Mogilev Map Satellite. Map Mogilev from satellite - Streets and home online

Satellite map. Mogilev

Map of Mogilev from the satellite. You can watch the Mogilev satellite map in the following modes: Map of Mogilev with objects of objects, Satellite map of Mogilev, geographic map Mogilyov.

Mogilev - The Belarusian city, located in the east of Belarus. In terms of the number of Mogilev is the fourth in terms of numbers. His population is just over 360 thousand people.

The climate in Mogilev is moderately continental, for which the warm summer months and cold winter are characteristic. average temperature In winter, in the coldest month - -5 C. In the summer, the air warms up an average of up to + 16 ... + 18 C.

Attractions in Mogilev are a bit due to the fact that many of them were destroyed in the military and post-war time. All the oldest facilities are in historical center Mogilev.

The main attraction of the city and the symbol of the city is the Holy Nikolsky Women's Monastery. The monastery is one of the oldest churches of Belarus - the Nikolaev Church, the date of the foundation of which is the beginning of the 16th century. The style in which the church is performed, Baroque. Inside the church, you can see unique old paintings, many of which appeared on the walls of the building in the 17th century.

Another religious constructions - Church of St. Stanislav, which is located in the heart of Mogilev. This church was built in the middle of the 18th century. The uniqueness of the church in the frescoes, which belong to the 18th century.
Other religious attractions of the city - Case Casemir, Cross-Zoda Church, Three-Road Cathedral, Borisoglebsk Church and others. www.Syt.

To better learn the history of the country and cities, tourists must be to visit the Mogilev Regional Museum of Local Lore Museum - one of the oldest and largest museums of the country. To date, it consists of about 240 thousand exhibits.

Map of Mogilev from the satellite. Explore the Mogilev satellite card online in real time. Detailed map Mogilev created on the basis of satellite images high resolution. Maximum approximation, the satellite map of Mogilev allows you to study the streets, individual homes and sights of Mogilev. Map of Mogilev from the satellite easily switches to a normal map mode (scheme).

Mogilev - The Belarusian city, located in the east of Belarus. In terms of the number of Mogilev is the fourth in terms of numbers. His population is just over 360 thousand people.

The climate in Mogilev is moderately continental, for which the warm summer months and cold winter are characteristic. The average temperature in winter, in the coldest month - -5 C. In the summer, the air warms the air to + 16 ... + 18 C.

Attractions in Mogilev are a bit due to the fact that many of them were destroyed in the military and post-war time. All the oldest facilities are located in the historic center of Mogilev.

The main attraction of the city and the symbol of the city is the Holy Nikolsky Women's Monastery. The monastery is one of the oldest churches of Belarus - the Nikolaev Church, the date of the foundation of which is the beginning of the 16th century. The style in which the church is performed, Baroque. Inside the church, you can see unique old paintings, many of which appeared on the walls of the building in the 17th century.

Another religious structure is the Church of St. Stanislav, which is located in the very center of Mogilev. This church was built in the middle of the 18th century. The uniqueness of the church in the frescoes, which belong to the 18th century. Other religious attractions of the city - Case Casemir, Cross-Zoda Church, Three-Road Cathedral, Borisoglebsk Church and others.

To better learn the history of the country and cities, tourists must be to visit the Mogilev Regional Museum of Local Lore Museum - one of the oldest and largest museums of the country. To date, it consists of about 240 thousand exhibits.

Mogilev - This is also a very green city. There are two large forest park in the city, several parks and about 40 squares. One of them is an alley of heroes, in which more than 100 names of the soldiers who died during the Second World War were perpetuated.

On the page interactive Card. Mogilev from the satellite. Read more on. Below satellite scheme and real-time search Google Maps, photos of the city and the Mogilev region of Belarus.

Satellite map of Mogilev - Belarus

We observe on the Mogilev satellite map, as it is located buildings on the streets of Pionerskaya and Karl Marx. The ability to see the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe area, streets - Terekhin and locomotive, square and alley.

Presented here in mode online map Mogilev city from the satellite contains photos of buildings and houses from space. You can find out where the streets begin. Kaluga and Yamnitskaya. Using the search for the Google service, you will find the right object in the city. We advise you to change the scale of the +/- schema and move its center to the desired side, for example, to find the streets of Mogilev - Surganov and astronauts.

Squares and shops, buildings and roads, squares and houses, Psynne and Turov Streets. On the Detailed information and photos of all objects page. To real-time to find the necessary home on the map of the city and the Mogilev region in Belarus.

Detailed satellite map of Mogilev and Mogilev district is provided by the Google Maps service.

Coordinates - 53.9047,30,3404.

Mogilev is a city located in the east of Belarus, is the administrative center of the Mogilev region. Map Mogilev shows that the city is located on both shores of the Dnieper. The area of \u200b\u200bthe city is 118.5 square meters. km.

Today, the Mogilev is the 4th population in the city in Belarus. The city is divided into 2 districts in which there are 7 universities, 8 colleges, 49 schools, 5 cinemas, theater, sports facilities, railway station and airport.

The Mogilev economy is based on the chemical and petrochemical industries, metalworking, light and food industry. The enterprise "Mogilevchimvolokno" is the largest plant for the production of polyester filaments and fibers in Europe.

History reference

The date of the founding of Mogilev is considered to be 1267, when Mogilev castle was laid. Gradually, a city, equipped with three belts of fortifications, is being formed around the castle. In the XIV century, the city is part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and then into the compulcular speech. In 1772, as a result of the first section, the Commonwealth of Mogilev is moving towards the Russian Empire.

During World War I, the city was used as a bet Nicholas II. During the Great Patriotic War, the German troops from July 1941 to June 1944 was occupied.

Must Visit.

On the satellite map of Mogilev with streets and houses you can see the main attractions: Soviet Square, Leninskaya, Leninskaya Street, and Pechersk Forest park. It is recommended to visit the City Town Restored in 2008, Alley Heroes, Drama Theater, local Lore Museum, Catholic Church of St. Stanislav, Orthodox Cathedral of the three saint and St. Nicholas Women's Monastery.

It is also worth seeing the house of the Soviets, the Church of St. Boris and Gleb, Star sculpture and railway station.

Tourist on note

Gulrypsh - Calmable place for celebrities

Is on Black Sea coast Abkhazia City Town Type Gulrypsh, the appearance of which is closely related to the name of the Russian patron of Nikolai Nikolayevich Svytsky. In 1989, due to the illness of his wife, they needed to change the climate. The case decided the case.