What is washes Maldives. Maldives (country)

It is impossible to disagree that among the entire diversity of tourist routes, one of the most idyllic places for recreation is geographically located where the Maldives are located.

O Maldives

Maldives combine all that the rest wants to get to the fullest of rest - relaxation on the sandy beach, a smooth tan in the rays of the affectionate sun, emotions from the opportunity to feel like surphist or diver, impressions of acquaintance with the local culture. Maldives are a place where the temperature maximum is preserved a round season, the set of coral islands are connected in the ideal representation of paradise on Earth, and where the feeling of unity with the surrounding nature is very sensible. What is the usual tourist about this unique country?


Location of the Republic

The Maldives, being an island state, is recognized as a democratic republic with its local flavor and traditions.

Everyone heard about the best place of the beach holiday, but few know where the Maldives are located. But it is the location that allows the Maldives to stay in the top of tourist sales in 2018 and earlier. For questions where the Maldives are, in which country, on which mainland, it is not so easy to find the answers, since the islands are so small and so scattered that they cannot be found at the geographical map. But if you look at the equator himself to South Asia, the tourist's eye in the Equatorial waters of the Indian Ocean will open a whole ridge of the islands. They are combined under the general name of Maldives, where initially the foot of the volcanic mountains were formed by coral islands.

The volcanic past of the islands presented the world of amazing beauty blue lagoons, endless beaches, unique vegetation and a rich underwater world. The opportunity to feel the feeling of unity with nature, find out which sea in the Maldives, and also look at the endless and majestic ocean, all this gives each tourist a trip to Maldives.

National Features of the Maldives

Maldives are a country of strict rules, even with its relaxing tourist atmosphere. The local population is always ready to assist, to show attentiveness, to provide a proper level of service, express peacefulness in the best traditions of island hospitality. But the features of religious traditions require compliance with certain rules.

Muslim religion introduces a mandatory ban on the use of alcoholic beverages, especially in public places. In addition, before sending to the road, it is worth carefully considering that alcohol is prohibited in the Maldives.

Important! Very serious attention should be paid to the issues of clothing - adhering to local rules, unnecessarily offended by demonstrating the body.

Respect required to their national symbols. Also, the Maldives are particularly trembling the flag and the coat of arba, as well as the national flower - rose. They consider coconut palm to be a national tree, and the National Animal - Tuna is under the protection of the state.

Locals store unique national characteristics, speaking among themselves in a mixture of various languages, including Arabic. The national language belongs to the divechs close to the Indoary Group.

Note! Local tourists prefer to speak English.

Tourism Subtleties in Maldives

A huge number of islands offers tourists the opportunity to relax qualitatively. Hotels, villas, bungalows offer vacationers everything you need for comfort. Even such a frequently arising problem in traveling, as a question with sockets, does not disturb the tourist here, because everything is thought out in advance.

Each Maldives Resort Region can show the tourist ideal beach holiday, but hope for a variety of attractions is not worth it. In Maldives, the beaches are considered national heritage, cleanliness and beauty of them out of competition. Among the Maldives, which can somehow diversify the lazy holidays on the snow-white primestone beaches along the embankment, excursion routes on the sign places, is allocated only the capital of Male. Often travel agencies initially enlist her visit to the route.

Note! Among Russian tourists, Maafushi Island is very popular, which belongs to the budget direction.

He is also called Russian Maldives. It is possible to get a good rest, learn the local traditions and life in the Maldives from the inside, bring home memories of the tastes of the Maldives and preferences. You can feel the authenticity of the Maldives using local cuisine. Like large hotels and ordinary catering sites will give the opportunity to get acquainted with local delicacies, and even under the sounds of their music. Feel all the sweetness of rest will help a variety of fruits: from well-known coconuts and bananas to exotic papaya, mango and guava.

For each tourist, it is also important to be able to be a memorable to bring from the rest. Maldives, which country is solar, open and welcoming, same souvenirs filled with light and island flavor. Usually brightly painted clothing, water equipment, jewelry, teas and delicacies are taken for themselves or as a gift. Under the strict prohibition export of corals and any items made of them, as well as turtle shells.

Important!Since the danger in the Maldives can only come from the sea depth, you can not worry about your safety tourists.

