Weekly vacation. How to spend a vacation at home: is it boring? Forget all inclusive

Dreaming of a summer vacation begins even during the winter frosts. Some are going to warmer climes, others to the country, others have not yet decided where they will go - does it matter where, if you can take a break from work and do what you love? But the long-awaited vacation does not save everyone either: it often happens that after a two-week break, people return to work even more exhausted and not at all rested. Psychologist Lyudmila Artemyeva tells how to properly tune in to a vacation and take everything from it!

Get ready for vacation

According to the psychologist, the key to a successful holiday is the right attitude. You need to prepare for your vacation in advance. “First of all, decide where you will go,” advises Artemyeva. - The place should be as comfortable as possible for you. If everyone tells you that you need to go to the sea or to a particular country, and you just want to stay in the country, do not listen to anyone and go to the country. This is only your vacation, and you need to spend it the way you want!

Try to plan ahead at least approximately your time on vacation. If you are traveling to another country or city, make a list of the places and attractions you want to visit. If you are going to spend your vacation in the country, think about what your days will be like: take time for sports, reading books, picnics and meeting friends. People who do nothing on vacation do not feel rested. Keep your schedule busy: get so many new experiences that they are enough for a few more months of work.

Before you go on vacation, complete all your business at work: otherwise you will not be able to relax on vacation, mentally returning to your work duties. If you are going to leave somewhere, do not forget to do a general cleaning in the apartment. When you return to a clean and comfortable home, you will have an inner sense of harmony and tranquility.

And finally, mentally tune in to rest! “Deal with all your problems before the holidays,” recommends Artemyeva. - These two weeks should be a complete rest, and not an escape from the difficulties that you have to return to. If you constantly think about how bad it will be for you after returning to your usual life, there will be no effect from the vacation: it will not give you energy and strength.

Forget your phone

In the first days of vacation, the psychologist urges not to be too active: sleep well, take a walk, gain strength. Let your body get used to the rest! After that, you can rush into vacation with your head - it's time to do something that you would never have done on working days. “Vacation is a time of vivid emotions,” reminds Artemyeva. - Go skydiving, try exotic food, get a temporary tattoo, or just take an outdoor salsa class. For all this, you do not have time on weekdays and even on weekends when you are busy with household chores. Experience new experiences and you will never have to regret it!

One of the main rules have a nice holiday- forget about work. You have every right not to answer the calls of colleagues, and even more so, you yourself should not try to find out how things are in the office during a well-deserved rest. If you find yourself cut off from the work process for a week or two, the world will not collapse! And in general, try not to use your mobile phone often - it will not let you rest.

Motivate yourself!

AT last days vacation, do not forget to prepare for work. Spend this time calmly so that you do not have a sharp transition from rest to work. Plan your biggest activity for the middle of your vacation, and before returning to office life, just go to the movies, meet up with friends or family.

Try to bring an unusual souvenir from your vacation - not just a magnet, but some interesting little thing: a beautiful figurine, a jewelry box, an accessory. If you've spent your vacation in the city, this could be a picture of you having fun with your friends. “Bring this memento to work and put it in a prominent place,” advises Artemyeva. - It will remind you of pleasant days and will serve as an excellent motivator for further work. Rest properly - and work will be easier for you!

In many processes relating to life, their quality and result depend on how well they are planned. This is true for holidays as well. Especially if there are only 7 days left, and these days, unfortunately, this is the usual vacation period.

After all, if in two weeks, in principle, you can relax and relieve work stress, then what to do if you have only one week at your disposal? But competent preparation and following our advice will help to spend this week with maximum benefit.

We bring to your attention the TOP 10 life hacks on the topic - how to fully relax in one week

1. Change the environment

In order for the rest to really succeed, it is very important to change the situation. For everyone, this change can be different. Some like to climb mountains or live a week on the lake in a tent. Others prefer a trip to unfamiliar city or country with rich history and generous on attractions. In any case, lying on the couch, along with your favorite series, will not really relax. Psychologists advise to alternate rest and adventure. For example: going fishing is an adventure, but going to the cinema is a vacation. When alternating active actions and relaxation on vacation, the body is constantly in good shape, and vacation time is used at 100%.

