Big bryony. Brijuni national park

Not far from - the tourist, economic and transport center of Istria with many famous, one of which is the impressive ancient Roman Amphitheater, is national Natural Park - Brijuni Islands, which can be reached by the Fazhansky channel.

Here, between Pula and Rovinj, there are 14 islands in an area of \u200b\u200bonly seven square kilometers. Nature here, with the help of man, created a real paradise, which at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries attracted the attention of one of its owners, Paul Kupelweiser.

When Kupelweiser bought Brijuni as a director of a metallurgical plant and a renowned specialist in the field of metallurgy, he did not think that this acquisition would completely take his attention and change his life.

Planning to make something like a family summer house here, this fifty-year-old son of the famous Viennese artist and lithographer Leopold Kupelweiser decided to leave the metallurgical business and devote himself to the islands, which richly thanked him for such a sacrifice.

Brijuni has become a fashionable European resort and the most popular holiday destination for the European elite.

Brijuni has a rich history. The oldest settlement of the end of the Stone Age is located on the coast in the Javorika Bay. Fortified settlements appear under Indo-European influence. From the village of Gradine, from the Bronze Age, once surrounded by three rows of fortified walls, the entrance to the second row of walls and the necropolis located on a plateau between the second and third rows of walls have survived to this day.

With the arrival of the Romans, a number of rustic villas and industrial facilities for the production of oil and wine were built on the islands. The complex of buildings for various purposes: temples, terraces, baths, a reservoir for keeping fresh fish were connected by a system of covered and open passages into a single whole, and the length of the object was one kilometer.

The most historically multi-layered site is located on the west coast of the island. Goths, Franks and Croats left traces of their presence here. The last traces belong to the Venetians. Here are the ruins of a fortress from the 2nd - 1st century BC. XV - XVI centuries A.D. There is also the Church of St. Mary from the 5th - 6th centuries AD. There was a Benedictine monastery near the church, which the monks abandoned after the first cases of plague on the island in 1312.

During the times of Austria-Hungary, numerous civil and military facilities were built on the island. The construction of a complex of hotels and hospitals by Paul Kupelweiserm initiated the active development of the island. In 1902, reinforced concrete was first used on the island, and ten years later a pool with heated sea water was built. Thanks to the efforts of Paul Kupelweiser, the Brijuni bogs have become an elite resting place for the European and world elite. Microbiologist Robert Koch was invited to fight malaria mosquitoes.

A luxurious resort was built on Briuny, which included several hotels, many beaches, and a magnificent park. Later, a hippodrome, golf course, tennis courts and much more appeared.

Sailing regattas were held regularly. In 1918, after the First World War, the islands passed to Italy. Paul Kupelweiser's heir, his son Karl Kupelweiser, tried to save the resort, but after the economic crisis that followed Black Friday, he went bankrupt and committed suicide.

In 1930, the islands became state property of Italy.

The second half of the 20th century was marked by the state and political activities of Joseph Broz Tito, who often lived in one of the three resident villas on the island. More than 100 leaders of countries, as well as many artists and stars, for example, Gina Lollobrigida, Elizabeth Taylor, Carlo Ponti, Sophia Loren and others, have visited Briuni.

Numerous fossilized dinosaur footprints are a geological and paleontological monument on Briuny.

In 1983, Brijuni was declared a national park of Yugoslavia.

Here in Briuny you will find a pleasant coolness in the shade of various evergreens. Or stop amazed at about century old olives. After all, they deserved it: for centuries they withstood various adversities. And we are sure that here you will find your oasis of sleep and peace, which, as you thought, exists only in films and in the lives of holders of large bank accounts. You are mistaken: tomorrow all this can become your reality!

Safari Park Brijuni

Back in 1911, Paul Kupelweiser and Karl Hagenbeck, the owner of a zoo in Stellengen near Hamburg, founded an unusually beautiful and very high-quality zoo, primarily aimed at acclimatizing animals from tropical areas, for their further transfer to zoos in Europe.

Nowadays, herds of deer, mouflons, squirrels and hares gallop freely through the oak forests of Briun and picturesque fields, numerous flocks of birds nest in this hospitable area. The fenced area of \u200b\u200bthe safari park, with an area of \u200b\u200babout 9 hectares, is home to about 50 descendants of animals donated by numerous foreign delegations to Joseph Broz Tito - Indian elephants, zebras, antelopes, llamas, camel, Somali sheep, Indian holy cows.

A pair of elephants Sonya and Lanka - a gift from Indira Gandhi to Brijuni park.

