Where are the Carpathians. Ukrainian Carpathians: guide

The length of the Carpathian Mountains is about 1,500 kilometers. They arc cover most of the Central European Lowland. The width of the Carpathians varies and is 240 kilometers in the northwestern part, 340 kilometers in the southwestern part and about 100 kilometers in the northeastern part.

In their own way geographic location The Carpathians are divided into three parts: Western, Southern and Eastern. The Western Carpathians are located in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary. It is in Hungary that the highest point of the Carpathians is located - Mount Gerlach, the peak of which rises at an altitude of 2655 meters above sea level. The Southern Carpathians are entirely located on the territory of Romania, and most of the Eastern Carpathians are located in Ukraine.

Western Carpathians

The Western Carpathians are the longest part of all the Carpathian mountains. Their length exceeds 400 kilometers, and the average width is approximately 200 kilometers. The Western Carpathians consist of several ridges and mountain ranges that stretch from west to east. The local mountains are characterized by alpine forms of peaks, as well as many alpine lakes.

Northern part mountains formed by the ranges of the Western Bexids. The central part of the Western Carpathians consists mainly of high mountain ranges, and the southern part is formed by medium-altitude mountain ranges.

Eastern Carpathians

The Eastern Carpathians are almost entirely located on the territory of Ukraine, therefore they are often called the Ukrainian Carpathians. Within Ukraine, they are divided into three parts: internal, central and external. The mountains are located on the territory of four Ukrainian regions: Chernivtsi, Lvov, Ivano-Frankivsk and Transcarpathian.

In Ukraine, the Carpathians are conditionally divided into two regions: the Carpathian and Transcarpathian regions. The Carpathian Mountains include the mountains located in the Chernivtsi and Ivano-Frankivsk regions, and the Transcarpathian region - in the Transcarpathian region.

The highest point of the Ukrainian Carpathians is Mount Hoverla, whose height is 2061 meters. The mountain is located near the villages of Yablunytsya and Yasinya on the border of Chernivtsi and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.

Southern Carpathians

The Southern Carpathians are completely located on the territory of Romania and represent the extreme southern part of the mountains. This massif is often called the Transylvanian Carpathians. The ridge is about 300 kilometers long. The South Carpathians encompass five Romanian historical regions: Wallachia, Oltenia, Banat, Muntenia and Transylvania.

This part of the Carpathian Mountains is the highest and most earthquake-prone.

The Carpathians are a huge mountain system in the central part of Europe which passes through Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Austria.

These mountains are located closer to the western part of Ukraine and have an average length of 280 km. The relief here is multi-tiered; there are foothill, low-mountain, mid-mountain and high-mountain territories. Their height can reach 2000 m.

These places are distinguished by a special purity of air and beautiful spaces, which, of course, cannot but attract tourists and climbers. We hope that you will no longer be tormented by the question - where are the Carpathians.

The Carpathians are located in four regions of Ukraine:

  • Chernivtsi;
  • Transcarpathian;
  • Lviv;
  • Ivano-Frankivsk.

The most popular among tourists are mountains such as:

  • Hoverla;
  • Pop Ivan;
  • Petros;
  • Hamster.

The height of these mountains sometimes exceeds 2000m, which is why they attract tourists. The atmosphere around is fascinating: virgin nature, clean air, absence of people, variety of trees, plants and aromas.

In addition to the stunning scenery, tourists like local residents, fishing here attracts. Carpathian rivers rich in a wide variety of fish.

Where the Carpathians can be located on the world map is easy to determine, since they occupy an impressive territory and are highlighted in brown.

Click on the map to enlarge

The Carpathians can be divided into 3 parts by geographic location: Southern, Western, Eastern. Western Carpathians - Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland. The highest point of the Carpathians is on Mount Gerlach, whose height is 2655 m. In turn, all the South Carpathians are in Romania, and in Ukraine, almost all of the Eastern Carpathians are located.

Usually, most active tourism in the Carpathians in winter... From the middle of autumn, the first snow appears here and vacationers come in anticipation of the beginning, warming mulled wine and good mood.

Recently, the Carpathians have become one of the most preferred places for skiing holidays. Summer vacation here has its own charm. Everyone can choose something to their liking:

  • swimming in rivers;
  • chat with different animals on farm yards;
  • do your favorite folk craft.

It would be unfair to associate the Carpathians only with Bukovel, Dragobrat, Hoverla and tourists. We tell you about the tourist background of the region and 15 original mountain places near Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv, where, in addition to skiing, you can try hiking, rafting and even ziplining, ride a mountain bike, learn how to make a vurda and Hutsul "skiers", see mountain lakes, Austrian architecture, viaducts and wooden churches. And breathe in freedom, of course.

