Open the left lahti menu. City of Lahti in Finland: description of sights, photos of Lahti, festivals, nature, ski marathon Lahti Finland

The Pajulahti Sports and Training Center is located in provincial town Nastola, southern Finland. The modern sports complex is located on the shores of Lake Iso-Kukkanen, which has long been chosen by professional athletes to gather their teams, including the Canadian Men's National Hockey Team, China's Women's National Hockey Team, Men's National Hockey Team South Korea, Hockey clubs Siberia, SKA, Metallurg and many other Russian teams.

Also, the Pajulahti base is actively collaborating with the National Olympic Committee and the Research Institute of Olympic Sports. But this does not mean that only professional athletes train and relax at the base. This resort place available to everyone.

Tennis courts, football fields, fitness equipment, swimming pools are provided for everyone, including people with disabilities. This perfect place for recuperation and exercise. And also Payulahti is a high-class training center.

Mustil Arboretum

The Arboretum of Müstil is the most significant arboretum in terms of size and variety of plants in all of Scandinavia. The history of the creation of this arboretum began in 1902, when Axel Frederik Tigerstadt, an engineer by profession, decided to introduce trees in Finland, which were native to countries with a similar climate.

The arboretum occupies 120 hectares; today, 100 coniferous and 120 deciduous species of trees, numerous shrubs, bulbous and perennials grow on its territory. In the southern part of the arboretum, various varieties of maples, English oaks, and other deciduous trees are planted, which show their bright color in autumn. Trees were planted in large areas, which creates the effect of homogeneous and sometimes mixed forests.

Today in Mustilya you can see more than 50 different rhododendrons, including many species, such as Smirnov's rhododendron and Schlippenbach's rhododendron, as well as varietal rhododendrons bred in Finland - "Helsinki University", "Mikkeli", "Peka", "Haaga".

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Sondakylä Local History Museum

The Sondakylä Local History Museum is located in Sondakylä, Finland. The museum was opened in 1949.

aim local history museum is the collection and preservation of local traditions. The museum introduces visitors to the village life of the early 20th century and gives visitors an idea of ​​the local life and commercial culture that existed in the region.

The local history museum of Sondakylä consists of 13 buildings. The main building consists of three rooms. The living room is decorated in local traditions, it has bags of black Gagra skin hanging on the wall and used to store tools.

On the territory of the museum there is Erkilla's barn, which is more than 10 years old. Previously, it was used for lodging for the night, as well as for storing meat and fish.

In mode, you can view the sights in Lahti only by photos.

Sports Center Lahti

Lahti is famous for its sports and cultural traditions.

The sports center is a venue for popular winter sports competitions, including international ones. The Lahti Sports Center is recognized as one of the best in the world and has already hosted the World Ski Championships six times. Since 1923, the city has hosted an annual World Cup competition known as the Lahti Ski Games. These competitions are the most spectacular public events, attracting tens of thousands of spectators from all over Finland and around the world.

The sports center is located near the city center. There are stadiums, swimming pools and a complex of three ski jumps ("Salpausselk Ski Jumps").

The building of an unusual architectural form, located at the foot of the ski jumps, houses the restaurant "Voitto" ("Victory") and the Ski Museum.

The most popular attractions in Lahti with descriptions and photos for every taste. choose best places for visiting famous places Lahti on our site.

Nestled on the shores of Lake Vesijärvi, the resort town of Lahti today is an example of the most popular tourist city in Finland. There are excellent conditions for skiing and snowboarding in the vicinity of Salpausselka and Messili. The guides say it is the only city in the world that has hosted six world skiing forums. Complementing the picture are popular musical fountains known outside of Finland, the Messilä estate, the Church of the Cross, as well as the local symphony orchestra, where the Sibelius Festival is traditionally held. Here you will not be bored, as in.

Lahti - sporty and at the same time Cultural Center Suomi. Here the tourist will find a lot of entertainment for the soul and body. This is extreme, and excursions to picturesque places, and a large number of hotels, restaurants - in general, the infrastructure is at the highest level. We list the main objects of interest for guests.

The historical value of the square is not exaggerated. It was opened back in 1877, becoming a trading platform. From there, the roots of entertainment shows for visitors.

The Museum of Radio and Television is the pride of the people of Lahti, whose ancestor launched radio masts for the first time in history, informing the world about the appearance of Finnish radio. This event dates back to 1924.

The Museum of Military Medicine is a unique institution that tells about the role of medicine during World War II. Exclusive exhibits, photographs of experiments, historical documents - one tour usually takes at least 30 minutes.

The Sibelius House is a congress hall that holds the title of the largest in Northern Europe. In the building, finished with wood, concerts and official state events are held.

The Historical Museum invites you to get to know the amazing history and culture of Lahti and Finland more closely. Built in 1895, the building originally belonged to chamberlain August Fellman.

Worthy of mention are also such objects as the Graphic Museum, the Art Museum, the modernist Ristinkirkko Church, the City Hall, Lahti Port, the Museum of Alpine Skiing.

