Presentation on the topic: "Lake Ladoga". Lake Ladoga Download presentation about Lake Ladoga 7 pages

Ladoga lake LADOGA
this is the biggest
freshwater lake
Europe, located on
Leningrad region and
Karelia. Length from
north to south - 219 km,
maximum width -
138 km, depth - from 70 to
260 m to the north and from
20 to 70 m in the southern part

In the ancient Russian Nestor chronicle of the 12th century, it is referred to as a "lake
the great Nebo” (the connection with the name of the Neva River is undeniable). AT
In the ancient Scandinavian sagas, the lake is called Aldoga (aalto - wave).
Since the beginning of the XIII century, the name Ladoga Lake, formed from
the name of the city of Ladoga.

Through the Svir River, Lake Ladoga is connected to Lake Onega, and through the river
Volkhov - with Lake Ilmen. The Neva River is the only one that flows from
Lake Ladoga. 32 rivers flow into it. Ladoga area with more than 18 islands
thousand sq. km. northern shores lakes rugged, high and rocky, stacked
crystalline rocks.
The southern shores of the lake are low, swampy, and the bottom near them is flat.
The total volume of water in the lake is huge - 900 cubic km.
The basin of the lake is of glacial origin. About 12 thousand years ago she
completely free of ice.

There are about 660 islands on Ladoga, large and
small ones. And almost all of them are
north of the lake. The biggest -
Valaam Islands or Valaam
archipelago. There is the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery.
At one time, it was precisely his monks that the Russian
the Orthodox Church sent
spread the Christian faith among
peoples of Alaska. So amazing
pictures of nature, as on Valaam, not
found nowhere else in Europe:
many sheer cliffs leading to
height and depth, islets, capes,

Trout, salmon, char, whitefish, vendace, zander live in Lake Ladoga,
pike, perch, burbot, bream, roach, smelt, blue bream, silver bream. More than 53 species in total
fish. Ladoga salmon reaches a weight of 10 kg. The most commercial fish
Ladoga - zander. Reaches 8 kg of weight.
Found on Ladoga sole representative marine mammals,
which lives in the conditions of a freshwater lake - the Ladoga seal. She is listed in
Red Book of Russia. The average life expectancy of the Ladoga seal is 30–35
years. When Ladoga is ice-free, animals come out to rest on land and bask
under the sun on the coast of the islands of the Valaam archipelago. These islands are
to a specially protected area, so to visit them you need to get

Through Lake Ladoga from Scandinavia through Eastern Europe to Byzantium from IX
century passed the waterway "From the Varangians to the Greeks."
During the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1944, most
coast of Lake Ladoga was occupied by German-Finnish troops.
From September 1941 to
March 1943 on the southwestern part of the lake
passed the road
life that connected
besieged Leningrad with
"big land". By
Road of life to the city
necessary products
and things and evacuated
of people.


Lake Ladoga is a unique natural and historical object,
located on the territory of our country, having an important
economic importance: the lake provides a person with water,
used to generate electricity, for shipping, fishing
fishing, is the habitat of many animals and fish, and
its shores are a place for human recreation.

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Ladoga lake. Interdisciplinary project "ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF LADOGA LAKE". Subjects: ecology, biology, chemistry, geography.

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Ladoga lake

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    PROBLEMS OF LADOGA LADOGA» Subjects: ecology, biology, chemistry, geography. The purpose of the project: to study the degree of water pollution of Lake Ladoga, identify the causes of pollution, propose measures to improve the ecological state of the reservoir with the involvement of environmental organizations.

    Working in a team of 6 people. Preparation of the layout of Ladoga as a visual aid for the lessons of ecology, geography. Preparation of a theoretical substantiation of the issue (study of the history and geography of the lake, biological and chemical-ecological aspects of the life of the reservoir).

    Stage 1: study of specialized literature, information from the Internet, personal travel to Ladoga, photographing the lake and the surrounding nature. Stage 2: identification of sources of pollution and description of environmental activities in the territory of Lake Ladoga (presentation). Stage 3: organization and presentation at the city interactive event "Let's Preserve the Natural Heritage!" Timed to coincide with Earth Day.

    The environmental situation on Ladoga was proposed to eliminate garbage dumps on the territory of Lake Ladoga, to install containers. local enterprises were invited to install smoke detectors and treatment facilities.