The Carpathians and Transcarpathia are a tourist region with a European background. Until the end of World War II, it developed in the context of the Austrian, Czech and Polish economy and culture, which undoubtedly benefited him. In 1895, the first tourist train departed from Lviv to Skole, and tourist shelters began to appear on the mountain slopes of the Carpathians - a kind of “hostels” where travelers could take a breath during mountain hikes, warm up and sleep for free. In the main tourist cities- Uzhgorod, Mukachevo, Beregovo, Vinogradov, Rakhov, Khust - the first hotels were opened. By 1939, there were at least 20 of them. The entire tourist infrastructure of Transcarpathia at that time was built thanks to the activities of the Czechoslovak Tourists Club. The club has developed and marked tourist routes, opened tourist houses, shelters, hotels, restaurants and even a boat station, and published tourist guides in several foreign languages. Roughly the same thing happened on Polish territory - in Galicia.

Tourists came to the Carpathians to look at castles or their ruins, monasteries, Dacian and Roman settlements near the Great and Small Digs, to study folk crafts, ride a narrow-gauge railway and rest on some mountain slope in a tent. But suddenly the Czechoslovak Republic collapsed, the Second World War broke out, the territory of Transcarpathia was captured by the Hungarians, and later by the Soviets. During this period, most of the tourist infrastructure was destroyed. The Soviet government turned the Carpathians into a health resort paradise.

The last 25 years, the tourism sector of Transcarpathia has been developing spontaneously and chaotically, mainly due to the activity of caring people, the innate entrepreneurial spirit of the local people and the capital of some oligarchs, of course.

Today's Carpathians are such a cocktail of European charm, original Hutsul culture and Radyan relics. Buy a ticket to Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk or Lviv immediately so you can drink it as soon as possible.

Vizhnitsa - Hasidim, rocks and mushroom paradise

If the train brought you to Chernivtsi, and your soul requires mountains, go to Vizhnitsa (75 km from Chernivtsi) - the Carpathians begin from here.

In the 18th century, the main feature of Vizhnitsa was the Hasidim - the founder of Hasidism, Rabbi Israel, lived there. During the Austrian period, Viznitsa was a famous ski center. And during the Romanian occupation, the name of this village was associated with the famous cabaret. Today in Vyzhnytsya you will find both - a colorful culture and a good tourist infrastructure.

Things to do

View Austrian and Romanian architecture

Viznitsa resembles an open-air museum: a typical provincial European town of the early 20th century. Many Austrian and Romanian buildings have been preserved here in a fairly decent form. Be sure to take a look at the railway station, the town hall, the main synagogue, the gymnasium building, the building of the district hospital and the college of applied arts - all these buildings have stood here for more than 100 years. On Ukrainskaya Street, look at the building of the once popular cabaret (now the home of children's creativity), and near the market do not pass the former Romanian border outpost.

Conquer rocks and huge boulders

If you feel like a confident rock climber, then do not forget to take the necessary equipment on your trip, because in the vicinity of Vyzhnytsya there are several huge rocks and boulders (30-40 m): rock massif "Stretch kaminnya" (near the pass Nemchich), "Pechera Dovbush" (near Nemchich). These rocks are also quite suitable for hiking. They stand in a beech forest on a low mountain, from where you will see the Carpathians in all their glory. You can put up a tent in the forest. The ascent is not difficult - it is possible with children.

Rafting down the mountain river Cheremosh

The Cheremosh River was once the border between Romania and Poland, and now it separates the Chernivtsi region from Ivano-Frankivsk. This is the most popular river in the Carpathians among amateurs. Googling, you can easily find about 10 companies that organize not only rafting, but also a comprehensive adventure program with rafting and mountain climbing.

Pick mushrooms

Bukovina is the land of beech forests where giant boletus grows. If you are planning an autumn trip to the Carpathians and want to join the sacred action of picking mushrooms, go from Vyzhnytsya to Vizhenka (6.5 km) - there are the most mushroom places and you can find a guide from local seasoned mushroom pickers.

To ski

Near Vizhnitsa there are two ski resorts at once - the modest "Nemchich Pass" and the solid "Migovo".

"Pass Nemchich" is a small tourist complex, which includes a hotel, a restaurant, slopes, 2 drag lifts and a rental point. Skiing here can be extremely budgetary: € 0.15 - a one-time lift, from € 3 - a subscription, from € 2 per day - ski / snowboard rental.

