Where is the island of Zakynthos. Ionian Sea, Greece, islands

Greece is a country with landscapes like in fabulous pictures, which beckons travelers with golden beaches and clear water. The country is located on the Balkan Peninsula and neighboring islands. It is these islands that are a favorite vacation spot for tourists from all over the world. Greece is very democratic for recreation: both a wealthy businessman and a youth company of adventurers can afford a vacation in this country. Pay attention to one of the most beautiful islands in Greece - the island of Zakynthos (otherwise called Zakynthos), and try to plan a vacation on this island in 2020.

Brief historical background

This wonderful island is mentioned in ancient Greek myths. According to legend, the name was given to him in honor of the son of the Phrygian king. The legendary Homer described the participation of the inhabitants of the island in the Trojan campaign.

The island miraculously kept an autonomous position during the reign of the Romans and Byzantines in the region. As early as the 12th century AD, this paradise captured by other warriors - the Normans, and then he passed into the hands of the influential Venetian Republic.

In modern times, the French, British and even Russians fought for dominance over the island. But in the middle of the 19th century, the island finally went to Greece, which at that time rose again from the ashes after numerous raids by conquerors and gained sovereignty.

Currently, Greece is one of the most open countries for tourists, and Zakynthos is a popular destination for many travelers from all over the world.

Brief geographical reference

Zakynthos belongs to the Ionian Islands, which are washed by the Ionian Sea and are famous for their picturesque landscapes. The combination of sandy mountains, azure sea and golden sand create an unforgettable place to relax. Geographically, the island has two mountain range between which lies the valley. There are many springs on the island, agriculture and fishing are well established. Also, Zakynthos pleases tourists with the fact that it is very green, rich in vegetation, which both decorates and allows the rest to become even more comfortable.

Zakynthos island on the map

The climate of Zakynthos

The type of climate on the island is temperate, Mediterranean - this is the mildest type of climate, which is well tolerated by vacationers of all age groups and has a beneficial effect on health. You can relax on the island at almost any time, but the period from May to October is considered the high season.

Do not go to Zakynthos in winter. Let there be almost no snow here, but in winter time there is a lot of precipitation. Yes, the air temperature rarely drops below 10 degrees Celsius, but swimming, of course, is impossible, and frequent showers will interfere with simple walks.

As for the summer period, summer is a dry time, but due to the location near the sea and the amount of green spaces, the feeling of heat is mitigated. The air temperature at the peak of the heat can reach up to 30 degrees Celsius.

An excellent time to visit Zakynthos will be the end of spring - the beginning of summer, or the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. The heat will not bother those who are still not so resistant to it, and the waters of the Ionian Sea are still warm and friendly caress tourists.

Safety in Zakynthos

Greece is considered safe country for recreation, including for not the most experienced travelers. Tourism brings a large share of income to the country's budget, and therefore tourists are treated with respect and provide them with comfort during their holidays. The beaches of Zakynthos are very clean, the entrance to the water is gentle. In the waters of the Ionian Sea in the coastal strip there are no inhabitants dangerous to humans. Therefore, it is only worth observing the general safety rules:

  • swim during daylight hours;
  • do not leave valuables on the beach unattended;
  • just in case, you can take slippers with you, because in some places on Zakynthos, when entering the water, pebbles can be caught;
  • Bring sunscreen and mosquito repellant.

Visa to the island of Zakynthos for Russians

The island of Zakynthos belongs to Greece, therefore, a Schengen visa is required for Russians and residents of the CIS countries. A Schengen visa from another country is enough, but if you do not have an open visa, you can apply for a Greek one, because the main purpose of the trip will be to visit Zakynthos (Greece).

You can apply for a Greek visa either with the help of an intermediary (be careful and use only the services of official travel companies!), or on your own. When contacting a consulate or Visa Center you need to prepare a package of documents, pass your fingerprints (if you have not done this yet after the introduction of this requirement by the Schengen countries). With correctly executed documents and pure intentions, you can get a Greek visa in a week - this country willingly issues multiple visas. The consular fee itself will be around 2,500 rubles.

How to get to Zakynthos and how to travel around the island

Getting to Zakynthos is not difficult. International Airport "Dionysios Solomos" is located a few kilometers from the capital of the island - the city of Zakynthos, and charter flights from all over the world regularly arrive here. Also, you can fly with transfers via Corfu or Athens. In addition, experienced tourists can use the bus services. For example, fly to Athens, and from there take a comfortable bus to the island of Zakynthos. The road will last about 6 hours, including the ferry crossing. The ticket price will be approximately 1600 rubles.

Another option for arriving on the island is by ferry. Geographical position Zakynthos offers this pleasant way to travel from the ports of Kefalonia and Kyllini. The average cost for an adult is 8 euros, for a child - 4 euros. Travel time is about 1 hour, but it will fly by unnoticed if you like sea travel.

Public transport is widespread on the island. Approximately 20 taxi ranks await customers, with fares set and displayed on stands next to the ranks. If you drive yourself, you can rent a vehicle - and their choice is wide: car, scooter, bicycle. Rental companies Vehicle located in the capital, in all major resort areas. You can rent a car for about 2,000 rubles a day, a scooter will cost 1,000 rubles, and a bicycle - about 350 rubles.

If you want to save money and don't know how to drive, you can use buses. The island has a bus station, from where flights to other Greek cities follow, for example, to the famous Athens or Thessaloniki. The trip includes both bus and ferry parts - that is, you pay - and you will be safely delivered to your destination. Buses run around the island itself, the fare costs about 100 rubles.

The transport infrastructure is developed and in terms of excursion routes. There are bus sightseeing tours, and boat trips around the island and to remote beaches. The cost of an average excursion varies in the region of 2000 - 4000 rubles.

Hotel infrastructure Zakynthos

Rest in Zakynthos can be afforded by every modern working person, because there are hotels of both an economy category and elite establishments of the hotel business.

In the case of a modest budget set aside for vacation, you can use the services of two-star hotels. They often have a kitchenette where you can cook simple meals yourself. Such hotels are located on the second or third coastline, but this is not a problem at all, because the road to the beach will take a maximum of 10 minutes.

If you take the option of a more expensive holiday, then these are three or four star hotels. They are located on the first, less often the second coastline and offer vacationers a full range of services. However, it should be understood that the majority of hotels operate on a half board basis.