2. No stress

If you are a resident of a metropolis, then from the constant hustle and bustle, driving to public transport, traffic jams and other delights of city life, your body is in a constant stressful situation. Therefore, a resident of a city, especially a large one, simply needs to be in silence without too much fuss and haste. But you do not have to go to the deep taiga or go on a solo voyage, you can simply choose a corner that you have long wanted to visit and decide to travel alone. After all, it's already a luxury to just be alone with yourself.

3. Forget about "all inclusive"

Unfortunately, many perceive rest as an abuse of alcohol and delicacies, especially if they rest on an all-inclusive basis. In this case, a week spent at the pool bar turns into a “Groundhog Day”. It is much more interesting to saturate your vacation with events, go to a new place, and gain new impressions. Today, many travelers are already changing their mouth-watering buffet for colorful local restaurants, a swimming pool for a cozy bay with a beautiful seascape. If you act in this way, you can experience more pleasure in a week than in the entire previous year.

4. Down with popular well-known routes

If, getting to know the city, it is “stupid” to run after the guide, listening to information from Wikipedia about this or that monument, then you will only have boring memories and a share of well-known irritation. It is much more interesting to feel like an active traveler and, having made a route, discover for yourself in a new way what everyone seemed to know for a long time - turn into narrow streets, go into unknown cafes and completely unexpectedly discover beautiful houses and cathedrals. Forget about the time, and then do not believe that only a week has passed.

5. Relax while watching

Try not to miss anything interesting on vacation, and carefully study the life around you. You will discover many interesting things for yourself. Went out for lunch at a local restaurant? Look around - there are probably a lot around local residents which can be observed in their natural habitat. It is also a great opportunity to get acquainted with a new mentality and language. Then there will be much more interesting acquaintances, and the vacation week will be full of events.

6. Fantasize

Another tip to make your week of vacation memorable. Come up with an original route. It means not new route on famous place, which we wrote about above, and the journey through mysterious places where ghosts or vampires are rumored to live. For example, in Bran Castle in Romania, which is usually associated with Dracula. Or to an incredible hotel like the Hostel Celica in Slovenia, opened right in a former prison and still equipped with bars. Or you can go to the filming locations of the Harry Potter films, appreciate the culinary arts in Italy, the art of winemaking in France, the secrets of yoga in Goa, or graduate from a diving school in Australia.

7. Don't back down and don't be afraid

Do not be afraid to try something new on vacation, because people usually go on vacation just for fresh impressions. Remember your childhood and try to do something that you have not done for a long time. Do not turn down an invitation to a local holiday or to a random unexpected acquaintance for a visit. Maybe this will be the most vivid memory of the trip. If nothing is happening around, throw the noisiest party in the hotel or a romantic date under the moonlight.

But don't step on the gas too hard. Remember - there is only a week left.

8. Forget about work and the Internet

Unfortunately, the World Wide Web has already firmly entered our lives. Now we can be "reached" anywhere, and for many, answering work letters even on vacation has become a habit, and this can negate the entire vacation. Today, many managers set a certain schedule for their subordinates, during which they answer work questions during their vacation. Try to distance yourself from it. Also, do not watch news sites, it is better to look through local newspapers. Even without knowing the language, you can understand from the illustrations how the country and the city live. It is equally useful to read good books on vacation.

9. An important culinary component

Trying the national cuisine is one of the great ways to get to know a new country. But do not limit yourself to the standard and banal culinary set of a particular country - like pizza in Italy and sausages in Germany. It is much more interesting to taste completely unexpected dishes.

For example, in Mexico it is interesting to try the famous “hangover soup” Menudo from the stomachs of a cow, in Vietnam snake wine, and in Japan to treat yourself to cookies with wasps. Another option is to try dishes from street vendors - everything that is considered a delicacy in this area.

