Tours in Kamala Beach Resort Phuket. Tours to Kamala Beach Resort

Like most Siberians, my husband and I love to ride in Thailand, especially in winter, to warm up and break from 30 degree Siberia at least a couple of weeks. There is nothing better than sitting on the plane and from winter and snowdrifts to be in a tropical paradise among palm trees, fruits and, of course, the sea. But the passive holiday on the same beach is not for us, so we set out to learn Phuket Island, its attractions and beaches. One of those who were interested in our beaches was Kamala Beach.

How to get where is

The most famous and tourist beaches on the island of Phuket are located western coast. Each beach is in the bay and is usually separated from the neighboring small mountains at both sides.

The beach of Kamala Beach is comfortably located between and Surin. Kamala - a little-known for Russian tourists Beach 20 km from Phuket Airport, which undeservedly bypassed the tour operators. Most batch tours Expose accommodation on the beaches of Patong, Karon and Kata or on elite beaches of the northern part of the island. Here there are mostly those who travel on their own or those who, like me, loves to recognize a new one and wants to explore the island.

That is how we did, arriving at Phuket on a ticket and settled at the hotel on Patong Beach. We have subscribed a car and set off to examine all the beaches of Phuket, the benefit of this is not difficult, there are signs everywhere.

Bike us, unfortunately, without the experience of driving were not given. From the beach to the kamala approximately 10 kilometers or 10 minutes per car or 15 minutes on the bike. Roads on a very good quality island, the only minus - they are winding, so be careful.

During the tourist season on the beach there are boats that offer for $ 40 (about 1,500 Thai bat) Rolling you to Patong and back. Some use them instead of a taxi.

In Kamal, there is a bus stop (Songteo), on which 1.11 $ (40 baht) can be reached before Phuket-Town and back, but buses are not often walking, once every 20-30 minutes. Unfortunately, direct communication with such buses between the beaches on the island does not exist, but if you do not want to spend money on a taxi, you can get through Phuket Town. For example, from Patong Beach you are reaching the final (Phuket Town, Ranong Market), and there are replant from the bus to the beach of Kamala. But note that you will have 40-60 minutes for one such trip. Also consider that buses go only until 6 pm.

By taxi to Phuket Town you can drive for $ 17 (600 baht), to Patong - for $ 11 (400 baht).

For the route Kamala - Airport with you will take 17 $ (600 baht).

Beach Description

When we were going to the beach of Kamala, I did not read the reviews about it, because They wanted to make their own opinions. And this is what it happened: the beach is very clean, the sand is smaller and cleaner than on the famous Patong beach, brighter, nice for the legs.

The entrance to the sea is quite gentle, the bottom is clean, there are no stones, seashells and debris, the small depth is stretched for a long time, which is comfortable for relaxing with children, as well as for those who are afraid of big waves or does not like deep.

During the waves, water becomes muddy from the sand, but by itself she is clean. Our video review of Kamala Beach can be viewed below.

The beach strip is quite long, about 2 km long and at the same time not too narrow (up to 30 meters), so you will be spacious. Palm trees grow along the beach. On the beach everything is quite pure and a little, unlike the most popular Kati and, even more so Patong.

From tourists here are mostly resting foreigners, we practically did not see Russians, although there was the most peak of the tourist season in Thailand. So for someone, this factor will become key when choosing a beach for recreation.

Tides and fetches

Daily before noon there is a tide, and after lunch begins the tide. In the evening, the water arrives again. Consider this by planning your bathing on the Kamala beach.

Camala Beach Infrastructure on Phuket, Our Reviews

If you came to the Kamala Beach beach on a bike or a rented car, parking is equipped here, so you will leave your vehicle.

When we were here in the winter in early 2014, the sun beds were still allowed, then by the end of the year, after the military coup in Thailand, the deck chairs on the beaches were banned and forced to remove everything. The military who came to the authorities were guided by the fact that public land should belong to the public, and not private entrepreneurs, and tourists should not pay $ 3 (100 baht) for sun bed. And because of the large cluster of sun beds on the beaches, the sea is not visible at all, the authorities wanted tourists to enjoy the pristine beauty.

After some time, in response to tourist complaints, it was allowed to produce umbrellas that protect from the Sun. But enterprising Thais took advantage of this relaxation and invented a little trick with sun beds. Now they are heated from the sand small heaps, put on them mattresses, thereby imitating sun loungers. And tourists are convenient, and the way of earning has returned, and in fact the law is not broken, because These are not folding lounge chairs.

If you do not want to pay for improvised lounge chairs - you can stay at your beach towel brought from the hotel.

On the beach there are tents with a Thai massage.

From other entertainment - banana and water scooter. Catania price $ 42 (1500 baht) in 30 minutes.

