Where are the Bahamas? The capital of the state, attractions. Useful information about the Bahamas Bahamas which sea or ocean

- a state in the West Indies. Located on 700 small islands and islets and on two and a half thousand coral reefs stretching from the south-west east coast Florida to the east coast of Cuba. About 40 islands are inhabited.

The name of the country comes from the Indian name for “island” - “bahama” and the Indian name for “island” - “bahama”.

General information about the Bahamas

Official name: Commonwealth of the Bahamas (Bahamas)

Capital: Nassau

The area of ​​the land: 13.9 thousand sq. km

Total Population: 310 thousand people

Administrative division: The state is divided into 21 districts.

Form of government: A constitutional monarchy.

Head of State: The Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor General.

Population composition: 85% are blacks and mulattoes, 12% are whites (British, Canadians, Americans), 3% are Asians and Latin Americans.

Official language: English. Bahamians speak with a local accent and use a number of words derived from the Arawak Indian language as well as African languages.

Religion: 32% are Baptists, 20% are Anglicans, 19% are Catholics, 6% are Methodists.

Internet domain: .bs

Mains voltage: ~120 V, 60 Hz

Telephone code countries: +1-242


The climate here is subtropical, very mild. This is influenced by the warm Gulf Stream current, as well as the constantly blowing southeast wind from the equator (trade wind).

Throughout the year, average monthly temperatures do not fall below +20 degrees. The coolest month is January, when the temperature drops to +17 degrees at night and reaches +25 degrees during the day. The hottest time of the year is July and August. The average minimum temperature at this time drops to +24 degrees, the maximum reaches +32 degrees.

The driest months are February and March, with monthly precipitation of about 40 mm. The rainiest time of the year is the period from May to October, in which the monthly rainfall ranges from 150 to 220 mm. At this time, tropical hurricanes are possible, characteristic of the entire Caribbean region.

The water temperature in the coastal parts of the country warms up to +30 degrees from August to October, while in other months it stays at +25...+27 degrees.


The Bahamas are located in the western Atlantic Ocean, at the latitude of the Northern Tropic, near the American continent (100 km from the Florida Peninsula). It's about 700 islands, with total area 13.9 thousand sq. km., and only 30 of them are inhabited. Most of the islands are coral reefs.

From the east Bahamas washed by the warm Gulf Stream. The islands are raised relative to sea level from a few meters to approximately 60 meters. The highest point of the country - 63 m, is located on Kat Island. The relief of the islands is flat.

On the shores facing the ocean, a series of marine terraces can be traced. On west coast there are many salty lagoon lakes, as well as karst lakes and swamps. In some places along the coast there is a strip of sandy beaches. There are no rivers in the archipelago.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

Coconut palms, bananas, agave, oranges, and pineapples grow on the islands. Natural vegetation on drier areas eastern islands xerophytic, with a predominance of cacti and aloe.

Most of the islands were initially dominated by rainforests. Currently, many of them have been removed, and low-growing shrubs are growing in their place. Where forests have been preserved (on the islands of Andros, Great and Little Abaco, Grand Bahama), valuable broad-leaved tree species such as redwood (mahogany), logwood and ironwood, as well as Caribbean pine, are common.

In broad-leaved forests, bougainvillea, jasmine, orchids and other plants with beautiful and delicately scented flowers grow in abundance. On some islands, artificial plantings of casuarina, mahogany and a number of tropical conifers have been created.

Animal world

The fauna of the Bahamas is poor. There are very few mammals, of which bats are the most numerous. Among the amphibians there are many frogs, and among the reptiles there are lizards and snakes.

Birds are the most numerous in the fauna of the islands, including migratory ones from North America(ducks, geese, etc.) that remain for the winter. Flamingos are found in swamps and lagoons (only in national park More than 50 thousand red flamingos, pelicans, spoonbills, herons and other waterfowl nest on Bolshoi Inagua Island. Termites, mosquitoes and other insects are abundant.

In the coastal waters, near the reefs, there are many species of fish, including Atlantic sailfish, barracuda, mackerel, etc. There are sea turtles (on Great Inagua Island there are oviposition sites for the green turtle), and numerous mollusks and sponges.


Scattered over a vast area, washed by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, the Bahamas have long been considered a symbol of luxury and relaxation.

Christopher Columbus first set foot on the islands of San Salvador in 1492. British settlers began to explore the islands in 1647, and already in 1783 the islands became a colony. With independence in 1973, the Bahamas began to intensively develop tourism and banking.

