Cyprus location on the world map. What is Cyprus and where is it located? International dialing code

The Republic of Cyprus is a small island nation located in the northeastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. The geographical coordinates of the island are limited to 34 - 35 degrees north latitude and 33 - 34 degrees east longitude. Cyprus is located at the crossroads of major air and sea routes connecting Europe with Africa and the countries of the Middle East.

The area of ​​Cyprus is 9251 sq. km - this is the third largest island in the Mediterranean. The length of the island from east to west reaches 240 km, from north to south - about 100 km. Cyprus is located 65 km from Turkey, 95 km from Syria, 389 km from Egypt and 800 km from Greece. But these are maritime borders. Of the land borders, it divides the territory of the island into the southern Greek part and the northern Turkish part, passing directly through the capital of both parts of the island, the city of Nicosia. In reality, Cyprus is divided into 3 parts:
– 60% of the island is under the control of the official authorities of the Republic of Cyprus;
- 38% is controlled by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which is not recognized by any member of the international community;
- 2% - British bases.

See where Cyprus is located on the world map:

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I love the sea and Europe! I was in Cyprus 10 times, in awe of Mallorca and the islands.

  • Capital: Nicosia.
  • Area: 9,251 km² (23,572 miles²).
  • Population: 966,000 (2012 data).
  • Official language: Greek, Turkish.
  • Official religions: Christianity, Islam.
  • Geographic coordinates: 34-35° north latitude, 33-34° east longitude.

If you look closely, the island of Cyprus on the world map (the official name is the “Republic of Cyprus”) is conveniently located at the intersection of the main routes connecting the European continent with the Middle East and African countries by sea and air.

Cyprus is the third largest landmass in the Mediterranean (after Sardinia and Sicily).

Everyone knows that Cyprus is located in the birthplace of the beautiful Aphrodite, but many do not know that the legendary island is unofficially divided into two regions. Most of them are occupied by Greeks (southern regions), and the second is inhabited by Turks (representatives of the unrecognized Northern Turkish Republic).

In the photo you can see how the paradise island looks from space.

Looking for Cyprus on the map

Where is sunny Cyprus on the world map? The legendary island is comfortably located in the warm Mediterranean (its northeastern part). Outwardly, it looks a bit like a flattened large stingray lizard. On closer examination, you can see that the island of endless summer is located almost at an equal distance from Asia, Europe and Africa. Sea borders on the world map:

  • from the Turkish coast - 70 km.
  • from Syria - 103 km.
  • from Egypt - about 350 km.
  • from Greece - approximately 800 km.

Cyprus on the world map is a very small island, almost invisible. It really does not differ in size, you can cross it with a leisurely car, having time to survey the picturesque surroundings, in just a few hours. Its length is about 240 km (east-west), and from the south to the extreme point in the north it is two times less - about 100 km.

You can see where Cyprus is located on the cat:

physical map

If you look at the physical map, Cyprus is located between two large mountain ranges. One hill of Kyrenia runs along the northern side. The top of the mountain range is Mount Akromanda with a height of 1023 m. The second ridge is called Troodos, it is much larger and more extensive on the world map and occupies about half of the southwestern territory of the republic.

Cyprus is in the sacred dwelling place of the gods. In Troodos, its central part rises the legendary Olympus or Olymbos (the locals call Mount Khyonistra) - the legendary sanctuary of deities with a height of 1952 meters.

In the wooded areas of Paphos and the highlands of Troodos, there is an endemic mountain sheep - a unique, very rare Mouflon.

Territorial division of the island

It is officially recognized that the Republic of Cyprus is not located on the entire territory of the island. It occupies 97.3% of the island part, the remaining 2.7% since 1960 are the territories of two British military bases (Akrotiri and Dhekelia). But de facto it says otherwise:

Since 1974 (since the capture of part of the territory by Turkish troops), 1/3 of the entire territory (this is approximately 36% of the island part) has remained with the TRNC (the unrecognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus). The legal authorities got only 2/3 of the territorial part (about 59%).

2.3% are the "green line" (demarcation line or buffer zone). It delimits the island and is guarded by the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP). You can see that the place where Cyprus is located, the buffer zone passing through it on the map is always highlighted with a thick dotted line. The demarcation line is the most unique zone in the world.

The island is administratively-territorially divided into six districts:

  1. Ammochostos.
  2. Limassol.
  3. Kyrenia.
  4. Nicosia.
  5. Larnaca.
  6. Pathos.

Cyprus is located near three seas. It is washed by the clear warm waters of the Cyprus, Cilician and Levantine seas.