Video about Brijuni Park:

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Not far from Pula in the Adriatic Sea are the Brijuni Islands, which attract with their wild nature, beautiful landscape and a wide variety of fauna. This place is the National Park of Istria, and at different times such persons as Emperor Franz Joseph, Queen of England, as well as many other heads of state and politicians met here among vacationers. In addition to them, the islands also attracted such famous personalities as Mario del Monaco, Naomi Campbell, Placido Domingo and others. It was this archipelago that gave its name to the famous fashion brand Brioni.

History reference

The Brijuni Islands were already known to the ancient Romans, who used them mainly as a source of natural white limestone. The area was transformed into an elite recreation area after the well-known Viennese magnate Paul Kupelwieser bought the entire archipelago of 14 islands in 1893 and decided to create an exclusive beach resort here. First-class hotels, restaurants, casinos were built here, as well as beach resorts and yacht harbors. Thus, the Brijuni Islands became the center of Austrian social life, where they could enjoy a comfortable stay. Kupelwieser also created a sailing regatta and a golf course. Various music concerts and literary evenings began to be held here.

After 1918, the islands became part of Italy. The son of the resort's founder, Karl Kupelwieser, tried to maintain the former splendor of the area, but after the economic crisis of 1929, he went bankrupt and committed suicide. As a result, from 1930, the Brijuni Islands came into the possession of the Italian government and remained part of Italy until its surrender in 1943.

After World War II, Brijuni became part of Yugoslavia, and the President of the country, Marshal Josip Broz Tito, made the islands his personal state residence. A house was built for him here, the project of which was developed by the architect Jože Plečnik. Here the President received foreign guests and conducted negotiations. In addition to politicians, famous movie stars such as Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Sophia Loren, Carlo Ponti and Gina Lollobrigida came here. By 1983, after Tito's death, the Brijuni Islands were declared a National Park of Yugoslavia.

In 1991, Croatia gained independence and made the archipelago an international convention center. Four hotels have been opened here, as well as a safari park, where among the animals there are two Indian elephants, donated to President Tito by Indira Gandhi. Since 2004, the Brijuni Islands have hosted the International Polo Tournament. These places are also interesting because more than two hundred traces of dinosaurs, presumably from the Cretaceous period, were found here.

Interesting places

There are several archaeological sites on the islands of Brijuni that are worth seeing. In particular, this is the Church of St. Mary, built according to the project of the Templars back in the 13th century, as well as two ancient Roman villas dating back to the second century, and a massive Venetian fortification. Here are the ruins of a Byzantine palace, as well as a monument to Robert Koch and the fight against malaria in Brijuni.

On the territory of the archipelago there is an archaeological museum, the exposition of which is located in a fortification built by the Venetians, as well as the Gothic Church of St. Herman, built in the 15th century, where you can see copies of ancient frescoes of Istria. In the Brijuni Safari Park, you can get to know the world of wild animals and see its representatives such as fallow deer, mouflon, sika deer, zebras, sheep, Indian elephants, camels and llamas.

Helpful information

You can get to the Brijuni islands by ferry, which departs from the International Port of Pula, as well as by suburban bus No. 21 to the village of Fažana, and from there - by boat. A tour of the islands usually takes about four hours, after which there is an opportunity to swim in the sea and relax on the beach. For a longer stay, you can rent a room in one of the hotels in the archipelago.

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June 24, Thursday. 6th day. Today we are planning a trip to croatian national park: Brijuni (Brijuni or Brioni), which is located on the island of Big Brion (southwestern coast of the Istrian peninsula).

Only yesterday we got a rented car, in which we also gladly visited an unusual town. Today we plan to explore more distant surroundings.

IN 9.45 departure from the hotel (near Porec). We keep our way to the town Fazana (Fazana). On the way, we accidentally make a small detour, having entered Pool (Pula).

10.45 Having strayed a little along its outskirts and having driven 61 km from the hotel, we arrive at port... We can easily find free parking nearby and go to study offers for the delivery of us to isle.

It turns out that all private cabmen-boatmen can take us on a boat around the Brijuni Islands, but without disembarking. This walk takes 2 hours. You can add to this program swimming on a small island nearby. Another 2 hours extra.

And to make excursiondirectly around the islandyou need to contact your local travel agency. Only they can sell tickets there. We ask that it costs 200 kuna per person (28 euros), while they promise to provide a Russian-speaking guide. The departure time of the boat is at 13.45.

We have 1.5 hours of free time. Well, what can you do next to the sea, especially when the sun is shining wonderfully in the sky? Of course, bathe... We get into the car and drive towards Pula. After about 3-5 km, we turn onto a side road leading to the sea. We drive up to a wild beach and a spontaneous parking lot.

It all looks like a wonderful meadow on which pines of amazing beauty grow. There are no prohibitive and permissive signs. A few cars are parked right on the lawn in the shade of pine trees. We follow their example, we drive up to the sea itself.