The Beach of Kamala Islands Phuket is a small park, in which the local Thais is resting, are engaged in running, there are charging outdoors, simulators are installed, and a small playground is equipped for children, so if desired, you can warm up, and for those who are Having hardly engaged in sports in his homeland - this is a great opportunity not to fall out of the workout mode.

In the park, in 2006, a memorial of flood victims that occurred on December 26, 2004 was established.

Beach there are small trays with fruits, drinks, boiled corn and Thai pancakes, prices here, of course, still tourist and higher than on the next Patong. For example, boiled corn, which costs $ 0.6-0.85 (20-30 Thai baht), it costs 1.4 $ (50 baht), mango on the beach Karon 2.5 $ (90 bah) / kg, here $ 3.1 (110 baht). Coconet costs 1.7 $ (60 baht), and pancakes instead of the usual $ 0.85 (30 baht) - already $ 1.1 (40 BAT).

Numerous souvenirs and other tourist attributes are also sold. There are in Kamal and massage salons, located usually on the first floors of residential buildings on the streets of the district.

In the Kamala area there is even a post office, from where you can send a postcard or package to your family and friends. You can find mail on the Red Sign: Kamala Counter Service Post. There are no queues here, so sending a postcard to the homeland did not take a lot of time.

You can find on Kamala Beach and exchangers, not much, as in more popular beaches (so better change there), but still you have the opportunity to exchange money.

Kamala is a quiet area where it lives mainly local population.

If, for example, on Patong beaches, and Karon, all housing is mostly rented for rent, and Thais drive only to work, then, on the contrary, they live mostly local. Among them are Muslims. They are not so much as in the neighboring area of \u200b\u200bSurin, but nevertheless you can easily meet a woman in the hijab on the streets of Camala, and do not be surprised if she is on the motorbike.

By the way, just before the neighboring Surin from Kamala Beach can be reached on foot. True, it is quite dangerous, because You need to go along the route with the complete absence of sidewalks. But we were on the car, so I did not walk and risks.

Also from the beach of Kamala is not far to the famous Phuket show - Phuket Fantasea. This is a bright costume national idea of \u200b\u200bPrince Kamal, accompanied by acrobatic tricks, illusionists and speech of elephants.

Accommodation on the beach of Kamala

On Camala Beach, only about 70 hotels, which is why it is not overloaded by resting.

In the northern part of the beach, there are no hotels, as well as there is no passage, you can only get here on foot.

Compared to the beaches in the north, hotels in Kamala Beach on Phuket and apartments (you can even find up to $ 280 equivalent to 10,000 bahaam per month) on Kamal stand relatively inexpensive.

The average hotels on Kamala Beach are resorts located on the hills surrounding the beach, or at a sufficient distance from beach line. Such hotels suggest calm family holidaysAnd the average prices for accommodation in them hold at the level of $ 100 per day and above.

Here you can not find hotels with your beach, because All beaches on Phuket public. And the hotel, from which you can quickly get to the sea, leaving the room immediately in a bathing suit - Kamala Beach Resort.He is here one such, the cost of living begins from $ 200 per day.

One of the most popular hotels in Kamala Resort & Spa 4 *. It is located on the road at the very outskirts of the beach of Kamala Island Phuket from Patong Beach, 15 minutes walk, but it is believed that he has enough good location In relation to shops and the market, as well as excellent room with the kitchen. The hotel is made of 4 buildings, it is convenient enough, there is free parking for cars and for bikes. There are restaurants, massage salon, gym. The cost of the room, for example, in high season in February - $ 75 (2700 baht) per day.

Of the 3 * Pretty famous Hotel Sungthong Kamala Beach 3 *.

At the end of the beach, Novotel 4 * is located on the hill, the cost of stay in which starts from $ 85 (3000 baht). The beach site belonging to this hotel is considered the most calm, there are almost never waves here. Its often choose families with children, because Here is finely fine.

Not far from the show fantasy are located quite good hotelsFor example, Moom - Tuk, Dengs Kamala Beach Resort

One of the budget hotels in The Mareeya Place 2 *.

As an option, you can rent an apartment in a condominium in 600-800 meters from the beach, for example, in Kamala Regent

In such houses there is a common sports room, swimming pool and recreation areas. Prices from $ 55 (1950 BAT / day.

From the most affordable proximity to the sea, you can highlight: Kamala Beachfront Apartment, Grace Resort, Coconut Garden. You can book on Bucking -, but you can check if there is no more profitable price somewhere.

Where to eat, prices

In addition to the aforementioned trays or Makashnits, from which you can buy tangerines, mango, pineapples, little bananas, mangostes, dragon fruit, coconuts, and many-many other fruits and cocktails, you can fully eat in local restaurants. In one of these institutions at the entrance to the beach, we stopped - this is an open cafe, where the tables are installed under the canopy, there are many local. Food prepared pretty quickly, and I liked it! Tom-yam soup costs $ 4.2 (150 baht).