10. Get ready to “come out” of vacation the right way.

No less carefully than the rest itself, it is worth considering the process of returning from it to everyday life. Many experienced travelers try to arrange the first working day on Friday. In this case, the process of entering the work schedule will be less painful, and the weekend following Friday will alleviate the stress of the workday that has begun.

An interesting but controversial idea is to stock up on cute “psychological anchors” like souvenirs, photos, or a desktop wallpaper that reminds you of the happy moments that you experienced just recently.

During the years of Soviet power, a lot of cartoons, anecdotes, and proverbs appeared in our country on the topic of “holiday rest”. The triumph of democracy and human values ​​should have pushed this problem aside or completely solved it, but it was not there. We decided to help those planning a vacation and tell in this article how to relax on vacation and what to do for this.

Love change!

We all get our hard earned rest. But does everyone know how to relax properly? A change of scenery brings great benefits to the human body and the restoration of mental abilities. You have probably noticed yourself more than once that most of us do not know how to relax on vacation, reducing it to just two weeks without work.

Hard work for months, a lot of work and responsibilities, but now the long-awaited time comes, and strength is not restored. This is due to the fact that most of us continue to do the same things that were done during work. Naturally, a complete transfer of the workflow home does not occur, but habits remain. Instead of a holiday, a person's vacation and rest turn into similar everyday life.

In a frenetic pace

The pace of life of the modern average city dweller cannot be called measured. You have to get out of bed early, put yourself in order, rush to the place of work. You are in the service of the program, and then you run home, thinking about your household chores as you go. There is a rush at every step.

Over the weekend, you also need to have time to do a lot, because a large number of cases have gathered in a week. The rest of the time is spent visiting friends, cultural activities or entertainment.

The brain is having a hard time. He needs to process a lot of requests, store and retrieve a bunch of useful information, take care of future plans. During sleep complete rest not happening.

Trip to warm country where the sea, sun and sand, passes in thoughts of the future. The vacationer hurries to the airport, then to the hotel. Every day trips on excursions or walks are planned in order to get to know the maximum of objects in the minimum time. People are in a hurry, plans go astray, stress accumulates. Added to this are the problems of climate change, a burnt back, food poisoning, loss and theft of things.

Why do vacationers extend their pace of life during the holidays and do not understand how to relax? There are several objective reasons.

We dream of getting rid of the monotony of life and finding new experiences. But there is no other time for this, and every opportunity has to be used. Movement is stimulating, but simply “doing nothing” is boring.

With such activity, you will not be able to relax well. Along with the mass of new impressions, tension and stress will accumulate. Like a fire that smolders for years, and then suddenly becomes the cause of depression and health problems.

To have a good rest on vacation, slow down for this time. As a result, peace of mind will appear and health will improve.

Why do you need a vacation?

Our tragedy lies in the fact that we do not know how to stop. Every day you have to spin like a squirrel in a wheel, surrounded by worries and problems. Vacation and rest of a person were invented so that we could be distracted and take a break. Instead, some are still in a hurry, and in moments of calm, they drown the brain with alcohol.

A break from work and the team for a few weeks helps to relax. However, do not exclude all types of activity. Spend time on a hobby, go for a walk, swim in a pond, visit an interesting place that you have been thinking about for a long time. The point is small: slow down and do everything calmly.

How to learn to rest?

  • With the holidays approaching, think about changing the rhythm of your life. This, above all, applies to people who show increased activity. Get enough sleep, spend time on the beach, go on excursions, enjoy the scenery, but don't go against your emotional state.
  • First time relaxing holiday may cause some discomfort. This is normal, because the brain needs time to rebuild. Give him some time and everything will be fine.
  • If the main work is related to the computer, then rid yourself of it for the rest. Let the news and social networks get bored without you.
  • Don't make plans for the future. There will be time for this later.
  • Try to ride less, give the body a break from shaking. Alcohol in in large numbers- severe stress for the whole body. Don't empty the bar, even if it's all inclusive.
  • To have a good rest on vacation, it is not necessary to travel the whole world. The feeling of joy from every moment of life lies in the depths of our soul and is simply closed from above by constant tension, stress. Visit those places to which the soul lies and take quality, not quantity. This is the only way to have a good vacation.