"Migovo"- solid ski resort with a hostel, several hotels, restaurants, clubs, spa-center. Someone calls Migovo the main competitor of Bukovel, but the prices here are incomparably lower: from € 1 - a one-time lift, from € 16 - a day pass, from € 3 per day - ski / snowboard rental.

Where to stay

It is best to choose accommodation in Vizhnitsa, Vizhenka and Migov on the website hotels24.ua... Unlike "Booking" there you can find accommodation options in estates, guest houses and mini-hotels. Prices in Vizhenka and Vizhnitsa start from € 14 for a double room, in Migov - from € 30, and in Nemchich for € 30 you can rent a double room with two meals a day.

Where to eat

The largest and most popular restaurant Vyzhnytsya - "Kupalska Nich"(street O. Dovbush, 1a) ... Try here "trout in sour cream", "potato pancakes" and draft beer, and for dessert, take dumplings with cherries. Just get ready for the fact that you will find yourself in a traditional Hutsul institution, where service and speed of service are not the strongest points.

How to get there

From Minsk: by plane to Chernivtsi (UIA - from € 84). By train or bus through Kiev, Lviv or Kovel (from € 25) to Chernivtsi. From Chernivtsi - by minibus to Vyzhnytsya. Further - a ride / taxi.

From Brest: by bus Brest-Kovel (from € 4), from Kovel by train to Chernivtsi (from € 3.5). From Chernivtsi - by minibus to Vyzhnytsya. Further - a ride / taxi.

From Kiev: by train to Chernivtsi (from € 6), by plane to Chernivtsi (UIA - from € 38). From Chernivtsi - by minibus to Vyzhnytsya. Further - a ride / taxi.

Verkhovynshina - two thousand-meter mountains, waterfalls and a cultural reserve

Alpine city Verkhovyna (Ivano-Farankovsk region) and its satellite villages are considered the center of the ancient Hutsul region, this is true Western Ukraine, surrounded by mountains of two thousand meters. In Verkhovyna itself, be sure to go to a private museum Roman Kumlik (street I. Frank, 35) , where, in addition to authentic Hutsul household items, he collected a rich collection of musical instruments.

Things to do

Recharge with creativity and get acquainted with the culture of the Hutsuls in Kryvorivna (Krivorivnya)

Hutsul is a Ukrainian highlander, a free-lover who loves to dress himself and his house in order to appear before neighbors in all its glory. Therefore, the jacket of a normal hutsul is embroidered with gold and flavored with pom-poms, and his house is decorated with carpets, embroidered towels and intricate carvings. All these cultural artifacts you can see in the village Kryvorivnya(7 km from Verkhovyna), where there are 14 (!) Museums. "Hutsul khata-grazhda" and the historical and cultural museum in the school building are an obligatory part of the program of every decent tourist.

Kryvorivnya is not only a terry Hutsul region, but also a once bohemian center, fashion resort where the cultural elite gathered - writers and public figures - Ivan Franko, Lesya Ukrainka with her friend Olga Kobylyanskaya, Osip Makovei, Vasyl Stefanyk and Mikhail Kotsyubinsky. And Sergei Parajanov filmed Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors here. In general, Kryvorivnya is charged with creativity. To feel the atmosphere, visit the Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors Museum and the Ivan Frank Literary Memorial Museum.

The cultural program can be diversified by hiking. In the vicinity of Kryvorivnyi start hiking trails to the rocks of the Pisaniy Kamen and to the peak of Igrets (1,311 m).

See the waterfalls and climb to the mountain observatory

If the main purpose of your trip to the Carpathians is hiking, head for Dzembronya - a high-mountainous village where no more than 300 mountaineers live. From here, it is most convenient to climb Mount Pop-Ivan and, in general, start climbing the Montenegrin ridge.

You can climb Pop-Ivan in different ways, but to see the cascades of the Smotritsky waterfalls along the way, head for Mount Ushasty Kamen. From this point to the top of Pop-Ivan and the old observatory is already a stone's throw.

The stone observatory - White Elephant - on the Pop-Ivan mountain was built by Warsaw University in the late 30s. last century for stargazing and weather. The building was abandoned for several decades. Recently, in a small part of it, volunteers set up a tourist shelter, where lifeguards live and tourists who are exhausted by mountain climbs stay.

Try a vurda, try on Hutsul embroidery and see the Carpathian two-thousanders in Iltsy

In the Carpathian dreams of seasoned tourists - the conquest of the Montenegrin ridge - six mountains-two thousand. If you are a beginner and spend more time in the office than in the gym and on the treadmill, we advise you to start from the Kostrych Ridge. Climb Mount Kostrych (1586 m), which is located directly opposite the Montenegrin ridge, and watch how powerful two-thousanders support the clouds with their snow caps. You will not see such a picture from any other point of the Carpathians! And here's another nice bonus for you: the slopes of Kostrych are strewn with blueberries in summer, and porcini mushrooms in autumn.