The cafe can also be found at the end of the beach of Kamala, if you go to the side of Surin, where the sand strip becomes completely narrow.

If you like to walk around the local shops and buy products to prepare yourself, then for you a beautiful find on the Kamala beach there will be a small supermarket Big C. This is the only full-fledged supermarket in the beach area of \u200b\u200bPhuket, all other super- and hypermarkets are located in the Phuket area Town. And on the rest of the beaches, tourists are only content with standard minimaries 7/11 (there is also on Kamal) and Famaly Mart. In Big C you will find fruits and vegetables, and dairy products, as well as many non-food products. Another minimarket on the Kamala beach is Tesco Lotus.

Buy local food can also be on the market. It can be found if you go down the hotel Kamala Resort & Spa.

The market is more oriented on the local, unlike markets on Cate or County, where everything is just for tourists. Here you will not find any English inscriptions, you will have to choose only to the eye. But you can be sure if the locals here buy food, it means that you can be calm about her freshness.

Prices on the market are good, for example, Longan costs $ 0.85-1.1 (30-40 baht) per kilogram, for 3 bright small pineapples are asked $ 1.1 (40 baht), Petahaya (dragon fruit) - 2.2 $ (80 baht) per kilogram, cherry tomatoes - $ 2.8 (100 baht) / kg.

Also on the market there are clothes and cosmetics, oriented no longer by local residents. It works in markets on Wednesdays and Saturdays.


District beach Camala Beach We really liked. Here quiet, calm, everything you need for a comfortable stay. But this beach is definitely not suitable for those who are looking for active rest, night parties - you need to go after all this to nearby Patong. Here everything is for Relax. And it is also believed that on this beach one of the most beautiful Suns of Phuket. Be sure to check it yourself;) In order not to be disappointed, plan to visit the beach of Kamala Phuket in December-February - to the highest and calm in terms of waves season and learn feedback.

Universal resort for lovers of paradise beaches and beautiful nature. Great and for couples, and for young people, and for families with children.

Direct flight Moscow - Phuket takes about 9 hours. The transfer lasts about 1-2 hours depending on the hotel's distance.

Best time For recreation - from November to April. From May to November, the rainy season lasts.

All Beaches Phuket Sandy, with a smooth entrance to the sea. Some beaches are vividly pronounced and tides.

On Phuket many markets, small shops and shopping center, where you can cheap to buy clothes, souvenirs, beach facilities, cosmetics. Prices are higher than in Pattaya, but lower than on Krabi and Samui.

The resort has a lot of cafes and restaurants with both Thai and European cuisine. If you wish, you can find Russian cuisine.

Recently, Russian-speaking employees have begun to appear in hotels, you can find the menu in Russian in the cafe.

Hotels are distinguished by the beach on which they are: Patong is the most noisy and active, caron - the most beautiful, kata is the most remote and secluded, Bang Tao is the most respectable.

About Thailand

The best time to relax in Thailand is from November to the end of March. However, all months of the year without exception are hot, and the sea is warm. In the summer of the rainy season in the country.

For a trip to Thailand, you will need only a passport - a visa is not needed.

Flight from Moscow to Thailand lasts about 9 hours.

When settling, the hotel staff is usually asked to make a deposit for the room. The amount of pledge is about 50 US dollars (depends on the hotel).

When buying a tour to Thailand, only breakfasts at the hotel are usually chosen. Dining and dinner tourists are preferred in numerous and inexpensive restaurants or cafes.

In no case do not drink water from under the tap! Medications are better to take with them, in local pharmacies there will be only means of alternative medicine.

This resort area occupies a special place. Former Muslim fishing village suddenly turned out to be very popular with tourists. And all because on the crowded island it was the beach "Kamala" (Phuket), it turned out to be more suitable for a relaxed rest, as if somewhere on Samui or to Pangan. He especially attracts travelers who arrived not for the sake nightlife And the dubious pleasures of A la Pattaya. It is located in the western part of the island, in the north of the noisy Patong. Gorgeous hotels here are not so much, mostly "Troika" and "Four". But let's tell about everything in order.

How to get to the kamaly

Arriving on Phuket by plane of international or you transplancing taxi or mini bus. The latter will arrive two times cheaper - about four hundredth bat. Even more suitable to get to the capital of the island by bus, and from there already another flight to the beach "Kamala". Phuket Town is a good transport node associated with almost any corner of the island. The only problem is that buses go quite rarely, somewhere in an hour. They are blue and ride through Camala and Surin to Bang Tao. The distance to the airport is that the Phuket Town is approximately the same - about twenty kilometers.