    Lake Ladoga About 600 industrial enterprises (Volkhov chemical plant, boiler houses, petrochemical plants, as well as vehicles, burning landfills), including pulp and paper mills (Syask pulp and paper mill, Svetogorsk and Priozersky (closed in 1986) paper mills) and several hundred agricultural enterprises discharge industrial effluents into Ladoga and its tributaries. Ladoga is considered a moderately polluted body of water, it has been assigned class III.

    Volkhov Chemical Plant MorozovskyChemical Plant on the map Okhta Chemical Plant

    Chemical plant When the Volkhov aluminum plant was being built, no one was worried about the problem of Ladoga. Moreover, it was believed that nitrogen and phosphorus are food for algae, and therefore for everything that lives in the lake. They did not think about the problems of eutrophication then, but it was nitrogen and phosphorus that brought the lake to the brink of death. In the late 80s and early 90s, the Volkhov Stream annually brought “water” to Ladoga, each liter of which contained 45 milligrams of phosphates, 12.5 milligrams of sulfates, 0.21 milligrams of fluorine ... Such a “gift” is capable of killing all living things. It is estimated that about 7,000 tons of phosphorus enter the lake every year.

    Chemical plant Fluoroplast is a polymeric material obtained by chemical means. Fluoroplastic contains fluorine atoms, due to which it has high chemical resistance. The strongest oxidizing agents do not affect it even when high temperatures. Fluoroplastic is poorly soluble or insoluble in many organic solvents, insoluble in water and not wetted by it. Fluoroplast is intended for the manufacture of products and films with high dielectric properties, resistance to strong aggressive environments and operating at temperatures up to plus 260 degrees Celsius.

    Plant "Ladoga" Trailer Company on the map Sredne-Nevsky Shipbuilding Plant

    Trailers Products: Tank trucks for transportation of gasoline and diesel fuel. Tank trucks with thermal insulation for transportation of fuel oil, bitumen, oil. Tank semi-trailers for transportation of gasoline and diesel fuel. Tank semi-trailers for transportation of oil, fuel oil, bitumen. .Aluminum tank semi-trailers for the transportation of gasoline and diesel fuel.

    The plant At present, the plant is building missile boats, minesweepers, passenger and work vessels for various purposes and is preparing for the large-scale construction of a new generation of anti-mine ships. It is the main pollutant of Ladoga with oil products.

    Lake The ichthyofauna of Lake Ladoga is represented by 14 families: lamprey, sturgeon, salmon, grayling, smelt, pike, carp, loach, catfish, eel, cod, stickleback, perch and sculpin. There are 53 all types and varieties of fish in Ladoga.

    Skerries near the northwestern and north coast Lake Ladoga. Until 2009 it was natural Park, and on this moment it is considered a national park.

    Correctly say: do not spit in the well. “Lake Ladoga may soon become unsuitable for drinking water supply,” the head of Vodokanal SPb believes. “Ladoga is the only source of drinking water supply for St. Petersburg.” And not only for St. Petersburg. In total it supplies drinking water approximately 15-20 million people. The draft law "On the protection of Lake Ladoga" for the second time reached the State Duma. Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi. The first Russian painter who painted a picture of Lake Ladoga in 1873 A.I. Kuindzhi

    Was selected from the sites: Worked on the project: Students: Gudzyk N. Shevchenko A. Zimarina A. Romanova N. Ershova A. Yanush S. Ermakov P. Supervisor: Balysheva I.L. Ladoga-art.html.\content

Cathedral of Saint Sophia of Kyiv. Founded in 1796 by Count S. Potocki. Most big Island on the Dnieper near the city of Zaporozhye. Reserve "Kamenets". "Sofiyivka" park in Uman. About 200 buildings and structures in KAMENETS - PODOL'SKY. Unique natural and historical complex. Decorated with frescoes, mosaics, scenes from the life of the Grand Dukes. Located in the city of Sevastopol. Taurian Chersonese. Khortytsya. It was the center of the Zaporozhian Sich.

"European North 9 class" - Sectoral structure (in % by volume of food). Products of the North 2007 What resources is the region rich in? Murmansk. Targets and goals. European North. Solovetsky Islands. Immersion depth - 6000m, speed - 60 km / h, length - 60 m. Population -? 5 million people Density 4 people/km2 Natural increase is negative. The composition of the region. Determine the features of the region's EGP; Assess the natural resources of the European North; Grade 9 teacher: Vereshchak G.G. Natural resources. Population. The fishing industry is the leading branch of the European North. Economy.