One of the richest countries in the region, as it is often called the “Switzerland of the Caribbean”, a large offshore center (there are more than 400 banks on the islands), today the Bahamas is one of the largest resort areas in the Western Hemisphere.

Banks and currency

Official currency- Bahamian dollar. Its value is equal to the American dollar.

1 Bahamian dollar = 100 cents. In circulation are banknotes in denominations of 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 dollars and coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 15, 25 and 50 cents and 1, 2 and 5 dollars.

Banks are open throughout the working week: from Monday to Thursday until 15:00, on Friday until 17:00.

It is better to change currency in banks. It is advisable to take American dollars with you on a trip; they circulate freely here.

Useful information for tourists

The traditional culture of the Bahamas is far removed from the heavily American-influenced urban centers of Nassau and Freeport. Island folk art is reflected in large quantities fairy tales, natural medicine, music and religious practices brought here by slaves from Africa. The islands have formed a distinctive musical culture.

The country has adopted a tipping system for services provided. The receptionist expects to receive 1 dollar for each suitcase delivered to the room; you can pay 2 dollars a day to the maid for additional services, for example, for a washed and ironed shirt or blouse. In most cases, tips for taxi drivers, waiters, and servants amount to 15% of the cost of services (in the most luxurious restaurants - 20%).

The Commonwealth of the Bahamas (Bahamas) is a state on the islands of the same name north of Caribbean Sea and Cuba, southeast of the Florida Peninsula. The archipelago includes about 700 islands (of which only 30 are inhabited) and 2,000 coral reefs.

Country Summary

Capital Nassau Founded 1670 Politic system Today, Great Britain provides the Bahamas with internal The Bahamas operate as an independent sovereign state. The head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor General. Legislative power is exercised by parliament, consisting of the Senate and the House of Assembly. Executive power belongs to the cabinet of ministers, headed by the prime minister. Location The country is located in the West Indies, between the Florida peninsula and the island of Cuba. Bordering the Commonwealth of the Bahamas is an archipelago of about 700 islands, of which only 30 are inhabited, located in the Atlantic Ocean about 90 km east of Florida. These are the northernmost islands of the Caribbean. They are washed by the seas. They are located in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and washed by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream. Largest cities Nassau Time zone UTC -5 Flight time from Moscow There are no direct flights to the Bahamas from Moscow. Travel time is about 13 hours (excluding connections).

Territory Area about 13.9 thousand square meters. km.

Population The population of the Bahamas is more than 350 thousand people, most of whom live on New Providence Island and the Grand Bahama Island.

What money to take with you The Bahamian dollar is strictly pegged to the US dollar, but the exchange rate at different institutions can vary quite a lot. The most stable exchange rate is in the offices of international banks in Nassau and Freeport; changing money in tourist areas is most unprofitable. Where to change Money is better to change in banks. Opening hours: Monday to Thursday - from 9.30 to 15.00, Friday - from 9.30 to 17.00. Credit cards Credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, Diners Club, etc.) are accepted in many places. Traveler's checks are also widely accepted. To avoid additional exchange transactions, take checks in US dollars. Shopping The shopping center of the Bahamas is the world famous Bay street. There you can very
favorable prices buy everything - watches of famous brands, jewelry, porcelain, crystal, leather bags, perfumes. All of these purchases are tax-deductible. Tipping The country has adopted a system of “tipping” for services provided. The receptionist expects to receive $1 for each suitcase delivered to the room; you can pay the maid $2 a day for additional services, for example, for a washed and ironed shirt or blouse. In most cases, “tips” to taxi drivers, waiters, and servants amount to 15% of the cost of services.
Cost of food Local delicacies: charcoal-grilled shells of all kinds, seafood salads, spiny lobsters and shrimp, charcoal-grilled crabs and red snapper fillets, etc. The most popular non-alcoholic drinks are tea and coffee. The islands produce classic rum, the best variety of which is Nassau Royal, and imported alcohol is also sold everywhere. Local beer "Kalik" is sold everywhere on the islands. Taxi services Taxi is almost the only way to get around on the small islands.
Public transport
Communication between the islands occurs by boats and ferries. Many of the ferries are quite comfortable.
Public transport presented
bus routes
Available only in Nassau and Freeport. The fare starts from 5 cents.

