Uzhgorod excursions. Open left menu Uzhhorod

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You can get to the city center from the bus and railway station on foot in 20-30 minutes (1.5 km) or by taxi for 30-50 UAH. In addition, minibuses No. 5 or 16 run along Svobody Avenue and further past the Zakarpattya and Uzhgorod hotels to the center to the market and the Atlant Hotel.

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Weather in Uzhhorod

The climate of Uzhgorod is temperate continental, summer is hot, winter is mild. Thanks to the Carpathians, there are no strong cold winds here, so both autumn and spring are mild. The coldest month is January (-3 °C), the hottest month is July (+20 °C).

Entertainment and attractions

The main attraction of the city is the Uzhgorod Castle of the 9th century, which today houses the Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life. Noteworthy is the episcopal palace (1646) and the Catholic Baroque church, the elegant town hall (1810). The center of Uzhgorod is replete with buildings similar in style to constructivism. They were built in the 30s. 20th century designed by Czech architects.

Other attractions: local history and art museums, botanical garden, Nevitsky castle 7 km from the city and Goryanskaya Rotunda - the oldest building in Uzhgorod.

Uzhgorod is interesting not so much for its sights as for its unique atmosphere. From 1919 to 1945 it was considered part of Czechoslovakia, until that time - Hungary, and later - the Soviet Union. This gave the city an unusual mixture of traditions, nationalities and cultures, because Russians who remained after World War II, Ukrainians, Slovaks, Hungarians, Germans, Jews and even gypsies still live here.

  • Where to stay: the choice of accommodation in Western Ukraine depends on your vacation plans. The most convenient way to travel around the region is to stay in Lviv - its administrative and cultural capital with a lot of hotels for every taste and budget. Truskavets and Morshyn are an ideal choice for those who want to improve their health and relax in the silence of nature. And in the region

Do you have a favorite place that you would like to return to again and again? That paradise that is not forgotten? For many, this place was the city of Uzhgorod! A city that impresses tourists not only with its sights, which, of course, we will tell about. Perhaps the hallmark of the city, if I may say so, are the locals themselves. Their unusual dialect, positive attitude to life, traditions, culture, attitude towards the guests of the city ... In general, what are the words for? Uzhhorod just needs to be seen and loved!

Uzhgorod - the city of your dreams!

Among the beautiful mountains of the Carpathians, in a picturesque valley, on both sides of the Uzh River, there is an ancient and charming city of Uzhgorod, which impresses with its traditions, culture and multinationality!

Anyone can find for himself what this place will delight him with - ancient history, sights or landscapes.

Tourists come here from all over the world! This city is a dream, you should definitely visit it, because it is called our own "Paris" for a reason.

Incredible variety of sights of Uzhgorod!

The number of architectural monuments and unique corners of this place is simply amazing!

To enjoy everyone sights of Uzhhorod, you will need more than one day. The heart of the city is the Uzhgorod Castle, which you simply must see. The Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture will be of particular admiration.

This is a whole village that will amaze you with unusual buildings and features of the life of different ethnographic groups. And all this beauty is headed by the wooden Lemko Church of St. arch. Michael, built in 1777. In the spring, this amazing city turns into a white-pink cloud, thanks to the cherry blossoms, and in the summer, the longest linden alley in Europe conquers the hearts of tourists.

It is impossible to ignore the Church of St. Yuri, the Exaltation of the Cross Cathedral, the Botanical Garden, the House of the Zupanat, and, of course, the Chardonnay tasting room.

Let's plunge into the centuries-old history of Uzhgorod?

This is one of the most ancient cities in Ukraine, which has seen a lot in its lifetime and it certainly has something to show you! The history of the city of Uzhgorod, known to all of us, dates back to the distant 872. "Gesta Gungarorum" - it is in this document that the city of Ungvar is first mentioned. This territory was a Slavic principality, headed by the famous Prince Laborets. In 896, the Hungarian tribes burned the town. After their arrival, a new one began to be built, which was destroyed in 1242.

More than once this territory fell under raids and destruction, and then again revived in an even better shape, like a phoenix bird. Also, the city became a point of confrontation between Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism. All milestones of history have left a huge mark on the modern city, which was part of the Kingdom of Hungary, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and since 1945 has been an important part of our country. For an exciting journey through these limitless historical periods, you should definitely come here!

Uzhgorod- a thousand-year-old city of Western Ukraine on the border with Slovakia, decorated with architectural monuments, incredible embankments with flowering lindens, magnolias, sakura, apple trees, quince. After the stay of the Hungarian people on the lands of present-day Uzhgorod, many changes were made to the general landscape of the city. Look at modern Uzhgorod. Rest here charges with long-lasting energy. See what the city is famous for today:

  • Linden alley;
  • Uzhgorod castle;
  • toy railway;
  • Bozdoshsky park;
  • church of St. Yuri;
  • synagogue;
  • Church of the Intercession;
  • 7 bridges of the city.