Take some cash with you on your hike and don't go past kolyba - small wooden houses, there are several of them on the ridge. In summer, hutsuls-shepherds live in kolyba, who graze in the vicinity of cows, sheep and goats and immediately prepare cheeses - feta cheese, budz and vurdu. From late autumn to April, no one lives in kolyba, and tourists use them for an overnight stay.

You can climb Kostrych from the village of Iltsy or from the Krivopolsky Pass, which can be reached from Verkhovyna. In Iltsi, do not forget to look into Museum-estate of the poetess Galinka Verkhovinka(v. Iltsi, prilok Velikiy Grabovets) to learn everything about Hutsul embroidery and try on the image of a Hutsul. In winter, you can go skiing in Iltsi. For this, there are three slopes of medium difficulty (length - 700 m), two drag lifts and an equipment rental point.

See how the Hutsul "lizhniki" are doing and shaving their own caught trout in Yavoriv

In the village Yavorov(Yavoriv) many houses still create "lizhniki" - woven bedspreads from sheep's wool. The ability to weave is inherited here. Until recently, children studied lizhnikovka at school and even passed the obligatory test for it. Today, woven bedspreads are less and less used in everyday life, but local craftswomen updated their product and began to sew raincoats, coats and jackets from it. Go to Yavorov (21 km from Verkhovyna, there is a bus) to get acquainted with the ancient Hutsul art. In the center of folk art "Gutsul'ka krazhda" you can take part in a master class.

If you like fishing, here's another reason for you to be in Yavoriv - trout farm "Eco-Trout", where you can catch a few fish, and then place an order for their preparation. Be sure to try the trout in sour cream sauce and banosh. While your fish is preparing, go to see the local waterfall, which is modestly called Yavorskaya Niagara.

Where to stay

A double junior suite in a private estate in Verkhovyna can be rented for € 15-20, although finding a double room is not so easy - most of the owners of cottages rent them out entirely. Look for a suitable option on the website hotels24.ua or booking.karpaty.ua... Pay attention to the private estate of the Jurak family, especially if you are planning mountain hikes. The owners of the estate promise to help with the instructor.

If you go big company, take a closer look at the cottage "Trembita" 8 with a sauna, fireplace, arbours and barbecue.

There is a cozy guesthouse in the village of Krivopillia "FIREPLACE" with a beautiful terrace, fireplace room and large windows in the rooms overlooking the mountains. You can order meals from the hosts.

Where to eat

To a restaurant with panoramic windows "Panorama Verhoevel" (Ivana-Frank St., 1, Verkhovyna village) go for a complex aesthetic pleasure. Unlike many other Hutsul establishments, here they bother about the beautiful presentation of dishes. Panorama Verkhovel offers excellent bograch, trout in sour cream sauce and banush with porcini mushrooms. Don't forget to try the liqueurs here.

If you go to Yavorov, go to a colorful restaurant for lunch "Babay" (near Rivne, on the Kosiv-Verkhovyna highway) ... Try here the signature dish "Babay in Glechik", Hutsul cabbage rolls and banosh, and for dessert - tea with mountain herbs and pancakes with cottage cheese. The restaurant has a good selection of wines.

How to get there

From Minsk: by bus to Ivano-Frankivsk (from € 30), by plane to Ivano-Frankivsk (UIA - from € 70). From Ivano-Franovsk by minibus to Verkhovyna, Iltsov.

From Kiev: by train to Ivano-Frankivsk (from € 4), by plane to Ivano-Frankivsk (from € 47.5). From Ivano-Franovsk by minibus to Verkhovyna, Iltsov.

Vorokhta - 100-year-old viaduct, zipline and mountain lake

Yaremche, together with Bukovel and Dragobrat, is one of the three most famous ski resorts in the Carpathians. Life in these villages revolves around tourists. A good tourist infrastructure was built here, sacrificing its authenticity and soulfulness for this. Therefore, we advise you to choose Yaremche or Bukovel, only as a last resort - if your main interest is a good ski track and comfort. And for a lively culture, hiking, (cheap life) and rural romance, it is better to go to the neighboring high-mountainous Vorokhta or Mikulychin, making forays from there to the surroundings, including Bukovel or Yaremche.

Things to do

Walk under the arches of the century-old viaduct in Vorokhta

The two longest viaducts in Ukraine (100 and 130 meters) appeared in Vorokhta in Austro-Hungarian times. Despite their advanced age, they still help trains climb the mountain slopes. And they still amaze with their grandeur.

