Skiing Weekend Ski Resort: Kavgolovo. Ski Ski Resort of the Weekend: Kavgolovo Ski Complex "Tuutari Park"

Kavgolovo - close to the Northern Russian capital resort. This is a multifunctional place of rest proven by tourists. Scenic landscape and diffil sports capabilities are combined here.

In the snow period there are skiing, snowboards, sleigh, and golfists, tennis players, rowers come to the warm time in Kavgolovo ...

Location of the resort

Kavgolovo lies in the zone of the reserve, in 20 kilometers north of St. Petersburg. The resort is based in the village "Toksovo" - a place old, rich in history and ancient attractions.

The skiing base is formed on the expanses of the northern slope, at the foot of which - the same hotel complex.

Acquaintance with the resort

In the village of Toksovo, events and competitions of a sports nature are often held, among which are international competitions. Therefore, tourists not only enjoy good tracks, but can also receive a reward for this with participation in tournaments.

The ski base has an upgraded, updated infrastructure system. Several lakes are expanding the range of recreation opportunities.

Characteristics of the sports resort

Despite the fact that the Kavgolovo base is under the jurisdiction of the National state University Physical seats, health and sports are allowed to slopes not only athletes-students.

Recent modernization has turned the center into an innovative, modern sports resort.

These conditions allow you to train all year round, which even athletes of the Russian national team are used. winter species Sports.

Opportunities of the ski base

  1. Number of slopes - 3;
  2. The longest ski slope is 450 m;
  3. The presence of a sled and running track
  4. The presence of lighting on the tracks;
  5. The number of lifts - 10;
  6. Supply system and sweeping snow;
  7. Rental, service, repair and storage of equipment;
  8. The presence of quoter-paipov, springboard, female riding structures;
  9. Service instructors for training;
  10. Medical Center;
  11. Parking.

The sports factories for riding Kavgolovo seems to be several zones.

Complex "Northern Slope"

Here they use the slopes "ballet" (artificially formed according to the standards of the ballet gentle slope) and the "Northern" (consists of 2 parallel slopes).

The length of the ballet slope is 300 m with a drop of 20 °.

The length of the Northern slope trails is about 220 m.

In Kavgolovo Group of Companies, a three-kilometer riser track having night lighting is pride.

For tourist skiers, this zone has greater importance. It includes 3 tracks. Their length is an average of 250 m, and the drop of 50 m.

The descents have different areas of the complexity, so it's interesting to ride everything here.

Also equipped ski jumps, freestyle zone, sage descent and quadpipe, attracting snowboarders.

The system of malnutrition and snowstate provide high-quality and safe snow cover on the tracks.

Sports Park "Orlina Mountain"

Good and the slope "Eagle Mountain", where the length of the descents is 200 m. Thanks to the excellent snow cannons, it is possible to ride even in a thaw - the thickness of the cover is about 1 meter.

Here there are rental and service services, it is possible to contact the coach.

The territory is completely lit in the evening. Also separately highlighted a children's descent.

"Slope of the WCPS".

Directly in the village of Toksovo, "Slope of the WCPS" is formed. It is focused on athletes of any degree of preparation. The slope length is about 200 meters. However, the care of the tracks is not here.

"Andreevsky Slope."

For training and accumulation of skills are ideal for "Andreyevsky" routes. The slope is untenal (100 m), has 2 tracks.

The first is completely smooth, straight and with a minimal bias.

The second is slightly harder and has small irregularities of the landscape. However, the system of failure is missing here.

Other zones.

For mass riding, the slopes of "impulse" and "polygon" are prepared, but they also do not care for the tracks and give free nature.

On the slope of the "Family" more often found young people and groups of tourists or family. And on "Toksovo Springboard" rule energetic extremes.


Most of the riding zones have several lifts.

  1. On the "northern slope" - 2 lifts;
  2. "Eagle Mountain" offers 2 mechanisms for the main trails and 1 children's for the appropriate descent;
  3. There are 4 lifts on the "VDPS", including 1 children's (its length - 30 m);
  4. In Toksovo Springle, 1 lift is set - the Tatrapoma Bougiel.

