Tours to Florence on New Year's holidays. New Year in Florence

Before the meeting of the New Year 2017 left less than two weeks, which means that it is time to decide on the choice of place where you will meet it. If you are still in thought, we advise you to draw your attention to Florence.

As you know, Florence was founded in 59 BC, personally one of the greatest husbands ancient Mira - Communion, politician and writer Gary Julia Caesar. But his heyday, the capital of Tuscans reached in the XIV -XVI centuries, when without exaggeration, became the financial and cultural center of Europe. It is believed that it was in Florence that the cultural revolution of the Middle Ages began, known to us as the "Renaissance Epoch".

Florence itself successfully combines the spirit of the Great Past (the number of historical monuments in this city is huge) and the atmosphere of living and dynamic modern City With an excellent kitchen, a bunch of entertainment opportunities and great accommodation for shopping.

Florence is amazing beautiful city and from the point of view of architecture. It is unique in its simplicity and grandeur at the same time.

If you decide to celebrate the New Year 2017, and also hold new Year's vacation In Florence, you will probably be not interesting to learn the main attractions of this ancient year.

For a start, a few words for lovers of garden art. School of Florentine landscape design The most brightly presented in Kashin and Boboli gardens, which constitute an idea of \u200b\u200bthe park art of the Epoch of the Italian Renaissance.

Next, we offer a list of the most significant monuments of the Architecture of Florence:

Signoria Square

Signoria Square is the historic center of Florence and its political heart of Florence. At the square there are Palazzo Vecchio, a copy of the statue of David (Origenal is in the museum) - the top of Creatively Michelangelo, the Judith fountain - the sculptor Donatello and many other, but less large-scale compositions.

Santa Maria del Fiore

Santa Maria del Fiore is the main Florentine Cathedral. His greatness and historical value is the special pride of the entire Italian people. Tourists are especially attracted by the appearance of the Giant Domestic Cathedral - the brilliant creation of architect Filippo Brunleglles.

Gallery Uffizi

The most visited museum of the city is the Uffiza Gallery. The gallery is known throughout the world canvases recognized painting masters. Here you can see such masterpieces as "the Annunciation" Leonardo da Vinci, "Allegory of Spring" and "Birth of Venus" S. Botticelli and many others.

Ponte Vecchio in Florence

Ponte Vecherical and most of all bridges laid across the Arno River in Florence. The artist and philosopher Georgeo Vazari designed secret corridorleading under the benches located on the bridge and the binding Palazzo Vecchio and Palazzo Pitty;

Church of Santa Maria Novella

The Church of Santa Maria Novella is located near the central city station, which is, by the way, her name. Light and openwork, decorated marble, the facade of the church is the work of Leon Battista Alberti (XV B). The interior of the church is decorated with Greek frescoes. Here is the masterpiece of Filippo Bruntelleski - a wooden "crucifix".

Florence is so full of attractions that the reviews are not recommended to take with themselves children, "they will not stand inspection and their whims will poison the mood and you and others. "Pass" them for a day in Fabialandia, a children's country, where the entrance adult is prohibited. There are children's children begging: Merlin's magic castle, a dream lake, a labyrinth, - all this is more interesting cultural heritageFor him, the time will come and in their lives.

And adults, if they travel not under the guidance of a guide, you can start an inspection of Florence from the Dome of Bruneland, which is crowned. However, again, referring to the reviews of the experienced people, we note that overcome 530 steps on the dome - it's not for weaknikov.

Florence - Renaissance Motherland

A ticket to Italy besides will definitely lead you to Florence. Her appearance did not change the past century (it is a pity that Moscow is not guarded as carefully). The narrow streets seem to have come down from medieval engravings, magnificent palaces and cathedrals, even hotels are all withstanding in a single style. If your hotel in the center, then you can plunge into the nightlife of the city.

But let's see what surprises prepared us tours to Florence from Moscow. The center of the beautiful city is decorated with delightful and Piazza Senoria. Square is a copy of David (Michelangelo) and not only she. A lot of "live sculptures", surprisingly plausively reproducing the creations of great sculptors, willingly take a coin from you and take pictures with the memory. Of the big price, they will not take for it, but the pleasure is huge.

Nightlife Florence ...

