Toronto: major attractions and entertainment. Traveling to Toronto with liferead Features of short-term stay

Toronto(Toronto) - The capital of the province of Ontario and the largest city. Sometimes Toronto is called "Canadian New York", because in its cosmopolitan style and the number of living immigrants he resembles New York. UN drew this city in the world's most multicultural city. The city service is provided for sixteen different languages, so everyone can feel at home here.

Toronto: hotels and other housing

Most hotels are located outside the city center. In Toronto, you will find more than 130 different hotels for every taste and pocket. Also, guest houses and Bed & Breakfasts are very popular here. (Bed & Breakfast). The youth usually stops in the hostels, which are very much here.

Accommodation in the level of 3-4 stars will cost in the amount of 60 USD per night, a five-star hotel - from 300 USD. The bed in the dormitory room of the hostel will cost from 20 USD. A room in a mini-hotel (guest house or B & B) costs from 30 USD. For a separate room in the apartment you pay 30-60 USD, and for a separate house or apartment: 50-100 USD.

Toronto: restaurants and food

As already mentioned, Toronto is one of the most multinational cities on Earth. Therefore, there is food from a variety of planets. Many immigrants opened shops and restaurants with traditional cuisine, so finding something to your taste will not be great. Toronto is surrounded by fertile lands of the economic land of South Ontario, so in the city - the abundance of farm markets. Some of them are seasonal, from May to October, and others are open all year round, for example: the Market of St. Lawrence, Riverdeal Farm Riverdale Farm), City Hall (City Hall), Dapherin Groove and others.

Some interesting areas of the city with authentic cafes and restaurants: Baldwin Village (Baldwin Village), in Chinatown (Chinatown) You will find a large selection of Vietnamese and Thai restaurants. Very popular restaurants with Hakka Food (Hakka Food) - Traditional Chinese food from India. Baivey Avenue (BayView Avenue) famous for cafeteria with french pastries, and on Blur Street (Bloor Street) There are many cheap Japanese eateries. According to one popular local newspaper "Toronto-Star" , The best place for Lunch is a downswing Park Fli Market Fudcourt with a lot of cafes offering a variety of kitchens in the world.

Vegetarians will also find where to eat: "Fresh", "Buddadas Wedgeetorian Food", "Wedgeetorian Haveman" and many others.

As for the night's nightlife, the most popular Moz Clambend is considered here (Clubland) on Queen Street West (QEEN STREET WEST). Also, new clubs opened on King Street West ( King Street West) and Liberty Village Eria Liberty Village Area). And in Toronto there are many small brewers, such as "Steam Whisl Bruvery." The cost of the tour is 7 USD plus a gift.

In the Budget Restaurant, Toronto can have a snack for 10-15 USD per person. In the middle-level restaurant, the cost of a three-course meals will cost 20 USD, you can dine at high kitchen restaurants on average from 70 USD. A snack in McDonalds or other fast food will cost 7 USD (the standard McMeal or Equivalent set).

Toronto: Entertainment and Leisure

The symbol of Toronto is "SI En Tower" - one of the highest buildings in the world. Tourists can watch it almost from anywhere in the city. Also, you have the opportunity to admire the largest Canadian city from the Tower Overview or a terrace with a glass floor. If lucky and will good weatherYou can see from here. Next to En Tower is athletic Arena Rogers Center and a huge Ripley Aquarium with a transparent tunnel.

Another symbol of the city is the Royal Museum Ontario. Here are collected outstanding collections of art from around the world. Also, the art gallery Ontario is known. Here are both permanent and temporary exhibitions. Medieval castle Casal scrap is recognized as residents of the city as a favorite venue of events in 2017. The castle amazes European elegance and splendor.

Built in 1850, Hall of St. Lawrence was a venue of urban assemblies. Today there is a large indoor market where fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers and more are sold. Distinctive attributes are a giant staircase and a magnificent chandelier.

Analogue of New York Broadway in Toronto is the Endrettenment District (Toronto Entertainment District). In addition to theaters, there are many restaurants, cafes, shops and hotels. Be sure to visit the new City Hall (City Hall) and Nathan Phillips Square NATHAN PHILIPS SQUARE)which turns into a real fairy tale during the Christmas holidays.

We recommend to look at the shopping in ITON Center. Once here for the first time, you will certainly be stunned by the number of shops, restaurants, boutiques that stretched out on several floors. Historic Distiller Distiller District Distillery District) - The place where all the entertainment of the city is collected - galleries, exhibitions and other events.

Tourists with children will be interested in visiting Ontario's scientific center. Here the latest innovations are collected in the field of technology, telecommunications, biology, physics, cosmonautics. Damage you definitely do not have to.

Toronto: Transportation

The largest airport of Canada - Toronto Pearson is located 30 miles from the city. To get from the airport to the city center, use Yunion-Pearson-Express. Ticket price - 1.50 USD, payment only by the card. You can also get buses of TTC, ticket price - 1.50 USD.

Public transport

Toronto is a big city, so many here are in public transport. TTS company manages a huge transport system: trams, metro and buses.