Climb to the mountain lake

The tourist base "Zaroslyak" in Vorokhta is a starting point for mountain hikes to the nearest mountains Shpitsy and Kukul, and to main grief Montenegrin ridge - Hoverle. If the body requires hiking, and the soul beautiful views, but multi-day hikes are not included in your plans, choose Spitz Mountain (1863 m) with Lake Nesamovite (1750 m) and / or Kukul as your goal. One day is enough to conquer these peaks. The route to the lake is well marked, so you are unlikely to get lost. Many legends are associated with Lake Nesamovite, each of them seems to hint that one should not swim in the icy (even in summer) waters of a high-mountainous reservoir. But this does not stop most of the frost-resistant tourists.

If you are an advanced skier (s) and enjoy freeriding, the western and northeastern slopes of Mount Kukul are the place to be. The other slopes of this mountain are quite gentle, so climbing to the top will not take much of your strength. And if you suddenly take a walk before dark, you can spend the night in one of the Hutsul huts. Look for them in the mountain valley. If you find yourself in Vorokhta in spring (in April), be sure to climb Kukul to see the purple slopes covered with crocuses.

Descend on a 720-meter zipline in Vorokhta

The first in Ukraine appeared in Vorokhta (st.B. Khmelnitsky, at the beginning of the forest) ... The descent is divided into two sections: 550 and 170 meters. The difference in height is 18 meters.

Climb an abandoned springboard in Vorokhta

The ninety-meter trampoline for extreme training appeared here in the 30s of the last century, when Vorokhta was part of Poland. Recent years 20 it stands idle, despite periodic attempts to "restart" it. If you go here to take some interesting photos, take a look at the Hutsul market next to the springboard, where everything that warms the soul of a Belarusian tourist is sold: traditional cheeses, honey, mushrooms, berries and woolen socks.

Try craft beer in Mikulychyn

In a small Hutsul brewery "Mikulychin" (v. Mikulychin, st. Grushevskogo, 68b) brewed beer for 15 years: light, dark, honey, wheat and rye. In addition to it, you can taste real Carpathian honey, homemade cheeses and buy natural "beer" cosmetics. A visit to the brewery can be combined with a walk to the 15-meter Zhenetskiy (Huk) waterfall, which does not dry out even in summer.

Where to stay

Vorokhta welcomes tourists to several dozen cottages, private estates and mini-hotels. Prices double rooms start from € 10. It is better to search for options on booking.karpaty.ua or hotels24.ua... If you want to live higher from the highway and look out of your window at Hoverla, take a closer look at a private hotel "Huts on stumps" (st. Mikhail Hrushevsky, 5) run by the good-natured Orestes. There is a sauna with two pools, a vat, a trout pond where you can fish, its own small restaurant and a rooster that will not let you sleep through all the fun.

Where to eat

The main (by local standards and the most expensive) restaurant in Vorokhta is "Stara Vorokhta"(st.Danila Galitsky, 66) with typical Western Ukrainian cuisine. Taste herbal trout, porcini mushrooms and liqueurs here.

If you want to dine in a real Carpathian hut, go to Yaremche in "Red Estate" (V. Ivasyuka St., 6) ... Feel free to order potato pancakes in glechek, veal cheeks with pea puree and shish kebab, which will be cooked for you on the grill right in the center of the hall. Rumor has it that the most delicious horseradish in the Carpathians is served here.

How to get there

From Minsk: by bus to Ivano-Frankivsk (from € 30), by plane to Ivano-Frankivsk (UIA - from € 70). From Ivano-Franovsk by minibus to Vorokhta. Or by plane to Kiev (UIA - from € 65), by train to Kiev (from € 35). From Kiev by train to Vorokhta (from € 4.5) or Yaremche (from € 8.5).

From Kiev: by train to Vorokhta (from € 4.5) or Yaremche (from € 8.5).

Synevyr park to climb to the mountain lake of the same name. See brown bears that have received new life v Rehabilitation center(Synevyrskaya Polyana village) , - no less worthy reason to go this long way. Most of the residents of the Rehabilitation Center are former "workers" of circuses and entertainment establishments. Almost all bears end up in this shelter with psychological trauma and a bunch of diseases. Some of the emaciated animals are given by the owners voluntarily, others are reclaimed by the employees of the Rehabilitation Center through the courts. In their new home, bears are treated, recovered and learn to live in natural conditions (they even have dens here!).


