Megaliths of Russia: heritage of an ancient civilization. Megaliths Megaliths of civilizations

Q How much do we know about the history of Siberia?

Thanks to the writer, ethnographer and historian G. Sidorov, who continued the research of the archaeologist Leonid Kyzlasov and discovered such megaliths in Gornaya Shoria. The dimensions of which are amazing. Even in Egypt, such huge blocks have not been found.

The history of ancient Siberia is full of secrets and unsolved mysteries. The well-known archaeologist Leonid Kyzlasov, who discovered the ruins of an ancient city in Khakassia, comparable in age to the first settlements of Mesopotamia, suggested leaving his excavations to future researchers. World science, remaining a prisoner of Eurocentrism, is not yet ready for such discoveries that will overturn all current ideas about the historical past.

The first two photographs show the most ancient megaliths, which owe their origin to the times that are usually called, following biblical traditions, “antediluvian” or “prehistoric”. This summer, the first expedition to Gornaya Shoria is being prepared, where quite recently a group of researchers led by Tomsk historian Georgy Sidorov found unknown megaliths that can cause another revolution in our minds, as was the case after the discovery of Arkaim in the south of the Urals in the last quarter of the last century.

Valery Uvarov, speaking about the photographs taken during the expedition of Georgy Sidorov, expresses sincere admiration and reverence for the power of the ancient inhabitants of Siberia. Everyone who sees giant blocks in the walls of temple structures and pyramids of ancient Egypt, the giant monoliths of Ollantaytambo (on the first picture) or Puma Punku in Peru, not to mention the textbook blocks of Baalbek (on the 2nd photo) experiences the same feelings. More recently, they competed in our minds, causing disputes about ancient technologies and forcing us to experience awe of the power of the ancient giants, the possible ancestors of modern humanity. And so far, nothing like this has been found on the territory of Russia ...

Georgy Sidorov, the founder and staunch supporter of the alternative history of Siberia, confidently says that nowhere in the world there are megaliths equal to those discovered in Gornaya Shoria. His expedition found, apparently, material confirmation of the theory, according to which Siberia will soon be recognized as the ancestral home of all mankind. For the first time in the history of Russian science, walls lined with giant blocks weighing from 2 to 4 thousand tons and even more were discovered! Who created them and why? What are these structures? They are not at all like manifestations of the eternal "play of nature", and, judging by the traces that have survived to our time, the structures were destroyed by an explosion of colossal power. It could have been a catastrophic earthquake or a space meteorite impact...

In fact, initially in prehistoric times on Earth, people of different races appeared in different places ... they were separated by oceans, mountains, continents ... and not so that they all left Siberia at the same time. And people were not only medium-sized like us, but both small people (dwarfs) and giants lived at the same time, which is why megaliths remained from them. There are traditions and legends about giants in many nations throughout the planet. These legends did not arise from scratch, now we see evidence of the existence of giants in the past.

In different parts of Siberia, you can find these strange stone structures, which are commonly called megaliths. They resemble the ruins of some ancient buildings - painfully similar to the walls of the blocks. There is an ongoing debate about the origin of these strange objects. What's this? Maybe traces of ancient highly developed civilizations? By the way, some researchers take this version absolutely seriously.

Megaliths of the Koi Belogorye

In the Koi Belogorye (region of the Eastern Sayan), between the Mana and Kan rivers, several megalithic objects were discovered at once, the origin of which has been disputed by scientists in recent years. The whole appearance of these structures suggests that these are buildings created by people, since the structure of the stone resembles brickwork or a block structure.

Some of these objects even have their own legends associated with them. So, for example, according to the assurances of local residents, in the middle part of the megalithic rock, which is called the “ship”, every time at sunset a figure of a person (possibly a saint) appears. Mystical properties, according to the old-timers, also have a narrow rock with a stepped “cap”, which also very much resembles a block structure.

Not far from these objects, you can see a rock, the name of which can be guessed at a glance: it looks like a sculpture of a mammoth and there are many supporters of the version that this is really a figure of a prehistoric animal made by our ancestors.

No less famous is the Three Brothers complex - some researchers also consider it man-made.
And here you can also see a stone wall about 15 meters high, which seems to be specially laid out with even masonry of narrow rectangular stones, as if it were part of some ruined building.

The megaliths of Kuturchinsky Belogorye located relatively close by are no less amazing.

Megaliths of Mountain Shoria

The writer, ethnographer and historian Georgy Sidorov paid particular attention to the giant objects of Shoria (Kemerovo region), taking archaeologist Leonid Kyzlasov, who worked in Khakassia, as the basis for his research. The granite megaliths of Gornaya Shoria are incredibly huge, Sidorov sees traces of melting at the highest temperatures on them, and he is sure that these are nothing more than very ancient building blocks.

