Sea Pattaya Park Resort New Year. Pattaya Park Beach Resort, Thailand, Pattaya: Hotel description, tourist reviews

"In life there should always be a place to be a holiday," the famous Russian saying is reading and completely outreach: life without a holiday is bored and faceless. Each of us in the concept of "holiday" invests its understanding of this word. For someone, it is a carnival in Brazil, for someone - it is to ride a gondola on Venice canals, for someone - this is a meeting with friends. Examples may be an infinite set, but somehow, people who are waiting for him and know how to enjoy life - happy people. For me, a holiday ...

We all come from childhood, and in childhood we all loved to listen to fairy tales, especially when my mother read them for the night. Then, when we matured, you have already read fairy tales to our children, but we didn't feel fairy tales, but on the contrary, there was a great desire to visit her, to see her, touch her. And what do you want most of all in the infinite Ural winter? I wanted the sun, the sea, light. I wanted a soul holiday. She was exhausted on new impressions, she was frozen among these snowdrifts and prickly verses ...

Ah, Thailand! How many riddles and poetry in this word! I sighed, dreaming about him by long winter evenings. The imagination has drawn pictures of unthinkable beauty: the sea, white-white sand, palm trees and certainly elephants. Elephants always caused the feeling of comfort, peace, spiritual comfort. Well, where could I see them? In zoo! Beasts in the zoo cause me a feeling of pity, it even seems to me in their eyes, fixed on the crowd, it is a mute reproach for his unfortunate destiny. In the zoo, I stopped walking. Mn ...

Hotel reviews 2013 of the year

This hotels were two with a girlfriend. For a long time they chose where we go and so decided to go to Thailand. At first scarecrow, that there is no season that will rain! But as it turned out, nothing terrible in it. The rains were almost every day, but they are not protracted, quickly pass, mostly in the morning and evening. Even there was a fun to walk under a warm rain)) The flight was successful, flew to Transaero, no complaints. Upon arrival in Bangkok we met the receiving party (Biblio Globe). Trance...

The overall impression of the hotel is great! We arrived at night, the hotel got only for 5 o'clock in the morning - we immediately posted! The hotel has a lot of people, but not noisy on the floors. The hotel is beautiful, recognizable from any point of Pattaya (we have been shown to our turret). In the evenings and at night, birds sing (rusty!) And fragrant plumes! The hotel is located in Russian street, therefore there were no problems of the language barrier, but we gradually learned English, and even Thai! Rooms: Tiled floor in ...

Guys, just yesterday Thailand returned! I imagined something else, but I hit the truth in my eyes. I will say this hotel is suitable only for people who are accustomed to the packages with garbage near the elevator, to ripped sheets, the owner of the curtains, and the most important thing to the Metal chirlergami (purely for Russians). Livelings of the hotel. My baby fell ill is not known than! dirty city! From food was trapped and more than once! In general, there is nothing to do with children! Climate very ...

Thailand went 2 times: in January and September 2012. The first time did not like it. Everything went awry: a bad hotel was chosen, no breakfast, only excursions and saved, but the impression remains not very good. They did not believe their impressions and went again, but already in Pattaya Park. Lived in the tower in the room superior. That was the rest !!! I regretted that they did not take a child with them. Everything is wonderful: and the room is a big and breakfast we arranged. The sea of \u200b\u200bcourse is different: clean and dirty, but this is ...

Around the day before yesterday from Thailand. I can definitely go there anymore. I answer why. 1. The terribly dirty sea from the hotel, besides hot, permanent waves, and at the end of the leave, the Moon Phase changed and there was such a tide that the buck had a knee water, in general, I didn't swim at all. 2. Very hot. On the beach another breeze blows, you can sit, and if you go out on the street, just unbearably, even in the evening. 3. Very expensive meals, if there is in restaurants and cafes. Two days left 100 dollars in ...

Pattaya Park 3 *. We lived in the second tower. The hotel is dirty, it can be seen without entering the rooms (the walls at the reception is zamuzgan and pricked, did not flies a couple of years). The room is cleaned badly - the floor as it was before entering it in black hair, and did not wash away before cleanliness. Birds fly in the lobby for breakfasts, respectively, all the "chandeliers" are quenched. Hair dryer as it turned out, on demand ... In my understanding, he just must be present in the room (default), without any requests and demands ... Common feeling ...