At early booking you can stay very close to the center of the capital, and even close to the beach, for about 4000 rubles per day (in a mid-range hotel).

In any case, whether the traveler chooses a modest accommodation or a chic establishment, you can be sure that the friendly and hospitable Greeks will provide tourists with maximum comfort.

Resorts and beaches of Zakynthos island

Rest in Zakynthos can be compared to being in paradise - there is no city noise, no crowds of tourists, no fuss and haste. Everyone, getting into Zakynthos, begins to feel every minute of life and savor it. Therefore, if you want to relax after a long winter, then you can spend your vacation in 2020 here!

In case of nervous exhaustion, stress or just fatigue, you need to unconditionally go to these parts and disconnect from all life's difficulties. And then - to return to the usual life already rested. Here are some places on the island of Zakynthos that especially attract tourists and each has its own zest.

Navagio Bay

Zakynthos is especially loved by tourists for its white sandy beaches and rugged mountains along the coast. The most popular place is Navagio, otherwise it is called the Shipwreck Beach, this beach got its name because of the ship of smugglers thrown ashore. The indescribable beauty of these places will forever remain in the memory of the arriving tourists. The only thing is that you can visit Navagio only with a guided tour - but it's worth paying for it: after all, it will Boat trip, and a stop in order to swim, and an inspection of the sunken ship - impressions will last for a long time.

Resort Laganas

A quarter of an hour's drive from the capital is the youth and most party resort of Laganas. The beach of the resort stretches for ten kilometers, it is clean and comfortable. But Laganas is interesting not only for amateurs beach holiday– here you can combine relaxation under the sun by the sea and relaxation in a cheerful company. Nightclubs such as Moulin Rouge, Bad Boys and Wild Cats, well-known among tourists, work here.

All kinds of cafes and bars will also not let you get bored and offer both local cuisine, as well as a wide selection of other dishes - oriental or European cuisine. Despite the excess of young people in Laganas, this resort is not dangerous and inconvenient for families: the beaches are always clean, the city streets are in order and a decent audience.

Village of Kalamaki

If you want to relax away from loud music, you can visit resort village Kalamaki. A wide selection of hotels will allow you to choose the right one for the price and level of service. Equipped beaches, various water attractions and outdoor cafes will allow you to enjoy a beach holiday all day long. The price for a pair of sunbeds will be about 400 rubles. If you are tired of taking sunbathing– in the city center there are shops, restaurants and even a water park.

Resort Argassi

Argassi can choose friendly companies and young couples. To get here from the capital, you can drive only 5 minutes by car or walk for a quarter of an hour. The entertainment program in this town is very diverse - round-the-clock nightclubs, entertainment centers, national restaurants are waiting for their guests. Famous places– Barrage and Factory. The price for a pair of sun loungers is about 450 rubles. The beaches here are sandy or with small pebbles.

Resort Vasilikos

Vasilikos resort is ideal for families with small children. Due to the abundance of shallow beaches with clear water, parents will not worry about the safety of water procedures for their kids. The cost of sunbeds here is very low - about 200 rubles. In Vasilikos, the beaches are equipped with everything you need for comfortable rest: showers, changing cabins, children will love the fact that you can ride a "banana" or a water slide.

Attractions of the island

On the island of Zakynthos, you can not only relax under the beautiful soft sun and soak up the sea, but also visit several interesting sights.

Zakynthos - the capital of the island

The capital of the island is seaport Zakynthos. This city is located on a picturesque hill. At one time it was damaged by an earthquake, but has now been restored. The city combines local nature and the flavor left by the Venetians - buildings in the traditional Venetian style.

One of the sights of the city is the temple of St. Dionysius. This cathedral even withstood an earthquake, it is Orthodox, but the influence of the Venetian style can be traced in the architecture. Religious people can venerate the relics of a saint, and simple tourists- to examine the temple from the point of view of art: frescoes, icons, a museum at the temple.

The Byzantine Museum will be of interest to everyone who likes the history of this ancient civilization. The exposition includes objects of religious culture and art.

Nature lovers will enjoy a walk to Bokhali Hill, located in the vicinity of the capital. Climbing the hill is worth it in order to view the panorama of the city and sea waters. On the way to the top, you can visit small villages with narrow streets and jasmine bushes, relax in a tavern to the sounds of traditional music. Also on the hill is the chapel of St. George, maritime museum, and at the top of persistent travelers are the ruins of a Venetian fortress.

Natural attractions of Zakynthos

The main living attraction of Zakynthos are the caretta-caretta turtles. The climate and nature of the island suited these inhabitants so well that they settled here forever. In order to protect and maintain a rare species of turtles, the National marine park in 1999. But you can see these residents both in the port and on the beach - how lucky.

Another park is the Askos stone park. It occupies a vast territory and is beautiful not only because of how picturesque it is, but also because of how many species of animals, birds, amphibians can be found here. Among the stones and caves you can see such animals as:

  • deer;
  • turtles;
  • raccoons;
  • goats and sheep.

These cute inhabitants of the park can be stroked, held in hands. A visit to Askos Park will be very popular with young travelers.

The Blue Grotto, also called the Blue Caves, is also a hallmark of not only the island, but the whole of Greece. The stone arches towering over the sea attract with their extraordinary appearance and emerald clean water, at the bottom of which you can easily see stones and marine life. Inside the caves, an unforgettable sight awaits tourists: the play of glare of various shades of blue. The cost of an excursion there will be approximately 1000 rubles.

Villages in Zakynthos

In the west of the island is the village of Kampi. This part of the island is quite harsh and will require physical strength, but tourists will be rewarded and can feel like real archaeologists: after all, in the vicinity of Campi there are burials of the period of ancient Mycenaean culture, ruins of buildings, and household items.

In the village of Maries there is a building of the Middle Ages - the monastery of the Virgin Anafonitria. Frescoes and a miraculous icon await visitors to this building, and in this part, not so well known to tourists, you can plunge into the life local residents without the admixture of tourism infrastructure.

Entertainment on the island of Zakynthos

On the island, you can also have fun in easier ways, relaxing both the mind and the body. Here is the most big water park in all of Greece - Water Village, located near the capital, Zakynthos. An insane amount of slides, rides, pools and recreation areas will diversify your beach holiday and charge you with positive emotions. Entrance to the water park costs about 1200 rubles for an adult and less than 1000 rubles for a child.

