The Cape of Good Hope - what is it famous for, who discovered it, where is it located, how to get there. Who discovered the Cape of Good Hope and in what year was it Cape of Good Hope

Bartolomeo Dias, a Portuguese navigator, was the first to round the cape in 1488. When he returned, he stopped at the southwestern tip of Africa and called it Cape of Storms. But King John II of Portugal renamed it, calling it the Cape of Good Hope. Vasco da Gama's ship rounded this cape in 1497 on its way to India. The bold voyages of the Portuguese navigators made it possible to establish a sea route around the cape, then regular voyages began, but due to the deceptive coastline and dangerous fogs, these places have seen many shipwrecks.

In order to reduce the risk possible disasters, it was decided to build a lighthouse on the cape. The first lighthouse was built in 1857 at 238 m above sea level, but it turned out to be so high that fog and clouds obscure it for more than 900 hours a year. After the Portuguese liner Lusitania sank in 1911, the lighthouse was moved to another location and built only 87 meters above sea level. Construction work began in 1913 and continued for almost six years due to the difficulty of delivering building materials here and unfavorable conditions. weather conditions. The lighthouse is the most powerful on the South African coast. Visible at a distance of 63 km, it emits three flashes of light every 30 seconds with a power of 10 million candles.

The area around the lighthouse

On the shore around the lighthouse, today you can see the remains of 26 ships that failed to round the cape. One of the most famous shipwrecks was that of the USS Thomas T. Tucker, one of hundreds of ships built by the United States to help the Allies transport supplies during World War II. On its first voyage, the ship lost its course due to fog and ran into rocks.

The picturesque area around the lighthouse consists of green hills through which trails lead down to secluded beaches where elan antelopes, baboons, ostriches and bonteboks, brightly colored antelopes, are found. From this side of the cape, it’s hard to even imagine how many tragedies happened so close by.

The Cape of Good Hope is perhaps the most famous cape in Africa. Where is the Cape of Good Hope? On the territory of the Republic of South Africa, or more precisely, on the Cape Peninsula.

First mentions

A lot of swear words were said by the sailors about this place that was disastrous for them. The history of navigation tells of the exorbitant efforts many navigators and pioneers had to make to overcome the ocean currents, rounding this cape.

Who discovered the Cape of Good Hope? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Now, based on information from historical sources, we can say with confidence that this place was first visited back in 500 BC by the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt.

Egyptian sea voyage

This happened during the reign of Pharaoh Necho II, who set out to return economic stability to his state. To do this, it was necessary to find a way to deliver Egyptian goods to Europe, that is, to find a workaround there. A delegation of hired Phoenicians was sent to the eastern side of Africa, where the sailors hoped to find workarounds. This journey lasted for three whole years, and several times the Phoenicians interrupted it by landing on Earth to grow something edible, since the supplies were not designed for such a long period. Africa turned out to be so vast. The Cape of Good Hope probably became their landing site, and then the travelers rounded it. Upon their return, the discouraged Phoenicians said that they were shocked by how one day “the sun suddenly appeared on the north side,” therefore, they crossed the equator.

The idea of ​​finding a workaround was unsuccessful, and further travel was not profitable. Expenses exceeded income, and for more than two thousand years no one attempted to sail here.

Bartolomeo Dias: the one who discovered the Cape of Good Hope

At the end of the 15th century, many wealthy Europeans were ready to pay any money for pleasant and expensive luxury items from distant India. However, the path there was blocked by vast Muslim lands, because the followers of Muhammad’s teachings did not strive to improve relations with Europe and normalize trade relations. Consequently, it was necessary to look for another route - by sea.

The first attempts to find it were made by the Portuguese. Juan II sent an expedition to find a bypass route to the country of elephants. At the head of the expedition was who, possessing perseverance and endurance, nevertheless swam with his team to the Cape of Good Hope. But what work! Hellish currents, hostile attitude of the natives. Members of his crew mutinied on ships many times. They demanded to return to their homeland, because most of them had lost hope of finding a way to India. To the question “Where is the Cape of Good Hope?” None of the sailors, including Bartolomeo Dias, could answer. Since these were the first people to swim to it, they could not know its exact location relative to the continents. And it didn’t have a name either. Then B. Dias, impressed by the torment that this place brought them, called it “Cape of Storms.” This is how the Cape of Good Hope was discovered. The year in which this event occurred (1488) marked the beginning of the history of this mysterious and unusual place.

