Aerial navigation. General Rules of Air Navigation Airsport for Air Navigation Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

According to the specified space-time trajectory.

Tasks aeronautics

    • coordinates (geographic -\u003e latitude, longitude; polar -\u003e azimuth, range)
    • height (absolute, relative, true)
    • height above the surface of the earth (true height of the flight)
    • course
    • travel angle (conditional, true, magnetic, orthodromic)
    • dashboard, True, Travel Speed
    • speed, direction (meteorological, navigation) and wind angle
    • line of the specified path (LZP)
    • linear side deviation (forehead)
    • additional amendment (DP) (when flying to the radio station)
    • side deviation (bu) (when flying from the radio station)
    • reverse, straight bearing (OP, PP) (when flying on / from the radio finder)
  • Control and correction of the path: (with an exit to the LZP or in the PPM (turning point of the route), depending on the forehead and shvt)
    • by range
    • towards
  • Gasket and tracking path:
    • Straight
    • Inverse
    • Schtileta
  • Building optimal routes to achieve a destination point
    • output to the point for the minimum time
    • access to the point with minimal fuel costs
    • exit point at a specified time
  • Operational route correction during flight
    • when changing the flight task, including faults in the aircraft
    • in the event of adverse meteorological phenomena on the route
    • to avoid collision with another aircraft
    • for rapprochement with another aircraft

Determination of the navigation elements of the aircraft

Various technical means apply to define navigation elements:

  • Geotechnical - allow you to determine the absolute and relative height of the flight, the course of the aircraft, its location, and so on).
    • air and travel velocity meters,
    • magnetic and gyromagnetic compasses, hypoloompaces,
    • optical Viziers,
    • inertial navigation systems and so on.
  • Radiotechnical - allow you to determine the true height, track speed, the location of the aircraft by measuring the various parameters of the electromagnetic field along the radio signals.
    • radio navigation systems and so on.
  • Astronomical - allow you to determine the course and location of the aircraft
    • astronomical compasses
    • astrojectors and so on
  • Lighting - ensure the landing of the aircraft in complex meteorological conditions and at night and to facilitate orientation.
    • lights.
  • Complex navigation systems - Autopilot - can provide automatic flight throughout the route and approaching the landing in the absence of visibility of the earth's surface.


  • Black M. A., Shiblin V.I. Airplane, Transport, 1973, 368 p. Baytaya link

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Space navigation
  • Inertial navigation

Watch what is "air navigation" in other dictionaries:

    Aerial navigation - The crew actions aimed at achieving the greatest accuracy, reliability and safety of driving an aircraft and aircraft groups for a given trajectory, as well as in order to withdraw them at the place and time to the specified objects (goals) ... Official terminology

    Air navigation - Air navigation, aeronautics Science on methods and driving aircraft on the software trajectory. Tasks of air navigation Determination of navigation elements of an aircraft latitude, longitude NUM height Height over the surface ... ... Wikipedia

    NAVIGATION - (Lat. Navigatio from Navigo sailing on the vessel), 1) Science on the ways to choose the path and methods of driving vessels, aircraft (air navigation, air navigation) and spacecraft (space navigation). Navigation Tasks: Finding ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    navigation - and; g. [LAT. Navigatio from Navigo sailing on the vessel] 1. Shipping, navigation. Because of the Crossing River N. Impossible. 2. This time in a year, when shipping is possible on local climatic conditions. Opening navigation. Courts in the port waited for the beginning ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Navigation - In WikiSlovar, there is an article "Navigation" navigation (lat. Navigatio, from lat. Navigo sailing on the vessel): navigation, shipping period of time in a year, when it is possible ... Wikipedia is possible on local climatic conditions

    navigation Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    navigation - Fig. 1. Determination of the location of LA along the position lines. Navigation of aircraft, aeronautics (from Greek. Aēr - air and lat. Navigatio - navigation), - Science of methods and means of driving aircraft from ... ... Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    NAVIGATION - (Lat. Navigatio, from Navis Ship) 1) Womenal. 2) the science of managing the ship. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Navigation 1) The art of managing the ship is open. sea; 2) season of year, in ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Navigation (sea.) - Navigation (lat. Navigatio, from Navigo - sailing on the vessel), 1) navigation, shipping. 2) The period of time in a year, when shipping is possible on local climatic conditions. 3) the main section of the junction in which theoretical ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    NAVIGATION - Navigation, and, wives. 1. Science of driving ships and aircraft. School navigation. Air n. Interplanetary (cosmic) n. 2. Time, during the course of it is possible shipping, as well as shipping itself. Start, end navigation. N. Open. | ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Topic number 1 Basics of air navigation.

1. Navigation definition. Navigation tasks.
2. Classification of technical means of navigation.
3. Form and dimensions of the Earth. Main geographical
points, lines and circles on the globe.
4. Units of measurement of distances.
5. Directions on the earth's surface.
6. The main lines of the path and position.
7. Geographical coordinates.
8. Coordinate systems used in air

Basics of air navigation.

Aeronautics is a science of safe accurate and reliable
driving aircraft from one point of the earth's surface in
Aeronautics - control of the trajectory of the movement of the aircraft
made by the crew in flight.
Under air navigation is also understood as a set of actions.
crew aircraft and workers of ground management services
air traffic aimed at ensuring security
the greatest accuracy of flights on the installed tracks
(routes) and arrival at the destination at a specified time.

