What rules of hospitality do you know? Standards for meeting and receiving guests

Rules for receiving guests, information for schoolchildren

Hospitality has been valued at all times. But being a good host is not so easy. Judge for yourself. A friendly owner always warmly welcomes his guests, helps them undress, seats them, entertains them and treats them. The owner must be attentive to all his guests and find time for each of them. It is very important for him to introduce the guests to each other, make sure that they do not get bored and enjoy the communication. It is also important to be an attentive host, guessing the wishes of your guests. And, of course, the host should not spare the guests books, toys, treats, as well as his time and effort spent on the reception. It was not proper for him to complain about the difficulties and worries associated with preparing for the arrival of guests. And also - a tactful owner will never notice the mistakes and mistakes in the behavior of the guest and will never organize such games and entertainment in which he himself will seem like a fine fellow, and his guest - an incompetent one.

✏ Try to be a welcoming, attentive, helpful and generous host to everyone who comes to your home.

Remember these basic rules for receiving guests:

Prepare for the arrival of guests in advance. Think through everything to the smallest detail: where and how to accommodate guests, what to treat them with, how to entertain them. All preparations must be completed before the guests arrive.

When receiving guests, behave in such a way that they are happy and pleasant. Be nice. If you're in a bad mood, don't show it to your guests. Be careful and helpful. There is a rule: “The wishes of the guests are the law.”

Show each of the arriving guests to the room, introduce him to the friends gathered at your place.

When receiving gifts, do not put them aside indifferently. The gift should be immediately unwrapped, examined, thanked and expressed gratitude. If for some reason you don’t like the gift, do not show it under any circumstances - do not upset the person who tried to please you. If you are given something tasty, treat everyone around you first, and then try the treat yourself.

If guests are interested in your books, photographs, collection of coins, badges, stamps or postcards, show the collection to the guests, even if you are afraid that it will be spoiled.

If guests make a mess in the room that you carefully cleaned before their arrival, do not show your disappointment - you will have to clean it again when the guests leave. But even if one of your guests breaks or breaks something, don’t show that you’re upset. On the contrary, try to console this guest, because he already feels very awkward.

At the table, give all your attention to the guests. Show cordiality so that they feel that you are treating them sincerely. First offer each dish to the guests, and then take it for yourself. Make sure your guests don't sit with empty plates. Don't get up from the table if you see that the guests are still eating.

When seeing off guests, help them get dressed and open the door. And if you had a girl as a guest, you must accompany her home.

The concept of hospitality is a determinant of the service sector. Hospitality (reception of guests) is a complex service that has certain quality characteristics (consumer): the art of creating a positive image (of an organization, national characteristics etc.).

The provision of a service, its design and the service process itself have the ultimate goal of receiving guests. The concept of guest is fundamental to the concept of hospitality as a service industry and has historical roots.

Receiving a guest and hospitality are fundamental concepts of human civilization. Human life develops in a certain space, and the science of semiotics (Greek semeiotike - sign) divides the space of human life into two spatial fields: closed and open.

The desire to “equip” and create comfortable living conditions takes a person out of a “closed spatial field” into a “far” field for him. To be allowed to temporarily stay there, to receive support and assistance in exchange for a guarantee of the same attitude towards oneself - this is hospitality.

The English word hospitality comes from the Old French hospice, which means a place where travelers could receive shelter and food.

Today, no one doubts the facts that the basis of any service is hospitality, without which the service will seem callous and lifeless. For people far from the service sector, this phrase seems vague and non-specific.

Until recently, hospitality in dealing with visitors was forgotten and turned out to be one of the lost arts. The explanation for this is sought in the behavior of service personnel, ignoring the needs of visitors, or management’s excessive interest in making a profit. The list of such “reasons” is endless.

It turned out that in the context of the development of industrialization, passion for technological innovation (replacing people with machines) led to the belief that all contacts between consumers and service personnel should be minimized, since this would once and for all solve the problem of politeness and hospitality.

There is no doubt that machines are great assistants to humans. Computers in restaurant enterprises free up and save time for service personnel, which can be devoted to consumers of services. IN modern world Hospitality takes on a new concept.

Hospitality is a complex service that has certain consumer properties and creates a positive image of the establishment. A positive image in the hospitality industry should be created through the full use of all resources, a comfortable hospitality environment, hospitality strategy and concept. The overall interaction of hospitality conditions in a single technological process should be coordinated by the development of a hospitality model.

The hospitality model shows the relationships in the system “consumer - service - hospitality environment” (Fig. 2.1).

Figure 2.1 - Hospitality model

The hospitality environment is largely determined by external factors (economic, political, cultural, social) and the interaction of specialized factors (hospitality resources, hospitality industry, hospitality professions) (Figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2 - Factors influencing the hospitality environment

Economic and political factors have the greatest influence on the hospitality environment. Economic factors (inflationary processes, market conditions, exchange rates, etc.) indirectly affect both consumers of the hospitality environment and producers. This is expressed in the fact that consumers and producers compare and evaluate their capabilities in terms of the use of invested funds.

Political factors influence through the adoption by the state of laws and regulations (laws, regulations, directives, regulations, standards, etc.).

Cultural factors directly influence consumers and producers because both live and act in a society that modifies their behavior. Culture determines the values ​​of society as a whole.

Social factors influence the hospitality environment through the social position of consumers in society, expressing a person’s position, determined by his social role and status. By maintaining his status, the consumer will make certain demands on the hospitality environment.

Differentiation of society by social status has the opportunity to determine the influence of this factor on consumer behavior in the hospitality environment. The interaction of these factors is aimed at ensuring demand for the company’s products.

The foundation of the hospitality environment is resources, which include assessment natural resources on functional aspects, that is, on suitability for a certain type of service sector; on environmental aspects, taking into account the validity of the choice of territory; by psychophysiological comfort (in the absence of negative environmental influences); on aesthetic aspects, that is, the emotional impact of landscapes on the guest.

The consumer environment of hospitality is determined by the presence of demand and need for the service.

The production environment of hospitality is determined by the allocation of labor resources (living resources), the essence of which is to increase attention to the human factor. In the hospitality environment, the human factor plays a major role, influencing not only profitability, but also the economic mechanism of the service sector.

