How to go buses 1. New schedule and routes: how to walk buses from early July

Photo: Agency "Moscow" / Kiselev Sergey

In the New Year holidays in the center of the capital will be held in the midst of the Festival "Travel to Christmas", there will be some public transport routes, and some streets will not be available for motorists. And the metro and MCC, as in the past year, will work the whole New Year's Eve. All details read in the material of the portal Moscow 24.

Metro and MCC

All night from December 31, on January 1, the subway will be open. Trains will go with movement intervals from 3.5 to 15 minutes. By the way, the holiday was launched.

Photo: Moscow Agency / Kiselev Sergey

The Moscow Central Ring (ICC) will also work without a break for the New Year. Movement intervals, as well as on the subway, will be from 3.5 to 15 minutes. As always, passengers within 90 minutes from the moment of the first pass will be able to transfer free from the metro on the MCC and vice versa.

In addition, on Christmas Eve - On the night of January 7, the metropolitan subway and MCC will be open for passengers for an hour longer - up to 2 o'clock in the morning.

Ground transport

On New Year's Eve, all night and most popular ground transport routes will be available for passengers. 59 routes and 11 night buses will work around the clock, 98 routes - until 3:30 am. Buses will run every 25-30 minutes.

In addition, in the Christmas night, 163 buses and trolleybuses will carry people to three o'clock in the morning. There will also be 11 night routes.

From December 29 to January 3, the routes of 16 buses will change due to the footage of the Festival "Travel to Christmas": A, M1, M2, M3, M5, M6, M10, M27, No. 15, No. 38, No. 101, No. 144, № 38 158, No. 904, H1 and H2.

  • M1 - from the street Kravchenko to the metro station "Library named after Lenin", then on the route M27 to the metro station "Park Victory";
  • M2 - from the "Fili" stop to the metro station "Library named after Lenin", then on the highway of buses m3 to the Sport Complex "Luzhniki";
  • M27 - on a plot from Karacharov overpass station to the metro station "Lubyanka" and from the metro station "Park Victory" to the metro station "Library named after Lenin", then on the route M1 to Kravchenko Street;
  • M3 - on the site from the metro station "Semenovskaya" to the metro station "Lubyanka", as well as from the Sport Complex "Luzhniki" to the metro station "Library named after Lenin", and then on the M2 route to the "Fili" route;
  • A - from "Luzhniki" to the metro station "Kropotkinskaya" instead of the metro station "Komsomolskaya";
  • No. 15 - when following the southern lobby of the VDNH, the route will be reduced to passionate boulevard. At another time, it stretches to the Novodevichy Monastery;
  • M6 - to the metro station "Nagatinskaya" will follow through the large Nikitskaya and the Moss Street in Nikitsky Boulevard and Street Zamenka. In the direction of the Silicate Plant, the buses from the metro station "Library named after Lenin" will go through the streets of Vozdvizhenka, New Arbat, then in the Garden Ring to Kudrinskaya Square and then its route;
  • M10 - instead of the Metro station "China-City" will be followed to the Metro Station "Mayakovskaya";
  • No. 101 - from the Palace of Sports "Megasport" to the Tver Shoppasya;
  • № 904 - from the 4th Mitina microdistrict to Tver Oblast.
  • No. 144 - from the metro station "Teply Stan" to the "Drummer" cinema.
From December 31 to January 3, the buses will follow:
  • M5 and No. 158 - to Balchug Street instead of the Lubyanka metro station;
  • No. 38 - from the Riga station to the metro station "Pipe" instead of "China-Cities".
From 29 to December 30 to the night for January 3, night buses will run:
  • H1 - in areas from the lake street to the cinema "Drummer" and from Sheremetyevo airport to Tverskaya oblast;
  • H2 - from Belovezhskaya Street to the metro station "Library named after Lenin" with a turn across the streets of Zamenka, a mossy Vozdvizhenka.

Personal cars

On New Year's holidays, part of the streets in the center of Moscow will block for motorists and will make them pedestrian because of the festival "Journey to Christmas". Restrictions will be valid for five days - from December 30 to January 3. These days, Tverskaya Street from the "Mayakovskaya" to the Okhotny series, moss from Vozdvizhenka to Tverskaya and the Okhotny series completely.

Also because of the festival, Petrovsky Lines, Rakhmanovsky Lane, Neglinnaya Street, Krapyvensky Lane, Ilyinka Streets, Barbarka and Moskvoretskaya, Bolshaya Moskvoretsky Bridge and Vasilyevsky Square.