Trajectory and line path

Trajectory and line path

Spatial place of the aircraft (PMS) - point in
space in which at the moment
there is a center of masses of the Sun.
Place of aircraft (MS) - PMS projection on earthly
The trajectory is the line described by the PMS when it moves.
Line path - line described by MS when its movement
(Projection of the trajectory on the earth's surface).
The line of the specified path (LZP) is a line in which
mS should move according to the flight plan
the actual path line (LFP) - on which it
moves actually in this flight.

Basic requirements for air navigation.

Air Navigation Security is the main requirement.
Accuracy. Aeronautical accuracy is a degree
approaching the actual trajectory to a given. From
accuracy depends on security, and efficiency
Efficiency. The less flight time, the less
cost, including all associated
costs - from wage staff to cost
consumed fuel.
Regularity. Flights in general should
performed on schedule. Departure delay or
arrival not only brings inconvenience to passengers,
but it may lead to the fact that the sun will be sent to the zone
expectations where it will wait for liberation
temporary "window" for landing.


Basic crew requirements (pilots) air
Ensuring safety flights;
accurate flight flight on the installed track (route)
at a given altitude with the maintenance of such a flight regime, which
ensures the execution of the task;
determining the navigation elements required for
flight Flights on the installed route or aviation
works (photographing, aviation search, load dropping and
ensuring the arrival of the aircraft to the area of \u200b\u200bexecution
aviation works, to the point or airfield of the destination in the specified
time and execution of a safe landing;

The main tasks of air navigation.

formation (selection) specified
definition of the location of the sun in
space and parameters of it
formation of navigation solution
(control influences for output
aircraft on a given


To successfully solve the specified crew tasks with
with sufficient accuracy should know:
Where is the aircraft at the moment;
In which direction and at what height must be performed
further flight;
what kind of need to withstand the speed to the specified
points arrive at the appointed time;
Only with these data crews are able to manage
the movement of the aircraft.
To solve air navigation problems are used
technical means.


Question 2. Classification of technical means of navigation.


Classification of technical means
Technical means
The nature

11. Classification of technical means of navigation

navigation tools


Question 3. Form and size of land. Maintenance
geographical points, lines and circles on the globe.

13. Models of the earth's surface.

The physical surface is the actual surface of the Earth.
The level surface is a surface, at all points
perpendicular to the direction of gravity (shepherd line).
Geoid is a figure formed by the level surface
coinciding with the surface of the World Ocean in a calm
QuasiGoid - surface. Which coincides with the geoid on
the surfaces of the world ocean and very close to him on land. This
surface and called middle level of sea. (MSL)
Ellipsoid -Mathematically the right body obtained by
rotation of ellipses around a small half axis.
The sphere is an ellipsoid without compression (when high accuracy is not
required, then the earth can be imagined with a simpler figure)
Plane - the surface of the earth is taken as a plane, that is
the curvature of the land is not taken into account. (calculations are made on
limited territory)

14. The physical surface of the Earth

15. Geoid and earth Ellipsoid

geoid and earth Ellipsoid
The height of the terrain is counted from the surface
quasiGoid. But practically we can assume that from
geoyad surfaces, given a minor difference. On the
plain 20 - 30 cm, in the mountains 2 - 3 meters.

16. Models of the earth's surface.

coinciding with the surface of the world ocean in a state
equilibrium water. Level surface at each point
normally to the direction of gravity.
Quasigoid is a surface that coincides with the surface
by sea
land. (Since
mass distribution inside the Earth)
The earth's ellipsoid is called a figure representing
it is a flexible ellipsoid of rotation. Its sizes are selected
so that it is within a certain territory
maximum suitable for the geoyad surface.
Such an ellipsoid is called a reference ellipsoid.

17. Ground Surface Models

The surface of the geoid and reference ellipsoid

18. Reference - Ellipsoid Krasovsky

Characteristics of the reference - ellipsoid
Krasovsky (SK-42):
a large semi-axes (radius of equator) a \u003d 6 378 245 m;
small semi-axle (distance from the plane of the equator to
poles) B \u003d 6 356 863 m;
compression ratio C \u003d 0.00335233


Reference - Ellipsoid Krasovsky


Reference - Ellipsoid PZ - 90 02
Characteristics of the reference ellipsoid
PZ-90 02
the large semi-axes (the radius of the equator) is a \u003d 6 378 136 m;
the coefficient of compression of the ellipsoid C \u003d 0.0033528;
center Ellipsoid
coordinate systems.

21. Characteristics of WGS-84

Characteristics WGS-84
WGS-84 spheroid characteristics:
equatorial radius A \u003d 6 378 137 m;
polar radius B \u003d 6 356 752,314245 m;
maximum springs of spheroid
geoid is no more than 200 m.
ICAO has decided from January 1, 1998 to publish in
air Navigation Information Coordinates
items in one for the whole world coordinate system,
called WGS-84 (World Geodetic System).