Shopping in Zakynthos cannot be called diverse, but there is definitely something to see here! For example, the Gold M jewelry store or the large Levantino souvenir supermarket are popular among wealthy tourists. A feature of the town are local pastry shops that offer exclusive desserts and unusual pastries. And there are countless small souvenir shops for owners of any wallet. You should definitely bring souvenirs from Zakynthos, for example:

  • sweets, cheeses, olives;
  • candles;
  • local wine;
  • spices;
  • handmade textiles;
  • sheep wool products.

Cuisine in Zakynthos

Of course, the beautiful and beloved all over the world reigns on the island. Greek cuisine. Many taverns offer dishes based on seafood, vegetables, and cheeses. One of the traditional dishes of the island cuisine is stuffed rabbit. Greek snacks are also delicious: it may seem that bread with various sauces will not satisfy your hunger, however, while you try all the varieties of sauces, you will understand that you are already full.

From dishes less haute cuisine you can try gyros — this is a flatbread stuffed with anything: meat, potatoes, sauces… You should also try the local coffee, which should be drunk slowly, savoring the drink.

Lunch for two with drinks in an average restaurant will cost about 3,000 rubles. The most interesting thing to visit is not standard restaurants, but taverns with local flavor and sincere owners.

So, Zakynthos is not known to every Russian tourist, like some others Greek resorts. However, as you can see, you can quite spend several weeks on this island: relax at the sea, and travel around the island, and enjoy the cuisine, and have fun. Maybe this particular island is waiting for you in 2020?

Zakynthos Island (Ζακύνθος) is one of the Ionian Islands of Greece, located 8 nautical miles south of Kefalonia. The area of ​​the island is 402 sq. km, and the total length of the coastline is no more than 125 km. According to 2010 data, the population of the island is 50,000 people. The capital is the city of Zakynthos. The island is famous for its sandy beaches and nature reserves.

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Weather in Zakynthos

The climate on the island is typically Mediterranean, with an average annual temperature of 18.9°C. Winters in Zakynthos are mild, with an average temperature of around 11°C, and summers are quite warm: in July average temperature reaches 26.1°С, and the highest mark was recorded in August at +35°С.

It should be noted that the relative humidity in Zakynthos is about 70%. Compared to other islands of the Cyclades, this figure is the lowest on Zakynthos, which makes the rest on the island the most comfortable.

By the beginning of May, the sea water temperature warms up to 24°C, and in mid-June it can reach 25-27°C.

Attractions Zakynthos

blue caves

One of the most beautiful places on the planet is located on Zakynthos, namely on Cape Shinari - the Blue Caves Nature Reserve. The caves are a complex of arches and grottoes. In 1897, the largest one, the Azure Cave, was discovered. The Blue Caves can only be reached by sea.

Natural park with an area of ​​500,000 sq. m. is a unique collection of flora and fauna of the island of Zakif. More than 45 different animal species live in the park; about 200,000 species of plants grow there, and some species are more than a few centuries old. Askos Stone Park is a nature reserve of the contact type: the visitor can not only look at the representatives of the fauna, but also touch or stroke some of them.

You can get to the park on your own, in a rented car, or by ordering an organized tour from your tour operator.

The Church of St. Dionysius, located in the city of Zakynthos, is one of the oldest buildings on the island. It was erected in honor of a saint from Venice - Dionysius, the patron saint of the island. Delightful frescoes and icons leave a lasting impression on church visitors.


Excursions in Zakynthos

Since Zakynthos is a natural reserve, you will find many excursions related to natural heritage islands. For example, you may be asked to take a six-hour sightseeing tour around the island or go and plunge there in the clear waters of the Ionian Sea.

You should also pay attention to the unique excursion "to the turtles", which is held in July-August. It was during this period that the caretta-caretta turtles, listed in the Red Book, sail to the shores of Zakynthos to breed their offspring.

The beaches of Zakynthos

Zakynthos has many clean sandy beaches, most of which can be found in the eastern part of the island. The most popular beach is Navagio Bay or Shipwreck Bay. The peculiarity of this beach is that from the shore the bay is surrounded by rocks and you can get to the beach only from the sea.

It is also worth visiting Agios Nikolaos beach with excellent infrastructure and Gerakas beach, which is considered the best beach on the island. But since these beaches are in close proximity to nesting turtles, some types of water activities are prohibited.

Zakynthos Hotels

The island of Zakynthos is very popular among tourists from many countries of the world and therefore has a well-developed hotel infrastructure. Your tour operator will easily select and book a hotel in Zakynthos.

Zakynthos Map

Photo: nationalgeographic.com, tsharenko, Innokentia

The main attractions or what to see in Zakynthos.

On the Greek island of Zakynthos, or as it is also called, Zakynthos, we have already rested three times and this year we are going again. We have not seen a more cozy and comfortable holiday in Greece anywhere else. Of course, to each his own, but we really like the island of Zakynthos for its nature, climate, sea and beaches.

Morning in Zakynthos

The most important attraction and visiting card not only of Zakynthos, but of the whole of Greece, is the bay of Navagio (Navagio - translated from Greek means shipwreck). Her image is found on all tourist sites and postcards related to Greece. Navagio Bay itself can only be reached by sightseeing boat or rented boat. Moreover, excursion boats do not enter the bay in stormy weather. In the bay itself there is a wonderful beach from white sand and a broken rusty ship lying on the shore with the inscription "Spartak is the champion!". On this ship, smugglers were once brought here in a storm. If you just admire the views of the bay, then you can do it from the observation deck, which is most conveniently reached by a rented car. The views are stunning. There are always a lot of photographers here and even in high season there is a queue of people who want to.

Bay of Navagio.

Sea near Navagio Bay

Natural and natural color of the sea

What do we like. Firstly, this is the absence of constantly blowing winds, as, for example, in Crete or Rhodes. Secondly, the presence of many cozy bays creates a unique comfort for a beach holiday. There are no long wide beaches with crowds of tourists and numerous rows of umbrellas and sunbeds. Thirdly, the presence of numerous attractions within walking distance from each other. In Halkidiki, for example, magnificent nature and amazing beautiful beaches, but for the sights you have to go far away.

