And once again about Atlantis. The Secret Doctrines of Helena Blavatsky Atlantis Blavatsky

Localization of Atlantis according to esoteric sources

Nice selection Material on the topic of Atlantis from the "Secret Doctrine" can be found on the Living Ethics website. Here are some quotes from The Secret Doctrine.
"Esoteric Philosophy, - it is written in the "Secret Doctrine", - definitely teaches that after the first geological displacement of the Earth’s axis, which ended with the sinking in the depths of the seas of the entire Second Continent with its primitive races - of these successive Continents or “Earths” Atlantis was the fourth - another displacement occurred due to the fact that the axis took its previous degree slope as quickly as it changed it before. Truly, the Earth was once again raised from the Waters - as above, so below, and vice versa".
According to E. Blavatsky, areas of land that moved closer to the equator were flooded by the world's oceans due to the ellipsoidal convexity of our planet in the equator region, which is generated by centrifugal force during the rotation of the Earth. And vice versa, sections of the bottom of the world's oceans, which moved from equatorial or middle climatic zones towards the poles of the planet, were freed from water masses and became dry land. The result was a new continental configuration. So the change geographical location The axis of the planet completely changed the face of the Earth. The axis of our planet shifted in such a way that the area of ​​​​northern Lemuria, where the next fourth root race (the Atlanteans) sprang up during the third root race (the Lemurians), ended up in the area where the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is located today: " ...the Atlanteans of the Fourth Race descended from a small number of people of the Third Race, the northern Lemurians, gathered, roughly speaking, on a piece of land located approximately where the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is now. Their Continent (Atlantis) was composed of a collection of many islands and peninsulas, which rose in the course of time and, in the end, became the real abode of the great Race known as the Atlanto race"This main continent of the Atlantean race (Atlantis) was composed of the partially submerged lands of Lemuria. The Atlantic part of Lemuria was the geological basis of what is generally known as Atlantis." As in the evolution of the Race, so in the case of displacements and movements of continental masses, it is impossible to draw a firm, clear line that would mark the boundary of the old order and the beginning of a new one. Consistency in natural processes is never broken".
These words are confirmed by maps from Scott-Elliot's book.

(note by A. Koltypin) Read my works "Global catastrophes, changes in the position of the earth's axis and destruction on Earth. Causes and consequences" and "The last days of the Great Northern civilization - the descendants of the white gods. What happened in Northeast Asia, Alaska and the shelf of the Arctic Ocean 12 thousand years ago? (reconstructions at the intersection of geology and history) "

Regarding the above arguments of E. Blavatsky famous explorer Hyperboreans V.N. Demin notes that the picture of evolution intelligent beings on Earth according to E.P. Blavatsky does not explain the existence and death of Plato's Atlantis, which most people are looking for in the Atlantic Ocean. Demin himself considers Atlantis and Hyperborea to be different names for the same civilization, especially since " Plato himself is talking only about the “sea coast behind the Pillars of Hercules,” which themselves can be anything and be located anywhere"("Atlantis and Hyperborea: Myths and Facts". J.S. Bailly, V.N. Demin., 2003) At the same time, Demin believes that in the secret legends of the Templar Order about the death of Atlantis, the Hyperborean race of people is mentioned that came with North in the Age White Sun.
Here is what E. Blavatsky writes about Atlantis itself:
"…to remote historical times there was a Continent (Atlantis), which stretched from the coast of Venezuela, across the Atlantic Ocean to the Canary Islands and North Africa, and from Newfoundland almost to the very shores of France".
So, four points can be put on the map of Atlantis - 1) Venezuela, 2) Canary Islands, 3) Canadian province of Newfoundland (full Canadian name: Newfoundland and Labrador), 4) France.
You can also put two islands on the map of Atlantis - the Canary Islands and mountain range Atlas Mountains. "T What is now North-West Africa was once connected to Atlantis by a network of islands, several of which still exist today"(The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2)
From the diary entries of E.I. Roerich dated July 1, 1922, we also learn that Monhegan Island, which lies in the Atlantic Ocean several tens of kilometers from east coast The northeasternmost state of the United States is Maine. The Roerichs rested on Monhegan Island in the summer of 1922. Here is a quote from the diaries of Helena Roerich: " I feel like we need to go to [Monhegan] Island. You can count your luck among the rocks of Atlantis".
So, the map of Atlantis according to esoteric sources looks like this:
Of course, this map of Atlantis is by no means an accurate map of the ancient continent - it is only an approximate outline and intuitive sketch, serving to help everyone who wants to find the remains ancient civilization Atlanteans.
And there is another phrase about this from E. Blavatsky: “ can be said, without departing from the truth, that Atlantis formed part of the seven great Mainland Islands, for the Fourth Race took possession of what was left of Lemuria and, having established itself on the islands, incorporated them into its lands and the mainland..."(TD, volume 2). That is, according to the "Secret Doctrine" once, in total, there were seven continents. Nowadays, there are six continents: Northern and South America, Eurasia, Africa, Antarctica and Australia. I wonder what geologists have to say about this?

(note by A. Koltypin)Read my work "Sacred Geography - Geography of the "Golden Age". Jambudvipu - Hyperborea in the Paleocene and Eocene",written based on materials that existed thousands of years before the appearance of the “Secret Doctrine”, that there used to be seven continents on Earth. The main continent was Jambudvipa(Hyperborea), stretching from the north pole (where the city of the gods Amaravati was located- Brahmapuri) to Tibet

Another option for the origin of Atlantis and its location from an esoteric point of view can be found on the website of the Esoteric School of the Center for Open Consciousness "Litan".


