What is included in the wonders of the world. Seven Wonders of the World

The classic list of the seven wonders of the world has been known to us since school days, when we studied ancient history. Only the pyramids of Egypt have survived to our times, which can be seen by anyone who visits this country. The Pyramid of Cheops at Giza is the only surviving wonder of the world. The rest of the wonders - the Colossus of Rhodes, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Lighthouse of Alexandria - collapsed over the centuries, some in fires and earthquakes, others due to floods.

The classic list of wonders of the world includes:

  1. Pyramid of Cheops (the burial place of the pharaoh of Egypt) - created by the Egyptians in 2540 BC. e. ;
  2. hanging gardens Semiramis in Babylon - created by the Babylonians in 605 BC. e. ;
  3. Statue of Zeus at Olympia - created by the Greeks in 435 BC. e.;
  4. Temple of Artemis in Ephesus (built in honor of the goddess Artemis in Turkey) - created by the Greeks and Persians in 550 BC. e.;
  5. Mausoleum in Halicarnassus - created by the Carians, Greeks and Persians in 351 BC. e.;
  6. The Colossus of Rhodes was erected by the Greeks between 292 and 280 BC. BC e.;
  7. Lighthouse of Alexandria - built in the IV century BC. e. lighthouse by the Greeks, and named after Alexander the Great.

All the photographs below with the wonders of the world are either models of how majestic buildings used to look, or what is left of them at the present time. It is a pity that they could not withstand natural disasters.

Some time later, cultural figures began to add additional sights, “miracles” to this list, which still surprise and inspire. So, at the end of the 1st century, the Roman poet Martial added only the rebuilt Colosseum to the list. After a while, in the VI century, the Christian theologian Gregory of Tours added the Ark and Temple of Solomon to the list of Noah.

Different sources mention different combinations of wonders of the world, for example, English and French writers and historians equated the catacombs of Alexandria, the Leaning Tower in Pisa, the porcelain tower in Nanjing, the Hagia Sophia Mosque in Istanbul to the wonders of the world.

New List of Wonders of the World

In 2007, a UN organization organized a vote to approve a new list of modern wonders of the world. Voted by telephone, Internet and SMS messages. And here's the final list:

Colosseum in Italy;
The great Wall of China;
Machu Picchu - ancient city the Incas in Peru;
Taj Mahal in India - a magnificent mausoleum-mosque in India;
Petra - the ancient city, the capital of the Nabatean kingdom, is located in modern Jordan;
a statue of Christ the Redeemer flying over Rio de Janeiro in Brazil;
the pyramids of Giza in Egypt;
Chichen Itza in Mexico, the ancient city of the Mayan civilization.

All of them have been preserved since ancient times, except for the statue of Christ the Redeemer, which was finally built in 1931 of the last century and has since become a symbol of Brazil and one of its largest cities - Rio de Janeiro.

How to see them?

The new list of wonders has been officially approved by the UN, and now everyone who travels to the country can see them. No one excursion route will not miss visiting these attractions. They are carefully preserved for future generations, but also used for modern needs.

For example, the Colosseum is known for its excellent acoustics. Famous singers and musicians from all over the world often perform there, operas are staged right in the open air.

The Taj Mahal is also open to tourists, but this is the tomb of the beloved wife of the padishah, so they only inspect it and admire the beauty of its architectural forms and internal painting.

Being in China and not visiting the Great Wall is considered simply indecent. Many excursions are led to it, but you cannot climb it: it is a huge obstacle course and it is dangerous to walk on it. Therefore, everyone is photographed at her sites in the most picturesque places.

The pyramids of Giza can be viewed from the outside and inside, and nearby you can see the grandiose statues of the ancient sphinxes.

Excursions to the ancient cities of Machu Picchu, Petra and Chichen Itza are extremely interesting, but physically difficult - you have to walk through the ruins for a long time. However, the rest of tourists in these countries is well organized, and you will not regret if you spend a day or two visiting these magnificent places.

Chichen Itza - the ancient city of the Mayan Indians

Why exactly 7 wonders of the world, and not 10 or 15?

As you have probably already noticed, people used to have a special attitude towards the magic number seven. Everyone knows that there are 7 holes on the human head - 2 eyes, 2 nostrils, 2 ears and a mouth. When a person sees seven objects at the same time, he can immediately count them with a glance, without even thinking, however, if there are more of them, he will have to count them in his mind.