Metro Toronto is very comfortable and fast. It works every day from 05:30 to 01:30, except Sunday (begins to work from 08:00). TTS offers night service "Blo-Knight Nagelk" (BLUE NIGHT NETWORK): Buses and trams with blue signs run every thirty minutes. The fare is 2.40 USD for an adult and 1.50 USD per child. Also, you have the opportunity to purchase a ticket for one day (Day Pass) for 10 USD and passing week WEEKLY PASS) For 32 USD - for an adult, and 25 USD - for a child. Schedule and transport routes can be viewed. To get to the surroundings of Toronto, you must buy a pass "GTA" (GTA PASS)Since the TTS tariffs do not act here. Prices are the same as in TTS. Also, you can get to the suburbs by train "GOU TRANSIT" (Go transit).


Taxi services in Toronto is a lot - safe, but expensive type of movement. Toronto taxi is part of TGTS Toronto Ground Transportation Services. To find a taxi in the city center, it is enough to stop the car with a sign included on the roof (if disabled - it means busy).

If you are on the center, better call one of the companies providing taxi services: Beck (green, orange) + 1416-751-5555, "Maple Leaf" (blue with a white stripe) + 1416-465-5555, "CO-OP" (red, yellow) + 1416-504-2667. The fare includes the price for landing 2.80 USD and another 1.30 USD for each subsequent kilometer on the way.


The car may need to move around the Toronto County Greater Toronto Area). In Toronto, as in any big city, there are almost always traffic jams. Travel on highways is paid. Many roads closed for weekends because of festivals, marathons or other events. This entails even more traffic jams. If you want to go to, it is better to do this by car.

As for parking, prices, especially in the city center, may seem values. Many hotels offer parking for all day. Two companies: Green P and Impark provide parking slots throughout the city. Also, you can park on the street where there is no prohibiting sign, for free to 3 hours.


Toronto is the plain city, so it is comfortable to ride a bike here. Throughout the city, especially in the center, a lot of cycling tracks. Bike Share Toronto offers more than 1000 bikes for hire throughout the city. Tariffs for tourists: For one day (Day Pass) for 5 USD, and for three days (3-day pass) For 11 USD.

Some popular routes: Martin Gudman Trail Martin Goodman Trail) Along the coast of the city, Kay Gardiner Baltline Trail Kay Gardiner Beltline Trail) - in the center of the city, Humber River Trail Humber River Trail) - To the parks of the northern part of the metropolis. Also, you can watch a unique landmark - Toronto Islands (Toronto Islands) During the cycling.

Toronto is a large modern megapolis, a lively port on Lake Ontario and an important industrial center of Canada. The city arose at the site of the ancient Indian settlement in the XVIII century, the first colonists were the French.

Modern Toronto is a genetic diversity of desperate seekers of the best life: the subjects of the British Crown, Irish, Italians, Jews, Chinese and Russians. Even in the XX-XXI centuries. The city retained the status of the leading immigration center.

Ontario Province Citizens Business Card is an ultra-modern cultural centers, sports arena and green parks. Slender rows of skyscrapers come out against the background of blue water bay, snow-white yachts will be squeezed along the coast, and the Canadians are satisfied with the well-kept streets. This picture most brightly characterizes the appearance of Toronto.

Best hotels at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles / day

What to see and where to go to Toronto?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a brief description.

A huge television, built in the 70s. XX century. About 30 years old Si-En Tower occupied the honorable place of the highest building in the world (the height of the structure is more than 555 meters). The tower is equipped with an observation platform with a glass floor. It was estimated that annually in the design of 78 times hurts lightning, but thanks to the strength and reliability, the television resistant withstands the impact of the elements.

The original mansion was built at the beginning of the XX century for a wealthy businessman Sir G.M. Pellata. After some time, he sold the castle due to the inability to contain real estate and pay taxes. Up to the 30s. The construction was used for the hotel, and then moved to the state. The castle was turned into a tourist attraction. Periodically, he is leased for private events.

Street, which originates in the center of Toronto and stretches to the north to the border with the American staff of Minnesota. Before the colonization of America on the site of Yang Street, the naughty Indian trails ran. Nowadays, Yang Street is one of the main and busiest streets of Toronto. Here there is plenty of restaurants, night bars, shops, clubs that are popular among guests.

Fashion area in the city center, where winery and brewing factories have previously been located. Now in the former industrial buildings of the architecture of the Victorian era, modern art galleries are open, restaurants and concerts are held. Distiller District is considered a prestigious and a fashionable area, local residents and tourists are happy to be held here.

The new building of the mayor's office was built to replace the old urban town hall in 1965. The city authorities announced the World Architectural Competition, who won Finn V. Revelly. Thanks to the construction of the Toronto City Hall building, this architect glorified his name to the whole world. The construction is two towers of different lengths and a round building in the middle - a hall where the city council meets.

Historic construction of the end of the XIX century. After the construction of the new building of the city hall, they wanted to demolish, but the townspeople entered into an architectural monument. Nowadays, in the territory of the Old City Hall there is a valid city court. The ancient architecture of the structure is beneficial to the modern buildings located in the surrounding area.

The building was erected in 1892 in the architectural style of "Romanesque Renaissance", which very well reflected the exorbitant territorial ambitions of the British Empire. Inside meets the parliament of the province of Ontario. The construction used Italian marble and pink brick. The interior is distinguished by moderate luxury. Galleries are decorated with a sophisticated wooden finish, and the windows are fancy stained glass windows.

The museum is located in the unusual and original building of modern architecture. Externally, this structure resembles an ordered journey of geometric shapes or a huge crystal with improper faces. The walls of the museum are removed by the cold glitter of gray metal and glass. In the Royal Museum there are more than 6 million exhibits: dinosaur bones, art objects, weapons, clothing, household items and much more.