Why go to the beach "Kamala"

Phuket is so popular among tourists that find a cozy place where local residents Not too spoiled by resting, and prices are not so high, quite difficult. But it is here that all these bonuses are combined, and there is not a single minus. Therefore, people who stop at a long rest are striving here - three or four weeks at a minimum. And if in the season of the south of this resort can be filled with the people - due to the influx of those who want from Patong, the northern part of it still remains a reserve corner. Although the infrastructure of the resort is not strongly developed, most hotels have everything you need. And here is a paradise for divers. After all, the beach "Kamala" (Phuket) boasts excellent coral reefs, located not very far from the coast.

Sea rest

On Kamal, it is good and sunbathing. The beach is quite long - it stretches for one and a half or two kilometers along the very picturesque, crumpled bay palm trees, so there is enough space for everyone. and small. The descent into water is gentle, but the waves are not very strong. Sun beds and sun loungers are expensive. Basically, they are focused in the south and in the center of the resort. There they are about two hundred baht a day. Located here tourist infrastructureMany water entertainment and massage salons right on the shore. A little further can be logged in any beach bar, order something - and learn how much you want on their inventory. But in the very north you have to do with your own or hotel beach towels. But there are almost no people here, and the water is very clean and transparent. This is because in the north of the beach "Kamala" almost there are no different skis, bananas and scooters. But do not forget that in the rainy period here is dangerous, because very strong underwater flows begin.

What else to do here

First, at this resort there is a famous "Fanity" theme park, which is famous for all Phuket, where come from all over the island. The grandiose performances are played there, where not only hundreds of people participate, but also animals. There is a beautiful restaurant "Golden Kinnaria". There are legends about his stunning buffet. To get there, you need to buy entrance ticket In the park and pay extra for visiting. Secondly, one of the fashionable entertainment on the kamal is a parachute flight to explore the resort from above. And if you do not decide for it, you can climb to the top of the Khaa PhonThurat hill. There is an excellent viewpointWhere the whole beach "Kamala" is visible, which can be done from there, are stunning. After all, the resort is covered tropical forestsclimbing on the rocks.

Where to eat

Even if there are no such ambitious shopping centers with Fudcorts, as on Patong, their absence with interest compensates for various kiosks with delicious and fresh Thai food. In addition, the main street of the resort is replete with restaurants and a cafe, where you can bite both for big money and not very. Yes, and on the beach is full of mekashnitz and other peddles. The French and Italian cuisine are very popular on Kamal, so if you have facilities and want to eat from a real chef, visit such institutions as "La Carbonara", "Basilico" and "White Orchids". Delicious especially seafood, prepare in the institutions "Rockfish", "Sweet Dreams" and "Ponds".

What and where to buy

As already mentioned, there are no large shopping centers here, but there are little shops everywhere. Tourists buy everything you need to rest here - mattresses, towels, mats, slaps, swimsuits, and so on. Souvenirs, simple clothes and shoes are also sold at affordable prices. Since Kamala Beach (Phuket) - Reviews confirm - is the Muslim part of Thailand, then the main market works here on Fridays. Come, and you will not regret. So much of any goodies, including dried exotic fruits, as well as branded things at ridiculous prices you will not find anywhere.

What to see

In the south of the resort there is a rather interesting Buddhist temple with beautiful modern paintings illustrating the life of Gautama. Nearby is a cozy park with memorial to the victims of the Tsunami 2004. It is known that the village of Kamala was erased from the face of the earth with this terrible catastrophe, and then completely rebuilt again. In addition to the Park "Fantasy," where the theatrical-circus idea of \u200b\u200bthe ancient Prince of Camala with dancing, various special effects and demonstration of the ancient Thai magic, you can visit other shows that pass in the Palace of Elephants. And on Fridays, the most famous bar in the vicinity - Skila - organizes a disco with professional DJs.

Hotels resort

Hotels on Kamala Beach (Phuket) are mainly located along the street Beach Road. Unlike most the resorts of the island, there is no roadway between the local hotels and the sea, so you can find hotels on the first line from the sea. From the luxurious five-star palaces the most popular "Ayara Resort", "Cape Sienna wanted and Willas" and "Nak Phuket". Ayara Kamala is located on a hill, quite far from the beach, but from its rooms open beautiful speciesAnd the sea carries a free shuttle.

But "Cape Sienna", on the contrary, is located on the ocean. Therefore, all its rooms and villas (some have not only their own kitchens and private pools, but even wine cellars) - overlooking the sea.

"Fours", as a rule, are located across the road from the beach. The best of these is Aquamarine and Swissotel. The latter is interesting because it is not too far from the Phuket Shopping Center "Dzhangseylon", and besides, there is a private mini-water park.