The acquisition of subscriptions to the lifts is carried out in several options:

  • on weekdays (only on weekdays);
  • for 1 day (applicable and on weekdays, and on weekends);
  • 5-Tiden subscription;
  • for 10 days;
  • for 20 days.

About equipment and service

In Kavgolovo, you can rent or buy a complete equipment for skating. It is rented here and sold in sports stores the entire necessary tourist who came to the ski resort.

Sticks, skiing, shoes, sports costumes and protective helmets, snowboarding and equipment for him, skates, cooks, sleighs, sets.

Instructors and trainers teach newbies and children in the safest areas of the tracks. You can learn how to ride on skis, and on a snowboard.

You can also get a master class to improve skills in springlinn and extreme sports.


Installations providing additional needs of tourists in Kavgolovo are also developing and developing.

APRES SKI is represented by the following services:

On a note! Kavgolovo provides corporate services for the organization, conferences, master classes, meetings for employees of companies and guests.


The good impressive history of the place explains the presence of interesting objects here to look at the tourist:

  1. Lutheran Church;
  2. Cathedral of the Holy ArchReart of God Mikhail;
  3. Museum "Forest";
  4. Zoo and Park Ecotourism "Zubtemer";
  5. Quest guys according to the Starorussian traditions that are organized by residents.


What to do in Kavgolovo in addition to skiing? There are many fascinating entertainment for those who live with uniform skiing: the tracks for the Sun and "Cook" riding in priority among family companies, a rink, fishing on a nearby lake, trails and routes for hiking, gazebos are rented with stoves and mangals.

There are frequent competitions for which it is interesting to observe or be their member.


Hotels, hotels and cottages have been built for guests.

Near the "Northern" slope is the largest Kavgolovo Hotel, which provides a number of other tourist services customers.

Also worth paying attention to multifunctional recreation centers, such as "rainbow" or "green slides".

The level of comfort in the Kavgol hotels is generally high, with a different line of prices and the numbering room.

We are going to Kavgolovo

If you go to your transport, then the road is simple: we leave St. Petersburg through the village "New Devyatikino", and then - a straight road to Toksovo and then "Kavgolovo".

As public transport Convenient minibuses. They follow from the subway "Prospect of Enlightenment" (minibus number 205) and "Devyatikino" (№295 and 621).

The final stop is called "Fantastic". From her to the ski center 10 minutes walk.

Another option is an electric train. She drives either to the Kavgolovo station - from the Finnish station, or to Toksovo - where to walk again.

I adore Andreev's descent, living in Kiev, I used it very often, for some time even went to the artistic workshop directly opposite the Andreevsk Church.

Most best time For walks, this is an early morning, there are no tourists here or souvenir sellers. Kiev generally wakes up fairly late. Andreevsky descent begins to "wake up" to dinner at 11-12 hours, so if you want to walk in silence, then get up early.

Andreevsky descent today

Andreevsky descent is one of the most popular streets in Kiev, he is the center of artists, antiques and folk craftsmen. Only here you can purchase original souvenirs and cute little things, embroidery made by talented people.

Street is rich in various attractions, legends and museums.

The story of Andreevsky descent

According to the legend, the descent is named after Andrei Prozozalnaya. Once upon a time the Dnieper was more like the sea and when the apostle Andrew installed the Orthodox Cross on the top of the hill, the water was gone. And then Saint Andrey predicted the appearance of the great Christian city at this site. It is on the place where the holy was standing, and the church was erected. By the way, that's why there are no bells on the church. It is believed that their ringing can again "wake water".

Andreevsk Church

Andreevsk Church, which we observe today, was built on the project of the famous architect B. Rastrelli, by order of Empress Catherine II. Terass Temple is considered mystical MozMany believe that if at least once to stand at this place, you can fall in love with Kiev forever.

If you climb the Andreev's descent, then you will see the right Museum of one street. I visited there, very unusual and interesting place. Ticket price 30 UAH.