From editorial mail

Just a few centuries ago there was a single highly developed civilization on our Earth. There were no religions, there were fuel-free sources of energy. Flying saucers, like flying bicycles and flying boards, were common means of transport. The people were white and up to three and a half meters tall. As a result, as usual, humanity got greedy, the toad and freebies took their toll, which destroyed this civilization. Moreover, they had more terrible weapons.

All Sumerian antiquity is invented or is the remnants of a past civilization. This is evidenced by the fact that the starry sky was drawn on the Sumerian tables, which corresponds to the 16-17 centuries. It's a long time ago known fact, but for some reason they hide it.

Aboriginal people lived on the periphery of this state; white, red, yellow and black people of our height, so they occupied the empty cities of the former inhabitants. These natives were more adapted to natural and other anomalies, which is why they survived. Here's an example: let's turn off the electricity at big city and a remote village and let's see who survives. I will not cite the facts of the flood, ancient ruins and quarries, forest planting, it’s all on the Internet.

And so, when the new population had more or less settled in, they restored order, burned the corpses and began to think about what to do next. Their consciousness was much more primitive, wars were their favorite pastime, and therefore in the 18th century they wrote their history of mankind from the Stone Age, composed all the biblical books and began to do what they are doing now - divide and conquer. If anyone doesn’t believe, remember when our humanity lived without wars.

Everyone knows that silver began to be produced at the beginning of the 17th century, and silver coins, which are mentioned in biblical books, came into use only at the very end of the 17th century.

How could Archimedes know the acceleration of gravity and the radius of the earth? Archimedes, Aristotle, Pythagoras and other comrades, these are the inhabitants of Atlantis, the remains of the bark died in the 17-18 centuries and as a result there was a nuclear winter and all the mammoths and a whole bunch of other animals died out. That is why past technologies are hidden from us; children should not be given matches. And the rapid development of science and technology at the end of 1919 in Europe, and in America almost a hundred years earlier, is the transfer of part of the knowledge by the Atlanteans, our sixth race.

It’s not for nothing that all libraries are being destroyed, and our memory is so short that many don’t even know the history of the Second World War, and they simply don’t need it. Therefore, what will happen next is not difficult to guess; The white population of the Earth will soon almost disappear, since it has exhausted its evolutionary resource; the winners will simply exterminate men and over-rape women. And there is no escape from this. Mother Earth is tired of tolerating human beings digging into her depths and sucking her blood to defecate in golden toilets. So she chooses the lesser evil. Those who have eyes and not much intelligence will see what is happening in Western Europe.

If you look carefully, you will see at what a frantic pace the degradation of the consciousness of the Earth's population has begun; freebies are our everything. And it doesn’t occur to most that we are on the verge of a global massacre and if nuclear weapons are used, then the evolution of humanity will begin not even with stupid monkeys, but with ciliates and slippers. If everything goes without nuclear weapons, then the whole world will turn into a complete massacre, cities will become stone cemeteries, there will be no electricity, people will eat each other, as has happened many times in the history of mankind. In the end, those who work the land will survive.

What prevents humanity from living on Earth as a human being is its freeloading, bullish consciousness.

We considered all this from a material point of view.

Now let's look at all this from the point of view of the evolution of human consciousness.

“Consciousness sleeps in a stone, wakes up in an animal, wakes up in a person,” says the ancient wisdom. Each person is at a certain stage of development in the evolution of consciousness, and the more lives he lives, the more personal knowledge he receives. Having mastered the required amount of knowledge, a person moves on to the next circle of existence in the evolution of consciousness. Thus, it turns out that there is no one to teach, and even if there are a couple of dozen honest people on the whole Earth, then no one listens to them. As a result, we have what we have. And if someone hopes for a fair, bright future, then throw this illusion out of your head; in our circle or in the world, a bright, fair future is not envisaged from the very beginning. At this stage in our world, humanity cannot build anything except wars and deaths, the humiliation of some by others. If the Earth is a prison for souls, then Russia is a punishment cell and freebies will not get through here. But there are also positive circumstances: wars and deaths accelerate the process of evolution of consciousness. But when the process drags on, the next flood washes everything away and starts all over again. I think that Mother Earth is in charge of all this, and not God, not a king or a hero.

There is no need to blame everything on Putin and Medvedev, Chubais, Sechin and other comrades, we are all the same here, the only difference is that some defecate in the snow in winter, while others defecate in golden toilets.

And if you want to find out who is to blame, then look in the mirror.

What to do? Stop masturbating!

Here are the answers to two main questions.

Have you noticed how many political scientists, economists and other comrades with hanging tongues we have, if only they could get together in one company, develop a step-by-step program for the country’s recovery from the crisis, propose it on the Internet for discussion, and then submit it to the Duma for discussion. But this will never happen, because if a few honest people do this, a bunch of paid PR people with their own programs will immediately appear.

But there is good news; those who will not be killed or eaten in this next massacre and will work honestly on their land will perhaps receive new sources of energy from the past civilization. But this won’t last long: the freebie, as usual, will take its toll and start all over again.

And yet there is great news: beggars in the next life will become oligarchs, and oligarchs will definitely become beggars.


Vladimir Petrov

P.S. Anyone can copy this article and put any first and last name under it.

Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891) is a huge and incomprehensible phenomenon in world culture. Her mystical teachings time after time convinced people that the supernatural is much dearer and closer to the human soul than the world around us. Acquaintance with her works is an effort to lift the visible veils of the universe on the path to higher wisdom.