Underwater world

The main rule here is compliance with the elementary rules. When immersed, it is important to remember that you should not be triggered. This will help avoid many problems. Commissible in coastal waters Maldives whale sharks are completely safe for vacationers. Being the largest on planet fish, they do not make up danger to people, because they eat only plankton. It should be extremely attentive when bathing on wild beaches. This applies to bathing among the dangerous marine inhabitants. They include a fish-stone, whose poison represents a serious threat to the life of a person, marine hero and skates. Bathing on coral beaches should be sure to perform in special shoes capable of protecting legs from injuries that can be easily obtained about coral debris.

Note!Being an island state, Maldives are subject to tsunami.

The worst tsunami occurred in 2004. But at the moment, this natural disaster is not disturbing the Maldives. The state fully cares about the protection of its vacationers and locals, and creates programs for the protection of coral reefs, which save from the offices of the territory of the islands.

Additional Information!Going on a trip to Maldives, especially independently, it is important to know the time zone in which they are located, and how much time in the Maldives will be arrived at the country's airport. The time in the Maldives is counted according to a single hour belt, which refers to GMT +05: 00. At the Maldives, time is not transferred for summer and winter. The difference with Moscow is +2 hours.

Another important question for a tourist is a currency. National Monetary Unit in Maldives - Rufia. The modern ruff course is 4.35, and the dollar is 0.065 *.

It is interesting:

  • It is important to remember that Maldives are a Muslim country with a special attitude to wealth. It is considered a bad tone to demonstrate it, so there is an opinion that the simpler the person is dressed, the richer.
  • In Maldives, there is something like the police of the morals, which is to protect religious preferences, namely Sunni Islam. For another religious propaganda, punishments apply to the real prison term.
  • There are no pigs on the territory of the country, moreover, there are also dogs to the number of "unclean animals". The exceptions are shepherders who serve in the police. To bring a pet in the Maldives is categorically prohibited. All who violate this rule can not only wait for a serious penalty, but also the room in the sanitary zone at the airport.
  • Unlike our generally accepted work week, Maldives is distinguished by the fact that everyday life is from Sunday on Thursday. Maldives are resting on Friday and Saturday, these days are considered official weekends.
  • Since freshwater reserves in Maldives are insignificant, even rich inhabitants during the rain they collect it into any free dishes.
  • Interestingly, the Maldives Airport is located in the middle of the Indian Ocean on an artificially satched island.
  • On the territory of the islands it is forbidden to swim with bare not only to local residents, but also to guests. The only exception where you can do this is the island of Kuramati.

Kuramati Island

By organizing an independent trip to the Maldives, it is important to remember that there is no possibility to rent a car, it is also problematic to even take advantage of the bike. Local transport will not help to get to the destination, since it is not particularly developed. Some islands are so small that you can walk around. To help tourists, only high-speed boats and boats that organize a message between the islands.

The most important question when organizing a tour to Maldives is, of course, the airfare. If the trip is organized not through the agency, then the purchase of tickets should not be delayed by month. The services on the organization of flights are very rare, but still have a lot of selling destinations. The number of tickets is strictly limited, hopefully not worth it. Save the subscription to send services that offer discounts and early booking of flights. The most expensive flight to the Maldives for two will be in the period from December to April - this is the most popular time when everything is massively going to relax on the island. To reduce the price for this period, finding a suitable ticket in a half a year before departure. There are no direct flights, the transplant is often carried out through the Turkish direction, but there are many other options. You can fly not only from Moscow, the flight on average takes 11 hours.

Despite the prolonged flight, Maldives are the fairy tale, which is to plunge from our reality at least for a while.

* Prices listed in the article are relevant for January 2018.

- Island state in the south of Asia, in the northern part of the Indian Ocean. There are more than 2000 small islands. Sea borders lie in the Indian Ocean.

The name of the country comes from Sanskrit Dwipa - "Island".

Official name: Maldives

Capital: Male

The area of \u200b\u200bthe land: 298 square meters KM

General population: 395 thousand people

Administrative division: The country is divided into 20 island groups.

Form of government: Republic.

Head of State: President, elected for a period of 5 years.

Population composition: 99% - the Maldives (ethnogenesis is not clear), as well as the Arabs and people from the African continent.

Official language: maldives (Divechi). English is widespread in the capital of Male and in the resorts.

Religion: Almost all population professes Islam Sunni sense.