Increasing requirements for the quality of services involves the development of a commercial concept of hospitality, which is based on taking into account the dynamics of prices and services (Figure 2.3).

Figure 2.3 - Commercial concept of hospitality

The services of hospitality enterprises can be easily modified in accordance with the needs and demands of consumers. The determinant of the commercial concept of hospitality is repeat business. By analyzing the needs of such clients, it is possible to determine a hospitality strategy through the formation of an enterprise philosophy: its conceptualization, specialization, diversification and greening.

A modern strategy for providing services in the hospitality industry makes it possible to expand their range and is a means of both survival and finding new “market niches”.

Therefore, to maintain its position in the market, a hospitality enterprise must introduce innovative technologies.

Hospitality is courtesy and cordiality in receiving guests. This expression can be represented as the following hospitality formula:

Hospitality = Dignity + Respect + Courtesy

Hospitality is a harmonious combination of service production, comfortable leisure environment and responsible behavior of service personnel in order to meet the needs of guests while guaranteeing their safety, physical and psychological comfort.

A service is the result of direct interaction between the performer and the consumer to satisfy the latter’s needs.

According to their functional purpose, services are divided into material and socio-cultural (the former ensure the restoration of consumer properties of products or the production of new ones according to consumer orders, the latter ensure the maintenance and restoration of health, spiritual and physical development, and improvement of professional skills).

Service quality is a set of characteristics of a service that determine its ability to satisfy the established or expected needs of the consumer.

The standard of service is the requirements established by the institution for the services that this institution provides.

The internal environment of hospitality establishments is formed under the influence of factors: the structure of the enterprise, the culture of its organization, resources. The external environment of hospitality establishments is formed under the influence of factors that influence not directly, but indirectly, such as economic, political, legal, socio-demographic, technological, etc. The external environment of hospitality enterprises is made up of factors related to this enterprise - power, financial and other structures, shareholders, suppliers, consumers, the public.

The competitiveness of hospitality establishments is, first of all, the effective functioning of the economic system of an enterprise that has resource potential and is capable of ensuring the quality of consumer demand.

Service quality is a set of process characteristics and service conditions that ensure satisfaction of consumer needs.

Impeccable service means - affability, friendliness, awareness, politeness, stability, personal contact with the consumer, gaining trust.

The hospitality industry is the activity of providing services for the purpose of making a profit.

Hospitality technology is the process of producing services, the quality of which is determined by creating comfortable conditions in the hospitality environment, showing personal attention to the guest, and ensuring a positive image of the enterprise.

The service delivery process is a process of information interaction between the consumer and service personnel, which determines the final results of hospitality.

The positive results of hospitality influence the increase in the flow of regular consumers of the enterprise, the expansion of its popularity, and increased profits.

The hotel provides services to domestic and foreign guests. Therefore, the strict rule for staff is to respect any cultural traditions and ways of thinking, as well as a willingness to communicate without interference. The pride of any hotel is its staff who can speak different languages ​​and produce good impression on the guest with the level of their knowledge and flexibility of communication.

The goal of the service staff is to create an open, friendly atmosphere, therefore, addressing the guest by name, any hotel employee can achieve his favor. Guests and employees should build their relationships on mutual respect, becoming equal business partners. It is necessary that every guest can contact any hotel employee with his problems and concerns and his expectations will be met. This level of service is a guarantee of success and competitiveness in the hotel services market. It is necessary to take care of the guest at all times. Each member of the hotel team becomes one with the services the hotel provides.

The culture of behavior of a hotel employee contains all the components of a person’s external and internal culture, namely: the rules of relationships and treatment, the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts, and compliance with speech etiquette. Politeness testifies to a person’s culture, his attitude to work and to the team. It is very important for a hotel worker to be tactful in relations with guests and constantly remember to respect the person.

The tactful behavior of hotel workers consists of a number of factors. The main one is the ability not to notice mistakes and shortcomings in the behavior of guests, not to focus attention on them, not to show excessive curiosity about their clothes, customs, and traditions. You cannot ask unnecessary questions, talk about your affairs, or be intrusive. You cannot show a guest whether you like him or not, make unnecessary comments, read morals, express various complaints, or ask guests about their personal lives. Employees must also behave tactfully towards visiting guests - they cannot ask them about the purpose of the visit, or enter the room without the permission of the resident.

If a guest is sick, you need to help him get medicine and call. You need to be especially attentive and tactful towards older people and forgive their shortcomings - after all, they are often inattentive, forgetful and vulnerable.

Dignity and modesty are mandatory character traits for a hotel worker.

The culture of behavior and communication is also related to the concept of speech culture. A hotel worker must be able to competently and clearly express his thoughts. The culture of speech, like the tone, must be constantly monitored. The culture of speech etiquette presupposes not only the ability to speak, but also the ability to listen. Listening carefully to your interlocutor without interrupting him, and at the same time showing sincere sympathy is an art.

The necessary conditions for meeting and relaxing tourists must be created in the hotel lobby. Hotels should have broad information about the availability, location and operating hours of services, including hairdressing salons, watch repairs, developing and printing photographic materials, rental of cultural and household items, kiosks selling newspapers, souvenirs, books, etc., and as well as advertising and information materials (booklets, brochures, directories) in the languages ​​of the main hotel guests. All service points and services must be provided with visual information (signs, plaques, inscriptions) indicating the names of services and their operating hours in local and English.

Hotel rooms should be provided with hotel booklets, branded lettering paper, envelopes, a list of additional services, a directory of service telephone numbers, fire safety instructions in the languages ​​of the main hotel guests and in English.

The quality of room preparation, the serviceability and completeness of equipment, the availability of advertising and information material, and toiletries must be checked by the administration. Checking guests into unprepared rooms is unacceptable.

Hotel service technologies. Increasing customer loyalty

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Along with the growth of the hotel industry in Russia, there is an intensification of competition between hospitality enterprises. And although the requirements for order and quality of service are standard, hotel guests still feel the difference in service. How to organize hotel services in order to attract and retain as many guests and organizations renting conference rooms for business events as possible?