Thus, because of seemingly such primitive conclusions, people began to strive to shine the amount of something to seven. For example, highlight 7 days in a week, seven colors in a rainbow, 7 tones in a sound range, and so on.

It is not at all surprising that the ancient Greeks singled out the Seven Wonders of the World, because the number 7 was the sacred number of Apollo, the god who patronized art.

The concept of “Seven Wonders of the World”, familiar to our ears, was born in antiquity, more than 2 thousand years ago. Since then, it has been uniting the famous creations of ancient architecture.

Let's remember what is included in these "miracles". After all, to this day they practically did not survive.

Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt

The only exception is the pyramid of Cheops. She is already 4.5 thousand years old, but she still impresses with her grandeur. Construction was carried out for 20 years, and tens of thousands of Egyptians and slaves participated in it. Another hundred thousand were busy delivering blocks. Construction was completed around 2560 BC.

They make up a pyramid - as it is estimated today - 2.5 million blocks. The most amazing thing is that they are not held together with cement or other binder. They are held together by a tight fit. Now the top of the pyramid of Cheops is destroyed. Before its height was 147 meters.

"Hanging Gardens" of Babylon in Iraq

The next miracle is the "hanging gardens" of Babylon. Their purpose was to please the beauty, the wife of King Nebuchadnezzar P
The gardens rose in four tiers. From a distance it seemed that they were rising above the ground. In fact, it was very difficult to build structures in which, like in huge pots, not only flowers and shrubs, but also trees would grow. Both stones and lead plates were used. It was also necessary to bring and pour here a sufficiently large layer of fertile land.
It is not surprising that in arid Babylon, such an oasis seemed like a real miracle.

Statue of Zeus in Greece

In Greece there was a third "miracle" - a statue of Zeus. In the 5th c. BC. a temple was built here in honor of the most important Greek god. Naturally, inside the temple was his statue. The 20-meter Zeus sat on the throne, overwhelming the believers with his splendor. It was not just a sculpture. The wooden body was covered with ivory. The robe of the god, of course, shone with gold.

Temple of Artemis in Turkey

Where the current Turkey lies, in the era of antiquity there was a temple of Artemis. It was built in the 6th century. BC. by order of King Croesus. The greatness and power of the goddess was to emphasize her statue. Ivory was the basis for the manufacture. As well as 127 tall columns, as if supporting a huge structure.
The temple was burned down in 356 BC. But forever remained in the memory of people.

Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Turkey

The next "miracle" was again in Turkey. This is the mausoleum at Halicarnassus. It became the tomb for Mausolus, the ruler of Caria, who lived in the 4th century BC. This structure, although inferior in height to the pyramid of Cheops, still reached a considerable height - 46 m. ​​It was framed by columns, and crowned with a statue of a chariot.

Colossus of Rhodes in Greece

The sixth "miracle" can be called the statue of the sun god - Helios. Its other name is the Colossus of Rhodes. This statue stood in Greece in the 3rd century BC. So the Greeks decided to thank their beloved god. They believed that it was Helios who helped them survive the fight against the invaders, survive the siege. In the hand of the young god was a torch, as if illuminating the way for ships sailing to the port of Rhodes and leaving it. Six and a half decades later, the statue was destroyed by an earthquake.

At the moment, they want to restore the statue to attract tourists.

By the way, in the famous series "Game of Thrones" there is a similar sculpture

Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt

The world also lost the seventh "miracle" as a result of the trembling of the soil. This is the lighthouse of Alexandria, which in the 3rd century BC. was in Egypt, on the island of Pharos. For that time it was a huge tower. According to historians, its height reached 120 m. But even more surprising was the way in which the lighthouse sent light to the ships. At its top, the attendants kept the fire burning, and mirrors made of metal in a special way directed the light into the distance.

Sailors who were 60 km from the port saw a distant spark in the night. It was a fire burning at the top of the lighthouse. The most difficult thing was to deliver enough firewood for the fire. For this purpose, carts and mules were used. They climbed up the spiral staircase.

