Ibiza where. The legendary resort - about

Ibiza is an island located in the Mediterranean Sea, 80 km from the Spanish coast. This is the third largest island of the Balearic archipelago, which is the autonomous region of Spain. Together with the satellite island Formenter, Ibiza is a terrain covered with delicious pine forests. The largest cities of the island are Ibiza (in Catalan: Vila de Ibis or just Vila), Santa Elaria Des Riu and San Antonio de Portmani.

Ivisa is the official Catalan name, but in Spanish sounds like Ibiza, the standard Spanish variation is commonly used. In classical English, the name of the island is usually pronounced in Spanish manner.

Ibiza is an administrative part of the Autonomous Region Balearic Islands, whose capital is Palma, is located on Mallorca Island. The population of Ibiza is 143,856 people (according to the 2017 census), and the total area of \u200b\u200bthe territory is 571.6 km 2.

Current time in Ivice:
(UTC +1)

Ibiza is part of the group of the Islands of the Western Bale archipelago. The chain of the Baler islands includes over 50 islands, mostly uninhabited. The islands are located approximately 100 km south-west of the island of Mallorca and approximately 80 km east of the Spanish coast (Alicante, Valencia).

Ibiza and Formentera are sometimes considered together as part of the Balearic archipelago, or separately, along with Mallorca and Menorca. In politically, they are parts of the autonomous region of the Balearic Islands.

How to get

There are several options to get to Ibiza by air. First, since 2009, every summer season starts a charter flight Moscow - Ibiza, performed by Transaero airline 2 times a week. So, in 2011, airplanes (Boeing 737) flew on Thursdays and Sundays, from June 12 to September 25 from Domodedovo Airport, flight Un9109, reverse - UN9110. Accurate flight schedule in 2012 must be specified on the airline's website.

Another way to get to Ibiza is to take advantage of the regular airfare from Moscow. There are no direct regular flights, only with docks in Barcelona or Madrid. The most popular options are Iberia flights (docking in Madrid, about 600 euros on both sides), or joint flights of Aeroflot and one of the Spanish carriers (docking in Barcelona, \u200b\u200babout $ 750). You can also reach the airline Tap Portugal with docking in Lisbon.

Another option is Low Coast flights with docks in Europe. AIR BERLIN, NIKI and EASYJET have such flights. In addition, local companies from many Spanish cities - Mallorca, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bGerona, Seville or Valencia are making flights to Ibiza.

If you get from Moscow to Majorca or Barcelona (on a charter or regular flight), then you can overcome the remaining path to Ibiza on the ferry. Ferries of various companies go to Ibits daily several times a day, the price of the ferry ticket is about 70 euros (from Barcelona) or 50 euros (from Mallorca), travel time - 9 hours from Barcelona (night flights), 4.5 hours with Majorca.

Ferry tickets can be booked online on the following sites of ferry companies:

  • VIAMARE (from Barcelona and from Mallorca)

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In 654, the Phoenician colonists founded the port on the Balearic Islands called Ibossim. A little later, the name has changed to the Roman manner as "Ebusus." With the weakening of the Phenicia after the Assyrian invasion, Ibiza fell under the influence of Carthage, also the former Phoenician colony. The island was a supplier of natural paint, salt, fish sauce (Garuma) and wool.

Ibiza became a major trading center of the Mediterranean. During the second Punic war, the island was attacked, but still belonged to Carthage. After the fall of the military power of Carthagen, Ibiza moved to the Romans, who saved the island from further destruction and allowed him to continue to lead his Carthage-Punic War, right up to the days of the Hope, when the island became the official Roman city. For this reason, today Ibiza is a magnificent sample of the late Carthage-Punic period. During the reign of the Roman Empire, the island has become a quiet imperial military post, removed from important trade routes of that time.

After the fall of the Roman Empire and the short period of the first barbarians, and then the period of the Byzantine rule, the island was captured by Muslims, however, like most of the territory of the Iberian Peninsula.

The island was returned to the Christian world by King James I Aragon in 1235. Shortly thereafter, the island was able to achieve his independent management, but in 1715 the King of Philip V Spanish abolished local state autonomy. The declaration of democracy at the end of the 1970s led to the status of the autonomy of the Balearic Islands.

Today, Ibiza Island is part of the Autonomous Region of the Balearic Islands, along with Mallorca, Menorca and Formenter.

Climate and weather in Ibiza

Climate Islands Ibiza Mediterranean, with soft winters, but cooler summer months than in Mallorca. Winter is usually soft, with an average temperature of about 15 ° C during the day and 8 ° C at night. The hottest time of year is July and August, when the temperature in the afternoon reaches 30 ° C. The lowest temperature fixed in Ibiza is 5 ° C, the highest 37 ° C.

Weather forecast







To "Weather. Toursinter.ru"

Weather in Ibiza for months

day, ° C
at night, ° C
water, ° C
precipitation, mm.
15 8 16 34
16 9 16 28
17 9 16 39
18 11 17 37
21 14 18 24
26 18 21 14
29 21 23 6
29 22 25 26
27 20 25 42
23 16 23 66
19 12 21 50
16 10 18 56

Feedback by month

March 1. May 1 June 5. July 3. August 1. September 1.

Photos of Ibiza


Ibiza has a developed public transport system, which binds all the main settlements of the island.


Travel on the bus on Ibiza Island is relatively cheap. Buses are very punctual and run between the main settlements and the most popular beaches of the island from 7:30 am and until 24:00 (in the summer season) and from 7:30 am to 9:30 pm (in winter). Schedule that may vary on Sunday and holidays, you can find at bus stops and in tourism offices. Stops are indicated by the letter P (Parade). To exit the bus at its stop, you need to notify the driver through a call - the buttons are located in the cabin of the bus near the doors.

The ticket must be purchased before landing. Pre-tickets can be bought at the ticket office of the end bus stops. The fare is 1.20 euros. The most expensive and long journey through the island by bus is from Ibiza (Ibiza Town) to Portinach (PortAnatx) - you will cost you 2 euros.

In Ibiza there are 3 main bus stations: in the city of Ibiza, in San Antoni and Santa Elaria. These bus stations are connected by bus routes with 99% of the inhields of the island. From the bus routes, the most popular among tourists the road from the capital of Islands to the city of San Anthony. Information about routes and tariffs can be seen on the website of the Ibiza bus company.

Also from mid-June and until the end of September, every night (with an hour an hour) on the island runs a special free club bus Discobus. Below you can see the directions of the Discobus movement and the approximate schedule.

Direction schedule
Ibiza San Antoni. 00:30 01.30 02.30 03.30 04.30 05.30 6:30
Sant Antoni Ibiza 00:00 01.00 02.00 03.00 04.00 05.00 6:00
Port Detorrents San Antoni 00:30 01.30 02.30 03.30 04.30 05.30 6:30
Sant Antoni Port Children 01:00 02.00 03.00 04.00 05.00 6:00 7:00
Ibiza Playa d'en boss 00:30 01.30 02.30 03.30 04.30 05.30 6:30
Playa D'En Bossa-Ibiza 00:00 01.00 02.00 03.00 04.00 05.00 6:00
Ibiza Santa Elaria 00:30 01.30 02.30 03.30 04.30 05.30 6:30
Santa Elaria - Ibiza 00:00 01.00 02.00 03.00 04.00 05.00 6:00
Ibiza Cap Martin 00:30 01.30 02.30 03.30 04.30 05.30 6:30
Cap Martin-Ibiza 00:00 01.00 02.00 03.00 04.00 05.00 6:00


Taxi in Ibiza counters are not equipped, but fixed tariffs for various routes are available. "Catching" a taxi with a raising hand is not accepted - the car can be called by phone or take a taxi parking (located in the centers of settlements).