22. WGS - 84

positioning on Earth. Unlike local systems,
is an
WGS-84 predecessors were WG-72, WGS-64 and
WGS-84 determines the coordinates relative to the center
earth masses, error is less than 2 cm. in WGS-84,
zero Meridian is considered "Iers Reference Meridian."
It is located at 5.31 "east of Greenwich

23. Basic geographical points, lines and circles.

Main geographical points, lines
and circles on the globe

24. Measurement of directions and distances on the surface of the Earth.

Measurement of directions and distances on the surface
When solving many navigation tasks that do not require
high accuracy, the earth is taken for a ball with a radius R \u003d 6371
km. With this tolerance, maximum errors in length definition
may be 0.5% and in determining the direction 12.
Knowing the radius of the earth, you can calculate the length of the big circle
(Meridian and Equator);
L \u003d 2PR \u003d 2 x 3.14 x 6371 \u003d 40030 ≈ 40000 km.
Having determined the length of the big circle, you can find the length of the arc
meridian (equator) at 1 ° or 1 ":
1 ° Arc Meridian (equator) \u003d L / 360 ° \u003d 111.2 km,
1 "Arc Meridian (Equator) 111/60" \u003d 1.853 km.
seconds - about 31 m.
The length of each parallel is less than the length of the equator and depends on
the latitude of the place φ.
It is equal to L pairs \u003d L eq compassion pairs.

25. Recalculation of distance units.

Units ratio distance:
1 mm (nm) \u003d 1! arcs Meridian \u003d 1852 m \u003d 1.852 km;
1 AM (SM) \u003d 1.6 km;
1 foot (ft) \u003d 30.48 cm;
1 m \u003d 3.28 feet.
Translation of one units of distance measurement to other
produced by formulas:
S km \u003d s mm x 1,852;
S mm \u003d s km / 1,852;
S km \u003d s am x 1,6;
S am \u003d s km / 1.6;
H feet \u003d n m x 3,28;
H M \u003d H feet / 3.28.

26. Coordinate systems on the earth's surface.

Spherical coordinate system
Geodesic coordinate system

27. Rectangular coordinate systems.

Rectangular coordinate systems are ordinary Cartesian
systems having three perpendicular axes (x, y, z). They are
used to describe the position of points in space,
on the surface or inside the ground.
Rectangular coordinate systems:
Reference Rectangular Systems - Coordinate Center
located in the center of the ellipsoid

28. Rectangular coordinate systems

29. Geodesic coordinates.

30. Geodesic coordinates

Geodesic latitude B is an angle enclosed between
plane of equator and normal to the surface
ellipsoid at this point. Counts from 0 to 90
degrees north (northern latitude) and south (south
Geodesic longitude L is a dihedral corner between

points. Counts from 0 to 180 degrees to the east
(Eastern longitude) and west (Western longitude)
Geodesic height HG - distance from point
observer to the surface of the ellipse. She is
it is counted from the surface of the ellipsoid on the normal to
her. Currently NG on board Sun may be
defined only with satellite
navigation systems.

31. Geodesic height.

The ocometric height of the HORT is measured from the level
geoid in the direction of the sheer line.
Excess N geoid above the surface of the ellipsoid in
this point is called a geoid wave
Geodesic height of HG.

32. Spherical coordinates

33. Spherical coordinates

The spherical latitude φ is the angle between the plane
equator and direction from the center of the sphere on this
Spherical longitude λ - dihedral corner between
the planes of the initial meridian and the meridian of this
Meridian - a big circle whose plane passes
through the axis of rotation of the Earth.
Parallel - a small circle arc, the plane of which
perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the Earth and, therefore,
parallel to the equator.
Equator - big circle whose plane
perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the Earth.

34. Determination of latitude and longitude on the map.

35. Topic No. 1 Basics of Air Navigation

36. Azimuth (bearing) landmark.

landmark (Azimuth, Bearing)
called angle prisoner
between the north direction
meridian passing through
this point and direction
on the
reference point.
directions on the landmark
clockwise from 0 to 360 °.

37. The specified way angle and line of the specified path.

When preparing for the flight set
route locations connect to
line of the specified path (LZP)
(Desired Track, DTK). .
Specified way angle (s)
called angle prisoner
between the north direction
meridian and the line of the specified
meridian to line direction
arrow from 0 ° to 360 °.


Question 6. Basic lines on the surface of the globe

39. Line path and position line.

The line of the aircraft route is called the projection on earth
the surface of the trajectory of his movement in space. At present
time is used mainly two lines of the way: orthodromia and
The line of position is called a geometric location
the constant value of the measured navigation parameter. IN
aircraft uses the following main lines
line of orthodromic bearing;
line of equal azimuths (radio decks);
line equal distances;

40. Orthodroy.

Orthodroy - a large circle arc, which is the shortest
the distance between two points on the surface of the globe.
Orthodroomy crosses the meridians at various angles. IN
private case, it can coincide with the meridian and equator

41. Orthodroy.

42. The main properties of orthodromia.

is the shortest distance between the points on
surface of the globe;
crosses the meridians under various non-equal
angles due to the convergence of meridians in poles;
on flight cards orthodromia between two points,
located at a distance of 1000 - 1200 km, laid
straight line. In this case, the track angle and the length of the path
orthodromias are measured on the map. At long distances
orthodromia is paved in the curve of the line convex
to the pole. In this case, the track angle and the path length are calculated by
special formulas.

43. Loccodromia

on the
crossing meridians under the same track angle.

44. Loccodromia

45. The main properties of Locodromia.

On the surface of the globe, Locodromia has a view
spatial logarithmic spiral that goes
the globe is an infinite number of times and with each turn gradually
approaching the pole, but never reaches it.
Locodromia has the following properties:
crosses the meridians at a constant angle and on the surface
The globe is turned towards the Equator with its convexity;
- The path on Locodromia is always longer way according to orthodromia, for
the exception of special cases when the flight takes place
meridian or equator.

46. \u200b\u200bLine of equal azimuths.

