Bakhchisaray Crimea attractions and entertainment. Attractions Bakhchisaraya with photos and description

The site contains all the sights of Bakhchisaraya, Crimea, theaters, museums, streets, architectural monuments, temples, cathedrals, galleries, bridges.

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    0 m to the city center

    The park was opened quite recently, in 2013. It covers an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 2 hectares, which makes it the largest park on miniatures on the peninsula. In it in a compact amount (scale 1:25) there are more than 50 architectural attractions of Crimea. Could be divided into 3 sectors: 3 Crimea in Miniature:
    1) directly the Park miniature itself;
    2) Park for children. Here children are presented heroes from various cartoons;
    3) mini-zoo. Here you can see the following animals: piglets, goats, Pavlinov, Lam, Ostrich, Pavlinov, Nutry, Barashkov.

    0 m to the city center

    The Square of the Khan Palace occupies more than 3 hectares. Once in the center of the courtyard in the form of a rectangle, parades were carried out. Opposite the palace itself there is a huge khan mosque, painted by Iranian master of Omer back in 1763. The Khan Palace was once laid by Sakhib I Gerah - Crimean Khan. And dated it was 1532. The most ancient element of the architecture of the palace can be called "iron" doors leading to the Embassy Sadik. And in the premises of the palace at the moment Museums of the culture and life of the Crimean Tatars are located.

    0 m to the city center

    Mount Tepo-Kermen is located in seven kilometers from Bakhchisaraya, near the Kyz Kermen settlement. Its height is 544 m. The name of the Tepe-Kerman translated from the Crimean-Tatar indicates the "Hill-Fortress". The top tiers of the mountain occupied the medieval fortress city. The settlement includes about 250 caves, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe city is no more than one hectare. The city existed in the period of approximately the VI-XIII centuries.

    0 m to the city center

    In the village of Besser, there is a unique farm, where visitors are waiting for a meeting with Somali and Nubian doses. For lovers of a calm "green" rest is an excellent option. In this mini-zoo, you can not only admire, but also ride on donkeys surrounded by the beautiful nature of the Crimea. It is believed that biofields of horses and dolphins have a beneficial effect on human health.

    0 m to the city center

    The bull city is based on approximately the fifth century. He is the most northern cave city of Crimea. Before this day, the foundation of the protective wall and the residues of the quarry remained. These and other fortifications suggest that the city was part of the Byzantine defense. Interestingly, in this city under the walls underway the underground tunnel, about whose appointment is not known to scientists.

    0 m to the city center

    The Mausoleum Eski - Durbe refers to historical monuments of the Tatar-Crimean architecture of approximately mid-centuries. This monument himself is cozy for himself at the Crimea Peninsula. It happens that such durbes are also called the Mausoleum of Azis. A historical fact tells us that once Bakhchisaray was considered the capital of the Crimean Khanate, and the Azis was called his suburbs. Located this mausoleum not far from the Khan Palace. Historically, it happened that the construction of the mausoleum was happening much earlier than the palace, about the XV century, it was due to this that "old mausoleum" is also called it.

    0 m to the city center

    Chufut-Kale is a very famous cave city. It is located on a mountain plateau and touched over three valleys. Nature took care of the inaccessibility of this place. And man, putting effort, strengthened it with fortress facilities. Archaeologists believe that this is the Byzantine fortress of the approximately VI century, and historians prove that the structure is closer to a later period dated X - XI centuries. The city itself is first mentioned in the XIII century. Its name was then Kyrk-OR, which means "forty fortifications." And the first Crimean Khan back in the XV century, adapted this city under its new fortified residence. Subsequently, the city was intended as a settling place for noble prisoners.

    0 m to the city center

    Mosque from boards (on Turk. Takhtaly Jami) was laid on the banks of the River Chuok-SU and built on a peculiar technology. The construction of the building was completed in the early 18th century (indicated 1707) Beck Han Sultahani, who was the daughter of Khan Selima 1 Graya. The Muslim shrine was built on a peculiar technology: the frame was made of wood, and the openings were laid down. The people nicknamed the mosque from the board. It has a rectangular shape, minaret is placed in the northwestern corner. Tiled roof Walm (four-page). Minaret is visible from anywhere in the city.

    0 m to the city center

    At the initiative of the Company to preserve monuments of architectural architecture of the city of Petrograd on March 31, 1916, the Bakhchisarai circle was created, the head of whose historian and the ethnographer Usein Bodayansky. Already in 1917, thanks to him, the National Museum of the Crimean Tatars was founded. Then the museum was located in the Khansky Palace.