"Russia Volga" - Above sea level. Not far from the source is Lake Seliger, which belongs to the Volga basin. Valdai Upland (Ostashkovsky district of the Tver region) (find on the map). Mologa is a city under water. Here are many major cities. False ("downstream" - in the direction from the source to the mouth). Gateway of the Volga-Don Canal. Volgoverkhovye village. Answer.

"The water cycle in nature" - The sea is the part of the ocean that protrudes into the land. Hydrosphere \u003d World Ocean + land water + water in the atmosphere. Water can be in three states of aggregation. 3. Solid state. Theme of the lesson: "The water cycle in nature." 2. Gaseous state. Droplet diameters from 6-7 to 0.5 ml; at a smaller amount, precipitation is called drizzle. Which statements are true? Water is the most uncommon substance in nature. Used in construction.

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Ladoga lake

Completed by: Nesterova Irina 21shk

Lake Ladoga is a unique natural system in the North-West of Russia.

Initially, the lake was called Nevo. But since this name characterized the main water artery of St. Petersburg, it was decided to rename it to Ladoga.

Features of Lake Ladoga

Ladoga lake- the largest in Europe. The Neva River flows out of it, flowing into the Gulf of Finland. Baltic Sea. The basin of the lake is of glacial origin. About 12 thousand years ago, she finally freed herself from ice. And now seals continue to live in the lake, who liked its natural conditions.

Features of Lake Ladoga

The area is more than 18 thousand square meters. km. The endless expanses of the lake resemble the sea. In its open part, no shores are visible, and strong winds often turn it into a raging element, more insidious than some of the seas.

The greatest length of Lake Ladoga is 219 km, and the average width is about 83 km. Average depth - 50 m.


The climate over Lake Ladoga is temperate, transitional from temperate continental to temperate maritime.

There are an average of 62 per year sunny days. Therefore, for most of the year, days with cloudy, overcast weather and diffused lighting prevail.

Lake Ladoga is a pantry of solar energy

It can be called without exaggeration. Solar energy penetrating into the water column sets the water masses of the lake in motion. Even in short periods of calm, when the surface of Ladoga is mirror-fixed, at depth there is a movement of water masses both horizontally and vertically.

This phenomenon contributes to the redistribution of heat in Ladoga, the gradual enrichment of ever deeper layers with it. The accumulation of solar heat and its distribution in water during the day, season, year determines the temperature regime of the lake.

Day length

It changes from 5 hours 51 minutes on the winter solstice to 18 hours 50 minutes on the summer solstice. The so-called "white nights" are observed over the lake, coming on May 25-26, when the sun drops below the horizon by no more than 9 °, and the evening twilight practically merges with the morning. The white nights end on July 16-17.


35 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga the largest river, which flows into it, is the Svir River, which brings water into it from Lake Onega. Water also enters the lake through the Vuoksa River from Lake Saimaa, and through the Volkhov River from Lake Ilmen. The Morier, Avloga, Burnaya rivers also flow into it.

Islands of Lake Ladoga

There are about 660 islands on Lake Ladoga with a total area of ​​435 km², most of them are concentrated in the northern part of the lake, in the so-called skerry region, as well as in the Valaam (about 50 islands), Western archipelagos and the Mantsinsari group of islands (about 40 islands). Most major islands- Riekkalansari, Mantsinsari, Kilpola, Tulolansari, Valaam, Konevets.

Putsaari - almost desert island Lake Ladoga.

Lighthouse on Sukho Island in Lake Ladoga.

The most famous on Lake Ladoga are the Valaam Islands - an archipelago of about 50 islands with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 36 km², due to the location of the Valaam Monastery on the main island of the archipelago. Also known is the island of Konevets, on which the monastery is also located.

Island in Lake Ladoga.

Animal world shores and lake bottom of Lake Ladoga

AT last years Ladoga ringed seal cubs are often found on the shores of Lake Ladoga. The species is listed in the Red Book.

At the bottom of Lake Ladoga there are 385 species of invertebrates, therefore, this fauna is quite diverse. Most species are in the littoral zone (about 290).

Much less - in the deep part (about 80).