Internet domain: .mv

Voltage in the power grid: ~ 230 V, 50 Hz

Country Code: +960


Tropical sea. Temperature all year on average does not fall below +25 with even at night. The average temperature is about +28 from all year round (daily maximum - about +32 s, night minimum - +25 s). The precipitation drops around 2500 mm. per year, and most often in the form of short rains in the evening and night. The water temperature is also constant - about + 24-27 with all year round.

The best weather conditions are observed during the "Iruvai" period (from November-December to March-April, the Season of the Northeast Monsoon), when the sea is calm, and the weather is sunny and dry. From May to October, in the season "Hulhangu" (April to October) the weather is less predictable - the South-West Musson can bring short-term rains, high humidity and restless sea (however during this period the least hot). Storms and waves are most likely in June and December.


The island state of Maldives is 700 km away. south-west of Sri Lanka, in the Equatorial waters of the Indian Ocean. Two almost parallel chains of islands, focused by coral reefs, and lying on a relatively short distance from each other, stretch at 820 km. from North to South. In total, there are 1196 islands forming 26 atolls, of which only 199 people's populated and about 100 are open to visiting. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is about 90 thousand square meters. km, sushi - only 298 square meters. km.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

Forests cover no more than 3% of the islands area. Coconutal palms that do not suffer from soil salinization, banana groves and are developed from soil salinization, banana groves and are developed by a thick shrubs, ones of Mangra, and Banyan, Pandanus and various spiny plants are found in the depths of the islands.

Animal world

Coastal waters are replete with fish. Sea turtles are found, which for a long time intensively exterminated by the population. Their meat and fat were used in food, and shells - for different crafts. Currently, the turtles were on the verge of extinction and are protected by law. Since 1996, there is a program for the protection of the Environment "Million Trees". In its framework, nurseries were created in which seedlings are grown for further landings on the islands of the archipelago.

Traditional lessons of the Maldives - collecting Cauri's sinks and cultivation of coconut palm, giving a scamp, vegetable oil and palm leaf. Such cultures are also cultivated as rice, tarot, millet, corn, butat, maniacs. Fish processing are developed from industry industries.


Maldives are widely known for their resorts atolls, each of which is its own unique world, surrounded by the purest coral beaches and inended in the blue sea. This is a place on the edge of the world, "where there is no noise of cities and annoying signs of civilization, where only exotic nature and endless expanses of the ocean.

Numerous underwater coral reefs and caves are drawn throughout the Maldives archipelago, brown tropical vegetation emphasizes the pristine and unique beauty of the islands, and the ancient culture of local residents creates a unique entourage for a secluded rest.

Banks and currency

Maldives Rupees (Rufii). One rupee is 100 lari. In the circulation there are banknotes in dignity of 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 2 rupees. As well as coins in 50, 25, 10, 5, 2 and 1 lari. Everywhere is accepted for payment of US dollars and major credit cards, so it is not necessary to exchange dollars on the arrival of the local currency.

In Male, banks and exchange offices are concentrated on Marine Drive Street. They are open from 8.00 to 13.30, from Sunday to Thursday (as in many other Muslim countries, on the Maldives weekend are Friday and Saturday). When departure, the remaining rupees are allowed to change back to dollars. Currency exchange can be carried out not only in the bank, but also in a number of large stores, on which a special mark is hanging next to the signs of international tourist cards.

Useful information for tourists

It is forbidden to drink alcohol in public places (outside the resort zone). It is recommended to drink bottled water and refreshments. Local water although it is cleared quite carefully (often it is desalinated marine water), but due to the high temperature quickly comes in disrepair.

The country is strong traditional Islamic norms of behavior, but without the slightest sign of fanaticism. Restrictions are the same as in Oman. Photographing in mosques is prohibited. The guards of the mosque usually insist accompanied by a tourist, counting on to take a fee, but in fact the mosque can be inspected independently. Bathing naked is prohibited in all the islands of the archipelago, with the exception of the island of Kuramati. You can bargain in the markets and in private stores, but the size of the "discounts" is usually small.

Underwater hunting and unauthorized fishing is prohibited (all types of marine fishing are freely organized in hotels), it is strictly not allowed to raise corals (and living, dead), shells and other marine inhabitants from the bottom of the sea. For violation, large penalties are charged. The country has one of the largest markets in the region for the sale of shells, corals and various exotic marine animals, so you can always buy these souvenirs without breaking local laws.

Officially, tips are not accepted, but unofficially, if the service really deserves, it is customary to leave a small amount of personally serving employee (10 dollars a week by the hotel or 5% - waiter). Some resorts include payment for services (usually 10%), in this case there is no need for tips. In the case of renting a boat or boat, we should discuss the amount in advance.