The gallery is considered one of the largest museums in North America. The collections are located in 50 halls of the total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 45 thousand m². Among the valuable exhibits of the gallery - Picasso, Degas, Degas Gogh, Renuara, Rembrandt, Gauguen, Monet, Rubens. The museum also presents the works of famous Canadian painters: D. Walla, D. Altmeida, F. Sullivan and others.

The museum designed to demonstrate and popularize the scientific achievements of humanity. It was founded in 1969. On the territory of the museum you can see our own eyes to see the latest developments in the field of physics, astronomy, medicine, biology and other industries. The impressive part of the exposition is devoted to the development of space and related tasks. The museum is focused on the general public from the smallest to adult visitors.

The exposition was founded in 1984. The museum collection is fully dedicated to ceramics and regions related to this craft. The basis of the private collection of ceramic products of the spouses Gardiner was based. Now in the museum funds there are about 3 thousand exhibits. Here are collected patterns of ceramics of the ancient Indian tribes, the Renaissance era, Japanese and Chinese porcelain, English dishes and much more.

The collection of the museum is collected by the founder of the BATA shoe company and his wife. It all started with several shoes samples that Sonya Bata brought from various trips. At the moment, the exposition takes three floors of a separate building. There are more than 12 thousand samples from all sides of the world. There are even completely "fossil" couples from ancient Egypt, antique sandals and medieval boots.

As you know, Canada occupies a leading position in the world hockey, this sport is literally worshiped here. Hockey Glory Hall - exposure dedicated to the development and development of Canadian hockey. Here you can learn about the history of NHL, familiarize yourself with the biographies of great players, look at the hockey form and inventory teams from different countries.

Multifunctional entertainment center, which includes sports stadium, shopping galleries, cafeteria and concert venues. He was erected in 1989. Sports Arena Rogers Center is located up to 50 thousand spectators. The building is equipped with a convenient sliding roof, which allows football or basketball matches under all weather conditions.

Trade and office center located in the very center of Toronto. In fact, he was invented by Timothy Yaton who in the XIX century founded the largest trading network in Canada. At first it was a small marital store, which gradually rummaged to a large mall. On the territory of the Ion Center there are boutiques and showrooms of many Canadian and American brands.

Saint Lawrence is included in the list of the largest markets of Canada and in the top 10 of the best markets of the world (according to some sources). Here traded natural and freshly excellent quality products manufactured in Ontario Province. In the market you can buy baking, home cheese, meat and other farm products. The market has been working since the beginning of the XIX century.

The historic city fort, in the territory of which the construction of the beginning of the XIX century is preserved - witnesses of battles between the British Empire and thirsful independence by the colonies. Military parades are held here, dedicated to the national holidays of Canada. Also annually in Fort York is a beer festival. The former military barracks hosts a historic exposition.

Locals consider their zoo the best in North America (in their opinion, all the best is located in Toronto). The urban zoo can really boast of sizes and species diversity. The whole territory is divided into thematically zones, each of which has created its microclimate. Among the interesting pavilions - the ruins of Maya, African Savannah, Australian and American pavilions.

City Park, a resting place with an excellent infrastructure for visitors. On the territory there is a zoo, playgrounds, pedestrian walkways, flowering gardens, a variety of cultural objects. The park is located in the picturesque hilly terrain, made of hollow and small lakes. On weekends on the lawns, visitors are satisfied with picnics, sports lovers can play tennis or jogging.

The reservoir included in the system of famous Great Lakes. According to its shores, there are such cities like Toronto, Rochester (USA), Hamilton, Kingston. From the Language of Indians of the Huron tribe, the name "Ontario" can be translated as "shining water". The lake is the smallest area among all North American Great Lakes, it is suitable for active shipping. The Niagara River flows into Ontario.

Toronto is huge and majestic skyscrapers, beautiful parks, museums, attractions, architectural beauties located on the coast of at least the picturesque Lake Ontario.

As many people are known from historical sources, earlier, the British here was founded by the city of York, and later he was renamed Toronto. The main thing is that the city has rich historyThrough which the stay of tourists in the city is even more interesting and impressive. This fact attracted me here. I would not say that Toronto has some great difference from the Canadian cities such as Montreal or Ottawa, it is also beautiful and pleasant to be located, and the development of infrastructure allows you to spend time and comfortable.

The name of the city, in translation means a meeting place, since the traditions and features of many crops who live in this huge metropolis are really encountered and closely intertwined.

The only difference between Toronto from other cities, at least I noticed, is not so cold winter, but with a pretty big abundance of snow. Although, on the territory of all Canada, the seasons of the year are very clearly traced, this concerns Toronto. There is a rather wet continental climate, with not very hot summer and with a short spring and autumn. But it is worth noting that due to high humidity, the temperature always seems higher than the thermometer column shows. Perfect time ... Read completely

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Weather in Toronto for months:

Month Temperature Cloud Rainy days /
Number of precipitation
hours per day
Day At night
January -3.0 ° C. -5.3 ° C. 61.6% 4 days (49.8 mm.) 9h. 22m.
February -2.4 ° C. -5.3 ° C. 60.8% 4 days (48.1 mm.) 10h. 31m.
March 2.0 ° C. -1.8 ° C. 53.5% 4 days (39.4 mm.) 11h. 57m.
April 8.4 ° C. 3.7 ° C. 49.7% 5 days (70.6 mm.) 13h. 28m.
May 16.3 ° C. 10.6 ° C. 39.5% 4 days (60.9 mm.) 14h. 44m.
June 22.1 ° C. 15.6 ° C. 33.9% 5 days (70.2 mm.) 15h. 23m.
July 26.6 ° C. 19.3 ° C. 27.8% 5 days (59.4 mm.) 15h. 3m.
August 25.8 ° C. 19.1 ° C. 29.5% 4 days (50.8 mm.) 13h. 55m.
September 21.7 ° C. 16.4 ° C. 32.6% 4 days (49.6 mm.) 12h. 29m.
October 14.1 ° C. 10.3 ° C. 50.8% 5 days (68.8 mm.) 10h. 59m.
November 6.4 ° C. 3.1 ° C. 53.8% 2 days (34.0 mm.) 9h. 41m.
December 1.5 ° C. -1.0 ° C. 62.4% 4 days (41.1 mm.) 9h. 0m.

* This table displays the average weather indicators collected in more than three years.

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Niagara Falls

Toronto amazing and very interesting cityBut the main attraction is not at all in the city, but far beyond. This is the famous Niagara Falls, the same waterfall, where Virtuos David Copperfield conducted his unforgettable and grand shows, this is the same waterfall that is lifted in many sensational films, this is the most famous waterfall in the world. The road from Toronto to the Niagara Miracle of Nature will take an hour and a half, but coming to the place of my emotions there was no limit! The view simply fascinates, six thousand tons of water, which will overthrow every second, just hypnotize your opinion, all of you, and it seems that you can watch it forever. Niagara is that for which it is worth overcome hundreds of mil above the ocean, then for what to travel!

Around the waterfall you can see the whole city of all sorts of entertainment for tourists and visitors of this place, it is called Niagara Falls. There are all - hotels, restaurants, cinemas, bowling and even casino. In essence, the Niagara Falls gripped around himself a whole city.

We were told that on a waterfall you can see 24 different ways: from the most unusual and expensive, to the easiest and most free. Try everything at once not everyone will be on your pocket. The most common means for those who have means is a helicopter, from high it may seem that it is not a waterfall, but a lava of water .... You can still look at him from the inside, through the cave under the waterfall, this is the only place where ...

It is impossible to visit Toronto not to try Canada's traditional cuisine - these are various dishes from bizonome meat. They can be found in the menu of almost every place, and even fast food. All because in Canada there is a huge number of bison. The pleasure is not cheap, but quite tasty, I had to taste.

A widespread problem for tourists, and especially for those who in Toronto for the first time, will be how the tax is not included in prices. It is about 7% of the amount that is indicated, all the same where the restaurant menu is, a ticket to the oceanarium, or a price tag in the store. In the cafe in the check will still be included and tips. Therefore, you need to be ready to post a couple more dollars.

The most recognizable building in Toronto, which can be attributed to the sights of Santtur Tower, see ... Read more

Food and products

In Canada, there are incredibly high prices for products + in Canada there is such a chip: if, for example, you buy a 5 dollar sandwich (this is a normal price), then pay a tax of 10%, that is, $ 11! So, scraping products by $ 100, the authorities were calculated by $ 12.5))). Bottle of Coca-Cola costs 6 dollars. Bottle of beer (0.5) - 7 dollars, bread (!!!) - 3 dollars, a bottle of wine (0.75) - 23 dollars (from). Dine in the restaurant (usually three dishes) - $ 50, but portions are simply huge, so we divided them and pay at all. Food in stores is not much cheaper than in restaurants, basic products (bread, water, etc.) - $ 20. There is no point in buying products in stores, it is better to eat in a restaurant or cafe.

Souvenirs and other goods

Clothes in Toronto inexpensive. Good branded sneakers - 30 - 50 dollars (Believe me, it is normal for Canada). Near the waterfall of Niagara is full of different souvenir shops. The cost of souvenirs from 5 to 100 dollars. Souvenirs, mostly Chinese, and sell them the Chinese (respectively). From souvenirs, it is better not to buy expensive (especially those that glow) - quickly break, it is on their own experience.

Cost of services and entertainment

There is a huge ferris wheel, cost - $ 15, in the WP-Cabin (I took advantage of this) - 50 dollars. This is a great spectacle. Taxi travel - 3 dollars / km. The bus is 6 dollars, but you can buy a ticket for the whole day - 25 dollars. For tourists it is profitable

Total money spent on vacation

Toronto is located in Canada and is a popular destination for tourism. It is due to the fact that the infrastructure, comfortable climate and many interesting places are well developed here. Before traveling here it is worth knowing the location of the main attractions, basic information about the city and tradition local population. This will travel comfortably and avoid various unpleasant situations.

A little about the city

In the province of Ontario is one of the most large cities Canada - Toronto. It was founded in 1793, and now is a developed cultural, economic center of the province and an important settlement of the country. At the same time, Toronto together with such cities as Markham, Bimmatton and Mississogue, forms a large Toronto agglomeration. This place is located near the western part of Lake Ontario.

Toronto is the administrative center of Ontario province

The Canadian city's area is 630.21 km², and about 2,731,571 resident live here. In this region, the wet continental climate, which leads to large quantity Sighties in summer, and air temperature can fluctuate during the day. The climate has a significant impact that the norther from this place is a hackon bay.