Many energetic Russians, especially young ones, at first at all, and then prefer a "gallop across Europe" vacation. However, sightseeing at a frantic pace is almost the same as watching a documentary. Interesting place requires a slow dive into the atmosphere. You need to soak it up, feel it.

Beauty is also found far from the usual tourist routes sometimes right under our noses. Why chase other people's miracles, if there are so many things around?

Do not race for new impressions and information. Relax, give your brain a rest, spend time at home, with close friends, walk in the fresh air. Forget about the rush and plans for the future. You still have time to hurry, because the vacation is so short.

Be grateful for the quiet moments, try, find the positive in any situation and life will become more harmonious, and your health will be strong.

A vacation is a long-awaited event, and you want to spend it not only pleasantly, but also with benefit. Learning to rest is much more difficult than learning to work, although it sounds a little strange. The work keeps in good shape all year and involves a set of stereotypical actions - for some it is a little wider, for others it is narrower. And suddenly a couple of free weeks are issued, which you need to live somehow differently. But how to relax on vacation? What to do if the body and soul have forgotten how to relax?

How to learn to rest and relax

For our contemporaries, having a good rest is really a problem. There was even a special term: social jet-lag - a failure of natural biorhythms among residents of megacities, who mixed work, home, and leisure into one whole. Before, after all, as it was: the sun has set - people are sleeping. Today daylight can last for days.

A computer at home and in the office, a smartphone in transport - modern means of communication have doubled or even tripled the working day. We have all become hostages to the opportunity to work around the clock. And this is not always helpful.

Chronic workaholics who have forgotten how to rest are easy to figure out by their gloomy, tense faces. They almost do not smile, there is little joy in their life, they are inflexible and are not able to discern grains of positive in bad things. Well, if the harmful symptoms end there. At the level of the body, lack of rest can be manifested by a shift in biorhythms: insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day; poor appetite, complete indifference to what is happening around.

Today, one can quite seriously talk about a new disease - restlessness syndrome. And without this, the body lives in constant stress, immunity “sits down”, melts vitality. Hence the exacerbation of chronic diseases, frequent colds and even the degeneration of benign tumors into malignant ones. Such cases are now, unfortunately, more and more often.

Three mistakes of vacationers

However, going on vacation twice a year does not guarantee a fresh outlook on the world and excellent health. Both a workaholic and a moderately hardworking citizen often make the same mistakes that cross out the whole meaning of vacation days.

  • How?! Have you been to the Bahamas?

Imitating someone else's example levels our own desires. When choosing a route for a vacation, a person thinks: will he be able to brag about it to his friends later. He goes to Paris because it is fashionable this season, although he needs a rest in a country house on the river bank to recover. As a result, he rests for someone, and not for himself.

The same can be said about the craze for spiritual practices - people go to India and Nepal, despite the fact that, alas, no spiritual growth occurs for the majority. After all, people are driven not by an internal impulse, but by the desire to meet the fashionable standard. And it never gives a good rest and relaxation.

  • Who are all these people?

Bad company on vacation is money wasted. A vacation in a five-star hotel on ocean islands can easily be poisoned by the vicious hiss of a companion friend or the grumbling of a bore friend. You should not drag with you to the resort a person who is tired and disgusted for the whole working year. It is important to take a break from hackneyed relationships, to protect yourself from communicating with individuals who bring sad thoughts and cause hostility.

  • No wifi?

Another classic holiday mistake is to take a laptop with you to the resort, regularly surf the Internet, check email, answer calls and call the office yourself. It’s better then not to go on vacation at all than to constantly be distracted by the settlement of work issues.

How to relax on vacation

With rest, everything will turn out if you take care of the body and well-being, emotions and mood, people and thoughts that will accompany you. The body relaxes best by switching rhythms of activity and passivity. For those who have been sitting at the computer for a whole year, it is advisable to spend their vacation in the mountains, go in for active sports. For those who rushed about like crazy, it makes sense to stretch out on the beach and think about the eternal. But in any case, on vacation, you should not burden your head with thoughts about work affairs and worries. Your task is to enjoy the current moments, the beauty of the surrounding nature and accumulate vivid memories.