Hello everyone!!! Yesterday only flew from Thailand, a super rest was the first time and I still hope. Gides have met us very well, (Biblio Globe) I advise everyone, I chose the Pattaya Park Hotel An excellent hotel, the room has a safe, cleaning for every day, left 20 baht, theft was avoided, on the second day the guides were collected and explained which excursions , I advise the Kwai River, excellent such Onenarenaline I have not experienced the truth for a long time to go far 500km there and back 500, by the way, who eats one on the river, t ...

Fly from this hotel day 3 ago and so far the fresh memory and the sea of \u200b\u200bimpressions will tell everything in order. We went to relax a big family, and this is my boyfriend of his sister with her husband and a small child (1 year old), as well as our parents (a total of 7 people). We had a library-globe operator, we met our thais as a few words understand us, put beads on us and we were sitting at the airport about an hour waiting for our transfer to the hotel. All those tired after a long flight at 7 o'clock, went from the bank ...

Hotel reviews 2012 of the year

Rested in Pattaya Park from August 29 to October 10, 2012 I want to immediately write about the hotel: we knew that we were going to the top three and did not wait for anything special, but some moments just killed us. The pool on site (which is free) is just horror !!! Bottles, packages, packs from snacks are lying everywhere .... shorter dirt every day and no one removes her. The same situation and on the beach, I do not know how you can swim there (lying by the pool must be collected and throw out, they are just in a terrible state: torn ...

everything went well a good hotel but there are cons, a day before the departure was stolen photoshot from the room, and still the terretor of the hotel dirty beach was slaughtered by another word. You can't tell some bottles of packages and go to the sea, you will have a package to the leg, all sorts of ropes Every day I went to the island every day) We went to the zoo Khaa Kheo very much like everyone I advise you to go there! ...

Immediately write - be prepared for the fact that Thailand and hotel 3 * is not Turkey 5 *, if you prepare, there will be no surprises. Rested with her husband from 04/25/12-07.05.12 in the housing with the tower. The room was on the 16th floor. The room immediately speaks terrible, but to spend the night will come down. The cabinet is not available. On the floor tile, droplets of water appeared every morning, if not included air conditioning. Many ants. Once in some way miraculously flew into the room of the beetle, and they found him only at night when he began to fly on a room ...

Were with girlfriends in Thailand in April 2012 for the first time. After reading the reviews about the Pattaya Park Hotel and Pattaya, I was preparing thoroughly. Bucked drugs from poisoning, from the liver and stomach, from diarrhea, iodine and antibacterial agents, etc. I was afraid of dirt and vony, which is written everywhere. I want to say that we have no cleaner in Perm and not fragrant than in Pattaya. And the Kama River is dirtier than the Siamese bay on Jamtien Beach. So nothing excess of the fact that I have already met in Russia - I did not see. ...

In October 2011, a small, (one can say a family) by the company rested in Thailand in Pattaya \\ Hotel Pattaya Park *** Rest in Thailand is certainly very sensitive and unusual! So before you go there - you need to think very well over what you want from recreation. And the main thing should be known - in Thailand, at least on the mainland - in Pattaya - the category of hotel, its location in relation to the sea, like the sea itself, is all secondary! If you are accustomed to rest passively, loves ...

The most Russian hotel Pattia. If this is suitable for you, then he will like it. In general, the hotel is not bad. Spacious rooms, good repair and view from the window. Nearby there is cafes and restaurants, a couple of massage shops at once on site, which is very convenient)). Beach near the hotel, in my opinion one of the best in Pattas, but keep in mind this is not the island !! The sea is dirty. To the center is not one. Next to the hotel Parking Taxi, there is always a choice of cars. The water park is very old, but there is no other in Patta)) the hotel is completely sooo ...

Hotel reviews 2011 of the year

Well, for a long time, the hotel was chosen for a long time, and since we pulled out in a very difficult period and there was a limit in the amount of choice was not very large. This hotel was chosen as it liked most about the reviews and picture))))) Tour we bought on Avtozavodskaya - Irina girl just super well done! I flew by Aeroflot - an excellent flight, although it was very hard for us. Our Lanta Tour operator, a funny firm with an incomprehensible staff of employees  Our tour consisted of 1 day in Bangkok and then Pattaya, in ...