Return of the Portuguese sailors

Another surge of discontent among Dias’ team led to the expedition turning back. The sailors flatly refused to continue the journey, which seemed endless to them. They saw no point in further attempts to go to the East, because it was as if the elements themselves were against them and sent numerous storms. But, despite the fact that the sailors did not reach the coast of India, King Juan II was pleased with the results of the expedition, considering the “reconnaissance” successful. The only thing he didn’t like was the scary name given to the cape by Bartolomeo Dias. The king considered that the cape needed a different name, which would inspire travelers that the cape was not the main obstacle on the way to India, but the first step leading closer to it. Therefore he gave this place the name "Cape of Good Hope". Geographical coordinates: latitude: -34.358056; longitude: 18.471944

The Journey of Vasco da Gama

A few years later, another Portuguese, Vasco da Gama, was the first to sail along the route of the first expedition and made a corresponding note in his logbook. He wrote that as a result of lengthy and skillful maneuvers, his ship passed the Cape of Good Hope. The lyrical name really became the key to the luck of the Portuguese. The discovery of the Cape of Good Hope by Vasco da Gama dates back to 1497. This navigator reached the shores of India, which he reported to the king upon his return. Thus, Vasco da Gama fulfilled the main goal of his journey. But the development of the territory of South Africa was not included in it.

Discovery of the Cape of Good Hope by the Dutch as a transit point for the sea route

The founding of the port city of Cape Town (from the English “city on the cape”) is the merit of the Dutch. It was they who discovered the Cape of Good Hope as the first transshipment point between Rotterdam and India. It was here that the sick were treated and the ships of the Dutch East India were supplied with water and food supplies. Local population At first, the natives warmly received the guests. But in the late 60s of the 17th century, when Europeans began to intensively destroy Cape Town, the natives began to be forced out of their native lands and forced into slavery. On this basis, long bloody conflicts began.

Disputes over the Cape

The British knew who discovered the Cape of Good Hope and who founded Cape Town. But this did not stop them from taking away southern Africa from the Dutch in 1795. Now this territory began to be called the “colonial province of the Cape of Good Hope.” Among the population were the descendants of the first colonists - the Boers, which means “peasants” in Dutch. The new order caused them strong discontent, and then, overcoming the resistance of the Zulus on their way, they moved to the north of the continent.

Liberation from the colonial regime

Until the end of the 19th century, the Boers lived separately, and the territory inhabited by them received the unspoken name “Boer republics”. But when it was discovered that these lands contained large deposits of diamonds and gold, the British again turned their attention to the rebellious Boers. From 1899 to 1902, the brutal Anglo-Boer Wars continued, as a result of which Great Britain nevertheless captured the territory of the Boer republics. Now all of South Africa (including the Cape of Good Hope) was under the control of the British.

Only more than half a century later, in 1961, the period of long colonial dependence was completed. Now this territory was called as follows: Republic of South Africa.

The Legend of the Flying Dutchman

This legend is the most intriguing and famous story of the Cape of Good Hope. She has a great many variations. Sometimes the names of the main characters in it differ, but the plot in any case has the same meaning. It was in this place that the captain of one of the Dutch ships was cursed. His reputation was, to put it mildly, not very good. He was known as a foul-mouthed and blasphemous man. This captain's name was Van Stratten. He always had a whip with a lead plaque on the end in his hands, in case anyone got caught. The backs of many sailors were forever covered with scars from savage beatings with this whip. Van Stratten's ships often carried African slaves, who died in the dozens along the way. Dead bodies were usually thrown overboard. That is why there were sharks as escorts near the ships of this captain, waiting for the next “handout”. Well-fed and satisfied, they delighted the cruel captain with their presence; he jokingly called them “my little fish.” On one of the voyages, the ships were caught in a severe storm. Just then they were rounding the Cape of Good Hope, the coordinates showed exactly this, because it was impossible to see anything in such bad weather. All the sailors begged the captain to turn back in order to wait out the rampant elements.

It is not difficult to guess that Van Stratten responded with a nasty curse. He said: “No way! I'll still swim! I will not retreat even if the world ends. I will even give my soul to the devil, but I will survive this storm.” It was at this moment heaven's gate opened up, and the voice of the Almighty was heard: “You said it! Now swim!” The devil took the captain's soul. Since then, Van Stratten's ship has been drifting restless and doomed off the coast of the cape. All the sailors and the foul-mouthed captain himself are now doomed to eternal life, to immortality in the expanses of water, without being able to land on shore. Meeting other ships, immortal seafarers strive to convey their letters to relatives who have long since died. Taking these letters is a very bad omen. If you do this, then the curse passes to the compassionate assistant.