In the series "Game of Thrones" they also beat their version Lighthouse of Alexandria

Even now, after thousands of years, we respect these creations of the hands of ancient masters. What can we say about how their contemporaries perceived them! Indeed, they were miracles, you can’t say better.

New "Seven Wonders of the World" of the modern world.

Since almost all of these incomparable creations have been lost, the Swiss Bernard Weber proposed to implement the New Seven Wonders of the World project. The results were announced on July 7, 2007. Magic number "7".

Great Wall of China in China

Of course, the Great Wall of China, which at one time protected the state from nomads, could not give the palm to anyone. The wall was also supposed to unite the empire that had just formed, to help its peoples unite.
The construction lasted for many years, in the most difficult conditions, when there were no roads, there were not enough necessary materials. But the result is great. There is no other such architectural structure on our planet. The wall stretches for 8851.8 km. Every year over 40 million tourists come to see this miracle.

Amphitheater Colosseum in Italy

The largest amphitheater, the Colosseum, which has survived from the time of Ancient Rome, and now is one of the main attractions of Italy, enjoys well-deserved fame. The name "Colosseum" also came from the word "colossus". To the Romans, the amphitheater seemed truly huge. After all, then the buildings reached a height of 8-10 m. Against their background, the Colosseum looked majestic. Once upon a time, thousands of guests flocked here to watch the famous gladiator fights.

The ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu in Peru

On the territory of the present state of Peru is the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu. Its location is unique - on the tops of the mountains, in the heart of the inaccessible Andes. Despite all the achievements of science, the secrets of Machu Picchu have not yet been fully unraveled. It is also called the "city among the clouds" and is associated with the name of the ruler of Pachacutec. The residence of the ruler, located at an altitude of 2450 m, was unattainable for enemies. And for those who were on earth, it seemed that it was fitting for the ruler to live next door to the gods. Most likely, the city was built in the 15th century. Even today you can go there along the path of ancient pilgrims, you just need to tune in to the fact that the hike will take several days.
But you will see a majestic spectacle - Mountain peaks and ancient city. Beauties of llamas also graze here.

Ancient city - Petra in Jordan

Another ancient city - Petra - is located in present-day Jordan. The peculiarity of this city is that it is carved out of stone. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to build it here in the Siq Canyon. Bare stones, sheer cliffs, narrow gorges - such a panorama opens up to the eyes of tourists. But even here people lived and fought with enemies. Truly, a person is able to inhabit any place!

Taj Mahal Temple in India

Compared to this ascetic haven of ancient people, the Taj Mahal temple in India seems to be a symbol of beauty and harmony. There is probably no better creation in Indian architecture. This temple is a mausoleum. It was built by order of Emperor Shah Jahan. His beloved wife died unexpectedly during childbirth, and the inconsolable husband decided to perpetuate her memory in this way - by erecting a most beautiful temple. Today there is not a tourist coming to India who would not like to see the Taj Mahal. This temple is located in the city of Agra.

Statue of Christ in Brazil

The sixth of the new wonders of the world was the statue of Christ in Brazil. On Mount Corcovado, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the merciful Lord spread His hands over the people. This is Christ the Redeemer. It is symbolic that when thunderstorms rage here, lightning often hits the statue. After all, she is the high point around. The height of this figure is 38 m, and it weighs more than 1145 tons. After a lightning strike, it is necessary to eliminate the damage caused to the reinforced concrete sculpture. Since they could not create such a huge figure in Brazil, they made the sculpture in France. Delivered it to Brazil in parts.

The seventh miracle was another ancient city of Chichen Itza. It belonged to the Maya Indians, and is located in Mexico. It was here that the Mayans gathered for prayers, and here, as nowhere else, they felt the presence of God. And today people feel awe, approaching the pyramids that were built by representatives ancient civilization. The most famous is the temple of El Castillo in honor of the god Kukulkan
All these sights, which have only recently received the proud status of "New Wonders of the World", have long become the true treasures of our cultural heritage. The flow of tourists does not dry out, eager to see these marvelous places with their own eyes. And it is gratifying that the “baton” of the ancient “miracles” was taken over by no less remarkable, but accessible for viewing, “new miracles”.