Synevyrskaya glade is an excellent location for relaxing in the off-season (spring, autumn), if you want to breathe in fresh air, take a break from people and take a little walk. At the bazaar in Mizhhirya, you can buy everything you need for this - Transcarpathian wine, homemade milk and eggs, feta cheese and meat. And then settle in one of the cottages of Synevyrskaya glade, walk for days by mountain lake, conquer local peaks (several marked routes start from Synevyr), and in the evening fry a barbecue on the grill, drink wine and listen to the stories of local Hutsuls.

Visit the village-museum Kolachava

The village of Kolochava, which is different time belonged to Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania - this is a mix of languages ​​and cultures. A textbook on express immersion in the Carpathian culture. There are 10 museums here and it costs 20 unusual monuments, including a teacher from Vkrajina and a shepherd. Here you will see the most picturesque skansen in Ukraine "Old Village" (from March 20 to April 20, it turns into a valley of blooming crocuses) and a train that once traveled along a narrow-gauge railway, walk along the corridors of the Czech and Soviet schools.

When will you walk around "Old village" do not pass by kryivka "Shtaer's bunker"(the headquarters of the Kolochava rebels) and the Jewish "Tavern at Wolf", where you can look through the debt book with the names of the villagers who drank in the institution on debt.

Another highlight of Kolochava is the school of shepherding - together with an instructor you can walk on the slope of Mount Strimba, where sheep graze from May to November, see how a vurda is cooked, taste the miraculous "zhentitsa" and listen to trembita.

Conquer Gemba in Pylypets

The mountains in the area of ​​Volovets, Podobovets and Pylypets are called Borzhavskaya Polonyna - they are not very high (up to 1500 m), but very picturesque. From above, they look like a restless sea, playing with blue-green colors. To see them, climb Mount Gemba (1491 m), which even children can easily conquer. And all because a chair lift takes tourists from Pylypets to an altitude of 1100 m (it works even in summer). If, after conquering Gemba, you are still cheerful, cheerful and full of desire to see more, take a walk to the neighboring mountains Stoi (1681 m), Velikiy Verkh (1598 m), Mount Plai ( 1330 m) and Temnatic (1343 m). After that, you can go down to Volovets.

In winter, Pylypets turns into a mountain ski resort- the second highest after Dragobrat - with the longest ski slope in Ukraine (20 km). The cost of one lift on a chair lift starts from € 2, a day pass - from € 17, ski / snowboard rental - from € 2.5. There is a professional ski school, where for € 5 / hour the instructor will teach you how to be a handsome man on the track.

Drive through the mountains on a bike in Pylypets

In the village of Pylypets there is

Ukraine is rich in charming natural beauty, first of all, it is the magnificent mountain range of the Carpathians. Other countries can only dream of such a source of clean air, spring water and wildlife... The Carpathians are located on the territory of various countries - Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, as well as Slovakia, Hungary, Poland.
The Southern Carpathians are located on the territory of Romania, and the Eastern ones are located in Ukraine (on the territory of the Transcarpathian, Lviv, Chernivtsi and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.

Map of Ukrainian Carpathians

At some point in the daily hustle and bustle, there comes the realization that our body simply needs at least a short break. Even a few days spent in this nature reserve, are able to quickly relieve psychological fatigue and charge you with optimism and good mood for a long time. Fast mountain rivers, fog that covers the valleys in the morning, mountains covered with sharp peaks of coniferous trees - this beauty cannot be described in words and is even more difficult to get around on foot. Perhaps, after traveling to such beauties, you will want to move to Ukraine, you can study the materials on immigration to Ukraine on the website at the link and find there all the information required to make the move, experts will help you at all stages.

The secret of a spring holiday in the Carpathians is that it is based on complete freedom of action. Someone will like morning fishing, someone will want to conquer the local mountain peaks, and others will appreciate the quality of service, which is by no means inferior to advanced European resorts.

Interactive map of the Carpathian Mountains

To see where the Carpathian Mountains are on the map, you need to click on the "-" icon in the lower right corner of the map several times. The map is zoomed out to show roads, cities, rivers, districts, and regions around the city.