Hotel service technology is a set of services provided to the guest and provided in a certain sequence: from room reservation to check-out, from transfer to food delivery to the room. Behind each of these services there is a whole system of prescribed actions and rules, without which it is difficult to expect an increase in customer loyalty, and therefore an increase in profits.

Let's see what criteria for choosing a hotel guide clients on a repeat visit:

  • in the first place is nothing more than compliance with hotel service standards,
  • on the second - the location of the hotel employees towards the client,
  • on the third - the design and interior of the hotel.

The generally accepted criteria for the quality of customer service in a hotel are:

  • warning the guest's expectations;
  • stability of work;
  • personnel competence;
  • understanding and responsiveness of employees;
  • their availability for contact;
  • timely informing the guest;
  • ensuring security;
  • attentive and individual approach to every client.

The quality of hotel service is the cornerstone of the entire hospitality industry, so let's look at how it affects the hotel's profit.

How service quality affects profits

Improving the quality of service in a hotel and maintaining it at a consistently high level is a difficult and costly task. But carrying out all the necessary measures in this direction pays off and brings an increase in the profitability of the hotel with a competent approach to innovation. After all, if a client leaves the hotel completely satisfied with the service, then not only he himself can become a source of permanent income in the future, but also his friends, colleagues, and relatives to whom he will recommend this hotel.

Thanks to research, it is known that winning a new client requires 5 times more costs than retaining an existing one. And this difference includes, first of all, the costs of a set of marketing activities. This is one of the important evidence in favor of improving service.

To improve customer service in a hotel, it may be necessary to introduce additional services. For example, the introduction of online booking in an average Russian hotel increases its profit by 8%, profitability by 24%, and delivery of orders from the bar to the room (room-service) allows you to increase profits by 6%.

Needless to say, it is necessary to carry out financial calculations that will show how much money should be spent on increasing the quality of services and how long it will take for it to return to the pocket of the hotel owner.

For those who do not want to change anything in the quality of service, there are quite indicative statistics. It was found that 91% of dissatisfied customers never return to the hotel and tell at least nine other customers about negative experiences, but 54-70% of visitors will come again if their complaints were satisfied, and if problems were resolved immediately, then this figure can reach 95 %.

Hotel service standards

High-quality service for guests at a hotel means strict adherence to service standards.

There are several levels of service standards:

  1. International standards.
  2. Russian standards of domestic associations.
  3. State (national) standards.
  4. Internal standards of the enterprise.

International service standards developed by organizations such as IH&RA, UNWTO, ICCA, UFTAA/FUAAV, PATA, give the most general instructions for serving hotel customers. In particular, hotel employees should not argue with the client and prove that they are right, but should listen carefully and kindly to the guest’s complaints and respond to them immediately. Among the domestic associations in the hospitality industry, one can highlight the Russian Hotel Association (RGA).

National standards, or GOSTs, determine the conditions of safety and hygiene in hotels, the responsibility of the enterprise, the procedure for resolving complaints and general recommendations for the quality of tourist services (comfort, aesthetics, ethical staff, etc.).

But in order for universal service standards to be met, it is necessary step by step instructions for each employee. These job descriptions are developed and compiled by the hotel management based on the internal standards of the enterprise. Ultimately, each employee of the enterprise receives a clear “Specialty Guide”, which strictly stipulates: dress code, manner of communication with clients, methods and volume of providing information about services, methods of responding to unforeseen situations.

But drawing up a document is not enough; continuous monitoring of execution is necessary job descriptions, one of the measures of which is surveying customers, analyzing their complaints, the incognito (“mystery guest”) method, in which a group of trained specialists (experts) impartially evaluate the quality of service in the hotel according to a number of indicators based on the principles of complete secrecy and surprise.

Organization of services in hotels

To improve the quality of service and customer loyalty, such forms of hotel service as additional services, promotions and special offers are being introduced, and special customer loyalty programs are being developed, which can be:

  • various types of discounts: children, tourist groups, regular customers;
  • savings cards, bonus programs - when a client receives points for ordering services, which are then transformed into discounts; bonus days of stay and other special conditions are provided;
  • individual programs and privileges- when a hotel accumulates information about regular customers and builds an individual service strategy depending on their requirements and preferences;
  • corporate client service programs, which may include a free transfer, a special discount system, assistance in organizing conferences, excursions, and business lunches.

In various promotions and special offers usually include:

  • organization of entertainment events, celebrations;
  • programs for servicing business events;
  • programs for newlyweds, VIPs;
  • weekend promotions;
  • prize draws;
  • seasonal sales;
  • benefits for certain categories of clients.

Additional services can be divided into three categories:

  • always free: calling an ambulance, using a first aid kit, waking up at a set time, meeting reminders, providing boiling water, sewing supplies, one set of dishes per room, board games;
  • usually free: Internet access, calling a taxi, luggage delivery to the room, access to the business center, providing information about places of entertainment in the city, posters of cultural events;
  • paid: organization of excursion services by hotel staff, sale of souvenirs, organization catering, household services (repair and cleaning of clothes and shoes), fitness center, children's room, Spa treatments, provision of halls and equipment for conferences, translation services, transport services at the hotel and much more.

The list of additional services and special offers can be huge, but the main requirement for them is relevance and necessity for a particular hotel. If in luxury hotels a gym or spa is a matter of course, then in three-star hotels such services are unlikely to be of interest to anyone. Strive to use service technologies that will be unique to your city, modern and in demand by the majority of your guests.

Hotel design and interior: how to stay on top

An important part of the hotel's atmosphere is its interior. Furniture should not only be comfortable, functional and beautiful, but also neat. Few people find worn, shiny seats attractive, so furniture care is one of the many issues that hotel management has to keep under constant control. Convenient modern solution- removable furniture covers made of elastic fabrics that can withstand large number machine washable.

Among the many companies on the market, Eurocase can be distinguished. The company sells furniture covers for classic and designer furniture, as well as rugs, bedspreads, and decorative pillows at affordable prices, with which you can give your interior a finished look. Each case comes with instructions to help train staff. Stained or damaged covers can be changed in a few minutes, which is especially important when cleaning the room before moving in new guests or, for example, preparing a conference room for an event. If your hotel allows pets, furniture covers are a must. Prices are quite affordable, especially in light of the fact that perfect order in a hotel is always noted by guests, increases their loyalty, and ultimately, profits. A cover for a chair can be purchased from about 1,690 rubles, for a shell chair - from 2,590 rubles, for a straight sofa - from 2,990 rubles, for a corner sofa - from 7,900 rubles.