If we assume that these ancient stone blocks are walls, laid out in some incredible way by people, then it turns out that they were built in prehistoric times, and in size and age they are competitors of the Egyptian pyramids.

Sidorov suggests that Siberia may be the ancestral home of man, and the megaliths found in Shoria are the remains of ancient giant buildings destroyed either by an explosion of incredible power or by the fall of a space object.

Giant buildings or quirks of nature?

At the turn of the 20th-21st centuries, scientists increasingly began to suggest that highly developed civilizations existed on the territory of modern Siberia many thousands of years ago - archaeologists find too many artifacts in these places.

Participants of the excavations claim that settlements from the times of the Trojan War and the times of Ancient Egypt were found on the territory of Siberia. In local museums of local lore, you can find many things that confirm this hypothesis. It seems that the inhabitants of this area in ancient times knew many types of crafts, including working with metals.

Even 11 centuries ago, Arab travelers and scientists visiting Siberia described a certain “Country of Cities” or “Desolate Land”: they had no doubts that the huge boulders with even edges and corners they saw on Siberian land were clearly not quirks of nature, and the ruins of ancient giant structures. In ancient descriptions of this foreign land, eastern travelers mention that local residents told them about the destroyed cities, who, in turn, heard about them from their parents.

Some modern scholars suggest that it was during the existence of the "Country of Cities" in Siberia that the ancient Sintashta temple complex, discovered by Russian archaeologists, was functioning, consisting of barrows of various sizes. Even in the Soviet years, archaeologists attributed it to an earlier period than the finds of Arkaim. Presumably, the ancient city appeared on the territory 4 thousand years ago and existed for at least 300 years. The area of ​​the Sintashta settlement is twice the size of Arkaim. And there were many such ancient cities in Siberia, judging by the results of archaeological excavations. However, multi-ton megaliths are buildings that have an even more ancient origin.

According to one version, these megaliths are a defense complex created by an unknown highly developed civilization that once existed here.

Proponents of another, but no less interesting version, argue that these are the ruins of the walls and fortifications of ancient cities. Adherents of this hypothesis see traces of formwork on megaliths, as well as overhanging elements and canopies, created, in their opinion, by the ancestors of modern man.

Well, the fact that these parts have a very harsh climate and it is not clear how such large-scale construction could be launched under such conditions, supporters of these two hypotheses explain simply: the whole point is that the climate in the territory of modern Siberia many millennia ago was much milder.

Skeptics, on the other hand, reassure: all these megaliths are ordinary blocks that nature “built”. Well, such a bizarre structure of objects is not man-made masonry, but simply the result of tectonic processes.

For example, Pavel Selivanov, a geologist and engineer at the Russian Geological Prospecting Research Institute for Nonferrous and Precious Metals (TsNIGRI), draws attention to the fact that the “bricks” or “blocks” of structures have different sizes (which is strange, if we assume that ancient civilizations used high stone processing technologies). ) and are not laid with an overlap, as is usually done during construction, but for some reason in parallel.

Well, the “building blocks” themselves, according to Selivanov, are ordinary and well-known to geologists “separation” (the so-called parallelepipedal and mattress-like), which are just characteristic of the structure of rocks formed from magma frozen underground.

As the geologist explains, granite is divided into such separate parts during artificial or natural splitting, which can be found not only in Siberia, but also in other parts of Russia.

No less questions are raised by scientists and

Original taken from slavikap in

Original taken from otevalm in Megaliths of Russia: the legacy of an ancient civilization

Huge structures made of blocks of stones are called megaliths. They are considered the most mysterious among other mysteries of nature. Despite the fact that the megaliths of Russia are the legacy of an ancient civilization, they have been little studied by Russian scientists. Most of them were found on the territory of Kamchatka and Siberia.

Scientific research: places of discovery of megaliths

For example, about 200 kilometers from the village of Tigil (Kamchatka), travelers accidentally stumbled upon amazing cylindrical boulders. After their signal about the incredible find, a group of archaeologists soon went here to study.

According to one of the members of the expedition team, Yu. Golubev, archaeologists at first could not understand what they saw in front of them. It seemed that the cylindrical stones with jagged edges were part of an incredible single structure. It was not possible to determine their age by the state of the blocks, as if they had appeared quite recently.

Crowds of curious spectators soon began to arrive at the scene. The result of the study was simply amazing. The age of this structure was about 400 million years! It turns out that such megaliths of Russia represented the legacy of an ancient civilization that existed in prehistoric times.

