Seven wonders of the world in ancient times. Seven wonders of the world: list and description

Everyone knows that there were only seven wonders of the world in the world. Which of them have survived, and which have sunk into oblivion?

Six of the seven wonders of the world, unfortunately, have not been preserved. And only one thing remains to please the eyes of tourists. Moreover, the wonder of the world, which has survived to this day, is the most ancient. How old is he, where is he? We will definitely answer this question. But first, let's remember them all, and in order, starting with the youngest - built in the 3rd century BC.

Six wonders of the world that have not survived to this day

The Colossus of Rhodes is a giant (colossal), at that time, ancient statue of the ancient Greek sun god Helios, erected on the island of Rhodes (in the Aegean Sea), in the city of the same name.

The statue was commissioned by the inhabitants of Rhodes from the sculptor Haresu. Initially, they planned that it would be ten times higher than human height, but subsequently increased the height of the project to 36 meters.

Construction began in 292 BC. and it lasted 12 years. The Colossus of Rhodes stood on a marble pedestal, had an iron frame and was lined with bronze plates, and the internal volume was filled with clay. At the same time, it is known that its construction took about 8 tons of iron and about 13 tons of bronze.

The Colossus of Rhodes stood for only about 55 years and was destroyed by an earthquake around 225 BC.

Alexandrian lighthouse was built in the third century BC in ancient egypt on the island of Pharos in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Alexandria. It was built from 5 to 20 years (here the data differ) during the reign of the king of Egypt, Ptolemy II. The approximate year of completion of construction is 283 BC. The name of the architect is known, he was Sostratus of Cnidus.

The lighthouse of Alexandria was made of marble (or faced) and had three levels:

  • the lower level was rectangular and had living quarters
  • the middle level was octagonal
  • upper level - the cylinder in which the lighthouse fire burned

The lighthouse of Alexandria received another name in honor of the island on which it was built - faros lighthouse. It was about 130 meters high, and its light was visible to ships, according to various sources, at a distance of 50 to 80 kilometers.

The lighthouse stood intact until 796 AD. This year a strong earthquake severely damaged it. It was restored, but not in full. It is known that in the 14th century its height was only 30 meters. And in the 15th century, Sultan Al-Ashrafom Saif al-Din Qait-bey built the Qait-Bey fortress on this site, which exists to this day.

The Mausoleum in Halicarnassus is the tombstone of Mausolus, the ruler of the Carian people. Ancient city Halicarnassus, where the mausoleum was built, was located on the territory of modern Turkey (the city of Bodrum).

The construction of the mausoleum was ordered by the wife of Mausolus Artemisia III during the life of her husband. The Greek architects Satyr and Pytheas undertook the construction. Also, the well-known sculptors Briaxides, Leohar, Skopas and Timofeos were involved in the work.

The mausoleum was built for eight years from 359 to 351 BC. Mausolus did not wait for the completion of construction and died in 353.

The resulting structure was 45 meters high, the first level was decorated with 36 columns and many statues, a pyramid towered above it, on top of which there was a marble quadriga - a two-wheeled chariot with four horses harnessed to it.

The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus stood for 19 centuries and the ball was destroyed by a strong earthquake in the 13th century.

For reference: the word “mausoleum” comes from the name Mausolus.

The Olympic Games, in honor of the god of thunder and lightning - Zeus, were held in ancient greece from 776 BC. They enjoyed great popularity. And now, after 300 years, the Greeks decided to build a temple in honor of their main god and patron of the Olympic Games. In 470 BC, they began to collect donations for its construction.

When funds were raised, the construction of the temple began, which lasted ten years between 466 and 456 BC. The temple of Zeus turned out to be truly grandiose: a marble roof measuring 27 by 64 meters was supported by 34 limestone columns. Each column was 10.6 meters high and over 2 meters in diameter. BUT total area building was 1728 square meters.

The temple was built. After some time, the question arose of creating a statue worthy of the god Zeus. The famous Athenian sculptor Phidias undertook its creation. To do this, he needed a gigantic workshop equal in area to the temple itself, which was built 80 meters from it.

The opening of the statue of Zeus at Olympia took place in 435 BC. e. It was made in the technique of chrysalephantine sculpture: the wooden frame was pasted over with ivory plates, and the cape, the scepter with an eagle in the left hand, the statue of the goddess Nike in the right hand, and the olive wreath on the head were covered with gold. And with all this, Zeus sits on a golden throne. Information about the height of the statue varies: together with the pedestal, it was 12-17 meters.