They are called "the new seven wonders of the world » , monuments that have won an international competition held by the New Open World Corporation, inspired by the list of the seven wonders of the ancient world. The initiative came from the Swiss director Bernard Weber.The vote was public, in which more than a hundred million people took part. It was the first mass voting via internet, phone and text messages in history, open to participants worldwide. The new wonders ceremony was broadcast live on over 160 television channels in over 170 countries. Of the seven wonders modern world, six have been declared World Heritage by UNESCO.

So, let's get acquainted with the seven new wonders of the world.

This wonder of the world is located in a narrow valley, on the edge of the Arabian Desert, between the mountains south of Dead Sea. The city of Petra was the capital of the Nabatean Empire, ruled by King Aretas IV (9 BC to 40 AD). The most famous remains of Peter are certainly his rock-cut structures; in particular the buildings known as Khazne (treasury) and Deir (monastery).

Petra, which means "stone" in Greek, survived for so many years thanks to the fact that most of its "buildings" were carved into solid stone walls. This is perhaps the most exciting ancient city that has stood up to today. It was discovered by the Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt in 1812. Petra has also been called an object world heritage UNESCO and is part of the New 7 Wonders of the World.

This new wonder of the world was built between 220 BC. and 1644 AD The purpose of this building was the need to link the existing fortifications into a single defense system in order to defend the country from the invasion of the Mongol tribes. It is the largest monument ever built by man and the only one visible from space. The wall is estimated to be 8,851 kilometers long, from the Korean border to the edge of the Yalu River in the Gobi Desert, and is 6 to 7 meters high and 4 to 5 meters wide. At the peak of the Ming era, more than one million warriors guarded the wall.

Declared a World Heritage Site in 1987, this monument is considered the largest cemetery in the world (about 10 million workers died during construction), and is now one of the new wonders of the world.

3. Taj Mahal in Agra

The Taj Mahal was created between 1631 and 1654 in the city of Agra, in the state of Uttar Pradesh on the banks of the Yamuna River, by order of Shah Jahan, the fifth Mughal emperor, in memory of his beloved late wife. This mausoleum consists of four minarets, each with over 13 floors. It is estimated that 20,000 workers were needed for its construction.

Constructed of white marble and set against gardens, this new wonder of the world is considered the ultimate gem of Muslim art in India, and combines elements of Indian, Persian, Islamic and even Turkish architecture. Please note that the Taj Mahal is on our list " «.

Interesting fact: The Mughal emperor Shah Jahan was deposed by one of his children and was finished contemplating and admiring the Taj Mahal from his window for the rest of his days.

4. Colosseum in Rome

Amphitheater of the Roman Empire, built in the first century, in the center of Rome. In ancient times it had a capacity for 50,000 spectators and was the largest amphitheater ever built in the empire. Construction began in AD 70 by Emperor Vespasian, was completed in AD 80 by Emperor Titus, and some changes were made during the reign of Domitian. The place is dedicated to public entertainment, such as gladiator fights, various performances, etc. Currently, it is not only one of the most famous, but also a new wonder of the world.

5. Chichen Itza in Mexico

7. Statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro

Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro is a symbol of love and a call to brotherhood. The statue is located at an altitude of 709 meters above sea level and is located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, on top of Mount Corcovado. The total height is 38 m, 8 belong to the pedestal. This new wonder of the world was built on October 12, 1931, after about five years of work.

The creation of this religious monument in the city was first proposed in 1859 by a priest Pedro Maria Boss and Princess Elizabeth. The idea was revived in 1921, on the eve of the centenary of Independence Day.


There are others in the world Beautiful places, which could have been on the New Seven Wonders of the World list, but didn't make it there. Therefore, I think it will be interesting to learn about them, at least in the photo.

  1. Pyramids of Giza in Cairo

Beautiful creations of nature and mankind in different centuries were considered the most amazing. But another era has come and today "I and the World" will show you the wonders of the world of our time.

At the beginning of the 21st century, they decided to update the list of the seven wonders of the world. To do this, almost 100 million people around the world voted for the wonderful creations of the planet. And in 2007, the results of a survey were announced, where the modern beauties of the Earth were presented.

How many and what curiosities have survived to this day? Let's start in order.

Colosseum (Italy)

Of all the buildings of that time, the Colosseum is the most grandiose and almost preserved to this day. Here, for the amusement of the citizens of Rome, hundreds of gladiator slaves fought and died, as well as many exotic animals.