Lifting on, you can see House Museum M. Bulgakova (Andreevsky Descent, 13), next to his monument. They say that so far at night across Andreevsky, the shadow of the black cat hippos is wandered, and you know, it seems, I have seen him even during the day. At the entrance to the theater always sits a huge black cat.

Monument to Mikhail Bulgakov

For the same side you will see Richard Castle Lion Heart. In fact, it has nothing to do with the knight. The building was built in 1904 by order of the industrialist Dmitry Orlov. He planned to take apartments for rent, but he was killed. The widow was not able to pay a debt and sold the castle at the auction. After that, there still began to settle people, but the tenants could not live there for a long time, since at night they heard a creepy war and moans. In fact, the ghosts were not found there, simply because of non-payment for the work of the cooks, the latter decided to take revenge, and laid glass bottles in chimneys, which during a strong wind made a terrible howl.

Later, the editorial office of the Shershen newspaper was located here, for which Ivan Nechu-Levitsky and Lesya Ukrainka wrote. In Soviet times, a communal arranged here, but over time the tenants moved. Currently, the castle is empty, it is planning to open a hotel.

Next to the castle there is a staircase, you can climb on her mountain and admire a beautiful panorama. On the observation site there is a bench for kisses.

Bevel for kisses

View of the hemp

View of Kiev from Andreevsky descent

On the opposite side there is another staircase leading to the castle mountain, it offers a magnificent view of (luxury city in the city). On the grief itself there are dilapidated ancient gravestones and crypts.

Castle mountain

Tombstones on the castle grief

On Castle Mountain

Having reached the end of the descent, in front of the church you can turn left and get to the alley, where the paintings of local artists are sold.

Paintings on the Andreev descent

For the Andreev Church you can see the bronze monument to Prokobovna and Golokhwastov.

The monument to Cross Prokobovna and Holokhwastova

In addition to all the listed attractions, you can visit the mass of galleries, interesting shops and cafes. Very often, free exhibitions of local masters and artists pass on Andreevsky.

View of the Vozdvizhenka from the Castle Mountain

View of Andreevsky Descent from the Castle Mountain

Souvenirs on the Andreev descent

It is easiest to do this from the Metro Postage Square, you can start an inspection of descent from above, for this immediately coming out of the subway, sit on the funicular (the fare of 1.5 gr) and go upstairs. From there, pass the Mikhailovskaya Square and turn to the right and go down the street tentine.

And, as usual, the map.

  • From the golden gate - the purple line, walking 15-20 minutes.
  • From m. Postal area - lilac line, walking 5-10 minutes.
  • From m. Contract paint area - red, 5-10 minutes.
  • From m. Khreshchatyk and m. Maidan Uncompleteness - Green, 20 - 30 minutes.

Graphy on Andreev descent

Andreev's descent itself on the map is marked with a red line.

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The Leningrad region is known for its, part of them for equipping and the service is comparable to European. Some centers were reconstructed, some are erected from scratch. To choose lovers active rest Not only mountain skiing and snowboarding, but also ice rollers, snowmobiles, tubals, sleighs for children and adults.

From this article you will learn where to ride on alpine skiing in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.

Toksovo ski slopes (Kavgolovo)

In the Kavgolovo - Toksovo area, north of St. Petersburg, there are many ski slopes. In addition to riding, rest can be diversified by excursions around the terrain, ride dog sledding.

Ski Center "Andreevsky Slope"

"Andreevsky Slope" in Toksovo

The ski center "Andreevsky Slope" is located next to the village of Toksovo, a 30-minute drive from northern capital. Immediately we note that it is not necessary to count on a high level of service, the infrastructure is not particularly developed here. There are not too many rides. But if you are attracted by picturesque landscapes and a light-headed skating - then this center is for you.

The Andreev Slope offers skiers and snowboarders 3 tracks of different levels of complexity. Gunned and a wide slope is suitable for newcomers, while others, abruptly and with a complex relief - for experienced athletes.