According to 2012 statistics, out of 966,000 people inhabiting Cyprus, most (750,000 people) are Greek Cypriots, the number of Turks is approximately 190,000 people, the British live on the island 19,000, about 7,000 Armenians. The number of Russian-speaking citizens varies within 30-35,000 people.

In addition to Greek (a special Cypriot dialect), almost the entire population of Cyprus speaks excellent English. More and more places appear on the map of the island where the Russian-speaking population successfully settles and comfortably settles down.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Cyprus - the island of Aphrodite

    ✪ Cyprus - Orthodox Island

    ✪ History of Cyprus. History of Cyprus.

    ✪ Cyprus is the sunniest and most popular island!

    ✪ Cyprus in May: a trip around the island by car



The island stretches for 240 km from east to west, and reaches a width of 100 km from north to south. Area - 9251 km².


Most of the island is occupied by mountains. The Kyrenia mountain range stretches along the northern coast in a latitudinal direction. Its width in the western part is 15 km, to the east it expands to 25-30 km. The western part of the Kyrenia range is higher; some peaks exceed 1 thousand m. The highest point of the ridge is Mount Akromanda (1023 m). The southwestern half of the island is occupied by the wide Troodos mountain range, cut by longitudinal river valleys. Its northern part is the highest, here is also the highest point of Cyprus - Mount Olymbos (1952 m).


Average temperatures in Cyprus:

Flora and fauna

The fauna of Cyprus is not distinguished by its richness and diversity of species. Of the rare animals of the island, the endemic Cypriot mountain sheep, the mouflon, living in the Troodos mountains and in the wooded area of ​​Paphos, is especially interesting. In recent years, hunting for it has been banned by the government. Foxes and hares are found in the forest zone of the mountains. In the lowlands along the coast and on the slopes of the mountains, there are many different species of lizards, turtles and snakes. There are especially many of them in the ruins of ancient cities - Salamis, Paphos, etc. Chameleon is found in forest thickets near the coast. There are many amphibians in Cyprus, especially tree frogs.

see also


The first traces of civilization in Cyprus date back to the Neolithic period, around 8000 BC. e., and are over 9,000 years old. There are traces of the Stone Age, the Copper Age, the Bronze Age up to the end of the second millennium BC on the island. e. An important stage in the history of Cyprus is the settlement of the island by ancient Greek colonists in the XII-XI centuries BC. e., about 3000 years ago after the end of the period of the Trojan Wars.
This is what determined the cultural face of the island. During this period, the Greek language, art, religion and traditions were introduced. In addition, cities were founded that exist to this day.
In ancient times, Cyprus was famous for its copper ore deposits and forests. This is what made it the object of aspirations of the powerful states of the Mediterranean.
The Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians alternately captured the island and owned it, until it was destroyed in 333 BC. e. did not conquer Alexander Macedonian.
The disciple of Ptolemy, the philosopher Zenon of Kition, who founded the philosophical school of Stoicism in Athens, glorified Cyprus.

Since 1964, a contingent of UN peacekeeping forces in Cyprus has been stationed on the island, which currently numbers 1,216 troops. UN peacekeeping forces arrived after inter-communal armed clashes broke out in December 1963, and Turkey threatened to intervene. Given that there is a 35,000-strong Turkish army in the occupied northern part of the island, the main task of the peacekeepers is to control the buffer zone and ensure that the ceasefire is not violated.

According to the 2006 census, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has a population of 265,100.


The majority of the population of Cyprus are ethnic Greeks who practice Orthodox Christianity and ethnic Turks who practice Islam.

Between the Greek and Turkish sectors is the UN buffer zone, which is also a de facto exclave.

Politic system

After gaining independence, the Republic of Cyprus became one of the founders of the Non-Aligned Movement, despite the fact that all three guarantor powers (Britain, Greece and Turkey) were members of NATO. In 2004, Cyprus withdrew from the Non-Aligned Movement in order to join the European Union, but retained a special observer status in this organization.

The Republic of Cyprus adheres to the policy of non-alignment, and is not part of NATO.

The Turkish sector is indicated on the maps of the Republic of Cyprus as "territory inaccessible due to Turkish occupation", the same on the map of the northern part of the city of Nicosia. The names of the cities of Northern Cyprus are given as of 1974, there are no road signs for these cities.

Real estate located in Northern Cyprus, and owned until 1974 by ethnic Greeks, continues to be considered their property. The purchase of such property may be considered legal in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, but the authorities of the Greek sector may regard such a move as buying stolen goods.