In addition, the sections of the following streets will be blocked:

  • Passionate boulevard from Tverskaya Street to Street Big Dmitrovka;
  • Big Nestsovsky Alley from Tverskaya Street to House 7;
  • Small Nestovskiy Lane from Tverskaya Street to Great Nestovsky Lane;
  • Leontyevsky lane from Tverskaya Street to Great Nestovsky Lane;
  • Tverskaya travel in the area of \u200b\u200bthe house 8, building 1, Tverskaya Street;
  • Bruces Lane from Tverskaya Street to House 21;
  • Newspaper alley from Tverskaya Street to House 5;
  • Nikitsky lane from Tverskaya Street to House 7, Building 1;
  • Georgievsky lane from Tverskaya Street to House 1, Building 1;
  • street Mokhovaya from Tverskaya Street to House 1, Building 1, and from Vozdvizhenka Street to Street Bolshaya Nikitskaya;
  • street Big Dmitrovka in the area of \u200b\u200bhouse 1/30;
  • Theatrical passage from the street Big Dmitrovka to Neglinnaya Street;
  • petrovka Street from theatrical passage to Dmitrovsky Lane.
At the same time, all paid parking lots will be free for motorists. Paying for stay only on those where there are barriers. They are in the city about 80, the cost varies from 50 to 200 rubles per hour or at the price of a monthly subscription. However, it is not worth violating the rules of parking, since the evacuation service will not rest these days.


Photo: The portal of the mayor and the government of Moscow

The New Year holidays will also change the schedule of the movement of suburban trains. The time of movement of the suburban train in the New Year and Christmas night will extend to 2:00 hours. Trains "Aeroexpress" will work as usual.

From December 30 to January 7, suburban trains will follow Saturday's schedule, January 8 - on Sunday schedule. And on January 9, the train will return to the usual schedule of the working day.

All will be canceled by 24 trains of the CPS, and 15 electric trains of the company will be sent later at night on January 1 and 7. Most of all changes will occur in the express schedule of the Yaroslavl direction of the railway.

For example, Daily Train No. 6059 Pushkino - Moscow will go on January 1 at night later for 40 minutes (at 0:27). And the train No. 6676 Moscow - Monino 1 and 7 January - later for 1 hour 40 minutes (at 1:50). Express number 6677 Monino - Moscow on New Year's Eve will be released at 0:09 - 58 minutes later than the rest of the day.

December 30th. Website - In the New Year and Christmas night, land transport will work in the capital longer than usual. This is reported on the official portal of the mayor and the government of Moscow.

Central Administrative District

Before 03:30, trams number 9, 35 and 46 will operate in the CAO, as well as buses of routes M1, M2, M3, M6, M10, M27, T3, T13, T79, No. 101, 158, 608 and 904.

And throughout the night, Muscovites and guests of the capital will transport trams No. 24, 26 and 50, trolleybuses No. 20, 28, 41, 54 and 56, as well as buses M5, T18 and T71. The work of the night routes of the N1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, B, T15, tram number 3 is also preserved.

At the same time, some buses in the city center will change the tracking tracks due to festive events.

Northeast Administrative District

Buses M2, M10, T3, T13, T79, No. 124, 185, T13, T79, No. 124, 185, 238 and 685 will help to get to the festive platforms, and tram number 9. They will run to 03:30.

Eastern Administrative District

Before 03:30 Routes will work in WAO:

Buses m3, m27, № 3, 21, 86, 133, 214, 223, 247, 645, 664, 792, 872;

Trolleybuses No. 64, 77;

Trams number 36, 46.

In the round-the-clock mode, Trolleybus No. 41, trams No. 11, 24 and 50, buses No. 52, 716, 841 and 855 are running. Also on the night of December 31, on January 1, it will be possible to use N3 and H4 night buses.

Southeast Administrative District

In the south-east of the capital until 03:30 you can use:

Buses number 29, 81, 89, 133, 242, 608, 623, 655, 669, 703 (to Kuryanova), 728, 749;

Trolley buses number 38;

Trams number 24, 50.

Routes will work around the clock:

Buses number 209, 670 (to the metro station "Kozhukhovskaya"), 841;

Trolleybus number 74;

Trams number 24 and 50.

The work of the night routes of the N4, H5 and H7 bus remains.