    0 m to the city center

    The Holy Assumption Cave Men's Monastery is founded in the 8th century by migrant monks on the slope of the gorge of Maryam-Dere. There are many legends of the Education of the Holy Resident. According to one of them, a miraculous icon of Odihythrius was the miraculous icon of Odihythrius, which was unimaginable on the rock from the Sumsel's Monastery (Trabzon, Turkey). And how many times people did not take it, she still turned out at a certain place. It was decided that this holy place and here it is necessary to establish a monastery.

    0 m to the city center

    Catherine II often made a voyage in the historical territory of the Northern Black Sea region in order to inspect the cities attached during the Russian-Turkish War. When at the end of the 18th century (1787), she conceived to make a warhead on new lands, the ruler of the Tauride region Vasily Vasilyevich Nechu-Kohovsky decided on the route of the empress to lay distinctive road signs in the form of columns (stel). His idea approved the brilliant prince Potemkin. The decision to install columns was entrusted with the same Nechu-Kohovsky. The verst columns were installed through each mile, and special steles - every 10 miles. They were decided to give name: "Catherine Mile".

    0 m to the city center

    On the basis of the historical and architectural complex of Devlet-Sarai, a private Museum "Larishes" was opened in 2011. The Devlet-Saray complex was laid at the very beginning of the 16th century Mengyley Girah, the second Khan of Crimea not far from Bakhchisaraya, from the village of Salachik (today the Strong). In addition, the Khansky Palace, Zyndzhirla Madrasa, Bath, Mausoleum and the Palace of Justice were built. The tomb of Haji-Giray (on Turk. Dibe - Mausoleum) is the most ancient building of the complex. Zyndgirlales Madrasa and the tomb preserved to the present days, the remaining structures were destroyed by time and wars.

    0 m to the city center

    The cave city-fortress Chufut-Kale has always been famous for the opportunity to withstand long siege, which mysteriously obtaining water reserves from the mysterious repository, as the precipitated people thought. The secret of the well tick-kui was kept and masked for a very long time, then with unrequisite, he simply lost its strategic importance. And was discovered in the late 90s - early 2000s in the cave city.

    Bakhchisaray is the famous "garden-palace", the real pearl of the Crimea, located in the foothill areas of the peninsula. Unusual, incredibly beautiful city - owner and keeper of ancient history. Below will be considered the most important sights of Bakhchisaraya, photos with descriptions with addresses and coordinates are attached.

    Khansky Palace - Outstanding Memo of the East in Crimea

    • Address: River Street, 133.

    Khan-Saray is a great monument, absolutely unique and is the only sample of the Crimean Tatar Palace in the world. He was erected in the XVI century, remaining a long time by the residence of the Gireev dynasty. The ensemble was conceived as a place comparable to a paradise garden, but located on Earth. The architectural embodiment of this difficult task was 100% successful: Palace Square, Khan Mosque, Harem, Garden, Fountain Tears - Each construction participates in the creation of a special, unique atmosphere.

    Fountain Tears - Favorite place for photos from tourists in Bakhchisara

    • Address: ul. River, 133.

    There are many attractions on the territory of the Khan Palace, but one of the most famous - admissions A.S. Pushkin Fountain of Tears. Fountains here have a lot, but this attracts a huge number of tourists. One of the legends of his creation states that he was built in the XVIII century by order of the harsh and cruel Khan of Crimea Gurya, heavily groaned on his early deceased beloved. The master who created a memo, managed to implant the mountain, who ruptured the heart of Khan, in the forever crying stone. Only a few attractions of the city of Bakhchisaraya have such energy as this.

    Holy Assumption Monastery - Reminder of the Byzantine Epoch

    • Coordinates: 44 ° 44'42 "N (44.745112), 33 ° 54'37" E (33.910276).

    Scientists still argue about the temporary framework for this unusual landmark. Presumably, a monastery appeared in the VIII century and was one of the most ancient monasses of Byzantine monks. There is an amazing structure in the gorge, right on the sheer cliff. Many legends are connected with it, one of which tells about the wonderful phenomenon of the icon of the Virgin. Today, the complex is valid on its territory there is a holy source where wishes can gain water with them.

    • Address: Soviet alley, 2.

    Extremely important on the Peninsula of the Crimea attractions of Bakhchisaraya Sacral character. The list includes the Church of the Fodorovskoy Mother of God. It was erected in 1913 - in honor of the three hundred dollars of the house of Romanov, but in 1917 she suffered a fate of many sacral places - the temple was used as a stable, as a grain, and later a cinema worked here. In 2003, it was restored to the funds of the parishioners, today the old shrine of heavenly blue is waiting for parishioners again.

    Tahtaly-Jami Mosque - Main Shrine Islam in the city

    • Address: Rosa Luxembourg Street, 7.