In the ancient Indian teachings of Vishnu Purana there is an idea of ​​human history as a change of yugas (epochs, development cycles). According to the teachings of Vishnu, the Black Age - Kali Yuga - was established on earth. In The Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky quotes a fragment of this teaching, which today can be applied to the modern historical situation:

There will be modern monarchs reigning on Earth, kings of a rude spirit, a cruel disposition and devoted to lies and evil. They will kill women and children and cows; they will seize the property of their subjects [or, according to another translation, they will seize other people's wives]; their power will be limited... life is short, desires are insatiable... People of different countries, mixing with them, will follow their example; and the barbarians will be strong [in India], protected by princes, while the pure tribes will be abandoned; the people will perish [or, as the commentator says: “Mlechchha will be in the middle, and the Aryans will be at the end”]. Wealth and piety will decrease day by day until the whole world is corrupted... Only property will give position; wealth will be the only source of honor and devotion; passion will be the only connection between the sexes; lying will be the only means of success in litigation; women will only be an object of sensual pleasure... [Appearance will be the only difference between different stages of life]; dishonesty (anyâya) will be the [common] means of subsistence; weakness is a reason for dependence; threat and conceit will replace knowledge; generosity will be called [piety]; the rich man will be considered pure; mutual consent will replace marriage; thin clothes will be a virtue... the strongest will rule... the people, not being able to bear the burden of taxes [kharabhara], will flee to the valleys... Thus, in the Kali Yuga, decay will proceed unabated until the human race approaches its destruction [Pralaya]. When... the end of Kali Yuga is very close, a part of that divine Being who exists by virtue of his own spiritual nature [Kalki Avatar]... will descend on Earth... endowed with eight superhuman abilities... He will restore justice (righteousness) on Earth, and the minds of those those who live at the end of Kali Yuga will awaken and become as transparent as crystal. The people who will be thus transformed... will be the seeds of human beings and will give birth to a race that will follow the laws of the Age of Crete [or the Age of Purity]. As it is said: “When the Sun and the Moon, and [lunar asterism] Silence and the planet Jupiter are in the same house, then the Krita [or Satya] Age will return...”.

Blavatsky speaks of a terrible age: the earth seems to be sucking in a person who has lost his true goal along the way. He “scoots” from side to side and cannot stand firmly in place. After the death of her mother, Blavatsky dreams. She dreams of the stupid faces of executioners killing people. She knew that these were prophetic dreams that would be realized in worldwide carnage...

Madras, Adyar (suburb of Chennai)

Vera Petrovna, Blavatsky’s sister, writes in her memoirs about her childhood:

Now I must also say that we always called our grandmother a butterfly, why - I don’t know myself... Probably the explanation for this nickname was that grandmother, a very smart, learned woman, among her many other activities, loved to collect collections of butterflies, knew all their names and taught us to catch them. Both of them, grandfather and grandmother, spared nothing to amuse and amuse us. We always had a lot of toys and dolls; They constantly took us for rides, took us for walks, and gave us picture books. Grandfather's house, which I mistook for a lantern at night, was really a large house, with high stairs and long corridors. Grandfather himself lived on the lower floor and his office was located. In the topmost were the bedrooms: grandmothers, aunts and ours. On average, almost no one slept; There were all reception rooms there - a hall, a living room, a sofa room, a piano room.

It is interesting that in the nursery there was no other light except the fire from a wide Russian stove. The sisters loved to listen to fairy tales that the serf nanny told them near the stove. The room was illuminated by the “jumping” reflections of the flame, turning into bizarre shadows and reflections. In time with the flames, the voice of the nanny sounds, who raised two generations and told the children about the evil witch and Ivanushka... When the fire burned out, darkness fell. The children peered into it and their vision involuntarily “expanded”; they felt the presence of another, mysterious world nearby.

Elena Petrovna loved the mysterious incomprehensible sky, the blue abyss of eternity. It’s not for nothing that since childhood she has been haunted by visions of the forests of the thirtieth kingdom...

In her youth, Elena Petrovna was tormented by the duality of life surrounding her. Her family and loved ones instilled in her an aversion to social life. On the other hand, they were obliged to support it. Ideals and life diverged greatly in the understanding of these people. What was around? There were balls around, it was fun there, Elena was drawn there. But at the same time she understood that if she got carried away with social life, she would forever lose her dreams, visions, and inner voices.

Elena had something that the people around her did not have: a willingness to act contrary to common sense. This is what her great-grandmother did: she abandoned her children and her loving husband, and ran off for twenty years to no one knows where and with no one knows with whom. Nobody knew why she did this. And only Elena guessed, estimating the opportunity to repeat this act on herself: her great-grandmother, like Elena, heard the Cosmos, felt the unknown distances of the universe and followed the Voice that spoke to her.

Distrust of secular life and established “traditions” grew in Elena. Many years later, she claimed that she had always hated dresses, jewelry, civilized society, balls and state rooms. In Blavatsky's Personal Memoirs we read:

When I turned 16, I was once forced to go to a big ball given by the royal governor of the Caucasus. No one wanted to listen to my protests, and they told me that they would order the servants to force me to dress, or rather undress me, in accordance with fashion. Then I deliberately put my foot in a boiling pot and then had to sit at home for 6 months. As I told you, there is no femininity in me. If in my youth some young man had dared to talk to me about love, I would have shot him, like a dog trying to bite me.

Mary K. Naef. Personal memoirs of H. P. Blavatsky / trans. from English L. Krutikova and A. Krutikova.

Blavatsky was especially impressed in her youth by her meeting with the young prince Alexander Golitsyn.

I am tormented by guesses about your extraordinary abilities. Something dawns on me. Is it true that you are a sleepwalker and also a clairvoyant? You, of course, have heard about Atlantis? Plato also mentioned it. There are people who consider the myth of Atlantis to be a nonsense fairy tale. At best, an amusing legend. As for me, this very word makes me tremble. Don't be afraid of legends. They are the antidote to the sucking boredom of life. Do you believe that there is an undying memory of generations that passes through centuries?