Hotels on Kamala Beach (Phuket, 1 line) are also three star. They are a bit, they are simple, but very functional. As an example, you can bring Kamala Beach Inn. Many in the resort and cheap guesthouses and apartments, such as "Tara wanted", "Baan Hostel" and so on.

Thailand, Kamala Beach (Phuket): Reviews

This corner of the island is very popular with family couples, lovers and looking for the privacy of young people. The beach is more like the French, Germans and other Europeans, the Russians are not very much here. But those who visited this edge are called Kamal the best place in Phuket. Few tourists, transparent water, white clean sand, and there is everything you need. Many shadows from palm trees that grow everywhere. There are even semi-sided beaches, where you can almost not meet people. In addition, it does not bother here. People relax mostly decent. Reviews of hotels Phuket (Kamala Beach) is very positive. Stay in five star hotels called elite holiday, full relax and luxury pastime. But also the cheapest hotels are also beautiful responses, especially the ratio of prices, quality and services. In some hotels, a good view of the sea, in other - all the conditions for a romantic vacation or rest with children have been created. Come!

Kamala Resort and Spa 3 * - The resort spa hotel is located on the Kamala Beach (Phuket Province). It offers a restaurant, an outdoor pool, as well as parking and Wi-Fi (free of charge). Many tourists consider Kamala Hotel Resort Spa One of the best options selected to stay on vacation.

Kamala Beach

Kamala (Phuket) is the beach at the resort island, which may appeal primarily to lovers of measured, calm and inexpensive holidays. The cost of living in the hotel is much lower here than on Karon Beach or Patong. Length coastline It is about 2 km. This significantly exceeds the length of the coastal lines on other popular Phuket beaches.

In general, Kamala (Phuket) is a certain selection of villages. So, if Patong can already be compared with Pattaya, then the development is still here, it can be said in the start. This is partly explained by the tsunami that occurred in 2004. The victim was the whole island, but most of all got the beach Kamala.

As already mentioned, the beach is quite spacious and long, it goes by itself, bribes many. There is no such attacker, which can be seen on Patong. Many people like the relative lamp and calm the beach of Kamala.


One of the main features of Kamala Beach is the Phuket Fantasea held here (SHOW "Fantues"). This is an amazing view, which is based on the history of Prince Camala. The show is incredibly colorful, it is characterized by using unusual beautiful costumes, the participation of illusionists, acrobats and clowns. But the main feature of the presentation is elephants, actively participating in the presentation and fun to viewers.

It should be noted that there are practically no Russian tourists. The local rest is more suitable for the elderly and family couples with children. Undoubtedly, the Kamal will be comfortable to those who do not like noise and bustle.

How to get?

Kamala Beach is available from any of the popular Beaches of Phuket. If you discard the option with your own bike or taxis, you can use route busBy route to Kamaly from Phuket Town. In general, there are several types of buses routes with which popular beaches are connected.

If you go from the city, then you need to sit on the Ranong market and follow the end stop. Price for passage - 40 baht (71,20 rubles) per person. It's a little more expensive than other beaches, but also the distance from the city on Camala is somewhat longer.

The experienced travelers advise tourists, returning from the beach home, go through the road up a few hundred meters. Here you can find a wonderful place for memorable photos similar to the sightseeing site. From here it opens just a stunning look.

Beach Description

About the water, sand and degree of purity in the territory of tourists who choose the beach of Kamala, respond favorably. Here, in their opinion, everything is quite acceptable. It is noted a huge stranded, because of which those who want to swim during the low tide have to go very far from the coast.

When the sea is restless and there big waves, Sand rises from the bottom. Some may think that the water is dirty, but it is not so, they say knowledgeable tourists. And yet, see the fish at such a time it is unlikely to succeed.

Where can I eat?

Like everywhere in such places, throughout the coastline there is a lot of cafes. Food cost is medium in Phuket. You can eat quite well about 150-200 baht (267-356 rubles). You can also have a snack on the beach with sweet corn, which can be prepared here on the grill.

Kamala Beach: What to choose a hotel?

Although the infrastructure of Kamala Beach and is far from the ideal, as many people consider, all the same hotels here abound. Particularly popular Novotel, located its convenient houses directly on the seashore.

The cost of recreation here is notchaise: from 5000 baht (890 rubles) per day. This is quite explained: such a price is justified by the location directly at the sea itself. There are also Andara Resort Villas, luxury villas, the price of which begins from 32,000 baht (56960 rubles) per day!

At Kamala Beach, there are also many small hotels and guest houses. If desired, you can stay in one of them.

The same one is planning a long rest (from 2 months), it makes sense to rent a town house. It is a spacious house with many amenities, including a swimming pool. On Kamal, unlike Patong, where everything is more expensive, such accommodation, according to tourists, can be found for 20,000 baht (35600 rubles) per month.

