Fresh Pattaya Cards in Russian, Best Selection. Pattaya maps in Russian with attractions and hotels Map Pattaya with beaches in Russian

Updated: 09/16/2019

Map Pattaya in Russian - this is something without any traveler who first visited famous resort Thailand, as well as all those who are only engaged in planning his holiday in Pattaya and wants to know in advance where the hotel chosen by him, which stores and shopping centers are nearby. The selection of Pattaya maps in Russian, presented on this site, will allow even not known foreign languages \u200b\u200bto see the tourist, as far from the sea is the area of \u200b\u200bresidence chosen by him, what the main streets that can be focused on the spot, take place nearby.

Of great importance for Pattaya's card high resolution It also has due to the fact that the Thais themselves are poorly focused on maps. Therefore, in most cases, when a person needs to get to any point of Pattaya, especially when the vocabulary of English words is low, it can only count on himself. Even if you are planning to stay in a small hotel, which is not marked on the map, there is always a landmark that is always near, with which it is easy to find a way to your hotel or ask the way to local residents or vacationers.

Interactive map of Pattaya with hotels (the cost per room is shown)

For detailed viewing of the hotel's interest, click on it with the left key to zoom you can also rotate the mouse wheel.

All Pattaya maps in Russian, posted below on this site, are fairly fresh (printed at the end of 2013 or early 2014), so information posted on them for a long time will remain relevant and reliable. The site does not have Pattaya maps in Russian, which many years ago were first posted on the Internet and are repeatedly converted on large and small sites. Below I post only those cards that are personally scanned by me from the originals, "mined" directly during the last trips to Pattaya.

1. Pattaya map with hotels in Russian 6896 * 5016 px (clickable)

The Pattaya Map placed above in Russian contains information about the main streets of the city (for convenience there is marked in Russian and English), according to which the main transport links in the city are organized. The map includes the entire territory of Pattaya, from the area of \u200b\u200bNorte in the north, to the end of the shore of Jomtien, in the south. Unlike the usual position, in which the card is traditionally deployed on the sides of the light in such a way that the north is at the top, this pattaya card with hotels in Russian deployed in the north to the left, and the city view is carried out by the sea, i.e. from the west.

In addition to those marked on this map, the main hotels in Pattaya, according to which it is convenient to navigate, a number of other objects are noted, the knowledge of which will not be superfluous by a single independent or organized tourist. Thus, the specified map includes objects such as recommended restaurants, popular discos and bars, medical facilities, police sites, tour desks, bus stations, markets and shopping centers. The card is scanned in a resolution of 600 ppi, so even with a maximum increase does not lose definition and detail.

With this map of Pattaya with hotels that are signed for convenience english language (This is how it is indicated on the facades of buildings), you can easily imagine what is the distance to the sea and one of Pattaya beaches, as the easiest way to get to the Pier Bali Hai, from where it is convenient, speedbote or ferry. At the end of this article, I will reveal the secret, how to easily get the original of this card and all below the cards presented directly in Pattaya.

2. Map of Pattaya in Russian "For Blondes" (Clichable)

By the name of this map of Pattaya in Russian, I did not want to insult the owners of light hair. The specified name is invented not by me: it is so written on the front side of the original of this card. I assume that thus the creators of the card wanted to convey the main advantage of this Pattaya card with hotels and other useful objects about: its simplicity and intuitive understanding. Honestly, this card is not devoid of some drawbacks, however, I usually took it with him due to its enough compact size along with high informativeness.

The map shows the main urban streets and lanes of Pattaya, all shopping centers and supermarkets, many popular areas of the Seven Eleven network stores, pharmacies, discos and, of course, a variety of hotels is indicated on the map. The advantage of this card is that it contains some promotional information that can be used for its own purposes. So, a number of shopping centers, souvenir shops and specialized factories provides free taxi to travel to them. In this case, no one will force you to buy their products. Therefore, staying at the hotel on the outskirts of Pattaya with not very successful transport traffic, You can use the specified transfer option for your own purposes 🙂

Also, this map of Pattaya in Russian is convenient because it contains information about the time of departure of ferries to the island of Ko Lan. Take this card with yourself and you will always have at hand actual schedule Ferries in both directions (at least as long as not to remember it). Also, the map is convenient because it schematically indicates the approximate location of some of the main attractions of Pattaya, located outside the urban feature (east of the main route of the country of Sukhumvit).

