Heaven's Gate Cave, Zhangjiajie, China. Heavenly Gate Arch or Tianmen Cave on Tianmen Mountain, China Tianmen Mountain in China

Address: China, Hunan Province
Height: 1519 m
Main attractions: glass trail, cable car, Heaven's Gate Arch, Tianmenshan Temple
Coordinates: 29°03"04.3"N 110°29"02.3"E

China has always attracted the attention of not only travelers from all over our vast planet, but also historians, archaeologists, geologists, linguists and other scientists.

North Gate to National Park tianmen mountains

This is not surprising: a huge number of attractions built by human hands and created by nature itself, a lot of mysteries, myths and legends that envelop this mysterious country, simply cannot but arouse the interest of an educated person. In China at the moment there is a huge number of architectural structures that, for one reason or another, are included in the legendary Guinness Book of Records. If a tourist is brought to the Celestial Empire, he should definitely try to set aside time and visit the small, of course, by Chinese standards, town of Zhangjiajie, more precisely, Tianmen Mountain, which is located only eight kilometers from the village.

Anyone who has visited Mount Tianmen has touched heaven. It is not simple beautiful words from a tourist brochure, the purpose of which is to draw attention to the sights of China: on Tianmen Mountain there is a real “Gateway to Heaven”! By the way, the “Gateway to Heaven” is a cave formed as a result of the fall of a huge piece of rock. This real natural miracle was formed relatively recently, “only” in 263 AD. Most Chinese do not like the name “Gateway to Heaven” and call their place, permeated with an atmosphere of mysticism, “the magic cave of Western Hunan.”

General view of the road "Heavenly Highway"

Of particular interest is the fact that Tianmen Mountain, which is crowded almost every day of the year, is considered the first mountain in the National Park, starting just outside the Zhangjiajie city limits, officially measured by scientists. Its height is determined to the nearest centimeter: 1,518 meters and 60 centimeters. Such an accurate measurement was made possible thanks to the painstaking work of many specialists and special measuring equipment.

If anyone thinks that Tianmen Mountain itself is the main attraction of the National Park, he is, of course, right, but only partly. The thing is that on the mountain itself there are several objects built by human hands, and which can safely be called the very best. The longest, the most winding and even the most terrible! However, Tianmen Mountain and its attractions deserve special attention, and each of them should be discussed in detail.

View of the serpentine

Many tourists who are just planning a trip to China and an excursion to Tianmen can conclude from the beginning of this material that the mountain, 1,518 meters and 60 centimeters high, is ready to be conquered by anyone. However, this opinion is wrong, and the height of the mountain has nothing to do with it: climbing the mountain near the city of Zhangjiajie is a real test for physically resilient and strong-willed people. This already becomes clear the moment Tianmen can be seen from the window of a car or a tour bus.

Tianmen Mountain - legends, myths and stubborn facts

“Why is Tianmen Mountain famous throughout the world?” a tourist who has never been to the Celestial Empire or simply has not visited Zhangjiajie may ask. Naturally, its height cannot be compared with the snow-capped Alps or the mighty Everest. However, its popularity is still inextricably linked with height. The thing is that it is on Mount Tianmen that there is an amazingly beautiful cave, which is currently recognized as the highest in the world. We are not even talking about its size, but about the height above sea level at which it was formed as a result of erosion. As mentioned above, thanks to the Chinese habit of keeping chronicles, it is reliably known that the cave was formed in the year 263, when a huge piece of rock fell off from Tianmen. The length of this cave is 60 meters, the width is about 57 meters, and the height is 131 and a half meters.

Cable car to Tianmen Mountain

The fact that this cave is located so high above sea level and the fact that it is impressive in size does not at all explain its popularity among the thousands of tourists who come to Zhangjiajie every year to see one of nature's greatest wonders with their own eyes. The climate in the National Park, in which Tianmen Mountain itself rises, contributes to the constant formation of clouds. As mentioned above, the cave is located very high, so it is constantly shrouded in clouds. Even the most inveterate skeptic who has risen to this mysterious and mystical place, it seems that he is about to go to... heaven. It is for this reason that the cave on Mount Tianmen got its name “Heavenly Gate”.