“Yes,” she responded barely audibly. - I know about it.

In fact, real discoveries are built not on logic, but on revelation, on guesses and conjectures, on dreams, in the end. Do you agree with me?

She nodded her head affirmatively.

The memory of generations,” the prince said quietly, “is more extensive and more accurate than anything written by human hand.” To some extent, this memory is reflected in legends, conspiracies and beliefs, in myths and fairy tales. But only partially. The continuity of secret knowledge is preserved and protected from destruction by time by initiates: from the priests of Atlantis and Greek hierophants to Egyptian Copts and Hindu saints.

She looked at him with slight concern and asked innocently:

Prince, are you a magician?

He didn't answer, staring intently at the combination of branches and rocks lying in ugly stillness. This frozen, lifeless pile moved and trembled so unexpectedly and alarmingly that she screamed in fright.

Atlantis, as you know, was huge continent, larger than Asia and Africa combined. The disaster occurred in connection with some kind of cosmic cataclysm, which was preceded by powerful earthquakes. The earth opened up, and a rich, flourishing country sank to the bottom of the sea. “He spoke confidently, without a shadow of doubt in his voice, as if he were a surviving witness to what had happened. - Plato's message about Atlantis is clothed in the form of a myth about “ Sunny Island", on which in ancient times the powerful State of the Sun flourished with a developed cult of the god of the deep sea Poseidon and an authoritarian theocracy. Both Christopher Columbus and the Spaniard Pizarro saw the remains of Atlantis, which perished in the ocean depths, in the lands they discovered.

Prince, I realized that Atlantis existed in those times when humanity was united, not divided geographically and ethnographically. Hence general shape pyramids, and the coincidence of many cults, religious emblems and symbols among different peoples.

You are smart! - Golitsyn touched her hair with his hand. - You are a fairly educated girl and should therefore know about the amazing similarity in the names of phenomena and symbols of the cult. For example, among the Semites of Western Asia and the Pacific Polynesians. I must note that quite a lot of questions related to Atlantis arise.

Soon Blavatsky began to understand that everything Golitsyn told her about, he learned from different books, from the same ones that she read. But she read many more such books than he did. And he looked in her eyes arrogant, narcissistic. She doubted that she would attract him with her.

In the photograph Blavatsky is 39-41 years old.

Elena Petrovna is having a hard time with Golitsyn's departure. She agrees to marry old Blavatsky. It was a desperate move. He became a challenge to the new French governess, who was annoying her with threats that she would remain an old maid. In addition, her widower father married for the second time to the beautiful and young Countess Lange. At that time, Blavatsky was also impressed by her meeting with Nina Chavchavadze, the widow of Alexander Griboedov.

Many years later, in a letter to A. M. Dondukov-Korsakov in 1882, Blavatsky would explain her consent to become Blavatsky’s wife: “Do you know why I married old Blavatsky? Yes, because at a time when all young people laughed at “magical” superstitions, he believed in these prejudices! He told me so often about the Erivan sorcerers, about the secret sciences of the Kurds and Persians, that I decided to use him as the key to this knowledge. But I was never his wife, and I will not stop swearing to this until my death. I was never “Blavatsky’s wife,” although I lived with him for a year under the same roof.”

Blavatsky E. P. Letters to friends and employees. M., 2002. P. 250.


Blavatsky travels through Egypt. She remembered the Egyptian Book of the Dead, which seemed to her similar to the Christian Revelations. This parallel haunted her more and more often. She believed with all her heart in the legend of Atlantis. She wanted to discover the secret records of the ancient sages, which are associated with the key stone of ancient buildings. Sacred unpronounceable letters are written on it. Each of these letters represented one of the divine names inscribed in the emblem signs that the first Freemasons knew about... This search would lead Blavatsky to a special understanding of Christ: not as Jesus of Nazareth, but as an impersonal deity. In other words, for her, Krishna or Buddha was the same as Christ. She dares to assert that Christian teaching has been distorted by the Church. Christ, in her opinion, means “manifested light,” and not “anointed one,” as the Greek Fathers of the Church reinterpreted this name, identifying it with the Hebrew “messiah.” Gradually, in her writings, the image of Isis as the ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility, water and wind, a symbol of femininity and family fidelity, will be combined with the Christian image of the Virgin Mary. This is how her work “Isis Unveiled” was born. In it, Blavatsky expounds theosophical teachings, going back to the cult of Maitreya - the Buddha of the coming historical cycle.

Blavatsky's name is associated primarily with the creation and strengthening of the so-called Theosophical Society. Its branches arose in different countries. Having already created it, in 1879, she wrote to A.S. Suvorin: “I am not a spiritualist at all and I rebel against materializing grandmothers and deceased mothers-in-law with all my might. Our Society has been fighting against the spiritualists for more than four years."

Subba Row T., Bawaji, H. P. Blavatsky

At that time, the Theosophical Society numbered 79 members, and “all of them are educated people and almost all are skeptics, burning with the desire to be convinced of the great truth of immortality, eager for mutual spiritual work to separate the Divine grains from the chaff, seeking to convince themselves and prove to others that there is the world of disembodied spirits, consisting of liberated souls who work in the name of perfection and purification in order to rise even higher and get closer to the Great Divine Source - God, the Great Principle, pure and invisible.”

Blavatsky E. P. Letters to friends and employees. M., 2002. pp. 155-156.