    The building of a mosque having simple and strict outlines is seen from almost anywhere in the city, the attractions of Bakhchisaraya are not everyone can boast. It was built in 1707 by the daughter of Khan Haji-Selim Graya, and today retained the primordial Eastern flavor. Its name can be translated as a "Wooden Mosque", which is explained by the fact that the construction of the construction was used, linedside outside by stone blocks. Islamic Temple Takhtaly-Jami is one of the few acting Bakhchisarai mosques.

    Sphynx Chuok-SU - Mysterious memo surroundings

    • Coordinates: 44 ° 45'3 "N (44.750833), 33 ° 53'18" E (33.888333).

    A small river Chuór-Su proceeds through the entire town. In her valley there is an amazing monument of nature, which must be seen - stone sphinxes. The name of the attractions was not chosen by chance - these limestone formations, similar to the high pillars of the most bizarre forms, really somehow resemble the man-made sphinx. Here you can make excellent photos, besides, a wonderful view of the surroundings opens from unusual natural sculptures.

    Mangup Calais: Description of the beautiful cave city of Crimea

    • Coordinates: 44 ° 35'46 "N (44.596105), 33 ° 48'4" E (33.801063).

    At the very top of the impregnable Mongup Mountain, the ruins of an ancient cave city, once wearing the name of the Feodoro. The first settlements at this place arose in the III-IV centuries, and in the Middle Ages an impressive size, the fortress caused respect for their power in all neighbors. Before taking Turks, Mangup Calais was the capital of the Principality of Feodoro. The last inhabitants left him in the XVIII century. The Citadel, the remains of defensive walls and cave matters have been preserved before today. In this historic corner there are amazingly interesting excursions. As can be seen, the attractions of the surroundings of Bakhchisaraya are no less interesting.

    Chufut-Kale - the former residence of Crimean Khan

    • Coordinates: 44 ° 44'28 "N (44.741097), 33 ° 55'24" E (33.923416).

    Many tourists come to Bakhchisaray for the sake of famous attractions, located 2.5 km from the city. At the time of the Middle Ages, Chufut-Kale was a powerful and impregnable residence of Crimean Khan. After the founding of Bakhchisaraya at the beginning of the XVI century, Khan and his approximations left Chufut-Kale and moved there. Only Karaims remained in the settlement, which was forbidden to settle the new capital. Today you can see the remnants of the former majority of the old fortress, to examine the Karaite temples and well-preserved Mausoleum of Tukhtamysh's daughter belonging to the XV century.

    Kachi Calon - An interesting cave monastery

    • Coordinates: 44 ° 41'41 "N (44.694668), 33 ° 53'14" E (33.887101).

    The very first mention of the settlement in this area belong to the IV century, and in the VIII-X centuries. The monastery was founded here and acted. On the territory, in a small grotto, there is a source that has long been attributed to powerful healing properties. His uniqueness was that people of different religions came here - everyone considered this place to holy. Today, Kachi-Calon is empty, none of the buildings have survived, you can see only the remains of cave temples and gain water in the same way.

    Park Miniature - all the interesting places of the Crimea as on the palm

    • Address: Lenin Street, 4.

    New, but already won the wise popularity of Bakhchisaraya - the largest park miniature in the Crimea. There are all architectural and historical monuments and sights of the peninsula, made on a scale of 1:25. In just one hour and a half, it is possible to see Sevastopol, Yalta, Simeiz, Alushta, Bakhchisaray himself and many other cities.

    We hope that the attractions of Bakhchisaraya discussed above, photos with descriptions, will be useful for you. Secrets and legends, cave settlements and monasteries, the charm of the old city attracts a huge number of travelers here, so why not join their number?!

    Bakhchisaray can be considered one of the most interesting places of the "excursion" Crimea. Located among the picturesque mountain plateaus and the valleys, surrounded by ancient cave cities, the former capital of Crimean Khanate fully retained the charm of past eras.

    The most significant cultural object of Bakhchisaraya is the Khan Palace, which rushes numerous excursions to get closer to the history and culture of the Crimean Tatars. On the streets of old urban quarters among the terraces of the terraces were hidden, cozy restaurants were hidden, where guests will feed the delicious dishes of national cuisine. In the surrounding area there are several abandoned cave cities that once flourishing and crowded.

    The atmosphere of Bakhchisaray is permeated by the colors of the past in the history of Crimean Khanate. He is especially felt in the palace garden, near the walls of urban mosques and on narrow stone streets of the historic quarter.

    What to see in Bakhchisarai?

    The most beautiful places and main attractions

    The world's unique and only monument of the Palace Architecture of the Crimean Khanate. The beginning of the construction of the complex was found in the XVI century under Sahabe I Geraa (Gurya). Subsequently, each ruler made changes to the face of the palace. In 1736, the Khan residence was burned after taking the capital to the Russian Empire troops. Later the palace restored the preserved description. In the XVIII-XX centuries. Several restorations were performed. Nowadays, the construction is part of the Bakhchisarai historical and cultural reserve.