By the way, many Chinese consider this mountain almost the most sacred place In your country. According to legend, the mountain is truly connected with the sky and has enormous power. She is able not only to influence the destinies of people, but also to predict significant events in the country and show real miracles to everyone. The chronicles more than once describe mysterious phenomena that occurred on the mountain at different periods of time. These ancient documents can be viewed with skepticism and even a bit of irony, but, as they say, facts are stubborn things.

View of the cable car cabins

Already in the 20th century, four inexplicable miracles occurred on Mount Tianmen at once, which plunged the specialists observing them into a state of stupor. In 1949, when China appeared on the world map People's Republic, a powerful waterfall gushed from the top of the mountain, which lasted only 15 minutes. “This is probably some kind of coincidence,” a person who does not believe in the world of the supernatural might think. However, exactly the same miracles occurred just before the death of Mao Zedong, during the suppression of a student rally in the capital of the Celestial Empire and before the devastating flood of 1998. When something happens only once, it can be called an accident, but when manifestations of the supernatural occur with enviable regularity, it cannot even be called a coincidence. By the way, numerous scientists observed the last three events, all of them, without exception, threw up their hands and came to the consensus that it is impossible to explain the phenomenon of Tianmen Mountain from a scientific point of view.

Mysterious natural phenomena events taking place on the mysterious mountain are not the only thing that excites the minds of researchers and tourists. There is a legend, not even a legend, but a legend that is passed down from generation to generation: it says that a priceless treasure is hidden on the mystical Tianmen.

View of the Heaven's Gate Arch

A huge amount of gold, silver, precious stones, ancient tomes were hidden on the mountain by one of the peasants during the uprising against the atrocities committed in the Celestial Empire by the Ming Dynasty. Numerous archaeological expeditions did not bring results. More precisely, during the research the treasure was not found, but scientists practically managed to prove that the treasures on Tianmen were indeed hidden in ancient times. By the way, these days on the mountain you can often meet numerous “fortune hunters” who are trying to find countless treasures that previously belonged to the powerful Ming dynasty.

Tianmen is famous not only for the cave called “Gateway to Heaven”, supernatural events and the legend of hidden treasures. There is also a Buddhist temple on the mountain, where pilgrims come to venerate the sacred relics. This temple is called the same as the cave: “Heavenly Gates”. The area on which the amazingly beautiful temples and service premises are located is neither more nor less - 10,000 (!) square meters. This place has been considered sacred since the Ming Dynasty.

Walking path along the mountain range

Perhaps it is on the territory of this Buddhist temple that priceless treasures are hidden? The answer to this question, most likely, will not be found in the near future. All attempts by scientists to conduct research and excavations on its territory ended in failure. Monks prohibit any work on land sacred to every Buddhist. By the way, the Chinese government will also not allow research to be carried out in the monastery just because it is located on the territory of the National Park.

The Tianmen Mountain Climb or Challenge is not for the faint of heart

There are three ways to get to the Gate to Heaven cave. The first of them is the least tiring: the tourist is invited to cover the distance to the natural wonder of the world on the “most ordinary” cable car. By the way, it is ordinary only in that it has all the components that are typical for any cable car. And almost all of its parts are made not in China, but in France, so it is absolutely safe. However, it is worth considering that traveling in a cabin will take quite a long time: The Tianmen cable car is considered the longest in the world and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Its length is almost 7.5 kilometers. It is also worth considering that most of the path will lie over the abyss. Scary? Scary only for those who have not climbed to the top of the mountain along a hiking trail and a motorway!

Glass trail

The road has its own name: “the road of 99 turns.” By the way, you can also walk along it. It is 11 kilometers long and actually has 99 turns. This road, which will take almost all the strength of even a physically resilient traveler, was built by the Chinese in 8 years, which can safely be called a feat. The same feat as climbing Mount Tianmen on foot. Those tourists who climbed to the top of the mountain without a car face another challenge: to approach the “Gateway to Heaven” cave they will have to climb another 999 steps. It is worth noting that the number 9 constantly appears on Tianmen Mountain. By the way, “nine” is sacred to every Chinese; according to Taoist teaching, this is the last number that the human brain is able to understand, comprehend and perceive.

After hiking to the “Gateway to Heaven,” travelers usually no longer have the strength to descend. Enterprising Chinese have solved this problem: buses constantly run from the top along the “99 turns” road. Traveling by bus or car, by the way, also turns into a difficult test, the distance between sharp turns in some places the road does not exceed 200 meters! True, after visiting the highest naturally formed cave in the world, you should not rush to leave Tianmen Mountain. There is another test here that is recommended only for people with a stable psyche and a strong nervous system.

