Where is the Gavr. Open the left menu Havr

Havre is the largest port of France on the northern coast when the Seine is shifted in the strait of La Mans. The port of Gavr consists of avantport and gateways, dock basins. The length of the mooring front is 27.5 km with depths of 12 - 18 m. Provides major freight and passenger Transportation Between France and the USA, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Great Britain and Holland. The port is able to take tankers with a deadweight to 270 thousand tons, Rudozia with a deadweight of 140-150 thousand tons. Harbor Antiferies with an oil terminal, located 20 km from the port of Havre, is designed to unload the superthankers with a deadweight of 550 thousand tons. In the oil port there are 3 oil-operated Plant with a capacity of 33.9 million tons per year.

Port Havre on the map

IN port Gavr The following sea goods are imported - oil, ore, coal, cotton, wool, food. In exports predominate general cargoes. The total turnover of the sea freight transport of the Gavr port is 48.2 million tons. The port is equipped with modern loading and unloading devices for cargo handling. 7 dry docks and floating dock provide all types of vessel repair with deadweight up to 80 thousand tons.

Gavr (Fr. Le Havre, Normand. Lé Hâvre) - City and Commune in the north of France, in the region of Upper Normandy, Superfectura in the Department of Sena Primorskaya. The Gavrian port is one of the largest in France.


Havre is located on the right bank of the Seine, near its estuary. The city has direct access to the sea and the strait of La Mans. Sena separates the city of Havr from the region of Lower Normandy and neighboring city Onflore To the north and west of the Gold is the coast of the Para de Kale.

The city is divided into two parts: the upper city and the lower city. The border passes through the rocks located between Felix Felix Streets, between 329 streets and Marechal Joffre, between Salvador Allende and Aristide Brian, between Pablo Neruda and Vödun. In the east, the border of the rocks runs along the railway station of the Gavra.

Gavr - seaport. Virtually the entire lower city is washed with water and is cut by pools. In the center (Lower city): Pool Wauban, shopping, pool du Roy, de la bar, da la Citadel. The port is located pools (harbor): La Mans, Baillot, Er, Vatin, Fluvial, Teof Filty Duprok, Rena Coti, Du Parifik, Wyryly, Governor Raul-Duval, as well as Marseille Despol and the Drop Basin (on the eastern border of the Gold).

The largest of all Gamra pools is the Governor Raul-Duval .. It is located on the young border of the Havra himself and the Gavrian port; separated from the bay of the dental dam.

Map of Ham


Gavr is one of the young cities in France. At the base of the Admiral Gufier in 1517, he was inflicted by Franciscopolis in honor of the King of Francis I. Subsequently was renamed Gavr de Gras ("Fertile Harbor", the word havre literally means the harbor). In 1562, Huguenotes passed the city of British, but after 2 years he returned to France. Subsequently, the British have repeatedly undertaken attacks on the city (1678, 1694 and 1759), but almost no avail; Since the French, seeing the strategic importance of this harbor, considerably strengthened it from a possible invasion.

By 1572, the city became a significant shopping center, from where the courts for Newfoundland and Spitsbergen for catching cod and whales were sent. TO XVIII century The port of Gauring becomes the second largest in France after Nanta. Old port Depicted in the picture of Monet "Impression. Rising Sun"(1872), which gave the name of the movement of impressionists.

During World War II, the city was practically lathe with the face of the earth. After the war on the project of Auguste Perret, it was re-built up with modern buildings of a characteristic white color. Residential houses perr. served as one of the sources of the project of the Soviet "Khrushchka".

French city Havre (Normandy region)

Gavre is a port city and commune in the north of France, in the Normandy region, Superfectura in the department of Seine Primorskaya. The Gavrian port is one of the largest in France.

Most of the passengers of the ferry coming to the port of Gaurus so quickly leave him that they do not even have time to look at him. This is partly due to the fact that the majority of the written guides gloomy describe this French city.