In the city it is easy to move through the developed network of the metro. Make trips on Toronto or its suburban territory allow bus routes, as well as trams. Next to the city is a major international airport Pearson. On the island in the center of the settlement there is also a small town airport Billy Bishop, which is the main base of the airline Porther Airlines.

Toronto transport accessibility

From Russia to Pearson Airport, located 32 km from the city, direct flights from Moscow are sent. Directly to the city from the airport, you can reach the bus number 192 Airport Rocket by running from Terminals 1 and 3, the ultimate stop - the metro station Kipling Station. Either Malton bus number 58a, and the last point of its route is the Lawrence West Station Metro Station. And also comfortable buses GO Transit, express bus Pacific Western Airport Express from Terminal No. 1, Taxi.

Flights from major European cities in Toronto often send flights air transport. Toronto City Center Airport Airport, Ottawa, Boston, Galifax, Quebec, Montreal, arrive in Toronto City Center Airport.

What sights are worth viewing in Toronto

The city began its active development after in the XX century Montreal lost its influence and basic business processes were transferred to Toronto. At the same time, there are many interesting places, unusual sights and beautiful nature, which will ensure a fascinating journey tourists.

The most famous and noteworthy are such architectural and historical objects as:

  • CI En Tower is known as the highest free standing construction in the world, which was this television from 1976 to 2007. The building reaches a height of 553.33 m. The construction of the facility was conducted from 1973 to 1976 and here 147 floors. It is possible to climb up the elevator or the stairs, in which 2570 steps. There is an observation deck, an astronomical observatory and several institutions. Telebashny Address: 301 Front St. West Toronto. Nearby is the subway station Union Station;
    Si-En Tower is one of the highest constructions of the world.
  • Casa scrap is a neutic style lock created at the beginning of the 20th century. The construction project was developed by architect Edward Lennox, and the owner was a Canadian businessman Sir Henry Pellat. In the castle of 98 rooms with luxurious decoration, as well as there is an organ, underground transitions. Here is a small restaurant, there is a souvenir shop. Castle address: 1 Austin Terrace Toronto, Ontario, and the nearest metro station is Dupont. Visit this place is possible for 25 USD;
    Casal Loma Castle - Beautiful and famous constructions
  • The international hotel and the Tower of Trump is a multifunctional skyscraper and is located at 325 Bay Street. This object is considered one of the highest in the city, as it reaches 252 m. Here are 6 elevators, 57 aboveground floors. There are 2 restaurants in the skyscraper, apartments and hotel rooms, which offer beautiful view to the city;
    Tower of Trump is known not only by its name, but also hotel rooms of the highest class
  • a lot of elegant and unusual Victorian-style buildings Tourists can be seen in the Cabbagetown area located in the city center. Cabbangtown is founded in the 1840s and low-income people lived here. In 1970, the landscaping of this place began and now tourists can see here many beautiful buildings, picturesque alleys;
    Cabbangtown is popular for walking, because here is a well-maintained area and beautiful houses
  • Rogers Center is the home amen of the Canadian football league "Toronto Argonauts", as well as the Baseball team of the American League "Toronto Blo-Jace". From 1995 to 1999, this object was a home shaler for the Toronto Raptors Basketball Club. There were matches of the World Basketball Championship in 1994. Based building in 1989, and now tourists can look at this beautiful architectural object, located at 1 Blue Jays Way;
    Rogers Center is a popular sports facility
  • distilleri district is historical named after the Great Liquor Plant, who worked here since the XIX century. Cafes, shops and art galleries are located in ancient buildings. Tourists can take a walk here and look at a variety of buildings of the Victorian era. Address of this place: 55 MILL ST, TORONTO, ON M5A 3C4. Buses No. 65 and 172 arrive here, as well as trams No. 503 and 504, and the nearest stop - King Street;
    Distillery is named after the XIX century vacation plant
  • fort York is a fortress that played an important role during the battle at York in 1812, than and famous. In the premises recreated the situation of wartime. Figures in military uniform, large collections of weapons and household items are presented here to visitors. Fort address: 250 Fort York Boulevard, Toronto, On. The ticket costs about 670 p. Not far is the Union Station Metro Station;
    Fort York was essential during the war in 1812
  • Young Street is not only central street Toronto, but also one of the longest streets in the world. Its length is 1896 km. Tourists are worth walking here and visit the cafe, nightclubs, Square and a variety of shops. On this street there is a hockey glory hall and several other famous sights of the Canadian city;
    Young Street is one of the longest streets in the world.
  • rOYAL BANK PLAZA skyscraper is a headquarters of the Royal Bank of Canada and is known as one of the highest buildings of Toronto. The complex consists of two towers: South (height of 180 m and 41 floor) and north (114 m and 26 floors). The construction of the northern tower was completed in 1976, and the creation of South was over in 1979. Tourists can see this building close to Bay Street Street; Royal Bank Plaza is the headquarters of the Royal Bank of Canada
  • the new building of the city hall was created in 1965. The architectural ensemble was developed by the architect V. Revellem and is two semicircular towers of different heights, and between them there is a low round building, which hosts meetings of the city council. The construction is known for modern design and an unusual form. Object address: 100 Queen St. W, Toronto, On M5h, Canada;
    A new building is known to unusual architecture and is a modern object.
  • old Town Hall was built at the end of the XIX century and is known as an architectural monument. Now there is a city court here, but the building will be interested in tourists with its architecture. It looks unusual against the background of modern buildings surrounding the old town hall. You can see the object at ON M5H 2M3, Canada, Toronto, 60 Queen St West; The building of the Old Town Hall is considered an architectural monument
  • The Balvinskaya staircase is laid from the terrace of the Challenge of the Iroquois Lake. Too big steepness does not allow to create a road here, and the nearby streets are enveloped by the mountain, on the top of which is the castle of Casa scrap and other architectural attractions. The concrete staircase has 110 steps and was created in 1910, and up to this point there was a wooden staircase. Balvinskaya staircase has 110 steps and created more than 100 years ago