Blavatsky's theosophy was based on her personal myth. He was influenced by reading the books of Pavel Dolgoruky, according to which a group of secret mentors guides the spiritual development of humanity. Blavatsky raised this mythology to the absolute, applying it to everything that surrounds her. All this formed in her mind the myth of secret mentors, whom she and her followers considered “Eastern adepts” who “turned” into “Tibetan Mahatmas.” Blavatsky persistently forced many people, most often Christians by religion, to accept the basic concepts of Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism - two religious systems. This wisdom was intended to transform the world. Blavatsky said: “Our Theosophical Society is a Great Republic of Conscience, and not a profitable enterprise.”

Blavatsky wrote The Secret Doctrine for 4 years. She received the layout of the book in the fall of 1888 in London. She was convinced that this book would not bring her fame during her lifetime - she foresaw the success of The Secret Doctrine in the next century.

The Secret Doctrine was born out of the need of the Theosophical Society to have a monumental book on the occult. This huge book was designed to change the world no less.

H. P. Blavatsky at her desk in the morning, writing the Secret Doctrine. Late 1887, 17 Lansdowne Road, London.

What is the "Secret Doctrine"?

This is a commentary on the sacred text “Stanza Dzyan”. Blavatsky met him in a Himalayan monastery. The concept of this teaching was based on such provisions of Hinduism as bodily transformation / metempsychosis / reincarnation. Life is understood by Blavatsky as a cyclical cycle, a single circle of births and deaths, growing into another circle of births and deaths.

“The Secret Doctrine” is a book about how life appeared, how it develops, how it exists and whether it has a deeper meaning.

This something, still unknown to the speculation of the West, is called Fohat by the occultists. This is the “bridge” through which the Ideas existing in the Divine Thought are imprinted on the Cosmic Substance as the Laws of Nature. Fohat is thus the dynamic energy of the Cosmic Thought Ground. Considering it from the other side, he is a reasonable mediator, the guiding force of all manifestations. Divine Thought, transmitted and manifested by the Dhyan-Kohans, the Builders of the visible World. Thus, from the Spirit or the Cosmic Thought-ground comes our consciousness, from the Cosmic Substance those several vehicles in which this consciousness is individualized and reaches self-awareness - or reflective - consciousness. Yet Fohat, in its various manifestations, is the mysterious link between Mind and Matter, the life-giving principle electrifying every atom to life.

The second volume of the book is called “Anthropogenesis” and is devoted to an attempt to fit man into the cosmic coordinates designated by the author. Man enters into all cycles of cosmic development and occupies a significant place in them. Moreover, each circle (cycle) of life development corresponds to 7 root races. From the first to the fourth circle, a person degrades; he is ruled by the material world. In the fifth circle, the ascent from darkness to Light begins, from the momentary to the eternal. According to Blavatsky, only the fifth root race can transform the world. This is the Aryan race, which was preceded by the race of the inhabitants of Atlantis. In Blavatsky's mind, the Atlanteans look like giants who have advanced technology. The proto-humanoid race includes the astral, Hyperboreans and Lemurians.

The “Secret Doctrine” is built on three ideological principles. First, the author acknowledges the existence of an omnipresent, eternal, limitless and unchanging God. God rules the cosmos with the help of Fohat. Secondly, every creation is included in the system of endless births and deaths. Each cycle ends with spiritual rebirth and an approach to the divine. Thirdly, the soul of every person is connected with God. Micro- and macrocosmos are not isolated, but merged into a single whole.

Blavatsky rejoiced at The Secret Doctrine. It was as if she wrote it not for people, but for eternity. She admitted that everything in her was trembling with pain and joy... She was possessed by the highest knowledge that evil is not eternal. This biblical truth was confirmed for her by Buddhist sacred texts: evil is overcome through death and resurrection. But Blavatsky could not agree with the Christian resurrection of Christ. She even created a scandalous magazine in England, named after the devil. Later, in response to accusations and gossip, she wrote: “Why did you attack me because I called my magazine Lucifer. This is a great name! Lux, Lucis - light, ferre - to wear. “Bearer of Light” - what’s better?.. This is only thanks to Milton’s “ To Paradise Lost“Lucifer has become synonymous with the fallen spirit. The first honest task of my magazine will be to remove the slander of misunderstanding from this name, which the ancient Christians called Christ. Easphoros - the Greeks, Lucifer - the Romans, because this is the name of the star of the morning, the herald of the bright light of the sun. Didn’t Christ himself say about himself: “ I, Jesus, am the morning star“(Revelation of St. John XXII, v. 16)? Let our magazine, like a pale, pure star of dawn, foreshadow the bright dawn of truth - the merging of all interpretations, letter by letter, into a single, in spirit, light of truth!

Zhelikhovskaya V. P. Radda-Bai, or the Truth about Blavatsky. M., 2006. pp. 57-58.

The “Secret Doctrine” is an abyss of dreams, illusions, an abyss of uncertainty, the path, as Blavatsky imagined, to a spiritualized life. The people around her and she herself are unique and inimitable. For them, ideas are more important and more attractive than all material goods, all the riches of the world. She was attracted by the desk, the chair in front of it, the curtained window through which sunlight entered the room, and the smell of blooming nature. IN recent years During her life, Blavatsky thinks a lot about death, wondering and amazed at the deep-rooted prejudices. Death is not grief, but the acquisition of a new existence. After all, the grain will not come to life if it does not die. There was even more hope in her that after 100 years a person would rapturously look into the depths of himself and see with his spiritual gaze that he is not alone, but involved in the divine, that the infinity of the cosmos is close to him like no one else... She sees Laocoon, who is being strangled, and he children are tormented, their bones broken by thick snakes with bloated heads... She thinks that Laocoon, for the sake of his children, is trying to overcome the madness of the earthly world, but everything is in vain: this earthly world cannot be overcome. But this stubborn and strong-willed profile, distorted by torment, haunts her. He gives hope to slip out of the “snake” shackles of his time, get rid of and convince others.