3. Detailed Pattaya Map in Russian (9337 * 4825 px), 16.7 MB

Like the first two of the cards presented on this page, this card (picture clickable) also has a view from the side of the sea, i.e. From the west to the East, if you look at the bottom up. A distinctive feature of this card is its highest detail: even the smallest streets and alleys are marked on the map (though, not all of them are signed). The presence of marked small streets allows you to better navigate the terrain: you always know exactly how many intersections need to go through to be at the desired point of the city. The map was presented in the famous Lukdod souvenir shop.

With the help of this map of Pattaya in Russian in high resolution, you can accurately submit to a specific hotel, alley, a shopping center, a police station, the nearest bank branch, as well as the main attractions of the city. The map shows urban beaches, viewing platforms, the largest stores of the SEVEN Eleven network, fruit markets and bus stations. In connection with the large area of \u200b\u200bthe original of this map of Pattaya, I had to scan it in parts and combine individual fragments into one. As a result, in some places, the clarity of the image has decreased somewhat, but everything is in principle clear. If you have free time, I will try to scan the card again and try to achieve a better result.

4. Pattaya Map in Russian with Tuk-Tukov routes

A highly information card, which marks the areas of the city, useful phones and addresses in Pattaya, the schedules of ferries to the island of Ko Lan and back, the main city beaches and attractions. The main value of this map is the presence of city transport routes marked on it - SongTEO, with which it is easy and cheap to get from one district of the city to another. Detailed information I placed the routes of Tuk Tukov and the rules of their use in the article. I advise you to read if you are not familiar with this transport - save a bunch of time, strength and money when resting in the resort.

5. Pattaya map in Russian with hotels (resolution 4000x2840 px)

Another big map of Pattaya, which marks most of the resort hotels and major condominiums. The card was released at the beginning of 2014, so information posted in it is maximally relevant. A distinctive feature of this pattaya maps in Russian with hotels It is the designation of various colors of the main areas of the city, the largest stores of popular SEVEN Eleven networks (7/11) and Family Mart, large shopping centers, markets and hypermarkets. Also marked by ATMs in Pattaya (although there are much more in the city than on this map), individual city attractions and interesting tourist sites. The map is scanned in high resolution, so at a slow internet connection, it may be necessary for some time to open it in full. Like all the cards posted on the site, this can also be obtained at the resort for free, using the tips described below.

How to get the original Pattaya maps in Russian

To begin with, I'll tell you why the original card is needed. In addition to its main purpose, the originals of free maps have great functionality. Many Pattaya maps contain on the reverse side of transport information, describe Thai cuisine, describe Thai fruits with photos of the latter (you can cross the ones that have already tried or celebrated the most likely). More and more cards in Russian today contain mini-discovers, allowing you to quickly memorize several useful phrases in Thai. The easiest, but unjustified option is to purchase a map in a specialized store, separately or inside the guide to Thailand. However, this option immediately note how unnecessary, because all the cards placed here and some others are in free access. I will list the most popular options:

1. Free Pattaya maps in Russian in hotels in the city.Many hotels in Pattaya offer their guests free city maps, which can be easily taken at the reception when settling. By the way, if you visited the first hotel in order to find out the cost of living and availability of free numbers and noticed that there is a special rack with cards and various promotional information, you can safely take a map even if in the end in this hotel You are not going to stay.

2. Free Pattaya maps on the streets of the city. Arriving in Thailand, at most at the airport you will most likely see several stores belonging to Seven Eleven and Family Mart. Later, in Bangkok, Pattaya and other resorts, these shops will meet everywhere. So, if you carefully look at, in front of some of these stores, right outside, stand stands on which you can take any card you like completely free. As a rule, these cards are paid by advertisers, so inside you can find a lot of ads (often useful), but many advertising does not reduce the value of such cards and having reviewed several, you will always find that map of Pattaya in Russian, which will seem to you as comfortable as possible and informative. .