The green monument changes the image of an artistically stylized mass of stones

Linden alley - a monument of landscape architecture - the champion in length in Europe. I remember that in the former capital of Ukraine they threatened to build the longest embankment in Ukraine, but to this day the record is held by Lipovaya, or Sakurova alley. Its lime blossoms attract tourists all summer long. Here you can admire this special beauty for hours, noting every minute how your heart shudders from the luxury you see. And it would seem that there is nothing supernatural. Just a well-thought-out landscape design that appeals to everyone who is not alien to aesthetic taste. In general, you will definitely bring a couple of hundred beautiful photos from here.

Rest in Uzhgorod brings unprecedented happiness to city guests

The city is protected by forests on all sides, which makes it a cozy environment, and the temperate climate provides excellent conditions for meeting tourist delegations all year round. And when gently pink sakura petals cover the streets, one is drawn to run, to lift this cover into the air.

The climate favorably affects the general background of the city. Even the locals do not neglect the opportunity to find time for aesthetic relaxation. People in Uzhgorod do not get tired of spending time behind the ancient mura of the famous Uzhgorod castle - this is an unsurpassed example of fortification art. Many reconstructions were carried out over this fortress, but now its power is visible at a glance. It rises mightily and proudly - just as Uzhgorod defended in the past.

The city itself is incredibly beautiful. To some extent, it is absolutely provincial, there are no particularly magnificent architectural structures that shake the mind. And, at the same time, if you look at all this through the prism of a historical continuum, it is breathtaking. Perhaps this is one of the cities of Ukraine, which is fraught with the memory of history, and it, in turn, began a very long time ago.

Create fashion for green and educational tours. His fans are coming to Uzhgorod!

Thirst to go to a quiet, pleasant vacation is quenched in Uzhgorod. The city is developing rapidly and has become famous for green tourism and local attractions and today it is a real pleasure for those who are insatiably curious and looking for tours. To Uzhgorod it is worth coming during the flowering of the famous lindens and sakuras. Changes in the weather affect the time of cherry blossoms, but basically the end of April is the peak. Although, not only this period is favorable for tourists.

If you are a real traveler and strive to discover more and more charms of your native country, then Uzhgorod is one of the cities that you simply must visit. Especially considering the fact that it is, whatever one may say, a regional center. At any time of the year, whenever you come here, there will be something to do. From banal visits to museums that will reveal the historical secrets of the city, to leisurely walks along the cozy streets. And in winter, the characteristic silence, the minimum number of people on the street, leisurely going about their business, and cozy cafes where you can admire the life of the city while enjoying a cup of aromatic tea give the city a special charm.

Discover Transcarpathia from a new side every day!

Excursions in Transcarpathia We offer a huge variety of different directions and quality. It would seem that it could be easier than just choosing a few of them and thus organizing your vacation? But in fact, everything is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, especially when you start looking for a way to adjust existing excursion tours and programs to your desires and possibilities.

That is why, over the years and at the cost of many trials and attempts, we have created schedule of daily excursions in Transcarpathia, which greatly simplifies the life of a huge number of tourists every year.

After all, now you don’t need to process tons of unnecessary information in your head, trying to determine what to choose for today and what it would be better to do tomorrow, so that at the same time you can have a wonderful time and not overpay when there is no need.

All you need is just to get acquainted with the convenient, simple and completely understandable schedule, in which the days of the week are painted excursions in Uzhgorod, excursions in Mukachevo, and, of course, excursions in Transcarpathia, involving visits to the most diverse and most interesting locations of the region.

Thus, you have before your eyes real excursions that take place in any case every day, and not “when the group gathers” or “there is good weather”. By planning your vacation in accordance with this schedule, you will be calm, because you will know exactly what, for example:

  • go on monday bathe in vats;
  • go watch Wednesday castles of Transcarpathia;
  • on Saturday, go on a journey to the wonderful Lake Synevyr.

Agree, it’s much easier, more profitable and more pleasant to relax and discover Transcarpathia from its most diverse sides, so go ahead to plan the best recreation in Transcarpathia!