    Fountain-Seldsbil XVIII century on the territory of the Khansky Palace, which became famous for the whole world thanks to the famous poem A.S. Pushkin "Bakhchisarai fountain". The legend says that cruel Khan Kyrym Gerai (Giri) loved the young slave to the Dilyra and made her his wife. But she soon died in his harem from longing. Khan suffered so much after her death, which caused the masters and ordered to build a monument - "Tears Stone", in which all the pain of his loss would come true. So a fountain of the tears appeared.

    A group of stone road signs established in 1784-1787. In the way of the empress Empress Catherine II from St. Petersburg to Crimea. Five such monuments have been preserved in the peninsula. One of them is located next to the Khan's Palace in Bakhchisarai at the Bridge over Chuok-Su River. During his visit, the government stayed in the palace rest, specially renovated to her arrival.

    Park miniature, located on the area of \u200b\u200b2.5 hectares not far from the Khan Palace. It was opened in 2013 in order to popularize Bakhchisaraya as a tourist destination. Here in the reduced sizes are all the main attractions of the Crimea: palaces, cathedrals, obeliski and other architectural monuments. In total, 53 miniatures made on a scale of 1:25 are located in the park.

    Archaeological complex located on the site of the first capital of the Crimean Khanate in p. Strong, which is not far from Bakhchisaraya. Devlet-Sarai was previously a full-fledged Khansky Palace. Until our days, only the mausoleum-tomb and the building of the Madrasa reached. Since 2011, the Larishes Museum has been operating on the territory of the complex, which presents an interesting exposition with the artifacts of the Crimean Hanication period: engravings, cards, manuscripts and books, as well as the works of modern Crimean artists.

    Orthodox monastery in the tract Mariam-Dere, founded in the VIII century by monks from Byzantium. In the XIII-XIV centuries. The monastery fell into decay, but then again revived. During the Ottoman conquest, he managed to avoid destruction. Until the XVIII century, the monastery was the main religious center of all Crimean Christians. Throughout the XVIII-XIX centuries. Its territory was significantly expanded, several new buildings appeared. In 1921, the abode was abolished. Her re-revival began in 1993.

    The acting men's insidency, which is located in the artificial grottoes of the VI century within the Mangup plateau on the slopes of steep rocks. The monastery was founded in the XIV century, but after the conquest of Crimea, the Turks-Osmans he stopped his work for a long time. The abode was restored only at the end of the XX century. From sites in front of the grottoes, a magnificent panorama on the surrounding monastery surroundings opens.

    Muslim Temple of the XVI-XVIII centuries. On the territory of Bakhchisaraya, erected on the donations of the relative of one of the Crimean Khans. The construction is built in the mixed style of classicism and baroque. The dimensions of the mosque are small, it does not have traditional minaret towers. In the 20th century in the building for a long time storage facilities were placed. At the moment, the mosque has not yet been renovated.

    The temple was erected in 1707 at the venue of the daughter of Khan Selima I Geraa (Gurya). The high minaret of the mosque dominates the architectural building of the old quarters of Bakhchisaray. The name of the structure translated from Crimean Tatar means "mosque from boards", since wooden beams were used during the construction and masonry of the walls. Takhtaly-Jami is a valid Friday mosque.

    10. Church of the Feodor Icon of the Mother of God

    The temple of the beginning of the 20th century, erected to the 300-year anniversary of the focus of the Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne. Like many other religious institutions, the church was closed in the 1930s. The room was used for a long time under the granari and stable, a cinema was worked here in the post-war years. In the late 1990s - early 2000s. Reconstruction was carried out on donations of the Christian community.

    11. Skit Saint Anastasia

    An ancient cave monastery, approximately founded in the VIII century (according to indirect evidence) Greek monks. It is located about 8 km from Bakhchisaraya on the territory of the cave city of Kachi Calon. Over the past century, he survived several periods of launching and rebirth. A small number of monks lived here until the 1930s. In 2005, the Skit was restored after a long break by the brothers of the Holy Uspensky Monastery.

    12. Chufut-Kale

    City-fortress V-VI centuries, based on the very border of Byzantine possessions. First, Alans lived in Chufut-Kala, then he was captured by Kypchak. After the transition of the peninsula under the control of the Horde Chanov, the fortress turned into a center of a small principality - Vassal of the Golden Horde. In the XIV century, the city began to shave, which left Chufut Calais in the XIX century after removing the restriction on the place of residence of this ethnic group.