Line of equal azimuths (line of equal radio decks) line, at each point of which a radionavigation point (RNT)
dialepts under the same True Radio Station
(YPRES). Line of equal azimuths as a position line
it is used when measuring the radiation of the radio station using
radio compass.

47. Line of the situation.

Line equal distances - line, all points
are at the same distance from some fixed
points. On the surface of the globe line equal distances
represents the circumference of a small circle. As line
position line equal distances finds use when
measurement of the distance with range finding and tall-foam systems.
Line of equal differences distance - line, each
point which is the difference of distances to two fixed points
on the earth's surface (radio stations) is constant
magnitude. Finds use when determining location
using difference and rangefinder navigation systems.


Question 6. Geographic coordinates

49. Geographical coordinates.

this is
defining the position of any given point on the surface
earth Ellipsoid. Initial planes in this system
are the planes of the initial meridian and equator, and
coordinates of angular values \u200b\u200b- latitude and longitude.
Parallel passing through the center of the elipsoid is called
meridian (Meridian, passing through the center of the Main Center
Greenwich Absorya)
geodesic measurements are called geodesic.

50. Geographical latitude.

(Latitude) called the angle between
plane of equator and normal to
ellipsoid surfaces in this
point (m).
Latitude is measured from the plane
equator to poles from 0 to 90 ° K
north or south.
All points lying on one

51. Geographical longitude.

Geographical longitude λ.
dihedral angle between the plane
equator, expressed in degrees,
between the initial meridian and
meridian of this point.
primary meridian to the east and
west from 0 to 180 °. Eastern
longitude is considered positive
All points lying on one
meridian, have the same

direction on this point
measured by a central angle
or arc meridian in the same
meridian of this point. She is
measured under the same limits
as the geographical longitude.

57. Geodesic coordinate system.

is an
case spherical. For basic
planes in this system adopted
equator and initial plane
meridian. Geographic system
coordinates in the form of meridians and
on the
navigation cards and is
the coordinates of the points on the maps.

58. Orthodromic coordinate system.

is an
She is
which determine the coordinates
place of aircraft


In this system for the main axis
orthodromia, which determined her
combined with the line of the specified
ways or with the axis of the route,
called the main and accepted
for the Y axis. She is like
the main thing is carried out through the point
orthodroomy is
conditional meridian.

60. Total coordinate orthodromic system.

automated Navigation by
landing. In this case, the beginning
coordinates combine with the center
Runway, and axis y with direction
landing. For basic points
in advance
automated sunset by

63. Polar coordinate system.

coordinates is flat
In this system
azimuth (a);
range (e) relatively
radio navigation point or
a certain landmark
The polar coordinate system is used when used
corometal-range radio radio navigation systems.

Aerial navigation

Lecture number 2. Information about the form and size of the earth .................................... 7

Lecture number 3. Determination of the relative coordinates of the aircraft ........................ ... 16

Lecture number 4. Navigator preparation for the flight .................................... ..22

Lecture number 5. General rules for air navigation ................................. 25

Lecture number 6. Ensuring safety in navigation attitude. Requirements for the content of navigation support

flights .......................................................................29

Lecture number 7. Application of exchange systems .......................................... .37

Lecture number 8. Visual orientation ................................................ 41

Lecture number 9. Application of the Doppler Travel Speed \u200b\u200band Demolition Corner. Dissence Navigation Characteristics, Travel Speed \u200b\u200bMeasurement Principle, Demolition Angle Using Dissences. Kursa - Doppler Measurement of the coordinates of the Sun, Kursa - Doppler Navigation Complex ................................................ 47

Lecture number 10. Nautonomous navigation systems .................................... 51

Lecture №11. Rallen Radio Navigation Systems ..................... ..59

Lecture number 12. Application of Cornel and Ral Ralstone Navigation Systems65

Lecture №13. Application of a radar station in flight ............... ..69

Lecture №14. Satellite radio navigation systems ..............................75

List of used literature ................................................... ..79

Lecture number 1.

Main navigation concepts and definitions

"Air navigation" - science of driving aircraft on the program trajectory.

Flying is a complex movement of the aircraft in the air. It can be decomposed on the progressive movement of the center of the masses and the angular movement around the center of the mass. When describing the position of the aircraft in the process of its translational movement, a number of points and lines are used. They serve as the basis for making navigation concepts directly related to the movement of the center of the aircraft. These include: spatial place of the aircraft (PMS), place aircraft (MS), flight path (TP), line path (LP).

Spatial place of the aircraft - The point of space in which the center of the aircraft is currently located.

Place aircraft - The point on the earth's surface, in which the center of the mass of the aircraft is currently being designed. The spatial place of the aircraft and the place of the aircraft can be specified and actual.

Flight path - Spatial line described by the center of the mass of the aircraft when driving. It can be given, required and actual. Under Spatio - temporary trajectory The flight understand the flight path specified not only in space, but also in time. The specified space-time trajectory is called software.

Line path - This is a projection of the flight path of the aircraft to the surface of the Earth. The projection of the flight path to the surface of the earth is called the line of the specified path (LZP). The line for which the aircraft should fly is called the flight route.

Flight profile - The projection of the software trajectory is called a vertical plane conducted through the detailed flight route to the straight line. The projection on the earth's surface of the actual flight path of the aircraft is called the line of the actual path (LFP). Along the routes are installed WT and MWP, which are limited in height and width of corridors in airspace.

T. - a corridor in airspace, limited in height and width, designed to perform flights by aircraft by the aircraft, provided by route airfields and equipped with radio navigation, control and air traffic control.