Many modern buildings and old objects in Toronto, but cultural attractions are not less interesting. For example, the Royal Museum of Ontario is known as the largest natural historical and cultural museum of Canada. It was founded in 1912. Visitors can see the ancient Egyptian sarcophagus with mummy, ceramic vases of the Middle Ages, Kenyan drums and much more. The museum is famous not only to the rich collections of exhibits, but also the original architecture of the building, which resembles a crystal. Address of the Institution: 100 Queen's Park, Toronto, ON. The cost of the ticket is about 1500 p. In order to get here, you need to drive on the metro station to Museum.

Royal Museum Ontario presents the attention of visitors a variety of exposures and is distinguished by an unusual architecture of the building

Hockey Glory Hall is a building with a beautiful architecture. Here are exhibits relating to the history of hockey development with a washer. Photos, shape, accessories, the history of the great and famous hockey players are all the collections are dedicated to this sport. The museum was founded in 1943 in Kingston, and after a few years he was transferred to Toronto. Institution address: 30 Yonge Street, Toronto, On, Canada, in the Bukfield Place building. It is easily accessible to the subway station to Union Station or King Station.

In the Hockey Glory Hall, unique and rare exhibits belonging to the hockey with a washer are presented.

The art gallery of Ontario presents works of Canadian art, European painting and sculpture Henry Mura. The institution was founded in 1900. The total number of exhibits reaches 68,000, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe museum is 45,000 m 2. The building is also remarkable unusual architecture and glass dome. Tourists can visit the gallery at 317 Dundas St. W, Toronto, on M5T 1G4.

In the art gallery you can see unusual sculptures and works of European artists

An unusual and interesting place is the Bat Shoe Museum, whose collections are collected by the founder of the BATA shoe factory and his wife. This institution is one of the largest among the museums of this type. Visitors can see sandals and shoes from different materials, such as herbs. A varied exhibits and decor. The total number of elements presented is more than 12,000. You can find the museum at 327 Bloor St. W.

Bata Shoe Museum Represents Unusual and Diverse Shoes

The collection of the Museum of Gardiner is dedicated only to the art of creating ceramic products. It is based on an institution in 1984 and is now popular among local residents and tourists. Here you can see Chinese and Japanese products from porcelain, English ceramic Delft type, as well as Italian and other art objects. Located the museum south of Blur Street opposite the Royal Museum Ontario. Nearby is the metro station "Museum".

Museum of Gardiner is interesting not only by the collection of ceramics, but also the architecture of the building

Toronto is rich in natural attractions:

  • The Grenadier pond is a beautiful place where you can walk and admire the picturesque nature. It is located near Lake Ontario and easily reach on foot. In this place is equipped big Parkwhere there are minor lakes, bridges, islands and dwell swans and ducks. Popular Pond for sailing;
    Grenadle pond is in demand for sailing and walking
  • gILD Inn Gardens Park is famous for not only rich in vegetation, but also many vintage ruins, beautiful sculptures, well-maintained territory. Initially, this territory was the house of a wealthy family, but then the territory was abandoned and many years later, turned into a park. The full address of this facility: 201 Guildwood Parkway, Toronto, On M1E 1P6, Canada;
    Guild Inn Gardens in demand for resting citizens and tourists
  • city High Park covers a territory in 161 hectares and is a popular place for sports, recreation, walks. The park was created in 1876 and is famous for a well-maintained territory and ease of recreation. There are playgrounds, sports facilities, picturesque alleys, zoo, cafe. Address of this place: 1873 Bloor St. W. Toronto;
    High Park is popular for sports and recreation
  • Niagara Falls is a complex of water cascades and is known as the most powerful in North America. The total width is 792 m, and the height of the cascades is 52 m. Every year this place is visited by many tourists, because there is a beautiful nature, and the power of the waterfall is amazing. It is located near Niagara Falls, and from Toronto here it is easily accessible by bus.
    Niagara Falls is the most powerful in North America

There are many beautiful and interesting places in Toronto that tourists can visit. Therefore, the trip is best to develop a trip route and determine the most important places you need to visit. This will allow you to study the city as much as possible and it is better to know the culture, the history of the country.

Traveling in different seasons

Summer in Toronto warm and wet. Tourists can carry out any excursion program at this time. Surfacely familiar with the culture and history of this settlement allows you to walk through Young Street. And it is also worth visiting local parks and a Grenadier Pond, where you can go sailing. And during the tour of the business part of the city, it is worth looking at the skyscraper of FIRST CANADIAN PLACE. Its height reaches 298 m, here are offices, and an externally, the building looks solid and modern. The object was built in 1976 and has 36 elevators and 72 floors.