Southern Administrative District

A tram number 26, trolley buses No. 11k, 52, 72, as well as buses M5, T71, No. 203 and 220 will work all night. Bus number 670 will be running only to Kuzhukhovskaya metro station. Also, the townspeople will be able to use the services of night transport - buses H1 and H5, tram number 3.

Those who are planning a trip to 03:30 can also leave for:

Buses M1, M6, № 158, 192, 217, 274, 289, 296, 608, 623, 680, 682, 738, 765;

Trolleybus number 40 or tram number 35.

Southwest Administrative District

Southeast until the middle of the night will work trolleybus No. 85 and bus routes M1, №103, 108, 202, 213, 227, 295, 577, 611, 636, 642, 720, 737, 767 and 804.

Trips throughout the night can be planned on:

Buses M5, No. 130, 224, 531, 752, 895 and N1 night route;

Trolley buses number 28, 34, 52, 72;

Tram number 26.

Western Administrative District

Moscow residents of Moscow until 03:30 can use buses M1, M3, M27, № 11, 32, 42, 77, 103, 120, 157, 227, 507, 611, 642, 715, 720, 733, 767, 794, 810 and 830.

And throughout the night, passengers will transport the bus routes T19, No. 127, 130, 224, 688, 752, 950, N1 and H2, as well as trolleybuses No. 17, 28, 34, 54.

Northwest Administrative District

The T19, No. 2 and 652, Trolleybuses No. 20, 43 and 59, and trams No. 6 and 59, and trams No. 6 and 28 work in the SZAO.

By 03:30 will stop walking buses M1, M6, No. 210, 266, 267, 268, 904, 400t, trolleybus number 70 and trams No. 21, 30.

Northern Administrative District

In this area, routes will work until 03:30:

Buses M1, M6, M10, T3, T79, № 65, 90, 101, 167, 677, 904;

Trolleybuses № 57, 70;

Tram number 30.

At night, the work of the H1 bus route is saved, and routes will be available during the day:

Buses T19, № 70, 149, 200, 400, 857, 774;

Trolleybuses No. 20, 43, 56, 58, 59;

Trams number 6, 27, 28.

Zelenograd administrative district

Do not remain without night transport and residents of Zelenograd. Until 01:30 passengers transport buses No. 11, 15, until 03:30 will run buses No. 400t. And routes of buses No. 19 and 400 can be used throughout the New Year's Eve.

Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative district

At the attached territories, the bus routes No. 531, 863, 895, 950 and 19 s will work all night. And you can reach the festive sites by buses No. 32, 507,577, 611 and 804 until 03:30.

Private carriers

Deliver passengers to the New Year's Eve trust transport and carriers working on government contracts. All night will run buses No. 112 "Kapotnya" - "Metro" Bratislavskaya "" (YUVAO) and 714 "Street Pavel Korchagin" - Riga Station (SWAO).

Before 03:30, bus routes No. 88 "Metro Planernaya" - "Hydroproekt" (SAO and SZAO), 236 "Matveevsko" - "MKAD" (CJSC) and 259 "Kornechuk Street" - "Metro" Vladykino "" (SWAO).

In July, routes of multiple buses will change.

Bus number 692: Route is shortened

From July 1, a bus route No. 692 "Microdistrict 4" d "Otradnaya" is reduced - "Dynamo Metro". Instead of a microdistrict 4 "D" of the Otradi buses to be followed to the Metro Station "Upper Likhobor", and instead of the Dynamo metro station - to Savelovsky station.

From the Metro Station "Top Likhobor" to the stop "Pisvaya Street", the buses will go to their current route, then according to Petrovsko-Razumovsky passage, the 2nd Quest and Butyrskaya streets to the Savelovsky station with a turn through the Novoslobodskaya Street and Savelsky Station Square. Then the route will be held on the street Lower Maslovka, Vyatka, 2nd Queissa streets and Petrovsko-Razumovsky travel to the stop "Pisovaya Street". Then the bus will go to the route to the Upper Likhobor metro station.

Mode of operation - daily. The first bus will be sent from the Upper Likhobor Metro Station at 05:00, the last - from Savelovsky Station at 19:30. Buses will go with all stops.

Bus number 82: closes Butyrskaya Street

Because of the construction of the lobby of the Lower Maslovka metro station, from July 1, the route of the bus No. 82 will change. When moving to the Belarusian station, instead of Butyrskaya Street, buses will proceed on Vyatka street. Stop "Savelovsky Station" is postponed from Butyrskaya Street to House 9 on Vyatka Street. Stop "Butyrskaya Street", located on the 2nd Queissa Street, will not be serviced. Changes are entered before the end of construction.