MVP - the corridor in airspace, limited in height and width and intended for flights by aircraft when carrying out local air traffic.

When solving a number of navigation tasks, several coordinate systems can be applied. In general, their choice and application depends on the nature of the technical means of navigation and the capabilities of computing devices. The position of the MPS and MS in any system is determined by the coordinates that are determined by linear or angular values. The navigation to the most commonly used geocentric systems include: geographic (Astronomical and geodesic), normal spherical, orthodromic and equatorial.

As the main geographic systems use: rectangular right systems coordinates (normal earth and start), bipolar (flat and spherical), hyperbolic and horizontal.

When designing the physical surface of the earth, an astronomical coordinate system is used to the surface of the geoid. Coordinates Place the aircraft in this system are:

Geographic coordinate system:

  • the geographical latitude of  g is a diograni corner, concluded between the plane of the equator and the normal (sheer line) to the surface of the ellipsoid (geoid) at a given point M (measured from the equator to the poles from 0 ° to 90 o);

  • geographical longitude  G is a diugrangle, concluded between the initial (Greenwich) Meridian planes and the Meridian of this point M. is measured from 0 ° to 180 o to the east and west (when solving some tasks from 0 ° to 360 o east).
Normal coordinate system:

  • normal spherical latitude  is the angle between the plane of the equator and the direction from the center of the globe to the point, which is the image of the corresponding point of the ellipsoid. Measured by a central angle or arc of the meridian under the same limits. As geographical latitude;

  • normal spherical longitude  is a dihedral angle between the plane of the initial (Greenwich Meridian) and the plane of the meridian of this point. It is measured either by a central angle in the equator plane or an an arc of the equator from the initial meridian to the meridian of this point under the same limits as the geographical longitude.
The physical condition of the air medium, as well as the direction of its movement relative to the earth's surface, has a significant effect on the trajectory of the aircraft movement in any coordinate system. To assess the movement of the aircraft along the trajectory, geometric and mechanical values \u200b\u200bare used, characterizing the spatial position of the aircraft, the speed and direction of its movement at some point in time. They are customary called navigation elements of flight and divide on navigation elements and movements.

Flight height - This is a vertical distance from some level, taken from the beginning of reference to the aircraft.

The elements of the second group are: Travel speed, travel angle, demolition angle, air speed, course and vertical speed.

Flight speed The aircraft is determined both relative to the air environment surrounding the aircraft and relative to the earth's surface.

Course of aircraft γ - called angle in the horizontal plane M
rode by the direction adopted for the beginning of the reference 1 At the point of the location of the aircraft, and the projection on this plane of its longitudinal axis 2 (Fig. 1.7).

Way speed flight It is called the speed of movement along the earth's surface of the MS, directed by the path to the path 2 .

Track angle The angle is called between the direction adopted for the beginning of the countdown and the line of the path (vector travel velocity W). He also, as well as the course reports from the beginning of the reference clockwise from 0 ° to 360 o.

Demolition angle  The aircraft is called the angle between the air velocity vector and the traveling velocity vector in the horizontal plane. It is considered positive if the vector of travel speed is the right to the right of the air velocity vector, negative - if it is left.

Vertical speed W B is called the vertical component of the full velocity of the aircraft to move relative to the Earth W (Fig. 1.7).

The navigation elements considered above may be specified, the actual and required. For example, the actual path lines are the actual way angle, the line of the specified path is the specified way angle, and the limit of the desired path is the desired way angle.

The setting of the navigation problem is based on the definition of the program, actual and required values \u200b\u200bof navigation and air parameters relative to the air environment and the earth's surface characterizing the corresponding path trajectories.

The flight path of any destination is preceded by the calculation of the software trajectory and drawing up (development) of a given navigation program of the flight, the calculated software trajectory that ensures the safest and economic flight can be specified analytically or graphically in various coordinate systems. It is analyzically expressed by the end equations of the Mass Center of the Airplane, which in a widespread orthodromic rectangular coordinate system have the form:


where z s, s s, h z - specified (software) orthodromic rectangular coordinates of PMS at a given point in time

To specify the flight path, the crew is set by the flight route, the flight time of its support points, as well as a flight profile. The navigation program developed on the basis of a software trajectory, depending on the capabilities of the technical means of navigation and piloting, can be administered to the storage devices of navigation calculators and presented in the indicators of the navigation situation, automatic cartographic plates, flight cards, onboard magazines and flight plans. Flight on the software trajectory according to the navigation program must be performed in accordance with the flight operation manual. They are regulated by the rules, conditions and restrictions on the flight operation and piloting of the aircraft of this type.

The character of the trajectory is determined by the flight regimes of the aircraft. The latter in turn are characterized by various navigational and aerobatic parameters that understand the mechanical and geometric values \u200b\u200band their derivatives used in the aircraft.

Navigation and aerobatic parameters may coincide with flight navigation elements or be associated with them simple ratios. Navigation parameters include: coordinates of the spatial location of the aircraft, track speed, travel angle, demolition angle, vertical speed, derivatives of these parameters and others.

TO aerobatic : Aerial speed, aircraft, vertical speed relative to the air environment, angular velocity, corners of digging, roll, pitch, etc. According to such a division of the parameters used in the BL, distinguish between the navigation and pilot modes of flights.