The statue has existed for over 800 years. The last written evidence of it dates back to 363. And in the 11th century, the historian Georgy Kedrin claimed that in the 5th century the statue was still intact. She could be transferred to Constantinople, where she burned down during a fire in 476. According to another version, she was not transported anywhere, and she died along with the temple in a fire in 425.

The temple of Artemis of Ephesus, as you might guess, was located in the ancient Greek city of Ephesus, not far from modern city Selcuk ( far west Turkey). The temple was erected in honor of Artemis, the goddess of hunting and fertility, and the patroness of all life on Earth.

Funds for the construction of the temple were donated by the Lydian king Croesus, and the project was developed by the architect Khersifron. He erected the walls and colonnade of the temple. Without waiting for the completion of construction Hersifron died. The construction was continued by his son Metagenes, and the architects Paeonius and Demetrius completed the construction of the temple.

The Temple of Artemis was built around 550 BC. And in 356 BC. e it was destroyed by fire, which, according to legend, a resident of Ephesus named Herostratus. Thus, Herostratus simply wanted to become famous and achieved his goal.

By 323 BC, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus had been completely restored by the architect Alexander Deinocrates. And the funds for this were allocated by Alexander the Great. The temple turned out to be exactly the same as its previous version, except that it was raised to a higher stepped base. The roof was supported by 127 columns standing in eight rows and having a height of 18 meters. The length of the temple was 105 meters, and the width was 52. Inside the temple was decorated with sculptures, bas-reliefs and paintings.

The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus successfully existed for several centuries, before it was sacked by the Goths in 263 AD. And at the end of the 4th century, it was closed and destroyed by Christians, in connection with the prohibition of paganism.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon - the most controversial wonder of the world. It is not known for certain if they even existed. Moreover, if they existed, then not at the time when Queen Semiramis lived.

The legend is as follows: the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II entered into a military alliance with Cyaxares, the king of Media, and in order to secure the alliance, he married the daughter of Cyaxares, whose name was Amitis (Amanis). Amitis moved in with her husband in Babylon (the ruins of Babylon are located on the outskirts of the modern city of El Hill in Iraq), which was a dusty and dry desert city.

Amitis missed her mountainous and green homeland - Mussels. And to extinguish this boredom, Nebuchadnezzar II ordered the construction of green hanging gardens. They were supposedly created in 605 BC.

And Semiramis, the legendary queen of Assyria, the wife of King Nin, lived two centuries earlier. So the “hanging gardens of Babylon” would be more correct to call the “hanging gardens of Amitis”. As for the term “hanging garden”, it implies a garden that is located on the roof, gallery or special stone supports. Plants in it grow on a bulk soil layer.

According to the legends, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon existed until the first century AD.

The Pyramid of Cheops is the oldest and highest wonder of the world. And besides, the only one that has survived to this day. And that means the most durable. It is located on the Giza plateau at the base of the Nile Delta, not far from Cairo, in Egypt.

Although about 4500 years have passed since the construction, we know (how reliable this knowledge is is a question) who was its architect. He was the nephew of Cheops - Hemiun. Presumably, the construction was completed somewhere around 2540 BC and took about 20 years.

It is impossible to say for certain the exact date of the start of the construction of the pyramid of Chiops. Different methods of its determination gave different results, which fit into the following period: 2850 - 2560 BC. At the same time, Egypt celebrates the official date for the start of construction: August 23, 2560 BC. e.

The pyramid of Cheops is made of blocks of granite and limestone (mainly limestone). Now it has a stepped appearance, but originally it was lined with white limestone (the so-called Jura marble) and had sloping slopes. Somewhere this lining has been preserved. The slopes of the pyramid shone peach in the sun, and the top was crowned with a gilded stone - a pyramidion.

The height of the pyramid is 135.5 meters (originally - 146.6 meters). The sides of the base are approximately 230 meters long. The base area is about 53,000 square meters. And the average weight of one stone block is 2.5 tons. At the same time, the heaviest block weighs 35 tons. In total, there are about 2.3 million blocks in the pyramid. The total weight of the pyramid is 6.5 million tons.

For more than 3,000 years, the pyramid of Cheops was the highest human creation, and in 1311, Lincoln Cathedral was built in England, the spire of which already towered 160 meters. True, in 1549 the spire collapsed. Now the height of the cathedral does not exceed 83 meters.

As for the purpose of the pyramid of Cheops, it is not known for certain. It is logical to assume that it is the tomb of the pharaoh Cheops (Khufu), but no mummies were found in it.

The eighth wonder of the world

Officially, the eighth wonder of the world does not exist. This term is used to call some of the grandiose structures of mankind that could claim the title of a wonder of the world, but ... but there are only seven wonders of the world and this list cannot be expanded.