3. Pattaya maps in Russian on distribution. Visiting markets and large shopping centers, you will most likely come across the entrance with persons (both with Thais, and with Faragami), which distribute various leaflets and free Pattaya maps in Russian and other languages. Most of the whole cards are offered in Russian, so you can safely take an instance for the collection (if you have no such). Maps are distributed free of charge, and telling will be even grateful for taking one of the cards and free from heavy nice, at the same time helping him to execute a plan on hand and helping, thus earn a few baht.

I hope the above cards and practical advice To get their originals were useful for you. If you know more ways with which you can get pattaya Card in Russian, unsubscribe in the comments. I promise that in the near future I will post on the site a few more detailed Pattaya maps with hotels when there is time to go scanned. Also remind you that the service, go to which you can link, will allow you to study the city not only. "From a bird's eye view", as it happens with the help of cards, but also in three-dimensional space with the help of detailed panoramic photos. I advise everyone!

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Going to rest in a new country, the tourist always visits a slight feeling of fear, especially if there is no knowledge of the language and travel experience. "What to do if I get? How to find a hotel? " A sense of confidence in walks can give a tourist rest map. In the article you will find detailed maps of Pattaya and its districts.

Theoretically Pattaya is not a big resort. In the first days you adapt and can find the road to the hotel without a card hint. But nevertheless, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the general map of the resort:

As you can watch on the map most of the resort facing the sea. By districts, the city can be divided into the center - the beach and the second streets; northern part - Tourist area with hotels ends exactly as displayed on the map; The southern part is divided into Buddha Hill, displayed on the map, and continues far to the south, approximately 15 km.

City center

In the central part there are more hotels. On the one hand, the residents of the Center are lucky - the infrastructure for tourists here is the most developed. You can not ride a taxi, everything is located within walking distance - shopping centers, markets, restaurants, cafes, Walking Street - Red Lantern Street, etc. On the other side of the sea here is the most unsightly in the resort (see Article Best Hotels and Pattaya hotels)

Beach Street is addressed to the sea, it is one-sided movement of cars from north to south. The second street is parallel to the beach - but one-sided movement of cars in the opposite direction - from the south to the north. Between the two main streets, small sites - streets in Thai.

Also in the center, at the end of Walking Street (Volking Street) is a pier from which ferries sail to the nearest island of Ko Lan. Ticket price 30 BAT, Ferry schedule You will find on the map.

South - Buddha Hill and Beach Jomtien

If you look at the general map of Pattaya, Buddha Hill is located closer to the center, and already south stretches the coast of Jomtien - all this is South Pattaya.

Among the tourists there are a lot of fans that Buddha Hill for relaxing in Pattaya. Pretty sea, wide beach line, prestigious quiet place, not far from the center. On foot to the center still do not walk, route transportation for tourists can be provided by the hotel. Otherwise, Taxi's tourists are available.

Buddha Hill smoothly goes into the line of the coast of Jomtien, theoretically, it can also be divided into 2 parts - in the city and outside the city. In the city there is a part that goes on the beach street Jomtien. Over the city, this is the one that has no road along the coast. Conditionally, on the map a little further hotel "Sigma".

Tourists with hotels in Jomtien, destinated in the city, can be used in Jomtien's first beach center. The fare of 10 baht per person (the cost may change at the time of your arrival). But tourists living beyond the city, unfortunately, will not be able to use the route tuk-tuki, only a taxi, or shuttle bass from the hotel. But in the south of Pattaya, the worst sea and quiet and serene rest.

North Pattaya - Write

The northern part of the resorts is called noise. This is quite a prestigious part of the city, a set of 5 * hotels are located here. If you stay at the hotel on the seafront, and want to go to the shopping center, then you will have to take a taxi from the hotel. If you want to save, you can walk to the streets, wait for the route Tuk-Tuk and drive to the center. The tourist area of \u200b\u200bthe northern part ends at the hotel Garden Sea View.Norther along the coast of hotels is practically no, the fishing village begins. The North Hotel "Cholchan" is the furthest from the center and is located on the road from Pattaya.