Bus number 22: Cancels from Savelovsky Station

From July 1, buses number 22, cruising on the route "Street March 8" - "We" will not travel on the 2nd Queissa Street and Lower Maslovka Street to Savelovsky Station. When following us after stopping the "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Alley, 8", they will go through Petrovsko-Razumovsky passage, then by the route. In the opposite direction after stopping the "Petrovsko-Razumovsky passage", the buses proceed to Petrovsko-Razumovsky to travel to New Basilovka, then the usual route.

When following in both directions, the stop "Store" Optics "is restored in Petrovsko-Razumovsky passage.

Bus number 649 will go daily

Bus number 818: Signs are canceled

From July 2, a bus route No. 818 will change, cruising from the Silicate Plant to Dynamo Metro Station. Between the streets of Marshal Shaposhnikov and the Grisodube buses will go in both directions on the Aviation Structure of Mikoyan, the Hododysky Boulevard and the 1st Hydhun passage.

When following the Metro Station, Dynamo introduces an additional stop of the "CSKA" metro station "on the Khodynsky boulevard. Stops "Sports Palace" Megasport "" (Eastern entrance) "," Palace of Sport "Megasport" "and" Avia Breakstone Street ", located on the aircraft designer of dry, will not be serviced.

From September 7 to September 11, the routes of several dozen buses will change due to the celebration of the City Day in Moscow. This is reported on the website of the Moscow Government.

From 22:00 Thursday, September 7, until Monday, September 11, buses on the following routes will go:

M1: from Kravchenko Street to the "Drummer" cinema;

M10: from Lobnenskaya Street to Metro "Mayakovskaya";

- № 101, 904: to the Belorussian station;

H1 will walk from the lake street to the "Drummer" cinema and from Sheremetyevo Airport to the Belorussian station.

From 18:00 Friday, September 8, until Monday, September 11, the M3 bus will walk from Semenovskaya to Lubyanka, and M6 - from the Silicate Plant to Krasnopresnenskaya. From 19:00 Friday, September 8, until Monday, September 11, the following routes will walk:

M2: from the "Fili" stop to the metro station "Library named after Lenin" (from the Arbat Gate Square in Zamenka and Mokhovaya Street);

- No. 38: from the Riga station to the subway "Pipe";

- № 144: from the metro "Teply Stan" to the "Drummer" cinema;

H2: from Belovezhskaya Street to the metro "Library named after Lenin" (from Square Arbat Gate for Znamenka and Mokhovaya Street).

On Saturday, September 9, and on Sunday, September 10, from 11:00 to the end of sporting events, buses number 38 will walk from Riga Station to Self-Square. Then the route will again be extended to the subway "Pipe".

Also on Saturday from 10:30 and on Sunday from 09:30 Buses of the route "A" will go from Luzhniki Stadium to Nikitsky Gate. On Saturday from 11:30 and on Sunday from 11:00 to the end of the holiday, T13 and No. 24 buses will go to the samotane area.

Buses number 255 from 12:30 Saturdays and from 13:30 Sunday along the way to "Luzhniki" instead of lazy and magicians will follow the Prechistenian embankment and Soyonon passage. On Saturday from 20:00 and before the end of the fireworks, the buses will go from "Luzhniki" to the "Kropotkinskaya" metro station. On Sunday from 08:30 buses No. 15 will go from VDNH to Krasnoproletarian street.

From 14:30 Saturday Buses No. 793 instead of Bogdanova Street will follow the projected driving number 5032. The stopping "District Support Sunset" will be temporarily abolished. On Sunday from 11:00, M9 buses will go from the Metro "China City" on Malase, cover and garden ring to the world avenue, further - on its route.

In Zelenograd, from 15:00 Saturday, until the end of the city's Day, Nikolai Zlobin will be blocked by Nikolai Zlobin Street, a plot of central avenue from Nikolai Zlobin Street to Savelkin's passage and Savelkinsky passage.

Buses No. 1, 10, 12, 15, 25, 29 will follow from the Krojok station to stop "House of Furniture", and then - on the 1st West Drive to the North Stop. Routes number 2, 3, 19, 32 and 32k will follow from the end stops to the Mat station.

Buses No. 400, 400E will be departed from "House of Furniture" and "Birch" stops. They will go from Moscow on the Panfilovsky and Leningrad highway. Routes number 8, 9, 11, 27 and 29 will cancel.