    13. Karaite Cemetery of Balta Tiymez

    Abandoned necropolis near the Chufut Calais with 7 thousand stone tombstones. This place was considered sacred, as it is located in the territory of the century oak grove. Oaks were considered the caraims with sacral trees. The burial in the cemetery was conducted and after the representatives of this nation left Chufut-Kale. The most recent graves date back to the beginning of the XX century.

    14. Eskas Kermen

    The cave city in the vicinity of Bakhchisaraya, founded in the VI century as a cross-border defensive fortification. The development of Eski-Kerman began in the X century and reached its apogee in the XII-XIII centuries. At that time, more than 2,000 people lived on its territory. In 1299 and 1399. The city was twice ruined by Tatar-Mongols, after which he was no longer restored. To this day, the buildings dated by the VI-XII centuries reached.

    15. Tepe-kerman

    Another cave city in the vicinity of Bakhchisaraya, belonging to the VI century. More than 230 caves have been found on its territory. According to one source, Tepe-Kermen performed the functions of a defensive fortress, according to other data - he was a monastery. The city existed until the XIV century until the moment was broken as a result of the next campaign of the Golden Horde. Only ruins reached this day.

    16. Mangup Kale

    Mangupe Calate Fortress is located near the village of Besser, at an altitude of 583 meters above sea level. It is believed that the first Scythian settlements appeared at this place in the III - IV centuries., From the VII century, the city entered the Khazar Kaganat. Later, Mangup Calea visited the capital of the Plyazan Principality of Theodoro and the Turkish Fort. In the XVIII century, the settlement left the last residents - the community of Karaimov. Since then, it stands abandoned.

    17. Kachi Calon

    The cave monastery in the Valley of the River Kachi, located on the territory of the Bakhchisarai district. In ancient times, he stood at the crossroads of trade routes, which joined the steppe of the Crimea with the sea coast. Residents of Kachi-Calon were engaged in the production of wine, as evidenced by the preserved winery and workshops, where the dishes were made for storing this drink.

    18. Sphinx Chuok Su

    Natural stone sculptures up to 20 meters high, located in the Valley of the Chuok-Su river (translated from Crimean Tatar This name means "rotten water"). Gigaters were formed by a natural way as a result of centuries-old weathered rocks consisting mainly of limestone breed. The locality is declared a natural monument of regional importance in the 1960s.

    19. Karaleis Valley Sphynx

    Stone boulders on the hill of Uzun-Tarl, located next to the village of the deposited near Bakhchisaraya. The height of education reaches 10-15 meters. Together with the rock, their size comes up to 300 meters above sea level. Depending on the time of day, the sculptures "change" their appearance and resemble the stone figures from the island of Easter, then frozen fabulous characters. It all depends on the game of the imagination looking and from lighting.

    Greetings, friends!

    Do you know that during walks in this area you will have to solve the riddles of the story and get acquainted with the secrets and customs of the ancient peoples? But I hope you can deal with the end of the rest, who are such Karai and in honor of whom Chufut Calais, and do not bother in the underground well bring off from the group.

    In today's review of the "Attractions of Bakhchisaraya Crimea", I will try to hold you on the most exciting and popular corners of this city and its surroundings. After all, the Bakhchisaray himself should already know from mine.

    Usually, I start similar articles from the review of museums, but in Bakhchisara, any sightseeing object can be safely attributed to this category, even if it is not called such officially.

    In Bakhchisara and the surrounding area 5 monasteries that you can visit yourself or with a tours. All of them are located on the territory of historical and cultural reserves of national importance.

    Holy Assumption Male Monastery

    About this amazing beauty and significance for Christians a cave monastery Most of all reviews from tourists.

    It is said that being on its territory, you feel the inexplicable inner pacification and the reverence that they unwittingly lower the voice before the whisper when communicating with other people.

    The history of his occurrence go a variety of legends and legends, but the adopted statement states that It was founded by his Byzantine monks of 20 century.

    The Holy Assumption Monastery is valid and still above its restoration and content of the monks living there.

    His uniqueness is, firstly, it is cut in the rocky array, secondly - he was not destroyed during numerous wars and persecutions, and thirdly - here they do not take money for rites, as in urban temples and churches .

    It is located almost 3 km from Bakhchisaraya, near the gorge of Maryam-Dere. You can walk here on foot, bus or on your car. The information shields and pointers with arrogers are arranged throughout. Read more Read more

    Address: ul. Basenko, 57.

    Visit time: from 7.30 to 19.00 daily.

    Chender Coba or Cave Lattice

    This male monastery is also a cave construction. There are spacious temples with columns, small cells located in several tiers, traces of the altar and font. And the road to it leads through the gorge and thickets of shrubs.

    Unfortunately, this monastery was destroyed in 1475, and in our time he served only for a museum object for a long time. But in 2003, the work on the restoration of the temple and the cells was successfully started and at this time there are services.