Seven wonders of the world.
Our world is full of unusual and wonderful places that everyone should visit! Think for yourself, what do we live for, for the sake of new gadgets and financial well-being? Isn't it better to see the world, travel and discover more and more new horizons of the unknown? We start reviewing the best and most beautiful places our planet!
Undoubtedly, the seven wonders of the world are of the greatest interest to the whole world, which every person, young and old, should know about! In this article, we will briefly describe each of the 7 wonders of the world, and by clicking on the title and following the link, you can learn more about the place that interests you the most.

After the victory over the Macedonian king Demetrius II, the inhabitants of the island of Rhodes decided to perpetuate a significant event giant statue the god of the Sun - Helios, who was considered the patron saint of the island. The sculptor Hares, a student of Lysippus from the city of Lind, took up the construction. From bronze, by casting, a forty-meter statue was created. This required more than thirteen tons of bronze and eight tons of iron. Helios, depicted in full growth, stood on a pedestal of stone blocks fastened with iron. The construction lasted twelve years, and how insulting it was for the inhabitants of the island after about 60 years, when the statue was destroyed by a powerful earthquake. Learn more about the magnificent statue on Rhodes by reading the detailed material -.

The architect Libon from the city of Elis erected a temple that was entirely dedicated to the sky god Zeus. Built of limestone blocks, measuring 30x65 meters, the temple was decorated with pediments depicting battles and metopes with paintings depicting the exploits of Hercules. Inside the building was a huge statue of Zeus seated on a throne, about fifteen meters high. To the sculpture made of wood, plates of ivory and gold were attached. Sandals, clothes and a wreath on the head were completely gold. In 476, the statue was transported to Constantinople, where it burned down in a fire. Read more about the construction and fate of the statue in the material -

Alexandria, founded in 332 BC, was a peculiar cultural center. Here were the great architects, mathematicians, scientists, poets, astronomers. To ensure the safety of ships approaching from the sea, a lighthouse 125 meters high was erected! The first floor was made in the form of a rectangle oriented to the cardinal points. The length of each side was more than thirty meters. The second floor faced with marble had eight faces and was oriented in the direction of eight winds. Bronze statues were also located here, some of which served as a weather vane to determine the direction of the wind. The third floor was round and carried a huge lantern, above which was a dome with a seven-meter figure of Poseidon. The lighthouse of Alexandria burned for almost 1,000 years until the lighthouse was destroyed by an earthquake in 797. Now on the remains of the lighthouse there is a fortress built by Qait-bey at the end of the fifteenth century. You can learn even more about this grandiose structure by reading the expanded material -

The first man on planet Earth appeared 2 million years ago, such conclusions help to make archaeological excavations in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania. During its existence, humanity has evolved, leaving behind bright traces of its existence.
What can so clearly demonstrate to us the level of development, religion, power in different periods of human life on earth, no matter how the work of human hands? Architectural monuments are a real treasure trove of history. This is what helps us remember our majestic past, our former power, recreate lost historical information, be proud of our ancestors and believe in the strength of modern society.
7 Wonders of the World- this is the most striking demonstration of the majesty of past years. Why exactly 7? Let's start with the fact that the 7 wonders of the world were identified in ancient times. The number "7" was considered holy, the number of the great god Apollo, it was a symbol of completeness and impeccability.
There are stories about these delightful historical monuments back in the Hellenistic era - this is the period of time that ends with the death of Alexander the Great, or rather, 323 BC. The ancient papyri that have come down to us say that the wonders of the world were the subject of study at school.
The first to describe the 7 wonders of the world known today was Herodotus. True, the ancient Greek historian in his work "History" displayed only three monuments. And in the 3rd century AD, a complete list of the “7 Wonders of the World” appeared to the world, which has survived to this day.
With the passage of time, the list has changed several times, the old has been removed, the new has been added. Nevertheless, we will now consider the wonders of the world that were in the very first ancient list that has come down to our days.
The 7 wonders of the world include: in Egypt were the Pyramid of Cheops and the Lighthouse of Alexandria, in mainland Greece Statue of Zeus, in Babylon Hanging Gardens of Babylon, on the territory of modern Turkey was located the Temple of Artemis and the Mausoleum in Halicarnassus, on the island of Rhodes towered the Colossus of Rhodes
Of all these majestic historical monuments, only one has survived to this day, the rest of the masterpieces of architecture, unfortunately, were destroyed.
The Pyramid of Cheops. This is the only wonder of the world that has survived to this day. The largest pyramid at Giza was built around 2000 BC. The base of the building is square, its height reaches 147 meters, but due to the fact that sandstorms and strong winds occurred around the pyramid for several millennia, one of the 7 wonders of the world went underground a little, significantly reducing its height.
According to scientists, the construction of this tomb lasted for thirty years. But the body of the pharaoh was never found inside the walls of the tomb - this fact is a mystery to this day.
Looking at this historical monument is breathtaking. The Pyramid of Cheops is striking in its beauty and grandeur. Could ancient Egyptian slaves have been able to build such a masterpiece without modern tools? How did they do it?