The French city of Havre (Normandy region) is really not the most picturesque and peaceful place in the province, but this is not such a soulless stretched settlement, the endless dangers in himself. Gavre (LE HAVRE) is the second largest port in France after Marseille Halfing the mouth of the Sena River.

His construction was started by order of Francois I in 1517, in order to replace the ancient ports of the harpler and onflore. Subsequently, his initial name was changed from Franciscopolis on the Gavr, that is, the "harbor" - and he became the main trading point on the entire Northern coast of France.

In the days of World War II, the Gavr was almost completely destroyed, and in its place in 1946-1964 appeared modern city, erected on the project of architect Auguste Perret. What has been done is exciting. Monuments, impregnated with dramatic and non-confidential confidence, preserved and restored churches, and other relics of the old city were combined into a single whole.

At the same time, residential buildings, built to sleep and very modest means, as the post-war time required, really look somewhat depressing. However, the horizon line was intentionally retained at a low level, so the sea can be seen almost from every street and open public space. Tourists, disagreeable with the priority of the "concrete beautiful", can enjoy a walk around the city.

Brief History of Harre

region Normandy) It is one of the youngest settlements of France. At the base of the admiral of Gufie in 1517, he was informed by Franciscopolis in honor of the monarch Francis I. . Soon he was renamed Havre de Grass ("The Gracious Harbor", the word Havre literally means the harbor). In 1562, Huguenotes passed the city of British, but after 2 years he returned to the jurisdiction of the French state.

By 1572, the city became a significant shopping center, from where the courts for Newfoundland and Spitsbergen for catching cod and whales were sent. By the XVIII century, the port of Gold became the second largest in France. The old port is depicted in the picture of Monet "Impression. The ascending sun ", which gave the name of the movement of impressionists.

During World War II, the city was practically lathe with the face of the earth. After the war on the project of Auguste Perret, it was re-built up with modern buildings of a characteristic white color. Residential houses perr. served as one of the sources of the project of the Soviet "Khrushchka".

Arrival, city information and accommodation in Havre

Three times a day arrive P & O ferries from Portsmouth to the Terminal United Kingdom (Grande Bretagne - Bassin De La Citadelle). On the terminal in the summer for tourists there is an information kiosk. There is also a bus service from the train station, which is 1.5 kilometers east of the municipality building in the Republic of the Republic (Cours de La Republique), and with the bus station, from where both local and international flights are sent.

The building in which the tourist bureau of the Gaurov (186 Boulevard Clemeceau) is not remarkable. At the post office (62 Rue Jules Siegfried) you can access the Internet, as well as in Cybermetro (15 Cours de La Republique), which is located opposite the train station.

Hotels In the Havre concentrated near the train station and not far from the ferry terminal. The nearest campsite is a surprisingly attractive Foret Montgeon - located in the north of the city center in the forest (you can reach it by bus number 1, which leaves from the municipality or railway station in the direction of Jacques Monod).

    Having hotels

1). Hotel Celtic. - Comfortable hotel, located in a long building. There is access to the Internet. Friendly staff. Hotel address: 106 Rue Voltaire;

2). Hotel Faidherbe - The welcoming family hotel near the ferry port in the Old Town offers modest numbers (some of them overlook the sea). Address of the hotel: 21 rue General-Faidherbe;

3). Hotel Parisien. - Located opposite the railway station in a comfortable lively place. Managed family. All rooms have shower and TV. 25% discount is available on Friday and Saturday from December to March. Hotel address: 1 Cours de la pepublique;

4). Hotel Vent D`oust "The hotel is placed in a simple, posted concrete building, a row with the Church of St. Joseph. All rooms are renovated and equipped with a TV, shower and bath. Address of the hotel: 4 Rue de Caligny;

5). Hotel D`YPort - It is located opposite the train station in a relatively peaceful place, entrance to the hotel from the yard. Unusually hospitable hotel. The bicycle parking is charged an additional cost of 3 euros. Hotel Address: 27 Cours De La Republique.