The cost of a trip to a taxi in the city is calculated according to the scheme: 4.10 Euro - a one-time charge for a taxi call. Plus 0.90 euros for each kilometer from 6:00 to 21:00, and plus 1.09 euros for each kilometer from 21:00 to 6:00, as well as on Sundays and holidays. If a taxi is waiting for you for an hour day - pay extra 16.24 euros if at night - 17.28 euros. For example, a taxi trip to the world's largest Privilege club or Amnesia neighboring with him, which are located in the middle of the Ibiza Town - Sant Antoni highway, you will cost 10 euros - at least from the capital, at least from Sant Antoni. The entire route of Ibiza Town - Sant Antoni (15 km) - 14 euros.

From the airport to the main settlements of the island, the following prices are valid:

  • to Sant Antoni (Sant Antoni) - 25 euros Day and 28-30 euros at night;
  • to the city of Ibiza (Ibiza Town) - 10 euros Day and 13-15 euros at night;
  • before Santa Elalia (Sta. Eulalia) - 25 euros Day and 28-30 euros at night;
  • to Sant Josep - 18 Euro Day and 23 euros at night;
  • sant Miquel - 35 Euro Day and 40-42 euros at night.

Remember also that at the same time purchased 4 tickets at the ticket office of any club, you automatically get the right to free passage of your company to a taxi to the club doors.

Taxi telephone numbers:

  • in the city of Ibiza: 971 301 794, 971 306 602;
  • in Sant Antoni: 971 340 074, 971 343 764;
  • in Santa Elalia: 971 330 063;
  • airport taxi: 971 39 54 81.

Rent a Car

In Ibiza, car rental is possible. For this, the driver must have international sample rights, credit card and insurance. The driver's age should be more than 21 years, driving experience - from 1 year.

Several categories of cars are available for rent: small and small carbs (Peugeot, Fiat, SEAT); Trendy PEUGEOT, Renault, BMW, Mercedes convertible; SuperDaded cars, like Ferrari or Porsche.

The rental price depends on its term. So, the simplest car in the peak season per day will cost 35 euros. The rest of the year - 27 euros. Renting the car for a week, you will receive, as a rule, a tangible discount. In the midst of the season (especially in August), take a car for rent not easy, in view of the fact that their number is limited. It is worth taking care of this in advance by booking a car from the house online.

On the island there are representative offices of the following companies:

  • AteSa (971 395393, AteSa.es)
  • AVIS (971 809177, avis.com)
  • Hertz (971 809178, Hertz.com)

On the island you can also rent a scooter or motorcycle. The most inexpensive motorcycle will cost from 21 euros per day of rental, scooter - from 17 euros. Using helmets must!

Filling stations are open from 7:00 to 9:00 pm (except Sunday), although in the peak of the season many of them begin to work around the clock. The price of liter fuel - a little less than 1 euro. As a rule, the client independently fills his car, after which it makes payment on the meter.

With parking on the island in the peak season there are problems. In cities paid parking marks are indicated by blue restrictive lines. Payment is made using the machine - Get a ticket and place it on the windshield. After 22.00 - parking is free.


On the island of Ibiza several picturesque cycling trails are laid. Bicycle rental are engaged in several offices. Prices are about the same everywhere - about 11 euros per day (for the usual bike).

Here are several addresses for bicycle rental office:

  • Vespas Torres / Santa Eularia, Sant Jaume 66, Phone: 971 330 059
  • Tony Rent / Ibiza Town, C / Navarra 11, Phone: 971 300 879
  • Extra Rent / Ibiza Town, AV. Santa Eulalia, Telephone: 971 191 717, Site: extrarent.com

Water transport

It is also possible to move between the coastal settlements and the main beaches of the island. Transportation is carried out by boats and boats. The price is quite democratic: from the capital of Ibiza to the suburb of Talamanca (Talamanca) - 2.25 euros (on both sides), to Playa D`en Bossa beach - 4.20 euros. From the city of Sant Antoni in his neighborhood - 3 euros, to nearby beaches - 4-5 euros. From the city of Santa Elalia located on the eastern tip of the city of Santa Eulalia, the Gala Pada (Cala Pada) lying in the north is 4.5 euros.


Ibiza served the island of inspiration for writing a number of novels, including "Soma-blues" Robert Shekley, "Vacation in Ibiza" Louurenz Shimel, "Short life on the sunny island: Mystery of Alphonse Donte" Khan Blank, "They are lying to Ibiza" A. S. Green , and the project "Python" Victor Kanning.

Pink Floyd group recorded the song "Bar in Ibiza" for the soundtrack for the film "More" ("More"), staged in 1969 there is even a special genre of dance music, which is called - Bolaric Bite, who received its name due to popularity in circles Clubber on Ibiza island, something similar to Goa Trans, India. This style reflects the characteristic atmosphere of Ibiza using synthesized plug-in tools, transmitting the sounds of waves, mandolines and guitars, sometimes in combination with light vocals.


Since Catalan and Spanish are official languages \u200b\u200bof Ibiza, the Catalan dialect, called Ivisases or Ibisesenz, is often used by local residents and residents of Formentera Island. In addition, under the influence of tourism, as well as immigrants living on the island, here you can hear about English, German and Russian. Multilinguality here is the norm.

What to see

Ibiza is famous not only by his parties, but also by the fact that most of the island is included in the UN World Heritage Site and avoided the commercialization of major cities, for example, "God's Finger" in Bennis Bay, as well as some traditional cultural places Ibisenzo. Thanks to the legendary natural beauty of these places, companies and artists often use the island for photo shoots and filming. The monument ("Egg"), erected in honor of Christopher Columbus, is located in San Anthony, as Ibiza is considered one of the alleged places of the famous traveler.

However, all year old, with the exception of the summer period, is the island of empty, and most of the famous clubs are closed (only club Pacha is working all year round). Tourists who are planning a trip to the island before June or after September awaits a quiet and peaceful rest with changeable weather.

Where to go on Ibiza


Museums and galleries

Where to eat and drink


Parks and recreation areas



Shops and markets

Things to do


Clubs are the centers of attraction of Ibiza, the main attraction of the island, and their visit is the main pastime of vacationers. The most popular musical styles are House, Teshno and Transe. The club's entrance charge varies within 20 - 30 euros, often there are discounts of bearers of flyers. Flyers - the ability to save about 6 euros at the entrance to the club, they also give the right to one free drink. You can get them in cafes, bars and restaurants (but not in all), making an order. Tickets to the club are worth buying in advance - during the day, for example: it will be released much cheaper than immediately before the event, and you do not have to stand in a huge queue.

In the Bars of Clubs, the average cost of the Vodka-Lemon type cocktail is 8-10 euros, beer or non-alcoholic beverage - 6-8 euros. If you buy a ticket not in the club itself, be sure to check the number and year specified on it - the fraudsters grabs and in Ibiza. To "let me up", it is not necessary to go to Ibiza to the peak season - in July and August. At this time, on the island of huge queues in clubs, unbearable heat, overgrown to the invisibility. You can go to the island in June or in September - the fun already (or more) in full swing, but people are much smaller.

Night clubs Ibiza


The entire coast of Ibiza island is marked by blue flags - a kind of "quality signs" of coastal waters and beaches. This creates excellent conditions for the occupation of various water and beach sports.