    The full version of the history of this place can be heard on excursions. The monastery is 1.5 km from Bakhchisaraya and belongs to the village of Big Gardeee, nearby is the eski-kerman.

    Cave city or ancient monastery Kachi Canyon

    Most often this place is called the cave city, once there was a cave monastery, church, winery, necropolis. This area belongs to the protected historic heritage of Bakhchisaray.

    A tour of the grotto will lead you to the monastery of Anastasia scholars, where there is a beautiful garden at the monastery economy. But pilgrims and tourists go here in a beady temple, and get rid of diseases on the holy source.

    This place is 8 km from Bakhchisaraya, between p. Primary and p. Bashtovka right in the cliffs. You can get by bus, but you have to walk a little more than a kilometer from stopping "pre-order".

    Time for visits: from 9.00 to 19.00

    Holy Blagoveshchensky and Shuldan - Men's Cave Monasteries

    Two more monastery, which are open to visiting tourists, and there is something to see, are at a greater distance from Bakhchisaraya than the above-described.

    The Holy Blagoveshchensky Monastery is a little below the Mangup Plateau, and the road here is satisfied with wisdom. The novices of this monastery live in full union with nature, without taking the benefits of civilization - electricity and communications.

    The monastery is 23 km from Bakhchisaraya, near with. Ternovka and p. Basal On the southern slope of Mangup.

    Just 3 km separates this monastery from another caveman - Shuldana. He also acting, where monks are engaged in the restoration of an ancient monastery.

    These attractions are organized excursions, as part of groups, you may be able to get here easier and more interesting.

    Architectural historical monuments Bakhchisaraya

    The most significant and chic structure in Bakhchisara was and will always be behind the large gate, on a spacious and well-kept territory there are awaits a whole complex of various buildings.

    You will see how the rulers lived, where they took guests, in what hats were resting, and where they were attached to prayers.

    Here is the acting mosque by Khan Jami, weapons "Falcon Tower" , room and indoor garden harem, bath complex, an ancient cemetery.

    In addition, in each hall you are waiting for colorful expositions, and mosaics, frescoes and paintings will form your imagination. And of course, the famous Fountain of Tears, near which groups of sightseers are delayed a little longer than other objects to make a photo for memory.

    Now in the territory of the Khan Palace there is a large reconstruction in the framework of the federal target program "Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020." The restoration of 16 objects of the palace will require about 1.6 billion rubles.

    Address: ul. River, 133.

    Visiting time: 9.00-18.00

    Cost: up to 500 rubles , depending on the selected program and preferential category of citizens.

    Secrets of the cave city

    - The cave city, which was well-protected, fortified settlement. He is also called the fortress city.

    From the moment of its foundation and possession of various nations, the city wore many names, but the life-being in this fortress of Karaim has determined the final name - Chufut-Kale, which is translated as the Jewish or Jewish fortress. And the thing is that Karaihs did not have the right to leave this city, for settlement in other places.

    Today, visiting Chufut-Kale, you will see the remains of urban structures and some surviving objects. This is the Karai temples, the residential manor, in which the museum is now created, and other rooms.

    That you will definitely make an impression so Tick-ku - Saving Tile .

    This secretal strugency was found only in the late 90s, and it took 3 years to fully clear it.

    The well has a spiral descent with steps, which at the base reaches 5 m and leads to water tanks, the entrance to the tunnel is found there.

    If you are planning a trip to the Crimea and you overtake doubts how much can it cost? which will easily answer your question and help plan the rest!

    In search of the first Khan Palace

    Another memorable excursion will lead you to Devlet-Sarai. - Palace complex, where the capital of Crimean Khanate was originally located. By the will of Khan, Mengyley Heraia were built here - Mausoleum, spiritual school, mosque, the Khan Palace and the Palace of Justice, Bath.

    Not all of these structures have been preserved, but in the premises of the spiritual school - Zyndjyrly Madrasa, even opened the Crimean historical Museum "Larishes" . In this museum you can see genuine manuscripts and various values \u200b\u200bthat are related to the Crimean Khanty.

    Located this complex in p. Strong, former salad.

    Address: ul. Basenko, 57.

    Entertainment and recreation for the whole family

    Good to know

    In the vicinity of Bakhchisaraya there are still enough interesting places that you can also visit yourself.

    These are cave cities - and balls, and Valley of Sphinxes on Mount Uzun-Tala, 5 km from Bakhchisaraya, and Martian Lake in p. Rocky with matte blue water, where camping is equipped for autotourists.

    Dear friends, as you can see, the little Bakhchisaray with its extensive and unique excursion program with more than compensates for the absence of sea and beaches.

    It is necessary to go here, but one day you definitely do not have enough!