Hanging pyramids of Babylon. In fact, the Hanging Gardens should have been called "hanging". During archaeological sites historians stumbled upon the palace complex, which was made in the form of a pyramid. The whole pyramid was covered with a lot of vegetation, which, as it were, hung from the tiers of the structure.
One of the seven wonders of the world was built in the 7th century BC, by order of King Nebuchadnezzar II, who at that time ruled Babylon the Great.
Nebuchadnezzar entered into an alliance with the ruler of Media, Cyaxares, who was reinforced by the marriage of the Babylonian king and the daughter of Cyascarus Amitis. Amitis from Media, a country with a rich nature filled with greenery and fresh air, was forced to move to Babylon, a city built on arid terrain, dusty and sandy. Watching how his wife suffers, a caring husband decided to give his wife a gift - to create a kind of oasis where Amitis will feel at home. Nebuchadnezzar did just that, thereby giving birth to one of the 7 wonders of the world - the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
Why Gardens of Babylon? The answer to this question is very simple: it is a mistake of the ancient historians. They assigned the gardens to the Assyrian queen Semiramis, who lived two centuries earlier.
The exact location of the Hanging Gardens is still a mystery. Historians have several hypotheses about this.

Zeus statue in Olympia. According to Greek mythology, Zeus is the main god. He is worshiped by thunder and lightning, sky and air, he is feared by other gods.
The statue of Zeus, which struck the minds of mankind, was erected in the 5th century BC in the temple of Zeus at Olympia. The temple was made of marble, and struck with its majesty and beauty. For the manufacture of the statue of the Thunderer, one of the most famous and talented architects of Greece, Phidias, was invited.
In 435, the opening of the statue took place. At that moment, all of Greece froze in amazement. No wonders of the world could compare with the power, strength, beauty of the statue of the great god Zeus. Zeus was made of gold and ivory. She was sitting on a golden throne, in her hands was a golden scepter, a golden eagle proudly sat at her feet, and a wreath adorned her head.
It is known that the statue still existed in the 5th century AD. But after the adoption of Christianity by the Greeks, all the temples were closed. Theodosius I ordered the statue to be taken apart. After that, the great work of art burned down, either in Constantinople, or in Greece itself.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. The Temple of Artemis was built in the 6th century BC. But before this architectural structure acquired the form in which it became one of the wonders of the world, it was built many times and destroyed many times.
The inhabitants of the ancient world, namely Greece, worshiped the great goddess of fertility Artemis. At a certain point, having chosen a place where they mainly made sacrifices for the goddess, the inhabitants of Ephesus began construction. Wooden buildings could not withstand natural destruction, so the temple was built several times.
Finally, the famous and talented sculptor Hersiphon built a better temple in 450 BC, but after a hundred years it was burned down. Then the followers of the sculptor decided to make the temple out of marble. It was the greatest masterpiece of art, and it was he who became one of the 7 wonders of the world. The majestic building was of enormous proportions: it was 105 meters long and 51 meters wide.
Unfortunately, already in 263 the temple was plundered by the Goths. In the 4th century AD, a single religion, Christianity, was proclaimed, which demanded the destruction of all pagan cultural monuments.

Mausoleum in Halicarnassus. When exactly the construction of the mausoleum began is still unknown. It is considered the beginning of construction around the 4th century BC. The time when Kariya was still a colony of the Persian Empire.
The ruler of Caria, Mausolus, began construction during his lifetime. Finished it, already the wife of Mausolus.
By the way, the name "mausoleum" came from the name of the ruler - Mausolus.
The finished building was amazing, it was so beautiful. The mausoleum at Halicarnassus was a large architectural building, inside which was its own courtyard. Thin and at the same time very powerful carvings adorned the decoration of the building.
How exactly the mausoleum was destroyed is not known. The Maltese raid in the 15th century, or an earthquake, completely destroyed the historical monument.
The remains of the mausoleum were found in 1977 as a result of archaeological excavations by Christian Jeppez.