Rested with family from December 29, 2010 to January 10, 2011 children age daughter 4 son 12 in Pataye Park Hotel flew out of Domodedovo Airlines Transaero flew a lotkoe tired on the road Flew was not difficult time on the road 8 h 30m in Bangkok landed at 4 o'clock but the bus long Collected people airport in Bangkok not cozy all scattered arrived at the hotel at 9 o'clock in the afternoon a day was lost for us as the beach is open until 5 pm and 9 already very darkly rolled things in the room changed and decided to dine ...

Hotel reviews 2010 of the year

Rested from 20 Feb. 0 March 6, 2010. In the building with the tower. Initially settled on the 5th floor, but on the trail. The day was asked to change the number, and by the way, without any surcharges moved to the 19th floor .. The best rooms of the rooms - from 08 to 17 - all of them overlooking the sea. The rooms are quite spacious, the furniture is old, comfortable beds. On the loggia, something like 2 chaise lounges - the wind will not take exactly. The sockets are extremely small - take tees with themselves. Charge acumulators will have often because The climate is hot and they discharge ...

Good time for everyone! I want to leave your feedback on vacation held in Thailand, and in particular the Pattaya Park Hotel. When settled in the hotel, we were immediately settled in the room overlooking the construction site (((after only a transparent hint that we don't like the number, I wondered to the price of 300 baht (they wanted the original 3000 batt with us to break) we were settled in the room with sea views On the 14th floor. The room is spacious, clean, removed and change the lingerie every day. One hundred minus accommodation on the 14th floor, long ...

In order not to be the impression that I was looking for only a negative wanted to write about my holiday in Thailand. The first when I left the airport, I thought this is a big sauna), but you begin to get used to it. The settlement was immediately without waiting for 14 hours. We took Family Room. Squeezing large 2-wing room. It was not necessary to expect gilding on the cranes and royal beds, after all, they themselves took the top three, but everything is decent and comfortable. 2 balconies, one of which is a straight view of the sea and two hives ...

I decided my second half to make a birthday present - to give 10 days in Pattaya. Agreed with the employer, so that the vacation was given, bought tickets, booked a hotel and presented to X this gift - map Pattayawhich found in the internet. The departure was appointed on the next evening. I did not kill me, oddly enough -)))) I quickly collected one suitcase - it turned out with us with a skinny and easy-)))) they celebrated DR with friends and moved to the airport to the airport. In Pattaya flew worse than then and ...

Only arrived 10.02.10. All cool. But remember !!! This is not Egypt and not Turkey ... there are no disco and animations in the hotel there. Yes, and they do not need)) In Pattaya, so many "animations" are shorter, it will not be bored)) But in my opinion, all the same, it's not a "family holiday")) Oder Super for 3 is very decent. Good luck) And yes, yes there is 1 minus _ Flight))) ...

Hotel reviews 2009 of the year

Very nice hotel, the service is excellent, every day is changing the bed and get in the room, breakfasts are good and nearby entertainment, too very good. So come will not regret ....

Hotel reviews 2008 of the year

What could be more fabulous and desirable than rest on the seashore or the ocean, in good hotel With the highest level of service and charming in nature? Probably, nothing more charming after a hard work year is impossible. If you have already solidized that you will spend this vacation somewhere in warm edgesFor example, in Thailand, it is worth considering the selection of a suitable hotel with special attention and scrupulsion. After all, if you pay money, then only the best service and the cleanest numbers so that nothing can overshadow the expected rest.

Hotel like on the pages of the glossy magazine

In Thailand there is a huge number of worthy hotels. So choose really there is from what. But I would like to draw your attention to the hospitable Beach Resort.who received three stars on his facade and who can really please you with not only the accommodation of tropical nature, but also many additional services that are necessary for the person to really abstract from boring urban life and enjoy all the delights of the resort life.

Where exactly is the hotel and what interesting can be found near him?

Pattaya Park Beach. Resort Reviews Admiration deserved primarily due to its location. He is slightly distinguished from Pattaya city, just 5 km, but this is enough for his guests to get an excellent opportunity to enjoy the scenery of an incredible local nature. Pattaya Park Beach Resort is not just a hotel, this is a whole complex, the main parts of which are two buildings of the hotel - Pattaya Park (more romantic part of the hotel, which is partially hidden from human eyes and is suitable for those who have come to rest from any fuss and want to reunite With Nature) and Pattaya Park Tower (this is a high-rise building, which, in addition to the hotel rooms, also includes many entertainment options, which are so dreaming those tourists who are tired of sitting in boring offices).