    Do not forget subscribe to my blog , read new articles and useful materials. I wish good walks, to the emergency!

    One of the main attractions of Bakhchisaraya is the Assumption Cave Monastery, located in the tract Mariam-Dere. It adjacent to the monastic complex of the territory is located the cemetery of warriors who have fallen in the times of the Crimean War of 1854-1857. Assumption Cave Monastery was erected in the VIII century by Byzantine monks.

    In the XIII century, he temporarily stopped his activities, and then at the beginning of the XIV century revived again. In 1475, the Assumption Monastery miraculously escaped the defeat during the Turkish raid and became the residence of Metropolitan. Despite this, the material situation of the temple was disastrous, his revenues were forced to ask for help from the Moscow Great Kings and Princes. From the XV century to the XVIII century, the Assumption Monastery carried out a primary role in the religious life of the Orthodox population of Crimea.

    The main shrine of the monastery is the icon of the Virgin, in the monastery it is also called Panagia (all-in). To other valuable samples include the icon of the Assumption of the Virgin, as well as copies of the Icons of the Virgin Kiev-Pecherskaya and the Virgin Troochitsa.

    Bakhchisaray Palace

    The Bakhchisaray Palace in Crimea is a large place unique. It is worth starting with the fact that it is not only a monument of culture and history, but also the only sample of architectural style in the world characteristic of the Crimean Tatar palaces. One thing that makes the Crimean landmark to the place, which is really worth a visit, for this is no longer anywhere in the world.

    On the territory of the Palace is a museum dedicated to the history and culture of the Crimean Tatars, as well as the exhibitions of cold and firearms. All of them can please visit visitors with excellent collections of exhibits, many of which are marked by the seal of rarity.

    The Palace itself, in many respects having refused to the Ottoman architecture of the XVI-XVII centuries, embodies an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Muslim paradise on Earth, and it is impossible not to say that it does not cope with this difficult function. It is worth noting that the initial view of the palace is lost, because in 1736 the palace was burned, but before the burning was drawn up his detailed description. Over the past centuries, the palace was repeatedly updated, was restored and stopped, which largely led to the loss of a single style, but in recent decades the changes are mainly aimed at legend by the Bakhchisarai Palace of its initial appearance. Works continue to this day. But even without fully restoring the original appearance there is what to see.

    The palace for the long ages of his existence was visited by many famous figures of history and culture - for example, Poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and the Empress Russian Catherine Two. With each such visit, a small story is connected, in one way or another, leaving the mark in the atmosphere of the Bakhchisarai Palace.

    The Bakhchisaray Palace is one of the most interesting places of Crimea, which is worth visiting and recommend to friends.

    And what sights of Bakhchisaraya did you like? Next to the photography there are icons by clicking on which you can estimate this or that place.

    Xurenskaya Fortress

    Syrena fortress - the landmark of Crimea, which in the Middle Ages was the feudal castle of the owner of the surrounding villages. This fortress is the most mysterious of the "cave cities". Until now, the exact and even approximate time of building the fortress has not yet been established.

    At one time, the fortress controlled the path to the Mangup and the Valley of the Belbek River. Now only the remnants are preserved from the structure, namely, parts of the tower and the fortress walls. The diameter of the tower is 8 meters, and the length of the defensive walls is 92 meters. On the tower left the overlapping of a domestic form with the remnants of an ancient fresco painting, therefore it is assumed that there was a chapel at this place. Next to the construction is the cave monastery of Chender Coba.

    You can find a fortress at 1 kilometer from the village of small and large garden.

    The famous Fountain of Tears - "Seld Selbil" - is located in the complex of the Khansky Palace in Bakhchisaraye, Crimea. SECRY A.S. Pushkin Fountain is built by the famous Iranian master of Omer in 1764.

    According to a beautiful legend, the fountain is built in memory early deceased beautiful Dryer, which Khan Crimea Gary loved the whole soul. Khan wanted the fountain to forever sour tears, as his suffering heart exuded.

    The fountain is located in the courtyard of Khan-Sarah, initially he was at the Wall of Mausoleum Dryer Bicch. The fountain is decorated with two inscriptions - the poem of the poet of Sheikhia dedicated to the Crimea Gire, and the quotation from the 18th verse 76th of the Surya of the Quran.

    The fountain is a marble slab with an ornament on which six cups are located - three large bowls in the center, three small sides. At the top of the fountain, you can see the marble lotus flower of five petals, symbolizing the human eye. From the core of this flower, water, symbolizing tears, falls into the upper large bowl, from it in two small side, and from them in the middle bowl. So repeats three times. At the foot of the fountain depicted a spiral, similar to a snail, personifying the continuation of human life.