Control questions

  1. What is the object air navigation?

  2. What is the trajectory of the flight?

  3. What geodetic coordinate systems are most used in navigation?

  4. What determines the nature of the flight path?


Item Air Navigation, PMS, MS, TP, LP, Flight Profile, W, MVL, Astronomical Coordinate System, Geodesic Coordinate System

geographic coordinate system, normal coordinate system, flight height, aircraft course, track speed, travel angle, demolition angle.

Federal Air Transport Agency

Training and Training Center "Chelavia"

Aerial navigation



PPL (A), Tutorial, Air Navigation, 2013, Chelyabinsk,

"TCC" Chelavia ".

This textbook discusses the main issues of theory and practice of aircraft using geotechnical and radio equipment, the basics of aviation cartography, navigation elements of the flight.

Much attention is paid to the preparation, implementation and safety of flight safety on the tracks, as well as the practical use of aircraft.

Reducing ......................................................... ..........................................................................................................................

Chapter 1. Basics of air navigation .................................... .... ... .... 5

Chapter 2. Aviation cartography ......................................... .........29

Chapter 3. Earth Magnetism and Courses Sun ........................................ ... 53

Chapter 4. Time. Time count .............................................. .64

Chapter 5. Navigation line NL-10M ........................... ... ..... ...... 69

Chapter 6. Height and flight speed .......................................... .. ... ... 79

Chapter 7. The effect of wind on the flight of the aircraft ............................... ... ... ... .90

Chapter 8. Visual orientation .......................................... .... ... 105

Chapter 9. Application of Cornelted Radio Navigation Systems ....... ... ..131

Chapter 10. Sunset at the OSP .......................................... .. ... 149

Chapter 11. GENERAL REVIEW OF NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT OF THE HOUR OF THE HIGH OFFER .............................................................................. .. ... ..155

Chapter 12. Features of the use of coursework and systems for navigation ................................................................................................................................... ... .. ..163

Chapter 13. Features of the use of automatic radio compass for navigation ................................................................................................ 174

Chapter 14. Features of the satellite navigation system

GNS 430 ................................................................................................ ..176

Chapter 15. Ensuring the safety of the aircraft .... ....... ... ... ... ..189

Bibliographic list ........................................ ... ...... .209


Place aircraft

Posted way corner

Actual travel corner

Demolition angle


Air traffic maintenance

civil Aviation

Aviation accident

Air operating manual

Federal Aviation Rules

the Russian Federation

Complex meteorological conditions

Air navigation support

Chapter 1. Basics of air navigation

1.1 Navigation Terminology and Definitions

The word "air navigation" occurred from the Latin "Navigatio", which is literally overwritten meant "Women's", and in the widest value of this word. But rather soon it acquired a narrower sense: Activities (and,

of course, science studying this activity) to fulfill the accurate and safe sailing of the courts. Determining the location, course and velocity of the vessel, preventing chalk or reefs, the choice of the best way is these and other tasks of marine navigation, which is now more often called navigation, they are clearly understood by non-subsidiaries.

As people began to move around and in other environments, aeronautical navigation (air navigation) appeared, as well as space navigation, ground and even underground. The main content of any of them is the same - determining the location of the object and the parameters of its movement, controlling its movement along the desired trajectory. Along with the term "air navigation" in

different times were used, and sometimes continue to be used, terms

"Air navigation" and "Aircraft".

Terms "Air Navigation" and "Air Navigation" Full synonyms,

since the Greek "AER" and means air. But use the word

"Aeronautics" is clearly preferable. First, in short, secondly,

fully corresponds to similar input terms (English

"AIRNAVIGATION", French "Navigation Aerienne"), and thirdly, this term has appeared historically earlier. The term "aircraft", under which not only the driving of aircraft, but also helicopters, and other aircraft, has occurred, apparently, by analogy with the word "shipment".

Sometimes the words "Radio Navigation", "Astronomical Navigation", "Inertial Navigation" and the like are used. These are not separate types of navigation, but the same navigation (air, sea, cosmic), but carried out using the technical means of a certain type

(radiotechnical, astronomical, etc.). If we talk about air navigation as

science or academic discipline, then these are its sections, considering the use of certain types of navigation equipment.

At the same time, the word "air navigation" is often used in the original, wider value, as flights in general. In such, for example,

phrases like "Autumn-Winter Navigation", "Air Navigation Information", "Air Navigation Commission ICAO", etc. Term

"Aeronautics", considered in a narrow sense, has two interrelated values:

- a certain process flowing in reality or the activities of people to achieve a certain goal;

- science or academic discipline studying this activity.

For the first of these values, you can give the following definition.

Aeronautics - control of the trajectory of the operation of the aircraft, carried out by the crew in flight.

Running at all means bringing the control object (

what is controlled) in the desired position, state, etc. In navigation, the aircraft (Sun) is considered as a point moving in space and describing the line - a flight trajectory. The crew in the flight controls both the movement of this point, that is, its movement in space and the trajectory as a whole - its shape, length, etc. The management objectives may be different, for example, in civil and military aviation.

If for civilian sun, it is necessary to achieve the most close coincidence of the actual trajectory with the specified one, then for the military aircraft of a given trajectory may not be at all, and the main task will be,

for example, accurate access to the target at a specified time.

In general, under the "trajectory" in this definition it is understood not just a line in space, but a space-time trajectory, that is, a line on which each point corresponds to a certain point of time.