A fairly wide selection of housing provides holidaymakers Kamala Beach. Kamala Resort and SPA 3 * is one of the most sought-after hotels.

Dating: Distance

Hotel Kamala Resort and Spa 3 * (Phuket) is located on Kamala Beach. To the city center Distance from it is 13.3 km away, Phuket Airport is 27.9 km away, shopping centers and the nearest restaurants - 300 m. Distance to Big C Kamala (supermarket) is 400 m, and to Phuket Fantasy (Amusement Park) - 1.6 km. The path by bus to Patong Beach will take about 8 minutes.


The hotel offers guests:

  • reception (round-the-clock);
  • parking cars;
  • elevator.


The hotel has a reception desk (around the clock), and also delivered food and drinks to the room. The service of the tour desk is available on request. You can order laundry and transfer.

Room facilities include a balcony, air conditioning, a flat-screen TV, a private bathroom and a seating area. The guests who came to children have the opportunity to stay in a family room.

Basic services

Kamala Resort and Spa 3 * Phuket provides guests with the following services:

  • transfer;
  • room service;
  • laundry;
  • informational rack.
  • wi-Fi (free);
  • parking (free);
  • location near the beach;
  • pool: Bar and Restaurant;
  • sPA Center (a full range of health services is provided);
  • swimming pool (open);
  • roof terrace;
  • breakfasts;
  • removal by local bus;
  • fitness Centre;
  • nanny services (additional charges are required);
  • reception desk (around the clock);
  • air conditioning.

For kids

  • Pool.
  • Cots (free).
  • Game room (for surcharge).
  • Baby care or nanny services or (surcharge).
  • Extra beds (surcharge).

Restaurants, bars

For food, the hotel has a comfortable restaurant. In it, the hotel guests can enjoy delicious Western and local dishes.

Room Foundation

Kamala Resort and Spa 3 * offers guests in 52 comfortable, stylishly decorated rooms. The rooms have availability:

  • wireless Internet access;
  • balcony;
  • televisions with satellite channels;
  • air conditioner;
  • mini-kitchen;
  • iron and ironing board;
  • minibar;
  • written table;
  • safe.

Types of rooms

  • Studio. Comfortablely decorated room. Area: 45 square meters. m. It is a bedroom, equipped with a king bed. Some rooms are equipped with a kitchen. Room is comfortable and stylish. There is a balcony overlooking the pool with neon backlight. The luxurious bathroom has a spacious tropical shower. Number of living: 2 people Cost: from 1781 rubles.
  • Junior Suite. 2-bed room, with an area of \u200b\u200b67 square meters. m. Spacious junior suite, equipped with a bed King (in the bedroom). There is also a living room and a dining area, a full-fledged cuisine with an electric kettle and all necessary for making tea or coffee. The accommodation has a private bathroom, equipped with shower and hairdryer. There is a TV with a flat screen and a balcony. To-guests: from 2. Cost: 2671 rubles.
  • Family Suite. Spacious room. Area: 87 square meters. m. Equipped with a living room and a dining area. It is more spacious than junior suite. Its features a balcony and a private bathroom. This suite is also equipped with a flat-screen TV, a safe, an electric kettle. To the guests: 4 people. Cost: from 4896 rubles.
  • Penthouse Suite. Duplex number, area: 113 square meters. m. This suite is in the complex the most spacious. It features a seating area and a dining area. The room has a full kitchen equipped with a fridge, dishes, an electric kettle. In the configuration of your private bathroom - shower and hairdryer. To the guests: 4 people. Cost: from 6677 rubles.

  • (Amusement Park) - 4.9 km.
  • The memorial complex dedicated to the victims of the Tsunami is 3.2 km away.
  • Laem-Sing (Beach) is 6.3 km away.
  • Surin (Beach) - 7.8 km.
  • Patong Beach is 13.1 km away.


  • Phuket Fantasy is 1.6 km away.
  • To Laem Sing - 2.7 km.
  • To Plaza Surin ( shopping center) - 3.6 km.
  • Kalim Bay - 3.9 km.
  • The Temple of Bang Tao is 3.9 km away.
  • Before Patong (Arena for Boxing) - 6 km.
  • Before GO-Kart (track for karting) - 7 km.
  • Phuket Simon cabaret is 7.5 km away.
  • Prince Songkla's University - 9.9 km.
  • Monument to two heroines - 10.2 km.

Helpful information

  • Arrival: 14: 00-00: 00.
  • Departure: 12:00.

When arrival required:

  • pledge credit card or cash;
  • certificate of identity (official) with a photo.