Glass Trail of Tianmen Mountain

For those travelers who want to get another huge dose of adrenaline after climbing the mountain, the Chinese offer a walk along the Tianmen glass trail. Its length is about 70 meters, but it has long been called the “trail of horror” among tourists. The “bridge”, located at an altitude of 1,400 meters above sea level, is made of... real glass. A glass floor, a glass side, a sheer cliff on one side, and a bottomless abyss underfoot. Looking at the photo of the Tianmen glass trail, many claim that they could easily pass this test. However, such bravado quickly ends when the tourist has to go through this “attraction” and prove his fearlessness. Many people try to walk along the glass path right next to the rock, although it is so smooth in this place that there is nothing to grab onto. Only a few dare to approach the side. Some daredevils, having barely stepped on the glass, which is only 6 centimeters thick, immediately abandon the idea of ​​looking into the abyss under their feet. The Chinese constantly monitor the legendary trail and clear it of dust. Therefore, any person has the impression that he is walking through the air and could fall down at any moment. Certain problems are also caused by the fact that you can walk along the glass path only in special shoe covers made of fabric. This rule exists in order to avoid the appearance of stains and dirt on the glass floor, but the fabric slips so treacherously...

China has always attracted my attention, and how could it be otherwise, because it is one of the most ancient civilizations on our planet, with a very rich and eventful history and a large number of wonderful sights, both natural and man-made.

But in this post of mine we will not delve into history, but rather take a photo trip to unique mountain Tianmen, located in southeast China, in Hunan province, near the town of Zhangjiajie, in the scenic Wulingyuan area.

It is believed that those who visited Tianmen Mountain touched heaven. After all, this is where the Chinese “Gateway to Heaven” is located - a huge cave formed as a result of the destruction of part of the rock. Another name for it is “the magic cave of Western Hunan.”

By the way, the height of Tianmen Mountain is 1,518 meters, and therefore it is inferior to many of its other Chinese competitors, but tourists come here for completely different reasons:

Firstly, here is an amazing cave, which was already written about a little higher, considered the highest located in the world. It is known from the chronicles that it was formed back in 263, its length is about 60 meters, its width is almost 57 m, and its height is 131.5 m.

It is because of its high location and the fact that it is constantly shrouded in clouds that it received its name Tianmenshan, which means “Heavenly Gate”.

To approach the cave you need to climb 999 steps.

Secondly, On Mount Tianmen there is a Buddhist temple popular among pilgrims and tourists, also called the “Heavenly Gate”. Its complex occupies an area of ​​about 10,000 square meters. m.

Third, The road to Tianmen Mountain is already a tourist attraction in itself. You can get here in 2 ways:

1. By cable car leading to the top of the mountain, 7455 meters long, considered the longest in the world. It was built by the French, which means you don’t have to worry about safety here.

It offers stunning views of the bizarre peaks and cliffs of the Zhangjiajie Forest Reserve, part of the Wulingyuan Scenic Area. It is believed that they served as the prototype for the famous flying islands of Pandora in the well-known film Avatar.

2. Along the so-called “Heavenly Highway”, also known as the “Road of 99 Turns”. This highway 11 km long, actually having 99 turns, the distance between which is from 200 to 1300 meters. It was built in eight years and is rightfully one of the most winding in the world.

Fourthly, these are mountain trails, several kilometers long, surrounding the top of Tianmen Mountain. A walk along them is very popular among tourists, because from here they offer a gorgeous view of the beauty of the picturesque Wulingyuan area.

A small 70-meter section of these trails is made of glass (its thickness is only 6 cm), and given that there is a bottomless abyss underfoot, this spectacle is certainly not for the faint-hearted tourists.

To avoid the appearance of stains and dirt on the glass floor, you can only walk on it wearing special fabric shoe covers.

Tianmen Mountain is popular due to its unusual and amazing Cave "Heavenly Gate" - the highest in the world. Heavenly Gate, also known as the "Magic Cave of Western Hunan", was formed naturally through erosion processes. Suddenly, a large piece of the mountain fell away, creating a huge cavity 131.5 m high, 57 m wide at its widest point and 60 m long. Shrouded in clouds, the “Heaven’s Gate” is quite impressive: after passing through it, it seems that you really will find yourself in heaven . Among local residents There is a belief that Tianmen is connected with the sky and has supernatural powers. Since time immemorial, there have been rumors in China that countless treasures were hidden in the mountain, brought here by one of the leaders of the peasant uprising during the Ming Dynasty.