From "Preliminary Notes"

All this, as it is presented, will be considered in the light of science and comparisons drawn from the writings of all ancient peoples, including The Bible. In the meantime, before we proceed to the Anthropogenesis of the prehistoric Races, it may be useful to agree on the names given to the Continents on which the four great Races that preceded our Adamic Race were born, lived and died. Their archaic and esoteric names were numerous and changed in accordance with the dialect of the people who mentioned them in their chronicles and writings. The continent that is Vendidad"e, for example, referred to as Airyana Vejo, on which the original Zoroaster was born, is called in the Puranic literature Shveta-Dvipa, Mount Meru, the Abode of Vishnu, etc.; in the Secret Doctrine it is called simply the “Country of the Gods,” ruled by their Heads, the “Spirits of this Planet.”

Therefore, due to the possible and even very probable confusion that may arise, we consider it more convenient to accept for each of the four constantly mentioned Continents a name that is more familiar to the cultural reader. It is proposed to call the first Continent, or rather the first firmament, on which the First Race was developed by the divine Progenitors:

I. The Indestructible Sacred Country.

The reason for this name lies in the statement that this Indestructible Sacred Country has never shared the fate of the other Continents, for it is the only one whose destiny is to remain from the beginning to the end of the Manvantara, throughout each Circle. This is the cradle of the first man and the abode of the last divine mortal, chosen as Shishta for the future seed of humanity. Of this mysterious and sacred Country very little can be said, except, as the poetic expression of one of the Commentaries puts it,— « North Star a sentinel eye stands over it from dawn to the end of twilight of the Day of the Great Breath"

II. Hyperborean.

This will be the name chosen for the second Continent; a country which extended its capes south and west from the North Pole to receive the Second Race, and which contained all that is now known as North Asia. This was the name given by the ancient Greeks to the distant and mysterious region where, according to their legend, Apollo of the Hyperborean travels annually. Of course, astronomically, Apollo is the Sun; he, leaving his Hellenic sanctuaries, loved to visit his distant country every year, where, as they said, “the sun never sets for six months.”

says the verse in "Odyssey"

But historically, or perhaps more precisely, ethnographically and geologically, the meaning is different. The country of the Hyperboreans, the country that spread beyond Boreas, the God of the frozen heart, the God of snow and whirlwinds, who loves to slumber on the Ripeus mountain range, was not an ideal, imaginary country, as was supposed by mythologists, just as it was not a country neighboring Scythia and the Danube. It was a real Continent - country bona fide, which knew no winter in those early days, just as her sad remains, even now, have not more than one night and one day during the year. The shadows of night never descend on her, the Greeks said; for this is the “Country of the Gods,” the beloved abode of Apollo, the God of Light, and its inhabitants are his most beloved clergy and servants. Now this can be seen as poeticized fiction, but then it was poeticized True.

III. Lemuria.

We propose to call the Third Continent Lemuria. This name is the invention or thought of R. L. Sclater, who, between 1850 and 1860, asserted, on the basis of zoological data, the real existence in prehistoric times of a continent, which, as he argued, extended from Madagascar to Ceylon and Sumatra. This continent included some parts of what is now Africa; but the remaining parts of this gigantic continent, stretching from Indian Ocean to Australia, now completely disappeared under the waters Pacific Ocean, leaving here and there a few peaks of their plateaus, which now form islands.

IV. Atlantis.

This is what we call the fourth continent. It would have been the first historical country if more attention had been paid to the legends of the Ancients than has been done so far. Famous Island of this name, mentioned by Plato, was only a remnant of this vast Continent.

V. Europe.

The Fifth Continent was America; but since it is located in the opposite hemisphere, it is usually the almost contemporary Europe and Asia that are meant by the Indo-Aryan occultists as the fifth. If their teaching considered the appearance of the Continents in their geological and geographical order, then this classification would have to be changed. But since the sequence of Continents is considered in the order of evolution of Races, from the First to the Fifth, our Aryan Root Race, then Europe must be called the fifth great Continent. The Secret Doctrine does not take into account islands and peninsulas, nor does it follow the modern geographical distribution of land and seas. Since the time of the earliest teachings and the death of the great Atlantis, the outlines of the Earth have changed more than once. There was a time when the delta of Egypt and North Africa belonged to Europe, before the formation of the Strait of Gibraltar and the further rise of the Continent completely changed the contours of the map of Europe. The last significant change occurred about 12,000 years ago, followed by subsidence small island, mentioned by Plato and called by him Atlantis after its main continent. In ancient times, geography was part of the Mysteries. Zohar reads:

The assertion that physical man was originally a colossal giant of the pre-Tertiary period, and that he existed 18,000,000 years ago, must certainly seem absurd to all worshipers and believers in modern learning. All posse comitatus biologists would have been disgusted by the presentation of this Titan of the Third Race of the Secondary Age, a being adapted to successfully combat the gigantic monsters of the air, sea and land of that time; likewise, his forefathers, the ethereal prototypes of the Atlanteans, could not be afraid of what could not harm them. The modern anthropologist can laugh as much as he pleases at our Titans, just as he laughs at the biblical Adam and as theologians laugh at the ape ancestor of the former. Occultists and their severe critics may be convinced that at present they have settled their mutual scores well enough. The occult sciences, in any case, claim less and give more than Darwinian anthropology or biblical theology.