Work of hotel staff with clients

Professional ethics of hotel workers

Hotel employees must be outwardly neat, polite, attentive and helpful towards visitors - this is a rule that must be strictly observed. But the specifics of the hotel business are such that conscientious fulfillment of one’s duties is not enough. The professional skills of hotel workers are determined by a high culture of service, which includes tactfulness, friendliness, knowledge of psychology, and the ability to comply with international etiquette, and much more.

Professional ethics are rules of conduct that determine a specific type of moral relationship in a particular field of activity. The professional ethics of workers in the hospitality industry is primarily related to the culture of service. Hospitality workers should have a whole range of positive qualities. Let's name some of them.

Efficiency - the ability to effectively build your work schedule and improve its quality; an essential part of work culture.

Unity of word and deed and discipline - correspondence between the words of staff and their specific deeds, punctuality, adherence to labor discipline and routine.

Conscientiousness - awareness of actions and skills, conscientious performance of duties.

Honesty - loyalty to accepted obligations, conviction in the rightness of one’s cause, sincerity before others and oneself.

Being organized means doing your job efficiently.

Respect - recognition of the dignity of the individual, perhaps more complete satisfaction of people's interests, attentiveness to other people's beliefs, sensitivity, delicacy, modesty.

Politeness - attentiveness, outward manifestation of goodwill towards everyone, willingness to provide a service to those who need it, delicacy, tact.

Decent manners are an accurate measure of outward behavior.

Self-control is the ability to control emotions and suppress irritability.

Correctness - balance, friendliness; in a tense situation, if a guest expresses dissatisfaction, answer him calmly, clearly, without raising his voice; correctness will certainly cool the ardor of any overly emotional person.

Tactfulness is the need to take into account a specific moral situation. The best expression of staff tact is the ability to be invisible, to hide your bad mood or busyness in the presence of a guest. It is tactless to make comments or give instructions to subordinates in front of strangers.

Tolerance is the desire to achieve mutual understanding and coordination of disparate interests and points of view through methods of explanation and persuasion.

It is important to master an arsenal of ways and means to attract consumers specifically to your enterprise. You should listen to wishes and accept orders for services with full awareness of their importance for the client. You must be able to unobtrusively offer your services, anticipate the guest’s wishes, and not rush to make promises to fulfill this or that request if you are not sure that you can fulfill it.

When meeting foreign tourists, you need to show hospitality, but do it with dignity, respecting the morals and customs of your country. One of the meanings of the word “culture” is a high level of development and skill. A culture of service is impeccable honesty and accuracy, the ability to value other people’s time and your own, and the ability to hide your bad mood or busyness in the presence of guests.

The manager of a hotel must fulfill the main requirements of official etiquette: determine the correct style of relationships in the team, be an example of a conscientious attitude to business. It is impossible to improve service culture without advanced training and mastering advanced work methods. The level of staff training must correspond to the level of services provided. Hotel reception workers need knowledge of at least one foreign language. The staff of high-class hotels must have sufficient knowledge of at least two languages ​​of international communication.

At least once every five years, production, maintenance, administrative, managerial and technical personnel are recertified to confirm or improve their qualifications. At least every three years, professional retraining of tourism enterprise employees should be carried out through advanced courses under a special program.

The appearance of the personnel includes uniforms, a badge indicating their position, first and last name. The head waiter's uniform is distinguished by special decoration or the inclusion of a tailcoat or tuxedo. The ability to “unravel” the psychology of guests is an essential element of professional ethics. An important key to improving work culture is staff interest in their work.

An employee of a tourist complex must be able to create an atmosphere of hospitality and kindly fulfill the requests of clients so that they will use the hotel’s services more than once. This fact will be convincing evidence of a high level of service. Speaking about the culture of behavior, one should point out a number of character traits of a person on which his behavior depends. Yu. F. Volkov identifies the following character traits necessary for a hotel worker.

A sense of tact is the ability to behave in different situations not only in accordance with general rules of behavior, but also in a way that satisfies aesthetic and ethical requirements. A tactful person tries to prevent situations that create awkwardness. Tactfulness requires that a person refrain from interfering in other people's affairs unless this threatens society, himself or anyone else.

A tactful person moves and behaves modestly, never disturbing or annoying. He does not emphasize his superiority or social status. He is not pompous or cheeky, adapts to any situation, and always takes into account those around him and the situation. A tactful person does not show dislike for a person and does not show excessive sympathy that could embarrass others. It is tactless to emphasize your busyness, fatigue, anxiety, bad mood or excessive elation.

Politeness should be considered as a form of relationships with other people, compliance with the rules of decency, courtesy, and respect accepted in society. It expresses respect for people, gives the opportunity to various forms show your kind attitude towards another person, acquaintance and stranger, old and young, leader and subordinate, guest and colleague.

Politeness is manifested in welcoming words and gestures, in the form of addressing each other, in good wishes, courtesy and the ability to sacrifice one’s own comforts and benefits, paying attention to others and taking into account their interests, in readiness to come to the rescue, to provide a service, in respect for elders, in the tone of speech, in observing accepted rules of decency, etc.

Due to the specific nature of hotel service, there are some exceptions to generally accepted forms of politeness. So, for example, doormen and luggage carriers should not be the first to offer their hand when greeting, or take off their headdress, since it is part of the uniform, emphasizing that given time the person is on duty. Doormen are required to greet the guest while standing, either with a bow or words of greeting. The luggage carrier, greeting the guest, immediately offers his services to bring his things, without waiting for a request, but one should not, however, snatch things from his hands, pick them up and carry them without the consent of the owner.

The reception staff (administrators, receptionists, workers who pay residents for services) in the vast majority of hotels consists of women. Their work involves filling out documents and keeping records, but it is not allowed to meet or greet a guest while sitting. The high culture of service and hotel etiquette oblige the reception to be standing, which emphasizes special attention to the guest.