Formally, 98% of the island's territory is under the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus, minus the British military bases. De facto, 38% of the territory is occupied by the partially recognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Movement between the two parts of the island is free, with a visa of the Republic of Cyprus. A visa of the partially recognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is issued upon entry. Insurance may not cover Turkish territory.

When returning from the northern part of the island, a customs inspection may be carried out. Since prices in Turkish territory are significantly lower, the import of goods from it is limited.

The Republic of Cyprus may refuse entry to persons who have a stamp in their passport confirming that they have visited the Republic of Macedonia. This fact is connected with the dispute of this state with Greece about its name.

Diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union of the Republic of Cyprus were established in August 1960. On April 7, 1992, the Republic of Cyprus recognized the Russian Federation as the legal successor of the USSR. The Russian Embassy is located in the city of Nicosia.

Persons with a visitor visa are prohibited from working. A work permit must be obtained prior to arrival in the Republic of Cyprus.

Island unification referendum

In April 2004, referendums were held in both Cypriot republics on unification into a single state. The proposed plan for the unification of the island was named after its author, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. 65% of the citizens of the TRNC who participated in the referendum supported the Annan plan, 75% of the Greek Cypriots rejected the plan.


Advantages: tourism provides 20% of GDP. Industry and services for neighboring eastern countries, the banking sector is developed. Member of the EU.

Weak sides: the demand for stricter control and action against capital and tax leakages. limited liberalization. There is no foreign investment in Northern Cyprus.

The economy of Cyprus is strongly influenced by the division of the island into the Greek sector (Republic of Cyprus) and Turkish (partially recognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus).

The Greek sector economy experienced a speculative boom associated with offshore capital inflows between 1990-2008, but is highly dependent on external risks. Growth rates in the 1990s reflect the island's dependence on fluctuating tourist numbers and changing economic conditions in Western Europe. In January 2008, the Republic of Cyprus entered the eurozone, and its monetary policy is dictated by the European Central Bank, which reduced the republic's competitiveness in world markets and ultimately brought the country to the brink of a financial and economic crisis in 2012-2013. As a result of the crisis unrest prices for residential real estate have dropped significantly. So in the municipal residential sector, the cost of housing ranges from 400 euros per square meter of construction. In the private sector, the cost of land per hundred square meters varies on average from 1,700 to 50,000 euros.

The Turkish sector represents one fifth of the population and one tenth of the GNP compared to the Greek part of the island. Due to the fact that it is recognized only by Turkey among the UN member states, Northern Cyprus has difficulties with international financing, and foreign firms usually avoid investing in it. Half of the labor force is employed in agriculture, government and military service. In the turnover of the northern part of the island is the Turkish lira. Turkey also provides direct and indirect assistance to tourism, education, industry and more.

In the Turkish sector, there is a problem of water supply, the construction of desalination stations is planned.


There are three international airports in Cyprus, two are located on the Greek part of the island in Paphos (16 km from the city) and Larnaca (2 km from the city). There is also a full-fledged operating airport in Nicosia - Ercan (Ercan), All flights to Northern Cyprus pass through the territory of Turkey. The main airline serving the Greek part of the island, Cyprus Airways, ceased to exist in 2015.

Larnaca Airport was opened in 1975, after the forced closure of the airport in Nicosia, and is partially located on the territory previously used by Britain as a military base.

Large seaports, after the closure of Famagusta, are Limassol and Larnaca.


The tourism industry is one of the main items of national income. It is the responsibility of the Cyprus Tourist Organization (CTO). A significant part of the population works in this sector, and the profit brought by tourism is the main source of foreign currency inflow to the budget of the republic. Over the last 4 years [ which?] the number of tourists visiting Cyprus increased by 29%, and income from tourism - by 40%.

At school, we all studied geography, exploring the map of the world in detail. But school knowledge is forgotten over time, and questions arise: “Where is it located?”, “What kind of state is this?” and “Is it a Greek island (Cyprus is often confused with Crete) or Turkish?”. Let's try to remember geography together.

Location of Cyprus

Cyprus is an island nation located in the northeastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. The island is the third largest in the Mediterranean.

Turkey is located next to Cyprus (the distance from the northern coast of Cyprus is about 75 km), Syria (at a distance of about 100 km), the Greek Islands and Israel.

The island covers an area of ​​9 thousand 251 square meters. km, most of it is occupied by mountains. The most famous mountain ranges in Cyprus are (Troodos) and Kyrenia, and the highest point - or Khyonistra (as the Cypriots call it, translated from Greek means "snowy") - is located at an altitude of 1,952 m above sea level.