Car rental The cost of rental at Budget Rent-a-Car ranges from 42 to 54 dollars per day, depending on the class of car and type of transmission.

The Bahamas is perhaps the most democratic country in terms of duties and customs control. Firstly, there are no restrictions on the import/export of currency. Secondly, you do not need to fill out a declaration. Thirdly, almost all duties have been abolished. The only thing you cannot transport without special permission is drugs and explosives, weapons, and items of historical value.


Communication between the islands occurs by boats and ferries. Many of the ferries are quite comfortable.
Public transport, represented by bus routes, is available only in Nassau and Freeport. The fare starts from 5 cents. Taxi is almost the only way to get around on the small islands.


The Bahamas has excellent telecommunications capabilities. There is a possibility of direct telephone connection with most countries of the world. A new telex system has been introduced and there is an underground fiber link to West Palm Coast Palm Beach) Florida. Postal and courier services also provide their services.

Telephony Payphones that allow you to make international calls are located everywhere and operate using calling cards, which are sold at post offices, telephone company offices, hotels and supermarkets. You can also make a call from a payphone through an operator. As a rule, the cost of a call from a hotel is 10-15% more expensive than from a pay phone. You can also call another country from a post office.
Calls to Russia Tel. code 8-10-1-242 (city code + tel.) Calls from Russia Telephone code: 1809377 Long-distance calls International dialing code of the Bahamas: +1242 To call from a landline phone, dial: 8 - 10 - 1242 - - City codes Cities do not have their own telephone codes.
Useful phones

Police, firefighters - 919,

Ambulance - 322-21-21 or 352-26-89.

National cuisine

Bahamian cuisine is truly national, as it borrowed a lot from Caribbean, American, British, European and African cuisines, but they adapted all the recipes to local conditions and opportunities, which together makes up Bahamian cuisine.

Work of institutions

Banks in Nassau, Freeport, and many islands are open from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. On Fridays, banks are open from 9.30 to 17.00. Opening times may vary from island to island. Holidays and non-working days different time), Second Day after Easter (at various times), Spiritual Day (seven weeks after Easter), Labor Day (first Friday in June), Independence Day (July 10), Emancipation Day (first Monday in August), American Discovery Day (October 12 ), Christmas (December 25), Boxing Day (December 26).
One of the most colorful celebrations that coincides with the celebration of Christmas and New Year is the Junkanoo festival. This is a carnival, a theatrical procession, and a folk festival at the same time. Participants show off fantastic costumes that delight the audience. Great fun are the regatta, held annually in April in Elizabeth Harbor on Family Island, and The Goombay Summer Festival, which is held for tourists in June.

Customs and orders

The traditional culture of the Bahamas is far removed from the heavily American-influenced urban centers of Nassau and Freeport. The island's folk art is reflected in a large number of fairy tales, natural medicine, music and religious rituals brought here by slaves from Africa. Despite the fact that the Bahamas has not yet produced writers who are gaining worldwide fame, and visual art is also developing slowly, the islands have formed a distinctive musical culture. The country has given birth to several traditional forms of music, including goombay, a fusion of calypso, soca and English folk songs, as well as a working-class scratch-and-scratch style, with its distinctive guitar sound, accordion and rattles made from the pods of the poinciana tree.

Precautionary measures

Holidays in the Bahamas are quite safe, but petty crimes are common: theft in hotel rooms and pickpocketing.
Spearfishing using underwater guns and other devices is prohibited on the islands. Sport fishing is permitted, but for one trip to the sea you must pay a fee of up to 20 USD, provided that the vessel has no more than six reels of line installed. Independent archaeological work on sunken ships. Violation of these rules may result in a fine and deportation from the country.


It's no secret that the Bahamas have long been popular place for recreation among tourists from all over the world. And even Russians fly there to relax. The truth is that distance scares many people away. Which you have to fly over. But when you get to the islands, you will immediately forget about everything that happened to you before. After all, the Bahamas is a holiday paradise on earth. There is everything you need here and even something you never dreamed of! If you look at the Bahamas on a world map, you will see where they are. And they are located in the Atlantic Ocean.

And if you look closely, you will see that the Bahamas are located somewhere in the middle between Cuba and Miami, which is located in the US state of Florida. This means that the Bahamas is hot and dry.

The Bahamas includes more than 700 islands, but only 30 of them are inhabited or inhabited. Why are the other islands empty? Some are too small to build anything on. And some islands are constantly flooded with water, so you can’t build there either.
But there is separate islands, where you can go on an excursion. You will be a modern-day Robinson Crusoe, and you will remember this journey for a long time.