Vacation prices for tourists in Lahti

Finnish resort city - real paradise for shopaholics thanks to its compact size. You can run around branded stores in a couple of days with the right attitude. One way or another, there are a lot of department stores, shops, factory outlets here. In Paavola you can find large markets with goods from all over the world. And Kauppahalli you can find souvenir shops, prices in which do not differ from Russian ones.

If you have come not only for skiing, but also for the sake of your shopping addictions, Trio, Valo shopping centers are at your service, under the roofs of which there are over hundreds of clothing and household utensils stores. Why not an attraction?

Concerning Catering- the range of restaurants, bars and cafes is simply huge. The most skillful Michelin-rated chefs work in Rampsi, Taivaanranta, Torero restaurants. Despite the qualifications of the chefs, the cost of dinner in these establishments is 18-74 euros. For family vacation ideal are Rosso, Buffa, TeivaanLokki, where you can have a bite at the buffet, arrange a festive evening for the child and much more.

For noisy companies, I can recommend Amarillo, Harald, where they go to have a couple of mugs of grog after a day of skiing. I would especially like to highlight the Yokela Manor. This is a restaurant stylized as a 19th century drinking and refectory establishment. Exquisite national cuisine, old-fashioned atmosphere, inexpensive prices - the restaurant is definitely on the must-visit shortlist. Prices in all restaurants do not strive to bite, which pleases.

How to get to Lahti

Lahti is located 100 km from Helsinki, the capital of Suomi, from where regular rail and road transport runs to the resort. For Russian tourists the question of a trip to Lahti is not worth the edge - many choose private car. Fortunately, from St. Petersburg to the Finnish city is within easy reach - only 350 km. By the way, from northern capital You can get to Lahti by bus departing on Friday and Sunday. A ticket costs about 1800 rubles.

If you choose the Allegro train for 2500 rubles, the travel time will be reduced to 2.5 hours. You can even order a ticket through the global network.

And young people, constrained by funds, may well ask for truckers, who, as a rule, rarely refuse.

It is noteworthy that Russians often choose an airplane as a means of transport, saving time. In addition, there are direct routes from Helsinki Airport to Lahti, tickets for which are ordered online. Ticket prices vary within 10 euros.

Climate in Lahti

The climate in the neighboring Leningrad region Finland is not fundamentally different from the weather of northwestern Russia.

But in January-February, the weather can vary. So, sometimes the air temperature drops below 10-15 degrees, but more often it is favorable to ski lovers, allowing you to enjoy the slopes and ski jumps in the largest sports city of Suomi all winter long.

For potential visitors to Lahti, we note that you should not take impressive warm clothes, standard ski equipment will be enough.

Where to stay in Lahti

In the vicinity of the resort there are a huge number of hotels designed for both distinguished guests and stingy students.

Perhaps the most luxurious is SokosHotelLahdenSeurahuone. Price standard room reaches 130 euros.

You will have to pay a little less at ScandicLahti in the immediate vicinity of railway station. The price of the issue is 115 euros per day.

You can spend the night for 75 euros at KauppahotelliGrand - famous for its attentive helpful staff and quality homemade Finnish food.

The most budget option is OmenaHotelLahti. If you are lucky enough to book a hotel room a couple of weeks before the trip, you are incredibly lucky. The secret of popularity low prices: per day the hotel takes 53 euros.

Lahti is a modern industrial city located 100 km from Helsinki, an hour's drive from international airport Helsinki-Vantaa. It is located in the southern part of Lake Vesijärvi and is a kind of "gateway" to the wonderful world of Finnish lakes. This is where many tourist water cruises start. The fact is that Vesijärvi is connected via the Väaksü Canal to Lake Päijänne, the second largest body of water in Finland. In addition, tourists in Lahti are attracted by a well-equipped sports center, with wonderful ski jumps and everything you need for winter sports.

Lake Päijänne is one of the natural attractions of Finland. This is the deepest body of water in the entire country, located within the boundaries of a nature protection zone. It is believed that the water from the center is even drinkable. national park Päijänne, located on the numerous islands of the lake, of which there are almost two thousand, is best viewed on a pleasure boat, setting off from Lahti on a short cruise. However, you can get there in another way, along the road connecting the islands with the help of bridges.

History and culture

Lahti cannot boast of an eventful history and what is commonly called " Old city". This locality was founded relatively recently, in 1905. Until that moment, there was a small village here. The first mentions in documents date back to the middle of the 15th century. Geographical position determined the entire development of Lahti, gradually turning, thanks to waterways and roads, into a large trading settlement, and later - a city.

At the same time, the area itself, in which the modern industrial center is located, has been inhabited since ancient times. According to archaeological data, the first settlers appeared here about nine thousand years ago. The found ancient tools of labor also testify in favor of the thousand-year history of the region.