Before coastline Here in the literal sense to file, only two hundred meters will be separated from warm waves. Like to tourists and a huge amusement park, not only children can relax here, and the most interesting markets, where you can buy bright souvenirs and such exotic fruits, which in our country can only be dreaming.

The most important is the hotel rooms.

Of course, promising tourists are most interested in the rooms that Park Beach Resort prepares for its guests. Frankly, the places here are more than enough. So, the romantic case of Pattaya Park on its fifteen floors placed as many as 240 rooms. There are also small one-room options for a secluded relaxation, and tourists who come with their family, admiration reviews cause numbers for two and even three rooms. The urbanized Pattaya Park case invites 420 rooms that are located on 25 floors.

What is in the room?

Pattaya Park Beach Resort cares about his guest, so the reviews that there is air conditioning, a landline telephone, a large TV and a hairdryer, truthful. Shells landscapes that open from windows filled with interesting, but paid drinks minibar and 24-hour service make each minute spent in the room or on site, just fabulous.

The minus, about which tourists often remember - overloaded elevators. Since the rooms in the hotel have a lot and visitors always grab, sometimes the elevator has to wait until 10-15 minutes. Another unpleasant problem is insects, but taking into account local nature and climate, they are simply impossible to overcome the hotel staff.

Interesting places for bright entertainment, which are part of the complex

Pattaya Park Beach Resort also has a whole entertainment infrastructure, which can only dream of adults and children. Since the common area is really huge, two beautiful pools are very comfortable here, a modern park with attractions, two exotic bars and six restaurants with absolutely unlike cuisine. I am pleased with the most water park, in which you really can be frozen on the hottest day.

Pattaya Park in Thailand) will offer its business guests storage services in safes, modern conference rooms of different sizes.

It is convenient that you don't have to worry about the washing of dirty things, which also provides its services on site.

About morning nutrition Let's talk separately

Both guests with kids and pairs or lonely tourists are positively responded about the system of nutrition, which is very established in this complex. Pattaya Park Beach Resort 3 * The price of breakfast is already included in the price of each room. The menu is although it is identical every day, but quite volumetric, so you really have a unique breakfast for yourself every morning. Guests who have already rested here recommend that beginners pay attention to the feeding fruit, because even familiar mangoes and pineapple here are much more tastier and more.

Restaurants and cafes

Pattaya Park Beach Resort (Pattaya) will delight and guests who can spend a decent amount of money for lunch and dinner, and those whom a more economical power will arrange. For the first brightest and impressive, there will be a restaurant located in a glass only in an hour, it makes a complete turn, so you can taste the amazing seafood dishes and other delicacies, as well as enjoy the look-old panorama.

Cafe in Pattaya Park Beach Resort (Thailand) will be delighted with large portions and affordable prices, there are even a few institutions where the owners are Russians, you can recognize them by name and the men's usual for us.

Some more raisins of the complex

Visiting this hotel, you can not think about how to organize interesting excursions, After all, everything is already invented for you and a lot of interesting things will open to your gaze.

Pattaya Park Beach Resort 3 * Tours through the territory of Thailand prepared the most diverse, from the tours of the city or country familiar to us on the sights of the city or country to exotic, as, for example, an excursion to a crocodile farm.

Of course, you will be disturbed by obsessive Thais, offering the services of the photographer, but it is not worth upset because of them, because so many interesting things still need to see.

The famous Thai massage is exactly what exactly you should not refuse if you visited Thailand. Here this service is quite fulfilled, the cost of it for the pocket of any of the guests. But as recommended being tourists, It is not worth a hurry to become a visitor to the nearest Cabinet, where the provision of such a service is offered. It is still worth asking recommendations from staff who will be happy to tell you where real professional masseuses work.

The underwater glass tunnel is also popular with guests, passing through which, you turn out to be quite a serious depth and can observe the entire exotic beauty of the local underwater world. It is about this that tourists are most often mentioned in their reviews who visited this corner of the Earth for the first time.

Advantages that will allocate this hotel from a number of others

Since this territory is sufficiently chosen by tourists, not only this hotel with courtesy opens its doors before tourists. Thanks to a number of some benefits, it was one of the most popular.