The politeness of an administrator is manifested in attention, the ability to listen, provide a service, and give the necessary information. Inattention to the guest, rudeness and harshness in treatment are evidence of ignorance and low culture. A manifestation of politeness is the ability of a hotel administrator to tactfully end a conversation with a guest, resolving all issues with him, and only after that turn to another person waiting. If the other person had to wait a while, you should apologize for the delay. Since there may often be several visitors at the reception desk (desk) in large hotels at the same time, it is necessary in such cases for other service workers to immediately attend to the waiting guest.

Accommodation service workers must remember that when placing a consumer hotel services filling out all types of forms and arrival sheets is the responsibility of hotel staff. The client only signs them. Availability of cards containing full information about the client, information about his first stay at the hotel will allow the staff to better receive and serve the client, largely anticipating wishes. At the same time, this helps to carry out ongoing work with the client, sending him information about the hotel (new services, etc.), congratulations on his birthday, holidays.

Service personnel on residential floors should greet the arriving guest only while standing, greet him first and be ready at the same moment to escort him to the room allocated for him. During daylight hours, the guest is invited to enter the room first; a hotel representative, if necessary, enters second. If the room is dark, a hotel employee enters first, turns on the light and invites the guest. You don't need to stay in your room for long. You should invite the guest to provide the necessary services, wish him have a good rest and then leave the room.

During the stay, if the guest is in the room, staff should not enter the room, even if this is due to routine cleaning of the room. In cases where visiting the room is caused by an emergency (accident, violation of the rules of residence, etc.) or a guest’s request, you should knock on the door or call the phone, asking permission to enter. If there is no answer, knocking or calling again is permissible only after a few minutes (3-10 minutes), depending on the urgency and need.

Politeness in a hotel also presupposes consideration. The maid on the floor, without waiting for a request, will help the elderly or disabled and pay more attention to them. If the hotel's water or heating is turned off for technical reasons, it will warn the clientele in advance verbally or through an announcement about the lack of water for a certain period. Informing guests about the practical solution of the hotel administration to the inconveniences created is mandatory. The resident is either transferred to another room (where there is water), or until the damage is repaired, water is delivered to the room by hotel staff in containers provided for such cases.

An attentive accommodation service employee (or floor staff) will introduce newly arrived clients to the rules, remind them of the most important requirements for guests, and list the main services provided. An employee interested in good customer service will ask in advance about the services he is interested in: whether he needs to iron or wash his shirt, whether it is necessary to book tickets for way back, do you need breakfast in your room? The courtesy will also be reflected in recommending the service he needs or performing it.

The ability to listen is one of the main criteria of service culture. Administrators and maids on the floors must be extremely attentive to the speaking client. Listening is a difficult and challenging task. But it is important to understand that in establishing trusting contact, the main role belongs to the speaker. If the administrator does not know how to listen, he will not focus on the essence of the conversation and will give a subjective assessment individual facts and will show irritability about what was said.

Nobility is the ability to sacrifice personal interests for the benefit of others, to act honestly, openly, courageously, and not to humiliate yourself for the sake of personal gain. Nobility is when good is done quietly, not for the sake of recognition and rewards. Every person wants to be taken into account, to have his opinion listened to, and to be consulted. All these are signs of respect that others have for him.

Respect is a feeling of respect based on recognition of the merits and high qualities of someone. Workers in the service industry need to constantly remember this. People are respected not only for a special gift or talent, but also for their ability to work, for truthfulness, for those moral qualities that they can develop in themselves and earn the respect of others.

Of great importance is concern for order, silence, and compliance with the rules established in the hotel. A hotel employee must be able to politely warn the guest about the inadmissibility of violation of order and stop various manifestations of such violations. When leaving the hotel, guests say goodbye to the staff, thank them for their hospitality, and wish them all the best. The employees, in turn, are obliged to thank the guest for visiting their hotel and wish him a good trip.

An employee in the hotel service industry should also have such an important trait as correctness. As one of the forms of relationships between people, correctness presupposes the ability to behave in any situation in accordance with generally accepted rules of decency. Thus, correctness is a more formal, emphasized manifestation of politeness. Correctness is especially necessary if, for some reason, unfavorable relationships between people have arisen or developed. In a hotel, there may be cases when citizens living in it can emphasize their disdainful attitude towards the service staff, the maid, the waiter as a dependent category of people. To remain correct means to maintain your dignity, to emphasize your moral superiority.

A hotel worker must cultivate restraint - the ability to manage his emotional reactions, preventing the development of negative emotions under the influence of the huge variety of characters of the people he meets. Manifestations of fatigue, inertia, inattention, as well as excessive agitation and harshness are unacceptable not only in the expressions themselves, but also in the tone of speech, in movements, emotions, facial expressions, and irony. All this can insult and humiliate another person, as well as the dignity of the hotel employee himself.

For the prestige of a hotel and restaurant, such a form of etiquette as punctuality is very important. Punctual - an employee who is very precise and careful in performing services. All meetings, farewells, transport orders, delivery of breakfast, lunch to the room, wake-up calls must be done on time. The larger the clientele, the more accurate hotel employees must be. A punctual and tactful employee will clean the room in advance and put himself in order. There is no more tactless attitude towards customers than late service.

Hotel etiquette

Etiquette- these are norms and rules that reflect ideas about the proper behavior of people in society. This concept is close in sound to the word “Ethics”. However, ethics includes a system of moral and ethical standards as a whole. Etiquette regulates precisely the external manifestations of a person in relationships with other people.

Accordingly, hotel etiquette includes

  • rules of conduct for guests;
  • rules for how staff treat guests;
  • office etiquette that regulates the relationships of employees with each other, managers with subordinates, with customers and partners.

Let's look at them one by one.

Rules of behavior in hotels and inns for guests.

The basis of any rules of conduct, including in a hotel, are the general principles of politeness, tact and respect for others. These norms are universal: they work in any country and apply to absolutely everyone.

As for tourists and the rules of their behavior, friendliness and friendliness will not hurt at all stages of interaction with hotel staff and other guests.