Returning to your hotels in the evening, you can always take advantage of a pre-brought business card in the hotel. It will save you from the extra explanations with the driver and using the card. Although, undoubtedly, a few days after arrival, you will not need a card!

Welcome to Thailand!

Pattaya - famous among Russian touring tourist resort of Thailand. Many know and love the city for his picturesque beaches, types and stormy nightlife. But Pattaya is considered the largest center in Thailand, where a variety of attractions, wearing natural, religious and cultural value are collected. In this resort town you can get acquainted with the greatest works of Thailand architecture.

Big Buddha or is the main attraction of Pattaya. Absolutely every self-respecting traveler is simply obliged to visit the main sanctuary resort town.

Big Buddha is considered a very interesting tourist object because it is universal. Here you can get acquainted with, find out closer cultural values \u200b\u200band traditions of local residents, and just take pictures from a beautiful object of Pattaya.

This attraction is actually considered a whole ensemble of architectural monuments, headed by the statue of the Big Buddha. It stands out with its gilded external speciesAlthough initially was conceived in white color.

Visit the statue of the Buddha can anyone and at any time of the day. To get to the Big Buddha, it is necessary to overcome 120 steps up. Visit to free, fees may be charged for prayers, bird release and other additional services.

The statue of the Big Buddha is located at the intersection of the two large streets of Pattaya - Pratomnak and Thappraia. You can get to the monument by taxi or Tuk Tuka. The cost of a trip will be most expensive from the northern part of the city - 180 baht. Sitting in a taxi or Tuk-Tuk, you just need to say Big Buddha and the driver will take you to the right place.

Park Mini Siam

This is one of the most fascinating places in Pattaya, where there is most famous sights of the world and Thailand, presented in the form of small miniatures. In scale 1:25 presents hundreds of monuments of the greatest world architecture.

Thematic zones Park, which must be visited:

  1. A collection that is dedicated to Thailand itself. She is considered the attitude of the entire fleet of the entire fleet and was created more than 20 years ago.
  2. Collection of architectural monuments from all South-East Asia (Cambodia, China, Japan, Vietnam and many other countries).
  3. The so-called mini-Europe zone with the greatest sights of France, England, Germany and Russia.
  4. Some outstanding architectural structures of the United States of America and Africa. For example, an interesting mini copy of Egyptian pyramids is represented.

Opened for its visitors daily from 7:00 to 22:00. Price input ticket - 300 baht, children are 2 times cheaper. The park is successfully located in the heart of Pattaya on Sukumvit Street. If you relax in the northern part of the city, you can get to the park on foot.

Taxi drivers will cost 20-200 baht, depending on which part of Pattaya you will go. Getting a public transport, you will have to make a transplant and take advantage of two Tuk-Tuki, a total of 30 baht passages will cost.

Temple of Truth

The impeccable panorama of the sea coast, exotic nature, the feeling of purity and tranquility - this is the way you can characterize the location of one of the famous temples of Pattaya.

For over 30 years local residents Cities are engaged in the construction of the temple of Truth, and all because they take it without the use of nails. At least a legend says about this. Thais assure that the end of construction will have to 2026, but skeptics and tourists who have already visited it religious place, convinced in the opposite. The temple is already beginning to gradually collapse and requires restoration.

The temple of the truth in the appearance of the architect and the owner of the idea is a kind of religion and cultures of all neighboring countries of Thailand, including China, Cambodia and India. The structure towers almost 110 meters above the ground and decorated with carved wooden ornaments, which are devoted to various religious heroes and mythology.

It is more convenient and fastest you can reach the Taxi Temple, which will bring you directly to Cape Rachvat. It is here that the temple of truth is built. The cost of tickets for visiting is quite high - 500 baht, and 250 baht children. Visit this temple can be every day from 7 am to 7 pm.