Sights of the Gavra

One of the main reasons why the majority of tourists do not pay proper attention to Gavru - this is what coming or leaving the city by train, bus or personal transport, they are overlooking the central part of the city. Thus, many have the impression that Havre is one solid industrial zone.

The same one who would like to get acquainted with the real Gavr, it is necessary to look at the obstructed architect town Hall Building (Hotel de Ville), she is a municipality of more than 100 meters long, over which the 17-storey tower rises, surrounded by indoor alleys from curly plants, flower beds and many fountains. This is a very attractive, living place in the style of High-tech, where a variety of entertainment activities are often held.

Another bright Creation Perre church of St. Joseph (Eglise Saint-Joseph). In terms of church temple has the shape of the cross. However, this is not a traditional cross of an elongated form - all four end of this cross of the same length. The altar is located strictly in the center, and a 100-meter bell tower is towering right above it. Sweet stained glass windows are distributed around the church and on the tower, focusing, so the game color and light on the altar.

The most brave of the latest architectural projects of the Gavra is cultural Center Vulcan (Le Volcan Havre), designed by the Brazilian architect, in whose adhering territory was called Oscar Sitaer. It is an asymmetric, smooth white cone, which is somewhat towers over nearby buildings.

The entrance is hidden under the white pass a little further on the open area. Next to Oscar Nimeier is the Bassin Du Commerce Center. To familiarize yourself with this territory, you can hire a boat or a motor ship. If you have a desire and the opportunity, then visit one of the floating clubs and restaurants where you can spend time well.

Right at the entrance to the harbor there is a modern Museum Mallro, which occupies a leading place among the best art gallery of France. Here, a natural light is used to illuminate the creations of French artists of the XIX-XX centuries. The main masterpieces of the museum are more than two hundred canvas Ejena Budene, including the landscapes of the Norman coast, with views of Trunville, Ofller and Etretat, as well as a whole collection of miniatures with the image of cows. In addition, the wonderful works of Raul Dufi are presented here, which turned the Gavre into a shining city, regardless of the weather.

If you have free time, you can make ideas about what was old city In a pre-war time, where Jean-Paul Sartre (in the 1930s, he taught philosophy for 5 years at the local school) wrote the famous work of "Nausea".

A little left of the city, who knew Sartre, but the paintings and some other found items were exhibited in one of the few buildings that were not affected during World War II, where the Museum of the Old Museum is now located (1 Rue Jerome-Bellannato).

The once huge port of Ontofler, and now in size no more suburbs of the Gauring. It is located 6 kilometers upstream from the city center and deserves to visit him, as he won his immortal place in history: being in 1415 the location of the British army of Heinrich V, Onfleur stood on the way to victory near Azenkur. The deposited port of Ondofler surrendered only at the end of September, which provoked the last attacks of the British, if you believe Shakespeare, according to Henry's call, "Ovrol, friends ...".

Where to eat and drink in the haw

In the hoo, there are some sensational restaurants . Most bars , cafe And the snack bars focused around the train station, and all sorts of pancakes and different national snacks are North African, South American, Caribbean - on small streets in the Saint-Francois quarter.

If you want to buy food, then the best place for this is the market where all fresh products are sold. It is located in the West Gambetta Square (Place Gambetta). The largest of two supermarkets "Auchan" (both work Monday-Saturday 8.30-22.00) is located in mall On Mont Gaillard, and the second - in Monvillers (Montvilliers) on the roadway from the city on the way to Transkarville.