Why it is worth staying at this hotel, let's try to justify in the next list:

Children's pool - for parents who came with young children, this is one of the most important advantages, because the baby will be able to be frozen in the water, and mom and dad will not constantly "look at both";

Unique restaurants - if breakfasts here are bored with their monotony here, then the lunch and dinner will definitely be unique;

Many markets and shops nearby are a big advantage that even for small purchases you do not have to go long, everything is always in close-built stores;

Balconies and terraces - almost every number has its own terrace or a balcony, from which you can pass the clock for hours to admire panorama or really a romantic unforgettable evening;

Available prices - arriving at rest, most of all want to enjoy the taste of exotic fruits, and here they are more than affordable.

The territory of the Pattaya Park Beach Resort 3 * stretches on the coast of South Pattaya in Thailand. Scenic and large-scale, she is replete with entertainment, which is an excellent vacation.

Here you will enjoy married couples with children. To relax with small, but demanding family members in 2019 there is absolutely all.

Room Foundation

Guests are offered to stay in Standard double rooms, rooms categories "Junior Suite" and "Suite", as well as in the rooms of the improved type. Excellent views are opening out of windows: the sea, the park, wildlife and distant ship lights.

The rooms are equipped with everything necessary: \u200b\u200bclean and cool beds, magazine tables with wicker chairs, flat TVs that broadcast Russian channels, bright lamps, places for clothing storage (shelves and hangers). The rooms have spacious safes, in which a laptop can be stored at the same time, a large digital camera and all documents. The floor is tiled, which is very convenient for guests, often hosting a shower after the sea. If a family with a child arrived on vacation, at the request of guests, workers will provide a baby cot for a baby or an extra bed for a more adult child.

Some guests love to spend late evenings on cozy loggias with sun loungers, admiring the night nature. Often the birds are flying on the balconies, which are not afraid of anyone and sing songs with pleasure. This proximity to nature will especially be delighted with children.

Each room has a bathroom. Guests can wash over a large comfortable sink, take a shower in the bathroom. The room is equipped with everything necessary for hygienic procedures: towels, disposable soap, shampoo and gel for the shower.

Clean the rooms every day. Every day per person is provided free of charge on a bottle of water, which is stored in a small refrigerator.

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Accommodation in Pattaya Park includes free breakfasts on the buffet system. During the settlement, each guest is issued to food coupons. The dining room is spacious, cozy, the surrounding setting has a pleasant meal.

The choice of dishes is just huge. Many visitors for all the time of vacation do not have time to try every dish.

Guests can attend either an exotic Thai or essential Russian cuisine. In the dining room opposite each other there are two tables, each of which you can find dishes related to each of the kitchens. Thai dishes are suitable for fans of acute. Adherents of a more familiar way of nutrition will find for themselves scrambled eggs, spaghetti, omelet, vegetables, sausages, bacon, various sauces and, of course, fruit. Sugar, tea, milk, juices and water will help to cope with thirst. Children can be pampered with delicious buns and roasted toasts with fillings - there is a toaster especially for these purposes. Also small family members can be fed with flakes and muffins with sweet jams.

Breakfast is held at a certain time. If visitors do not have time for breakfast - not trouble. They can pre-order breakfast in advance and use it at the right time.


The staff behaves extremely politely, brought up and unobtrusively. Guests always accompany the smile of workers. The maids remove the number every day, while their presence in the life of visitors is unnoticed. The staff talks in Thai and englishAlthough Russian-speaking tourists are well understood from a half-sleep.

Employees will help solve any problem. With questions should be addressed to the administrator. If guests need a hairdryer or kettle, it is worth only to call and the service will be provided. This is especially important to mothers with young children. If the visitor needs to stroke children's things or diapers, it can safely turn to the reception and she will immediately provide an iron.

Entertainment and animation

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The territory of the hotel seems hereby paradise: You can relax in the shadow of greenery, sit on the benches, stroll through the alleys, enjoying nature, listen to the singing of birds.

Children will be delighted with a small train, which takes guests around the territory, allowing everyone to carefully inspect and draw a mental map of the territory.

Guests have access to pools and water park. Many families choose this particular hotel because of the water park: children will come to a great delight from the set of slides and attractions.

While babes bathe in the pool, ride off the slides and take sunbathingAdults can visit the spa, sauna, sign up for a massage, and relax for playing billiards, tennis or golf.


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The beach is across the road from the hotel, so guests will not be tired of long expensive. The path will have to spend only five minutes. It is nice to swim in the sea, it is clean and very warm, some guests do not leave the water for hours. Big plus It is a seabed, consisting only of gentle sand. No stones and algae, wounded feet and spotting legs.