! It is important to foresee the emotional atmosphere of the holiday: whether it will be a disco rhythm with energy cocktails or solitude in the company of the closest people. Although relatives and a calm environment are also not always synonymous. If the spouses do not poison each other's life at home, it is really able to refresh the relationship. But if people are tired of each other for a year, it makes sense to relax separately.

It is good if the vacation takes place by the sea or the river. Water "washes away" problems and clears thoughts, and in the end you will have every chance to feel rested.

Rest for the benefit of the figure

On vacation, you can relax, do not deny yourself anything and bring home three extra pounds, and in addition, dissatisfaction with life. And you can come, surprising everyone with harmony, youth and positive.

The sea and the beach are your allies!

There are many ways to spend time on the beach. If you have already been lying in a sun lounger for a couple of days and your bones are aching from idleness, then get involved in leisure right here on the beach!

First, swimming is twice as hard as training on land. Try to swim a lot, perform simple exercises in the water like swinging your legs, arms, turning your body, snorkeling, jumping on the waves. If you have "all inclusive", do not miss classes in the pool with an animator. In general, enjoy the gentle sea or ocean, otherwise why did it take so long to go to it!

Secondly, if you care about your beauty, then in the daytime you will not disappear on the beach, but dedicate it, for example, to daytime sleep. And this means that in the morning you will probably get up early. Why not go for a morning jog along the seashore with the first rays of the sun. Or do morning exercises. By the way, swimming in the morning is much healthier.

Make an agreement!

Gastronomic delights make your head spin, especially when you are on an all-inclusive tour and the people around you, as if by agreement, absorb everything in large quantities. As a result, the stomach works for wear and tear, not having time to digest all the new portions. Plus, on vacation, most of us are not used to limiting ourselves to alcohol - a glass at lunch and a couple at dinner is sacred!

And it's really hard to keep track of the amount when it comes to beer gatherings with salted seafood. By the way, alcohol supplies the body with almost twice as many calories as proteins and carbohydrates, while lacking nutrients. It is not surprising that after immoderate and regular libations, your waist adds centimeters. How to resist?

It is enough to eat in the usual mode - three times a day, so as not to starve and not overeat. And stop drooling over the passing trays of bahwala, crayfish and churchkhella and take a self-assembled tablecloth to the beach in case you get hungry. What you really need in the heat of the beach is clean drinking water. If you are planning a long excursion or trip, grab a mix of nuts and fresh fruit as a snack.

If you are on an all-inclusive holiday, use a little trick - try something that you have never eaten (just try, and do not eat the whole portion), and ignore the usual dishes, even your favorite restaurants. You can also order them at home. As for alcohol, only moderation and the desire to get pleasant impressions and memories from the rest, and not a headache, will save here.

And finally, two more tips from the category of “how to relax on vacation”:

  1. Do not jump on vacation - do not overload yourself with rest in the early days. It is much more useful in every sense to go through a period of adaptation to the sea, doing nothing, climate, changing times, etc.
  2. Don't jump into work after rest - re-adapting won't hurt. Take photos and videos created on vacation, share your impressions with friends, extend your vacation memories for as long as possible.

Happy holidays!

How many vacation days are allowed per year?

By general rule the number of paid vacation days per year must be at least 28 (Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Is it 28 calendar days or working days? The annual main paid leave is considered in calendar days (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). That is, for each working year, the employee is entitled to 28 calendar days.

Dividing vacation into parts

An employee does not have to use all 4 weeks of vacation due to him at a time. Leave may be divided by agreement between the employee and the employer. The division of vacation into parts according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation must be done in such a way that the duration of at least one of the parts is at least 14 calendar days (Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Subject to this condition, the duration of other parts of the vacation may be an arbitrarily small number of days, including 1 or 2 days.