The next very famous and visited by numerous tourists attraction of Zakynthos (Zakynthos) is on Cape Skinari. In fact, this is a system of grottoes, both on the shore and under water. They are located in the north of the island and you can also get into them only from the sea. To do this, it is most convenient to use a sightseeing boat or rent a motor boat on your own. By the way, this service is not expensive in Zakynthos. You will be given a boat with a motor and a full tank. For insurance, they will give you a cell phone, by which you can contact the landlord in case of unforeseen situations.

Blue caves of Zakynthos island

Zakynthos. Sea. Silence.

If you want to go to the Blue Caves with an excursion, then numerous travel agencies are at your service, including those with Russian-speaking guides. The cost of such an excursion is on average 50 euros per person. The cost depends on where you plan to sail from. The closer to the town of Agios Nikolos and Cape Skinari, the cheaper. As a rule, on such excursions you will be allowed to swim and dive from a boat among these caves and grottoes. All this is very interesting and romantic, especially in calm, not stormy weather. There are full-day excursions around the island with a swim in many bays and with the obligatory swimming, fishing and lunch.

Zakynthos has an amazing sea, clean and warm.

All tourists arriving on vacation on the island of Zakynthos certainly go to the capital of the island, the city of Zakynthos. There are many taverns, souvenir shops on the waterfront and life in the city is in full swing. In Zakynthos there is a port from which you can sail on a catamaran excursion to the neighboring island of Kefalonia. From anywhere on the island, Zakynthos town can be reached by bus or taxi. Buses run almost regularly, and taxis are not at all expensive.

The capital of the island of Zakynthos is the city of Zakynthos.

Zakynthos town

Greek classic - frappe.

Interior of an ordinary Greek tavern

And it looks like an unusual tavern on Zakynthos in the city of Zakynthos

Embankment in the city of Zakynthos

Church of Saint Dionysius

Inside the church of St. Dionysius.

Greeks are resting

In the city of Zakynthos, there is the most famous church of St. Dionysius on the island, where his miraculous relics are buried. Thousands of tourists come here to worship them. The church itself is very beautiful.

Zakynthos has very interesting excursion called "jeep safari". You get into a small jeep and, as part of 6-8 people, go on a sightseeing tour of the entire island with obligatory visit main attractions, wineries, bays and swimming in them. The jeep safari route runs through the mountains of the island and includes a visit to one of the local taverns with a Greek-style lunch. The tour is interesting, but perhaps not everyone will like it, because. you will have to go in the heat in a jeep, over bumps, potholes and dusty mountain serpentines. I would even call this excursion extreme. But it is very beautiful and Zakynthos will appear before you from a completely different side.

In the mountains of Zakynthos on a jeep safari.

What else to see in Zakynthos?

Not far from the village of Laganas there is a small island of Marathonisi. It has cozy small coves with wild beaches among the rocks, where you can feel like a real Robinson. You can get to the island only on a rented motor boat or with some kind of sea excursion. And Marathonisi has excellent snorkeling and diving.

Marathonisi island. Protected turtle carriage-carriage.

Wild beaches on the island of Marathonisi. You can only get here by motorboat on your own.

Classics of the genre. Zakynthos. In the evening, people line up to drink a glass of wine on these chairs.

Also in this village of Laganas there is a local living attraction - a huge sea turtle, whose name is Satyris and he is over a hundred years old. This turtle periodically swims up to the shore and at this time the real show begins. A crowd of tourists is gathering. Some come here specifically from afar to look at the curiosity and feed it from their hands. For children, this is a unique attraction.

Turtle Satyris.

This is a different story. The territory of the island is considered a reserve for them in view of the fact that hundreds of carriage-carriage sea turtles come here to lay their eggs in the sand in spring. In the autumn, around the end of August and beginning of September, turtles begin to hatch from these eggs. This is also a unique sight in Zakynthos. Turtles are born early in the morning, before sunrise, and therefore crowds of tourists go to the beach at dawn and dawn with cameras to capture the birth of a new turtle life. After hatching, little turtles rush to the water and everyone is trying to catch this moment. The show ends after sunrise.

If you want to get to know Greece and its customs, culture, history and at the same time swim and sunbathe, be sure to come to Zakynthos.

The southernmost of the six main Ionian islands, Zakynthos (Modern Greek for Zakynthos), combines underdevelopment with indiscriminate, rampant commercialization. Most of the island is still green and pristine, tourism is growing in well-defined enclaves, and the main resorts seem to manage to expand without particularly harming the quiet outskirts. The island is clearly divided into three zones: the bare, mountainous northwest; fertile middle plain; and eastern and south coast filled with resorts. The largest resort, rival of colleagues on Laganas, on the southern bay of the same name, serves as a round-the-clock party platform and does not give up its positions from Easter until the last flight in October. To the north and south of the capital, there are smaller resorts, and southern peninsula Vasilikos is notable for its beautiful countryside and beaches, including the luxurious Yerakas.

Although high-rise buildings with apartments for visitors and even factories have already appeared on the central plain, it is here that the relatively peaceful part of the island begins: rural estates, vineyards, ancient villages and the ruins of Venetian buildings destroyed by the earthquakes of 1948 and 1953. The island still produces good wines, such as white Popolare, as well as nougat in powdered sugar mandolato - the best variety is sweetened with honey. Zakynthos is the birthplace of the cantades song genre, and these ballads are heard in the taverns of Zakynthos and throughout the island. And in Laganas Bay, loggerhead sea turtles breed. Such places in the world are few and far between, and as the species is threatened with extinction, fierce disputes between the greedy tourism business and environmentalists do not subside.

The business southern edge of the island is the Vasilikos peninsula, which is dominated by the resort of Argassi, where vacationers go on tours, and the vast Laganas Bay with the resort of the same name, where visitors mainly go. At the far southwestern edge of the bay, near the village of Keri, the first in a series of villages on the sparsely populated western shore, the terrain becomes mountainous.

  • Resort Argassi

The road from Zakynthos to the southeast passes through the liveliest resort on this bank of the Argassi, although the local beach in some places is no wider than a couple of meters. Traveling on your own, it’s probably better to look for accommodation a little further, nevertheless, the resort is convenient as a starting point for trips deep into the Vasilikos peninsula, and if you really need to stay, try contacting the Vaso or Soula guesthouse, both on the highway, closer to the village entrance, and on the waterfront there are such sophisticated hotels as Locanda and Iliessa Beach. The culture of the local taverns does not rise above the "Greek nights", the more striking exception is Venetsiana, in which Greek national food is accompanied by nightly cantades. There are several discos in Argassi, they are the largest and most loved on the urban half of the island, including Vivlos and Barrage, and cheap and fun bars are innumerable.