    Restaurants and Bastro Gavra

1). Restaurant L`Hutriere - Specializes in seafood dishes. Located in the historic quarter of Saint-Francois. The simplest dish for 14 euros includes mollusks, shrimp and lobs, and the dishes for 115 euros for two must be seen to believe in their abundance. There is also a branch in Etretat. Restaurant address: 12 Quai Michel Fere;

2). Restaurant L`Odyssee. - The first-class sea restaurant, located near the ferry berth in the old town and offering dinners for 21 euros on weekdays. You can dine here for 27 euros. Opening hours: closed on Saturdays for lunch, Sunday evenings, as well as on Mondays in the first three weeks of August. Restaurant address: 41 Rue General-Faidherbe;

3). Bistro La Petite Brocante - lively bistro in the center, where sets of dishes are quite expensive, from 25 euros and above, but here excellent dishes. Opening hours: closed on Sundays and in the first three weeks of August. Bistro address: 75 Rue Louis Brindeau;

4). Institution La Marine Marchande - This place is intended for those who would like to save. It is located 5 minutes walk to the east of the railway station. Here you can take advantage of the formula "eat how much you can", which includes the main dish, dessert and wine. It costs 10 euros. Opening hours: closed on Saturdays for lunch and sundays. Address of the establishment: 27 Boulevard Mouchez.

Geographic Encyclopedia

- (Le Havre), a city in France, 197 thousand inhabitants (1990). Avantport Paris in the mouth of r. Hay; Cargo turnover Over 54 million tons per year (1996). Shipbuilding, refineries, chemical, cement, cotton industry. Oceanographic ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Modern encyclopedia

- (Le Havre) City in France, Avantport Paris at the mouth of the river. Hay (freight turnover of St. 50 million tons per year). 196 thousand inhabitants (1990). Shipbuilding, refineries, chemical, cement, cotton industry. Oceanographic Institute. ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

SUT., Number of synonyms: 2 City (2765) Port (361) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

- (HAVRE or HAVRE DE GRACE) the most important after Marseille to trade in France, main city County in the Department of Lower Seine, the coming side of the mouth of the Seine, which has up to 9 km. Widths, cliff at 6.15 m., Near the Cape La Heve; ... ... Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron

Gavr - ІменMestnik Cholovikh family Misto from Franzi ... Orphographic Slovenian Ukrainian Movie

Gavr - Gavr, city in France, Avantport of Paris at the mouth of the Sena River. 197 thousand inhabitants. One of the largest ports of the country (freight turnover over 50 million tons, mainly oil). Shipbuilding, refineries, chemical, cement, cotton ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Franz. Le Havre, literally Harbor) city, large port In France, in Normandy, in the Department of Primorskaya (Lower) Sen. 200 thousand inhabitants (1968), with suburbs 247.4 thousand inhabitants. Located at the mouth of the Seine, G. is "sea ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Gavr - City on S. France, at the mouth of the river. Hay. Founded in 1517 as the port on the site of the fishing village, in which the NOTR Dame de Grace is the chapel (Notre Dame de Grace) dedicated to the merciful Virgin. Initially, the port was called LE HAVRE DE GRACE (Franz ... Toponymic Dictionary


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The second most importantly after Marseille is a port in France, Gavr is also tourist Mozfull of historical and cultural attractions. Skeptics argue that the Second World War as Iron walked around the city, completely by depriving it with ancient buildings. But many masterpieces of architecture were diligently renovated, and it is worth seeing. Havre, unlike dull and unremarkable industrial ports of Eastern Europe, is striking the traveler with a spa spa. There are beaches, beautiful promenade. In addition, Havre is an excellent starting area for research for the beach holiday of the Norman coast. Such legendary resortsAs Deauville, Fekes and Onefleur, are located near the main city of the Departmental Sena region of the Upper Normandy. Another reason to visit the Havur to see the canvas after all the city is considered the unlawful capital of impressionism. About when and how to visit Gavr, what to see and what to try, read in this article.

brief information

City Name - Le Havre - has a Dutch origin. HAVEN means: 1) Harbor and 2) port. Thus, Gavra has already been destined to become the center of shipbuilding from birth. Yes, and found him in 1517 King Francis and as a military port. He was strengthened in the XVII century. And in the XIX century it was converted to the trading port. Now Gavr (France) has the largest container terminal in the country. The city is located on the right bank on the left is famous resort Onflore Since both cities are located at the very mouth of the Seine, the Gavr from the north and west has access to the sea, more precisely, to the Para de-Cala. To the south of the city river crosses the Norman Bridge and two kilometers long. The population of the Gold is 174 thousand people. The capital of France, Paris, is 180 kilometers to the southeast.