  1. Before calling a hotel to book a room, you must familiarize yourself with the living conditions, services provided, and hotel rules. Especially if an establishment has been operating for many years, it, in addition to general rules and norms, may have its own traditions and principles.
  2. If your plans or duration of stay change, you should notify the administration in advance.
  3. The question that often becomes problematic for tourists is whether to tip and for what. General rule: you should give service personnel a “tip” in cases where they provide additional service, which is not obligatory for him. For example, if a hotel doorman helps carry things from the car to the hotel.
  4. Another important issue of etiquette is how to address staff: “you” or “you”? In most foreign countries, tourists are unlikely to be puzzled by this question, since in many languages ​​there is no difference between these two concepts.

In Russia, the general rule of politeness is to address everyone as “you” strangers. However, there may be exceptions here too. Currently, the majority of tourists are young people, who are lenient about both the status of the hotel (“the main thing is inexpensive”) and issues of etiquette. In Yekaterinburg, for example, in economy class hotels young people often work in the same way and maintain a relaxed atmosphere communication. Naturally, the higher the class of the hotel, the more unlikely it is to hear someone addressing you as “you”.

  1. When communicating it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics interlocutor: national mentality, gender, age and others. This is especially worth paying attention to when visiting countries where Sharia law applies or the way of life is fundamentally different from the usual.
  2. And, of course, in any country one should not forget about general rules decency: say hello when meeting, do not make noise after 22:00, do not smoke in non-designated places, and others. For example, a woman should not open the door in her underwear to the waiter who brought the order to the room. Just like a man, by the way.
  3. In most hotels, it is considered indecent to wear a swimsuit or swimming trunks indoors, much less to visit a restaurant in this form.
  4. Information about the rules in force in each particular hotel can always be obtained from its receptionist.

Rules for how staff treat guests

The ethical attitude of service personnel towards hotel guests and visitors has a positive effect on the overall quality of service, is remembered by clients for a long time and is one of the decisive factors in the formation of the image hotel company.

1) In relation to staying guests and visitors, any hotel employee must be attentive, polite and friendly. This is important for all types of interaction: both in person and when talking on the phone. For example, if a client called a hotel to book a room, a polite address will leave him with a pleasant impression and confirm his desire to visit this particular hotel.

2) When communicating with customers, staff should adhere to the rule “The customer is always right.” You should not take criticism with hostility, deny your guilt, argue and prove something. If a hotel guest has complaints, it is better to listen to them calmly, agree and offer some kind of solution. The ideal would be to reach a compromise. And if it is impossible, then better for the guest give in.

Studies have shown that one dissatisfied guest takes about four customers with him. But the success and profit of the entire hotel depends on everyone, including the salary of each employee.

3) When meeting guests, it is necessary to help them get comfortable in the room, tell them about the structure of the hotel, the rules of residence and the services provided in it. It is also worth familiarizing the guest with the equipment of the room. Hotel services should be offered unobtrusively, but in a way that informs and interests the client.

For example, in Yekatarinburg, prices for hotels and the services offered in them vary greatly, just as the range of services and the quality of the services offered vary. The client must have a good idea of ​​what he should expect when staying in this particular hotel.

4) The rules of hospitality require meeting and seeing off guests. If the client visited the hotel manager’s office, it is necessary to escort him at least to the door, and preferably to the elevator or exit from the hotel. If the guest had to wait, you should definitely apologize.

5) The staff should thoroughly study the information about their hotel in order, if necessary, to help the guest navigate, as well as resolve any questions and problems that arise.

6) Employees must be sensitive to the personal lives of hotel guests. Do not show immodesty or inappropriate curiosity. The hotel room temporarily becomes a home for the client, so you should always knock when entering the room and observe other standards of decency so as not to violate the right to personal life and space. Do not discuss guests with anyone.

7) The appearance of hotel employees must be impeccable. After all, as you know, one meets people “by their clothes”, and their attitude towards a person is formed from the very first glance at him. The staff judges the establishment as a whole.

For example, in Yekaterinburg, even in economy class hotels they are very careful in choosing clothes and appearance workers in all service sectors. In luxury hotels this issue is fundamental.

8) It is very important to always set yourself up for a positive attitude towards what is happening. Treats his work with love and attention, shows conscientiousness and does not show others a bad mood.

A smile generally relieves tension and can be a solution to many issues.

Office etiquette, as already mentioned, is a system of interpersonal relationships in the work team, relationships between employees, between managers and subordinates, with partners, customers and clients. It affects both the relationships between employees, the atmosphere within the team, and the reputation of the hotel among its clients and partners.

Tasks of office etiquette:

  • determine and ensure a high professional level of reception and customer service in hotels;
  • assist in solving production issues of the enterprise;
  • create a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team;
  • to form a positive attitude on the part of clients and partners, the basis of a good reputation.

Questions of official etiquette arise for every employee already at the stage of placement and hiring.

Every potential hotel employee should realistically assess their strengths when applying for a job at a hotel, including their ability to communicate politely and kindly, and the ability to resolve difficult issues without conflict when interacting with colleagues and clients.

Otherwise, the rules of etiquette for hotel staff are similar to corporate standards of behavior for any other enterprise:

1) each employee must carefully study his duties and treat his work conscientiously;

2) you should be friendly with everyone, do not complain, do not gossip and do not join “groups”;

3) do not enter into too close relationships with colleagues of the opposite sex;

4) in controversial situations and when solving problematic issues, remain polite and calm, speak only to the point, do not blame, but offer your solution;

5) not engage in extraneous activities during working hours;

6) do not engage in anything that is unpleasant to others;

7) treats colleagues and clients with respect.

There are separate rules for communicating by phone:

1) if the client called to find out about the hotel, clarify details or book a hotel, it is necessary to give him comprehensive information about the living conditions and all services of the hotel;

2) when talking on the phone, you must speak directly into the receiver, loud enough, clearly and intelligibly;

3) before picking up the phone, you need to get rid of irritation (for example, exhale sharply), talk calmly and kindly, smile;

4) during communication, listen carefully and interestedly to the interlocutor, answer the questions posed briefly and specifically;

5) In response to rudeness, be restrained and correct;

6) If during a conversation with a client the connection is lost or you are disconnected, the caller must call back. However, in a hotel it is better for a hotel employee to do this.