The maximum height difference on the tracks is 100 meters, the longest stretches for 100 meters.

On the slope function 5 bohegels.

Going here, prepare for the fact that the tracks are not well-groomed here. The randics do not work here. You can only visit the center in the bright time of the day, since there is no artificial lighting.

Ski Center "Impulse"

Ski Center "Impulse" is located in Toksovo. This place is attractive as for family holidayand for experienced athletes. It is not known how much the center exists, because The land here became a tailed piece for developers.

Scheme of ski centers in Toksovo-Kavgolovo

While the center works in standard mode, and snowboarders and skiers are riding here. At the disposal of 1 150 meters long with a drop of 40 meters high. The slopes are not processed by randes, the surface of their buggy. In the evening the slope is not illuminated. At the top raises 1 bougiel lift. If you want to calmly ride a lightly slope - this is a place for you.

Ski Center "Orlina Mountain"

The Ski Center "Orlina Mountain" is located in the Toks slopes. For lovers of winter active Sport There are 3 tracks of varying degrees of difficulty: for beginners, lovers and experienced skiers. SAMI long road It stretches for 700 meters, height difference - 60 meters. On the top raise 3, and children can climb on a beb-elevator. Newbies will feel comfortable if they take a couple of lessons from instructors.

Scheme of Elephants "Orlina Mountain"

Not trouble, if you decide to go to the center spontaneously and did not capture equipment with you, everything you need can be taken at the equipment rental point.

By the way, if you want to teach your child from childhood to ski, you can give it to a sports school that works at the center.

Lovers of "Vatrushek" will be able to go away in a separate tubing track.

In the evening on the tracks include artificial lighting.

In the "Orlina Mount", the slopes are ideal, the randics pass regularly and put in order. And if suddenly winter is rich with precipitation - snow cannons will help to apply the necessary snow cover.

Here you will not stay hungry. You can eat to eat in a cafe or restaurant of the complex. And to spend the night - in guest houses where up to 8 people can accommodate.

Ski Center "Polygon"

Another ski Center - "Polygon" - located on the slopes at the village of Toksovo. This is a favorite place among snowboarders and skiers. The "polygon" is equipped with 2 high-end highways and 1-rim elevator. Elephants are not processed. You can only ride in daylight.

Ski Center "Northern Slope"

Ski Center "Northern Elephant" in the village of Toksovo Leningrad region offers many options for conducting an active winter holiday.

Map slopes "Northern Slope"

On the skiing and snowboard, you can ride any of the 4 trails intended for different levels of riding. You can try to descend along the calin slope. 3 bougiel lifts work. From the top of the hill opens a very picturesque view of the Lake Hepoyarvi and the surrounding hills.

Ratroges work on the slope daily. In the evening include lighting.

For snowboarders, a snowpark is equipped, where you can try the springboard and quoter-mapping.

In addition to the mountain skiing and snowboard, it is offered to ride a tubling, equible skiing, skating, winter canopy, snowmobiles.

You can stay for a couple of days at a local hotel, but to eat tasty - in a restaurant or cafe.

Experienced instructors will teach the basics of riding.

Ski Center "Family"

Another ski center of the Leningrad region in Toksovo - "Family". The slopes, though abounding with obstacles and tramplines, but at the same time safe.

The descent is just one length of 150 meters, equipped with a 1-meter lift. It does not provide for artificial lighting, and the randics do not go on the slope - unprofitable.

"Family" - perfect place For family holidays and small companies.

Ski Center "Voronary Mountain"

The ski center "Voronary Morakh" is known since the times of the Soviet Union. He is located south of Peter next to the Red Selo. "Vorona Mountain" is not the place that can be extinguished with the European resorts. Rather, this is a club space for skiing. Supported like-minded people, and families with children come to gather.

In the "Voronia Mountain" there are 3 trails suitable for beginners, experienced skiers and for ASS. On one of the tracks are training for children. On the top can be climbed using 1 bucker lift. You will not find here well-kept lined with ragners of slopes and evening lighting.