This makes it possible to attribute to navigation tasks such traditional tasks as ensuring the exit to the specified point at the appointed time,

ensuring flight flight, etc. It would seem determining the concept

aeronautics, it is enough to talk about the management of the sun as a point and there is no need to talk about the control of the trajectory. But there are a number of tasks,

traditionally navigation, navigator concerning the trajectory,

since the trajectory as a whole has other properties that are not inherent in its separate point. For example, the length of the trajectory, spent during the flight fuel depend on the entire trajectory, are, as mathematics say, its functionals. Therefore, the task of choosing the best in the point of view of the fuel consumption of the trajectory is the navigation task.

Controls the movement of the sun its flight crew. Experts converge on the fact that no matter how the aircraft improves, in the foreseeable future, people at least during passenger traffic will still be in their cabins. But, of course, the crew navigates with the wide use of various technical means. These funds are removed from the crew a significant part of its load, and on the most perfect Suns leave only the functions of control and decision-making during unforeseen situations.

The air navigation site in the hierarchy of the flight control processes. If you ask a question "Who manages the movement of the sun?", It is difficult to get an unequivocal answer. Too multi-level, hierarchical is a concept.

Of course, the plane controls the pilot, affecting the controls. But he does it so as to withstand the course, speed and height given to him the navigator, which, therefore, also manages flight. The navigator in turn calculated these parameters in accordance with the indications of the dispatcher

(For example, about entering the specified item at a given height), it means that the dispatcher controls the aircraft. But he also sets the trajectory, but in accordance with the schemes established in this area - route, corridors,

echelons. It turns out that air traffic organization authorities that have formed these schemes, also participants in flight control. This hierarchical staircase control of the aircraft can continue up. But you can continue and down, noticing that they actually manage the aircraft steering car autopilot ...

Where is the air navigation in this hierarchy? It is there and then when the aircraft can be viewed as a point in space by moving which you need to control. And delimit this process with adjacent steps of the management hierarchy is quite simple. As soon as we begin to consider the aircraft not as a point, but as an object having dimensions and, therefore, an angular orientation

(course, roll, pitch), piloting begins - control of the angular movement. And as soon as at least two Sun appears and, as a result, new tasks arise (echelonation, preventing dangerous convergence) -

air traffic control begins.

Of course, there is no other way to change the trajectory of the flight, except by piloting. The pilot creates a roll and aerodynamic forces forcing the entire aircraft to change the trajectory. Navigation is carried out by piloting and these two components are inextricably linked. If there is a navigator in the crew, then the solution of navigation tasks is assigned to it, although,

of course, the Sun commander (pilot) does not miss this process from under control.

The task of the pilot is the execution of the navigator commands that ensure the control of the trajectory. If there is no navigator and piloting in the crew of the navigation and piloting simultaneously.

Requirements for air navigation.The purpose of the flight of civil sun is, as a rule, the transportation of passengers or cargo, from one point to another, or performing a certain type of work (construction and assembly, aerial recovery,

search and rescue operations, etc.). In the implementation of these goals for air navigation, as a rule, certain requirements are presented.

1) Air Navigation Security. This is the main requirement. Indeed, it makes no sense to make towards air navigationany requirements are still, if there is a threat to the life of the crew and passengers, if there is no certainty that the aircraft will reach the destination.

2) Accuracy. This requirement is important for civilian sun, as they perform flights on specified trajectories. The accuracy of air navigation is the degree of approximation of the actual trajectory to the specified. Safety, and flight efficiency depends on accuracy. Since the specified trajectories are built

so that they were safe (did not intersect with obstacles, other trajectories), then the more precisely, they are withstanding the sun, the less risk. On the other hand, the specified trajectories are usually installed as shorter. Therefore, the more accurately the flight is performed, the shorter the trajectory and less flight time.

3) Efficiency. The smaller the flight time, the usually less flight cost, including all related costs - from the wage of the staff to the cost of consumed fuel.

4) Regularity. Flights in the general case must be executed on schedule.

The delay with departure or arrival not only brings the inconvenience to passengers, but may also be entrusted with significant economic losses. Thus, at the airfields with a high intensity of motion, late with the arrival at the control point began the start of the landing can lead to the fact that the Sun will be sent to the expectation zone where it will wait for the release of the temporary "window" to approach the landing, consuming the fuel.

The main tasks of air navigation. The air navigation process includes a solution of three main tasks:

- formation (selection) of a given trajectory;

- determination of the location of the aircraft in the space and parameters of its movement;

- formation of navigation solution (control influences for the output of the aircraft per specified trajectory).

The formation of a given trajectory begins to flight, usually long before it, when the network of airways specified by heights is established. In this case, this task is not related to the air navigation itself, but to aeronautical support of flights. But the formation of the trajectory can occur both promptly, in flight, when the dispatcher, and sometimes the crew itself, chooses which point or on what line the path should follow Sun. The specified trajectory is selected in one way or another, that is, the trajectory for which you need to fly,

must be safe and economical, in particular should not be reset

with terrestrial obstacles and should be shorter if possible.

The definition of the location of the aircraft in space is one of the main and so important components of the navigation, which is usually the main efforts of the crew that some identify it with navigation as a whole, that is, it is believed that navigation is only there is a definition of the location of the aircraft. Indeed, a significant part of the on-board and terrestrial navigation equipment is designed to determine the coordinates of the aircraft and so far, with the exception of the satellite navigation systems, work with it takes a significant part of the crew operation. But besides the coordinates, it is necessary to know the parameters of the operation of the aircraft, that is, the speed and direction of movement of the aircraft, and sometimes its acceleration - without this it is impossible to withstand the specified trajectory.