The Bahamas are washed by the ocean on all sides. But there are no rivers on the islands at all! But there are lakes that are connected to the ocean and in them salty water. Mountains are also almost absent. They simply have nowhere to go, because there is so little space.
But the islands are full of green vegetation. And it is forever green, because there is no cold winter here. And the vegetation grows here for a reason. Every bush and tree is under state protection! And all because there are few of them on the islands. Therefore, there are nature reserves and parks everywhere, where you can hide from the sun and watch animals.

See where the Bahamas are on the world map. And then you will definitely want to fly here.

The Bahamas is a word that evokes only pleasant sensations in every person. What could it be better than rest on the islands, where it’s always warm, and the gentle sea invites you to frolic and forget about all your sorrows? Meanwhile, the Bahamas is an entire archipelago, which includes about seven hundred islands and thousands of reefs. Some of them are inhabited, others are unsuitable for life. The most popular islands among tourists are New Providence, Abaco, Grand Bahama, Andros, Long Island and Eleuthera.

The archipelago is located in the Atlantic Ocean off the east coast of North America. The coast of Florida is 90 km from it, and Cuba is located in the southwest. The archipelago itself covers an area of ​​about 250 thousand kilometers, and its length is almost a thousand kilometers. The capital of the Bahamas is the city of Nassau, which is located on the island of New Providence.

The weather in the Bahamas varies depending on its location. In the north it is due to a tropical trade wind climate. In summer, the air atmosphere stays within + 26-+ 32°C. In winter - around +18-+22°С, even at the most northern islands(Little Abaco) it does not fall below +15°C. The southern part of the archipelago is slightly warmer. In summer, the air warms up to +40°C, however, thanks to the trade winds blowing from the sea, the climate here is quite mild, the heat is not felt so much. The hottest months here are June, July and August. The water temperature in summer is about +27°C, in winter - +22°C. Humidity on the islands varies depending on the season. The rainy season lasts here from May to October, but it is not pronounced, so it does not annoy vacationers. But hurricane winds and storms during this period are a serious obstacle to recreation. In winter, powerful tropical downpours occur from time to time, however, they do not last long.

Tourism in the Bahamas

Many people associate the Bahamas primarily with relaxing on golden beaches. Meanwhile, it also has its own attractions. Despite the fact that the islands receive their main income from tourism, not all places here have been explored and are open to the public. In the Bahamas big cities with a frantic pace of life and developed infrastructure, interspersed with corners of wild nature. All this creates an indescribable atmosphere.

The most popular city tourists visit the capital of the Bahamas - Nassau. This is a large bustling city, there is always something to see. Sightseeing should start from the northern part, historical center cities. Here, in Rawson Square, there are buildings built in the 18th and 19th centuries. At that time, the Bahamas was still a colony of Britain, so lovers of English architecture, seasoned with South American flavor, should definitely take a look at this. It is never quiet here; artists, bankers, sailors, hawkers and tourists filled this small square a hundred years ago. The famous Jonkonu festival also takes place here. To look at the colonial medieval architecture, it is worth going to Parliament Square. Here are the buildings of the Colonial Administration, Parliament, Supreme Court and House of Assembly, the construction of which dates back to the 13th-18th centuries. History buffs will love the Pompeii Museum, located in the auction building. There are many exhibits here that tell the history of slavery on the islands. Nearby is the colorful Straw Market, Woodies Rogers Walk and the Harbrader Center.

In the southern part of the city, in the Hillside area, is the Public Library and the City Museum. The museum building itself is of interest, as it has the shape of an octagon at the base. Previously there was a city prison here. The Royal Victoria Gardens are nearby. This place is definitely worth a visit. More than 300 species of tropical plants are collected in one place, and the atmosphere in the gardens gives a feeling of calm and tranquility.

Also of interest are Fincastle Fort and the 85-metre Water Tower. From here they open beautiful views to the harbor. A east of the tower The Royal Staircase is located, which slaves carved directly into the limestone rock. The construction of this impressive structure took 16 years, and about 500 people worked on it.

Other islands are not so visited by tourists. But if vacationers want something unusual, then they should look for exotic things outside of New Providence. For those who like to communicate with wildlife Grand Bahama Island is worth a visit. This is where the Rand Memorial Nature Center is located. It includes parks with more than 5 thousand species of exotic plants, as well as the Grand Bahama Museum. In the western part of the island is the picturesque village of Jack-Tar. Pirates and underground fighters once lived here.