How to get to the govern

There are no direct flights between Russia and this north-French city. You have to fly with transfers - through Paris (Charles de Gaulle). Gauring Airport (France) is called Oktieville. This air harbor is located just seven kilometers from the city center. If you are haunting the goal to relax in the resorts of Normandy, you can land at once at the airport of Deauville Saint-Gatien. From him to the Gold - 20 kilometers. But the plane from Paris is not the only way of transport that can be reached to the city in Primorskaya Seine. From the metropolitan station Saint-Lazar from 06:53 to 21:20, numerous trains depart. Two hours later you will arrive at Gare du Havre. By the way, the station is one of the few buildings in the Havra, which war did not touch. And it is located almost in the center. Fifteen minutes to go to the Church of St. Joseph, and 800 meters are separated from the Cathedral of Notre Dame. From Paris, the buses are followed by numerous carriers. The average time on the way is three hours, the approximate cost of the ticket - 9 euros. You can pay for the passage online on Ouibus, Flixbus or Eurolines sites.

How to make a journey long and pleasant

Do not forget that Gavr (France) is sea \u200b\u200bport. And there are gorgeous cruise liners there. Their passengers inspect Gavr in one day and follow. But if you decide to stay in this city for more detailed dating, you can arrive at one of the numerous ferries from the UK. Moscow - London - Portsmouth - Gavr is an equally sought-after route than a trip through Paris. And this journey by the sea promises to be pleasant. Because the ferries are very comfortable and seems to be reminded cruise ships. Brittany Ferries will deliver you to the Gold for six to eight hours and 55 euros per person. Path through London Many travelers are called cheaper than through Paris.

When best to visit Havre

This city is beautiful at any time of the year. But there is a low and high tourist seasons in it. The first is the period from November to February. Winter is not too harsh. Morozov almost never happens, but because of the dampness and winds, the cold is felt more. The lion's share of precipitation also falls during the winter months. But the cost of housing is 25 euros against 35-40 in a high season. In the spring, the weather in Havre (France) continues to remain rainy. The sea cooled for the winter catches the mainland clouds. The thermometer bar is not in a hurry to crawl up. If a average temperature WINTERS +8, MARCH - +10, April - -12, May - -15. Normandy's Atlantic climate does not allow heat and summer. The temperature rarely rises above +20 even in July. But the amount of precipitation in the summer is reduced at times. So, there comes a high tourist season. If you are interested in purely beach rest In France, Gavr may disappoint you. The sea here is not so warm as on Côte d "Azur. Nevertheless, the beaches of the Gold and the surrounding coastal resorts are clogged with vacationers. In order for the wind did not bother them, there are special tents baskets in the rent. This is dry good timeTo make excursions around the city and the surrounding area.

The appearance of the city. Where to stay

By photo of the Gold (France), made by the sea, it is clear that this locality Clearly divided into two parts. The lower city is something like Venice because of the abundance of canals, the harbors (here they are called pools) and bridges. Most tourist attractions are located here. The upper city is piled on the rocks. It lives mostly wealthy people. Hotels and apartments there are also expensive. But in the upper city there are many parks. Both parts of the Greava binds (except streets) also the funicular. The fare on it is 50 euro scenes. The historic center of the city is located at the mouth of the river. After all, Havre appeared on the map of Europe, primarily as a port. When choosing housing, tourists are recommended to navigate the lower city. Gavr is difficult to call a budget tourist destination. The most simple room in the hotel without all sorts of stars will cost 20 euros in the low season. Tourists recommend booking apartments for several months. Then it is possible to remove the decent apartment or studio for 30 euros per night.