FIRST CANADIAN PLACE is one of the highest buildings in the city.

In the autumn in Canada, it becomes cool, but long walks and excursions are still available to travelers. At this time, cultural tourism is especially encouraged, and for this it is worth visiting Roy-Thomson Hall, which is concert Bala. This object was opened in 1982. The building is famous for unusual architecture and has a mirrored surface of the walls. Address of institution: Canada, Ontario, Toronto, Simcoe Street, 60.

Concert hall Roy-Thomson Hall is popular with citizens and tourists, because famous artists speak here

In winter, it is snow in Toronto, but there are no strong frost and precipitation can quickly melt. At this time of the year, you can visit the National Historical Museum-Fortress Fort George. This object is a military outpost and is located on the border of the United States and Canada and it is easy to see it on the way to Niagara Falls. The fortress was created at the end of the XVIII century, and now the Military Historical Museum is located here. Address for this place: 51 Queen's Parade, Niagara-On-the-Lake, Ontario.

Fort George includes several objects characterizing the military history of this edge

In the spring, the air temperature in the city rises, and plants bloom in the gardens and parks. At this time of the year, many shops spend the sales. To implement a profitable shopping, you should visit the Yaton Center, which is a trade and office complex. Object founded in 1977. He is located next to the Trinity Square. You can get here on the subway station to Dandas or Queen, belonging to the 1st line. For traveling to the Canadian city is suitable for any season, because there is a rather mild climate and comfortable weather. In any case, it is important to develop a travel plan, know the location of the main attractions and the features of culture.

Ride with children

Toronto has several interesting places and attractions that are optimal for family holiday. You can get to each of them by public transport, taxi or on foot while touring the city.

Children will be interested in the following objects:

  • Riverdale Zoo - Zoo, where visitors can see dozens of animal species. It was opened in 1974 and is known as one of the best in Canada. There are open and closed pavilions, a cafe, a basin of jellyfish, an insectarium with exotic insects, a bush camp and much more. Tourists can find the main entrance to the north of the Highway 401, to Midouquil Roid, Scarborough;
    Toronto Zoo is considered one of the best in Canada
  • Legoland Discovery Center is a children's entertainment center And it is close to the city, namely at 1 Bass Pro Mills Dr Concord, on L4K 5W4 Canada. Attractions of different difficulty levels, cafes, bright scenery will allow you to rest even with small children. You can get here by car, taxis or public transport;
    Legoland Discovery Center Popular For Recreation With Children
  • the Balodrom in Toronto is located at 11 CURITY AVE, EAST YORK, ON M4B 1x4, Canada. The modern center for entertainment and recreation will like the children of older. You can have lunch here in a cafe, and getting to the clogged easily by public transport;
    Clutters are suitable for older children entertainment
  • allan's Botanical Garden is the oldest park and the Toronto garden, because it is founded in 1858. The institution covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 1,500 m 2, here 5 winter gardens. Visitors can see plants from exotic countries and rare representatives of Flora. Full address of the facility: 777 Lawrence Ave E, Toronto, On M3C 1P2, Canada.
    Allan Botanical Garden building is characterized by elegant architecture.

Infrastructure is well developed in Toronto and therefore tourists can comfortably make walks and study the culture of the city. You can dine with children in a cafe, which are many here. Restaurants present dishes both European and traditional cuisine.

Features of short-term stay

Toronto is large cityBut the main attractions are on Yang Street and in the center. Therefore, staying here can last 1 day and optionally at this time settled in the hotel. It should be placed luggage in the storage chamber and make a route.

Long stay in a foreign city requires pre-booking room at the hotel. Only after that you can study attractions, attend cultural institutions. It is also important to determine the date of departure.

Traditions and culture

During the trip to Toronto, it is important to take into account the traditions of the local population and the rules acting here. Tourists should know the following features:

  • to pay for goods and services, use national currency that is easy to exchange in special paragraphs and banks;
  • friday is an abbreviated worker, and Sunday is a common day off. On this day, only some small stores can work;
  • all checks from shopping is best saved. After returning to his native country, travelers have the opportunity to return the commission in the amount of 8%, which are subject to all types of goods;
  • in the power grid, the voltage is 110 V. Not in all hotels, guests can provide special adapters and adapters for connecting devices;
  • in prestigious restaurants, tips are included in the account, and in small cafes the size of the tip is 10 - 15% of the order amount.

Photo Gallery: Maps of some areas

On the shores of Lake Ontario there are many parks and there are opportunities near Toronto there are islands that are popular with tourists in Toronto many large parks with comfortable conditions for the airport is located near the city in the vicinity of Toronto Beautiful nature and well developed infrastructure of Toronto Zoo. Toronto

553 meter SI ent Tower is not only the highest building in Toronto, but it is also the most high building in North America.

The well-known and most noticeable landmark of Toronto, it is impossible to skip it.Towing over the city, the tower is visible from almost anywhere in the city.Si-En Tower, built between 1972 and 1976, almost 30 years was the highest construction in the world while in 2007 her record is notblocked.

On the tower there is an observation deck with a magnificent panoramic view of the city, the observation deck is located at an altitude of 447 meters above the city, at clear days you can seeNiagara Falls and New York State . You can get on the platform using 2 elevators, at an altitude of 346 meters there is a restaurant and a terrace with a glass floor.