How to get to Lahti

Since Lahti is located near the Helsinki-Vantaa International Airport, the most convenient way- flight to Helsinki, and then from the Finnish capital on any mode of transport to the destination.

From Helsinki-Vantaa Airport there are regular buses (ExpressBus) to Lahti. Sometimes this is the final route, sometimes - one of the stops on the way to other cities. Buses depart from special platforms located outside the terminals. For Lahti, these are platforms No. 13 and No. 14. Transport arrives either at the bus station or at the Market Square. Travel time varies from a little over an hour to an hour and a half, depending on the route. Buses run every half hour to an hour during the day. In the early morning and late evening, the interval increases, up to two hours of waiting. The cost of a one-way trip for an adult is 15-17 EUR. For children from 16 to 4 years old - 10-12 EUR. Younger children are free. When buying a ticket on the website, the price is much lower, from 8 EUR per person. More detailed information the cost of the trip and the timetable can be found on the website

Prices on the page are for April 2019.

If you immediately buy a ticket there and back, you get a savings of 2-3 EUR.

Search for flights to Helsinki (nearest airport to Lahti)

By car

From Helsinki to Lahti, you can drive along motorway number 4, which connects the two cities. Travel time is about an hour.

By train

Cuisine and restaurants

Since Lahti is located on the shores of a picturesque lake, fresh fish dishes are the best you can try here. Floating restaurants or small cafes in the former warehouses in the port will offer different menus to choose from. Delicious attractions, in addition to traditional Finnish cuisine, include local rye bread baked over medium heat and homemade beer.

Weather in Lahti

Shopping and shops

the biggest shopping center Lahti is considered the Trio Mall between Aleksanterinkatu and Vapaudenkatu streets, where you can find a selection of all kinds of shops for every taste. Also located in the city center is one of the branches of the Sokos department store chain, with goods ranging from cosmetics and clothing to groceries. The Market Square is home to a traditional Finnish market offering fresh produce.

In addition to Aleksanterinkatu and Vapaudenkatu streets, Rautatienkatu and Mariankatu are shopping streets.

Popular hotels in Lahti

Entertainment and attractions

Unfortunately, there are no ancient churches or old estates in Lahti. However, there is something to see here too. First of all, it is a wooden architecture park in the Passenger Port, and in particular, its Piano Pavilion. The famous building is nearby. concert hall"Sibelius Hall", converted from a former carpentry factory, is the architectural pride of the locals.

The wooden "Sibelius Hall" is widely known not only for its acoustics, but also for the fact that it is the largest building in Northern Europe made of seemingly fragile material. scenic view to Lake Vesijärvi adds to its charm.

To understand what a modern Finnish church is, you should go to the Alvar Aalto Temple, built in the late 70s of the 20th century.

Natural attractions include numerous Lahti reserves, on the territory of which there are not only sculptural compositions, but also "Singing Fountains", sound and light show in the Pico-Vesijärvi park, between the Teivas port and the Sports Park.

Museums in Lahti

The Lahti Art Museum, the Poster Museum will delight art lovers. The Museum of History, the Museum of Skiing and the Museum of Radio and Television will demonstrate what a modern approach to exhibiting is. In particular, in the Museum of Skiing you can try yourself in ski jumping. For this, a special simulator was invented.

Lahti is a small town in southern Finland. This is an industrial city, but with rich sports traditions: on the shores of Lake Vesijärvi, ski jumps rise - the hallmark of the city.


Cafes and restaurants are concentrated in the port on the lake. There is also the Sibelius Hall, where concerts and conferences are held; built in 2000, the building pleases residents and visitors of Lahti with a magnificent wooden facade.

It is worth visiting the medieval Hollola church, built of gray stone and decorated with carved wood inside, and the Museum of Radio and Television.

Families with children will enjoy spending time in Laune Park, as well as visiting Vesiurut Park with fountains and water shows. Sports activities can be enjoyed in Kisapuisto Park. V good weather nice to relax on the lake, relaxing on the beach or doing water sports sports.


Tourist places in Lahti (port, both parks, Yard Animal Farm and market Square) are connected by the Puksu city train.

Lahti can be reached by car, bus and railway. Trains from Russia stop in Lahti. The distance to Helsinki is 104 km.

Ski holidays


Messila resort is located 8 km from Lahti on the Salpausselka ridge. It is one of the most developed ski centers in southern Finland.

10 are equipped in Messila ski slopes, the longest of which is 800 m (perhaps the longest in southern Finland). According to the level of difficulty, the tracks are divided into three green, two blue, four red and one black. All slopes are illuminated and equipped with snow cannons. There are play areas for children and a snow park for extreme sportsmen. There are 70 km of ski tracks, of which 20 are illuminated for evening skiing.

In addition to skiing, the resort offers horse riding and snowmobile riding. By summer, the resort turns into a golf course.

The heart of the Messila resort is a mansion from the early 20th century, where a restaurant now operates. In addition to it, the resort has several more restaurants, bistros and cafes. Accommodation is available in cottages and hotels.