  • Vasilikos Peninsula

The peninsula, stretching from Argassi to the southeast, seems to be perhaps the most attractive part of the island: progress is happily combined with natural beauty. On various maps, various points in the outback are vaguely designated as "Vasilikos villages", but only a series of seaside resorts, mainly on the eastern coast, are really interesting. The first two are the newly developed Caminha, where comfortable Levantine rooms are rented out, and the more established Porto Zoro with a much better beach spit, on which stands the eponymous Porto Hotel Zoro with reasonable prices and a restaurant. Away from the shore, amenities can be found in the sprawling village of Ano Vasilikos - this is because it is necessary to serve vacationers on two beaches nearby - Ionio and Banana. Invite to stay there, among other things, apartments Vassilikos on the highway and Angelika by the church.

Highway taverns are recommended to visit Kostas'Brother and Gallos, the latter with a French touch, while the Logos bar has great drinks. The secluded Agios Nikolaos lures to its good beach from Argassi, Kalamaki and Laganas, offering daily excursions during the season on a free bus. Expanding hotel Vassilikos Beach sits in the heart of a fast-growing community that already has plenty of restaurants and rooms for rent: choosing Christina's tidy sanctuary is one of the best bargains imaginable on the island and has a pleasant environment.

At the very tip of the peninsula is its stellar treasure - Yerakas, a delightful crescent of golden sand. Here is one of those piglets that loggerheads have chosen for breeding. Therefore, the beach is closed to the public from dusk until dawn, but in the excellent Turtle Information Center (Turtle Information Center) you can learn a lot about this species and other inhabitants of the sea. But there is almost nothing else, except for a trio of taverns by the beach - it is recommended to visit To Triodi. Accommodation is best booked in advance through a British agency. The beach attracts crowds of sunbathers, but leaving by bus at 6:00, you can enjoy Yerakas almost alone for several hours.

Compared to Yeracas, Porto Roma, on the east coast and closer to Argassi, is disappointing: sand and pebbles on the shore of a tiny bay, there is a tavern and a bar, rooms are rented by the highway, sometimes unauthorized bivouacs are arranged by especially stubborn lovers of spending the night in the fresh air. Nevertheless, some special, Greek spirit is felt in the place. On the west coast, there is only one beach worth seeing - Daphne, where a paved road now leads. There are a couple of taverns on the beach, including the excellent Mela Beach.

  • Resorts Laganas and Kalamaki

Most of the hundreds of thousands of people who come to Zakynthos every year end up in the resort of Laganas. The beach - 9 kilometers around the bay - is good, although trampled down, and the range of entertainment is immense: from sports on the water to flying on balloons, sometimes there is also an amusement park. The line of coastal bars and restaurants stretched for a kilometer and a half, and another good kilometer goes along the main street of the village deep into the island. There are places that are open 24/7.

Others are content to play deafeningly loud music until dawn. The competition of video bars with music bars turns the night Laganas into a series of shots from the movie "Bladerunner" (Bladerunner), but this is exactly what the guests from, and here they are in the majority. If this suits you, then it’s better not to find a place on the planet, but if not, rather, legs in hand - and go. Housing is almost completely bought up by tour operators selling tours, but on the southern outskirts there is an unpretentious campsite and rooms are also rented there, where, by the way, it is quieter, or contact the Homeowners Association (daily 8:30-14:00 and 17:00 -20:00).

From the hotels, try your luck at the old-fashioned Byzantio, near the crossroads, or at the Tasoula boarding house between the beach and the campsite, or at the larger Ionis hotel on the main street, on the way to the beach. Among the most authentic traditional taverns is Dionysos in the middle main street the village and Zougras, which, not reaching the river on the road to Kalamaki, and in the second, cantades performers perform almost every night, and you can appreciate quite decent Chinese and Indian cuisine in Butterfly and Estia, respectively. The most popular bars were Kamikazi and Potters, popular clubs like Zeros and End are quieter.

In neighboring Kalamaki, the beach is better than in Laganas, and generally quieter, although sometimes the sounds of a nearby airport annoy. More or less large hotels rely on guests with vouchers, however Crystal Beach rents rooms on the side, the Spring Tours agency, which operates throughout the island, also helps to find housing for a while. Both Stanis taverns have extensive menus with Greek and international dishes, but the one on the beach is more suited for lunch, while her sister is set for evenings. A great alternative is Zepo's near the beach, there are several places that offer traditional cuisine. Night life flows in bars like Fire and Down Under on the road to Laganas and in the discos Cave Club and Byzantio on the hillside above the village, where foreign and Greek dance music is played.

  • The village of Keri

The village of Keri is hidden in a rocky fold above the cliffs that rise above the southernmost tip of the island. In the village, some Venetian buildings survived, which were spared by the earthquake, including the Church of Panagia Keriu (Virgin of Keriu): Most Pure, they say, once saved the island from being plundered by pirates, hiding it behind thick fog.

An uneven path after 1 kilometer leads from the southern outskirts of the village to the lighthouse, where it’s a sin not to admire the sea, rocky vaults, heaps of stones or sit in a tavern. Next to Limni-Keriu, who has turned into a lazy and picturesque resort, the beach is home to the Turtle Beach Diving Center.

Arrange for rooms at the friendly Limnv guesthouse or look for accommodation through your local Homeowners Association. For food, head to Poseidon, located by the bay on the far side of the village, or Keri Restaurant, which serves good daily meals.

  • Western coast of Zakynthos

Buses do not reach the wild western edge of the island and to get there, you need to rent a car or a more powerful motorcycle. Nestled among beautiful and fertile highlands - fields surrounded by olive groves and orchards - Majerado boasts an undamaged architecture.

There is a beautiful bell tower near the church of Ayia Mavra, and the rich carved iconostasis and icons are noteworthy in the church itself. The main holiday of the village, one of the most magnificent on the island, is the day of memory of Mavra, celebrated on the first Sunday of June. Another notable church in the village is Bogoroditskaya Panayia, from the porch of which there are breathtaking views of the middle plain.

But it is best to get acquainted with the architecture that adorned the entire island before the earthquake, in Kiliomeno with its traditional 2-storey houses. At first, the village was named after its - Nikolskaya - church of Agios Nikolaos, at which more than 100 years ago they began to build a bell tower, and it already makes a deep impression, but to this day it does without a roof.