Probably, ideal place for a May holiday in the Carpathians, you can call the village of Slavskoe. There are several reasons for this. The natural location of the Beskydy and Gorgan ranges around this settlement created a unique local microclimate that ensures constant windless weather. In the spring, beautiful landscapes with evergreen coniferous forests on the slopes of the mountains open up here, which beckon to walk along them.
You can always usefully walk in the mountains. Fans of excursions and national history will discover a lot of interesting things. To do this, you just need to visit local attractions: Kamensky Falls, Tustan Castle, Khashchovanskoye Lake and many, many others. In Slavskoe, you will definitely be advised to go to look at the rocks of Dovbush - a legendary place where, according to legend, the people's avenger hid part of the gold taken from the rich. Cave monastery located right there will surprise even the experienced traveler.
The month of May is an ideal opportunity to recuperate after a cold winter, to stock up on vital energy for a very long time, and I decided to give myself unforgettable memories, at the same time to buy a corner shelf, I think I can find a suitable option in the online store. Of course, you can take this chance to go to distant overseas resorts, but such a vacation will be very expensive. It would be much faster, more comfortable and cheaper to spend the weekend in your home corner. And there is such a corner! You can feel the full power of the awakening of nature, plunge into its bright green splendor in the Carpathian Mountains.
After spending the whole day in the fresh May air, in the evening you will certainly want to take a break from the impressions. Both comfortable hotel rooms and cozy private cottages are at your service. For more active rest shops, pharmacies, cafes, bars, restaurants, billiard rooms, discos are always available to tourists.
If you get a little tired of unity with nature, you can always visit regional or regional centers, enjoy their architectural sights, and get acquainted with the history. An hour or two by car, and now Lviv, Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk, Uzhgorod and other cities will gladly open their doors for you.

Without a doubt, the most famous and popular mountains in Europe are the Alps. But in this part of the world there is another mountain system, which is inferior to the Alps in height, but surpasses them in size. And she also attracts huge attention of tourists and amateurs. winter holiday... Where are the Carpathians located? In which countries are they located? When were these mountains formed, and why are they interesting?

"Stone Mountains"

The word "Carpathians" evokes approximately the same images and plots in everyone: dark forest, thick fog, creeping along the slopes, sorcerers-molfars and, of course, the castle of the famous Count Dracula. These mountains are really shrouded in a kind of aura of mysticism and mystery. But not everyone knows exactly where the Carpathians are and when they were formed.

The name of this mountain system was first used by Claudius Ptolemy in the second century AD. It is also found in the works of Herodotus. In particular, the "father of history" mentions the Karpis river. It is believed that this tributary of the Danube took its name from the mountains from the slopes of which it flows.

The very word "Carpathians", according to some researchers, comes from the name of the Thracian tribe "Carp", who lived on this territory in the III-IV centuries. Other scholars associate it with the Proto-European word kar, which translates as “stone”. Truth, " stone mountains"The Carpathians can hardly be called. After all, most of the mountain system is represented by gentle valleys and peaks with smooth outlines, where rocky ledges and pointed peaks are extremely rare.

However, there is a third version, which connects the origin of the toponym with the Slavic word "hrb", which means "ridge". Considering the location of the Carpathians, this version looks quite plausible. After all, it was the Slavic tribes and peoples who for many centuries mastered and populated this area.

Where are the Carpathians: countries and major cities

The total area of ​​the mountain system is 190 thousand square kilometers, length - 1500 kilometers. Where are the Carpathian mountains? They are located in the eastern part of Central Europe. On the map, they form an arc, which in geological terms is an offshoot of the Alpine-Himalayan fold area.

In which states are the Carpathians? Where are their natural boundaries? The mountain system covers the territory of eight European countries... It:

  1. Czech.
  2. Poland.
  3. Slovakia.
  4. Ukraine.
  5. Hungary.
  6. Romania.
  7. Serbia.
  8. Austria.

About 70% of total area The Carpathian mountainous country is divided into two states - Romania and Ukraine. But only its extreme western spurs enter Austria. Most big cities located within the Carpathian Mountains:

  1. Bielsko-Biala (Poland).
  2. Zakopane (Poland).
  3. Banska Bystrica (Slovakia).
  4. Kosice (Slovakia).
  5. Zilina (Slovakia).
  6. Cluj-Napoca (Romania).
  7. Brasov (Romania).
  8. Oradea (Romania).
  9. Sibiu (Romania).
  10. Uzhgorod (Ukraine).
  11. Kolomyia (Ukraine).
  12. Vrsac (Serbia).

This is where the Carpathians are. It remains to find out what parts this mountain system consists of.

Structure of the Carpathians

The Carpathian Mountains consist of eight orographic parts (see map below):

  1. Outer Western Carpathians.
  2. Inner Western Carpathians.
  3. Outer Eastern Carpathians.
  4. Inner Eastern Carpathians.
  5. Southern Carpathians.
  6. Western Romanian Carpathians.
  7. Transylvanian plateau.
  8. Serbian Carpathians.