7) it is not ethical to tell clients and visitors “I don’t do that.” Polite would be: “I will try to help you” and connect you with the right specialist.

Special rules of etiquette exist for hotel managers. The head of not only a hotel, but also any enterprise, from the first days of his work is under the close attention of his employees, clients and partners. They judge the status and level of the institution by it, and they are not guided by it in their work. Therefore, ethical standards and compliance with official etiquette are necessary for the leader first of all.

Tact, politeness, respect for all hotel employees and the duties they perform, equidistance, absence of “favorites” - these are the “golden” rules of a good hotel manager. He is at the head of the process of creating a comfortable psychological climate in the team, sets an example and inspires work.

So we looked at hotel etiquette in all its manifestations: rules of behavior for guests, rules for how staff treat guests and official etiquette that regulates relations within the hotel team. This value system determines the relationship between guests and service staff, influences the atmosphere within the team and, ultimately, the reputation of the hotel as a whole.

Where does hospitality begin |

Kristina Gavrilenko

The reception service is one of the most important structural units of any hotel. Providing quality service largely depends on the professionalism of the employees of this department. They are the ones who interact with customers every day, forming their opinion about the hotel. No matter how well other departments function, if the client does not like the work of the reception service, the hotel experience will be spoiled.

Based on the comments of experts, we will try to figure out how to achieve optimal performance of the reception desk, what knowledge the staff needs and why some mistakes become classic

The main goals of the reception and accommodation service (hereinafter referred to as SP&R) coincide with the main “mission” of the entire hotel, which is to provide high quality guest services. SPiR is the link between the client and other structural divisions of the hotel.

The primary tasks assigned to SPiR are:

Meeting, registering and checking out guests;
number distribution;
issuing room keys and monitoring their safety;
traffic accounting cash and services on each guest's account;
collection of fees for accommodation, registration of payment upon eviction of a guest;
providing clients with various information services;
maintaining documentation, client database, working with mail and messages;
conflict resolution, etc.

In large hotels of the 4–5* level, the structure of the SP&R, as a rule, includes:

Head of SPiR (front office manager), his deputy;
duty administrators (receptionists);
night auditors;
guest relations manager; - telephone operators;
concierges; - butlers;
luggage carriers (bellmen); - pages (messengers);

Often the structure of SP&R includes a reservation service (we have already talked about its work in one of the previous issues, cm."AG" No. 5–2011). However, some hoteliers believe that it is much more correct to classify this division as a sales department.

Welcome, dear guests!

One of the main tasks of SPiR is to organize a warm welcome for guests at any place of their arrival (airport, train station). For a high-class hotel, a sign of good form is the “tradition” of sending taxi drivers who have been cooperating with the hotel for a long time to pick up guests. Formally, the guest encounters SPiR employees before entering the hotel, where he is greeted by doormen and luggage carriers.

Then the next stage of the welcoming meeting begins - registration. “Despite the fact that this procedure is associated with certain bureaucratic issues, they play a huge role, at least from the point of view of the safety of guests. It is important that receptionists conduct check-in quickly, politely and efficiently,” notes specialist in standardization, certification and quality of the hotel operator Premier International Grigory Chernyak. According to generally accepted standards, the registration process should last no more than 5 minutes. In large hotels, chain hotels and for VIPs and loyalty program participants, simplified check-in and check-out procedures are provided (express check-in, express check-out).

“Some hoteliers are confident that guests can a priori understand the features of the hotel’s architecture and the technical equipment of the rooms. Actually this is not true. Some hotels have unique features. For example, in a building with complex architecture it will be difficult for a person to find his room on his own. In addition, there are things that are not intuitively clear (how to turn on the air conditioner, etc.), Georgy Chernyak continues to tell. - A thorough familiarization with the product, on the one hand, indicates a high level of the establishment, and on the other hand, it has practical significance, since the client will not get confused in anything. How does this happen? While the baggage handler or doorman escorts the guest to the room, he tells him where the restaurant, swimming pool, spa, conference room, etc. are located. In the room, the employee shows the minibar, air conditioning, safe, and explains the rules for using the equipment. As a result, the employee simultaneously promotes the hotel’s services and guides the guest.”
While a person lives in a hotel, the task of SP&R is to act as an intermediary between him and all structural divisions of the hotel. Thus, the guest is unlikely to want to bother himself with differentiating his needs. He will not look for highly specialized specialists (electricians, maids, etc.) to solve the problem. The client simply calls the administrator and explains what he needs. And he, in turn, will already know who to contact so that the guest’s desire is realized.

SP&R has another responsibility - to take care of what happens to the guest outside the hotel. There is a concierge service for this. Its main goal is to provide personal service to the client (organizing transfers, leisure activities, solving minor everyday issues). Often guests want something like this: fly on a pleasure helicopter, ride a yacht, go on a picnic, go to a fashionable performance, tickets for which are almost impossible to get... A qualified concierge will do everything to satisfy any client’s requests, even the most unusual. In this case, the employee must be guided by the principle “everything that is not prohibited is permitted.”

Of course, the organization of leisure activities should in no case interfere with the activities of the hotel and other visitors.

It should be noted that the success of concierge work depends not only on their efficiency, ability to quickly navigate a certain situation and find common language with people. It is very important that staff have established contacts with various service partners: travel companies, excursion bureaus, car rental companies, event agencies, etc.

Extracurricular activity summary

Quiz about the rules of hospitality for children and their parents

Topic: " A guest in the house is a joy for the owner."

Educational technologies : information technology, collaborative learning, student-centered


(quiz about the rules of hospitality for children
and their parents)

The recording features the musical theme of the song “Surprise” from the t/f “Dunno from Our Yard” by composer M. Minkov.

A choreographic theatrical picture “Come and visit us!” is played out on the site. There are: hospitable hosts, guests, a “Surprise” box, gifts, balloons and other elements appropriate for receiving guests. This picture ends with a photo for memory. Everyone freezes for a second, taking various interesting poses. Then screens appear on the stage on both sides depicting a festively decorated hall, ready to receive guests. The screens, moving, cover the mise-en-scène “Photograph for memory”. Señor Etiquette appears on the stage, he has a photograph in his hands, he looks at it and smiles, then turns to the viewer.