Nor should the Esoteric Chronology frighten anyone, for as far as numbers are concerned, the greatest modern authorities are as fickle and changeable as the waves. Mediterranean Sea. As for the duration of geological periods alone, all scientists members. Cor. General are hopelessly at sea and jump with unusual ease from one million years to five hundred million, as will be evident repeatedly throughout this comparison.

E.P. Blavatsky





“The Kings of Light left in anger. The sins of people have become so black that the Earth trembles in its great agony... The Azure Thrones remain empty. Who from the Brown, who from the Red or even from the Black [Races] can sit on the Thrones of the Blessed, the Thrones of Knowledge and Mercy? Who can put on the Flower of Power, the Plant of the Golden Stem and the Azure Flower?

“Kings of Light” is the name given in all ancient records by the Lords of the Divine Dynasties. “Azure Seats” in some documents are translated as “Heavenly Thrones”. "Flower of Power" now means Lotus; who can say what he was like at that time?

The writer continues, like the later Jeremiah, to mourn the fate of his people. They found themselves deprived of their “Blue” (Heavenly) Kings; and “they are the color of devas,” moon-colored skin, and “they are of a shining (golden) face” retired to the “Land of Bliss, the Land of Fire and Metal” - or, according to the rules of symbolism, to the lands lying to the North and East, from where the “Great The waters were carried away, absorbed by the Earth and dispersed into the Air.” The wise races saw the “Black Storm Dragons, brought down by the Dragons of Wisdom” - and “fled, led by the shining Patrons most magnificent Country"- in all likelihood, the great ancient Adepts; those whom the Hindus call Manu and Rishi. One of them was Vaivasvata Manu.


It was from the Fourth Race that the first Aryans received their knowledge and “a lot of wonderful things”; Sabha and Mayasabha mentioned in the Mahabharata are Mayasura's gift to the Pandavas. From them they learned aeronautics, Vimana Vidya, “the art of flying in air carriages,” and therefore also their great sciences of meteorography and meteorology. Again, from them the Aryans inherited their most valuable sciences about the hidden properties of precious and other stones, also chemistry or, rather, alchemy, mineralogy, geology, physics and astronomy.


“And the “Great King of the Shining Face,” the head of all the Yellow-faces, mourned, seeing the sins of the black-faces.

And he sent out his airships [Vimana] with pious people in them, to all his brother rulers [heads of other nations and tribes], saying:

“Get ready. Arise, you people of the Good Law, and cross the land while it is [still] dry.”

“The Storm Lords are coming. Their chariots are approaching the ground. Only one night and two days will the Lords of the Dark Face [Sorcerers] live on this patient land. She is condemned, and they must go down with her. The Lords of the Fires of the Core [Dwarves and elemental Spirits of Fire] make their magical Agniastra [fire armor made through Magic. But the Lords of the Dark Eye [Evil Eye] are stronger than they [Elemental Spirits], and they are the slaves of the powerful. They are versed in Astra [Vidia, the highest magical art]. Rise up and use your [that is, your magical powers to resist the forces of the Sorcerers]. Let every Lord of the Shining Face [Adept of White Magic] cause the Vimana of every Lord of the Dark Face to fall into his hands [or possession], so that not one [of the Sorcerers] can, thanks to him, be saved from the waters, escape the Rod of the Four [Karmic Deities] and save your evil [followers or people].

Let every Yellow Face send a [hypnotic?] dream to every Black Face. Even if they [Sorcerers] escape pain and suffering. Let every person loyal to the Solar Gods bind [paralyze] every person loyal to the Moon Gods so that he does not suffer and escape his fate.

And let each of the Yellow Face give his life-water [blood] to the talking animals belonging to the Black Face, so that they do not wake up their master .

The hour has struck, the Black Night is ready.”

… … … … … … … …… … … …… … … …… … … …… … … …… … … …

“May their destiny come true. We are Servants of the Great Four . May the Kings of Light return." The Great King fell on his Shining Face and wept......

When the Kings gathered, the waters had already moved......

[But] the peoples have already crossed the dry lands. They were beyond the water level. The kings overtook them in their Vimanas and led them to the lands of Fire and Metal [East and North].”

Elsewhere it is also said:

“Stars [meteors] fell like a shower on the lands of the Black-Faces; but they were sleeping.

The talking beasts [magic guards] were calm.

The lords of the depths awaited orders, but they did not come, for their lords were asleep.

The waters rose and covered the valleys from one end of the Earth to the other. The plateaus remained, the bottom of the Earth [the land of the antipodes] remained dry. Those who escaped lived there: the people of the Yellow Face and the Straight Eye [open and sincere people].

When the Lords of the Dark Face awoke and remembered their Vimanas to save themselves from the rising waters, they saw that they had disappeared.”

Then one passage indicates how some of the more powerful magicians, the "Dark Faces", who awoke before the others, pursue those who "robbed them" and who were in the last ranks, for "the peoples carried away were as numerous as the stars of the milky way." , says one of the more modern Commentaries, written only in Sanskrit.

“Just as the serpent-dragon slowly unfolds its body, so the Sons of Men, led by the Sons of Wisdom, unfolded their ranks and spread and expanded, like a rushing stream fresh water... many of them who were afraid died on the way. But the majority were saved."

However, the pursuers, “whose head and chest rose high above the water,” pursued them “for three lunar periods,” until finally the rising waters overtook them, and they died to the last man; the soil sank beneath their feet, and the Earth swallowed up those who desecrated it.

5 An amazingly crafted beast, somewhat similar to Frankenstein's creation, that spoke and warned its master of every approaching danger. The owner was a "warlock", and the mechanical animal was described as being animated by Jin, an Elemental. Only the blood of a pure person could destroy him. See Part II. Section XX, "The Number Seven in Astronomy, Science and Magic."