But literature lovers should visit the tiny islands of Bimini. Here, in the city of Ellis Town, the famous writer Ernest Hemingway lived and worked. It was here that the novel “To Have or to Have Not” was written. Also worth a look on the islands are the Bimini Wall and the Bimini Road. Local residents claim that these attractions are parts of the legendary Atlantis, which sank many thousands of years ago.

Holidays in the Bahamas

The Bahamas has everything for a holiday - wonderful hotels for every taste, clear sea, golden beaches, conditions for... active rest. On the island of New Providence, a very popular place is Cable Beach, which is located next to Nassau. This is a huge beach with many hotels, restaurants, casinos and sports complexes. There is also the elite Delapore Point Beach with luxurious villas in Venetian style. The surrounding area of ​​the island offers excellent conditions for fishing and water sports. Divers love it South part islands with quaint coastline and the beautiful Coral Bay. Fans of fishing and snorkeling usually relax on the west coast. Here in the shallows it's very rich undersea world, the water is literally teeming with various marine inhabitants. There are several yacht clubs in the vicinity of Nassau.

Fans of bustling city life with a lot of entertainment should go to the island of Grand Bahama, to the city of Freeport. This is a paradise for lovers of active recreation. There are tennis courts, golf courses, fishing and dive centers. The city itself is a fashionable resort, founded just half a century ago. Lovers of shopping and nightlife will love the Mull area, where many shops, restaurants, casinos and nightclubs are concentrated. And, of course, you need to know the places where you can eat delicious food. In Freeport, this is the Le Chicken Snack restaurant, where they cook barbecue chicken in such a way that even gourmets admit that it is the best chicken in the world.

There is a place in the Bahamas that is not very popular among tourists, but is beloved by extreme divers. This is the most big Island Bahamas archipelago - Andros. The nature here is almost unspoilt by civilization. Divers love the island for its huge barrier reef, which stretches along one of the shores. But lovers of eco-tourism will also like it here. Dense mangroves and pine forests so dense that local residents They still talk about chikcharniz, little red-eyed elves who live in these forests and have not the kindest feelings towards people.

Bahamas (Bahamas ) are islands in the Atlantic Ocean located between the island of Cuba and the Florida Peninsula. Commonwealth of the Bahamas It is an archipelago of about 700 islands, of which only 30 are inhabited. Bahamas everyone associates with chic beach holiday, with endless snow-white sandy beaches, with crystal clear warm water and coral reefs. world are presented precisely on Bahamas.

Bahamas – paradise in the atlantic ocean

1. Capital

The capital of the Bahamas is city Nassau(Nassau), founded by English pirates on the island New Providence.

Nassau- noisy, modern city. It is not only a center of entertainment, but also a center of commerce on Bahamas, as numerous cruise ships stop in the city. Nassau Known for its warm climate, beautiful beaches, colorful tropical vegetation, numerous restaurants, banks and high-end shops.

2. Flag

Flag of the Bahamas- this is a panel consisting of three horizontal stripes of equal width, with an aspect ratio of 1:2. The black equilateral triangle symbolizes the unity and determination of the Bahamians. Three horizontal stripes of equal width symbolize Natural resources islands: two bright blue (aquamarine) stripes along the edges - crystal clear waters Caribbean Sea, the golden stripe (in the center) is the land of the islands, giving their inhabitants their treasures.

3. Coat of arms

Coat of arms of the Bahamas- shield with national symbols country, which is held by flamingos and marlin. At the top of the shield is a shell, symbolizing the rich marine flora and fauna, placed on the helmet. In the center of the coat of arms is the shield itself, the main symbol of which is the caravel "Santa Maria", the flagship of Columbus's first expedition. The ship is depicted floating under rising sun- a symbol of a young nation. Animals that hold a shield are national symbols Bahamas. The flamingo is shown standing on the ground, and the marlin is on the water. At the bottom of the coat of arms is written the national motto - “Forward, together, higher, further”.