The Alitzerini Tavern (usually lunch only) still occupies the cave house built in 1630 and serves excellent traditional dishes. The road from Kiliomeno passes through the nondescript village of Agios Leon, after which you can either turn into a fertile plain or downhill along a newly paved bypass road to the impressive rocky coast at Limgnonas, where there is a cove and a tavern.

Even further, the highway turns to the Kambi farm, perched on the top of a cliff - sightseers frequent the village, admiring the sunset over the sea here, fortunately, the views from a height of 300 meters will not let you down, and for ease of observation, it is worth going into one of the three taverns facing west . The best of them is named after the concrete cross (Greek for stavros) erected over the village in memory of the villagers who were killed in the 1940s by both the soldiers of the Greek royal troops and the Nazis.

The only way to the shore on this edge of Zakynthos leads through the village of Maries, which is in a wooded green hollow 5 kilometers to the north: 7 kilometers of completely passable rut descend to the rocky bay of Stenitis, where there is a tavern and a yacht pier, and another road begins to far the inspiring Vromi Bay, from where speedboats go to To Navajo Bay (Shipwrecks).

North of Zakynthos

The center of tourism in this part of the island is the resorts of Tsilivi and Planos, which pass into each other, a few kilometers north of the capital. Further north, a string of tiny beaches begins, and the lush landscape of the hinterland is dotted with picturesque villages. Behind the resort of Alykes, as you approach the far tip of the island - Cape Skinari, the coast becomes more uneven and ragged, and in the mountainous outback the center of the knitting trade - Volimes is hiding.

  • Tsilivi resort, Planos farm and surroundings

Leaving Zakynthos north and inland, the road winds its way past luxurious countryside and mound-like hills. The first local seaside resort, Tsilivi, 5 kilometers north of the capital, essentially merges with the neighboring village of Planos and, in terms of development and construction, competes with Argassi.

Unfortunately, the local shores often suffer from oil pollution, which can only be cured by winter storms. Behind Planos there is a good, albeit no-frills Zante campsite, and despite the fact that numerous vacationers on expensive tours are preferred, there is surprisingly a lot of free accommodation: contact the Anetis coastal hotel: all rooms have air conditioning and TVs or try to rent a room at Gregory's.

It also helps with housing and Tsilivi Travel, located on the road leaving the town inland. Of the handful of tourist taverns, The Olive Tree is the best, while Passage to India features both Chinese and Indian cuisine. Beer houses like Mambo Club or Planet Pub tend to rely on the British, or at least imitate British pubs.

The further along the coast, the quieter and more pleasant the beaches, and there is at least some rental housing and a decent selection of restaurants everywhere. A good option, for example, Pachia Ammos with the Pension Petra and the fish tavern Porto Roulis. Drosia is also good: housing - new Drosia apartments, and food in a prosperous fish tavern - Andreas.

  • Alykes resort and its bay

The vast bay of Ormos-Alikon, 12 kilometers north of Tsilivi, in addition to the sandy shores into which the surf hits, is also known for two resorts, the largest in the area. The first one, Alykanas, is a small but growing village, and mostly seaside villas are offered as accommodation for guests. The second - Alykes - is named after the salt pans, the ghostly signs of which are now found outside the village, but it is famous for its beaches, the best north of the capital.

It’s easier to rent a room by the sea through Spring Tours, and behind the office of this agency there are quite a few hotels with sea views: contact the Ionian Star, but the chaotic Eros Piccadilly, which is near the intersection, will cost you the best. Food outlets are plentiful, with the best being Vineleaf, which has rare items like cream-filled jalapeno peppers on its menu, as well as the more mundane Fantasia and Ponderosa taverns.

After Alykes, there are no real resorts on this coast, and bus service also largely absent. On Xiya beach, 4 kilometers to the north, sulphurous springs beat, and the water flows into the sea, as a result - a proper aroma and a strange feeling for swimmers, who fall either into hot or cool water. Not without pleasantness and a halt, possible on the way north, on the next beach of Makris Gialos: there is a good tavern and a semblance of a campsite built in haste.

After another 6 kilometers there will be a small labor port of Agios Nikolaos, connected by ferry service (daily) to the port of Pessada on. Few visitors stay here, which is probably why perhaps the most luxurious apartments in the Ionian archipelago stand out so brightly - cool stone Nobelos, although there is also a more modest Panorama. Before the ferry, you can eat at the fish restaurant La Storia or the Porto tavern.

From the port you can take a boat to the northernmost end of the island, to the Blue Caves, which bear this name, perhaps with more right than others of the same name, which are not counted in the country. Caves, by the way, are very good for snorkelling. As you dive into the water, you will see your skin turn luscious blue. Further, the road snakes through thickets of gorse, past stone walls built without mortar, and rests on the lighthouse on Cape Skinari.

Not far away, downhill to the pier, behind the Anemomilos windmills rental office, run by a friendly family, you can rent ordinary rooms and the excellent To Faros tavern. The friendly brothers who own the mills also arrange the cheapest boat trips to the Blue Caves (7.50 €; 15 € - together with a visit to To Navajo Bay).

  • Katastari, Ayia Marina and Volimes

It is more convenient to explore the settlements and towns in the north of the island by car or a durable motorcycle, although tour mini-buses departing from some resorts are laid along these places, and even municipal buses run (occasionally and not everywhere). But it is here, 2 kilometers inland from Alykes, that the second village of the island after the capital, Katastari, is located. The village obviously does not fit in with tourism, but just because it is more convenient to observe the ordinary - and genuine - life of Zakynthos, away from the crush of resorts and ports.

The most impressive building is the huge rectangular church of the Virgin - Iperaia Theotokos - with a double bell tower and a new small amphitheater for festive performances. Kendro psysteria pampers you with delicious grilled dishes at incredibly low prices. And a couple of kilometers south of Katastari, in the tiny farm of Pigadakya, works - no matter how incredible the Museum of Culture of Verzaio (summer daily 9:00-15:00 and 17:00-19:00; 3 €): exhibited curious things related to to folk culture and agriculture.