One of the most famous attractions is considered national reserve, whose name coincides with the name of the cape. It is part of Table Mountain ( national park"Table Mountain")

A colony of a rare species of penguin called spectacled or black-footed penguin; Chacma bear baboon colony.

From geographical objects the most visited is the one that marks the southern tip of Africa.

South African astronomical observatory; the port city of Cape Town, where you can visit the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront and the Two Oceans Aquarium; territory Botanical Garden Kirstenbosch, founded in 1913; the Castle of Good Hope estate, which is the oldest building in South Africa; South African National Gallery.

The Cape of Good Hope is famous for these places. Photos of some of them are given below.

Cape of Good Hope as the personification of human hopes

The name of the cape truly inspires hope. And even people who despaired of their troubles and misfortunes, having been in this mysterious place, begin to believe in the best. The Cape of Good Hope becomes a guiding star for those people who have never been there, illuminating the lives of sick children with its name.

The Cape of Good Hope SD is a community of parents all over the world whose children are suffering. They unite in the fight for the health and full life of their children, giving each other hope for the best.

So, the answer to the question “Who discovered the Cape of Good Hope” is the navigator Bartolomeo Dias, who first set foot on the land of this truly magical place. It was he and his three small ships who first rounded this cape. Nowadays, many myths, stunning nature and attractions attract many tourists to the Cape of Good Hope.

The Cape of Good Hope - what is it famous for, who discovered it, where is it located, how to get there.

Cape of Good Hope – (or Cabo de Boa Esperanca in Portuguese) geographical point on the world map with the most romantic and beautiful name. Perhaps no other geographical landmark on the planet has such a poetic name.

What is the Cape of Good Hope famous for?

Cape of Good Hope (Cape of Good Hope) is famous for for a long time considered the southernmost tip of Africa. Then they calculated that the southernmost point of the continent is Cape Agulhas(Cape Agulhas), located one hundred and fifty miles to the southeast from the Cape of Good Hope.

But no one knows Cape Agulhas, and the Cape of Good Hope is included in all school geography textbooks; it is associated with the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, this is what hundreds of thousands of tourists and travelers from all over the world strive to see.

The Cape of Good Hope is not the southernmost point of Africa

Who discovered the Cape of Good Hope. origin of name

It is known that the first European to see this African cape was Bartolomeo Dias, the famous Portuguese commander, in 1488.

Bartolomeo Dias first discovered the Cape of Storms in 1488

The expedition was given the task of finding a sea route to India around Africa. Dias did not reach India, but became the first European, which circumnavigated Africa from the south. Indirectly, he was helped in this by the terrible storms that battered his ships for several days. When the storms subsided, the disorientated Dias headed north and on February 3, 1488 ran into the coast, which “turned” to the northeast. And so the way was opened to Indian Ocean. Dias was forced to give in to the demands of the rebellious team and did not go further. On way back he saw this cape protruding into the sea, which he called the Cape of Storms, because severe storms were constantly raging in this place.

Storms rage near the Cape of Good Hope

Dias announced this “working” name upon his return to Portugal in his report to King João II. But His Majesty was wise and far-sighted. He decided that it would not be appropriate to leave such a harsh name for the turning point, beyond which a direct sea route to India opens. And he suggested calling this place the Cape of Good Hope. Or in Portuguese Cabo de Boa Esperanca. The cape lived up to its name. In 1497 she rounded the Cape of Good Hope and finally reached the treasured shores of India!

Where is the Cape of Good Hope

Today it is the territory of the Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa. The nearest big city is Cape Town. The Cape of Good Hope itself is the national pride and tourist attraction of South Africa. It is organically integrated into the national park or reserve with the same name “Cape of Good Hope” or in English “Cape of Good Hope”.

From Cape Town ) to the Cape of Good Hope approximately 4 hours by car

As already mentioned, the Cape of Good Hope is not only not the southernmost, but also not the most southwestern point of Africa. The most southwestern point is the completely inconspicuous ledge of Cape Point, located fifty meters to the north. And it is on it that a lighthouse with the name “Cape of Good Hope” is installed. AND Observation deck, where all the tourists take their memorable pictures.

And at the Cape of Good Hope there is a shield with the name and exact coordinates and the inscription “the most southwestern point of Africa.”

How to get there to the Cape of Good Hope

I haven’t been to these parts myself yet, so I’ll use photographs, impressions and stories from various blogs of those who were lucky enough to visit here.