Tianmen Mountain, whose height is 1518.6 m, is 8 km away. from the city center of Zhangjiajie, China. The longest and highest cable car in the world (7455 m) leads to the top of Tianmen Mountain. You can also take the Tongtian Road (Heavenly Highway) with 99 turns. Tongtian is one of the most impressive serpentines in the world and took 8 years to build. The length of the route is less than 11 km, and the distance between turns is from 200 to 1300 m. In some places, the road rises sharply at an angle of 70 degrees, suddenly crashing straight into the clouds.

Heaven's Gate Cave on Tianmen Mountain is one of the most impressive sights in the surrounding area. national park in Hunan Province in China, near the city of Zhangjiajie. An equally breathtaking road leads to it, called the “Great Gate Road”. The cave is famous for being the highest naturally formed cave in the world. However, this important advantage pales in front of its stunning appearance: at an altitude of 1,500 meters, visitors see a grandiose gate 131.5 meters high, 57 meters wide at its widest point and 60 meters long. This earthly beauty, shrouded in clouds, makes a truly indelible impression on anyone who finds itself here - it seems that just one more step, and you will truly go to heaven. The numerous legends associated with it add to the charm of the place. Local residents believe that the mountain has supernatural powers; it is believed that several phenomenal cases of an unexpected fall of a waterfall from the top of the mountain are inextricably linked with certain important events in the life of the country. Another legend comes from the distant past, from the time of the Ming Dynasty - they say that participants in the uprising that broke out then hid countless treasures somewhere nearby. Since then, numerous treasure hunters have searched for them for centuries, but have never found them...

Tianmenshan National Forest Park (天门山森林区) is characterized by huge limestone mountain plateaus with sheer cliffs and jagged peaks covered in dense greenery. Despite the fact that the famous vertical mountain peaks of Wulingyuan are not visible from Tianmen Mountain, this place amazes with its beauty and majesty no less than Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.

Read also about other places in Zhangjiajie:

Mount Tianmen

A visit to Tianmen Park is essentially a multi-hour walk along Tianmen Mountain. Translated from Chinese, Tianmen means “Heavenly Gate”.

There is a belief among local residents that the mountain is connected with the sky and has supernatural powers. It is even called the “magic mountain of Western Hunan.”

View from Tianmen Mountain

Tianmenshan National Forest Park

So, in the 20th century, four times a waterfall 1500 m high unexpectedly and for inexplicable reasons collapsed from the top of the mountain. Streams of water fell for 15 minutes, and then suddenly disappeared. This phenomenon was observed in 1949 (the formation of the People's Republic of China), 1976 (the death of Mao Zedong), 1989 (the suppression of student protests in Beijing) and 1998 (the largest flood). Superstitious Chinese believe these coincidences are not accidental.

But the mountain gained the greatest fame thanks to its unusual cave"Heaven's Gate"

Cave "Heavenly Gate"

Heaven's Gate Cave (Tianmen Cave | Tianmen | Heaven's Gate Cave | Tianmen Cave) is the highest cave in the world. It was formed naturally due to soil erosion. It is claimed that in 263, a large piece of the mountain simply fell away, creating a huge cavity 131.5 m high, 57 m wide and 60 m long. Shrouded in clouds, the "Heaven's Gate" is impressive. There is a feeling that after passing through them, you will really find yourself in heaven.

IN Lately The site has become popular with skydivers who parachute through the cave despite the mortal risks. This, of course, is already super-extreme, but it makes the mountain even more popular.

A staircase of 999 steps leads to the foot of the cave from the top of Tianmen. The number “9” in this case is not accidental. In the Taoist tradition, this number is a symbol of the emperor (son of heaven) and the highest number available to man. The meaning of this number once again emphasizes the mystery of this place, located on the border of the human and divine worlds.

Road "Heavenly Highway"

You can go down the mountain by bus along the “heavenly highway” road (Tongtian Highway | Tongtian Avenue | 通天) with 99 turns. The name of the road is not an exaggeration; it is one of the most impressive serpentines in the world. The length of the route is about 11 km, and the distance between turns is from 200 to 1300 m. The road is so popular that some consider it the main attraction of the park.