This small country is located on 20 atolls in the Equatorial part of the Indian Ocean. From India, the Islamic Republic separates more than 2,000 km. Sri Lanka is significantly less: if you look at the Maldives on the world map, it can be seen that the states will take apart by about 700 km.

Information about Islands

The state of the Maldives is formed by almost 2000 coral islands. About 400 thousand people live here, and Islam is the dominant religion. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe Maldives of the Republic is 90 thousand km 2, but the sushi share of it accounts for no more than 300 km 2.

Interestingly, the only city and port of the country is her capital of Male, located on the atoll of the same name. The rest of the islands are almost desert and only occasionally there are hotels.

Time in Maldives is UTC +5, so when the flight it is necessary to prepare for the change of time zones in advance.

Weather for months in the Maldives

The climate features are due to the where the Maldives are located. It belongs to the sub-screen monsoon type, so the weather is drastically different in the dry and rainy season. Depending on the month of the trip, you have to prepare for the following:

    January. A trip to the islands this month will definitely be successful thanks to warm, solar and windless weather and the calm, which reigns in the ocean. Although formally, January refers to the rainy season, precipitation falls at a minimum, which guarantees a wonderful beach vacation and the opportunity to do diving. In the daytime, the thermometer column rises at least to +24 ° C, and the water temperature is on average +27 ° C.

    February. At this time, the crowds of vacationers are usually flowing here. The ocean continues to delight the comfortable water temperature - +25 ° C, and the daily air temperature rarely falls below +28 ° C. Waves are practically absent, and the sky is perfect blue and cloudless. Therefore, even inexperienced divers can start learning to immerse themselves, and almost complete absence of precipitation allows you to ride a yacht or catamaran.

    March. This month is also considered rather hot and arid, and the average air and water temperatures differ little from February. The sand remains very warm, and the tropical rainfall practically does not happen. In March, a lot of local phlora representatives blooms, but be prepared for rare sandy beams.

    April. At this time, the Maldives comes to the South-West Musson, bringing with it a change in weather. Storms in the ocean rarely happen, the heat increases, but it rains here - still infrequent guests. If you do not transfer the stool, it is worth postponing: the air temperature is mainly +30 ° C, and the water temperature reaches +28 ° C.

    May. Very strong wind begin blowing, sometimes turning into hurricanes. The precipitation falls significantly more: about half days in May rainy. At the same time, the weather constantly presents surprises. The sun is replaced by a strong shower and vice versa.

    June. This month continues to be a major trend, since the South-West Musson enters into its rights. There are very strong gusts of warm wind. In June, the Maldives drops the maximum of precipitation characteristic of this region, but their number rarely exceeds 200 mm. Ocean waves sometimes reach the giant sizes. The thermometer column holds at an average of +30 ° C, and the water temperature in the ocean is +27 ° C.

    July. At this time on the islands is not too cozy due to frequent rains. However, they quickly end, and soon the sky is partially cleared and through the clouds breaks the sun. In July, approximately 160 mm of precipitation falls, and the air temperature is +31 ° C. In water, the thermometer usually shows +27 ° C. Thunderstorms are possible, during which coolness is felt.

    August. This month is considered the most changeable on the islands. In early August, the sea is quite warm and calm, winds and hurricanes are practically stopped. The rains go relatively rarely, and the heat reigns on the atolls. But at the end of the month, the sky turns out to be increasingly tightened by the clouds, they often come rain, and the wind increases.

    September. And during the day, and at night, the warm weather is preserved mainly, and the exhausting heat retreats. It is preserved quite high humidity, and precipitation falls to 200 mm. The average amount of rainy days in September - 15-16. The rains are often accompanied by strong thunderstorms, but the ocean remains pretty warm with the water temperature of approximately +27 ° C.

    October. The air temperature drops slightly to + 27-29 ° C, and the water temperature drops to +26 ° C, which does not bother with swimming. It rains are significantly less common: usually precipitation falls no more than 100 mm.

    November. This month, North-East Musson comes to Maldives, bringing warm and dry weather with him. The wind and rain will rarely disturb the tourists, and the thermometer bar on average shows +28 ° C. Water warms up to +25 ° C.

    December. At this time of the year, everything flourishes on the islands, so they turn into a real tropical paradise. Daytime temperatures increase to + 30-32 ° C, and the water temperature in the ocean is rarely lowered below +25 ° C.