“Upon arrival at the Cape of Good Hope, all tourists rise from the buses using trailers, and then walk for quite a long time to a long, beautiful high cape stretching into the sea with a lighthouse and a panoramic view of the ocean surface, from which everyone takes pictures of “themselves in an embrace” with the very southwestern Africa." The journey by car from Cape Town will take about 4 hours. But the road will not tire the traveler, because it passes through a nature reserve in which ostriches, antelopes, baboons and a host of other living creatures roam.Here, next to monkeys, cheetahs and antelopes, penguins live.

Penguins in Africa

Yes, yes, it is penguins, which we consider exclusively Antarctic animals. Apparently in time immemorial they swam here and settled on these rocks.Or, on the contrary, did penguins penetrate into Antarctica from Africa?

Be that as it may, the Cape of Good Hope offers stunning views of the confluence of two great oceans, where sea and air currents collide. Therefore, the first name of this place - Cape of Storms - also has every right to exist.

Stunning views of the confluence of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans

More travelers era of great geographical discoveries

Marco Polo- a real character or a brilliant hoax

The Cape of Good Hope is known to many travel enthusiasts beautiful nature, warm climate and Russian-speaking guides who will show and tell all the features of this place.

Not everyone knows, although tour guides often mention it, but it was here that the famous legend of the Flying Dutchman was born. Thanks to films, this legend is indirectly known to many, but its essence has never been revealed, as well as the places where it appeared. Many are also surprised to hear it, they say, what about Captain Davy Jones? Isn't it the Island of the Cross? No, it’s the Cape of Good Hope, and not Captain Jones, although the name of the historical figure is controversial.

A pinch of history

The name of the cape was also interesting story. It was discovered by Bartolomeu Dias, a Portuguese navigator, who called it the Cape of Storms because the cape was often subject to severe storms. As can be seen from history, it did not immediately become the Cape of Good Hope; it was renamed by King Juan II when his ships plied the expanses of its waters. The king’s hope was justified, Portugal opened a sea route to India, and the cape forever remained the “Good Hope”.

Historical legends

Known in history sailing ship"The Flying Dutchman", but the name of its captain is controversial. In one of the myths, the captain was the Dutchman Philip Van der Decken (and according to another version of the story, Van Straaten), in 1700, his ship sailed from the East Indies, carrying a married couple on board. He desired the unfortunate lady, the captain got rid of her husband, and invited her to marry, but the girl could not imagine herself in the hands of her lover’s killer, so she jumped overboard.

While trying to round the cape, the ship encountered a severe storm, but despite the crew’s plea to wait it out in the nearest bay, the angry captain decided on a desperate act. Defying all the gods, he led the ship through the storm, dooming himself and the entire crew to certain death. Vowing that not a single soul would come ashore, he signed his own death sentence. Now the ship is forced to wander, trying again and again to go around the cape. However, according to one version, the captain can still lift the curse, which he himself caused. Once every 10 years, he is supposed to step ashore and find a wife who will voluntarily agree to marry the damned captain. Another version says that the Flying Dutchman and everyone on board can be freed by some kind of magic word, but who knows or keeps it is the unknown secret of the seven seas.

Another version of the legend

The Dutch captain swore that he would sell his soul if he rounded the cape unharmed. He made the mistake of not specifying that he only needed to do this once, and the Devil played a cruel joke on him. Now the captain and his crew go around the cape safe and sound over and over again.

In a strong storm, the ship could not go around the Cape of Good Hope (in another version, it was Cape Horn). The team asked to turn back, but Van Straaten said that he would swim until he reached his goal. In response to the angry speeches, a voice boomed from the sky: “So be it - sail at least until the second coming.”

In those days, terrible diseases were rampant, and one of them overtook the Flying Dutchman; not a single port agreed to accept such a ship, fearing infection. The Dutchman sailed from port to port for a long time while members of his crew died. Having never found help, the ship continues to wander, spreading terror and bringing misfortune to other ships.

There are incredibly many versions. Another one says that the “Dutchman” met the ghost ship “Kenara”, but having defeated it, he took upon himself the curse of the pirate ship. According to other stories, the captain was in such a hurry to get home that he did not help a sinking ship encountered at sea, for which he was cursed according to all maritime laws.

The Cape of Good Hope is the most extreme point of southwestern Africa. It is located on the Cape Peninsula and is washed on two opposite sides by the waters of the Indian and Atlantic oceans. Many people say that in calm weather you can see how the two parts of the body of water differ in color.

In ancient times, due to big waves and constant winds, the rocky cliff was called the Cape of Storms; later King Juan II renamed it the Cape of Good Hope. He truly was the hope of the Portuguese navigators who were heading to India. Today the largest in South Africa lighthouse (240 m above sea level), built in 1860

In the vicinity of the rocky coast there is a reserve of the same name. Due to the vegetation, it is almost impossible to get there by car.