The water is clean, so transparent that you can see the bottom at a very great depth.

In the sunlight, you can clearly see how it changes color from turquoise green at a shallow depth, to blue and blue at a great depth. Swimming in such a calm and wild place is simply fabulous! And if we add to this the absolutely stunning coniferous aroma from the trees growing nearby, then words cannot even convey the beauty and power of these sensations!

After a swim and a little sunbathing, we return to the port Fazana (for some reason, again through Pula, there is something magnetized there). 😕 We still have half an hour to eat in a small port restaurant. Pancakes and tea are what you need before traveling to the reserved island.

IN 13.45 loading on boat... The entrance is strictly on tickets, there are a lot of people. There are not enough seats for everyone, people stand like on a bus during rush hour. Fortunately, the road to the island takes about 10-15 minutes (distance 3.5 km from the mainland). I wonder what kind of Russian guide were they talking about when such a crowd of multilingual tourists formed?

Everything is clarified on the shore. All arrivals meet several people with signs in which the language in which will be held is written excursion... People are very quickly sorted into groups. Some guides immediately put "their tourists" on the trailers of electric trains and take them to different parts of the island. The population immediately diminishes.

The tour begins. Everything is quite interesting and informative.

Croatian National Park “Brijuni Islands” is an archipelago of 14 small islands.

The largest of them not so long ago (in the 20th century) was residencecroatian President Tito.

Currently, access is allowed here, but with certain restrictions. Only residents of several elite hotels, people who come to play golf (must agree in advance), as well as organized groups of tourists can stay here. This is probably why private boats cannot dock on the island and drop off passengers there.

We started our inspection with parrot koki, which is almost 50 years old.

He knows how to speak Croatian, which he showed us not very willingly. But as they say, he swears in this language very masterly.

Then we walked through beautiful garden with different trees, in which they tried to breathe with admiration the magnificent air filled with the aroma of pine needles, laurel, flowering linden and many, many things unknown, but very tasty.

After that we examined president's cadillac weighing 3 tons. They say that it is still on the move and for 400 euros you will be happy to ride it around the island for half an hour. In extreme cases, you can just sit inside and take a picture for 50 kn. No volunteers were found.

Then there was the museum... On the ground floor there is a fairly large collection of stuffed animals that lived on this island or were donated to the president. All of them died in due time and now flaunt in the form of stuffed animals. A sad sight. 😥 Probably, President Tito (at one time) was interested in watching all this.

On the 2nd floor there is an exhibition of photographs of the president with various famous people of his time. There are also crowned heads, politicians, scientists, artists.

Everything looks very nice and well-groomed. The guide told in detail what and where to see.

First of all, it is, of course, nature. Lush vegetation, magnificent meadows, ancient oaks (native species), the crown of which is 10-20 meters in diameter.

All this is well-groomed and trimmed, it looks very neat.

It turns out that some horned animals (deer, mouflons, etc.) are watching this beauty on the island. They nibble grass from meadows, and eat the lower crown and foliage from trees. As a result, everything is very neat. There are several hundred of them "working" here.

We stopped at safari Parkwhich was assembled by President Titus. A rather miserable sight appeared before us: several shabby ostriches, zebras, a lonely elephant, and, mainly, local horned animals: goats, rams, etc.

The best looking seagulls. But these were free birds, not tied to the reserve.

The most interesting was the story about local seals that lived in a fairly deep pool (now it is empty). So this couple (tired of such despair) somehow miraculously jumped over the fence of the pool, then over the fence of the park and sailed into the Adriatic Sea! To be honest, we were very sorry that other animals could not follow such an inspiring example.

After that we continued on our way to steam locomotive along the western coast of the island, where the original vegetation has been preserved. We saw excavations of ancient buildings, an old olive tree (somewhere around the 4th century AD).

At the end of the 7-kilometer route on a tourist train, we visited an old quarry and a Catholic church, where a copy of an ancient stone slab with a Glagolitic text is kept. This was the end of the tour of the island.

There were still almost 50 minutes left before the boat left for the return (at 17.30). We asked the guide if it was possible to swim here, she said that of course. There is a hotel not far from the pier beach... For some reason, it was written on the tickets, but the travel agency confirmed to us that it was forbidden to swim on the island.

Delighted with this opportunity, we went to look for a secluded place for swimming.

We found an absolutely wonderful descent and entry into the water. The purest green-turquoise water of the wonderful island refreshed us with joy. And the warm rays of the evening sun - dried.