How to get to Maldives

In any guidebook, where you will find everything you wanted to know about the Maldives, it is indicated that the connection of the island state with the mainland is carried out exclusively by air. The only country airport is located in the capital of Male. You can get to it in the following ways:

    Direct flight of Aeroflot from Moscow. New airplanes brand "Airbus A-330-200" fly from the Russian capital twice a week: on Wednesdays and Saturdays. If you are important to know how much to fly from Moscow with such a direct flight, you will have to be patient: the duration of the flight is approximately 9 hours.

    Please note that when you return from the Maldives, you will have to pay the collection of the airport in the amount of 10 USD - 15 USD, which is not always included in the fare.

    Qatar Airways (Transfer - Doha) flight, Singapore Airlines (Transfer - Singapore) or Emirates Airlines (Transfer - Dubai) flight. The airportal airport tax is already included in the airline airport airline tickets.

    Srilankan Airlines flight flight. To do this, you will have to first fly to Dubai or Colombo and purchase ticket to Male at the local airport for 180 USD - 250 USD. This is the most fiscal flight option for those who seek to save.

The average cost of the flight between the capitals of Russia and Maldives is from 570 USD to 720 USD one way.

Visa to the Maldives and the passage of customs

To receive a visa for traveling to the Maldives to the Maldives residents of Russia and the CIS countries there is no need, since there is a visa-free agreement between countries. However, given the sharp change of climate change and the exoticism of the region, it will not prevent the medical insurance policy. Weekly insurance will cost approximately 25 USD - 45 USD.

It is very important to comply with the rules of customs laws of the Maldives. They talk about the following:

  • Import and export foreign currency in unlimited quantities.
  • Without payment of the duty, 125 ml of spirits or cologne and 200 cigarettes are allowed, as well as no more than one item related to individual use, for each passenger.
  • It is strictly forbidden to carry pork and meat products from it, sausage products "salami", pornographic goods, narcotic substances, souvenirs from the seaside turtle or dark coral, as well as antiques found at the bottom of the ocean.

Be sure to note that import and export of any alcoholic beverages in the Maldives is prohibited. Violation of this rule can lead to arrest.

Cost of holiday in the Maldives

Many Russian celebrities like a Volochkova are very loved on the Maldives. This is explained by a very comfortable climate and moderate accommodation prices. If you are interested, how much is the standard voucher to the Maldives, it should be noted that it depends on the following factors:

  • duration of the trip;
  • hotel category;
  • the island on which the hotel is located;
  • included food and entertainment;
  • season.

The more services for holidaymakers offer the hotel (SPA, pools, animation, sauna and more), the more expensive holiday will cost. If you are planning a trip for 7-8 days with a single or double room with half board and minimal entertainment, you will have to spend from 2600 USD to 5500 USD.

The wedding tour suggests a romantic weekend for newlyweds and will cost 1750 USD to 2500 USD. The price includes decoration of the room, photographers and musicians, fruits, wine or champagne and solemn wedding ceremony of an unofficial character. Tour "All Inclusive" is suitable for those who want to fully relax during the trip. Its price - from 3500 USD to 7000 USD For weekly holidays in the hotel 4 or 5 stars - includes three meals and complimentary drinks throughout the stay.

Those who seek to save is worth paying attention to the last minute tours: they are usually 30% cheaper. Also for the most budget holidays in the Maldives within 8 days, you will have to spend about 2000 USD if you book a room in an inexpensive three-star hotel without special amenities. The price includes the cost of the airfare and medical insurance.

Maldives - a real sunny paradise on Earth, where you can easily restore forces after a long-awaited holiday.

Infinite snow-white sandy beaches, warm and transparent marine, picturesque lagoon and bays in Maldives are talking for themselves, but most tourists are manitated by high-class service and comfort in hotels.

Maldives on the world map

The fabulous Maldives is located near the Equator in the South district.

This island state, consisting of a small number of picturesque atolls, has long been one of the most desirable seats of recreation for newlyweds.

In total, there are about 26 atolls in the state, one of the most significant and largest among them is the atoll called Male. It is here that the capital of the Maldives of the Maldives with the same name is located. Since ancient times, the king lived on these island territories, so there are a lot of ancient masterpieces of architecture. In this region, most of the local population also lives in this region.