  • The persons who have reached majority are recorded.
  • Allowed to accommodate children of any age.
  • Children under 12 years of age live in a hotel for free (subject to placement without providing an extra bed).
  • Accommodation of children under 2 years old on baby cottages is free. When placing children under 6 years old on extra beds require additional payment: 600 THB (1068 rubles per night.
  • When placing older children, as well as adults on extra beds, surcharge 1000 THB (1078 rubles) per night.
  • Maximum in the room it is possible to install 1 extra bed.
  • Providing extra beds for adults and children is made on request. This requires confirmation from the hotel's administration.
  • Additional services are not included in the total cost automatically. They are paid separately.


The local spa is equipped with two procedural rooms, as well as outdoor procedural zones. Services provided: Classic Thai massage and various facial and body care procedures. In addition, the spa will provide a spectrum of services consisting of: hot and mineral sources Saunas, spa baths.

Why choose Kamala Resort and SPA?

  • Affordable prices.
  • Many accommodation options (143).
  • Ability to manage online booking.
  • 529 independent guest reviews.
  • Security guarantee.

Hotel Kamala Resort and Spa Many consider one of the best options in the city.


  • . Relaxation
  • . Couple
  • . Accommodation lasting in 14 nights
  • . Sent from phone

Passing towards the beach - on the corridors of the hotel and past septicists.

Soundproofing and comfort of the room, the green area of \u200b\u200bthe hotel, a delicious kitchen with reasonable prices, cleanliness, massage at the same prices as outside the hotel. We thank hotel staff for friendly and preventive attitude to guests, you made our long-awaited vacation with unmatched)



"Beautiful hotel, with a pleasant territory, cool massages and an excellent beach! Thai relax!))) "

  • . Relaxation
  • . Couple

This time, the number in the number was not very good at first cleaned. To be honest, we were even surprised at all! Previously return to the room, cleanliness, everything is placed, etc. After the first day of cleaning, we thought that it seemed to us. Plus, traditionally cream and coffee have not yet been reported. I asked the staff to correct this situation. It seems to be reported. The next day, we repeated exactly. Then I was forced to appeal to the reception, after which I organized a meeting with the manager. I set out her situation, she went to the room with me, where I saw confirmation of my claims. We must pay tribute, the reaction was timely! Our room probably did not clean up since its first day of use. In the following days of the arrival, everything was just really calm, placed, filled and supplemented. Another question that I immediately discussed with the manager is a question of replacing three of my breakfasts, with a surcharge - for dinner. I will explain. I left the dive, respectively, the three rooms included in the price of my breakfasts burned. I suggested them to change with a surcharge on dinners, for my wife - which remained at the hotel. I was responsible for refusal. I believe that this is not a serious and similar question, in principle, without difficulties we decide. This is an appeal with the hotel's manual. I hope that next time, in the case of circulation, it will be resolved.

For the fourth time in a row, we were in this hotel and, this is about many talks for yourself! All previous reviews, here, earlier. All is well: the territory, five pools, three bars, two restaurants. Clean in the territory. We celebrate positively, but we saw softly soft mattresses on the sun beds. I already wrote about this and previously told the staff, it was not quite convenient to lie on the soldiers. Now it's normal. Food, deserves separate praise and its quality with each visit - does not change! Again, positively presence of its felling down water, the hotel beach. Zero line to the sea. Thank you......

Residence time: December 2019



Good enough

  • . Relaxation
  • . Couple
  • . Sent from phone

At the time of check-in the hotel we made a deposit. And after eviction, the deposit balance was supposed to return to the card for 14 days. But we did not come money! It remains on the account of about 2500 baht (5000 rubles!). We have already called the hotel, they say tie with their bank that we naturally have already done, the mail hotel just ignores! It turns out the hotel stole us with 2500 baht. It ruined all the impression of the work of the personnel, I would very much like to return our money back !!!

The hotel itself is good, the rest liked. About the hotel itself can not say anything bad, but!

Residence time: November 2019



  • . Relaxation
  • . Couple
  • . Living lasting in 12 nights
  • . Sent from phone

Liked everything. Especially sea, breakfast, location.


2 Marks "Useful Feedback"



  • . Relaxation
  • . Couple
  • . Accommodation in 24 nights
  • . Sent from phone

Rested 3 times in this hotel from 2012 to 24 days and every time everything is worse. The rooms are already reconstructed - (goosebumps and cockroaches are present in each room where we lived). The hotel makes full load - there are no sun beds on everyone, the cocktails on the bar are diluted (and it is only noticed in 2019). The price for accommodation is growing every year. The next balcony smokes so that you have a complete smoke curtain in your room. Massage at the hotel - how lucky. Sometimes lazy and nothing. Cleaning in the room is ridiculous even to describe. (in 24 days - not one general. The fact that the railing on the cormorant was wiped from the litter of bird - even no one implies. If the electrician is very strange. If you turn on the light - a TV goes out. ((Every year there is a lot on the beach People and the fact that we loved this beach and the hotel so much. The most interesting thing is that the fruit compliment was only once. In the previous year at least 3. And please change the gel for the shower and soap - it is terrible on the smell.