The benthic fauna is dominated by insect larvae (52% of all species of benthic fauna), worms (17%) are in second place, hydracarines or water mites are in third (14%), mollusks are in fourth (9.3%), fifth place belongs to crustaceans (4.5%); other groups of animals - 4.3%.

Fish of Lake Ladoga

About 60 species of fish live in Lake Ladoga, of which 30 are of commercial importance. Most of the species live in the lake permanently, and only some of them, such as the Baltic sturgeon, Baltic salmon, Neva lamprey, sea eel, sometimes enter Ladoga from the Baltic and Gulf of Finland. In recent years, new fish have appeared in the lake - carp and peled.

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Lake Ladoga (also Ladoga; historical name - Nevo) - a lake in Karelia (northern and eastern shore) and Leningrad region (western, southern and southeastern shore), the largest freshwater lake in Europe. Refers to the Baltic Sea basin of the Atlantic Ocean. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lake without islands is from 17.6 thousand km² (with islands 18.1 thousand km²), the volume of the water mass is 908 km³; length from south to north - 219 km, maximum width - 138 km

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The depth varies unevenly: in the northern part it ranges from 70 to 230 m, in the southern part - from 20 to 70 m. On the shores of Lake Ladoga, there are the cities of Priozersk, Novaya Ladoga, Shlisselburg in the Leningrad Region, Sortavala, Pitkyaranta, Lahdenpokhya in Karelia. 35 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga, and only one - the Neva - originates.

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The climate over Lake Ladoga is temperate, transitional from temperate continental to temperate maritime. There are an average of 62 sunny days per year. Therefore, during most of the year, days with cloudy, overcast weather and diffused lighting prevail.

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The length of the day varies from 5 hours 51 minutes at the winter solstice to 18 hours 50 minutes at the summer solstice. The so-called "white nights" are observed over the lake, coming on May 25-26, when the sun drops below the horizon by no more than 9 °, and the evening twilight practically merges with the morning. The white nights end on July 16-17.

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35 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga. The largest river that flows into it is the Svir River, which carries water into it from Lake Onega. Water also enters the lake through the Vuoksa River from Lake Saimaa, and through the Volkhov River from Lake Ilmen. The Morier, Avloga, Burnaya rivers also flow into it.

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Svir river

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    There are about 660 islands on Lake Ladoga

    The most famous on Lake Ladoga are the Valaam Islands - an archipelago of about 50 islands with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 36 km², due to the location of the Valaam Monastery on the main island of the archipelago. Also known is the island of Konevets, on which the monastery is also located.

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    Valaam Islands Valaam Monastery.

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    Flora and fauna

    Northern and east coast Lake Ladoga belong to the subzone of the middle taiga, and the southern and western - to the subzone of the southern taiga. The middle taiga is characterized by blueberry spruce forests without undergrowth, with a dense forest stand and a continuous cover of shiny green mosses. In the subzone of the southern taiga, dark coniferous species with undergrowth dominate, where linden, maple, and elm are sometimes found, a grass layer appears with the participation of oak grasses, and the moss cover is less developed than in the middle taiga. The most characteristic type of forest is sorrel spruce forests.

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    The lake is rich in freshwater fish, which go to the rivers to spawn. 53 species and varieties of fish live in Lake Ladoga: Ladoga slingshot, salmon, trout, char, whitefish, vendace, smelt, bream, cheese, blue bream, silver bream, rudd, asp, catfish, pike perch, roach, perch, pike, burbot and others .

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    In the Ladoga area, 256 species of birds belonging to 17 orders are regularly found. More than 50 species of birds were recorded here during the transit migration in spring and autumn. The migration links of the Ladoga region cover the space from Iceland to India and from South Africa to New Earth. The most attractive territories for birds are the southern Ladoga region.

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    Here on migration one can meet swans, geese, ducks, waders, gulls, terns, cranes and shepherds, as well as nesting sites of river ducks, tufted ducks, red-headed pochards, gulls, terns, curlews, common curlews, black-tailed godwit, herbalist, golden plover and others. waders, gray crane, white-tailed eagle, osprey, red-footed falcon, eagle owl, gray owl, short-eared owl and a number of other birds

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    The lake is navigable, it is part of the waterway, which is part of the Volga-Baltic waterway and the White Sea-Baltic Canal. The most intensive movement of ships is carried out in the south of the lake from the river. Lake Ladoga, despite the cold water even in summer, attracts many vacationers: there are good beaches from the Neva to the Svir River.

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