For sophisticated dive divers here, it may seem somewhat boring, but the beginner divers will be delighted. Coastal waters warm (water warms up to + 25c) and clean (visibility can reach 40 m), the flows are quite calm. The coastline is cut by all sorts of clefts, grots and caves. At the seabed, you can see the troops of Barracuda, a large sea perch, sea acne, multicolored gubans, crabs, octopus.
On the island there are also a few dive sites with sunken ships: in the place called Illot Llado near the city of Ibiza, and one more thing - Cala Mastella.

In Ibiza there is a huge number of diving schools, they are all open from May to October, prices in them are usually the same. Thus, one-time dive in the open sea will cost 40 euros, including equipment and insurance. Night immersion - from 45 to 70 euros, depending on the place of immersion. Course Padi Open Water on Ibiza can be mastered in 5 days (400 euros). There is also a BSAC school.

In addition, professional divers local dive schools offer a set of additional courses: diver - rescuer, cave diving, navigation under water, etc.

  • Ibiza Diving is an excellent diving Padi. Offer dives and underwater excursions in small groups.
  • SEA HORSE SUB - the only diving school on the island accredited by BSAC.
  • Sirena is a diving school, conducting classes on the west coast of the island.
  • Sabfari - Diving School, organizing immersion on the deep-sea northern coast of Ibiza Island.


The best places for dive with the mask and flippers are located on the north-west coast of the island - from Es Portitxol and Cala D`aubarca, there are very steep cliffs and deep depressions. In addition, to get acquainted with the underwater world of Ibiza, through snorkeling, Cala Mastella, Cala Moli and Cala Coodolar, and Cala Coodolar in the area of \u200b\u200bIbiza. From the local inhabitants of coastal waters, you can see the sea perch, brown or multi-colored gubans, a scumbers and even a barracuda. Most resort settlements have stores selling masks, tubes and las. In addition, everything you need can be rented in diving schools.

Pesca Y Deportes Bonet - a link, renting equipment for snorkeling and fishing. Address: C / PERE FRANCES 20, Ibiza Town. Phone: 971 312 624. Pesca Y Deportes Santa Eulalia - Here you can also rent equipment for underwater hunting, fishing, snorkeling. Address: Molins de Rey 12, Santa Eulalia. Phone: 971 330 838.


Windsurfing is very popular in Ibiza, although the "club" months of July and August are the most calm in the sense of the weather, and they do not fit the surfing. The sophisticated siefs will be more interesting for the remaining months of the year, when the conditions for classes on the island are close to ideal. Surfing school services around the island are almost the same: rental board - 15 euros per hour, the course of study is 20 euros per hour.

Post offices of the island work from 09:00 to 13:30 daily besides Sunday. Ibiza postcards for postcards home can be bought both in the mail and in tobacco kiosks and in souvenir shops.

On the island well developed network of Internet cafes and access points. Almost every hotel has small internet access terminals, and the Internet cafe can be found on each street of every settlement. The cost of one hour of use of the Internet on average over the island is about 5 euros.

Useful phones


Rest on Ibiza Island - the occupation is quite safe. The crime rate is very low here. But, as in any other, a completely civilized place, during large clusters of tourists and in Ibiza, small troubles are possible, like pocket theft or theft of personal belongings. Therefore, recommendations will be standard: closely follow your bags and photos and video equipment, do not carry large amounts of cash, documents and air tickets. You should also not leave valuable things in sight in the car rental.

Since Ibiza Island is considered to be the Mecca of the Clubber of all kinds and masters, and wears the name of the "Island of the Holiday", he has "around" some stereotypes that it is worth dispel.

So, it is not necessary to think that there are various kinds of narcotic substances on the island in free circulation. Ibiza is all the same Spain, and, according to the current Spanish legislation, the use and sale of narcotic and drug-containing substances (cannabis, amphetamines, ecstasy, cocaine, LSD, ketamine, heroin, etc.) - severely punishable! The maximum punishment (for drug trafficking or smuggling) is 12 years in prison.

The second myth, which is worthwhile, is the confidence of some holidaymakers in the fact that Ibice can be "stung up" alcohol around the clock and everywhere. In general, then, of course, you can, if I really want. But here, too, there are nuances: it is absolutely unacceptable to sit behind the wheel of a car in a drunken form - a fine of 300 to 600 euros. For an attempt to "solve the issue" by giving a bribe to the Polishmen - prison. Local workers of the law are incomprehensible.

From the second myth of the unlimited use of alcohol, our following recommendations arise - regarding health. If the purpose of your visit to Ibiz is not an attempt on your own organism, you should not drink strong alcoholic beverages in the day heat. Desire in the dark and without accompanying explore the local relief dictated by several cocktails, it is also better to suppress. In a word, remember how the prayer, the phrase from your insurance that everything that happens to you into alcohol intoxication is "an insured event is not.

If you do not take into account the consequences of excessive libations in clubs, other health problems can be solved by contacting the nearest pharmacy (Farmacia) marked with a green cross. Local pharmacists are highly qualified, they can give you the necessary advice in English and even provide first aid.

Myth about the availability of sex entertainment in Ibiza We will not be discharged, because in the end everyone finds what is looking for. We just want to draw the attention of tourists to the fact that contraceptives are not sold on the island at every step. Remember that you can only buy them in pharmacies (most of which are closed at night) or in the only round-the-clock machine on C / Antoni Palau in Ibiza Town (next to the entrance to the Old Town).

Where to stay in Ibiza

Booking.com offers to book more than 2170 hotels in Ibiza. You can choose a hotel using a variety of filters: hotel star, hotel type (hotel, apartments, villa, hostel, etc.), cost, hotel location, assessments of people visiting the hotel, availability Wi-Fi and much more. .

Latest booked hotels in Ibiza

In Ibiza, absolutely all accommodation options are presented - for every taste and wallet: from democratic in the price of youth hostels and apartments to luxury hotels. There are about 80 thousand places on the island.

On our site using the system you can book your hotel.

Ibiza Island, it is undoubtedly one of the most popular modern beach resorts. The architecture of the island and snow-white beaches with the purest sand undoubtedly attract tourists, but the world's popular popularity and recognition of Ibiza received thanks to the Grand Parties and Disco.

Ibiza - Youth Resort

In Ibiza, the most fashionable youth centers are located. Ibiza tourists attract a large number of fashionable youth centers. This island is considered an ideal place to relax youth from all the continents, where you can have fun from the soul. A large number of tourists come here from England, Spain and France. Russian speech in Ibiza is extremely rare.

Ibiza on the world map

Ibiza-one of the 4 large in the area of \u200b\u200bthe islands of the Balearic archipelago, which also includes well-known islands:, Formentera and Minorca. Ibiza Square is a little less than 600 thousand km 2. The outlines of the island have an elongated shape of about 40 km long, and a width of 17 km.

Geographically island located in the Mediterranean at a distance of 100 km from the coast of Spain and 200 km from the shore of Africa.

On official cards and documents is the island called Ivisa(from Catalan. EIVISSA), but more common pronunciation for Spanish manner - Ibiza (Iz. Ibiza).

The island of happiness so can be characterized by Ibiza. Here harmoniously neighboring, complementing each other, lush vegetation bright green and endless turquoise sea, soft blue sky and beaches with gentle white sand.

Climate Ibiza

Weather Ibiza is characterized by a temperate Mediterranean climate. Summer on the island is warm (but cooler than in Mallorca) with a small amount of cloudy and rainy days. Winter is soft with an average temperature of about 15-18 degrees with abundant precipitation. Freezing and snow-rage phenomenon in Ibiza.