Monday SPA-excursion "Font in vats"

You are waiting for the secrets and mysteries of the mystical Nevitsky castle, an inspiring walk to small Lumshory waterfalls, the most pleasant bathing in the famous hydrogen sulfide vats, tasting delicious traditional dishes Transcarpathian cuisine as well as exotic toad legs.
Tour duration: 8 hours
Cost: 330 UAH

Tuesday SPA-excursion to the thermal pools of Berehove

Excursion to the most interesting Hungarian city of Transcarpathia - Berehove swimming in natural thermal pools, a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the colorful Hungarian culture, food and wine.
Tour duration: 8 ocloc'k
Price: 375 UAH

Departure from Uzhgorod sq. Koryatovicha, 27.

Departure from Mukachevo Uzhgorodskaya st., 26.

private tour

: we are working on the program 50% prepayment, as well as on service cancellation conditions.

Wednesday Excursion "Raisins of Khustshchyna"

Hot tub in natural mineral and thermal waters With. Velyatino, visiting the only one in Ukraine farms spotted deer, unique Iza village, which is considered a true center of wickerwork, excursion and tasting at eco-cheese factory in the village of Nizhne Selishche.

Tour duration: 11 o'clock
Price: 440 UAH

Excursions "Raisins of Khust" and "Pearls of Intermountain" start an hour earlier than others, since they involve a longer journey, namely to 8.00 from Uzhhorod and 8.45 from Mukachevo.

Thursday Excursion to Voevodino "Schönborn Park, horses and trout"

Romantic and inspiring in the most beautiful way a park at Shenborn, catching a wonderful rainbow trout, horseback riding or carriage, and then a wonderful dinner - the opportunity to feel like a real aristocrat during one excursion!
Tour duration: 8 ocloc'k
Price: 330 UAH

Friday "Lovely Uzhgorod with coffee aroma and mini-sculptures"

A unique opportunity to discover Uzhgorod from its most interesting sides: from the side of the coffee cult and on the part of its dearest inhabitants - mini sculptures"settled" in different parts of the city.
Tour duration: 2 hours 15 minutes
Price: 150 UAH

Sightseeing tour of Uzhgorod "Charm of the ancient city"

Sightseeing tour of one of the most ancient cities of Ukraine - Uzhgorod, which has an interesting history that took place at the junction of different eras, nationalities and cultures.
Tour duration: 3 hours
Price: 95 UAH

Evening walking tour of Uzhhorod

Multifaceted and romantic Uzhgorod will open to you from a completely different side during evening tour time. When shadows fall on the city, lights are lit everywhere and a romantic mysterious atmosphere envelops the old narrow streets, this ancient city appears to residents and guests from a completely unexpected side.
Tour duration: 2 hours 15 minutes
Price: 95 UAH

Saturday Excursion to Synevyr "Pearls of Intermountain"

The most beautiful and most "green" tour, during which:

  • You will see the most beautiful alpine lake of the Carpathians - Synevyr;
  • learn its legends, visit the only one in all of Ukraine shelter for brown bears;
  • the most powerful Carpathian waterfall - Shipot;
  • you can see endless Borzhava meadows;
  • get the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful panoramas of the Carpathian Mountains, fresh air and virgin nature throughout the day.
    Tour duration: 15 hours
    Price: 550 UAH

Sunday Excursion to the castles of Transcarpathia

The most interesting of the castles of Transcarpathia: the ruins of the oldest Transcarpathian Templar castle in the village of Seredne, majestic Palanok castle, romantic love castle st miklos in the village Chinadievo and aristocratic Palace of Count von Schönborn.
Tour duration: 8 ocloc'k
Price: 330 UAH

Departure from Uzhgorod in the morning at 9.00. The group gathers near the entrance to the Atlant Hotel, which is located in the city center at sq. Koryatovicha, 27.

Departure from Mukachevo in the morning at 9.45. The group gathers near the entrance to the Mukachevo State University (MDU) at Uzhgorodskaya st., 26.

In addition, you can always order private tour, adjusting the time and program for yourself and get all the corresponding benefits. To do this, please contact us on our phone numbers.

Also, please take a look at our conditions for the provision of excursion services: we are working on the program 50% prepayment, as well as on service cancellation conditions.

Travel company "Pro Carpathians" with pleasure organizes your vacation in the Carpathians, Transcarpathia: tours and excursions; active recreation: ballooning and paragliding, rafting, jeeping, quad biking, horseback riding, hiking, enduro tours; accommodation, spa treatment and much more.

(the cost is calculated individually)

Excursion "Traces of the Austrian aristocracy"

Uzhgorod - Voevodyno - Uzhgorod, 8 hours (with road)

The Voevodyno tract is exactly the place where you can truly plunge into the inimitable nature of the Carpathians, as well as feel like real Austrian aristocrats and enjoy the touch of caring human hands on nature - Schönborn Park.

Excursion program:

Departure from Uzhgorod.