Ski resort "Red Lake"

Scheme of tracks "Red Lake"

In the picturesque location of the Karelian Isthmus next to the village, Korobitsyno is located the Ski Complex "Red Lake". To St. Petersburg 100 km. The resort is very developed and has a rich infrastructure. Ski season lasts here from December to April.

All highways, and their resort 9, are in excellent condition, thanks to the snow-cutting machines, and in the case of a minor winter, artificial lighting systems work. The longest route stretched 1200 meters, and the height difference is 120 m. There is a children's track.

To climb the top of the mountain, you can use one of the 3 buckel lifts or 1 chairlift. All necessary for riding on the mountain slopes can be taken at the rental point of equipment. In the evening, the tracks are lit.

In addition to ski entertainment, a snowpark, havpipe, ice rink, built here. You can relax and delicious food in a hotel and cafe.

Getting to the resort is the easiest, of course, by car, but there are also a regular buses from the metro station Ozerki and Parnas.

Ski resort "Golden Valley"

Map slopes "Golden Valley"

Ski resort The "Golden Valley" is located in the Priozersky district of the Leningrad region next to the village of Corobitsyno. This is another complex in the area. The resort is the longest season for skiing - from November to May. This is a place for lovers of outdoor activities of all ages: children, beginner skiers and professionals.

The complex meets the requirements of European standards. There are 12 tracks of different degrees of complexity: green, red, blue, black. Trails of different lengths: 80-1100 meters when the heights of 10-130 m. The resort is equipped with 6 lifts like "Bougiel" and one child. Equipped fanpark for snowboarders.

The complex has a hotel with a large number foundation, pizzeria, bar, restaurant. Rent and sports shop.

Ski resort "Game"

In the Leningrad region near the village of Posnosovo, the ski resort "Game" is located 54 km from St. Petersburg, offering active recreation and variety of entertainment. The resort complies with European requirements.

Scheme of the "Games" tracks

The slopes in the "Igor" are long and with a good difference in 120 meters altitudes. The maximum length of 1200 m. Care of the slopes are carried out randics, and the right amount of snow at a low-nest season is provided by snow guns.

4 lifts are functioning: 2 buckers and 2 chairlifts, and a bebi elevator. Here 8 trails of different levels of complexity. There is a training slope and the track for the "Wathers". In the evening, the tracks are lit. Snowboarders are equipped with a snowpark. There is equipment rental. There is a running ski track.

The restaurant and café in the complex you can eat tasty, and spend the night in the aparthotel.

In the summer of the "Igor" there is a lot of entertainment from calm and measured to extreme: fishing, swimming, football, paintball, tennis, basketball, horseback riding and much more.

Ski Center "Orekhovo"

Ski Center "Orekhovo" is located next to the village of the same name 50 km from Peter. In Orekhovo, most of the centered slopes, with a small length, natural obstacles and irregularities. By the beginning of the tracks on top raise 3 Bugel.

Ski slopes in "Orekhovo"

Ski Center "Okhta Park"

"OKTA PARK" - the easiest accessible center for residents of St. Petersburg, you can reach it in 15 minutes or take advantage of public transport.

Slopes in "Okhta Park"

The center has 6. ski slopes With different levels of difficulty. Each route is equipped with a bugel lift. A separate track is allocated for riding on tubing. There is a running ski track. Evening lighting makes it possible to ride on weekdays after work.

Instructors teach the skills of the skiing of children and adults, training can be used in the group or individually. You can have a snack in a cafe or restaurant.

Lovers of skating The center will surprise a non-standard solution: skates ride in the forest at ice tracks with a length of 1.5 km.

In Okta Park, you charge positive emotions and unforgettable impressions.

Ski Center "Puktolova Mountain"

Puchtolov Mountain Ski Center is a 10-minute drive from Zelenogorsk. From the beauty of nature, the spirit captures here, and the high green spruce, the increasing complex, fill it with a fresh aroma.

Map slopes "Puktolova Mountain"

The ski slopes are presented in 3 variations that are fitted and beginners, and fans of acute sensations. Three bougiel lifts are raised to the top of the mountain. In the dark, the lighting of the tracks. Instructors work to help newcomers to master the new sport for them.