Snow falls in the mountains in winter, there are lifts for ski lovers. At the very top of the mountain, tourists are not allowed to enter, because the British military radar is installed there - a huge white ball that can be seen from afar.

Many are interested in whether Cyprus is a part of Greece, like Crete, Rhodes and other islands, or is it a separate state? Some even, when making a request, indicate "Cyprus Greece". In fact, Cyprus is an independent state, which until 1960 was a British colony.

In 1974, the north of Cyprus was occupied by Turkish troops. Since then, the island has been divided into two parts - the Republic of Cyprus (an independent state, a member of the EU) and the so-called Northern Cyprus (an unrecognized state, an occupied territory).

Is Cyprus part of Greece?

Sometimes the Republic of Cyprus (Southern Cyprus) is called "Greek". Indeed, the main people inhabiting southern Cyprus are the Greeks, more precisely, the Greek Cypriots. Historically, Cyprus is very close to Greece: throughout the ages, Cyprus and Greece have been united by cultural and business ties.

From 1925 to 1960, Cyprus was a British colony, and until that time it was first under the control of the Ottoman Empire, and since 1878 under the administrative control of Great Britain.

Currently, there are significant ties between Cyprus and Greece in the banking sector, so the Greek financial crisis is having a noticeable impact on the economy of the island. But in other areas, the economy of the two states is more independent.

How is Cyprus divided?

Legally, the island is divided into four parts:

  • the south of the island, which is under the control of the Republic of Cyprus;
  • the north of the island, which is under Turkish control, called the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and recognized only by Turkey;
  • the Green Line, which separates South and North Cyprus and is under the control of the UN peacekeeping force;
  • the territories of two British military bases (Dhekelia and Akrotiri), which, in accordance with the Decree for the Founding of the Republic, were allocated to Great Britain. The area of ​​these territories is about 3% of the total area of ​​Cyprus.

Relief of Cyprus

Often, locals compare the contours of Cyprus with a leaf that has fallen into the sea. And, indeed, admiring the island from a bird's eye view, you can see the numerous bays and bays that give Cyprus the outline of a golden emerald leaf.

Almost 150 km along the coast in the north stretches the Kyrenia ridge (the highest point of which is located at an altitude of 1 thousand 23 m above sea level), on which Mount Pentadaktylos or “five-fingered” and the Karpas ridge (reaching a height of 364 m above sea level) stand out .

The Troodos mountain range is located in the central and southwestern parts of the island, with the highest point being Mount Olympos (1,952 m above sea level). The southern and northern parts of Cyprus are separated by the broad plain of Masaoria.

The coastline of Cyprus is covered with endless sandy and pebbly beaches, many of which have received the "Blue Flag" for the cleanest water and high level of safety.

Excursions from Cyprus to Israel and Greece

The Greek islands are also very popular among tourists.

In you can go for 2-3 days on a cruise ship or plane. At the same time, Russian tourists do not need a visa to Israel, and they can return to Cyprus with a provision. The cost of such an excursion is about 250-300 euros per person.

Also from Cyprus you can go on an exciting journey through the Greek islands. Depending on your financial possibilities, you can charter a yacht for a week-long trip and visit Santorini, Rhodes, Kos and other islands of your choice, or choose a less expensive option: an air flight to Greece, for example, Rainair, which operates flights from Cyprus to most European countries in the low-cost format. According to Rainair, the cost of a ticket from Cyprus to Greece is from 12 euros (not including airport taxes). Please note that you need a Schengen visa to visit Greece.

So …

Cyprus is an independent state with extensive ties with European and Asian countries. Its cosmopolitan cities (, ) hospitably open their doors to those who just want to relax on the island, and those who choose the island as a permanent place of residence.

It is believed that the island of Cyprus has the healthiest climate for humans: sunny, warm, mixing both salty sea and refreshing mountain air. This is due to the favorable location of the island of Cyprus on the world map. That is why here the largest number of centenarians. And that is why this island is worth visiting during your vacation, in order not only to have a good rest on the sandy shore next to the azure sea, but also to improve your health. In addition to the wonderful climate, Cyprus has an interesting and changeable history.

History of an independent state.

Although the island of Cyprus is territorially part of the Asian part of the globe, its history and culture are more connected with Europe, namely with Greece. Of course, it is the ancient culture that can be seen with the naked eye, one has only to be on the territory of the island state. There is even a legend that it was on the shores of Cyprus that the Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite was born, which foreshadowed a happy life for the island. But in reality, everything is much more complicated and contradictory than in the legend. In fact, throughout its life, Cyprus has undergone many state changes and armed coups.