Excursion to Voevodino "Schönborn Park, horses and trout"

Take a break from the hustle and bustle, forget about work and all your affairs, feel the carelessness of a child, which gives real joy and passion for life.

The Voevodyno tract is exactly the place where you can truly plunge into the inimitable nature of the Carpathians, as well as feel like real Austrian aristocrats and enjoy the touch of caring human hands on nature - Schönborn Park. It was recently restored after so many years of neglect.

Excursion around the park. Acquaintance with the history of Transcarpathia in different historical periods.

Free time - walk around the beautiful lake Tur.


Excursion to the stable. Horseback riding in the arena or a walk in the forest (with or without an instructor) (additional fee - 15 UAH).

Return to Uzhgorod.


SPA - excursion "Bathing in vats"

Uzhgorod – Lumshory – Uzhgorod, 6 hours

Excursion to the ruins of the medieval castle "Nevitsky", as well as a trip to the distant mountain village of Lumshory. In Lumshory - a short walk to the small waterfalls Nightingale and Partizan, swimming in vats on an open fire, with hydrogen sulfide water, on the banks of a mountain river.

Excursion program:

Departure from Uzhgorod.

Moving to Nevitskoe.

Excursion to the Nevitsky castle.

Transfer to the ancient mountain village Lumshory:

Walk along the mountain stream to the waterfalls "Nightingale" and "Partizan" (Davir);

Bathing in vats.

Dinner in a hut on the bank of a mountain river.

Return to Uzhgorod.

Transport support along the route according to the program.

Accompanying a guide - a guide along the route according to the program.


Additionally paid:

Font in a vat - from 30 UAH / person.

Excursion "Castles of Transcarpathia"

Uzhgorod-Sredne-Mukachevo-Carpathians-Chinadievo-Uzhgorod, 8 hours (with road)

The tour "Castles of Transcarpathia" offers to get acquainted with the history of the region, medieval architecture, ancient legends.

A lot of archaeological sights of medieval architecture - 12 ancient castles - are located on the territory of Transcarpathia. Unfortunately, few have preserved their original appearance to this day. But even today, the mysterious spirit of antiquity hovers around the castles and ruins, which creates many interesting legends.

Excursion program:

Moving to Mukachevo.

On the way, a brief introduction to the mysterious history of the destroyed stronghold - the Templar castle.

Visit to the Mukachevo castle "Palanok", founded around the 9th century - a monument of history and fortification architecture of the 14th - 18th centuries. Covered in legends, the restored castle is one of the most interesting monuments of Transcarpathia. Its history is connected with the history of almost all countries of Central Europe.

Excursion to the palace of the Austrian Count Shenborn.

Saint Miklos - castle of love (XV century). An interesting tour of the ancient castle, where great love was born.

The price of the tour includes:

Transport service according to the excursion program

Accompanying a tour guide according to the excursion program


Additionally paid:

Excursion "Mukacheve reveals its secrets"

Uzhgorod - Mukachevo - Carpathians - Chynadiyevo - Uzhgorod, 8 hours (with the road)

A journey to the legendary, well-preserved Palanok castle awaits you. During the tour you will see the ancient church of St. Joseph of the XIV century, a chapel with a fresco painting of the XIV century, the palace of the princes Rakoczy, the building of the city hall, as well as the ancient Nikolaevsky Orthodox monastery on Chernecha Gora. You will enjoy the architecture of the palace of Count Schönborn and the great love story associated with the castle of St. Miklos.

Excursion program:

Visit to the Mukachevo castle "Palanok", founded around the 9th century - a monument of history and fortification architecture (XIV - XVIII centuries).

Walking tour of the ancient city of Mukachevo:

Church of St. Joseph (XIV century);

White Palace of the Princes Rakoczy (XVI - XVII centuries);

City Hall (early 20th century);

Other monuments of architecture and sculpture.

Dinner. The best dishes of Transcarpathian cuisine.

Mukachevo Orthodox Monastery (corresponding dress code).

Excursion to the palace of the Austrian count Shenborn (sanatorium "Karpaty"). Walk around the beautiful palace and lake.

Saint Miklos - castle of love (XV century). An interesting tour of the ancient castle, in which great love was born, which changed the history of entire states. St. Miklós was a place of romantic meetings between a powerful princess and a young count who rebelled against the empire.

Return to Uzhgorod.

The price of the tour includes:

Transport support according to the excursion program.


Additionally paid: Entrance fees to castles, museums.

SPA - excursion "Hospitable Beregovshchina"

Uzhgorod - Kosino - Uzhgorod, 10 hours

You will swim in the unique outdoor thermal pools in Kosino, tour the center of Berehove, get acquainted with Hungarian culture, historical and architectural monuments, as well as excellent Hungarian cuisine and wine.