6 The Four Karmic Gods, called the Four Maharajas in the Stanzas.

Fragments from the book “Man is the creation of the Supreme Mind”

Atlantis phenomenon

The Atlantic pyramids, buried under the ocean waters, disturb the minds of researchers of the secrets of the past. Recently, scientists carried out experiments with the participation of the military, in which powerful equipment was sent into the area Bermuda Triangle rays to the bottom of the ocean. They were reflected with some delay, and returned in a changed form, as if they had undergone a transformation there. This phenomenon has not yet been solved, but if we add the knowledge of spiritual science, it can be explained.

All pyramids of the planet are an external symbol reflecting the internal planetary network of energy centers that supply the planet with the energies of the stars. In the spaces of the pyramids, but in the fourth Dimension they stand on “floating islands”, that is, artificially created celestial bodies, power plants that receive and reflect solar energy. Each pyramid performs the function of a receiver-emitter, but on the physical Plane an ordinary traveler or researcher will not see anything special in it. Only in the largest great pyramids can one find halls in which traces of human presence remain, but the secrets of the purpose of the stay have not yet been fully revealed. There are guesses that initiation rites and tests were held there, but this information comes from contactees, and their stories are not considered material evidence. In this narrative, the author also relies only on the revelation of the higher Self, the Consciousness of an ancient Being who has knowledge of the past of the planet.

The Atlantean civilization existed for more than two hundred thousand years. Pyramids made of dense material were built approximately in the middle of the period of its existence, and thin-material pyramids were built in the etheric Layer at a time when the planet was just being formed. All energy communications were determined long before the appearance of worlds, taking into account the energy consumption of each space. The question arises, then why build physical pyramids at all, if everything works on the subtle Plane anyway? 640w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" />Man is designed in such a way that if he receives knowledge of Heaven, he strives to materialize the energy of knowledge, to put meaning into actions that may seem meaningless from the outside, explaining this by the fact that he is a physical being. This means that a conditioned connection with God should be visible in the space of the planet. on how people pray to the invisible God. They create images of idols, icons, attributes for ritual service. It would seem that God does not need this, because he knows everything about people, and the energies of prayers ascend to Heaven regardless of where the person is. does: in a temple or in a house, in front of an icon or without it, turning to Him mentally. In any case, a person’s thoughts and intentions are visible to his Guardian Angel, any prayer does not escape the Spirit of a person, and he represents a particle of the universal Mind. the service is not just solemn, but meaningful, surrounding it with symbols of faith. If this makes him feel better, please, it is only advisable to remember God everywhere, always, and outside the temple, because He is the Source of the energies of life!

The pyramids of Atlantis and, in general, all the pyramids of the planet on the physical globe are energy concentrators, although even without them the etheric centers and channels carry out the necessary work. They perform additional functions of harmonizing the energies of space, enhancing the effect on the physical level. This effect exists, which is why the space around the pyramids is characterized by energy saturation and a higher frequency of vibration of matter. You just need to remember that not all people’s bodies and consciousness vibrate at a similar frequency; they get used to low-frequency energies. The healing energy of the pyramids can only be for people who strive for purity of thoughts and feelings, but for others it can become a destructive force. That is why the entrance to the pyramids was open only to trained people (priests and their students); the rest did not long withstand the rhythm of vibrations of the energies concentrated there.

The pyramids of Atlantis also had a secret purpose and performed a dual function:

– in three-dimensional space they served as concentrators;

– in the fourth Dimension in the same spatial coordinates they served as receivers and emitters of energies.

After the death of Atlantis, the pyramids settled to the bottom of the ocean, but the subtle Plan in the same space also has a “failure”, because first all the events occurred in the etheric space, and then on the physical level. The coordinates of the subtle and physical pyramids also coincide. The power plants in them continue to operate. Flooding them did not harm communications, everything works as before, because the etheric and physical spaces vibrate at different frequencies, and the substance of the dense world has no influence on the substance of the etheric Plane. The energy converters of the pyramids are designed in such a way that they can receive energy not only from stars, but also waste energy from the Earth’s space, therefore, after processing it, they are returned again to radiation sources operating on the surface of the planet. Such sources can be ground-based power plants, generator sets and even nuclear power plants. Failures in their work sometimes occur due to the fact that invisible particles of energy accumulating in their working space, in the form of an uncontrollable charge, fall on the ethereal spatial magnet, and it returns it purposefully back, automatically reflecting the energy. This is how the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred, since an invisible, imperceptible leak of energy caused a reverse reaction of one of the concentrators and the ethereal magnet. They work like robots in a given mode, so an oversight in large power plants can be an unknown cause of an accident.

The cause of the death of some ships and aircraft in the Bermuda area may be intense radiation from their active activity, coinciding with the fields created by the pyramids of Atlantis. The untapped energies from these fields are very intense. When the frequency of vibration of the emitted energies from the installations coincides with the vibrations of the energies of moving ships, they resonate with them and can become destructive. Very soon, Earth scientists will be able to discover the secret of the Bermuda Triangle, but it is unlikely that the discovery will be published in order to provide a wide range of readers with a picture of the past. Then we will have to publicly acknowledge the presence of extraterrestrial Intelligence on the planet. The governments of all countries are not ready for this. Having recognized this, it will be necessary to openly declare that man is not alone in the universe, and numerous contacts with aliens are contacts with the invisible world, and so on. It turns out that the government has been befuddling people’s minds for a long time, misleading them. Such recognition may trigger the activity of representatives of extraterrestrial Intelligence. The thought of this makes the “top” of the government fear for their material well-being.