The beach season at the resort is open from the beginning of May and at the end of October. The ambient air temperature during this period does not fall below +25 s, and in the hot summer months the thermometer column rises to the mark +32 and higher. Water warms up to comfortable +26 C.

In winter, the air is not heated above +10 +12 C.

History of opening Ibiza

In 654, BC, the Phoenician colonists began to master the Balearic Islands and founded Port Ibossim. After under the influence of the Roman Empire, the name was transformed on Ebusus. Years and the Phoenician influence lost the place of Carthage. But in the XIII century Arabs, Catalans crowded out, who gave the island of the modern name of Ibis.

Modern Island

Nowadays, the island is enters the autonomous community of the Baleanian Islands owned by Spain. San Antonio and Ibiza -Fall major cities on the island of mandatory for visiting every tourist. The atmosphere of these cities is impregnated with the spirit of history, and modern details complement the overall picture. Here among the narrow streets here and there are shops with fashionable and beautiful clothes. The magnificent embankment of San Antonio is a shot of yachts of famous people. Stars of film and sports, politicians and businessmen love to come to rest at this resort.

Noise, fun and holidays This is how to characterize local culture. Locals are unsurpassed fun organizers, and holidays are regularly celebrated on snow-white beaches. These days on Ibiza in each settlement, tourists can dance (including Balearic dances) for a clock day.

In addition, carnivals and costume processions are held in certain dates, the sky is starving hundreds of salutes, as well as imagine unforgettable stage performances.

Sights of Ibiza

The cultural and historical center is rightfully considered the old city of Ibiza. It has the main attractions of the island among which the ancient and modern architectural monuments, and the narrow winding streets dip the traveler in the Middle Ages. The daily beauty of the blue sea and the mountains with a lush greenery is replaced by a night romance.

No less impressions will leave a visit to the most ancient part of the island of Dalt Vila (Dalt Vila-located in the UNESCO World Heritage List). The Museum of Contemporary Art and the Cathedral is located here.

On the island there is a beautiful cave of Can Mars, with a museum located in it. A visit to the cave will take you at least half an hour, during this time you can consider all the exhibits.

One of the places for visiting may be the hippie market. Here among unusual goods you can choose the original souvenir.

Popular resort places

One of the most famous places is Talamanca. During the day, tourists are going to tourists of outdoor activities for surfing and other active recreation, and the night is the time of cocktails, fun and dancing.

Ibiza Resort not only for advanced youth. Popular resort for family rest-portinich. Here you can buy a ticket to any excursion. The most popular area is to go on an excursion to Santa Elaria Das Riu. There is the only Islands River-Punta Arab. A huge number of masters offer their hippie products: beads, bracelets, and other decorations.

San Miguel is a resort, which is especially popular among connoisseurs of exclusive recreation. Here, in addition to luxurious restaurants in the chic palaces, sophisticated tourists can visit places that are considered to be protected and preserved untouched landscapes. Lovers of romantic walks and connoisseurs of silence are simply necessary here.

Ibiza) - the third largest island of the Balearic archipelago of 570 square meters. km, which you can cross across 1 hour. This is the most developed island in the tourist plan, known as the "Club Capital of Europe". In addition to the turbulent nightlife, the island can offer picturesque landscapes, amazing beaches and architectural memos of various eras.
Photo: Ibiza Map

Ibiza Moderate Mediterranean climate - in summer, on average + 25-28 ° C (peak 30-31 ° C), and in winter + 15 ° C. The stuffiness here does not happen due to the pleasant Mediterranean breezes. The tourist season lasts from April to October, but you can come in winter to enjoy the silence outside the "high season" and take a walk on the island.

The coast of Ibiza is a practically solid beach, but in the northwest there are almost no good places. Since many clubs are located right on the beaches, then a part of the leased sun beds and cloth umbrellas, but there is a common paid inventory (cheaper). The most popular beach is Playa de Las Salinas with snow-white sand, transparent azure waters and perfect tanned bodies. For those who are not looking for publicity, there is a quiet place - Cala de Portinich Beach in the fishing village in the northern part of the island.

The beauty of the island of Ibiza you can see on this photo:

The size of the island allows you to rest in a new place every day, running around Ibiza on rented bikes, cars, buses and even ferries. But you can find such a place where everything is for the most comfortable rest like Cala Long, so that you can not leave anywhere.

Beach Club Life Epicenter - Atmospheric Den-Boss With Her Legendary ClubsPacha. , Space, Amnesia and other cult clubs, where they light the most famous DJs from around the world.

In addition to round-the-clock holidays in bars and clubs, Ibiza can offer more cultural pastime, for example, ancient fortress, churches and medieval streets. Most of the architectural memo focuses in the capital of the Ostoza - Ibiza.

5 cases in Ibiza. Things to do:

  1. Write a party wave on the beach of Playa Dan-Boss or Playa de Las Salina;
  2. Let's go on a tour of the uninhabited and mysterious island of ES-Bucket;
  3. Meet the sunset under the drum fight on the beach of Benirras;
  4. To be frozen in the water parkAguamar on a complete coil;
  5. Close to the Mount of Pic De Missa to understand that Ibiza can be completely different.

Photo: Ibiza

Ibiza is the same capital of the island, where the club and shopping life is burly, there are countless bars and restaurants, and the berths have a white-white expensive yacht. All this harmoniously fits into the old town by the castle, medieval fortress walls, the cathedral and other architectural remnamines.

Beaches in the surroundings:

Figueretes (Playa De Ses Figueretes) - A nice beach is 10 minutes from the Old Town. Nearby beautiful promenade with palm trees.

These are the beaches of the Playa Dan Boss resort.

Photo: Playa Den Boss

Playa D'En Bossa (Playa d'En Bossa) is one of the most famous Ibiza places with an atmosphere of infinite parties. This is a city of cult parties right on luxurious beaches that work around the clock. Here are such loud club names asPacha. , Space, Bora-Bora, Amnesia and others.


Photo: Playa de Las Salinas

Playa D'En Bossa (Playa d'En Bossa) - Fashionable beach with excellent sand and turquoise water, sun loungers, music, cocktails, massage and other benefits. This is the longest beach of Ibiza (3 km), where the crowded part and almost deserted koko(Coco Platja) at the end.

Playa de Las Salinas Playa De Las Salinas - The beach is famous for its ridge atmosphere on golden sand with numerous institutions, from where casual music comes from.

Cavallet (Platja des Cavallet) - Wild kilometer beach with golden sand. Nudists and non-traditional orientation are resting on the beach, while others have to arrive at the very edge near the car parking.

If you walk to the end of the beach of Playa Dan-Boss before the Poszorny Tower, then in the award, get an amazing view of the coast and the hidden fill. And if you want to meet a celebrity, then you need to go to the beachLas Salinas.


Nearby located Water Park Island -Aguamar with 7 water slides of a variety of formats, attractions, pools and impressive food court.

Photo: Talamanca

Talamanca - a hospitable resort, both for young people and families with children in walking distance to the capital of the island. Along the line of the shore you can find many restaurants, entertainment and nightclubs.


Cala Talamanca - Long and narrow beach with wooden promenade. There are shower, dressing cabins, cozy cafes and restaurants.

Photo: San Miguel

(Port de Sant Miquel) - Respectable resort surrounded by the protected area with multi-storey hotel complexes on rocky slopes. You can relax on a luxurious golden beach surrounded by rocks or walking around picturesque, but cool descents and lifts.


Photo: Benirras.

San Miguel (Port de Sant Miguel) - A wide beach in the "horseshoe" from rocks and hills covered with pineage. Calm atmosphere of rest from the bustle.

Cala Multons (Cala Multons) - Miniature beach for privacy.