    Cave Monastery Shuldan

    The cave monasteries of the Crimea have an inexplicable magical force. People who created them, some incomprehensible ways to choose the selection of unique places, possessing spiritualized beauty. Monastery Shuldan is the best confirmation of that.

    The monastery arose presumably in the XIII-XIV centuries north of the modern village of Ternovka. He consisted of twenty caves, most of which are now destroyed, and two temples. The main temple, spacious and high, is located in the first tier. Its rectangular room, cut down straight in the rock, ends with a horseshoe altar part. In antiquity, the walls of the temple were painted with frescoes, by now lost. Over the eastern entrance, in the second tier of the cave complex, there is another temple. It was preserved worse, but in his arched niche you can see the throne, and on the protrusion of the southern wall - the altar. It is difficult to even imagine how much strength and time it took monks to carve into the rock, albeit even folded rather "soft" lime rocks, cells and temples.

    The monastery was abandoned for a long time. Now life is slowly reborn in it, the main temple is open to visit. A gazebo was built on the edge of the mining plateau from the girlfriend. It offers stunning views of the Schul Valley, the view, not spoiled by the signs of civilization - only the mountains covered by the forest, and the endless ringing space of the blue sky.

    Chufut Calea

    "Jewish Fortress", "Steam Fortress", "Kyrk-Er", "Rock Karaimov", "Kyrk-OR", "Gevher-Kermen", "Chifut-Keslei", "Rock Jews" - all this about Chufut-Kale , now lying in the ruins of the fortress city in Crimea.

    This city, once the first residence of the Hanov of the independent Crimea, arose in about the V-Vi century of our era as a fortified settlement on the border of possessions of powerful Byzantium. In that period, his population, most likely, consisted of Alan, but those were replaced by Kipchak, and for the change of which already karais came. For its centuries-old history, the city even managed to visit the capital of the tiny principality, which was in the vassal dependence on the Crimean Yurt of the Golden Horde. The end of Chufut-Kale as a crowded city has arrived after the accession of these lands to the Russian Empire. With the authorities of the Tatar, this city was one of the few, where they could freely live Karaims, and in Russia there were no restrictions on their living, and therefore the transition of Chufut-Kale to Russian citizenship led to the outcome of Karaimov from the city to those places where they had previously live Not allowed. The result was the sealer - the end of the XIX century the city turned out to be abandoned by all residents.

    Of the preserved buildings in Chufut-Kale, the most famous Mausoleum Janichana-Hagon, the daughters of the famous Khan Takhtamysh, the construction of which dates back to 1437. In addition to him, there are other surviving buildings, for example, two Karaite temples, which are currently actively restored by the Karai community. Although now the city has almost completely turned into ruins, his visit will not leave indifferent those who truly love and appreciates the places in which the story can be seen, touch and feel all his own.

    Scientific Town of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory

    A small cozy town, in which because of his compactness, the streets do not have names, lost in the Crimean foothills not far from Bakhchisaraya. Officially referred to him scientific. Here is a large observatory - the Crimean astrophysical.

    The village is reminded rather the territory of the sanatorium - silence, no fuss, even pine alleys, non-rigid asphalt tracks lead to single 2-3 storey buildings of still Stalin's buildings. After the noise of the summer Crimean trails, the dive into this unreal silence makes it thinks that heaven on Earth is here. If you are happiness to get here in the spring, then blooming apple orads will complement this feeling. And what a stunning panorama of the mountains of the main Crimean ridge opens from here! Handsome Chatyr-Dag, Babugugan, Yalta Yayla ... And all this in the entourage of white domes of solubular telescope towers, which are there, then they look like among the green crowns of the old park. It is said that the park was planted by specialists of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, using rare species of trees.

    This place for astronomical observations was chosen no coincidence - here the smallest number of cloud days, the most transparent air, and, therefore, the best conditions for studying the universe. You can get here with an excursion, but you can come to yourself and even live for a few days - there is a small hotel in the town.

    Cave city of Kachi Calon

    The earliest traces of the presence of people in Kachi Calland date back to the IV century. In the VIII-X centuries, a monastery arose, founded by presumably outlines from Byzantium. After the capture of Crimea, the monastery was destroyed by Tatars. After the joining of Crimea to Russia, the local church was restored, and the source located in the grotto became the place of pilgrimage, he was considered healing. Pilgrims who came to him did not make differences in religion and nationality - these were the Greeks and Karai, Tatars and Russians - Christians, Jews and Muslims.

    Today, Kachi-Calon is empty, all land buildings have long collapsed and thickets of grass, only cave temples and a holy source remained.

    Among the grottoes most noteworthy are the first (where he was the Church of St. Sophia and the wine complex with winecalence), the second (monastic hostel), the third (church-funeral complex), the fourth (Monastery of St. Anastasia) and the fifth (dilapidated grotto).

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