Cyprus was not always Greek. Tasty Island, the pearl of the Mediterranean, as it is called, managed to visit the Byzantine Empire, Venice, and was also part of the Ottoman Empire. From 1879 until 1959 Cyprus was a British colony. This certainly influenced the modern life of Cyprus, for example, left-hand traffic, which is familiar to the British, has been preserved, most of the inhabitants speak English.

In 1959, negotiations were held between Turkey, Greece and Great Britain, as a result of which Cyprus was declared an independent state, which it still is. The main population: Greeks and Turks were to live in peace, the government was to be elected from 2 national communities in order to satisfy the interests of each. However, in 1983, Turkish northern Cyprus separated from the main part of the island. And now on the island there are 2 states of the Southern Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. However, the latter is recognized only by Turkey and Abkhazia.

Guests of the island live mainly in its recognized southern part. It is in the south of the island that you can find many cultural monuments reminiscent of the glorious ancient culture in the history of the island of Cyprus.

Cyprus on the world map.

The island is located in the Mediterranean Sea. Close to the island are Turkey (in the north), Israel and Syria (in the east) and Egypt (in the south).

It is much easier to understand where Cyprus is located on the world map thanks to this interactive map (clickable):

Resort towns of Cyprus and their features.

The island of Cyprus has the main resort administrative centers, where most tourists come:


Nicosia is the capital of Cyprus. Moreover, it is divided by a buffer zone, and is the main city of both Southern and Northern Cyprus. Nicosia is one of the most ancient cities in the world, it dates back to the 7th century AD. On the territory of the Cypriot capital there are many historical buildings. Notable, for example, are the Cathedral of St. Sophia, the Cathedral of St. John, the gates of Famagusta and various museums where you can trace the history of the culture of Cyprus. And in the restaurants of Nicosia you can taste various dishes of the Balkan, Greek and Turkish cuisine. It is the mixture of national styles that is unique and remarkable in this ancient city.


The name of the city of Limassol is translated as "middle city". It is located just between Larnaca and Paphos, where they are located. Therefore, it is convenient to get to it from any outskirts of the island. Limassol is the second largest city in Cyprus, therefore, it is also worth paying attention to. The center of Limassol is business-like, there are banks and offices, but closer to the coast, the resort spirit overtakes the tourist: in Limassol there is a beautiful promenade with a white promenade and tall palm trees on the sides. Limassol is also a great city for shopping and fun, as there are many clubs, amusement parks, a zoo,. Also, the city has the largest seaport. And next to Limassol, it is worth visiting Kourion, an ancient city founded in the 12th century BC. Tourists love this place not only for the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of antiquity, but also for the beautiful photographs that are taken here.

Paphos is a city listed by UNESCO. It is no coincidence that here in the city you can find a large number of ancient buildings. Near the city there is an archaeological park where historical relics are collected. And it was in the vicinity of Paphos that Aphrodite appeared from the foam of the water. Near the city and inside it, a number of attractions are dedicated to this particular goddess. Paphos now justifies its name by the presence of rather expensive hotels and hotels compared to other cities in Cyprus. The beaches in the city are mostly rocky, but you can also find sandy ones. However, any of them is marked with a blue European flag for environmental friendliness. It is also pleasant to relax here: there are also cultural programs, there are also fun clubs, bars near the city's embankment, and during the day the same embankment is a very picturesque place where you can see the port.

Larnaca itself, like any other popular resort town in Cyprus, is a great place to relax, where you can find both cultural attractions and just enjoy the pleasant climate, lying on the white sand of the coast next to the shallow sea. It is the latter factors that make Larnaca a favorite place for visiting parents with children. Near Larnaca there is a large ancient monastery of Stavrovouni. Also, it is interesting to visit the Salt Lake, located in the vicinity. Young people love Ayia Napa, a city located in the Larnaca district. Ayia Napa is famous for its vibrant nightlife. Also, there is a beautiful Nissi beach, known for its white sand and gentle sea.

Each of the listed city centers has a number of cultural places in its surroundings, therefore, in order to cover each attraction, it is best to rent a car in Cyprus and travel around the island on your own or buy bus tours, visiting attractions together with other interested people, as well as with a guide.

Every corner of Cyprus is worth visiting. It is also pleasant to relax here for adults with children who are interested in visiting historical and cultural places, relaxing in a warm climate next to the azure sea, and young people will also like clubs, bars, excursions to vineyards where national wine is made. Everyone will find here a place to be happy!

And finally, we invite you to watch a very interesting and dynamic video about Cyprus