In addition, a number of separate massifs are distinguished within the mountain system: Beskydy, Ore Mountains, Tatras (the highest part of the Carpathians), Gorgan, Rodna, Peniny, Fagaras and others. The average heights of the Carpathian Mountains range from 800-1200 meters. The highest point is Mount Gerlachovski Shtit.

Carpathian mountains: main features and interesting facts

Here is some of them:

  1. Despite the insignificant heights and gentle forms, the Carpathians are young mountains. They arose at about the same time (of course, by geological standards) with the Alps and Himalayas.
  2. Mountain building processes in the Carpathians continue to this day. This is evidenced by earthquakes, which are regularly recorded here. The strength of individual shocks reaches 5-7 points on the Richter scale.
  3. The Carpathians were once characterized by active volcanic activity. The cones of extinct volcanoes can be seen in the vicinity of Uzhgorod, Mukachevo and Khust.
  4. The Carpathian bowels are rich in numerous minerals. The main mineral resources of the mountain system are oil, gas, ozokerite, marble and gold.
  5. The width of the Carpathian Mountains in some places reaches 450 kilometers.
  6. The Alps are only 14 kilometers away from the Carpathians. The border between the two largest mountain ranges in Europe lies exactly between Vienna and Bratislava.
  7. At the beginning of the twentieth century, numerous remains of prehistoric animals - mammoths, huge deer and various birds - were discovered on the territory of the mountainous country.
  8. The Carpathians are considered the birthplace of the world's largest musical instrument - trembita. The length of this wood tube is 4 meters. It is capable of spreading sound over 10-20 kilometers.

The origin and age of the Carpathian mountains

Long before the formation of the modern mountain system, a chain of ridges existed in its place, connecting the Sudetenland with Dobrudja (a hill in the territory of Romania). Geologists call it Prakarpaty. Subsequently, these mountains were destroyed by powerful movements of the earth's crust, and in their place by the beginning of the Mesozoic, an almost flat plain was formed.

The age of the Carpathian geosyncline is quite "young" - only 25 million years. The process of formation of the mountainous country began at the end of the Paleogene period and proceeded gradually. The structures of the Outer Carpathians were the first to emerge. For a long time, the sea splashed between the outer and inner ridges of the Carpathian Mountains. During its existence, thick strata of sandy deposits have accumulated here.

Climate and flora of the Carpathians

The climate of the territory is moderately continental and rather humid. Average temperatures in July are + 17 ... 20 ° C, in January from -2 to -5 ° C. Precipitation falls from 600 to 2000 mm per year.

In the Carpathians, the altitudinal zonation of landscapes is clearly traced. Deciduous and mixed forests grow up to a height of 600 meters, dark coniferous forests grow from 600 to 1500 meters, and undersized shrubs grow even higher. The peaks of many Carpathian mountains are covered with meadows of the subalpine type. In the Ukrainian Carpathians, they came up with their own name - "meadows".

In the Carpathian forests, most often you can find European spruce, fir and beech. Oak, hornbeam, pine, alder, birch and larch are also common. The lower tier is occupied by thickets of raspberries, blackberries, lingonberries and blueberries.

The main resorts of the Carpathians

Where are the most popular ski resorts in the Carpathians located and what are they called? And what are they? Bukovel, Dragobrat, Slavskoe (Ukraine) are usually ranked among the most famous Carpathian resorts; Zakopane, Szczyrk, Karpacz, Krynica (Poland), Poyanu-Brasov, Sinaia, Predeal (Romania), Jasnu (Slovakia).

Zakopane is perhaps the best ski resort in the Carpathians. Where are its tracks? The resort is located in the southern part of Poland, in a small town of the same name. The total length of its tracks is 60 kilometers. They are designed for all categories of skiers - from beginners to professionals. The skiing season lasts from late October to mid-April.

Bukovel is the main Ukrainian ski resort, which is located in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. It features quality tracks and excellent infrastructure. The ideal snow cover is maintained here from the beginning of December to the end of April.

Notable peaks

Gerlachovski Shtit (2654 m) - the most high mountain in the Carpathians. It is located on the territory of Slovakia, near the town of Gerlachov. Today the mountain is very popular with tourists. However, climbing to its top requires serious preparation and is allowed only with an experienced guide.

Hoverla (2061 m) - highest point Ukrainian Carpathians, is located within the Montenegrin ridge. Climbing this mountain is relatively easy, so dozens of tourists conquer its summit every day in the summer. Hoverla is known for the fact that largest river Eastern Europe - Prut.

Moldoveanu (2544 m) - the most high peak in Romania. Located in the heart of the country, within the Fagaras mountain range. Climbing Moldovyana is a little more difficult than climbing Hoverla, but it does not cause any particular difficulties for experienced tourists.