Benirras (Benirras) - Beautiful beach in a closed bay. It is 15 minutes from San Miguel, where can be reached by car. Mass entertainment for children.

Beach Berirass Tourists loved for a special action in the evenings - it is customary to meet the sunset under the battle of the drums, which creates a unique atmosphere. But try to come in the early morning to have time to put a car on the parking lot.


Rising to Mount Pic De Missa you can see stalking views of the whole island and pine groves in its center.


Here is the ancient church of the island of Iglesia-de-san Miguel and the caves of smugglersKan Marsa (Can Marca ) with stalactites, lakes, waterfalls and advanced inscriptions on the walls.


You can see Portina in all our glory, looking at this video:

Portinatx (Cala Portinatx) - The miniature picturesque resort is ideal for recreation with the whole family. The shallow water beach is just a find for kids. Here is the center of the most interesting excursions in Ibiza. The fishing town is famous for excellent "Fish" by restaurants.


Photo: Cala Den-Serra

Cala de Portinatx (Cala de Portinatx) - Comfortable and calm beach in a quiet fishing village.

Cala Den-Serra (Cala-Den-Serra) - One of the most impressive beaches of the island surrounded by sheer cliffs. The beach itself is quiet and small. There is a cafe.

Cala Harraca (Cala Xarraca) - Diver paradise with unique underwater scenery.

Photo: Santa Elaria de Riou

Santa Eularia Des Riu) - Beautiful place for family holidays and for older people. Wide and gentle sandy beaches are safe for kids, and amazingly handsome promenade along the shore line is a great place to walk in the shade of palm trees. For tourists there are numerous hotels and apartments.


Photo: Cala Llena

In Santa Elaria there are large and crowded central beaches and a lot of secluded coves among the green hills.

Beaches in the surroundings:

Cala Mastella Cala - Narrow bay without waves.

Cala Llena (Cala Lenya) - gentle beach with golden sand 10 km fromSanta Elaria. Surrounded by unusual red cliffs and pine forest.

Playa Des Canar (Playa Des Canar)- Ukromic semicircular bay for safe rest with children.


The city employs colorful restaurants, the "hippie" market in Punta Arabi nearby. The only river of the archipelago flows here.


The most interesting place of the resort is Pic de Missa, which is a hill with an ancient city and church. The artist Barrau Museum and the Museum of Ethnology also works. The second significant object is the restored defense tower of Torre de Campanich 18th century on the shore. Not far in the village of Jesus, you can find one of the oldest churches of the city -Nourera Senora de Jesus.

Photo: San Antoni de Portman

San Antoni de Portmany - a trendy resort on the western part of Ibiza, which is known for its discos, a luxurious beach and a promenade, as well as a beautiful port of Magnus. In the peak of the season, there are nighttime walks here, and in other times all the connoisseurs of recreation in comfortable hotels.

Beaches in the neighborhood

Photo: Cala Bass

San Antonio (PLAY SANT ANTONI)- Good spacious sandy beach. Sunset aslee. There are entertainment for children, restaurants and cafes.

Cala Bassa (Cala Bossa) - Magnificent sandy beach in closed from waves and wind bay. The entrance to the water is very flat and suitable for children. Surrounded by juicy greens. High level of service.

Cala Conta (Cala Conta) - Popular beach in the west of the island with a picturesque panorama of the rocks in the sea. The surface of the beach and the bottom: sand and stones. There is a restaurant.

Cala Vedella (Cala Vedella) - Wide beach with perfect white sand in a rocky green bay.

Cala Dhort (Cala d'Hort) - Sand-stone beach in a large bay with a luxurious view of the Mountain "Dragon" Es Verde. There is a cafe and shop. Nearby no hotels. You need to get on the car.

Kala-contact is beautiful, but too close beach because of popularity and low useful area, so choose Cala Bass or Kala-Vellal.


Visit the unique Cap Blanc Aquarium in the cave lake, where the lobsters and fish for sale used to build.

Photo: Cala Long

Cala Longa (Cala Llonga) is a pleasant family resort on the eastern shore of the island in a cozy bay surrounded by high hills. This is a democratic family resort with a lot of hotels in the hills among pines.


Cala Longa (Cala Llonga)- A surprisingly wide beach in a closed bay is one of the safest on the island.

Photo: Cala-Tarida

Cala Tarida (Cala Tarida) is a mini-resort in the bay in the southwestern part of the island. For relaxation there are several rocky bays with snow-white sand and aquamarine shallow water.


Cala Tarida - a pleasant beach, in different parts of which a different depth near the shore. Suitable for a secluded rest.

Photo: Cala de San Vincent

Cala de Sant Vicent - a quiet resort with a golden beach surrounded by majestic green mountains. A wide and gentle beach is covered by the wind of Punta Gross. This is a blissful harbor for a citizen tired.

Beaches in the neighborhood

Cala de Sant Vicent (Cala de Sant Vicent) - Luxury safe beach in the frame of green mountains. Excellent infrastructure. Not typical of Ibiza Beach for a measured rest.

Agua Blanca (Agua Blanca) - The semi-dog beach with dark sand, surrounded by large cliffs. In the water there are small stones. Works cafe. People of non-traditional orientation can relax.

Figueral (Playa de Es Figueral) - Sandy beach surrounded by green hills with interesting rocky protrusions. Hollow bottom, clean water. There are a couple of good cafes.

Results in Ibiza

Despite the popularity of Ibiza as the islands for young walks and fashionists, there are surprisingly calm resort towns for families with children, such as Santa Elaria de Riou or Cala Long. The beaches of these resorts are the safest in Ibiza, and the atmosphere is very calm. But Playa den Boss andSan Antoni is typical parties. There are small privacy coves - Portina and Kala-Tarida. San Miguel is suitable for those who are looking for comfort, and Cala de San Vincent is ideal for a measured rest. Talamanca is the perfect option within walking distance from the capital.

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Most tourists will immediately answer the question of what Ibiza is. The fame of the picturesque island of club entertainment spread throughout the continents. Every year, Ibiza visits from 7.1 to 10.4 million tourists. These are mainly Spaniards and Catalans, as well as amateurs of fun parties and a relaxed pastime from Britain, Austria, Italy, Germany and France. "Golden youth" from Russia also has long become regulars of entertainment establishments of the compact island.


In order to answer the question of the inquisitive tourists, where Ibiza is located, you must open the map of the Mediterranean. Here is a group of Balearic islands, well-known tourists. One of them is Ibiza. From the Spanish coast island separates 87 km. Distances to other significant objects:

  • barcelona is 260 km;
  • Mallorca - 89.1 km;
  • Madrid - 450 km;
  • Formentera - the nearest island - 11 km;
  • the African coast is 258 km.

Despite the popularity among foreign tourists, not all travelers know, in which country is Ibiza. For some of them, a great discovery that the island, like the entire Balearic archipelago, is the territory of Spain.


Even those tourists who can show on the map of Ibiza, the size of the island is not always known. Its total area is 571, 6 square meters. km. On the territory of the island can accommodate three cities like Sochi. The number of local residents living in five cities and 10 villages - more than 143 thousand people.

The main city is the same name as the island. Ibiza's well-known tourists are a claimed resort, the capital of the municipality and a place rich in historical objects. The length of the island:

  • 20.6 km - from north to south;
  • 39.9 km from east to west.

The island decorate the picturesque valleys and two mountain ranges covered with dense forests and groves. The height of the highest vertex is 475 m.