There are beaches on the cape where you can relax and sunbathe.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 06.04.2016 08:52

Cape of Good Hope(Cape of Good Hope) is famous for having long been considered the southernmost point of Africa. Then they calculated that the southernmost point of the continent is Cape Agulhas, located one and a half hundred miles to the southeast from the Cape of Good Hope.

But no one knows Cape Agulhas, but the Cape of Good Hope is included in all school geography textbooks, it is associated with the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, and it is this place that hundreds of thousands of tourists and travelers from all over the world strive to see.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 06.04.2016 08:56

It is known that the first European to see this African Cape of Good Hope was in 1488 Bartolomeo Dias, the famous Portuguese commander of the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries.

The expedition of Bartolomeo Dias was given the task of finding a sea route to India around Africa. Dias did not reach India, but became the first European to circumnavigate Africa from the south. Indirectly, he was helped in this by the terrible storms that battered his ships for several days. When the storms subsided, the disorientated Dias headed north and on February 3, 1488 ran into the coast, which “turned” to the northeast.

And so the way to the Indian Ocean was opened. Dias was forced to give in to the demands of the rebellious team and did not go further. On the way back, he saw this cape protruding into the sea, which he called the Cape of Storms, because severe storms were constantly raging in this place.

Dias announced this “working” name upon his return to Portugal in his report to King João II. But His Majesty was wise and far-sighted. He decided that it was not good to leave such a harsh name for the turning point, beyond which a direct sea route to India opened. And he suggested calling this place the Cape of Good Hope. Or in Portuguese Cabo de Boa Esperanca.

The cape lived up to its name. In 1497, Vasco da Gama's expedition rounded the Cape of Good Hope and finally reached the treasured shores of India!

Sasha Mitrakhovich 06.04.2016 09:01

Today it is the territory of the Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa. Nearest Big city Cape Town. The Cape of Good Hope itself is the national pride and tourist attraction of South Africa. It is organically integrated into the national park or reserve with the same name “Cape of Good Hope” or in English “Cape of Good Hope”.

As already mentioned, the Cape of Good Hope is not only not the southernmost, but also not the most southwestern point of Africa. The most southwestern point is the completely inconspicuous ledge of Cape Point, located fifty meters to the north. And it is on it that a lighthouse with the name “Cape of Good Hope” is installed. And an observation deck from where all tourists take their memorable photos.

And at the Cape of Good Hope there is a shield with the name and exact coordinates and the inscription “the most southwestern point of Africa.”

Location of the Cape of Good Hope on the World Map:

Sasha Mitrakhovich 06.04.2016 09:04

You can get to the Cape of Good Hope, located on the Cape Peninsula, from Cape Town. The journey by car will take about four hours. Time will pass unnoticed, because along the way you will encounter a very beautiful area: a savannah where ostriches, antelopes, baboons and other animals roam, mountains, a nature reserve.

The Cape of Good Hope is the most southwestern point of Africa. It is impossible to make a mistake, since this fact is confirmed by both scientists and an inscription with exact coordinates installed on the site in front of the cape. But the Cape Peninsula at this point reaches its southernmost point and, going to the north, ends with Cape Point.

Excursions to the Cape of Good Hope

Typically, excursions to the Cape of Good Hope include a visit to the reserve, as well as the shore with a penguin haven. We'll tell you about a few more places that are worth seeing. On the coast of False Bay, or “False Bay,” a winding road is laid through the mountains. Along it you can get to the town of Simonstown, where the British Royal Navy was previously based.

The coast of the Cape of Good Hope itself has its own characteristics. For example, on the western side the climate is milder, there are beaches, sandy shores, and an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. In the east it is warmer, but strong winds blow, which make it difficult to swim and enjoy the scenery. On this part of the coast, not everyone takes the risk of swimming; tourists prefer to just sit on the shore and breathe the ocean air.

The island of fur seals is of great interest to travelers. Its area of ​​only 4 square kilometers is small for an island, and it has a turbulent history dating back to the 17th century. The fact is that for three centuries there was a prison here, military base and a hospital. And it was on this island that freedom fighter and future South African President Nelson Mandela served his sentence. In 1999, the island became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A museum has opened here, telling about the history of the country. Tourists can visit the prison yard and cells.

You can get to the island by ferry, which leaves Waterfront every day until 15:00. On average, the excursion lasts 3.5-4 hours.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 06.04.2016 09:25