Another expedition was organized in 2005. It was called "Baikal 2005". She acted as the first part of a grandiose Russian project. The purpose of the study was to analyze the origin of structures made of stones, which were called the "Russian version of Stonehenge".

The first area where the scientists went was a mountain called Yord in the Angi valley. These places are considered sacred by the local shamans. Amazingly, Yord is artificially formed. Such conclusions are made on the basis of its ideal form, which could not be the result of natural metamorphoses. There is a possibility that the mountain is made of boulders, which over many centuries have been completely overgrown with grass.

In the village of Akhunovo, a Chelyabinsk expedition in 1996 immediately discovered a group of menhirs - vertical megaliths. The design combined 13 structures. Their height varied from 70 cm to two meters. According to archaeologists, this building was once a sundial or an ancient calendar. The researchers also found a mass of fragments of ceramics and animal bones.

Researchers are reluctant to talk about their discoveries, which relate to the mysterious phenomena of ancient civilizations. What is it connected with? Perhaps they are simply forbidden to do so? It is even impossible to imagine that the vast area, whose climatic conditions are comparable to the southern territories of Russia, remained untouched for more than one millennium.

No less mysterious structures are two well-known pyramidal structures in the city of Nakhodka, which are called Brother and Sister. The second, of course, arose naturally. With regard to Brother, the question of origin still remains unanswered. According to research, the height of this pyramid was once more than 300 meters.

In our time, it is characterized by a balanced shape with a sharp end, which is not typical for natural structures. Upon careful examination of Brat, signs were found that once construction work was carried out here. Also found traces of plaster.

Near the settlement of Rzhavchik on the Amur River, an equally mysterious heap of stones was found, which are the ruins of some ancient building. Large stone slabs are so tightly adjacent to one another that there is a distance of less than a millimeter between them.

Mysterious steps leading to nowhere - a building in the south of Kamchatka. Maybe once they were part of a majestic castle. Such conjectures are caused by their careful research. The outlines of the stones are clear. The structure of the structure, according to geologists, has no analogues in nature. Even today's architects cannot recreate such a technique in contemporary work. How great were the knowledge, skills and abilities of the ancient peoples!

Most of the megalithic structures of Kamchatka and Siberia are one to one with similar structures in the Andes. According to one version, the ancient peoples of Kolyma and the Indians of North America are distant relatives. In the Andes, as in Kolyma, there are the richest deposits of gold ore. Probably, in ancient times precious metal was mined here.

And although it seems incredible, the megaliths of Russia - the legacy of an ancient civilization, were created by man with the help of unimaginable devices. They can be found in all Russian territories.

In particular, research near St. Petersburg remained secret to the public. It remains only to guess whether the world will ever know about their sensational finds? ()

The term "megaliths" (English - megaliths) comes from the Greek words μέγας - large, λίθος - stone. Megaliths are structures made of stone blocks or blocks, from different rocks, of various modifications, sizes and shapes, combined and installed in such an order that these blocks / blocks represent a single monumental structure.

Stone blocks in megalithic structures weigh from a few kilograms to hundreds and even thousands of tons. Individual structures are so huge and unique that it is not at all clear how they were built. Also in the scientific world there is no consensus regarding the technologies of the ancient builders.

Some megaliths seemed to be carved (processed) with some tools, some objects seemed to be cast from liquid materials, and some objects have traces of clearly artificial processing of unknown technologies.

Megalithic culture is represented in absolutely all countries of the world, on land and under water (and…probably not only on our planet..). The age of megaliths is different, the main period of megalithic construction is determined from the 8th to the 1st millennium BC, although some objects have a much more ancient origin, which is often denied by official science. Megalithic monuments of a later period - 1-2 millennium AD are also widely represented.

Classification and types of megaliths

According to their classification, megaliths are divided into separate categories:

  • megalithic complexes (ancient cities, settlements, temples, fortress-forts, ancient
  • observatories, palaces, towers, walls, etc.);
  • pyramids and pyramidal mountain complexes;
  • mounds, ziggurats, kofuns, cairns, tumuluses, tombs, galleries, chambers, etc.;
  • dolmens, triliths, etc.;
  • menhirs (standing stones, stone alleys, statues, etc.);
  • seids, blue stones, tracker stones, cup stones, altar stones, etc.;
  • stones / rocks with ancient images - petroglyphs;
  • rock, cave and underground structures;
  • stone labyrinths (surads);
  • geoglyphs;
  • and etc.