After the location of the Sun is defined and it turned out that it is not on a given trajectory (and in the overwhelming majority of cases it happens), it is necessary to determine the deviation value and take the navigation solution: how the actual flight path must be changed so that the sun has come out on a given trajectory. This navigation solution may have a form, such as the values \u200b\u200bof the specified course, roll or vertical speed, which the navigator transmits the pilot. The pilot implements them (for example,

deploacing the plane to the specified course) and the aircraft, changing its actual trajectory, bringing it to the specified one. And this sequence of action is periodically repeated throughout the flight.

On the aircraft, on which the aeronautics process, to some extent, automated, determining the location of the Sun, and the output to a given trajectory can be carried out automatically. The navigation solution of the navigator (or pilot, in the absence of an assault in the crew) is the selected automatic operation of on-board equipment. Modes of operation can be somewhat depending, for example, on whether the coordinates and parameters of the air traffic are determined by technical means.

Technical means navigation. Sun flights are performed at the dark, and above the clouds, when the lands are not visible, and it is impossible to carry out visual orientation. Therefore, the definition of the location of the Sun and

It would seem faster and most convenient to fly in a straight line between two airports. However, in fact, only birds fly through the shortest path, and aircraft are airlocks. Airways consist of segments between trackpoints, and the waypoints themselves are the conditional geographic coordinates, which are usually a certain easily memorable name of five letters similar to the word (usually a latin, but transliteration is used in Russian-speaking). Usually this "word" means nothing, for example, NOLLA or LUNOK, but sometimes the name of the nearby settlement or some geographical object is guessed, for example, the Oloba point is located near the town of Olonets, and Nurma is the surroundings of the village of Nurma.

Airway map

The route is built from segments between points for ordering air traffic: if everything was flying arbitrarily, it would have complicated the work of the dispatchers, since it would be very difficult to predict, wherever each of the flying aircraft is. And here all time - and fly with each other. Conveniently! The dispatchers are watching the aircraft flying at a distance of no more than 5 kilometers from each other, and if someone catches someone, it can be asked to fly a little slower (or the second - a little faster).

What is the secret of the arc?

Why then fly along the arc? In fact, this is an illusion. The route even on the tracks is quite close to the straight, and you see the arc only on a flat map, because the earth is round. It is easiest to see this, taking the globe and pulling straight on its surface to the thread between the two cities. Remember where it runs, and now try to repeat her route on the flat card.

The route of flight from Moscow to Los Angeles only seems arc

There is, however, another nuance concerning transcontinental flights. Quadjunctive aircraft (Boieng-747, Airbus A340, A380) can fly in a straight line. But more economical two-limit (Boeing-767, 777, Airbus A330, etc.) have to make a hook due to ETOPS certification (Extended Range Twin Engine Operational Performance Standards). They must be kept at a distance of a certain flight time to the nearest spare airfield (as a rule, 180 minutes, but it also happens more - 240 or even 350), and in the event of a single engine failure, immediately go there for an emergency landing. It turns out really flight on the arc.

To increase the "bandwidth" of the track, use echelion, that is, the airplanes are bred in height. The specific flight height is called echelon, or, in English, Flight Level is "flight level". The echelons themselves are called - FL330, FL260, etc., the number indicates a height in hundreds of feet. That is, FL330 is a height of 10058 meters. In Russia, until recently, we used the metric system, so the pilots still say the habit: "Our flight will be held at an altitude of ten thousand meters," but now also moved to the international foot.

Navigation display

How do you gain a height?

The "even" echelons (300, 320, 340, etc.) are used in flights from the east to west, odd - from the west to the East. In some countries, the echelons are divided between the four parties of the world. The meaning is simple: thanks to this, there will always be at least 1000 feet in height between airplanes flying towards each other, that is, more than 300 meters.

But the difference in flight time from East to West and from the west to the east has nothing to do with the echelons. And to the rotation of the Earth, too, because the atmosphere rotates with the planet. Everything is simple: in the northern hemisphere, the winds are blowing more often from the west to the east, so in one case the wind speed is added to the aircraft speed relative to air (it is conditionally constant), and in the other - it is deducted from it, so the speed relative to the Earth is different. And on the echelon, the wind can blow at speeds and 100, and 150, and even 200 km / h.

Direction of movement of aircraft on echelons

How does navigation work?

More recently, the pilots were able to focus on the sun, the moon and the stars, and on the old airplanes even had windows at the top of the cabin. The process was quite complicated, therefore the navigator was also present in the crews.

In air navigation, ground radio beacons are used - radio stations, sending a signal at a known frequency from a known point. Frequencies and points are indicated on the maps. Configuring the onboard receiver with a special "circular" antenna to the desired frequency, you can understand, in which direction from you is a radio beacon.

If the lighthouse is the easiest, non-directional (NDB, non-Directional Beacon), then nothing can be realized, but by changing the direction for this lighthouse, with a known speed, you can calculate its coordinates. A more advanced azimuthal lighthouse (VOR, VHF Omni-Directional Radio Range) also has circular antennas and therefore it is possible to determine the magnetic bearing, that is, to understand what course you are moving relative to this lighthouse. The Domodedovo Domodedovo Airport (DME, Distance Measuring Equipment, does not be confused with the Radar's principle, allows you to determine the distance to it. As a rule, azimuthal and rangefinder lighthouses (VOR / DME) are installed in a pair.

That is what London looks like and its surroundings in the Flight Radar application 24