Breakfast girls at the receptionist

Residence time: November 2019



  • . Relaxation
  • . Family with young children
  • . Accommodation lasting at 13 nights

They lived with her husband from 1 to 14 November 2019 in the room 6302. Room overlooking the pool and mountains, quiet, secluded. Cleaning in the highest level. Tea and coffee and coffee digests were replenished daily, as well as water (used glass bottle staff collects and puts new water to replace). In the hotel's bottles you will find shampoo, air conditioning, shower gel, hand soap, body lotion, in boxes you will be waiting for toothbrushes, shaving machine, comb, soul hats, cotton wands, and in the closet slippers and bathrobes. The hotel has gorgeous breakfasts, including a lot of fruits, baking, delicious yogurts. The massage at the hotel cost 300-400 BATT (by the time of our departure cheaper than on the beach), manicure - 250 Batt, pedicure - 300 baht. Taxi to the airport - 700 Batt. 3 times a day from the hotel in Patong goes shuttle, one side of 100 butt, back - 150 butt. In the restaurant by the sea arrange festive evenings with a show with a program and live music, a table for two approximately 2500 baht. Between the hotel and the sea, the pedestrian walkway, the left - the village and the shop 7/11, the right restaurants and cafes (I highly recommend LILLA Island). On Friday and Monday (approximately from 14 to 19 hours), an outbound market is located, where you can buy fruits, souvenirs, delicacies, clothing

Residence time: November 2019


15 "Useful Feedback" marks

"Just Super Relax"

  • . Relaxation
  • . Individual traveler
  • . Living in 7 nights
  • . Sent from phone

If there are very noisy neighbors, you will hear them.

Excellent hotel infrastructure, there is absolutely everything! Massage, supermarket, restaurants on site, beach 0 line! The staff is exceptional! Big C supermarket, you can walk along the embankment, where the mass cafe. The hotel's restaurants are preparing perfectly, cocktails in bars make conscience. Clean the room perfectly. Value price quality 100%, you will not regret! Ideal for relaxes, no robbery music and screaming children.

Residence time: November 2019


17 "Useful Feedback" marks


"Great resort hotel on Kamal

  • . Relaxation
  • . Family with young children
  • . Accommodation duration of 4 nights
  • . Sent from phone

On the way from a stop to the hotel a wasteland and a lively track. Sometimes too late room cleaning. Some tired rooms and lack of lighting in them.

The hotel is within walking distance of Smart Bus, Fantasea Park. Across the road on PN and PTs the market is working. Not far from the hotel Street with restaurants, bars, shops and massage salons. A huge green area with 4 pools, 2 restaurants, access to the sea. The hotel took over all the wishes specified when booking. A spacious room in which there is everything you need: kettle + tea / coffee making facilities, which are generously replenished daily, bottled water, refrigerator, safe, toiletries in dispenser, large shelf for storage suitcases. There is a balcony with a dryer and a table / chairs. Strong Free WiFi throughout the hotel. Friendly personnel who accompanses to the room during settlement and helps to deliver suitcases, and also creates the atmosphere of hospitality during the entire stay at the hotel. By the pool you can take large beach towels. There are different activists, for example, daily aquaeerobics. A variety of breakfasts, a large selection of fruit.

Residence time: November 2019


5 "Useful Feedback" marks

"We are delighted!"

  • . Relaxation
  • . Couple
  • . Accommodation lasting in 6 nights

Excellent hotel on the first coastline. Good restaurant, many pools, one of which (with the bar) runs up to 22-00. They lived in the second building on the third floor with a straight view of the sea (which was almost no visible due to rouse vegetation). The room is spacious, all the necessary accessories are available (toothbrushes, razor machines, etc.), as well as iron and ironing board. The bed is not really big and comfortable, the underwear is good.

Residence time: November 2019


"Pure, friendly, the location is good, everything is super."

  • . Relaxation
  • . Group
  • . Living lasting in 12 nights

All right. More often to change the towel.

Breakfast exceeded waiting. Very many different dishes. Pure beach, sea clean. The rooms are large, the terrace is also big. Liked everything.

Residence time: October 2019


7 "Useful Feedback" marks


Very good

  • . Relaxation
  • . Couple
  • . Living in 7 nights
  • . Sent from phone

A little old rooms, no sun beds and umbrellas on the beach

Close to the beach, excellent breakfasts, massage for the price as on the street! Near a lot of cafes where you can dine and dine. The most delicious if you leave the hotel to the beach right Lilli Island!

Residence time: October 2019