The amphitheater is 57 meters high and 527 meters in circumference. A huge canopy was attached at the top, and everything inside was covered with marble. 36 elevators were raised manually by slaves, each with 10 people.

After 8 years, when the amphitheater was completed, a holiday was held in the arena that lasted as long as 100 days, and thousands of animals and hundreds of gladiators were killed in the arena. The entrance was free, so everyone could see the bloody spectacles, especially there were many women. Fights always began at dawn and ended when the last rays of the sun touched the horizon. And on holidays, everything went on for several days.

Great Wall (China)

The wall stretches across northern China for 8,851.9 km. Construction began in the 3rd century BC. e., where more than 1,000,000 people took part. Construction lasted 10 years, but there were too many problems: there were no roads, enough water and food for the builders, epidemics raged. As a result, local population rebelled against further construction and the ruling dynasty.

The next government that came to power continued construction. But this exhausted the people and the treasury, and the wall itself did not provide the protection that the authorities had hoped for. Enemies could easily penetrate weakly fortified places, or simply bribe the guards.

Ancient city in Peru

Machu Picchu - old lost city Inca", built high in the mountains. This city - one of the world's wonders - was built in the 15th century at an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level. The architecture of stone buildings harmoniously blended into the beauty of mountain landscapes.

Astronomical structures were invented in the city, allowing you to observe the heavenly bodies - this is a water mirror 0.92 by 0.62 m, a gnomon monolith and a temple resembling an observatory.

Fruits and vegetables, medicinal plants, coca (cocaine) were grown here. And higher in the mountains there were pastures of domestic animals and useful metals were mined here.

During the entire existence of the city, the Spaniards and other conquerors never managed to reach it. After the collapse of the Inca Empire, the inhabitants left the city and for 400 years it was in ruins.

Nabataean city

Ruins ancient Petra located at the crossroads of the trade routes of the Red and mediterranean seas. More than 800 sights could be admired in the city. The structure was considered an artificial oasis, built among rocks and sand, and consists almost entirely of stone buildings.

At one time, Petra was conquered by the Roman Empire, but after the fall of Rome, the city was forgotten for almost 2,000 years. And only at the beginning of the 19th century it was discovered by a Swiss traveler.

tomb in india

One of the most beautiful wonders Sveta - . The architecture smoothly intertwines Persian, Islamic and Indian styles. Construction continued for 21 years, day and night. The temple was built in honor of the beloved wife of Emperor Mumtaz Mahal who died during childbirth.

To build the tomb, building material was brought to India from all over Asia, and more than 20,000 workers built the temple. The building rises up to 74 meters. At one time, English soldiers and officials plundered the Taj Mahal, picking out precious stones from the walls of the temple. At the end of the 19th century, the tomb was reconstructed and modified, and the garden was given an English look.

A beautiful snow-white mausoleum with five domes and four minarets seems to hover over an artificial pond, reflecting on the water surface.

Statue of Christ (Brazil)

The famous 38-meter statue of Christ the Redeemer. Lightning strikes it regularly and therefore there are always stones nearby for restoration.

Every year, almost 2,000,000 tourists visit the huge monument to see not only it, but also the picturesque picture that opens at the foot of the statue. You can get to the top by motorway or railway with a miniature train. Funds for the construction of the statue were collected "by the whole world" and the work lasted about 9 years.

In the initial version, the pedestal was supposed to have the shape of a globe of the earth, but then they settled on the statue of Christ with outstretched arms in the form of a cross.

Sacred Mayan City (Mexico)

Chichen Itza is the sacred city of the Mayan peoples. People came to this place in the 4th century, and in the 10th century it was captured by the Toltecs and turned into the most powerful city of that time. In the 12th century, the city began to decline and gradually collapse. But it is still unknown why the inhabitants left the great city.

Beautiful buildings have survived to this day: the Kukulkan pyramid, dedicated to the God of winds and rains, the “Temple of Time”, ball games grounds (it is believed that the losing team was beheaded), the temple of the Warriors, the observatory, the Sacred Cenote for sacrifices.

The beautiful creations of mankind still delight with their beauty and originality. Maybe in many years there will be a new list of the seven wonders of the world, but for now we admire the photo and read the description of these beautiful structures.