The St. Panteleimon Cathedral is also interesting, under the altar of which a well is hidden - which does not happen in the world! A little higher, the Kaki Rahi tavern prepares delicious local dishes. The church in Ayia Marina, a few kilometers southwest of Katastari, impresses with a baroque iconostasis and a bell tower restored using everything left behind by the 1953 earthquake. The bell tower stands separately, like almost everywhere in Zakynthos, in the Venetian style.

Volimes is the center of such a popular trade on the island as embroidery, and in numerous shops they sell the works of local craftswomen. With your own transport, you can ride to the monastery of Anafonitria, 3 kilometers to the south: it is believed that the monastery had a cell of the heavenly patron of the island of St. Dionysius, whose memory (Agios Dionysios) is celebrated twice in Zakynthos: August 24 and December 17. The paved road from the monastery leads to the rocks above Navajo Bay (Shipwrecks): the view from there is hair-raising (far below is a wrecked freighter that ran aground in the 1960s).

In contact with

- an unrealistically beautiful place, sung by poets for thousands of years. Here is great and untouched nature, picturesque views, a variety of bright saturated colors and kilometers of wonderful sandy beaches. It is no wonder that the island of Zakynthos is often called the "Greek flower of the Mediterranean." Everywhere here you can feel the bewitching aroma emanating from the numerous coniferous forests, ever-flowering plants and citruses. Zakynthos is the only island in Greece that has the status of "Natural Reserve".

The island of Zakynthos is the southernmost in the archipelago of the Ionian Islands, which are washed by azure warm waters. mediterranean sea, part of which is here referred to as Ionian. Only thirty-five thousand people of local residents live on Zakynthos, but their number is increasing many times with the influx of tourists coming here on vacation from different corners peace. Basically, the beaches are concentrated in the eastern part of the island, they are sandy here, with a flat gentle entrance to the sea, in the western part of the island the relief is rocky, in the northern part of the coast there are many cozy picturesque coves, many of which can only be reached by sea.

the capital of Zakynthos. Capital Greek island Zakynthos is the city of Zakynthos, but the Greek islanders call it Hora. This is an ancient town located on the hilly slope of Bokhali overgrown with dense vegetation, on the seashore. He was able to retain to this day his age-old flavor and individuality. Unfortunately, the island was hit by a devastating earthquake in 1953 that damaged many historical monuments and buildings, but Chora was restored, and today you can again admire beautiful sights, including traditional ocher Venetian-style mansions with porticos and loggias. Many tourists vacationing in other resorts of the island of Zakynthos like to come here to enjoy leisurely walks through the old streets, visit the historical sights of Zakynthos and local museums, and take memorable photos of architectural monuments.

What to see in the capital of the island of Zakynthos?

- This is a functioning Orthodox church, built in honor of the heavenly patron of the island, located on the shore of the bay of the city of Zakynthos. The temple is one of the few ancient historical buildings of the island of Zakynthos that survived the powerful earthquake of 1953. This beautiful church amazes tourists with amazingly beautiful frescoes, numerous carved details decorating the interior, wonderful stained-glass windows and ancient icons. And the main shrine of this temple is a silver shrine, where the relics of St. Dionysius are kept, it is constantly open for worship and prayers of pilgrims. An interesting religious museum is located near the church, where the exposition presents ancient icons, various robes of clergy, church books and utensils for worship. On the twenty-fourth of August - on the day of the memory of the saint, all the inhabitants of Zakynthos, pilgrims from all over Greece and from other countries flock here to attend the solemn service. Entrance to the church is free and free, and the museum is paid - two euros.

This church stands on Solomos Square on the edge of the waterfront. It is located in the oldest Venetian building that survived the earthquake. The church was built in 1561 in honor of St. Nicholas, the heavenly patron of sailors. At first, the temple was built on an island, and a small bridge connected it to the city, but then the island was attached to the city embankment by creating an artificial embankment. The temple was built in a beautiful Renaissance style, except for its Byzantine bell tower.

- crowns the top of the Bokhali hill. On the territory of the fortress is old castle, once the capital of the island of Zakynthos was located here. Now only romantic ruins have survived from the majestic fortress walls, and even those are overgrown with pines. Of the ancient building, only the powder store and the prison were well preserved. But there is an observation deck here, for the sake of the bewitching panorama that opens from it, tourists go upstairs.

Zakynthos island- this is one of the most memorable places on our planet, whose picturesque coves are bordered by slender rocks penetrating turquoise sea ​​waters. It is these landscapes that can be seen on postcards advertising holidays in this Greek paradise of the Mediterranean.

Especially popular with tourists is the main natural attraction of Zakynthos - Navajo Bay, where the rusty wreck of the Panagiotis ship lies. Navajo is located at the northwestern tip of the island, but it can only be reached from the sea. This place is known for its beauty and personality all over the world. The name of the bay, in translation, means “Shipwreck”, and it appeared in 1980, when a ship carrying contraband to Italy was thrown ashore along with the cargo. It fit so well into the natural landscape that it was decided to leave it here. Now it is an integral part of the Navagio bay, in the shade of which tourists love to relax, admiring the sea surf. The water in this bay is bright blue, sometimes it changes its hue to milky blue. This color is due to the fact that water enters the sea from underwater sources hiding under coastal rocks, and it contains highly concentrated calcium compounds, this gives such an unusual shade. Tourists from the resorts of Zakynthos are delivered to Navajo Bay on liners or small boats. They are given time - an hour and a half to swim in plenty, sunbathe on a wonderful snow-white sandy beach, take memorable photos of these beautiful places. The price of such a cruise is twenty-five euros per tourist.

Zakynthos is rich in picturesque natural panoramas and many hidden corners of the coast. Its totally unique coastline The Ionian Sea is riddled with many mysterious grottoes and beautiful caves.

- are located in the northern part of the island of Zakynthos, on the territory of the Greek village of Volims. But the Blue Caves themselves can only be reached from the sea by boat. This is the most famous natural attraction in Greece worldwide, protected by law, however, the entrance for tourists is free. Inside the cave, any person will feel like in an unreal world, the water here is bright blue, it reflects on the walls with a mystical brilliance. Here you can dive into it from a boat and swim. The depth reaches four meters, but the water is so clean and transparent that you can see every pebble at the bottom. By the way, after bathing in this mineral-rich water, the skin becomes very tender and soft, like a baby's. The largest of the Blue Caves is Kianone, mainly tourist boats and boats are suitable for it. It is best to take an excursion to the Blue Caves at sunrise or sunset, when they are especially beautiful. During such an excursion, you will be driven under unusual rock arches, of natural origin, carved by water and the natural process of erosion many millennia ago. A trip to the Blue Caves of Zakynthos is especially popular among divers. They talk about unforgettable experiences after diving here.