The Colossus of Rhodes. The Colossus of Rhodes is the penultimate one in the ancient list of 7 wonders of the world.
Unfortunately, if you now want to admire one of the most powerful monuments of ancient architecture - the Greek 36 meter god of the sun - Helios, then you will not succeed. Since the greatest historical monument was destroyed by an earthquake in 226 BC. That work of art, which for 12 years was created by the greatest ancient sculptors, stood for only 60 years.
The decision to create such a sculpture of impressive size was prompted by the gratitude of the inhabitants of Rhodes, for the allegedly great Helios contributed to the fact that Demetrius of Macedon was able to protect the city from the conquerors.
Now they are trying to restore one of the 7 wonders of the world. According to the plan of modern architects, the statue will be increased in size by another 30 meters, and there will be an entertainment complex inside it.

Alexandrian lighthouse. The list of "Wonders of the World" ends with a work of art that was located near Alexandria.
Alexandria was port city, and the coast mediterranean sea was too shallow, and the bottom was rocky. Therefore, in 285, on the island of Pharos, near Alexandria, a grandiose structure began.
As a result of long work, a 120-meter statue, consisting of three compartments, appeared to the world. In the upper compartment of which a huge fire burned. Stone and marble are the main components of the structure, which was supposed to be built for centuries. But, unfortunately, the fate of the magnificent tower was not destined for such a long existence. After standing for almost 1000 years, the masterpiece of ancient art collapsed as a result of an earthquake.

Wonders of the world, how many mysteries and secrets are there? There's so much we don't know yet, and we'll never know. One thing becomes clear, it is necessary to carefully protect our cultural values so that our descendants can admire the amazing historical monuments with their own eyes.

In all ages, people have been proud and carefully guarded the achievements of their civilizations. The memory of these achievements has reached our days, becoming the property of the world. The Seven Wonders of the World is a classic list of outstanding human creations.

An interesting fact is that it was well known even before our era. In ancient schools, children were taught various sciences, and knowledge of the 7 wonders of the world was mandatory.

In this article, we will provide you not only with a list of 7 wonders of the world, but also make short description each of them.

List of 7 wonders of the world

Well, now a photo and description of the masterpieces of antiquity, which we call nothing more than seven wonders of the world.

1 wonder of the world - Pyramid of Cheops

The exact date of construction of this grandiose structure is unknown. However, scholars suggest that this is around 2600 BC.

The initial height of the pyramid of Cheops was 146 meters (that's like 5 nine-story houses), while now it is approximately 138 m. The angle of the walls is from 51 ° to 53 °. The average weight of the blocks from which the pyramid is built is 2.5 tons, although some blocks reach 80 tons.

No cement or other binder was used in the construction. The stone blocks of the first wonder of the world are simply stacked on top of each other. The surface of the pyramid was lined with limestone slabs. To date, the coating is almost completely destroyed.

Inside the pyramid there are three chambers: underground, "Queen's Chamber" and "Pharaoh's Chamber". There was only one entrance to this structure, and it was located at a height of 15 meters from the ground. But in 820 another, artificial entrance to the pyramid of Cheops was made.

The purpose of this stunning building is still unknown. Previously, it was believed that the pyramids played the role of tombs for the pharaohs. However, such a simplified view of such a majestic and complex structure has not been taken seriously for a long time.

There are also suggestions that the pyramid of Cheops was an ancient space observatory, or was a powerful energy generator.

2 wonder of the world - Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are considered the second wonder of the world. This amazing building was built in 605 BC, but already in 562 BC. it collapsed due to floods.

Despite the fact that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon are named after the Assyrian queen Semiramis (800 BC), Nebuchadnezzar II built them in honor of his wife Amitis.

But the hanging gardens were included in the list of 7 wonders of the world with the name of Semiramis.

The structure consisted of four floors. All of them were equipped with cool rooms for royal walks. Columns 25 m high supported each tier.

The terraces were covered with special lead leaves and filled with asphalt so that the water for watering the plants would not seep through. From above, all this was sprinkled with earth of such thickness that trees could freely grow there. One can only imagine how much weight the columns of the lower tier withstood.

Water for irrigation was pumped up from the Euphrates River using a cunning system. Slaves constantly turned the wheel to supply water, as the majestic building with stunning gardens required a lot of moisture.

To see the place where the 2nd wonder of the world was located - the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, you will have to go to Iraq, since the ruins of ancient Babylon were found there.

3 wonder of the world - Statue of Zeus at Olympia

By the name of the 3 wonders of the world - the statue of Zeus, it is easy to guess to whom this architectural masterpiece was dedicated. The fact is that the Greeks built a temple to the pagan god Zeus in 465 BC, but the statue of Zeus, which is considered one of the 7 wonders of the world, appeared there only 30 years later.