2. Royal Ontario Museum (Royal Ontario Museum)

is anmuseum of Arts , world Culture andnatural history.This is one of the largest museums inNorth America and attracts over a million visitors every year,second The magnitude of the Museum of Canadian Art in Canada.

M. uty is north ofRoyal Park, in the University of Toronto, Main Entrance to Blur Street . The Ontario Royal Museum founded in 1912, contains a collection of 6 million items that are available in 40 Museum galleries. This is the most conceptual attraction of Toronto.


3. Rogers Center (Rogers Center)

Near the Si-En Tower near the northern shores of Lake Ontario, is Rogers Center, which is a multi-purpose arena in the center of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Opened in 1989 on formerrailway lands , he is home to "Toronto Blue Jays "in MLB and" Toronto Argonauts "in the Canadian Football League . Earlier, the stadium served as a house for "Toronto Raptors "in the National Basketball Association, and Buffalo in the National Football League.

While it is, first of all, sports arena, other large-scale events are also held here, such asconvments, Fair, Concerts Show Monster Trucks . Stadium construction was Completed in 1989, which was the answer to Toronto in the ambitious race for the Olympic Stadium, built by its main competitor,Montrealem .


4. Art Gallery of Ontario (ART Gallery of Ontario)

Famous Art Gallery Ontario (Ago) occupies a unique modern buildinglocated on the west side from the city center.A number of temporary exhibitions take place here during the year.The main exhibitions include the Collections of Canadian Art, Africa and European Arts.The museum also has an impressive collection of paintings by Canadian artists.


5. Casa Loma (Casa Loma)

Casa Loma Neootic castle, which is currently a museum and sight of Toronto. Casal scrap translated from Spanish means "House on the Hill". The Grand Castle was built in Toronto a little over a hundred years ago. He was a private ownership and belonged to one of Canada's richest people, an eccentric financier and a billionaire, a weapon merchant - Henry Pellat. The decision on the construction of the castle was made after Pellata dedicated to the knights. His rich fantasy and ambition turned Casis in a real fabulous castle with stables,wine cellar, secret transitions, dungeons and, of course, a multitude of legends.

Construction began in 1911 and ended in three years. In the late 1920s, Casal Loma Castle was used as a luxury hotel. During the dry law, became a popular nightclub for wealthy Americans.


6. Toronto Zoo (Toronto Zoo)

A huge zoo in Toronto, the largest in Canada. IN Currently, more than 5,000 animals live here (including invertebrates and fish), representing more than 450species.Toronto Zoo lies on the Red River and is located 40 km north-east of the city center.

One of the main attractions of the zoo is Wolter with Pandas, which opened in the zoo in 2013. The zoo is divided into 7 zogeographic regions. The Section of North America is unique, with a spacious aviary for Grizzlyli, a huge fleet for bison and an impressive aviary for polar bears.


7. The Market of St. Lawrence (St. Lawrence Market)

Market of St. Lawrence is one of the two main markets inToronto , second, it'syunk Kensington . St. Lawrence Market. was named the best food market in the world according to National Geographic In April 2012.


8. Entertainment District (Entertainment District)

Toronto's answer to the Broadway District in New York.Toronto Entertainment District It is the center of attraction for theaters and art galleries. Also located here Most of the nightclubs in Toronto.The area comes to life in the evening. This place is perfectly suitable, in order to come here after a busy day and enjoy theatrical productions with the latest shows, musicals and concerts.


9. ITON Center (Eaton Center)

The huge ITON center is located in the northern part of the Central Business District of Toronto.One of the most famous attractions in mall It is a group made of fiberglass Canadian geese hanging from the ceiling. This sculpture is called flight.

The center of the center is a more than 300 stores, boutiques and restaurants with a cafe, here you can find absolutely everything for your taste, it is one of the largest stores of North America. Directly in the Yaton Center emerge two metro stations located on its southern and northern tips, respectively.


10. Liquor-breeding plant (Distillery District)

The area of \u200b\u200bthe Liquorova Plant in Toronto is a historic area that was restored and turned into a trendy entertainment and shopping district.Visitors can find charming boutiques, galleries, workshops of artists and restaurants here. NearThe liquor-vodka plant, also conduct various entertainment events and it is home to numerous art schools.

In addition to entertainment functions, a liquor plant, this is a real historical landmark of Toronto, it includes more than 40 buildings and has the largest collection of industrial architecture of the Victorian era in North America.

One of the most popular attractions is Mill Street Brewery, a company that boils such delicious varieties of beer as Pilsner and become a great place to stay and relax after the excursion.


11. High Park (High Park)

HIGH PARK, thisa huge green space with a lot of gardens, hanging baskets with flowers, natural trails, reservoirs and lakes, as well as man-made waterfalls. Park high is a city park Toronto. Here you can have a great rest after the sights of the city's sights, to lie down on the grass, enjoy the singing of birds and delight with old oaks that are third in the entire fleet.


12. Hockey Hall of Fame (Hockey Hall Of Fame)

Hockey are akin to religion in Canada, and his shrine Hockey Glory Hall, located nearfinancial district in the center of Toronto.

Hockey Glory Hall offers tourists while excursion to see with their own eyes religious things for any fan of this game. Central placein the big hall takesStanley Cup, award, which is awarded the best team in NHL, the strongest hockey league of the world. The first Russian hockey player introduced into the Hall of Fame, this is the famous goalkeeper of the USSR national team, Vladislav Tretyak.