There are many hypotheses about the purpose of megaliths, however, there are some features that are characteristic of many megaliths of the world, regardless of their classification, modification, size, etc. - this is their external similarity, location (geolocation), geophysical characteristics and belonging to some highly developed civilizations. The study of (sites of) megaliths by methods of geophysics and dowsing began in the 20th century. During the studies, it was absolutely precisely established that the places for the construction of megaliths were not chosen by chance, very often megaliths are located at places (near) dowsing anomalies (in geopathogenic zones of different frequencies - near or on a tectonic fault in the earth's crust).

Thus, it can be assumed that the generator of these waves of different frequencies are tectonic faults, and stone structures in this case play the role of multifunctional acoustic devices that resonate with this frequency.

It turns out that megaliths can influence human bioenergetics! This allows you to effectively correct the human biofield by influencing both its energy points of the body and individual systems.

In ancient times, dedicated priests were engaged in such practices, and this was practiced with the help of various rites and rituals.

With the help of stones, ancient priests, shamans, healers communicated with the spirits of departed ancestors, with the gods, received answers they were interested in, treated illnesses, etc., and also made offerings-requirements (not sacrifices, which appeared later and most likely not by the creators of megaliths). Knowledge about this was first distorted, then completely erased.

Almost everywhere near the megaliths there was or is water (any reservoir, stream, spring, etc.)! Often, the orientation of megaliths is just directed towards the water, this is especially clearly seen in the example of most of the dolmens of the Krasnodar Territory, which, in turn, not without reason, are the standard in the dolmen structure.

It is also worth mentioning the orientation of many megaliths to the cardinal points, taking into account some astronomical features.

Often, when studying megaliths, one gets the impression that over time the builders seem to have lost the ability to erect stone buildings, and over time, megaliths became like only distant copies of the original structures.

Perhaps, for some reason, the ancients lost that knowledge and technology, and most importantly, the need for megalith building was also lost over time.

However, despite the time, megalith building in the world continues to exist. Even today in Sumatra (Indonesia), people continue to create funerary stone monuments outwardly similar to ancient megaliths, thus preserving the memory and customs of their ancestors.

In many places of the world, traditions, legends and stories have been preserved that many megaliths are associated with the reincarnations of dead people.

Many megaliths are closely related to astrology, in connection with this, a new direction of researchers of antiquities has arisen - archaeoastronomy. It is archaeoastronomers who are engaged in the study of the astronomical aspect in megalithic construction. It was archaeoastronomers who proved many hypotheses regarding the purpose of many ancient stone structures.

Some megalithic structures were created to determine the major solar and lunar cycles of the year. These objects served as calendars and observatories for observing celestial bodies.

Megaliths - a legacy of ancient civilizations

Unfortunately, in our time, in all corners of the world, for various reasons, the trend of destroying ancient monuments continues, but all over the world, new finds of ancient structures also continue to be discovered.

Many studies and the objects themselves are stubbornly hushed up by official departments, or dates are deliberately incorrectly determined and the reports and conclusions of scientists are falsified, because. many objects simply do not fit into the generally accepted chronology of our civilization.

Megaliths are the very objects that connect us with the distant past, with the deep past, and it can definitely be argued that they have not yet revealed all their secrets to people ...

Megaliths are one of the main mysteries of our planet, which has not yet been solved. They are huge structures made of stone blocks. Scientists determine the age of many megaliths in millions of years, while it is proved that the mysterious structures are of artificial origin. What civilization could build them on Earth, the answer to this question has not yet been received.

A large number of megaliths have been found in Siberia and Kamchatka. 230 kilometers from the village of Tigil, located in Kamchatka, travelers discovered strange cylindrical stone objects. An archaeological expedition was sent to this incredible find. According to scientists, the age of the stone structure was about 400 million years. It turns out that it was built in prehistoric times and is a legacy of an ancient civilization that existed on Earth many centuries ago and about which we know nothing.

Another expedition, organized in 2005, explored ancient structures in the area of ​​Lake Baikal. A complex of megaliths was found there, which was called the "Russian version of Stonehenge". First, the researchers visited Mount Yord in the valley of the Anga River, which is considered sacred by Olkhon shamans. Scientists came to the conclusion that Yord was formed artificially. It has an ideal shape and, in all likelihood, is made of stone blocks, which over many centuries have been completely overgrown with grass.

The same no less mysterious structures include two pyramidal structures Sister and Brother in the city of Nakhodka, mysterious steps leading to nowhere in the south of Kamchatka and many other megaliths of Russia. In their appearance, these structures are similar to similar structures in the Andes.

Researchers are reluctant to talk about their discoveries related to the mysterious phenomena of ancient civilizations. After all, if you accept the version that these structures were built millions of years ago with the help of incredible mechanisms, you will have to completely change the history of our planet.