Park of million-meal stones

At a distance of 9 kilometers from Pattaya, there is another exciting place that must be visited -. This attraction also includes:

It is most convenient to visit this place by purchasing a tour in any travel agency Pattaya. You can also get to the garden on a taxi, the cost of the trip can be up to 400 baht.

The park of the ancient stones works for its visitors without days off from 8 am to 6:30 pm. The price of the entrance ticket for an adult is 500 baht, children - 300 baht. For an additional cost, you can take pictures with animals, use an individual or group excursion, feed elephants or crocodiles.


An oceanarium called Underwater World Pattaya is located in the central part of Pattaya on Sukhumvit Street. In the immediate vicinity of it, two large shopping center of the city were built - Tesko Lotus and Kvitlet Mol.

In the oceanarium, you can see a wide variety of sea animals, which includes more than 200 representatives of the World Ocean. Sharks, Skates, Piranhas, Amazon Fish, Sea Turtles, Rare and Fingering Fishes - All this can be viewed in the walls of the oceanarium.

The highlight is the recreation of the atmosphere of the Siamese Bay. Visitors are allowed to touch such marine animals like a scat, starfish and yoke.

Every day, the oceanarium opens its doors for visitors at 9 am, and ends work at 6 pm. For holidaymakers with children - it is perfect place For cognitive and fascinating pastime. The cost of the ticket to the oceanarium is 500 baht, and for children under the age of 7 years - only 300 baht.

A distinctive feature of this popular Thailand Zoo is the habitat of animals in vivo, without cells. In the zoo Khao Kheo, you can see and stroke more than 100 species of exotic animals: deer, dickery, giraffes, rhinos, monkeys, gibbones, hippos and many more amazing animals.

Khaa Choo refers to one of the largest zoos worldwide, because there is a huge area for the content of its pets - more than 800 hectares of free land.

In addition, the zoo did not stop only at the show of exotic animals. On its territory, fascinating ideas with the residents of Khao Kheo are arranged daily, and also functions a scientific unit, which is engaged in the study and observation of endangered species of the animal world.

Zoo Khao Kheo works every day from 8 am to 6 pm, but even this time is not enough to see and touch all its inhabitants. Since the zoo is located 60 kilometers from Pattaya, most convenient to get to him on a rented car. Time on the way will be approximately 50 minutes. If your own transport is not, it is most profitable to buy excursion tour In Pattaya to the zoo - the price within 800-1000 baht.

The cost of the input ticket for all categories of citizens is one and is 300 baht, but in this price there is already a fascinating safari on the jungle and visiting the presentation with the participation of the zoo pets.

Most tourists are convinced that Nong Nuch is simply an ordinary Botanical Garden, which presents exotic and tropical plants. But as they are mistaken, because it is not enough and one day to see all the interesting objects of the garden. In Nong, NUCH can see:

  1. A huge car park of the most exclusive and expensive cars, which are presented more than 50 pieces.
  2. A huge and fascinating sculptures that are made of corn and flower pots are universally installed at 250 hectares of the garden.
  3. The park is equal to the square of more than 300 football fields, there is also a garden of huge stones, and a special area with entertainment show programs for guests Nong Nucha.
  4. Collections of cacti, palm trees, tropical butterflies and orchids are simply fascinating with their beauty and species diversity.

It is cheaper to get to the garden with a Tuk-Tuka, which stops on Sukumvit Road Street near turn on Nong Nuch. Next you need to walk on foot, but not more than 20 minutes. The cost of the trip will be only 20 baht.

The price of the entrance ticket - 500 baht, but children under the age of 2 can visit it for free. The garden works every day from 8:00 to 17:00.

Every day, not far from the statue of the Big Buddha is open to visiting the observation deck on the Hill Pratamnak. Work mode from 7 am to 10 pm. The entrance is absolutely free, but through travel agencies can be issued an individual or group excursion.

It is from this observation deck You can make the very beautiful pictures Against the background of the resort town, because with her visible every corner of Pattaya. Especially fascinating panorama in the evening when the dark city is decorated with lanterns and other lighting devices.