See also video:

A lot is subject to modern man: people conquer outer space, reveal more and more new mysteries of nature - it’s impossible to list everything. It is more and more difficult to strike the imagination of modern man, because before his eyes the most daring dreams ever created by uncontrollable human imagination come true.

However, what today seems to be an extraordinary miracle and the pinnacle of creative thought, after a few decades will become as ordinary and familiar as, for example, television is for us now. Nevertheless, there are things that are capable of surprising regardless of time, which through many generations will be looked at with admiration and, probably, awe, as they are today. You probably guessed what I'm talking about "wonders of the world".

As you know, there were seven wonders of the world, which are now commonly called "wonders of the world of the ancient world." Only one of them has survived to this day - the legendary pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Therefore, at the initiative of the Swiss Bernard Werber, a project was organized to determine which of the existing structures and attractions are worthy of being called "wonders of the world."

The non-profit organization "New Open World Corporation" held a worldwide vote, which was attended by more than 90 million people around the world. Winners were chosen from several dozen contenders for the title of one of the seven wonders of the world, and the results of the competition were announced in Lisbon on July 7, 2007, on the “day of three sevens”.

So, we invite you to see photos of the new seven wonders of the world, as well as read their brief descriptions:

Location: China

This is the largest architectural structure in the world, the length of the wall is 8851.8 kilometers. was built to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire from nomadic raids. Today, the wall is considered to be one of the greatest structures ever built by man. This is the most visited attraction in the world - more than 40 million tourists a year come to the country to see the Great Wall of China with their own eyes. By the way, one of the sections of the wall passes near the capital of China - Beijing.

Location: Italy, Rome

This is the largest of the ancient Roman amphitheaters, a full-fledged symbol of the Eternal City, perhaps the most recognizable architectural monument in the world. Its second name - the Flavian Amphitheater - was received in honor of the Flavian dynasty, which then ruled in Ancient Rome and organized the construction of the amphitheater. At the Colosseum for a long time gladiator fights and other entertainment spectacles were held for guests and residents of Rome.

Location: Peru

The legendary ancient city of the Incas, located on the territory of modern Peru. Machu Picchu is nicknamed "the city among the clouds" due to its location - it is located on top of one of the mountain ranges, at an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level. The city was built by the Inca ruler Pachacutec as imperial residence- "sacred mountain shelter."

Location: Jordan

The famous stone-hewn city of Petra, located on the territory of modern Jordan. The city is located in the Arava valley, in the Siq canyon, surrounded on all sides by sheer cliffs. You can enter the valley only through narrow gorges, which are a kind of city gates. Most of the city's buildings are carved into the red sandstone rocks - even the name of the city "Petra" is translated as "rock". More than half a million tourists a year come to see mysterious city from stone. By the way, the final scenes of Steven Spielberg's famous film "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" were filmed right here in Petra.

Location: India

The mausoleum-mosque of the Taj Mahal, made of white marble, is located in the city of Agra in India, on the banks of the Jumna River. This is a real pearl of the Muslim world, the best example of architecture of Indian, Persian and Islamic styles. The magnificent mausoleum was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in honor of his wife who died in childbirth.

According to one of the legends, an absolutely identical building made of black marble was to be built on the opposite bank of the river, and a gray marble bridge was to connect them. Today, the Taj Mahal is visited by millions of tourists a year, it certainly deservedly took its place in the list of the new seven wonders of the world.

Location: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

The next wonder of the world is the magnificent statue of Christ the Redeemer at the top of Mount Corcovado in Brazilian Rio de Janeiro. The statue is considered a symbol of Rio and all of Brazil, one of the highest sculptures in the world. The height of the statue is 38 meters, the arm span is 30 meters, the weight of the statue is 1145 tons.

Location: Mexico, Yucatan

The ancient city of Chichen Itza is a political and Cultural Center Mayan state located on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. According to archaeologists, Chichen Itza was one of the religious centers, the so-called "places of power" of the Mayan culture.

Location: Egypt

Formally, the Pyramids of Giza are not among the seven new wonders of the world, but they are present here as an out-of-competition, honorary candidate. Pyramids of Egypt- the only one of the seven wonders of the world of the ancient world that has survived to this day. Excursions to the pyramids are regularly held from the capital of Egypt and are very popular with tourists.