For a fee, visitors are provided with umbrellas, mattresses and chaise lounges. In the first half of the day, you can soak in a natural shade under the palm trees, spreading beach towels, which are issued at the hotel. There are massage salons on the beach, where smiling Thais make a stunning massage and literally revive the body of the tired traveler. On the beach are sold soft drinks: cocktails, beer. Works a paid toilet and shower. Guests can relax and on pay beach. The price of the trading ticket includes an umbrella, a chaise longue, a small table for drinks, ashtray and pleasant music.

Lovers of class surfing can take a board for hire and catch a warm wave.

Location and surroundings

Pattaya Park Beach with three stars is very profitable: close to the beach and there are many attractions, well-developed infrastructure. It is located between the center and Jomtien. Tuk-Tuk and Taxi are available from transport. Dinner visitors usually in a cafe located on the nearest street. Near many shops and souvenir benches. In mini markets acquire water and other little things. Street vendors offer cocktails and fruits. Without drugs, too, you will not stay: there is a pharmacy on the street. Everything you need is in one place and it is incredibly convenient.

The hotel is all thought out to the smallest detail, as they say positive tourist reviews. Holidays with children in Pattaya will seem to you by paradise, all problems will be solved by employees, but you will only have to enjoy nature, warm sea, sweet fruit and make photo and video.

Useful videos about the hotel and the surrounding area

In Thailand for 38.000 rubles - Hotel Overview Pattaya Park ☼

In Pattaya the most active night life In Thailand. Mostly here goes young people and families without children.

The most budget Thai resort. The cost of tours is lower than on Phuket and Samui.

The high season lasts from October to March. Salves night. From April to September, jellyfish appears from the coast, they are raining, very hot.

The beaches in Pattaya are not the cleanest, but you can swim in the neighboring islands. Pattaya Beach is the busiest beach, all entertainment resort are focused next, Jomtien Beach is suitable for more calm holiday, Salt Beach is characterized by a cleaner beach compared to others.

In Pattaya set shopping centers, supermarkets, markets and small shops, in which you can find things are different as the price and quality. Most of the shops are concentrated in the center of the resort on Beach Road and Second Road.

The resort has 3-4 star hotels, sometimes in Thai "Tryshki" can provide a service better than in European.

In hotels, tourists serve only breakfast. In Pattaya, many cafes and restaurants with Thai and European cuisine. There are restaurants with exotic dishes: rare seafood, ostrich, crocodile.

Russians are a lot. Pattaya is one of the favorite resorts of Russian tourists. In the cafe you can find the menu in Russian.

Flight Moscow - Bangkok ranks 9.5-10 hours, transfer to Pattaya will be about 2 hours.

About Thailand

The best time For a holiday in Thailand - from November to the end of March. However, all months of the year without exception are hot, and the sea is warm. In the summer of the rainy season in the country.

For a trip to Thailand, you will need only a passport - a visa is not needed.

Flight from Moscow to Thailand lasts about 9 hours.

When settling, the hotel staff is usually asked to make a deposit for the room. The amount of pledge is about 50 US dollars (depends on the hotel).

When buying a tour to Thailand, only breakfasts at the hotel are usually chosen. Dining and dinner tourists are preferred in numerous and inexpensive restaurants or cafes.

In no case do not drink water from under the tap! Medications are better to take with them, in local pharmacies there will be only means of alternative medicine.

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Here, by the customer of tourist services that are part of the tourist product, and an authorized representative of persons (tourists) specified in the application, I agree to the agent and its authorized representatives for the processing of my data and data of persons (tourists) contained in the application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport details listed in the passport; address of accommodation and registration; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; As well as any other data relating to my personality and personality of the persons listed in the application, in the amount of necessary for the implementation and provision of tourist services, including those who are part of the tourist product formed by the tour operator, for any action (operation) or a set of action ( operations) committed with my personal data and data of persons specified in the application, including (without restrictions) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), Defending, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without using such funds meets the nature of action (about PERIOTIES), performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, to carry out in accordance with a given algorithm, the search for personal data recorded on the material carrier and contained in card files or other systematized personal data meetings, and / or access to such personal data, and Also on the transfer (including transboundary) of these personal data to the tour operator and third partners to the partners of the agent and the tour operator.

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