Senor Etiquette . Friends, answer me one question. Do you like to visit?

Children's answer.

Memories of a pleasant time spent give us pleasure for a long time.

So, as you understand, today we have a quiz dedicated to hospitality!

Dear children, dear parents! Today you have to show off your knowledge in receiving guests and, in my opinion, it seems to me that you will definitely succeed! Let the strongest win!

A drum roll sounds.


1. How should you visit your friends, girlfriends, acquaintances?(Only if you are invited. You can enter without an invitation only in extremely rare cases.)

2. What to do if you still really want to see your friend, but there is no invitation yet?(Agree in advance with a friend about a meeting, warn about your visit.)

3. Why can’t you come to your friends’ houses without an invitation?(Any person can have his own affairs.)

4. What should you do when you receive an invitation to come visit?(Thank you immediately.)

5. What is the best way to dress for a visit?(It is better to show up in your smartest suit.)

6. What proverb talks about gifts?(“A gift is not precious, but love is precious.”)

7. Is it possible to ask a friend what to give him?(No, you shouldn’t. It’s better to find out and find out in a normal conversation what your friend will like.)

8. What needs to be done when giving a gift?(Saying a few warm words to a friend is not a silent gift.)

Senor Etiquette (after the first round). Well, friends, we have already become a little oriented in the science called “Hospitality”. I think that our quiz will not only be remembered for a long time, but, above all, it will bring you considerable benefit. Well, we would also like to give you a musical gift! Meet and receive a gift!


1. How punctual is it necessary to come to visit?(You need to arrive at a strictly designated time; if you are late, the delay should not exceed 15–20 minutes.)

2. How should you behave at a party when you come to a company that is not entirely familiar to you?(First you need to say hello to the owners of the house, and then wait until they introduce you to the guests, and you to the guests. If you know the people present, you need to greet them with a slight general bow and say: “Hello!” You can say hello to each individual, first with women, starting with the oldest, and then with men - in the same order.)

3. How to behave properly when visiting?(Remember that every human movement, gesture speaks in body language. It is to a certain extent unconscious, but in no case uncontrollable. You need to watch yourself as you move, sit, stand. Hands must be free. You should not hide them in pockets or waving them, gesturing during a conversation. You should not grimace and laugh loudly if you are not funny and look surprised when you are not surprised at all. It is tactless and unwise to attract attention to your person by shouting down your interlocutors. end, without interrupting. It is not good to be too loose or overly gloomy and silent when visiting. If among the guests there is a person who is unpleasant to you, you need to behave with restraint and tact towards him, do not be falsely polite to him. everywhere and with everyone.)

4. When do guests go to the festive table?(After the invitation: “Please come to the table!” and sit down in the place indicated by the hosts.)

5. How to sit at the table correctly?(You should not sit at the table sideways or cross your legs. This is uncomfortable and impolite towards others. You cannot sit at the table bent over, with your head pulled into your shoulders. You need to straighten your shoulders, sit straight and freely. You need to behave in such a way that others will feel comfortable in your company.)

6. If you were offered this or that treat, how should you behave?(We do not refuse the treat that the hostess has prepared. A well-mannered person will eat every dish offered to him.)

7. When and how should you get up from the table?(It is impolite to leave the table until everyone has finished eating.)

8. Describe proper behavior when leaving guests.(When leaving, say goodbye to your hosts, thank them for a great time, and then you can get dressed.)

9. How to behave if you still didn’t like your visit?(Do not tell your friends about this, as this is tactless towards the owners of the house; they probably tried to do everything to receive you better and did it as best they could and as best they could.)

Senor Etiquette (appearing after the 2nd round). Well, friends, with the help of a quiz we got acquainted with the basic norms and rules of conduct when visiting guests, and now after a musical break we will remember how to properly receive guests at our place!

The creative team is performing.


1. How to properly invite guests to your place?(A few days before the celebration. When inviting, be sure to indicate the reason why this celebration is being held. If it is just a party, then, after consulting with your family, you invite the day before or on the day of the meeting. You can invite guests by phone, in writing or in person. If this You don’t know the person well; it’s better to invite him in writing or in person.)

2. Tell us about the rules for welcoming guests.(We greet guests warmly, with a smile, help them undress, show them to the room and make them sit more comfortably.)

3. What needs to be done to make people initially pleasant to visit you?(We introduce the guests to each other. A timid guest can be introduced to a more relaxed interlocutor or, at worst, you can invite the guest to view, for example, one of your collections.)

4. How should guests be entertained?(Based on the interests of the people who should come to you, prepare CDs, tapes, come up with games and ideas with surprises that will be pleasant for the guests. You need to try to start a general interesting conversation in which everyone can take part.)

5. How to behave towards guests during the celebration (party)?(Do not give special attention to anyone, take care of everyone. The wishes of the guests are the law for the owner. The owner must be able to guess the wishes of the guests and, to the extent possible, fulfill them. Whatever happens, do not show your bad mood or dissatisfaction.)

6. Describe table manners.(The host usually sits down at the table first. He begins to eat after the guests. During the meal, a good host discreetly makes sure that the guests’ plates are not empty. But he does not force food on the guests too persistently and annoyingly. Your hospitality should be such that the guest, being confident in your desire to feed him to the full, he felt at ease and ate with pleasure.)

7. How to behave properly when guests leave?(It is the responsibility of the host to escort each guest to the door and help him get dressed. If necessary, order a taxi for the guests.)

Senor Etiquette . So, friends, this was our last hospitality tour. After a while we will find out the names of the winners of our quiz, but for now watch a short concert.

There are numbers of creative teams. The jury sums up the results of the quiz.

Senor Etiquette . Our esteemed jury has already summed up the results of the quiz and in just a few seconds we will hear who will become the “Professor of Hospitable, Polite Sciences”! Over to you, honorable jury!

Fanfare sounds. The jury announces the winners. Next comes the moment of rewarding.

Senor Etiquette . I think that our meeting today brought you not only many pleasant and interesting minutes, but also a lot useful information. See you again, friends!