If you're lucky in time, there is a chance to get on the ancient colorful holiday "Blast Wagon" - he takes Easter opposite the cathedral. Later, a costume football is arranged in June, when football players are frightened in a medieval form, chasing the ball.

On Senory Square in the evenings, tourists entertain tourists and local groups, sometimes adorable children's choir. In general, putting your hand on the heart, burning tours to Florence, this is not Moscow with her nightlife, and much more modest.

... and campaign on local attaches

Tucks to call the local flea market is simply not turning the language. There is all powerively and chinno. Today in Italy, as well as in, except the usual excursions, vintage tours have become popular. True, as for Vintage, it is difficult to distinguish the true antique without special training, from a skillfully performed fake. A simple common sense suggests that the originals in such a quantity can simply cannot.

Look to scatter them - crooks they or masters who continue the glorious traditions of ancestors. So, a trip to Florence is an excellent opportunity to buy a stylish thing that will decorate your apartment in Moscow. Do not forget, you still declare it at customs.

If you can buy last minute trips, use it. Then the most prestigious tourist parties will cost cheaper

Region: Tuscany

Population - about 369,000 people

Area - 102 km²

Florence- "cultural capital Europe "and the heart of the province of Tuscany. In this city, lying in the spacious valley on both shores of the Arno River, bordered picturesque hills, lived and created Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Brunalelli, Mazacho, Donatello, Botticelli and other great masters. A few centuries of them The presence is still felt literally on every street. Thanks to Francesco Petrarke, Giovanni Bokachcio and Dante Aligiery Florence also refer to the "Calm of the Italian Language", since the Florentine dialect was a sample of the literary Italian.

The powerful Dynasty of the Medici, which ruled by Florence until the first half of the XVIII century, in every way promoted the development of the arts and the flowering of the city as a world cultural Center. Florence - a unique city who gave the world of the greatest masters fine arts And the famous Renaissance Motherland. Donatello, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Sandro Botticelli, Dante, Bokcchcho, Galilee, Jotto - all of them Florentinians. Their work today admire visitors to museums and art galleries of Florence.

Until now, Florence justifies the name given to her by the Romans, founded by Arno Military Colon from the coast. In 59, BC, Julius Caesar laid the foundation of a small town, which later called Fiorenz, that is, the "city of flowers". Florence flourishing did not prevent the fierce confrontation between the antagonistic political camps of the Florentine nobility in the XIII century, neither resistance to the attempts of the papal state to seize power over the city, nor the cruel suppression of the freedom of Florentinians and the burning of Dzhirolamo Savonarola at the end of the 15th century. Florence managed to preserve his historical appearance, now it is an open-air museum, where they enjoy the atmosphere of grace and beauty.

Florence, without a visit to which no excursion tour in Italy - the capital of Italian Renaissance, the global center of art and culture, where most of the cultural heritage of Italy focuses.

Attractions Florence

Florence is famous for not only the riot of paints. The heart of the city where everything is going - from tourists to merchants, there are two squares - the Cathedral Square and Signoria Square. Statues towering on Senoria Square commemorate the main historical events in the life of the city, and the magnificent Palazzo Vecchio (the old palace) still serves as a building of the Florence municipality.

The characteristic corner of the old Florence is small market Squarelocated near Via Calkeayoli. Near the indoor market there is an ancient image of a bronze vapor, from the pasta of which, apparently, once flowed water. According to an old legend, this Wear brings happiness.

In Florence, there is a Russian church, the facade of which is very similar to the Cathedral of Vasily Blessed on Red Square in Moscow. It is located on the shore of the upper tributary of the Arno River, to the right basso Fortresses (Fortezza da Basso).

In zone historic Center You can see typical little streets, along which they stretch luxury palaces, classic examples of medieval architecture, which made Florence famous.

Florence are the most important historical monuments Of world importance: Cathedral of the XIX century, Bell Tower Giotto XIX century, Baptistery, the third largest cathedral of the world Santa Maria Del Fiore. On the famous "Golden Bridge" Ponte Time The most exquisite jewelry stores are concentrated. An elegant bridge, dated 1345, was one of the few objects avoiding damage from bombing during the war. In small bears, the bridge once had butchers, leather workers, blacksmiths and other artisans. Church of Santa Maria Novella It is towers over the western borders in all its gothic splendor, which is one of the most important artistic examples of Florence art.