Although Ibiza Island does not surprise travelers in large sizes, local natural landscapes are distinguished by a variety. The 210-kilometer coast is cut by narrow bays and decorated with sheer cliffs. In rural areas there are wheat fields, meadows covered with grass-flower carpet, as well as thick pine groves and gardens, fragrant lavender aroma, olives, cumin, almonds and rosemary.

Slender palm trees are treated on the coast, the shadow of which helps to hide from the July and August heat. The fauna island is no less diverse. In coastal waters, tourists often meet sea turtles. Sea birds are often poultry close to the beaches. In the distance from the shore occasionally you can see whales and dolphins. Tourists meet on the Ibiza of other inhabitants:

  • ferrets;
  • hawks;
  • hares;
  • bats;
  • lizards;
  • orlans-Krikunov;


Spain is known to tourists as a country with weather conditions suitable for beach holiday in summer, in May and September. October - the time of the velvet season. The climate of the island, like the south of mainland Spain, is characterized as Mediterranean. Temperature indicators to which water and air are heated are not lower than those typical of most Spanish resort areas:

  • may: + 18.6; + 21.1;
  • june: + 22.4; + 25.5;
  • july: + 25.6; + 28.9;
  • august: + 26.8; + 29.8;
  • september: + 25.7; + 27.2;
  • october: + 23.2; + 24.1.

The first number in the list is the temperature of the water, the second - air. Here are the average data based on observations over the past three years. Although the summer on the island is roast, thanks to the sea breeze, he spun by Ibiza side. In June and July, precipitation is a rare phenomenon. Long rains happen in the autumn months, especially in November, as well as in January and February. There is no cold winter on the island and especially frost. February, January and November are grieved by a few tourists with windy weather.

For lovers of a relaxing holiday on local beaches, all summer months are suitable, May and September. In October, the warm weather still holds, but rains happen much more often. For lovers of cognitive excursion programs, the most suitable time is spring and autumn. Young people begins to come to the resorts of the island in May when local clubs are opening. The season usually ends in October. Some of the island clubs receive guests and arrange parties throughout the calendar year.

Short story

The first people appeared on the island of more than 48 centuries ago. This is evidenced by wall drawings found by archaeologists in local caves. There are no accurate information about this distant period. Historians claim that the first permanent inhabitants of Ibiza became the Phoenicians who mastered these lands on 29 centuries ago.

They founded the port here gradually turning into the city. Then he was called Ibossim. Residents actively engaged in trade, which contributed to the favorable location of the island at the intersection of sea routes. The Phoenicians changed the Carthaginians who owned the territory of almost 4th century. Further events in Ibiza can be described as a path from a little-known island on a world map to one of the major tourist centers of the planet:

  1. at the very beginning of the 1st millennium, the Roman power is established in Ibiza;
  2. V c. - raids ready and other tribes of vandals, who managed to strengthen on the island to the x century;
  3. 902-1235 - Arabs won Ibiza and installed their orders; At that time, Islam was spread here;
  4. 1235 - King Aragon - Spanish province - expelled Arabs; Christianity was spread on the island and the self-government was established, which existed to 1715 g;
  5. XVI in. - residents of the island defended independence in the fight against the Turkish fleet and Algerian pirates;
  6. XVII-XIX centuries. - a period of rapid growth of cities, the construction of churches and guard towers;
  7. 60s. XX century - to the island began to fly Hippies to the crowd;
  8. the beginning of the XXI century. - Ibiza turned into an international tourist center


Numerous tourists arrive on the island with a variety of goals. Young people attract world famous clubs. Family couples, resting with young children, go to the island for the sake of entertainment on the beaches. In Ibiz there is a lot of interesting for lovers of walks and excursions. The main thing is to choose the right place to rest.


The capital of the island is a small town where about 50 thousand people live, "attracts tourists as a resort with a developed infrastructure. In the summer months, three local sandy beaches are overcrowded by various agers. The coast is equipped with everything that is necessary for a comfortable pastime, ranging from cabins to dress up and ending with toilets. Rent a deck chair and sunscreen - from 12 euros, the tent is 200 euros.

From active entertainment here are available hydrocycles, water skiing, flights over the sea coast on parachutes, swimming in kayaks and immersion in water with scuba. Although Ibiza resort occupies a small territory - 11.14 square meters. km, - he will surprise the variety of interesting objects for tourists:

  • Dalta Vila - the medieval fortress, erected in the XVI century; The height of a powerful wall with 7 bastions - up to 22 m, length - 2 thousand m;
  • Archaeological Museum, storing certificates about historically important events that occurred in the city and on the island;
  • ibiza Castle, decorated with 12 massive towers; The construction is built in two styles - Gothic and Renaissance;
  • Museum of Contemporary Art, where signs of painting get acquainted with the works of local artists;
  • Santa Domingo and Santa Maria are two Catholic churches where you can go to be in silence among believers who came to pray and listen to worship;
  • La Marina - a quarter known for his boutiques, clubwear shops, hippie and souvenir shops;
  • Aquamar - a compact water park with a large pool and 5 water slides;
  • Space and Pacha are two world-famous clubs, where the famous DJs please the public with original sets.

Tourists who do not miss the opportunity to get acquainted with local cuisine dishes, it is certainly worth entering "Ars Vivendi" or "Ka N'alfredo" - two well-proven restaurants.


The tiny resort is famous for three sandy beaches. Their total length is 270 m, width from 5 to 75 meters. The coast is surrounded by low picturesque rocks, successfully stopping the penetration of cold air flows. Fine sea near the shore, lack of high waves, gentle descent, clean water and sand, security - all this attracts tourists who come to the resort with minors.

Portinach has long chosen scablasts and passionate diving fans with a tube and in a masked snorkeling. The resort is not attractions. The most interesting from objects is a lighthouse and a watchtower, which plays the role of the sightseeing platform. The resort restaurants are most popular with two institutions where you can taste delicious fish dishes: Cas Mallorqui and Es Puet Blanc.

Santa Elaria

The resort with the beautiful name of Santa Elaria has long been a place where the representatives of the creative intelligentsia are like to collect. Therefore, in this town for connoisseurs of modern painting, dozens of small art galleries are open. Two local sandy beaches stretched more than 700 m. Their width - from 20 to 90 m. Vacationers swim in the small sea, ride on the "banana" or catamaran or, if desired, trained in the diving school.

To see the entire compact resort and surroundings, tourists are happy to climb on the Puch de Missy - a low hill, on which the medieval church was built in the distant Middle Ages. The most crowded Street of Santa Elaria is considered to be San Vicente, on which almost all restaurants of the city are focused. Not far from the resort are "possessions" "Las Dalias" - a flea market, where during the day you can buy souvenirs, and in the evenings to join the audience of living concerts.

San Antonio

Most of the guests of the resort are about 90% - young tourists from Britain, Italy, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands. They are attracted by club life and a sandy strip of beaches stretching for more than 640 m. Width in many places exceeds 50 m. Beaches are covered with small white sand. In San Antonio, any tourist will find an interesting and useful lesson for himself:

  • tennis;
  • flyboard - flight at a height of 2-5 m above the sea on the rising board attached to the hose fixed on the boat;
  • water skiing;
  • parasailing;
  • snorkeling;
  • windsurfing;
  • walking on boats.

The resort is famous for bright motley sunsets. Thousands of tourists are collected on the extended embankment or in Cafe Del Mar, Mint, Cafe Mamba and other bars and a cafe to admire natural landscapes. Young people have fun in Es Paradis or Eden Ibiza - stylish clubs, especially popular among British tourists.