Monasteries and churches of the Greek island of Zakynthos- This popular place Christian pilgrimage. Many of the holy places of the island are located high in the mountains. But this does not reduce the desire of believers to visit shrines and pray to miraculous icons and relics of saints for well-being, health and peace.

- located in the village of Majerado. Many pilgrims come here every year to venerate the miraculous icon of this saint, prayers to which can heal the suffering. The church is a simple basilica with a high thirty-seven-meter Venetian bell tower. They say that the ringing of the bells of the temple of St. Maura is the most melodic in all of Greece. Church of Saint Maura - famous historical monument Zakynthos, but in 2005 there was a strong fire in which its interior decoration burned out. Since that time, an active restoration of the church began, which continues to this day. Pilgrims come here for the patronal feast, which falls on the third of May, although its celebration falls on the period from the first to the tenth of July every year.

- an Orthodox shrine of Zakynthos and Greece, from the outside it is very similar to a castle. There is a church where St. Dionysius once worked as a monk and died. Here he was buried until 1717, until his imperishable relics were transported to the city of Zakynthos.

Or the Monastery of Our Lady of the Liberator - located in the village of Lagopodo. It stands on a high hill, completely restored after the 1953 earthquake. This is very a nice place the island of Zakynthos, which attracts not only pilgrims, but also tourists who take excellent photos of the surroundings here. In the monastery you can buy beautiful embroidery and icons that the nuns make with their own hands.

On the island of Zakynthos there are many authentic resort towns and villages where tourists come to rest. We will briefly describe a few of the most popular ones.

- a small town, four kilometers from the city of Zakynthos, you can get from it to the capital and back on a sightseeing train that constantly runs between cities, or you can walk on foot, enjoying the beauty of these places along the way. This resort town is a place where constant fun reigns, life here does not stop day or night: noise, music, crowds of vacationers on the beaches - in the daytime, streets and embankment, illuminated by the light of thousands of lights - in the evening, the noise and rhythms of incendiary music in nightclubs and discos, bars, cafes and restaurants crowded with tourists - and all this is Argassi! Rest in the resort of Argassi in Zakynthos is chosen by both young people and couples. The structure of Argassa beach is sand and pebble. Occasionally, floating algae are found in the water. Here tourists can get here a wide range of various water activities. There are many pubs, bars, restaurants, karaoke, discos near the beach.

- is located seven kilometers from the island capital. This place is preferred by people who love silence, as well as couples with children and pensioners. The Kalamaki resort is famous for its developed infrastructure; here the emphasis is on an excellent beach holiday. The city has many hotels of various categories and prices. Numerous shops, cafes, bars are concentrated on the main city street, and for small vacationers there is a water park and an amusement park. The beaches of the resort are covered with clean and soft golden sand, vacationers are provided with ample opportunities for outdoor activities: from banal riding on buns and bananas to yachting, there are volleyball and basketball courts, you can go bowling.

- smoothly flows from the resort of Kalamaki, merging with its infrastructure. Laganas is a youth resort town, a popular hangout place for young people vacationing in Zakynthos. Here are the most awesome clubs where you can have fun: Moulin Rouge, Rescue, Bad Boys, Wild Cats. But in addition to numerous noisy entertainment venues, there are also quiet natural corners where you can meet huge carriage-carriage turtles, black seals. The resort of Laganas is the place where one of the cleanest Greek beaches is located, which stretches for nine kilometers, partly this beach is a protected area, because rare turtles have chosen it to lay their eggs there. Here you can follow their life in the natural environment. As for the water activities of Laganas beach, there is a rental of catamarans, canoes, small boats. This beach is shallow, covered with pleasant fine sand, it is perfect for families with children. A big plus is that there are almost no waves here!

– located five kilometers from Zakynthos. This is a place for an active beach holiday. There are plenty of opportunities to spend time fun and usefully: you can go windsurfing, water parachuting, diving. For lovers of night fun, we recommend visiting one of the local bars or restaurants on the waterfront. It is also good here for families with children or people who prefer to sleep peacefully at night, as there are no noisy discos and nightclubs. Tsilivi beach is one of the cleanest on the island. Its structure is sandy, the sand is grayish and very fine. There is shallow water, the water is always warm, algae do not come across. Study water sports sport is possible only far from the coast. After lunch, the wind always rises, which makes Tsivili beach a favorite vacation spot for surfers.

- is located sixteen kilometers from Zakynthos. This place will be ideal for families with children. The fact is that the resort is famous for its beaches with fine golden sand, a gentle entrance to the sea, calm waters, and even shallow water here. Outside the city there is an excellent sandy beach of Gerakas. The sea here is always warm and shallow. There is an opportunity for disabled people to relax - there is a ramp for access to the water in a wheelchair.

They have different categories: there are luxurious “five-star” world-class hotels, more modest, but very good “fours” and budget “threes”. Almost all island hotels prefer to work according to the all-inclusive system popular among tourists. Almost every hotel has gyms, sports fields, tennis courts, conference rooms, beauty salons and so on. Many hotels in Zakynthos offer their guests babysitting services, children's playgrounds and rooms, cribs, a children's menu, and so on.

Zakynthos Island - a piece of paradise with the most beautiful mountains, emerald valley, many artesian springs, pine forests, thickets of olives, citruses, grapes, attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists annually. And it is not necessary to go here to relax in the summer months, as the climate in Zakynthos is very mild and warm all year round. Summer days are sunny and dry. The air temperature from the beginning of May to the end of October varies from twenty-five to thirty degrees Celsius, and the water in the Ionian Sea warms up from twenty-five to twenty-eight degrees. But even in winter it is not cold here - the average temperature is plus fifteen degrees.

How to get to Zakynthos island from Russia? In the summer before international airport Zakynthos Island, located six kilometers from the island capital of Zakynthos, charter flights fly from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The flight time from Moscow will be three hours and twenty minutes, from St. Petersburg - four hours.

The wonderful island of Greece - Zakynthos - is a place that, having visited once, you will return again and again, missing the amazing beauty of the Ionian coast, intoxicating coniferous and citrus aromas, beautiful and endless golden beaches.