Republic of Maldiva

The total number of islands, of which the state consists, comes from almost 1.2 thousand. All of them are interconnected into a single dual chain of the atolls, as well as formed on the basis of a submarine ridge with a length of about 1000 kilometers. The largest island of the country is called Gan. Not all the island possessions of the Maldives are populated by people. Hundreds of small paradise corners are still waiting in the wings and shook unprecedented and intact beauties. Only the sixth part of all Maldives is inhabited. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe territories occupied by Maldives is about 300 square kilometers, the number of the local population is barely reaching 393 thousand people.
The relief of the country is plain, so the massive mountains and the lowline here should not search. Sandy and only slightly towering above sea level. The high-rise peak of the Maldives Archipelago is considered to be a point called Siena about 2.5 meters high. She is in the southern part of the luxurious atoll Adddu. As for fresh water sources, they are represented by groundwater and several rivers that can be observed only after the rainy season. In especially dry periods, they completely disappear.
Flora in the Maldives is sufficiently scarce and is represented only by some herbaceous plants, banyans and palm trees. The hardworking local population is also diligently engaged in the cultivation of papaya, tropical fruits, acute peppers, eggplants and many other crops. There are no forests in the Maldives, but the luxurious branches of palm trees along the beaches are covered by travelers from the scorching sun and bring long-awaited coolness.
Separately, we should talk about the peculiarities of the local animal world. Tourists simply adore these islands not only for their natural splendor, but also for the lack of dangerous wild animals and reptiles. The eye is pleased with the feathers living on the islands, volatile foxes and mice, and the underwater world opens up before travelers an even more mysterious and exciting world. That is why the Maldives are a favorite place for divers from all over the planet.

Flag of the Maldives

Until 1965, the Maldives was part of the territorial possessions of Great Britain (the remains of British territory are south of the islands), but in July of the same year, the republic received its long-awaited independence and the national flag. The cloth of the National Maldives Flag is a rectangle of saturated red, the center of which is located another rectangle of a bright green color with a snow-white crescent in the middle.

Recently, these islands have become especially popular among newlyweds. In love, couples prefer to nobody interfere, so they choose deserted desert islands, which in this country are more than enough. Special attention should be paid. Before tourists there are a wide selection of comfortable rooms in the picturesque wooden bungalows directly on the water or in more modern hotel complexes, but lovers of walking under the sail can even settle on the yacht, so as not to break away from their beloved business.
One of the most fashionable local entertainment is diving. The endless ocean spaces and the nearby and Lakkadia Sea are attracted here experienced divers from all over the world, and especially for beginners there are several professional specialized schools of underwater swimming schools, in which you can get all the necessary equipment and equipment.
Real gourmets will certainly be delighted with traditional Maldives with its sharp indian sauces, fruit abundance and all sorts of variations of the preparation of appetizing seafood and fish. There are no alcoholic beverages of local cooking in the Maldives, as they are prohibited Islam, but in hotels, tourists will be able to enjoy imported goods.
It can hardly be called inexpensive, but all this luxury costs its money. Shopping lovers should look into souvenir benches and shops on Male, where they will greet the brightest choice of coral products, seashells, palm trees and other traditional materials. In addition, in Maldives, fabulous cultural and historical dizzying attractions!

Have a good travel!

The Maldives are probably the most distant Corner of Asia, but in spite of this every year hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world fly there to enjoy recreation in this exotic paradise world. Be prepared that in the Maldives you will have a warm Indian ocean with transparent water (in which you will see the amazing beauty of corals), as well as snow-white sandy beaches, surrounded by groves of coconut palms and fruit trees.

Geography Maldives

The island state of Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean about 700 km south-west of Sri Lanka and 400 km from India. Maldives occupy the territory of 26 atolls. The total area of \u200b\u200bthis country, including all the islands (and more than hundreds) - 298 km.

There are no mountains in the Maldives. In general, the highest point of the Maldives does not exceed 2.4 meters. Also in the Maldives there are no rivers and lakes.


The capital of Maldives - Male, in which more than 100 thousand people now live. Male was built in the Middle Ages as a residence of the Maldives Sultan.

Official language Maldives

The official language in Maldives - Divech, belonging to the Indoran branch of the Indo-European language family.


Most of the population of the Maldives are Muslims-Sunni.

State Device Maldives

According to the current Constitution, Maldives are the parliamentary republic. Her chapter is the president, who since 2008 is elected for 5 years. The president appoints the Prime Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers.