4. Anthem

listen to the anthem of the Bahamas

5. Currency

The national currency of the Bahamas is the Bahamian dollar. equal to 100 cents (B$, BSD, code 44). In circulation there are coins of 1, 5, 10, 15, 25 cents and banknotes in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollars. Bahamian dollar to ruble exchange rate or any other currency can be viewed on the currency converter below:

Coins Bahamas

Banknotes of the Bahamas

Bahamas located in the Atlantic Ocean at a distance of about 90 km southeast of Florida and approximately the same distance northeast of Cuba. The Bahamas are a scattering of 700 islands and 2,500 reefs, of which only 30 are inhabited.

The area of ​​the Bahamas is 13,940 km 2. The surface of the islands is flat. The most high point Bahamas located on Cat Island, which is only 63 meters high. On the territory of the islands there are several freshwater lakes, and only one small river flowing on the island of Andros.

8. What's worth seeing

. Bahamas– this is the beauty of nature, underwater fishing, hunting, diving in coral reefs, yachting, watching flamingos, boat trips with dolphins, as well as immersion in the atmosphere of the Caribbean carnival. All this and much more attract tourists from all over the world like a magnet to these islands.

Here's a small one list of attractions, which you should pay attention to when planning excursions around Bahamas:

  • Funnel Blue Hole Dean
  • Government House building
  • Atlantis complex
  • Cat Island
  • Lucaya National Park
  • Paradise Island
  • Underwater sculpture Atlanta
  • Pink beach of the Bahamas
  • Nassau Straw Market
  • Fort Fincastle

9. 10 Largest cities in the Bahamas

  • Nassau / Nassau (capital)
  • Freeport
  • West End / West End
  • Coopers Town
  • Marsh Harbor
  • Freetown / Freetown
  • High Rock / High Rock
  • Andros Town / Andros Town
  • Spanish Wells
  • Clarence Town

10. What’s the weather like here?

Climate of the Bahamas- tropical, trade wind and has two seasons: summer (lasts from May to November) and winter (lasts from May to November). Midwinter is a cool time of year for the Bahamas. average temperature islands during the daytime is +24°C, and in summer the temperature ranges from +26 to +32 C, on some days it can reach +40 C (from June to August), but the trade winds significantly soften the heat throughout the country. The main amount of precipitation (up to 800 mm) occurs, the so-called rainy season, from May to October. In winter, rains are not frequent. The water temperature is usually +27 - +29 C in summer and +23 - +25 C in winter.

11. Population

The population of the Bahamas is 397,297 (as of February 2017). 3/4 of the total population Bahamas- blacks and mulattoes, there are also diasporas of immigrants from Haiti and Jamaica. A tiny portion are Europeans and North Americans.

12. Language

Official language of the BahamasEnglish, Creole or “Patois” is still quite common (widely used among people from Haiti).

13. Religion

Bahamas- mainly Christian country 92%. The largest Christian groups are Baptists, Catholics, Pentecostals and Anglicans. Traditional folk beliefs are also common "obea", originating in Haitian "voodoo".

14. Holidays

National holidays of the Bahamas:
  • January 1 - New Year, Jonkonu Carnival
  • March-April - Easter
  • First Friday in June - Labor Day
  • July 10 is Independence Day.
  • first Monday in August - Liberation Day
  • October 12 - America's Discovery Day
  • December 25 – Christmas
  • December 26 — Boxing Day

15. Souvenirs

Here's a small one list most common souvenirs which tourists usually bring from the Bahamas:

  • large graceful ships made of shells
  • handmade Maltese glass vases, silver sail models, precious crosses
  • wickerwork, souvenirs carved from wood
  • symbols and amulets
  • straw products (hats and baskets)
  • watches from famous companies
  • exotic clothing items
  • Jewelry

16. “Neither nail nor rod” or customs rules

allow the import and export of any amount of foreign currency. Local currency - Bahamian dollars- you can import into the country, but export more 70 Bahamian dollars permitted only with permits from the Central Bank Bahamas.

Tourists over 18 years of age can import Bahamas duty-free 0.94 liters of any alcohol, tobacco products (your choice) 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco. As well as any other goods and products worth $100.

On Bahamas The transit of narcotic and explosive substances, items of historical and cultural value and weapons without the appropriate permits is prohibited. For the export of agricultural products, plants of all types and wood carvings, permission from the Ministry is required Agriculture and Fisheries of the country.

What about sockets?

Electrical voltage Bahamas: 120 V , at a frequency of 50, 60 Hz . Socket type: Type A , Type B .

17. Telephone code and domain name Bahamas

Code of the country: +1-242
Geographic first level domain name: .bs

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