The observation deck is located here not by chance. On Mount Pratomnak is the highest marker of Pattaya height, where urban television tower is also built. In addition, there is another holy place for local residents near the site - the monument to Admiral Krom, which founded the National Sea Fleet.

On the territory of the observation deck was built another Buddhist temple of Pattaya - Wat Khaa Phra Bat. Here you can make photos from the Buddha statue or pass the blessing ceremony from a local monk.

Church of Wat Jan.

The full name of the temple complex sounds like Wat Jansengwararam, but to facilitate pronunciation it is simply reduced to Wat Yang. Around the territory of the temple is insanely beautiful, a lot of greens, well-groomed paths, fountains, flower beds and a pond.

The main shrine of this attraction is the imprint or cast of the Buddha foot. To get to the imprint, it is necessary to climb the hill to which 300 steps lead from the temple. Rising upstairs, you will see not only religious value, but also an amazing look.

Wat Yang Temple takes visitors all year round and every day. Temple work time from 8:00 to 16:00, visiting the temple is free. Pay only for raising the following Buddha - 50 baht.

Rock of Golden Buddha

At a distance of a few kilometers from the Temple Wat Yang, there is one more attraction of Pattaya - the rock of the Golden Buddha. The rock is posted by gold plates that repeat the outline of the Buddha silhouette during the sculpture.

Interesting fact is the size of the Buddha image. It is considered the largest in the world. The height of the gold deposition is more than 100 meters, and the width is almost 70 m. The image creation date is in 1996, when there was a fifty-year-old date of the reign of King Frame 4 in Thailand.

The temple and rocks can only be reached by taxi or with your own car, as they are located at a distance of 20 kilometers from Pattaya, where public transport does not go. The cost of the trip varies from ordinary taxi drivers and drivers of Tuk-Tukov from 300 to 500 baht.

Pattaya sights

On this map you will see the exact location of the above-described attractions. Click the icon and the name will appear.

Pattaya's sights are diverse and distinguished by their versatility. They will be interested in visiting, both youth and family couples with young children. Thai culture is one of the most saturated in the religious plan throughout the land, and she found his manifestation in the architectural monuments of Pattaya.

How to figure out the streets of the holiday town Pattaya?

Focus B. Pattaya Quite easily, even at first, everything is intuitive and simple. Locals are very friendly, always ready to come to the rescue - you are hardly getting lost. The article discusses the main streets of the city, and presents a detailed map of Pattaya in Russian.

In Pattaya, almost every step - next to shops, travel agencies, in hotels you can take a free map of the city in Russian. Take several different cards - not all of them are high-quality and fairly informative - but one can compensate for the disadvantages of the other.

We'll figure it out in the main streets of the resort town Pattaya.

Three main streets of Pattaya:

  • Pattaya Beach. Road. - From the name it is clear that this street passing along the main beach of Pattaya. The southern part of this street is a famous center nightlife Volking Street.
  • Pattaya Second Road.In Thai version, the name sounds like Pattaya Sai Song (Pattaya Sai Song). When communicating with taxi drivers and local residents, we recommend using the Thai version of the name.
  • Pattaya Third Road., or SAAM SAAM in Thai.

Girls on Pattaya Beach Street - Pattaya Beach Road

Walking Street. - This Pattaya Beach Road site, which starts from South Pattaya Road Street and ends at Bali Hai Pier. Transport traffic here is closed from 18:00 to 02:00. Volkin Street - this is perhaps the most famous place In Pattaya, here is concentrated a large number of bars, restaurants, go-go, nightclubs and shops.

Volkin Street - Pattaya. Walking Street - Pattaya

Pattaya Second Road. Takes his origin on the north side of the city in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heads (slipping) from the Dolphin Road Union (Dolphin Roundabout), and changes its name to Patranama Road (Pratanmak Road) in the South Street of Pattaya. Several hundred meters south and pratanmak Road connects on the other street - Thappraya Road (Thappraya Road). Both streets go along Patranmak Hill (Pratanmak Hill) and are the main binders of South Pattaya and the Jomtien region (Jomtien).