Cost of rest

Going to Ibiza, travelers try to decide in advance with the upcoming expenses. The cost of rest depends on a variety of factors. Those who prefer organized leisure, often choose batch tours. The most in demand in the ticket market, offering a weekly rest for two travelers. In the summer months, the cost of such tours from 85 thousand rubles. up to 122 thousand rubles and higher. In May and September, prices are below 30-60%.

Travelers who prefer not to depend on travel companies, book rooms in hotels. Accommodation During the week in three-four or five-star hotels will cost two guests at 8700-43,400 p. and more. For tourists who choose an independent holiday, it is important to get acquainted with the cost of services and products. To provide travelers with full information about resorts, many travel agencies produce special booklets, where comparative tables are placed, species photos and prices (in euros) for food and services:

  • lunch in McDonalds - 7.00-8.00;
  • dinner in a restaurant for two of three dishes - 40.00-90.00;
  • lunch in an inexpensive cafe - 8.00-15.00;
  • bottle of wine - 10.00 (0.75 l);
  • chicken breast - 5.50-7.00;
  • cheese - 8.00-30.00;
  • meat - 8.00-12.00;
  • beer - 1.00-1.50 (0.33-0.5 l);
  • white bread - 0.40-1.50;
  • vegetables and fruits - 1,20-3,00;
  • milk - 0.80-2.00 (1 l);
  • taxi - 1,20-1.33 (1 km);
  • public transport - 2,00-2,50 (1 trip);
  • visiting the cinema - 8.00-10.00 (1 ticket).

The cost of food is indicated for 1 kg. The list presents the summer prices of 2019. The cost of services and products, excluding fruits and vegetables, is noticeably reduced into the low season.

How to get to Ibiza?

The airfare from the Russian capital to the island lasts from 6 h. 15 min. Up to 7 hours with one transplant in Palma de Majorca, Paris, Geneva, Munich, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bVienna or London. The airport is located 6 km from the central quarters of Ibiza. Bus ride No. 10 lasts 15-20 minutes. The second option is the air flight from Moscow to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bfrom where ferries depart to Ibiza. Travel time - from 8 h. 29 min. up to 9 h. 30 min.

  • Tours on May to Spain
  • Burning tours all over the world

The sun and the sea are not the main factors at all, for the sake of which thousands of tourists every summer suffer from the lowest prices, thrust on the beach and queues in restaurants. Ibiza is famous for the whole world with his parties and discos. The same capital of the island and the city of San Antonio is the most part of youth centers, where it takes mostly English youth, but the Germans, French, Spaniards are also found, and our compatriots are somewhat less likely. However, even in the summer in Ibice, we can find relatively secluded resorts, especially in the north of the island, where a week-other tourists with children will be perfect.

In the spring, autumn and in winter - another thing. In these periods, stocky Europeans arrive at the island for comfortable weather and long-awaited solitude.

Search flight tickets to Ibiza


Travel on the bus is relatively cheap. Schedule and prices There are tickets in the field of tickets - at the end bus stops (in the center of Ibiza Town and in the port area in San Antonio). Summer buses run from 7:00 to midnight, in winter - until 21:30. The fare depends on the route - from 1.55 to 4 EUR. At night, the most popular clubs are the island can be reached by Discobus buses (Website from English. Version), one side ticket will cost 3-4 EUR.

All taxis are equipped with meters. There are day and night tariffs. The amount depends on the distance, but there is a fixed landing fee - 3.35 EUR during the day and 4.45 at night. For 1 km of way - 0.98 and 1,20 EUR, respectively. In the larger settlements taxi you can take parking or just catch on the street. Outside the towns, it is almost useless to catch, it is better to call cars by phone. Certain difficulties arise during the siesta: while the drivers enjoy the afternoon rest, the car does not always manage to order even by phone.

The hitchhiker is made to move in the northern and low-seated part of the island, where the wanderer wandering along the road has a good chance of ride "on free". However, abuse trust of car owners and expose themselves in vain risk is still not worth it (especially traveling alone).

Adherents of a healthy lifestyle and those who want to see the most secluded and picturesque corners of the island, it is worth making a choice in favor of two-wheeled vehicles. In Ibiza and the neighboring island of Formentera, many cycling routes leading to wild beaches, ancient ruins and other interesting places were laid. On the bus or car do not get there. There are several rental items on the island, the prices in them are about the same - from 12 EUR per day.

Car rental and motorcycles

Lovers of outdoor activities wishing to scold all Ibiza along and across, admire the nature and drive all discos car rental will be advisable. The rental market is represented by local and international companies (Rentalcars, Luxury Cars Ibiza, Avas, etc.). Prices in different offices differ slightly, but they differ depending on the season. Early booking is always more profitable. The cost of one day of rent is from 70-120 EUR.

Although in the summer months, Ibiza literally flood tourists, there are not so many traffic jams in the city. But the parking lot in popular tourist areas find not easy. Most of the parking lots are paid (marked blue markings), the cost of an hour is 1 EUR. You can leave the car at night for free (from 22:00 to 9:00), in Seside (from 14:00 to 17:00) and on weekends. The rest of the time the penalty for unpaid parking will be about 50 EUR.

Communication and Wi-Fi

Arriving on Ibiza, to communicate with the house it is better to buy a local SIM card. Russian operators reduce connection tariffs in roaming, but calling from the Spanish number is still a bit profitable. Mobile operators on the island are a lot - Yoigo, Moviestar, Vodafone, Hits Mobil and others. Tariffs and quality services are different, there are no special packages for guests. Russian tourists should pay attention to LIBERA Mobile SIM cards. It offers the most favorable conditions for communicating with Russia - 0.05 EUR per minute (plus 29 EUR for the connection) and 19 EUR per SMS.

The SIM card itself costs about 20 EUR. When buying, you must have an abroad passport with you.

Mobile Internet on the island is unlikely to come in handy. Free connection to the wireless network is almost all bars, restaurants and hotels. "Perfect" in social networks can be comfortably located in the chaise lounge. In Ibiza, as in continental Spain, most beaches are equipped with free Wi-Fi.

In Ibiza - 18 km beaches. Many are rocky shores with an excellent clean sea and a simple narrow strip of sand.

North Island. The beach in Cala Benirras Bay is popular among the hippen audience. You can get to the bay only on the car, but there is still a restaurant there. On August 28, the day of the drums is noted on the beach. Cala de Portinatx in Portinatx - a quiet beach resort in a small bay, where to go for a whole day. Cala de Sant Vincent is a place to restore energy and rest after a crazy club night. This beach is protected from winds and trees of Cape Punta Grossa. The windsurfing school works here. Cala Xarraca is an excellent place to explore the underwater world of the Balearic Islands, and nearby free mud baths nearby.

East Islands. Platja Es Canar is a popular beach among tourists, holidaymakers family. Next to the beach there is a hippi market. Cala Nova Beach is also for those who travel to the whole family. Cala Llonga - Again a calm holiday for married couples. The bay is located between high mountains that prevent the formation of waves. With the town of Aigues Blanques, everything is clear: this is the official nudist beach of the island.

Aigues Blanques and Platja des Cavallet - Official Nudist Islands Beaches.

South Islands. Cala Jondal - It is here that the popular Jockey Club and Particular bars are located. At night, there is a sleek joy here, in the afternoon it is heated in the sun under peace of calm. Platja d'En Bossa is the longest beach on the island. Along it is numerous hotels and bars, the most famous Bora Bora, where music plays already in the morning. Opposite there is a Space Night Club, and not far - Tahiti Bar. The main attraction of the latter is a watering hose from which dancing and drinking guests are periodically cleaned with icy water.