How long does an employee's vacation last, taking into account weekends and holidays

Weekend days falling within the period of vacation are taken into account when calculating its duration and are subject to payment. Let's explain with an example. Manager Ivanov A.K. wrote an application for leave for the period from June 17 to June 23, 2019. June 22 and 23 are days off. Accordingly, the employee must be granted leave for 7 days and all 7 days must be paid.

Unlike ordinary days off, public holidays are not included in the duration of the vacation and are not paid (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Let's go back to the example above. If Ivanov A.K. will write an application for June 6-13 - 8 calendar days, only 7 calendar days will be credited and paid for vacation. Because June 12 is a holiday (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Vacation: the number of days according to the legislation and according to the local act

The specified vacation duration - 28 calendar days - is the minimum according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. And the employer, on his own initiative, can establish paid leave of longer duration for his employees. The number of additionally provided paid vacation days (in addition to 28) must be indicated in the collective agreement, the local regulatory act of the organization (for example, internal labor regulations) or directly in labor contracts with employees.

It is important that the cost of paying for such additional vacation days cannot be taken into account for income tax purposes (clause 24, article 270 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Also, from the amount of their payment, it will be necessary to withhold personal income tax and accrue insurance premiums (clause 2 of article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, clause 1 of article 420 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Extended leave under the Labor Code 2019: how many days

Who is entitled to apply for extended basic leave and how many vacation days should be provided to these persons is indicated in the table.

Category of workers Number of vacation days under the Labor Code and other legislative acts
Workers under the age of 18 31 calendar days. Leave must be granted at any time convenient for the minor (Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
Working disabled people with any disability group At least 30 calendar days (Article 23 of the Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ)
Teaching staff 42 or 56 calendar days depending on the position held and the type of educational organization where the teacher works (Article 334 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 3 of part 5 of Article 47 of the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, Appendix to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 14.05.2015 No. 466)
Researchers with a degree — 48 working days for PhDs;
— 36 working days for candidates of sciences.
The specified extended holidays are granted to scientists holding full-time positions in a scientific institution (organization) financed from the federal budget (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 1994 No. 949)
Chemical weapons workers 56 or 49 calendar days, depending on the group of work to which the employee's activity is assigned. The assignment of works to the first or second group depends on the degree of their danger (Articles 1, 5 of the Law of November 7, 2000 No. 136-FZ)
Employees of professional emergency rescue services and formations 30, 35 or 40 days, depending on the duration of continuous work experience in professional emergency rescue services and formations (clause 5, article 28 of the Law of August 22, 1995 No. 151-FZ)
Healthcare workers at risk of contracting the human immunodeficiency virus 36 working days for employees of healthcare organizations that diagnose and treat HIV-infected people, as well as people whose work is related to materials containing the human immunodeficiency virus, taking into account the annual additional leave for working in hazardous working conditions (paragraph 4 of the Government Decree RF dated 03.04.1996 No. 391)
Government civil servants 30 calendar days (part 3 of article 46 of the Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ)
Prosecutors, scientific and pedagogical workers of the prosecutor's office paragraph 1 of Art. 41.4 of the Law of January 17, 1992 No. 2202-1).
Employees of the Investigative Committee serving outside areas with special climatic conditions 30 calendar days excluding travel time to the place of rest and back in the general case (part 1 of article 25 of the Law of December 28, 2010 No. 403-FZ).

Additional leave

Some employees, in addition to the main leave (standard or extended), are also entitled to additional leave. You can read about such a vacation at.

How many days is the "northern" leave by law

How many days does a northerner's vacation last? Usually more than non-Northern workers. After all, the "northerners", firstly, are provided with the main annual paid leave - of standard duration or extended in the above cases. And secondly, they are provided with additional leave (Article 321 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For workers who work:

  • in the regions of the Far North - 24 calendar days;
  • in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North - 16 calendar days;
  • in other regions of the North, where a regional coefficient and a percentage premium to wages, - 8 calendar days (Article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 19, 1993 No. 4520-1).

By the way, both ordinary annual paid holidays and extended, as well as additional "northern" holidays can be provided to employees in advance (