Hotel Hilton and Shopping Center - Central Festival in Pattaya

In Pattaya there are still three main roads passing from east to west. They intersect the above streets and connect the highway Sukhumvit (Sukhumvit Road) and Beach Road. Pattaya Beach Road):

  • North Pattaya Road. - Northern road, or in Thai, it sounds like Pattaya Nua (Pattaya NUA)
  • Central Pattaya Road. - Central Street, famous for Pattaya Klang (Pattaya Klang)
  • South Pattaya Road. Or Pattaya Tai (Pattaya Tai)

Through Pattaya passes the longest road in the world - Sukhumvit

Sukhumvit Highway (Sukhumvit Road) - This road hit the Guinness Book of Records, as the longest road in the world - its length over 400 km! It combines many cities and towns with the capital of Thailand - Bangkok. The road passes through all Pattaya. Along the Sukhumvit, the bus stations are located, from which you can go to Bangkok and other regions of Thailand, and to the neighboring Cambodia.

The main streets of Pattaya are interconnected by small numbered alleys - Coyakes (SOI - Taisk.). Some soybeans are called hotels or institutions located on them.

Street bars and night entertainment - soyfish

One of the longest and famous soybeans - Soyfish (Soi Bukhao), nightlife center with many bars, restaurants, beauty salons, massages and hotels. Soyfish located between Second Road. and Third Road.and connects streets Pattaya Klang. and Pattaya Tai..

Jomtien Beach area lies a few kilometers south of Pattaya. You can get in 10 minutes on local transport - Tuk Tuka, the fare is 10-20 baht. Sit on Tuk-Tuk in the area of \u200b\u200bintersection of the streets of South Pattaya Road and Second Pattaya Road. The price may be more expensive if you sit on a Tuk-Tuk from Bali Hai Pier - there is usually two times higher.

Jomtien Beach. Road - Pattaya.

To understand the terrain of the Jomtien region will not be much difficulty - there are only two main streets. Jomtien Beach Road. and Jomtien Second Road. (connecting Thappraya Road with southern parts of Jomtyen).

Jomtien Beach Road. It is the main route for Tuk-Tukov to Central Pattaya, and has two exits on the Sukkhumvit highway, through Soi Wat Boon and Soi Chaiyapruek.

Building Jomtien Second Road. It was completed only in 2015, and at the moment only local residents who have personal transport are used expensive. Tourist routes There is no long here.

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The big map of Pattaya in Russian is represented on our website (thanks to the portal for this gorgeous map):

Detailed map Pattaya in Russian in PNG format. To download the card to your computer, right-click on the link, and select "Save Object as":

Map of hotels in Pattaya

  • Use the mouse wheel to change the map scale
  • Use the left mouse button to move around the map
  • To view the price per night, click on the blue pointer

On the page interactive in Russian map of Pattaya from the satellite. Read more on + weather. Below satellite pictures and real-time search Google Maps, photo of the city and province East ThailandCoordinates

Satellite map of Pattaya

We watch on the Pattaya satellite map (Pattaya) area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain and roads, as built buildings on Walking St. Viewing the scheme of the district, routes and highways, squares and banks, stations and bus stations, searching addresses on aerial photographs, locations nearby. What to visit in the surrounding area, location of attractions. Nearby settlements and settlements - Hua Hin

Presented here in mode online map Pattaya city from the satellite contains pictures of buildings and photos of houses from space, panorama of streets in their heading. You can find out where is located in the Beach RD area and how to get to the street, show route and travel roads with names, which look in the surrounding area. At the moment, using the search for the Google Maps service, you will find the desired address in the city and the view of the area from Sosmos to Earth. We advise you to change the scale of the +/- schema and move the image center to the desired side.

Coordinates - 12.92714,100.879

Search for nearby shops and squares, buildings and houses, views of the main street and Soi Lengkee, the boundaries of the districts. On the Detailed Information and Pictures page on top of all objects in the region to show now the necessary home in the city and province scheme (Thailand)

Detailed satellite map. Pattaya (hybrid) and region provided by Google Maps service.