The statue of Zeus itself was made of ivory and reached a height of 17 meters (like a five-story house). At the base of the monument was a square slab, 6 m wide and 1 m high.

The effect produced on the Greeks by the third of the wonders of the world was amazing. The fact is that the ratio of the sizes of the temple itself and the statue of Zeus inside it were such that it seemed as if Zeus would now rise and break through the roof of the temple, because otherwise he would simply not be able to straighten up.

The statue of Zeus stood at Olympia for about 800 years. At the beginning of the 5th century AD, the temple was destroyed, and the statue, in order to preserve cultural heritage was transported to Constantinople. In 425 she died in a fire.

4 wonder of the world - Temple of Artemis in Ephesus

In the ancient Greek city of Ephesus in 560 BC. The temple of Artemis of Ephesus was erected, which later became one of the 7 wonders of the world.

The height of the temple was 18 m, width - 52 m, length - 105 m. The roof was supported by 127 columns.

Some of the best masters of antiquity worked on the creation of this architectural masterpiece. The statue of Artemis itself was made of gold and ivory.

The temple had not only religious significance but was also a cultural and economic center.

Who burned down the temple of Artemis of Ephesus?

In the summer of 356 BC. e. The temple of Artemis, which is one of the 7 wonders of the world, was burned by a resident of the city of Ephesus. The name of the arsonist of the temple is Herostratus.

You ask why Herostratus needed to destroy such a unique monument of architecture?

By his own admission, he did this in order to go down in history and perpetuate his name forever. Despite the fact that he was executed for this atrocity, the name of Herostratus has really come down to our days.

However, the great commander Alexander the Great restored the temple of Artemis of Ephesus in its former form, allocating colossal funds for this work.

In 263, the fourth wonder of the world was sacked and destroyed by the Goths.

The remains of the Temple of Artemis from Ephesus can be found in Turkey, in the city of Selcuk, Izmir province.

5 wonder of the world - Mausoleum in Halicarnassus

The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, included in the list of 7 wonders of the world, appeared in 351 BC. The author of the idea is the king of Caria named Mausolus, together with his wife, Queen Artemisia.

Thus, they decided to perpetuate their name following the example of the Egyptian pharaohs. I must say that his idea was successful, since the fifth wonder of the world is still associated with his name.

The building of the mausoleum was three-tiered.

The first tier was a massive plinth, surrounded around the perimeter by statues of ancient Greek heroes. Inside, after the death of Mausolus and his wife, their tombs were to be placed.

The second floor was used as a temple for serving pagan cults. There were 36 columns on it, which held the upper, main part of the Halicarnassus mausoleum.

The third tier looked like a pyramid, consisting of 24 steps. At the very top, the main value of the mausoleum was established: a majestic statue, which was a chariot with King Mausolus and his wife Artemisia.

It seems incredible, but in the Museum of Britain you can see the statues of both royal spouses, well preserved to this day.

The mausoleum in Halicarnassus, which became one of the seven wonders of the world, was destroyed in the 13th century due to a massive earthquake.

Turkish resort town Bodrum you can find the place where the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus once stood.

6 wonder of the world - Colossus of Rhodes

The Colossus of Rhodes entered the classic list of the seven wonders of the world almost immediately after its creation in 280 BC.

But first, let's tell the background of the appearance of the sixth wonder of the world. Demetrius I almost immediately after the death of Alexander the Great attacked Rhodes, one of the largest port cities.

After holding the siege of the city for more than a year, for unknown reasons, he abandoned everything he had there and left with his army.

As a token of gratitude, the inhabitants of Rhodes decided to sell the huge property that was in their hands and use the proceeds to build a monument to Helios, the god of the sun.

The main architect and sculptor of this masterpiece was Jerez. The original idea of ​​the inhabitants of Rhodes was to build a statue that would be 10 times higher than the average height of a person, that is, 18 meters.

But then they decided to double the height, for which they allocated an even larger amount of money to Sherry. But they were not enough to continue construction. However, Jerez could no longer stop.

He borrowed colossal money from wealthy friends and relatives and continued to work tirelessly to create a monument that would later add to the seven wonders of the world.

Ultimately, after 12 years of titanic work, the world saw the 36-meter Colossus of Rhodes. It consisted of an iron frame trimmed with clay and faced with bronze. The Colossus was located right at the entrance to the harbor, and was visible from all nearby islands.

It is interesting to note that the fate of the sculptor Sherry himself was tragic. After completing his masterpiece, he was harassed by creditors. Ultimately, he committed suicide.