About what to do on the day of the city, read in our.

Moscow - the city is definitely huge. People live here a lot - order 12 380 664 (for 2017) man. And this figure grows every year. Attractive capital of the Russian Federation, of course, for a huge number of people of both our country and abroad. And for sure, many visits would like to knowhow many buses go to Moscow.

Public transport types of the capital

Of course, the majority of visitors prefer to move along the capital through underground transport. Metropolitan in Moscow is designed very convenient. You can get with it in almost any part of the city. Works metro capitalon the usual days from 5:30 in the morning. Stations are closed at night. This, of course, is also convenient. But you can still get to the right place in Moscow on the metro, unfortunately, not always. To use terrestrial modes of transport and residents of the capital have to be pretty often.

If the subway is removed directly to the destination, the passenger can sit on:






Of course, most often guests of the capital use such a kind of public transport as minibuses and buses. You can reach them to the destination you can quickly. Yes, and trams in the capital remained, unfortunately, not so much.

Bus stations Moscow

Points of departure of minibuses and urban flights in the capital there are many. But actually bus stations in Moscowjust two:

    Central (the unofficial name "Schelkovsky"), located on the highway of the same name, in the house number 75.

    The urban airport on the Leningradsky Prospect, from which long-distance buses are sent.

Small bus stops in the capital are usually located next to the entrances / outputs from the subway. There are points to send buses and minibuses, for example, at Vykhino station, Tushinskaya, "Orekhovo", "Teply Stan", "Krasnogvardeyskaya", "Cherkizovskaya", etc. There are such nodes and near Kazan and Paveletsky railway stations.

There is a private station and in Northern Butovo. From hereships, for example, flight 858 in Shcherbinka. Some guests of the capital would like to knowhow many goes № 858 bus "Moscow - Shcherbinki. "The first flight on weekdays on this route is sent at 05:20 hours (05:35 - on weekends). Lastarrives in Butovo at 02:21.

How many and how many buses go to Moscow

Of course, the administration of the capital does everything possible in order to move around the city to its residents and guests were as convenient as possible. In the mornings from stations and stations, most buses are sent at 5 am. Ends on ordinary days, this type of transport of the capital is most often at 1.30 am. But from this rule, of course, there are many exceptions.

So, for example, routes duplicated by train can finish work at 23:00.And this is understandable. Becoming passengers will be able to easily reach the destination and railway transport.Some significant flights operate in the capital and later than 1.30. Many guests and residents of the city probably would like, for example, find outhow many goes number 851 bus "Moscow -Sheremetyevo. This flight will finish your work at 1:50.

Moscow minibuses in most cases work a little on another schedule. They are sent to the station most often already at 21: 00-22: 00.

Chart for the new year

Of course, many guests and residents of the city would like to learn including thathow many buses go to Moscow On holidays.INsuch days of the capital of the capital are most often working as usual.. But in this regard, of course, exceptions. For example, the chart of movement of the ground vehicle is the city administration for the new year. After all, at night on this day through the streetscapital Cities Many people move. For example, in 2017, the work of buses was extended to 3:00 hours.

How many buses in Moscow are walking: Night Flights

soFor regular days, the buses of the capital operate only to 1.30. However, despair, those passengers who did not have time for their flight should not be. Moscow is a big city, and life is boiling here and at night. Therefore, in the capital, they are also provided for flights that run around the city at this time of the day.They go in most cases with a kisu night to 5:30 in the morning.

Nightbusroutes in the capital are available11 is Nos. H1-H6, No. 308, Nos. 63Tand some othersflights. Travel runs at this time of day mainly on significant lines.

Trolleybuses and trams

So we found out How many buses go to Moscow. 611. flight "Moscow - Vnukovo" leaves from the airport for the last time at 1:22. From Sheremetyeva bus goes at 1:50. Most routes go to the park at 1:30.

Working hours Other types of land transport in the capital a little different. So, Moscow go mostly only until 12 o'clock in the morning. Some flights can transport passengers to 1:00 or 22:00. There are in the capital and several night trolley buses. They run mainly with an interval per hour to railway stations or other similar significant places.

Trams in the capital usually begin traffic at six in the morning. Finish their work in most cases they at 00:35. The night tram in the capital is only one - No. 3. It follows through the entire Cao from the street. Academician of Yangel to the Metro Station "Clean Ponds".