In addition, on the "Pukhtol Mountain" there is a track for tubing and large rink. Test drives are organized on SUVs on the forest belt.

Ski resort "Snow"

Slopes and lifts in the "snow"

Ski resort "Snowy" is located in the Vyborg district near St. Petersburg. "Snow" is one of the veterans among the ski complexes of the Leningrad region, he began to work back in 1999.

There are 6 buckel lifts here. The slopes are very well maintained - randes regularly work on them. In the evening, the track is covered, which allows you to ride and in the dark.

Snowpark open for snowboarders. Lovers of skates will greatly spend time on the ice rink.

If you have little children - do not matter - boldly come to the resort: they will look at them in the game room until you ride. You can take equipment at the box office, but change clothes in a warm room, leaving things in the storage chamber.

After prolonged riding, the body needs to restore the strength and to eat - for this, a restaurant and sushi bar work on the territory of the resort.

Ski Center "Yukki Park"

The Ski Center "Yukki Park" is located in the Yukkovskaya elevation, in the village of Yukki the same name. Here is very beautiful nature. Near the center is the ancient Finnish sanctuary, healing source, Nursery of Far Eastern deer, lake with a sandy beach.

Plan of the complex "YUKKI"

The center has 4 tracks of the green and blue complexity category with a drop of heights up to 50 meters, and the maximum descent length is 250 meters. There are 4 bugel lifts, there are no queues. The slopes are peeling with snowstate, snow cannons work, and in the evening lighting is included. A high level of service will provide a pleasant pastime.

It can be hire all - snowboards, skis or tubggies. The complex has experienced instructors.

Ski Complex "Tuutari Park"

Ski resort "Tuutari Park" is the kingdom of sports and outdoor activities. Guests of the complex can offer mountain and cross-country skiing, on snowboarding or skating, on tubing or snowmobile, you can even fly on a paraglider or swimming, play football or ride the horse. These and many other entertainment are available to everyone, and the service is at the European level.

The slopes in the complex "Tuutari Park"

Each season "Tuutari Park" conducts large-scale competitions in which any guest of the complex can participate.

The skiers complex offers a choice of 5 tracks, which each chooses depending on the level of preparation. Each slope is equipped with a lift of the bougid type. The longest descent stretches for 600 meters. If you just got on the mountain skiing, the main skills of skills can teach instructors of the complex.

Snowboarders can ride snowpark.

Required equipment can be hired or purchased in a sports store on site.

To get to Tuutari Park is the easiest way to car: get to the village of Retsel, which is in Lomonosovsky district, and from there already by signs. Also available travel by train to Mozhayskaya station, however, then you will have to go to the complex for another 6 kilometers, it is about an hour.


As you can see, the choice of places for skiing in the Leningrad region is large. Good luck to you in the search for your favorite sports center! Leave your comments, amendments, questions and messages in the form at the bottom of this page.

  • 3 trails
  • Max Length track 100 m
  • 1 1 1
  • Delta heights 30 m


Andreevsky Slope - Rest Without Claims

At half an hour from St. Petersburg there is a ski resort "Andreyevsky", whose popularity has recently decreased significantly due to the lack of developed infrastructure. Nevertheless, there is always a certain number of visitors who attract picturesque landscapes and the opportunity to go skiing in a small company. For the most part, lovers of family holidays and residents of neighboring settlements come to the Andreevsky slope.

For skiing, three slopes are equipped here, one of which is gentle and widely suitable for beginners, two others, with a more complex profile are designed for mining with an average training level. The length of the longest descent is about 100 meters. The top of the visitors deliver five lifts of the bougid type. The surface of the track leaves much to be desired, because they do not align and are not compacted. There is no evening lighting.

Visitors to the Andreevsky slope can diversify the pastime of riding on dog sledding and sleigh, excursions around the surrounding area. These services can be obtained in the village of Toksovo, which is located next to the slope.