Walk along the glass path

The Glass Sky Walk is a 60-meter stretch of road with a glass floor and walls above the abyss.

To make it easier to keep the glass floor clean, all tourists are required to wear special fabric slippers, which can be rented right there for 5 RMB.

To be honest, I’m not too afraid of heights, especially knowing for sure that the path is safe. By the way, slippers don't really help keep the glass truly transparent. And below there are only mountains, the scale is faintly felt. Therefore, I was not too impressed by the walk along the famous “heavenly path”. However, I have seen people who literally held onto the rock away from the glass walls and almost fainted from the intensity of their emotions. So a lot here depends on impressionability and past experience. But it’s still worth a walk, if only to experience everything first hand.

Cable car to Tianmen Mountain

The longest and highest cable car in the world, Tianmen Mountain Cableway or Tianmenshan Suodao, leads to the top of Tianmen Mountain, the spans of which reach 500 m! In some places the road rises sharply at an angle of 70º, suddenly crashing straight into the clouds. Unforgettable experience!

There was a Chinese couple sitting in the booth with us. The poor girl was so scared that she sat with her head buried in her knees and covered with her hands. As soon as she stood up to look at the road, she immediately gasped and buried herself in her knees again. In general, this is not just a cable car, but a real adventure.

Buddhist Temple "Heaven's Gate"

Tianmen Mountain Temple was built during the Tang Dynasty as a center of Buddhism in the western Hunan region. The modern temple is a renovated building on the site of the original temple on an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters. m. The temple is located in an intermountain depression with a wide view. If you look at the temple from the southeast, the surrounding hills seem so small that the temple looks like a ruler - the son of heaven. This temple is one of the main pilgrimage sites in Hunan Province.

How to plan a day in Tianmenshan Park?

I want to offer the most convenient plan for visiting the Tianmenshan Nature Reserve. Unfortunately, we were not able to do everything described, because it took us a long time to get to the ski lift, then we walked along the mountain for a long time and were late for the escalators that lead to the Heavenly Gate cave. But we have nothing to regret, because the most beautiful thing is the magnificent views of mountains buried in fog, and the feeling that you are standing on a steep cliff in the clouds surrounded natural beauty and peace.

We were very lucky because it rained almost all day. I am not kidding. Firstly, it discouraged many people from climbing the mountain. And on Chinese holidays (May 1-3), this literally saves the situation. And, secondly, there was a complete feeling that it was as if we were not on earth at all, because clouds were everywhere!

1. We take the Tianmen Mountain Cableway to the very top of Tianmen Mountain.

The lift has a stop somewhere in the middle of the route. So, there is no particular point in going out here, it is better to go to the very top, and then gradually descend.

2. We walk along the numerous paths at the top of the mountain.

Walking along the top of Tianmen Mountain is enough for a whole day. To go around the entire mountain you will have to walk at least 7 km. Many paths are balconies on rocks, under which there are clouds and steep mountains going down, some of the paths pass through the forest, which is part of the reserve, and some in the mountains. There are many options for getting around the mountain; we chose the path along the outer edge. All the most interesting things are along this path. In principle, there is no particular need for a paper map; signs and maps on the ground will suffice.

Those who want to move faster or are simply tired from walking can travel part of the way on the Forest Sightseeing Cable Car (25 RMB), which takes you directly to the Tianmen Temple. I think this was done specifically for quick transportation to the temple.

While walking around the mountain, do not forget to do the following:

  • Admire the views from the glass floor of the Glass Sky Walk. There is no point in going to it specifically; you will get to it one way or another by going around the mountain.
  • Look at Buddhist temple, which we accepted for the monastery because it occupies a truly enormous area.
  • View Heaven’s Gate Cave from the top point. Despite its gigantic size, in an even larger mountain it looks like a small hole.
  • And, of course, take a million beautiful photos with mountains in the clouds.

3. We go down the escalators to the Heaven’s Gate Cave.

The main thing here is not to waste time. The escalators operate until 16.30, and long distances do not always give a correct idea of ​​how long the journey will take, which, moreover, is not always a flat road; it is, after all, a mountainous area. We made a mistake at this point and did not have time to go down to the cave.