Platja des Cavallet is also the official nudist beach, and also the favorite place of meetings and leisure of European gays. It is located in one of the most beautiful places of the island and together with the surrounding territories is considered a security zone for migratory birds, the Ses Ses Salines nature reserve. Platja Ses Salines is the most fashionable beach, the celebrities are resting here. On the beach - 4 bars restaurant, the most stylish of which is perhaps SA Trincha. Platja de Talamanca Beach is a bay, reliably protected from wind, white sand and a variety of beach entertainment. A kilometer from him is the club Pacha and the only casino on the island.

West island. Cala Bassa Beach is popular and among tourists, and among local. It is well represented by various water sports. Cala d'Hort - a small beach overlooking the "Mystical Rock" Es Verda, which is not called: "Base UFOs", "Siren Island", etc. The bulk beach Calo des Moro is located a little further than the famous "sunset stripes" . 800 m to the north there are two more beach with similar names - Cala Gracio and Cala Gracioneta. Cala Salada is a quiet bay surrounded by mountains. You can only reach the place on the car, the scooter or bike. Another name of Cala Vadella's beach is translated into Russian as a "beautiful bay". It is cast an anchor luxurious yachts of vacationers on the island of stars.

Diving on Ibiza

Diving is one of the most popular classes in Ibiza, immediately after club parties and a beach holiday. A rich underwater world attracts experienced divers and beginners, and good conditions for diving can be found almost anywhere in the coast. Water of the Mediterranean Sea inhabit bright colorful fish, octopus and crabs. Not far from the coast there are caves and grottoes, and for fans of Rack diving - even sunken ships.

The dive season does not stop all year round, but the best time is the period from May to October. In summer, water is warmer, and diving clubs are working, in which you can explore the basics of skill and rent equipment. Schools are almost on all Ibiza beaches, including quite exquisite resorts Portina and San Miguel. Prices differ slightly, one day immersion will cost 30-50 EUR. To see the nightlife of marine inhabitants, you have to pay a little more - from 40 to 70 EUR (without equipment rental).

For those who decided to seriously do diving, many schools conduct courses on the PADI system and issue certificates of international sample. The initial level that allows you to dive together with a partner without an instructor to a depth of 18 m, will cost 400 EUR.


Windsurfing in Ibiza is no less popular than diving. Experienced athletes occupy coastal waters in spring and autumn. At this time of the year there is a strong wind and high waves, lovers with such elements can not cope. In the summer, the paradise for newcomers - the waves are small, the wind is almost no, and you can practice to stretch and hone skill.

Choosing a place for windsurfing, it is worth remembering that in the area of \u200b\u200bsome beaches, skating is complicated by reefs and corals.

Windsurfing schools are open at Portina's resorts, Talamanca, Playa Dan-Boss, as well as many other Ibiza beaches. They work from April to October. In some resorts, for example in San Miguel, there is no training, but you can rent surficiary equipment. Although schools are very much, the price is about the same. For those who sees a sailing board for the first time, there are five-day courses worth about 250 EUR. One hour of classes with the teacher will cost 50 EUR. Those who confidently stand on Windserfe, but came to Ibiza without his own gear, will have to pay 25 EUR for the hour of renting equipment (all day - from 50 to 80 EUR).


Ibiza is not the place where they go for the sake of shopping. However, there are shops of famous brands and boutiques where you can find fashionable and beautiful things. The most saturated streets in this plan - Calle de la Virgen and Dalt Vila. There are also the giants of the fashion industry (Versace, Gucci, Prada) and not so famous, but no less interesting brands (Kurru Kurru, Virgen Market and Adlib, which sells traditional clothing of local residents from white cotton).

On the streets of Ibiza many clubwear stores. However, if there is nothing suitable in the suitcase, you can change right in the club. Almost all the establishments have its own trading pavilions, in assortment - things with thematic symbolism.

As souvenirs from Ibiza usually bring products of folk crafts, woven sandals and hats, tapestries, wood products and ceramics. Shopping Go to one of the benches, which are full on the island. In search of original souvenirs, look at the hippi market. They are also a lot of them on Ibiza - some work a few days a week (Las Dalias and Es Canaren Punta Arabi), others are open constantly. In assortment - Hippie's clothes, music discs, wooden souvenirs and authentic handmade products.

Kitchen and restaurants Ibiza

Arriving on Ibiza, everyone will be able to find an institution to taste. The island has cafes and restaurants of Italian, French, Japanese and other kitchens of the world. The famous Spanish Paella and Hamon, as well as meat and fish on the grill, and a large variety of salads from vegetables and seafood and, of course, red wine are the most popular of the traditional local dishes.

Tea usually leave 10% of the check amount. Exception - expensive elite restaurants, where tips immediately include in the account.

Although the rest in Ibiza is considered one of the most expensive in the world, if you try, here you can find quite budget bistros and cafes. You can have breakfast in them in just 10-15 EUR per person. Looking for such institutions in a distance from popular tourist destinations, beaches and clubs. Lunch in the middle class establishments will cost 40-80 EUR, and for dinner on one in a restaurant with Mishenian stars (their island more than 10) will have to post 100-150 EUR.

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Entertainment and attractions of Ibiza

Over the root of equipment and bright lights, it is easy not to notice other advantages of the island - rich history, interesting cultural and natural attractions. Tourists tired of club parties worth paying attention to excursions in Ibiza, which offer a lot of local guides. However, it is possible to inspect the island yourself, if you know where to go.

Walking through the historic center of Ibiza, be sure to admire the gothic architecture of this area.

First of all, go to the old town. Here are the most interesting historical sights - the Fortress of Dal-Vila, the Cathedral of the 14th century, the Archaeological Museum and the Church of St. Domingo. Moving from one historic history to another, be sure to admire the gothic architecture of this area.

For those who want to get out of the city, it is worth paying attention to the pirated towers with a wonderful view of the sea and the island and ancient cave. Fans of noble drink are always waiting for numerous local vineyards. An excursion on which all the subtleties of winemaking is revealed, the tasting of several varieties of wine is completed. You can diversify nightlife by going to the famous market in Las Dalias. Every Wednesday in the same name is a hippie style party.

In August and September, the island is very crowded, the prices for everyone take off to indecentity, and kilometer queues are built into clubs. Find a taxi or rent a car - a problem, on the beaches do not push around.

It makes sense to buy tickets to clubs not at the entrance, but in advance: cheaper and without queue.

3 things that need to do in Ibiza

  1. Bypass the coolest clubs.
  2. Slash so that rest is remembered for life.
  3. For the first time to get up on windserf and conquer the wave.

Clubs and discos

Every year the best clubs and promotional groups, such as Cream, Renaissance, Cadenza and many others, represent their parties in Ibia. The main movement begins in May, and its peak falls on August-September: It is at this time that the main figures are coming to the island: famous DJs and residents of large clubs in the world. Therefore, this time is considered the fierce and cheerful.

In general, the main life on the island begins at night: the doors of stylish shops, bars and clubs open. Everywhere the advertises of nightclubs and "doctoral bars" have been vacuum (among the most popular - Mambo and Cafe Del MAR). "Popular bars" are places where they go in the evening, because in the clubs themselves it all starts only after 2:00.

Entry from 15 to 70 EUR. Drinks in clubs are very expensive: the cost of a cocktail can reach 18 EUR. Many discos offer their visitors various preferential programs. For example, almost all clubs in the afternoon are actively spreading bracelets that give the right to parcel to a party to a certain hour, for example, until 1:00. At nights between the main tourist centers and the most popular clubs, the so-called Discobus runs, an inexpensive bus for party members.