IN 18.05 departed from Fazana (Fazana) home to the side Porec... A small incident happened here: my navigator in the form of navigator Julia malfunctioned. In some incomprehensible way, we drove to the very center of the peninsula and reached Pazin. This unexpected route turned out to be, of course, long (extra 30-40 km), but very nice. 🙂

The whole road ran through green fields and forests. Occasionally, there were small villages in which their inhabitants were leisurely going about their daily affairs. From Pazin to Porec, the road ran through a very picturesque and hilly area with absolutely stunning pine forests and a complete lack of signs of human life. True, sometimes, quite unexpectedly, there were restaurants or apartments.

19.35 arrived at the hotel.

The result of the day is 158 km.

We are starting to enjoy driving our rented car. Tomorrow we are planning to leave our Istrian peninsula and see what awaits us on the mainland behind a multi-kilometer tunnel under a strange name.

Where and how to relax on the Brijuni Islands in 2020. Attractions and entertainment, accommodation and hotels in Brijuni. Photos, reviews, map, routes.

The Brijuni Islands are a real piece of paradise hidden in the azure expanses of the Adriatic Sea. Majestic oaks, fragrant pines, delicate rosemary and olives create an atmosphere of natural harmony and incredible beauty on the islands. Luxurious hotels, expensive villas, a huge number of beach activities guarantee an elite class vacation for tourists.

How to get to Brijuni on your own

Brijuni National Park covers almost the entire territory of the archipelago and is located off the coast of Croatian Istria. The most convenient way to get there is by ferry or boat from Pula (more precisely, the village of Fazana in its vicinity). There is also a sea connection with Porec, but this is already a rather long boat trip, often organized by tourist offices.

Flights from Fazhana are regular transport links. Read more about how to get from Fažana to Brijuni,.

Brijuni islands on the map of Croatia

Pay attention to how Fazana is located in relation to Brijuni. The national park is separated from the village by a strait named after her. Its width is about 3 km.

Archipelago history

The first acquaintance of mankind with the islands happened in the Bronze Age several thousand years ago. For many centuries Celts, Romans, Illyrians, Ostrogoths and Byzantines fought for this beautiful natural corner. In 1893, the islands were taken over by Paul Kupelwieser. He began to develop the infrastructure of the islands and laid the foundation for their resort development.

The beauty and charm of the islands did not leave indifferent world famous personalities from different countries. At one time, many royals, statesmen and art stars preferred to spend their holidays in Brijuni.

Attractions of the Brijuni archipelago

Archaeological site in Brijuni National Park

This archipelago of Croatia has something to see and where to go in your free time from the beach. The main attraction of the Brijuni Islands is the National Park of the same name, which unites 14 islands of the archipelago. Acquaintance with this Croatian park will turn into a real adventure for you, during which you have to unravel the secrets of the charm of this wonderful corner and its main secrets:

  • Safari Park will give you an exciting journey on a small train, during which you can get acquainted with its exotic inhabitants.
  • Looking at ancient roman villa, you will be able to see archaeological finds found on the islands.
  • Walking through the park, you can enjoy its amazing natural beauty and even swim in the sea.
  • Scarecrow museum will introduce you to the fauna of our planet, and also tell you about the life of Joseph Broz Tito, who collected these unusual collections.
  • Ruins of an ancient Roman city in the Brijuni National Park will allow you to travel back in time and touch mysterious artifacts.
  • Will give a lot of delicious emotions walk through the ancient Quarry, stones from which are used today for the construction of facilities in the park.

Active holidays on the islands of Brijuni

You can walk in this park endlessly, in every sense - it is huge!

Panoramic view of the quaint islands of Brijuni (Istria, Croatia)

The coastal water area is simply created for diving - picturesque coral reefs, colorful schools of fish and mysterious underwater caves. Renting a boat will take you on an exciting island hopping trip. You can also challenge friends on the tennis court, throw a ball into a hole on the golf course, ride horses around the area or take a tour of the park in an electric car.

It will take an entire vacation to explore the Brijuni National Park up and down, by God! Therefore, it would be a good idea to immediately book a hotel in the island region.

Where to stay: accommodation and hotels in Brijuni

The Brijuni archipelago is often chosen as a holiday destination. There are excellent hotels and villas, the main advantages of which are privacy, closeness to nature and interesting leisure. But since Brijuni is a Croatian National Park, booking these hotels is not easy. If you decide to stay on the archipelago, take a look at the official website -

But we would recommend that you book a hotel in Fažana, which is located on the mainland, and from where regular boats run to Brijuni at intervals of 1-1.5 hours. The village is very picturesque, and is suitable for both relaxing holidays and excursions. The main advantages of Fažana are low prices, low population and proximity to the popular National Park.

See what nice hotels we found in Fažana:

  • Villa Nina 3 *. Villa with private pools close to the coastline. The hotel has 25 comfortable rooms with good views. The Brijuni Islands are 3.5 kilometers away. His page is at

    Villa Nina 3 * in Fažana (Pula, Istria)