4. We go down from the foot of the Heavenly Gate cave down the stairs with 999 steps.

Those for whom 999 steps are an insurmountable obstacle can use the lifts on the left slope of the mountain.

5. We go down the mountain by bus along the famous serpentine “Heavenly Highway”.

If you usually get motion sickness, it would be a good idea to take some pills in advance to make the trip more enjoyable.

If you are not particularly impressed by the views of the arch (cave) from below or your vestibular apparatus prefers not to shake on the bus in Chinese mountain roads, then you can go down in the same way as you went up - on the main lift of the Tianmen Mountain Cableway.

Here is a diagram of Tianmen Mountain Park, which gives a fairly accurate idea of ​​what it is and helps to think through a suitable route.

What is the best time to visit Tianmenshan Park?

  1. Avoid days with heavy fog. Even if it’s foggy below, there is a risk of not seeing anything at all at the top. Tickets will be bought and sold. However, don't be afraid rainy days no heavy fog. If you don’t have a raincoat with you, you can buy one in the lift station building.
  2. Avoid Chinese holidays(May 1-3, October 1-7) and the Chinese holiday period (July and August). There will be not just a lot of tourists, but an awful lot. You may have to stand in line for hours at the lifts.
  3. IN winter time very cold, and in February the park may be closed for reconstruction.
  4. April to June is a good time, but high humidity and high chance of rain. If this doesn’t scare you (and I advise you not to be afraid of a little rain), then this is a great time.
  5. From May to October high season . Accordingly, prices are higher and there are more tourists.
  6. September and October are the best time to visit the park. It’s still quite warm, but this is already the low season, and therefore there are no queues and the prices are not high.

How to get to Tianmen Mountain?

Tianmenshan Park is located 7 km from Zhangjiajie City. Lower cable car station to Tianmen Mountain (Tianmen Mountain Cableway | Tianmenshan Suodao) is within walking distance from Zhangjiajie Station and Bus Hub Zhangjiajie Central Bus Station. If you can’t find it on the map, you can ask the locals, showing them the hieroglyphs 天门山索道 or a picture of a cable car and repeating Tianmenshan.

In Zhangjiajie city to the Tianmenshan Suodao lift station you can get there by bus number 10. But I recommend a metered taxi. In the city it will not be expensive at all.

You can get to Zhangjiajie city by plane or train from any large city China.

Which hotel to stay at?

Most tourists go to Tianmen Mountain immediately after visiting. And in the evening they leave or fly out of the city of Zhangjiajie. In this case, it makes sense to stay in the town of Wulingyuan, next to Zhangjiajie Park, and not in the city of Zhangjiajie.

Wulingyuan Hotels

  • . One of best hostels in Zhangjiajie. Prices from $5, rating 9.2. Clean, tidy, great location.
  • — 3*, the best combination of price and quality and the highest rating of 9.6! Prices are below $30.
  • — The best quality hotel in Wulingyuan, a real Pullman. Of course, 5* and a swimming pool.

However, if you want to visit Tianmenshan National Forest Park earlier in the morning, or if you are leaving Zhangjiajie not in the evening of the same day, then it makes sense to stay a night or two in hotels in Zhangjiajie, which are generally better than in Wulingyuan and is surrounded by good city infrastructure.

An excellent hostel within walking distance from the ski lift to Tianmen Mountain with a high rating and a price of $5.

  • Queues. There are a lot of Chinese. And during the holidays there are even more of them. You can spend 2-4 hours (as we did on May 1) in line for an elevator or an hour in line for a bus. Therefore, more walking, less transport.
  • Get to the park early. It's better to sleep early in the evening. The bulk of tourists arrive after 10, and the park opens at 7.
  • If you are traveling on your own, then learn the most important phrases in Chinese better. In China, almost no one speaks English.
  • Must be able to pronounce the hotel name and address, taxi drivers often cannot read and do not always know the area well.
  • Cash money (yuan, of course) will save you always and everywhere. Currency and Visa, Master Card may not be accepted. Don’t be surprised, China uses its own banking system.
  • Buy a raincoat You can go to the Tianmen Mountain lift station building.

basic information

  • Place: Tianmenshan National Forest Park (天门山森林区).
  • Nearest city: Zhangjiajie, Hunan province, China.
  • Height: 1519 meters
  • Tourist area: 10,000 sq. km.
  • Ticket price: 258 RMB
  • Opening hours: 8.00-18.00
  • Time for inspection: 1 day
  • Number of visitors: not too much
  • Best time to visit: September, October.
  • We were in Park: May 3, 2014
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The oldest civilization on the planet, surprising with its unique natural attractions, attracts the attention of many tourists. China, steeped in legends, fascinates with its secrets, and its unusually picturesque landscapes enchant you at first sight.