Parliament in Maldives Single-Paul - People's Majlis. Medezlis deputies are also elected for a 5-year period (their number may vary).

Climate and weather

The climate in the Maldives is a subequatorial monsoon. There are two periods of monsoon - northeastern monsimes (dry season) from November to March and Southwestern Monsons (rain) from June to August. In other words, the dry season in the Maldives continues from November to April (March and April - the hottest months of the year), and the wet season lasts from May to the beginning of November.

The air temperature in the Maldives ranges from + 23c to + 33c, and inclined closer to + 30s.

Air temperature in the Maldives (average):

January - + 27c
- February - + 28c
- March - + 29c
- April - + 29C
- May - + 28c
- June - + 28c
- July - + 28c
- August - + 28c
- September - + 27c
- October - + 27c
- November - + 27c
- December - + 27c


The coast of the Maldives is washed by the water of the Indian Ocean. Sea temperature near the Maldives ranges from + 24cs to + 33c, so you can swim there all year round.

History Maldives

The Maldives formed 65 million years ago as a result of eruption of underwater volcanoes. The first people in the Maldives appeared 4 thousand years ago (these were sailors who were floating on the Indian Ocean). The Maldives of Sri Lanka and India, and Later - and Arabs settled.

Around the middle of the XII century, Islam begins to spread in the Maldives.

From the middle of the XVI century, Europeans (Portuguese, Dutch and the British) have taken numerous attempts to colonize the Maldives. In the end, in 1887, the Maldives fell under the UK Protector.

Only in 1965 the Maldives received independence.


The culture of the inhabitants of the Maldives was a great influence of Indian culture, as well as Islam. Since Islam is the main religion in the Maldives, it is clear that the locals celebrate all Muslim holidays (Kurban-Bayram and to the ID).

In addition, in the Maldives there are national holidays - Independence Day (July 26) and the Day of the Republic.


The kitchen of the Maldives was formed under the influence of Indian and Arabic culinary traditions. Main food is fish (mainly tuna), rice, seafood, vegetables, and, of course, spices (because of the proximity of Sri Lanka and India). In addition, the Maldives can not be imagined without coconut.

Coconut is the main ingredient of most local desserts. Maldives residents often make various sweet puddings.

The main soft drinks are tea, which add milk and sugar, as well as coffee, palm juice and sweet milk.

From the first palm milk, the residents of Maldives make a low alcoholic drink.

If you do not like the Maldives, the restaurant of any local hotel will offer various international dishes.

Attractions Maldives

Maldives are a small island state located on 26 atolls. The largest of them is small, the population of which exceeds 100 thousand people. It is clear that the attractions in the Maldives are very small. However, in this country there are places that should still be visited.

To present the history of Maldives, we recommend tourists to visit the National Museum of Male. It contains artifacts that reflect all the epochs of the Maldives. This museum is part of the Royal Palace, built in the XVII century.

Pay attention to the hook mosque bowed in Male. It was built in 1656. The interior of the mosque is famous for wood carvings. One of her panels was carved in the XIII century in memory of the introduction of Islam in the country.

Cities and resorts

The largest city in Maldives is his capital Male, in which more than 100 thousand people live now.

The Maldives is located 26 small atolls. Each atoll is placed, as a rule, one hotel. Please note that some of the hotels specialize in the provision of spas services, combining Asian and European spa programs.

White sandy beaches in the Maldives are considered one of the best in the world. The Moldiv Islands literally "buried" in corals. Therefore, tourists in those places where coral reefs are suitable close to the shore, we recommend swimming in special sandals.

You should know that there is a topless on the beaches of Maldives only on one island - Kuramati. Alcohol on the beaches is also prohibited.

The legislation of the Maldives of the Republic forbids collecting corals and any marine fauna.

Perhaps the best Maldives Beach is located on the South Ari Atoll. It is about Nalaguraidhoo Beach. Also, pay attention to the beaches on the Islands of Banyan Tree Island, Nika and Cocoa Island.

Maldives are considered a great place to diving. It is quite expected to consider the presence of a huge number of corals and an amazingly beautiful underwater world in this region.

Souvenirs / Shopping

After resting at the Maldives, tourists usually bring home products of folk creativity, bright local fabrics, rugs with original patterns, decorations from black corals, brands. Make sure that the souvenirs you buy are done really in the Maldives, and not in Thailand and in Indonesia.

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