In general, 13 tons of bronze and 8 tons of iron were used to build the Colossus of Rhodes. However, 65 years after its appearance, around 225 BC. The Colossus of Rhodes collapsed into the sea, breaking at the knees. By the way, the expression "colossus with feet of clay" appeared just after that.

Eyewitnesses left information that only one finger of the statue was so thick that two adults could barely clasp it.

The height of the colossus was approximately 60 m (like an eighteen-story building). In the supine position, the Rhodes statue lay for almost 900 years. Then it was dismantled and sold by the Arabs, who had captured Rhodes by that time.

In the end, it should only be noted that there is no exact data on how the Colossus of Rhodes, included in the seven wonders of the world, actually looked.

7 wonder of the world - Lighthouse of Alexandria

The last, seventh wonder of the world is the Lighthouse of Alexandria, built in the 3rd century BC. In another way, it is also called the Faros Lighthouse.

The idea of ​​creating this lighthouse was quite practical. The fact is that not far from Alexandria was the island of Pharos with an important bay. At that time it was of great importance for passing merchant ships.

Probably Sostratus of Cnidus (the chief architect of the lighthouse) dreamed that his brainchild would enter the seven wonders of the world and glorify his name for centuries.

The project was implemented during the reign of the Egyptian Ptolemy II. The construction was given 20 years, but Sostratus completed the work in just 5.

An interesting fact is that when Sostratos was required to imprint the name of Ptolemy on the lighthouse of Alexandria, he acted very cunningly. First, he carved his name on a stone, and on top of the plaster he laid out the name of the ruler.

A few decades later, the plaster collapsed, and the name of the true master and author of the seventh wonder of the world appeared to the inhabitants.

The lighthouse of Alexandria consisted of three towers.

The lowest part was a technical floor, where workers and soldiers lived, and all inventory for the care of the lighthouse was stored.

The second part looked like an octagonal tower, around which there was a ramp. Fuel for the fire was supplied through it.

The topmost, the key tower of the lighthouse, was equipped with a complex system of mirrors, thanks to which the light from the fire was visible so far.

The total height of the Faros lighthouse was about 140 meters. At the very top was a statue of the god of the seas - Poseidon.

Mention should be made of the reviews of contemporaries who saw the Lighthouse of Alexandria in person. So some travelers talked about the amazing statues that were located on the lighthouse.

The first of them raised their hand with the sunrise, pointed to it throughout the day, and after sunset, the hand fell.

The second - 24 times a day made a sound with last second every passing hour.

The third indicated the direction of the wind.

The lighthouse of Alexandria illuminated the water surface at a distance of over 60 km at night. During the day, a column of smoke rose from it, which also served as an important indicator for ships.

In 796, having stood for almost 1000 years, the seventh wonder of the world, the Pharos lighthouse, was almost completely destroyed by an earthquake. In the 15th century, the Sultan of Kait Bey founded a fortress on its foundation, which still exists.

An interesting fact is that in 2015, the Egyptian authorities approved a project to rebuild the lighthouse.

Well, here it is all seven wonders of the world. Of course, this list is different time was disputed by certain figures, but it is still considered a classic.

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Story ancient world interesting and wonderful. It attracts many of our contemporaries. Even after many years, people are interested in the way of life of their ancestors. And, of course, the most famous monuments of the ancient world, the Seven Wonders of the World, arouse curiosity.

The wealth of antiquity

It is impossible to tell about the ancient world with the help of a couple of words. This is a huge layer of time, which begins in those distant times, when man first appeared, and goes right up to the Middle Ages. During this time, people managed to create a lot. It was then that inventions appeared that are considered to be the most brilliant to this day.

Much of what was created before our era and in the first centuries after the birth of Christ, is of benefit to this day. Any lawyer can talk about the great importance of Roman law, and philologists will talk about the role played by the ancient languages, which are now considered dead.

It was then that world religions were born. Then they worshiped Zeus and Artemis, then Jesus was born. The wonders of the ancient world are countless. But among them there are seven main ones.

Seven Wonders of the World

The history of the ancient world would be incomplete without talking about the Seven Wonders of the World. The list has changed over the centuries. But the number remained unchanged. There were always seven of them. The world was built around religious beliefs. Therefore, this number was not chosen by chance. Seven is the number He was considered the most beautiful of all the gods. He was a patron of the arts. And his number was a symbol of completeness and perfection.

The very first list of the Seven Wonders of the World was created in the III century before the birth of Jesus. It included the most significant monuments architectures that were only created at that time by people. Many miracles of that time have not reached ours.

Pyramids of Giza

The Great Pyramids are an important part that the history of the ancient world cannot do without. The most famous of them was She is recognized as the largest. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine the hellish torments that the slaves experienced during the construction of this wonder of the world. During the construction of the pyramid, a mortar was used, which is still stronger and stronger.