It becomes clear why the famous director filmed his best-selling film “Avatar” about a magical land here. Admired by the fabulous landscapes of Hunan Province (China), he borrowed panoramic scenes from here.

Natural wonders of China

This unusual place, which is about three thousand years old, is most often visited by the Chinese themselves, but they have heard about natural wonders Russians go on a long journey to see the local attractions with their own eyes.

Now many agencies offer excursions that will allow you to feel the exoticism of Asia and at the same time have a wonderful rest. Spending a vacation in the Celestial Empire is good opportunity replenish your knowledge in the field of history and culture of the mysterious country. And its natural treasures will delight even the most discerning tourist.

Getting to know a unique mountain

Acquaintance with the province begins with a mountain rising almost eight kilometers above sea level, which is nicknamed “Heaven’s Gate”. China, famous for its miraculous natural masterpieces, provides the opportunity to make the most of your life.

To get to the mountain, which will present many surprises for its guests, tourists overcome a difficult but incredibly exciting path. According to the Chinese themselves, Tianmen Mountain itself and the road to it are equivalent attractions. There are stories that during the reign, the instigators of the peasant uprising hid untold riches in the rock, and treasure hunters have been coming here for several centuries to try their luck, which has not yet smiled on anyone.

Which route to choose?

There are several ways to get to the top. The choice depends on the physical endurance of Chinese guests and their love of extreme sports. Those who want to challenge themselves walk up the long staircase, which has 999 steps. The guides assure that the one who gets to the top, having overcome this difficult test, will find eternal joy.

Those who like to tickle their nerves go on an excursion by car, and this winding road, just eleven kilometers long, will be remembered by everyone. There are 99 turns on the “heavenly highway”, and the distances between them can be less than 200 meters. A ride along an impressive mountain serpentine with sharp turns will make your heart skip a beat.

Tourists who are not afraid of heights choose cable car length of about 7500 meters. The funicular offers incredible views of the beautiful mountains, and it seems that the peaks are just a stone's throw away. In some places the road rises sharply, and at these moments, when the cabin is lost in the clouds, the soul freezes with fear and delight. However, no matter what path you choose, it will be a truly exciting journey.

Glass gallery over the abyss

At the top of Tianmen Mountain, tourists will find unusual walking paths: the sight of the abyss in the transparent floor will take anyone’s breath away. The 60-meter glass path is safe, but tourists admit that the feeling of emptiness under their feet causes intense emotions. Nevertheless, even visitors who are afraid of great heights prefer not to refuse a walk along the so-called “heavenly path”.


Local residents firmly believe that Tianmen (Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau) has supernatural powers. This fact was confirmed by phenomena that were inexplicable from a scientific point of view, when streams of water fell from a height quite unexpectedly several times and disappeared without a trace after 15 minutes. Each time such a phenomenon warned of troubles awaiting the country in the near future.

Therefore, since ancient times it has been believed that the mountain on which there is a through hole in the rock shrouded in clouds - the “Heavenly Gate” - is most closely connected with the sky. China is proud to be the world's tallest karst cave, formed naturally.

About the meaning of a unique arch

Historical documents of the state record the fact that in 263, after soil erosion, a huge piece of the mountain collapsed, and a gigantic cavity 131 meters high appeared. The majestic looking “Heavenly Gate” (China) evokes the idea that if you pass through it, you can get into other world, and it’s not for nothing that the arch is considered the unofficial border between the earthly and the divine. Chinese people rush here every day, dreaming of receiving spiritual enlightenment.

Unforgettable vacation

It is incredibly easy to visit one of the most attractive corners of our planet. Various sightseeing tours to China are of keen interest to travelers dreaming of an educational holiday. A country of high culture, rich in attractions, will welcome every guest with its characteristic cordiality.

An exciting journey will appeal to everyone who chooses the price-quality ratio. An unforgettable host to tourists all year round, it will delight exotic lovers, and acquaintance with natural resources will give you many new impressions.