How to move around the city

The city of Havre (France) is very compact. And if you live in his lower part, you will not need to spend money on public transport. Taxis and car - generally unnecessary things in historical centerSince many streets are pedestrian, and parking lots are crazy money. All the main attractions of the Gold are concentrated within the radius of a kilometer, so you can bypass them in a few hours. If the legs do not go - you can rent a bike. His rent will cost 8 euros per day (plus pledge 200 є). As in all big citiesThe havra has both buses and trams. Public transport Roads mail around the clock. There are night flights. One bus ticket or tram costs 1.8 euros. Therefore, tourists recommend buying a book from ten coupons. It costs 13 euros. If you plan often move around the city during the day, it is better to purchase a daily subscription for 5 є. The passage per week will cost 15 euros. Very reverses tourists and residents of the city of Funicular. The lower station is located on Thiers Square, and the upper is located on Felix Street Form. But, referring reviews, the funicular on Sundays does not work.

Gavre (France): Attractions

They are actually a lot, but top five. What is the traveler "Mast C" in Havre? If you plan to see the city in one day, start the way from the railway station. It is already visible to the main attraction of the Gold - Church of San Joseph. Statercro bell tower of this temple served as a lighthouse for ships. Inside the church amazes with its decoration, which is harmonized with a strict style of neootics. The temple was erected in the twentieth century. And just 800 meters from this "Novostroy" there is a really ancient cathedral - Notre Dame. He is not as big as the Paris's Mother of God, and on his inspection you will have enough hours. The Cathedral is located on Paris Street - the main Boulevard of the Gold. If you go up, you will reach the city hall (Hotel de Ville). The lobby of this administrative building has a small museum of the history of the city. House of the shipbuilder (18th century) seems to be nothing noticeable. But inside it stores the richest collection of antique furniture, models of ships, personal belongings of family members, which in centuries owned by this building. In addition, the shipbuilder's house is located on the Embankment De L "île, in the part of the Gavrian port where the ferries come from Portsmouth. And, finally, the last sign attraction of the city - Gallery Andre Malro (Clemisso Boulevard, 2). In it collected French Impressionists .


Gavre (France) - the city of industrial. Therefore, it was important to make it landscaped. Saint-Roh Saint Joseph is spread between the Town Hall and the Church of St. Joseph. These are lung cities. Alleys, lawns, curtains and flower beds occupy a significant area. Want to move from Nomania to Asia? To do this, go to the Japanese Garden, which is located near the train station and Prospekt Voban. In this small, but a nice place you will find ponds with fish and statues of Buddha, which were brought here from Japan.

Abbey Gravel Saint-Onorin

This monastery in Havre (France) was some miracle survived the second world war, and therefore UNESCO adopted historical buildings under his aegid. Now abbey functions as a museum, a ticket to five euros. Find a former monastery easy. It is located near the station, through Picasso Avenue and is located on Esalle Dev. Abbe.

Havre (France): Beach

In the urban feature there is a two-kilometer sector, allotted under sun and sea baths. Northern nature gives these comforts not so much opportunities. Although La Mans in this place is surprisingly calm (in summer). But the French, both local Normans and visiting, do not make a problem from cold weather. They perceive the beach as a place where you can sit by the sea, breathe dissolved in the air of iodine, listen to chokes of chap. Promenade is laid along the coast, where the concentration of fish taverns is simply huge. In rainy weather, sit here well, taste soup from mussels and put it with a sidrome or something stronger, for example, Calvados. The best beaches Normandy is located at the resorts of Deauville, Ontofleur and the like. To admire the sheer cliffs best in Ethew, which is 30 kilometers from the Gold.


The city of Havre (France) reviews the birthplace of apple cider and the product of his distillation - Calvados. To visit Normandy and do not try these drinks - just a crime. And if you have regained them, you will certainly want to buy a bottle-other one - myself for memory and friends as a gift. A good gastronomic souvenir will also be the Norman cheese - a nonsense, Pont Lavel, Livaro or Camembert.