No one can say for sure why these grandiose structures were erected. Previously, it was believed that these were the tombs of the rulers of Egypt - the pharaohs, as well as their spouses. But the researchers were never able to find the remains of the bodies of these important Egyptians. Until now, this wonder of the world gives rise to many questions and mysteries. And the silent Sphinx continues to guard them.


The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is that wonder of the world of the ancient world that has not survived to our times. Gardens were once the most grandiose building Babylon. Now, not far from Baghdad, you can find what is left of them. But some scientists are willing to argue that those ruins are not a reminder of the second largest wonder of the world.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is one of the most romantic gifts not only in the history of the ancient world, but in general in human history. The Babylonian ruler noticed that his beloved wife Amitis was missing her native land. Dusty Babylon did not have those beautiful gardens that they used to enjoy in childhood. And then, so that his wife would not miss, he ordered to erect this structure.

Some believe that this is just a beautiful legend. In the writings of Herodotus there was not a word about hanging gardens Semiramis. But on the other hand, they are described in detail by Berossus. The history of the ancient world holds many mysteries. And this is one of them.

Zeus statue in Olympia

The names of the gods of the ancient world remained known after many centuries. Even now, people can talk about the powerful god Zeus. And before our era, a new wonder of the world was created, dedicated to this patron of the ancient Greeks.

The appearance of the statue and the temple in which it was located is closely connected with the Olympic Games. When they gained fame and began to attract a wide variety of people, it was decided to build a temple dedicated to the father of all gods.

In order to create a statue of Zeus, the famous master Phidias was invited to Athens. From ivory and precious metals, he created a new wonder of the world, the glory of which quickly spread throughout different lands.

The statue of Zeus from Olympia did not survive to our times. Her troubles began when a Christian, who disliked paganism, took the throne. For a long time it was believed that the statue did not survive the looting of the temple. Centuries later, the remains of a temple and a statue were found. Thanks to these findings, scientists were able to see for themselves and show others this wonder of the world of the ancient world.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

Artemis is one of the most famous goddesses of antiquity. She helped women in labor endure pain, was the patroness of hunters. And the inhabitants considered her their protector. To the glory of their goddess, the townspeople decided to erect a temple, which will not be equal. They wanted not only to glorify their city, but also to earn the favor of Artemis.

The temple was built for a very long time. The first architect, Harsiphron, did not have time to see his offspring. His work was continued by his son, and after him by other architects. In the center of the temple was a statue of Artemis. But only what took so long to build was destroyed in a short period of time. Herostratus, who madly wanted to become famous, but did not know how to do it, set fire to the temple. If now this miracle of architecture were intact, then it would surpass everything that has only been built by mankind.

Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus is one of the most luxurious tombs that has only been invented by man. The mausoleum was named so in honor of the formidable and cruel ruler Mausolus, who was able to ensure that his lands became rich and strong.

The mausoleum was built for a long time. He began to build during the life of Mausolus, but when the ruler died, his tomb was not yet ready. After the death of Mausolus, the mausoleum was supplemented with statues of the gods, who guarded the body of the king and did not allow him to be disturbed. In addition to the gods, in the tomb one could see the statues of Mausolus himself and his beautiful wife Artemisia.

The mausoleum added to the list of miracles that have not survived to this day. He survived many wars. But over time, it was dismantled in order to build Christian churches.

The Colossus of Rhodes

Rhodes is one of the richest cities that went down in history as the birthplace of the sixth wonder of the world. The colossus was the largest structure. He was a tall, strong youth holding a torch over his head. It is in his image and likeness that, centuries later, will be created

The Colossus of Rhodes is also on the list of wonders of the world that our generation will not see. The young man's legs could not bear his weight. Therefore, during the earthquake, the statue fell into the water. She lay on the coast for about ten centuries. And only then it was decided to melt the Colossus.

Alexandrian lighthouse

The seven wonders of the world of the ancient world amazed their contemporaries. And people of our time are surprised when they learn about those magnificent creations of the human mind. The lighthouse of Alexandria occupies a worthy place in the list.

It was built in a city named after Alexander the Great. For centuries, this lighthouse has lit the way for many travelers and merchants. But even this grandiose structure could not survive to our century. It was destroyed by nature itself. The lighthouse did not survive the strongest tremors. Only at the end of the last century, scientists were able to show what that wonder of the world looked like.

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World is something that will always attract people's attention. Until now, these human creations are surrounded by mysteries. And it is unlikely that all questions will ever be answered.