Excursion program:

Departure from Uzhgorod.

Moving to Beregovo.

Walk in the center of Berehove, getting acquainted with the Hungarian culture. Beregovo is an ancient city located near the Hungarian border, which is considered the center of Hungarian culture and the winemaking capital of Transcarpathia. Walking tour, acquaintance with the Hungarian culture, historical and architectural monuments:

Roman Catholic church of the XII century, destroyed by the Tatars in 1241, rebuilt in 1370, restored in 1846;

The huge palace of the comitat court (1908 - 1909, architect Ferenc Yablonsky), now the Transcarpathian Hungarian Pedagogical Institute;

The beautiful Count's Palace (1629) of the Transylvanian magnate Gabor Bethlen;

Reformed Church (1552);

The building of the hotel "Lion's Court" (XVII century);

Casino-restaurant "Golden Peacock" (early 20th century);

Ancient bridge over the river Werke.

Lunch in a chard. Exquisite Hungarian cuisine. Charda is translated as a lonely tavern or inn in the Hungarian steppe. In former times, it served as a collection point for semi-wild Magyar shepherds and for all sorts of daring fellows - Betyars, including real steppe robbers. Now Charda is an institution for tourists where you can feel the spirit of Hungary, eat national dishes, drink Hungarian wines, watch Hungarian folk dances and listen to appropriate music.

Transfer to Kosino.

Visit to the thermal pool (bring your swimwear).

Wine tasting in Yanoshi.

Return to Uzhgorod.

The price of the tour includes:

Transport service according to the excursion program


Additionally paid:

Wine tasting - 55 UAH/person

Swimming in the thermal pool - 50 UAH/person


Excursion program:

Departure from Uzhgorod.

Transfer to Pylypets (Mezhgorsky district) to the picturesque waterfall Shipot. On the way, tourists will see a beautiful mountain panorama, learn ancient legends and legends of the mysterious Carpathians.

Not far from Shypot, take a chairlift to the alpine meadows of Borzhava to Mount Gymba, from where an amazing panoramic view of the Carpathians opens. The height of the mountain is 1300m above sea level, the length of the road is 1600 meters, the ascent time is 15 minutes.

Dinner in a hut. For completeness of impressions, the best dishes of Transcarpathian cuisine are recommended.

Excursion to the Mezhgorsky National Reserve to the high-mountain lake Synevyr.

Excursion to the rehabilitation center for bears. It was built in the middle of the Carpathian Mountains in Mizhhiria. Its area is 14 hectares. The shelter is designed for thirty bears. Each was equipped with a personal lair, which is no different from a natural one. The lairs are dug in the ground, covered from the inside with moss and roots. On the territory of the center there are several artificial lakes where bears bathe. To prevent the animals from leaving the shelter, they are guarded by an electronic shepherd: a fence through which a weak current passes.

Return to Uzhgorod.

The price of the tour includes:

Accompanying a tour guide according to the excursion program

Transport support according to the excursion program


Additionally paid:

Entrance fees to the lake, waterfall - 10 UAH / person.

Rise on a chairlift - 30 UAH / person.

Walking tour "Revealing the beauty of Uzhgorod"

4 hours

A tour of the thousand-year-old city of Uzhgorod reveals entire cultures of different times and peoples. You will see the unique building of the former Hasidic synagogue, the ancient Catholic church of St. George and a real masterpiece of architecture - the Exaltation of the Cross Greek Catholic Cathedral. On the castle hill you will see one of the oldest fortresses of Transcarpathia - Uzhhorod Castle. An unforgettable walk along the longest linden alley in Europe awaits you.

Excursion program:

Excursion in the city center: the building of the former Hasidic synagogue (1905), the Frida Palace (1910), Korzo street, the ancient Catholic church of St. George, a masterpiece of architecture - the Exaltation of the Cross Greek Catholic Cathedral.

Uzhgorod castle, founded at the end of the 9th century by the Slavic prince Laborets. Today, there is a very interesting and diverse exposition of the Transcarpathian Museum of Local Lore.

Visit to the Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life under the open sky.

Dinner. The best dishes of Transcarpathian cuisine

Wine tasting in a private wine room "Chardonnay".

Embankments of the River Uzh, the longest linden alley in Europe, is an unforgettable evening walk.

Excursion and dinner in the fun museum-tavern "Deca v notarya".

The price of the tour includes:

Accompanying a tour guide according to the excursion program.


Additionally paid:

Wine tasting - 45 UAH/person

Entrance fees to castles, museums.