything connected with it. Welcome...

Why are there such conflicting opinions about tracking?

We've all heard of tracking. We saw people who participate in tracking (well, at least from afar, at the station). And maybe even looked at tracking photos. But only a few of us decided to participate in trekking ourselves. And not everyone might like tracking the first time.

There may be several reasons for this. Perhaps this is a discrepancy between the goals of different tracking participants. Maybe it was an unsuccessful tracking organization or poor preparation of one of the group members. Or unsettled relationships within the team during tracking... The reasons may be different, but this page is not to analyze them.

It was created to tell you - the treks are absolutely wonderful, excellent, which charge people with optimism and open up new horizons for them in recreation.

The success of tracking depends entirely on its proper organization and on the common goals of all participants.

At the same time, it is not necessary to be a previously familiar, well-coordinated team.

Properly tuned people communicate well in tracking conditions.

And in trekking, it is not so much physical preparation that is important, but the POSITIVE ATTITUDE and DESIRE of each participant to successfully complete what he started.

The low popularity of trekking compared to other types of recreation is supported by common misconceptions about trekking. Get to know them. Perhaps they are the ones who keep you in the city.

So what is tracking?

A group of people are moving from point A to point B along a pre-planned route. Unattractive at first glance. But only for the first one. Because that's not all.

  • Tracking- This immersion in beauty, the purity and silence of natural nature (something we are deprived of in the city).
  • Trekking is the romance of bonfires and the splendor of sunsets.
  • Tracking- This opportunity for personal growth.
  • Tracking is unforgettable experience and new friends...
After all, this is a type of vacation, every moment of which is filled with emotions and a sense of life. Every moment of tracking is lived by the participant as consciously as possible.

How and where to start tracking...

I guess that many people can’t try tracking because they don’t know how and where to start. Indeed, trekking requires a suitable company, equipment, and a good guide-instructor. What to do if you don’t have this, but want to take part in tracking?

No problem, join our treks or those who organize treks in your city. And you will be happy! I recommend reading it